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Unikatni objekti i urbanističko planiranje

dc.creatorBojović, Branko
dc.description.abstractThe town development comprehends the permanent construction and modernization, and this means often the construction of structures - unique exemplars, which are new for the town society, and for which there is neither regulations and standards, nor enough knowledge and experiences, and knowledge for their designing. In spite of this, there is the practice with us, to make first the development plans of the urban areas for realization (the DUO earlier, regulation plans now), and after that to design the structures - unique exemplars, what, in the construction of these structures, causes enormous problems, procedural, technological, juridical and other. The author proposes for structures - unique exemplars, before the execution of development plans of the urban area for realization, first to elaborate the final solutions of these structures, which, in a sufficient measure will solve all the technical, technological and other problems, and only after that, or parallelly with the elaboration of these solutions, to elaborate the development plans of the urban area for realization. The author thinks, that so will be avoided many problems appearing by the construction of structures - unique exemplars, as is, for example, the underground railway station Vukov Spomenik. .en
dc.description.abstractRazvoj grada podrazumeva stalnu izgradnju i modernizaciju, a to često znači i izgradnju unikatnih objekata koji su za gradsko društvo novi i za koje ne postoje propisi i standardi niti dovoljna znanja i iskustva, pa ni znanja potrebna za njihovo planiranje. Uprkos tome, u nas se odomaćila praksa da se prvo rade urbanistički planovi za realizaciju (DUP-ovi ranije, regulacioni planovi sada), pa tek posle toga projekti unikatnih objekata, što u izgradnji tih objekata izaziva ogromne proceduralne, tehnološke, pravne i druge probleme. Autor predlaže da se za unikatne objekte pre urbanističkih planova za realizaciju rade najpre konačna idejna rešenja tih objekata koja će u dovoljnoj meri raščistiti sve tehničke, tehnološke i druge probleme, pa tek posle ili paralelno sa izradom tih rešenja, treba raditi urbanističke planove za realizaciju. Po mišljenju autora to bi veoma doprinelo da se izbegnu mnogi problemi koji se javljaju u izgradnji unikatnih objekata, što je npr. bio slučaj kod izgradnje podzemne železničke stanice Vukov spomenik. .sr
dc.publisherUdruženje inženjera građevinarstva, geotehnike, arhitekture i urbanista "Izgradnja", Beograd
dc.subjectstructures - unique exemplarsen
dc.subjectdevelopment plans for the urban areaen
dc.subjectunikatni objektisr
dc.subjecturbanistički planovi za realizacijusr
dc.titleStructures unique exemplars and town planningen
dc.titleUnikatni objekti i urbanističko planiranjesr
dcterms.abstractБојовић, Бранко; Уникатни објекти и урбанистичко планирање; Уникатни објекти и урбанистичко планирање;
dc.citation.other55(7-8): 291-294



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