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Forests and forests land within Danube region in Serbia

dc.creatorBezbradica, Ljubiša
dc.creatorCrnčević, Tijana
dc.description.abstractU radu se ukazuje na značaj i pozitivan uticaj šuma i šumskog zemljišta na području Podunavlja, ne samo na kvalitet životne sredine, već i na razvoj privrede i turizma. Istaknuti su problemi u upravljanju šumskim resursima na ovom području, sa posebnim osvrtom na aktuelnu zakonsku osnovu. Cilj rada je da prikaže odgovarajući tretman šuma i šumskog zemljišta, kako u aktulenoj zakonskoj, tako i u planskoj osnovi, što predstavlja osnov za ostvarivanje pozitivnih uticaja na životnu sredinu i privrednu delatnost. Na primeru Prostornog plana područja posebne namene međunarodnog vodnog puta E80 – Dunav (Panevropski koridor VII), ukazano je da se planskim rešenjima za šume i šumsko zemljišta posebno ostvaruju pozitivni uticaji na zaštitu zemljišta od erozije, umanjuju se negativni uticaji rudarskih aktivnosti na životnu sredinu, promovišu reakretivne aktivnosti i ostvaruje pozitivan uticaj na razvoj lovnog turizma u Podunavlju. Jedan od zaključaka rada ukazuje na značaj planskog upravljanja šumama i šumskim zemljištem u skladu sa zakonskim okvirima, kao i korišćenja šuma u funkciji zaštite životne sredine i privrednog razvoja, uz očuvanje i zaštitu postojećih šumskih resursa.sr
dc.description.abstractThe paper points out the importance and positive impact of forests and forests land within Danube region not only to the quality of the environment, but also to the development of the industry and tourism. In addition, specifically 1 re stated the problems regarding management of the forest resources in this area with special reference to the current legal framework. The aim of the paper is to show that the appropriate treatment of forests and forests land in both - planning and legal bases, is the foundation for achieving positive impacts on the environment and economic activity. On the case of the Spatial Plan of the area of the special purposes of the international waterway E80 - Danube (Pan - European Corridor VII) it is indicated that planning solutions of forests and forests land are having positive effects on the protection of soil from the erosion, in reducing negative environmental impacts of mining activities, within promotion of recreational activities and the development of hunting tourism in Danube region. One of the conclusions of the paper states the importance of planed management of the forests and forests land in accordance within legal acts, as well as the use of forests in the function of environmental protection, economic developme11t together with preservation and protection of existing forest resources.sr
dc.publisherBeograd : Institut za arhitekturu i urbanizam Srbijesr
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Technological Development (TD or TR)/36036/RS//sr
dc.sourceOdrživi prostorni razvoj Podunavlјa u Srbiji - knjiga 2sr
dc.subjectšumsko zemljištesr
dc.subjectforests landsr
dc.subjectDanube regionsr
dc.titleŠume i šumsko zemlјište Podunavlјa u Srbijisr
dc.titleForests and forests land within Danube region in Serbiasr



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