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Planiranje transevropskih transportnih koridora

dc.creatorMaksin-Mićić, Marija
dc.description.abstractThe insufficiency of the spatial and transpon: planning integration and interaction for major transport corridors development has been notified in the European countries planning practice. The same stands for the integration and interaction of the planning and project design decisions for different infrastructure in the transport corridors. Much attention has been paid recently to trans-European transport network development, aiming to increase accessibility and more balanced European spatial development. The strategic framework, policies and guidelines in European Union for the transport corridors development and planning have been analysed. Transport and transport infrastructure development in the EU countries has been treated at different planning levels: transport network level, transport corridor level and transport infrastructure level. Decisions, propositions and principles for transport and transport infrastructure development given at the transport network level have been obligatory at the lower planning levels. In that respect the Serbian planning system ought to be harmonized with the legislation, strategic framework, policies and guidelines in European Union for the transport corridors development and planning.en
dc.description.abstractU većini zemalja ΕU uočen je nedostatak interakcije i integracije između prostornog planiranja i transportnih politika, a u pojedinim zemljama i nedostatak integracije između planiranja razvoja različitih transportnih sektora. Zbog toga se sve veća pažnja posvećuje planiranju i realizacije transevropskih transportnih mreža i koridora, radi uravnotežavanja razvoja teritorije i povećanja dostupnosti pojedinih regija tržištu ΕU. Pristup planiranju transporta i transportne infrastrukture po nivoima upravljanja u zemljama ΕU može se diferencirati na: nivo transportne mreže, nivo infrastrukturnog koridora i nivo infrastrukturnog sistema u koridoru. Odluke, principi, procene i propozicije utvrđene na ovim strateškim nivoima su obavezujući za niže nivoe planiranja infrastrukturnih sistema u koridoru. Polazeći od iskustava evropskih zemalja neophodno je naš planski sistem prilagoditi regulativi, strateškim okvirima i smernicama utvrđenim u dokumentima, direktivama i uputstvima EU.sr
dc.publisherSerbian society for roads VIA VITA
dc.sourcePut i saobraćaj
dc.subjecttrans-European transport corridoren
dc.subjectspatial planningen
dc.subjecttransport policyen
dc.subjectplanning decisionen
dc.subjectproject design decisionen
dc.subjectstrategic environmental impact assessmenten
dc.subjecttransevropski transportni koridorsr
dc.subjectprostorno planiranjesr
dc.subjecttransportna politikasr
dc.subjectplanske odlukesr
dc.subjectinvesticione odlukesr
dc.subjectstrateška procena uticaja na životnu sredinusr
dc.titlePlanning of the trans-european transport corridorsen
dc.titlePlaniranje transevropskih transportnih koridorasr
dcterms.abstractМаксин-Мићић, Марија; Планирање трансевропских транспортних коридора; Планирање трансевропских транспортних коридора;
dc.citation.other49(3): 29-34



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