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dc.creatorPucar, Mila
dc.description.abstractClimate change on Earth and global warming of the atmosphere, with changes taking place in its physical and chemical composition, are a consequence of the overuse of fossil fuels and inefficient technologies. The impact of fossil fuels on the environment is considerable, and it is manifested in the increasing concentration of carbon-dioxide (CO2) in the atmosphere. Fossil fuel use for heating and cooling buildings, transportation, and industry as a whole, influence the increase of CO2 in the atmosphere. The population growth, sudden expansion of cities and over-consumption of resources, scarcity of water and energy sources are becoming global and planetary problems. Research aimed at reducing or minimizing the negative impacts of climate change is funded by the United Nations, countries, governments and NGOs around the world as well as some cities. Armies of scientists, experts of various profiles, politicians, journalists, and even artists are engaged on this task. However, mankind faced with a sudden climate change is responding inadequately and inefficiently. Enormous funds are spent in different ways; the profit received by some countries, banks and individuals is excessive, and the results achieved at the global level are not impressive. Still, many steps have been taken, and in the fields of architecture and urban planning new knowledge is being developed together with the concept of a sustainable, green, environmentallyfriendly, smart city, in which the negative effects of climate change could slow down, if not even stop. The development of new technologies has contributed to the great progress of cities around the world. Digital technologies, the Internet, software, 3D animation, numerical interaction of buildings performances have been developed, which are necessary tools, but are often a kind of illusion. The so-called “virtual reality“ is replaced by an actual one and the distinction borders are not always clear. Economic power, consumerism and profit have become the new ideologies in architecture. The position of the investors and politicians, in sharp competition for prestige, becomes strategically more important in the politics of many developed countries. It seems that climate change and new technologies further increase the gap between the rich and poor. The technological revolution has brought big changes in creating a new concept of city planning. New technologies are the answer to the new challenges, which span from natural phenomena, demands of the profession, investors and the influence of big capital, to social and ecological requirements. Economic and technological development should offer solutions for the growing problems on the global scale. Is this always possible, or is it too late; are the provided options and development concepts really sustainable or are they just formally promoted as such? How to curb the negative trend that follows new technologies and make them a part of sustainable development is certainly one of the most important tasks of our profession and the society as a whole today.sr
dc.publisherBelgrade : Academy of Engineering Sciences of Serbiasr
dc.publisherBelgrade : University of Belgrade - Faculty of Geographysr
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Technological Development (TD or TR)/36035/RS//sr
dc.sourceInternational scientific conference: The e-Future of Cities Between Temptations of Exponential Technology Growth and the Concept of Human Citysr
dc.subjectfuture of citiessr
dc.subjectclimate changesr
dc.subjectnew technologiessr
dc.subjectsustainable developmentsr
dc.titleImpact of Climate Change and New Technologies on Development of Cities in the Future - Threats or opportunitiessr
dc.description.otherEditor: Borislav Stojkovsr



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