Pucar, Mila

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  • Pucar, Mila (73)
  • Пуцар, Мила (3)
  • Pucar Mila (1)

Author's Bibliography

Uloga kupca-proizvođača (prozjumera) u primeni OIEE u Srbiji: Prepreke i mogućnosti

Nenković-Riznić, Marina; Brankov, Borjan; Pucar, Mila; Stanojević, Ana

(Belgrade : Union of Mechanical and Electrotechnical Engineers and Technicians of Serbia (SMEITS), 2023)

AU  - Nenković-Riznić, Marina
AU  - Brankov, Borjan
AU  - Pucar, Mila
AU  - Stanojević, Ana
PY  - 2023
UR  - http://raumplan.iaus.ac.rs/handle/123456789/896
AB  - Vlada Srbije je 2021. godine usvojila set zakona iz oblasti energetike, od kojih je najznačajniji: Zakon o korišćenju obnovljivih izvora energije. Ovaj zakon je omogućio javnu prodaju električne energije iz obnovljivih izvora energije u skladu sa smernicama o državnoj pomoći. Novina koju ovaj zakon uneo je pojam kupac-proizvođač (prozjumer), označavajući krajnjeg kupca koji je poseduje sopstveni objekat za proizvodnju električne energije iz OIE, pri čemu se proizvedena električna energija koristi za sopstvenu potrošnju, a višak proizvedene električne energije isporučuje u distributivni sistem. 
Prema ovom zakonu nisu postojala ograničenja koja se odnose na instaliranje elektrane maksimalne snage za domaćinstva i pravna lica, međutim u aprilu 2023. godine došlo je do promene zakonske regulative s Zakonom o izmenama i dopunama Zakona o korišćenju obnovljivih izvora energije, na osnovu koga su kupci-proizvođači ograničeni da instaliraju elektrane maksimalne snage do 10,8 kW za domaćinstva, odnosno do 5 MW za pravna lica. Od stupanja zakona iz 2021. godine do jula 2023. godine u Srbiji je preko 1300 domaćinstava i više od 450 pravnih lica dobilo status kupaca-proizvođača, sa ukupno instalisanom snagom od oko 20 MW. 
Rad istražuje ulogu prozjumera u primeni obnovljivih izvora električne energije na prodručju Srbije, osvrćući se na prepoznate prepreke i mogućnosti. U uvodnom delu daje osvrt na evropska iskustva i iskustva zemalja u okruženju, gde je nakon toga rad kroz formu anketnog upitnika ispitivao trenutne probleme prozjumera na teritoriji Srbije, mapirajući konkretne proceduralne, finansijske i druge problematične aspekte, ali i motivacije aktivnih prozjumera. Takođe rad ispituje stav prozjumer, kao i nadanja, u odnosu na postojeću i buduću zakonsku regulativu, gde se ističe negativan odnos ka procedurama koju prozjumeri prolaze u registraciji, inertnosti sistema, ali i delimično pozitivan odnos ka unapređenju zakonske regulative iz 2023. godine. Sprovedeno istraživanje predstavlja polazni poligon za planirano masovnije ispitivanje posledica zakonodavnih promena i iskustava kupaca-proizvođača, a u cilju unapređenja celokupnog procesa u budućnosti.
AB  - In 2021, the Government of Serbia adopted a set of laws in the energy field, the most significant of which is the Law on the Use of Renewable Energy Sources. This law enabled the public sale of electricity from RES following state aid guidelines. The novelty introduced by this law is the term customer-producer (prosumer), denoting the end customer who owns his facility for the production of electricity from RES, using the produced electricity for his consumption, and the excess electricity is delivered to the distribution system.
Law posed no restrictions related to the installation of a maximum power of a solar plant for households and legal entities; however, in April 2023, the Law on Amendments to the Law on the Use of Renewable Energy Sources limited the prosumers’ installing maximum power to 10.8 kW for households, or up to 5 MW for legal entities. From 2021 until July 2023, over 1,300 households and more than 450 legal entities in Serbia received buyer-producer status, with a total installed power of more than 20 MW.
This paper researches consumers’ role in the RES application in Serbia, focusing on recognised problems and opportunities. In the introductory part, the paper gives an overview of European experiences and the experiences of countries in the surrounding area, after which the paper examines the current problems of prosumers in Serbia, emphasising specific procedural, financial and other potentially problematic aspects as well as the motivations of active prosumers for the use of the OIE, through the form of survey research. The paper also examines the attitude of prosumers, as well as hopes, concerning existing and future legislation. The paper points out the partly negative attitude of prosumers towards the procedures that prosumers go through in the registration process, and the inertness of the system, but also a positive attitude towards improving the legislation from 2023 is highlighted. The conducted research is a starting point for the planned further mass examination of the consequences of legislative changes and buyers-producers’ experiences, intending to improve the entire process in the future.
PB  - Belgrade : Union of Mechanical and Electrotechnical Engineers and Technicians of Serbia (SMEITS)
PB  - Belgrade : Society for Renewable Electrical Power Sources
C3  - Proceedings of 11th International Conference on Renewable Electrical Power Sources, Belgrade, Serbia
T1  - Uloga kupca-proizvođača (prozjumera) u primeni OIEE u Srbiji: Prepreke i mogućnosti
T1  - The role of the Buyer-Producer (Prosumer) in the implementation of RES in Serbia: Obstacles and opportunities
SP  - 147
EP  - 157
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raumplan_896
ER  - 
author = "Nenković-Riznić, Marina and Brankov, Borjan and Pucar, Mila and Stanojević, Ana",
year = "2023",
abstract = "Vlada Srbije je 2021. godine usvojila set zakona iz oblasti energetike, od kojih je najznačajniji: Zakon o korišćenju obnovljivih izvora energije. Ovaj zakon je omogućio javnu prodaju električne energije iz obnovljivih izvora energije u skladu sa smernicama o državnoj pomoći. Novina koju ovaj zakon uneo je pojam kupac-proizvođač (prozjumer), označavajući krajnjeg kupca koji je poseduje sopstveni objekat za proizvodnju električne energije iz OIE, pri čemu se proizvedena električna energija koristi za sopstvenu potrošnju, a višak proizvedene električne energije isporučuje u distributivni sistem. 
Prema ovom zakonu nisu postojala ograničenja koja se odnose na instaliranje elektrane maksimalne snage za domaćinstva i pravna lica, međutim u aprilu 2023. godine došlo je do promene zakonske regulative s Zakonom o izmenama i dopunama Zakona o korišćenju obnovljivih izvora energije, na osnovu koga su kupci-proizvođači ograničeni da instaliraju elektrane maksimalne snage do 10,8 kW za domaćinstva, odnosno do 5 MW za pravna lica. Od stupanja zakona iz 2021. godine do jula 2023. godine u Srbiji je preko 1300 domaćinstava i više od 450 pravnih lica dobilo status kupaca-proizvođača, sa ukupno instalisanom snagom od oko 20 MW. 
Rad istražuje ulogu prozjumera u primeni obnovljivih izvora električne energije na prodručju Srbije, osvrćući se na prepoznate prepreke i mogućnosti. U uvodnom delu daje osvrt na evropska iskustva i iskustva zemalja u okruženju, gde je nakon toga rad kroz formu anketnog upitnika ispitivao trenutne probleme prozjumera na teritoriji Srbije, mapirajući konkretne proceduralne, finansijske i druge problematične aspekte, ali i motivacije aktivnih prozjumera. Takođe rad ispituje stav prozjumer, kao i nadanja, u odnosu na postojeću i buduću zakonsku regulativu, gde se ističe negativan odnos ka procedurama koju prozjumeri prolaze u registraciji, inertnosti sistema, ali i delimično pozitivan odnos ka unapređenju zakonske regulative iz 2023. godine. Sprovedeno istraživanje predstavlja polazni poligon za planirano masovnije ispitivanje posledica zakonodavnih promena i iskustava kupaca-proizvođača, a u cilju unapređenja celokupnog procesa u budućnosti., In 2021, the Government of Serbia adopted a set of laws in the energy field, the most significant of which is the Law on the Use of Renewable Energy Sources. This law enabled the public sale of electricity from RES following state aid guidelines. The novelty introduced by this law is the term customer-producer (prosumer), denoting the end customer who owns his facility for the production of electricity from RES, using the produced electricity for his consumption, and the excess electricity is delivered to the distribution system.
Law posed no restrictions related to the installation of a maximum power of a solar plant for households and legal entities; however, in April 2023, the Law on Amendments to the Law on the Use of Renewable Energy Sources limited the prosumers’ installing maximum power to 10.8 kW for households, or up to 5 MW for legal entities. From 2021 until July 2023, over 1,300 households and more than 450 legal entities in Serbia received buyer-producer status, with a total installed power of more than 20 MW.
This paper researches consumers’ role in the RES application in Serbia, focusing on recognised problems and opportunities. In the introductory part, the paper gives an overview of European experiences and the experiences of countries in the surrounding area, after which the paper examines the current problems of prosumers in Serbia, emphasising specific procedural, financial and other potentially problematic aspects as well as the motivations of active prosumers for the use of the OIE, through the form of survey research. The paper also examines the attitude of prosumers, as well as hopes, concerning existing and future legislation. The paper points out the partly negative attitude of prosumers towards the procedures that prosumers go through in the registration process, and the inertness of the system, but also a positive attitude towards improving the legislation from 2023 is highlighted. The conducted research is a starting point for the planned further mass examination of the consequences of legislative changes and buyers-producers’ experiences, intending to improve the entire process in the future.",
publisher = "Belgrade : Union of Mechanical and Electrotechnical Engineers and Technicians of Serbia (SMEITS), Belgrade : Society for Renewable Electrical Power Sources",
journal = "Proceedings of 11th International Conference on Renewable Electrical Power Sources, Belgrade, Serbia",
title = "Uloga kupca-proizvođača (prozjumera) u primeni OIEE u Srbiji: Prepreke i mogućnosti, The role of the Buyer-Producer (Prosumer) in the implementation of RES in Serbia: Obstacles and opportunities",
pages = "147-157",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raumplan_896"
Nenković-Riznić, M., Brankov, B., Pucar, M.,& Stanojević, A.. (2023). Uloga kupca-proizvođača (prozjumera) u primeni OIEE u Srbiji: Prepreke i mogućnosti. in Proceedings of 11th International Conference on Renewable Electrical Power Sources, Belgrade, Serbia
Belgrade : Union of Mechanical and Electrotechnical Engineers and Technicians of Serbia (SMEITS)., 147-157.
Nenković-Riznić M, Brankov B, Pucar M, Stanojević A. Uloga kupca-proizvođača (prozjumera) u primeni OIEE u Srbiji: Prepreke i mogućnosti. in Proceedings of 11th International Conference on Renewable Electrical Power Sources, Belgrade, Serbia. 2023;:147-157.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raumplan_896 .
Nenković-Riznić, Marina, Brankov, Borjan, Pucar, Mila, Stanojević, Ana, "Uloga kupca-proizvođača (prozjumera) u primeni OIEE u Srbiji: Prepreke i mogućnosti" in Proceedings of 11th International Conference on Renewable Electrical Power Sources, Belgrade, Serbia (2023):147-157,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raumplan_896 .

Citizens' participation during COVID-19 pandemic: Lessons for the future

Nenković-Riznić, Marina; Simonović Alfirević, Sanja; Pucar, Mila; Brankov, Borjan

(Niš : Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture, University of Niš, 2022)

AU  - Nenković-Riznić, Marina
AU  - Simonović Alfirević, Sanja
AU  - Pucar, Mila
AU  - Brankov, Borjan
PY  - 2022
UR  - http://raumplan.iaus.ac.rs/handle/123456789/702
AB  - Since the beginning of the Covid-19 crisis, the scientific community around the world has been trying to explain and study many newly formed issues, from health problems, but also to how the city can function in adaptation to changing environment with the importance of citizen participation. The focus of these issues is mainly on city areas that have been the biggest hotbeds of infection and have seen the biggest shift in the way these areas function on daily basis. This paper gives a brief overview of some research that primarily relates to the role of how pandemic motivated the change in participation methods and how we perceive meeting spaces in physical and online spheres. Part of the paper descibes the importance of citizen participation in emerging conditions along with chosen case study of the ConnectGREEN project’s participation process during live and online workshops organized from 2019 to 2021, in which the authors of this paper participated. 
Lessons learned through research and projects aim to help understand the impact of specific, often unforeseen situations, that can change existing patterns of urban planning and design, but also change and challenge the existing quality of life, show the need for proper community involvement, good governance, etc. The paper concludes that future cities will have a semi-online way of functioning, which in the post-pandemic period opens new possibilities in different public initiatives (some already started in various cities), and also creates specific conditions with advantages and disadvantages for participation in wider initiatives, but also in scientific and similar small projects.
PB  - Niš : Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture, University of Niš
C3  - Proceedings of International Conference on Urban Planning - ICUP 2022
T1  - Citizens' participation during COVID-19 pandemic: Lessons for the future
SP  - 69
EP  - 75
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raumplan_702
ER  - 
author = "Nenković-Riznić, Marina and Simonović Alfirević, Sanja and Pucar, Mila and Brankov, Borjan",
year = "2022",
abstract = "Since the beginning of the Covid-19 crisis, the scientific community around the world has been trying to explain and study many newly formed issues, from health problems, but also to how the city can function in adaptation to changing environment with the importance of citizen participation. The focus of these issues is mainly on city areas that have been the biggest hotbeds of infection and have seen the biggest shift in the way these areas function on daily basis. This paper gives a brief overview of some research that primarily relates to the role of how pandemic motivated the change in participation methods and how we perceive meeting spaces in physical and online spheres. Part of the paper descibes the importance of citizen participation in emerging conditions along with chosen case study of the ConnectGREEN project’s participation process during live and online workshops organized from 2019 to 2021, in which the authors of this paper participated. 
Lessons learned through research and projects aim to help understand the impact of specific, often unforeseen situations, that can change existing patterns of urban planning and design, but also change and challenge the existing quality of life, show the need for proper community involvement, good governance, etc. The paper concludes that future cities will have a semi-online way of functioning, which in the post-pandemic period opens new possibilities in different public initiatives (some already started in various cities), and also creates specific conditions with advantages and disadvantages for participation in wider initiatives, but also in scientific and similar small projects.",
publisher = "Niš : Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture, University of Niš",
journal = "Proceedings of International Conference on Urban Planning - ICUP 2022",
title = "Citizens' participation during COVID-19 pandemic: Lessons for the future",
pages = "69-75",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raumplan_702"
Nenković-Riznić, M., Simonović Alfirević, S., Pucar, M.,& Brankov, B.. (2022). Citizens' participation during COVID-19 pandemic: Lessons for the future. in Proceedings of International Conference on Urban Planning - ICUP 2022
Niš : Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture, University of Niš., 69-75.
Nenković-Riznić M, Simonović Alfirević S, Pucar M, Brankov B. Citizens' participation during COVID-19 pandemic: Lessons for the future. in Proceedings of International Conference on Urban Planning - ICUP 2022. 2022;:69-75.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raumplan_702 .
Nenković-Riznić, Marina, Simonović Alfirević, Sanja, Pucar, Mila, Brankov, Borjan, "Citizens' participation during COVID-19 pandemic: Lessons for the future" in Proceedings of International Conference on Urban Planning - ICUP 2022 (2022):69-75,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raumplan_702 .

Philosophical context and questions about the future of technological revolution in architecture and urbanism: ecological, economic, sociological progress or a step back

Pucar, Mila; Nenković-Riznić, Marina

(STRAND, Belgrade, Serbia, 2022)

AU  - Pucar, Mila
AU  - Nenković-Riznić, Marina
PY  - 2022
UR  - http://raumplan.iaus.ac.rs/handle/123456789/731
AB  - This paper elaborates the problems which science and the profession are facing, in relation to the development of new technologies in the function of smart cities in architecture and urbanism, with a special focus on large cities. What high technologies bring to us, and what they deprive us of, is increasingly becoming a sociological and philosophical question. Armies of scientists, experts of various profiles, politicians, journalists and even artists have been engaged in research aimed at mitigating the negative effects of climate change on large cities, increasing their resilience and the ability to adapt to numerous challenges. However, humanity, especially in cities, is reacting inadequately and inefficiently in the face of climate change. Huge funds are spent in different ways, the profits of individual countries, banks and individuals are too high, and the results achieved at the global level are not impressive. 
On the other hand, the development of new technologies has contributed to the great progress of cities around the world, but it is often a kind of illusion. Reality has been replaced by virtual reality. Economic power, consumerism and profit have become a new ideology in many areas, and it is especially visible in construction. The position of investors and politicians, in fierce competition for prestige and gaining material profit through fast and low-quality construction in cities, is becoming an important segment in the strategy of many, especially developed countries. All this further widens the gap between rich and poor across the planet. New technologies, sustainable development, new concepts in urban planning are visible, but often powerless to face the demands of big capital and economic arguments, which impose a new paradigm not only in planning, but in all spheres of society.
Are the experts and scientists numerous enough, well-trained, how much of them believe that can face, stop and resolve some of the negative trends of new technologies, to make the most of positive opportunities and adapt them to sustainable development, is probably one of the biggest dilemmas and challenges of our time. In addition, there are numerous ethical questions in the work of experts and dilemmas - whether it is possible and how to resist such large-capital development and how to justify the paradigm of a sustainable and resilient city.
PB  - STRAND, Belgrade, Serbia
C3  - Book of Abstracts & Proceedings of 10th International Conference ‘’On Architecture — Philosophy of Architecture’’ STRAND, Belgrade, Serbia
T1  - Philosophical context and questions about the future of technological revolution in architecture and urbanism: ecological, economic, sociological progress or a step back
SP  - 58
EP  - 58
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raumplan_731
ER  - 
author = "Pucar, Mila and Nenković-Riznić, Marina",
year = "2022",
abstract = "This paper elaborates the problems which science and the profession are facing, in relation to the development of new technologies in the function of smart cities in architecture and urbanism, with a special focus on large cities. What high technologies bring to us, and what they deprive us of, is increasingly becoming a sociological and philosophical question. Armies of scientists, experts of various profiles, politicians, journalists and even artists have been engaged in research aimed at mitigating the negative effects of climate change on large cities, increasing their resilience and the ability to adapt to numerous challenges. However, humanity, especially in cities, is reacting inadequately and inefficiently in the face of climate change. Huge funds are spent in different ways, the profits of individual countries, banks and individuals are too high, and the results achieved at the global level are not impressive. 
On the other hand, the development of new technologies has contributed to the great progress of cities around the world, but it is often a kind of illusion. Reality has been replaced by virtual reality. Economic power, consumerism and profit have become a new ideology in many areas, and it is especially visible in construction. The position of investors and politicians, in fierce competition for prestige and gaining material profit through fast and low-quality construction in cities, is becoming an important segment in the strategy of many, especially developed countries. All this further widens the gap between rich and poor across the planet. New technologies, sustainable development, new concepts in urban planning are visible, but often powerless to face the demands of big capital and economic arguments, which impose a new paradigm not only in planning, but in all spheres of society.
Are the experts and scientists numerous enough, well-trained, how much of them believe that can face, stop and resolve some of the negative trends of new technologies, to make the most of positive opportunities and adapt them to sustainable development, is probably one of the biggest dilemmas and challenges of our time. In addition, there are numerous ethical questions in the work of experts and dilemmas - whether it is possible and how to resist such large-capital development and how to justify the paradigm of a sustainable and resilient city.",
publisher = "STRAND, Belgrade, Serbia",
journal = "Book of Abstracts & Proceedings of 10th International Conference ‘’On Architecture — Philosophy of Architecture’’ STRAND, Belgrade, Serbia",
title = "Philosophical context and questions about the future of technological revolution in architecture and urbanism: ecological, economic, sociological progress or a step back",
pages = "58-58",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raumplan_731"
Pucar, M.,& Nenković-Riznić, M.. (2022). Philosophical context and questions about the future of technological revolution in architecture and urbanism: ecological, economic, sociological progress or a step back. in Book of Abstracts & Proceedings of 10th International Conference ‘’On Architecture — Philosophy of Architecture’’ STRAND, Belgrade, Serbia
STRAND, Belgrade, Serbia., 58-58.
Pucar M, Nenković-Riznić M. Philosophical context and questions about the future of technological revolution in architecture and urbanism: ecological, economic, sociological progress or a step back. in Book of Abstracts & Proceedings of 10th International Conference ‘’On Architecture — Philosophy of Architecture’’ STRAND, Belgrade, Serbia. 2022;:58-58.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raumplan_731 .
Pucar, Mila, Nenković-Riznić, Marina, "Philosophical context and questions about the future of technological revolution in architecture and urbanism: ecological, economic, sociological progress or a step back" in Book of Abstracts & Proceedings of 10th International Conference ‘’On Architecture — Philosophy of Architecture’’ STRAND, Belgrade, Serbia (2022):58-58,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raumplan_731 .

Philosophical context and questions about the future of technological revolution in architecture and urbanism: ecological, economic, sociological progress or a step back

Pucar, Mila; Nenković-Riznić, Marina

(Belgrade : STRAND - Sustainable Urban Society Association, 2022)

AU  - Pucar, Mila
AU  - Nenković-Riznić, Marina
PY  - 2022
UR  - http://raumplan.iaus.ac.rs/handle/123456789/722
AB  - This paper elaborates the problems which science and the profession are facing, in relation to the development of new technologies in the function of smart cities in architecture and urbanism.What high technologies bring to us, and what they deprive us of, is increasingly becoming a sociological and philosophical question. 
On the other hand, the development of new technologies has contributed to the great progress of cities around the world, but it is often a kind of illusion. Reality has been replaced by virtual reality. Economic power, consumerism and profit have become a new ideology in many areas, and it is especially visible in construction. 
The position of investors and politicians, in fierce competition for prestige and gaining material profit through fast and low-quality construction in cities, is becoming an important segment in the strategy of many, especially developed countries. New technologies, sustainable development, new concepts in urban planning and participative processes are visible, but often powerless to face the demands of big capital and economic arguments, which impose a new paradigm not only in planning, but in all spheres of society. This paper will present new tendencies in smart city solutions.
PB  - Belgrade : STRAND - Sustainable Urban Society Association
C3  - Proceedings of 10th International Conference ‘’On Architecture — Philosophy of Architecture’’ STRAND, Belgrade, Serbia
T1  - Philosophical context and questions about the future of technological revolution in architecture and urbanism: ecological, economic, sociological progress or a step back
SP  - 243
EP  - 251
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raumplan_722
ER  - 
author = "Pucar, Mila and Nenković-Riznić, Marina",
year = "2022",
abstract = "This paper elaborates the problems which science and the profession are facing, in relation to the development of new technologies in the function of smart cities in architecture and urbanism.What high technologies bring to us, and what they deprive us of, is increasingly becoming a sociological and philosophical question. 
On the other hand, the development of new technologies has contributed to the great progress of cities around the world, but it is often a kind of illusion. Reality has been replaced by virtual reality. Economic power, consumerism and profit have become a new ideology in many areas, and it is especially visible in construction. 
The position of investors and politicians, in fierce competition for prestige and gaining material profit through fast and low-quality construction in cities, is becoming an important segment in the strategy of many, especially developed countries. New technologies, sustainable development, new concepts in urban planning and participative processes are visible, but often powerless to face the demands of big capital and economic arguments, which impose a new paradigm not only in planning, but in all spheres of society. This paper will present new tendencies in smart city solutions.",
publisher = "Belgrade : STRAND - Sustainable Urban Society Association",
journal = "Proceedings of 10th International Conference ‘’On Architecture — Philosophy of Architecture’’ STRAND, Belgrade, Serbia",
title = "Philosophical context and questions about the future of technological revolution in architecture and urbanism: ecological, economic, sociological progress or a step back",
pages = "243-251",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raumplan_722"
Pucar, M.,& Nenković-Riznić, M.. (2022). Philosophical context and questions about the future of technological revolution in architecture and urbanism: ecological, economic, sociological progress or a step back. in Proceedings of 10th International Conference ‘’On Architecture — Philosophy of Architecture’’ STRAND, Belgrade, Serbia
Belgrade : STRAND - Sustainable Urban Society Association., 243-251.
Pucar M, Nenković-Riznić M. Philosophical context and questions about the future of technological revolution in architecture and urbanism: ecological, economic, sociological progress or a step back. in Proceedings of 10th International Conference ‘’On Architecture — Philosophy of Architecture’’ STRAND, Belgrade, Serbia. 2022;:243-251.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raumplan_722 .
Pucar, Mila, Nenković-Riznić, Marina, "Philosophical context and questions about the future of technological revolution in architecture and urbanism: ecological, economic, sociological progress or a step back" in Proceedings of 10th International Conference ‘’On Architecture — Philosophy of Architecture’’ STRAND, Belgrade, Serbia (2022):243-251,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raumplan_722 .

Obnovljivi izvori električne energije u funkciji održive urbane mobilnosti

Pucar, Mila; Nenković-Riznić, Marina; Brankov, Borjan; Stanojević, Ana

(Beograd : Savez mašinskih i elektrotehničk ihinženjera i tehničara Srbije (SMEITS), 2022)

AU  - Pucar, Mila
AU  - Nenković-Riznić, Marina
AU  - Brankov, Borjan
AU  - Stanojević, Ana
PY  - 2022
UR  - http://raumplan.iaus.ac.rs/handle/123456789/651
AB  - Održiva urbana mobilnost je važan deo urbanog planiranja, koji u sebi integriše ekonomske, ekološke, energetske i društvene uticaje. U većini gradova u Srbiji, ali i u svetu urbana mobilnost se zasniva se na konceptu prekomernog korišćenja individualnih vozila, koja troše goriva bazirana na fosilnim izvorima energije. To dovodi do zagušenja u saobraćaju sa visokim nivoom zagađenja i buke u gradovima, pojave toplotnih ostrva, gubitka vremena i mnogih drugih negativnih pojava u različitim sferama ljudskog delovanja. Rad analizira ove pojave i predlaže neka od mogućih rešenja koja se pre svega odnose na primenu obnovljivih izvora električne energije (OIEE) u oblasti urbane mobilnosti. Korišćenje električne energije za pogon vozila, ukoliko ona ne potiče iz obnovljivih izvora ili reciklažom otpada nije rešenje koje se uklapa u koncept održivog razvoja. U radu se dalje analizira koncept transportnih sistema koji podstiče razvoj i drugih oblika saobraćaja zasnovanih na korišćenju novih tehnologija, kao i sprovođenje koncepta pametnih gradova.
AB  - Sustainable urban mobility is a significant part of urban planning, which integrates economic, environmental, energy, and social impacts. In most cities in the world and Serbia, urban mobility is based on the excessive use of individual vehicles, which consume fuel based on fossil energy sources. That leads to traffic congestion with high degree of pollution and noise in cities, the appearance of heat islands, loss of time, and many other negative phenomena in various spheres of human activity. The paper analyzes these phenomena and proposes possible solutions primarily related to renewable sources of electrical energy (REES) application in urban mobility. Using electricity to drive vehicles, if it does not come from renewable sources or recycling waste, is not a solution that fits into sustainable development. The paper further analyzes the concept of transport systems that encourages the development of other forms of traffic based on the use of new technologies and the implementation of the Smart Cities concept.
PB  - Beograd : Savez mašinskih i elektrotehničk ihinženjera i tehničara Srbije (SMEITS)
PB  - Beograd : Društvo za obnovljive izvore električne energije
C3  - Proceedings of 10th International Conference on Renewable Electrical Power Sources (ICREPS) in Belgrade, Serbia
T1  - Obnovljivi izvori električne energije u funkciji održive urbane mobilnosti
T1  - Renewable electric energy sources in the function of Sustainable Urban Mobility
SP  - 59
EP  - 68
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raumplan_651
ER  - 
author = "Pucar, Mila and Nenković-Riznić, Marina and Brankov, Borjan and Stanojević, Ana",
year = "2022",
abstract = "Održiva urbana mobilnost je važan deo urbanog planiranja, koji u sebi integriše ekonomske, ekološke, energetske i društvene uticaje. U većini gradova u Srbiji, ali i u svetu urbana mobilnost se zasniva se na konceptu prekomernog korišćenja individualnih vozila, koja troše goriva bazirana na fosilnim izvorima energije. To dovodi do zagušenja u saobraćaju sa visokim nivoom zagađenja i buke u gradovima, pojave toplotnih ostrva, gubitka vremena i mnogih drugih negativnih pojava u različitim sferama ljudskog delovanja. Rad analizira ove pojave i predlaže neka od mogućih rešenja koja se pre svega odnose na primenu obnovljivih izvora električne energije (OIEE) u oblasti urbane mobilnosti. Korišćenje električne energije za pogon vozila, ukoliko ona ne potiče iz obnovljivih izvora ili reciklažom otpada nije rešenje koje se uklapa u koncept održivog razvoja. U radu se dalje analizira koncept transportnih sistema koji podstiče razvoj i drugih oblika saobraćaja zasnovanih na korišćenju novih tehnologija, kao i sprovođenje koncepta pametnih gradova., Sustainable urban mobility is a significant part of urban planning, which integrates economic, environmental, energy, and social impacts. In most cities in the world and Serbia, urban mobility is based on the excessive use of individual vehicles, which consume fuel based on fossil energy sources. That leads to traffic congestion with high degree of pollution and noise in cities, the appearance of heat islands, loss of time, and many other negative phenomena in various spheres of human activity. The paper analyzes these phenomena and proposes possible solutions primarily related to renewable sources of electrical energy (REES) application in urban mobility. Using electricity to drive vehicles, if it does not come from renewable sources or recycling waste, is not a solution that fits into sustainable development. The paper further analyzes the concept of transport systems that encourages the development of other forms of traffic based on the use of new technologies and the implementation of the Smart Cities concept.",
publisher = "Beograd : Savez mašinskih i elektrotehničk ihinženjera i tehničara Srbije (SMEITS), Beograd : Društvo za obnovljive izvore električne energije",
journal = "Proceedings of 10th International Conference on Renewable Electrical Power Sources (ICREPS) in Belgrade, Serbia",
title = "Obnovljivi izvori električne energije u funkciji održive urbane mobilnosti, Renewable electric energy sources in the function of Sustainable Urban Mobility",
pages = "59-68",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raumplan_651"
Pucar, M., Nenković-Riznić, M., Brankov, B.,& Stanojević, A.. (2022). Obnovljivi izvori električne energije u funkciji održive urbane mobilnosti. in Proceedings of 10th International Conference on Renewable Electrical Power Sources (ICREPS) in Belgrade, Serbia
Beograd : Savez mašinskih i elektrotehničk ihinženjera i tehničara Srbije (SMEITS)., 59-68.
Pucar M, Nenković-Riznić M, Brankov B, Stanojević A. Obnovljivi izvori električne energije u funkciji održive urbane mobilnosti. in Proceedings of 10th International Conference on Renewable Electrical Power Sources (ICREPS) in Belgrade, Serbia. 2022;:59-68.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raumplan_651 .
Pucar, Mila, Nenković-Riznić, Marina, Brankov, Borjan, Stanojević, Ana, "Obnovljivi izvori električne energije u funkciji održive urbane mobilnosti" in Proceedings of 10th International Conference on Renewable Electrical Power Sources (ICREPS) in Belgrade, Serbia (2022):59-68,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raumplan_651 .

Нови методолошки приступ анализи података за интегрисани инвентар почетних вредности емисија (BEI) и процене рањивости и ризика (VRA) и процена утицаја резултата анализе на животну средину у урбаним подручјима

Пуцар, Мила; Симоновић Алфиревић, Сања; Ненковић-Ризнић, Марина; Петровић, Снежана

(Београд : Институт за архитектуру и урбанизам Србије, 2021)


Пуцар, М., Симоновић Алфиревић, С., Ненковић-Ризнић, М.,& Петровић, С.. (2021). Нови методолошки приступ анализи података за интегрисани инвентар почетних вредности емисија (BEI) и процене рањивости и ризика (VRA) и процена утицаја резултата анализе на животну средину у урбаним подручјима. 
Београд : Институт за архитектуру и урбанизам Србије..
Пуцар М, Симоновић Алфиревић С, Ненковић-Ризнић М, Петровић С. Нови методолошки приступ анализи података за интегрисани инвентар почетних вредности емисија (BEI) и процене рањивости и ризика (VRA) и процена утицаја резултата анализе на животну средину у урбаним подручјима. 2021;.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raumplan_789 .
Пуцар, Мила, Симоновић Алфиревић, Сања, Ненковић-Ризнић, Марина, Петровић, Снежана, "Нови методолошки приступ анализи података за интегрисани инвентар почетних вредности емисија (BEI) и процене рањивости и ризика (VRA) и процена утицаја резултата анализе на животну средину у урбаним подручјима" (2021),
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raumplan_789 .

Стратешкe процена утицаја (СПУ) Акционог планa за одрживе енергије и климу за град Београд (SECAP) и Акционог плана за зелени град за Београд (GCAP)

Ненковић-Ризнић, Марина; Пуцар, Мила; Симоновић Алфиревић, Сања; Петровић, Снежана; Пантић, Маријана

(Ниш : Удружење урбаниста Србије, 2021, 2021)


Ненковић-Ризнић, М., Пуцар, М., Симоновић Алфиревић, С., Петровић, С.,& Пантић, М.. (2021). Стратешкe процена утицаја (СПУ) Акционог планa за одрживе енергије и климу за град Београд (SECAP) и Акционог плана за зелени град за Београд (GCAP). in Kаталог изложбе: 30. Међународни салон Урбанизма 2021, Ниш, 8-13. новембар 2021.
Ниш : Удружење урбаниста Србије, 2021., 140-140.
Ненковић-Ризнић М, Пуцар М, Симоновић Алфиревић С, Петровић С, Пантић М. Стратешкe процена утицаја (СПУ) Акционог планa за одрживе енергије и климу за град Београд (SECAP) и Акционог плана за зелени град за Београд (GCAP). in Kаталог изложбе: 30. Међународни салон Урбанизма 2021, Ниш, 8-13. новембар 2021.. 2021;:140-140.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raumplan_712 .
Ненковић-Ризнић, Марина, Пуцар, Мила, Симоновић Алфиревић, Сања, Петровић, Снежана, Пантић, Маријана, "Стратешкe процена утицаја (СПУ) Акционог планa за одрживе енергије и климу за град Београд (SECAP) и Акционог плана за зелени град за Београд (GCAP)" in Kаталог изложбе: 30. Међународни салон Урбанизма 2021, Ниш, 8-13. новембар 2021. (2021):140-140,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raumplan_712 .

Програмско-урбанистичка студија решења културно-историјског спомен-комплекса Бранковина и предлог мера заштите од климатских промена

Пуцар, Мила; Симић, Бранислава; Симоновић Алфиревић, Сања

(Ниш : Удружење урбаниста Србије, 2021)


Пуцар, М., Симић, Б.,& Симоновић Алфиревић, С.. (2021). Програмско-урбанистичка студија решења културно-историјског спомен-комплекса Бранковина и предлог мера заштите од климатских промена. in Каталог изложбе: 30. Међународни салон Урбанизма 2021, Ниш, 8-13. новембар 2021.
Ниш : Удружење урбаниста Србије., 142-142.
Пуцар М, Симић Б, Симоновић Алфиревић С. Програмско-урбанистичка студија решења културно-историјског спомен-комплекса Бранковина и предлог мера заштите од климатских промена. in Каталог изложбе: 30. Међународни салон Урбанизма 2021, Ниш, 8-13. новембар 2021.. 2021;:142-142.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raumplan_720 .
Пуцар, Мила, Симић, Бранислава, Симоновић Алфиревић, Сања, "Програмско-урбанистичка студија решења културно-историјског спомен-комплекса Бранковина и предлог мера заштите од климатских промена" in Каталог изложбе: 30. Међународни салон Урбанизма 2021, Ниш, 8-13. новембар 2021. (2021):142-142,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raumplan_720 .

Proposal of the New Nomenclature in Planning for Adaptation to Climate Change at the Level of Local Self-Government Units (LSGU) in Serbia

Nenković-Riznić, Marina; Pucar, Mila; Brankov, Borjan

(Zagreb : IRASA – International Research Academy of Science and Art Department for the Republic of Croatia, 2021)

AU  - Nenković-Riznić, Marina
AU  - Pucar, Mila
AU  - Brankov, Borjan
PY  - 2021
UR  - http://raumplan.iaus.ac.rs/handle/123456789/738
AB  - The impact of climate change on the implementation of various activities in Serbia is evident. The new living conditions impose a change on the existing paradigm of spatial planning and management. In addition to numerous initiatives for the adoption of strategic and legislative acts at the national level, it is necessary to simultaneously define an adequate system of horizontal and vertical planning. It would include the development of action plans for climate change adaptation at the local level, adoption of instructions, guidelines, manuals for the local government and population. Taking into account all national documents in the field of climate change and reduction of CO2 emissions (already adopted or in the process of adoption), this paper will propose a new nomenclature in planning for adaptation to climate change at the local level in Serbia. This would simplify the procedure for local government units to adequately respond to all risks arising from the growing consequences of climate change and enable an adequate response.
PB  - Zagreb : IRASA – International Research Academy of Science and Art Department for the Republic of Croatia
C3  - Book of Abstracts of Third International Scientific Conference "Science, Education, Technology and Innovation - SETI III 2021"
T1  - Proposal of the New Nomenclature in Planning for Adaptation to Climate Change at the Level of Local Self-Government Units (LSGU) in Serbia
SP  - 36
EP  - 36
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raumplan_738
ER  - 
author = "Nenković-Riznić, Marina and Pucar, Mila and Brankov, Borjan",
year = "2021",
abstract = "The impact of climate change on the implementation of various activities in Serbia is evident. The new living conditions impose a change on the existing paradigm of spatial planning and management. In addition to numerous initiatives for the adoption of strategic and legislative acts at the national level, it is necessary to simultaneously define an adequate system of horizontal and vertical planning. It would include the development of action plans for climate change adaptation at the local level, adoption of instructions, guidelines, manuals for the local government and population. Taking into account all national documents in the field of climate change and reduction of CO2 emissions (already adopted or in the process of adoption), this paper will propose a new nomenclature in planning for adaptation to climate change at the local level in Serbia. This would simplify the procedure for local government units to adequately respond to all risks arising from the growing consequences of climate change and enable an adequate response.",
publisher = "Zagreb : IRASA – International Research Academy of Science and Art Department for the Republic of Croatia",
journal = "Book of Abstracts of Third International Scientific Conference "Science, Education, Technology and Innovation - SETI III 2021"",
title = "Proposal of the New Nomenclature in Planning for Adaptation to Climate Change at the Level of Local Self-Government Units (LSGU) in Serbia",
pages = "36-36",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raumplan_738"
Nenković-Riznić, M., Pucar, M.,& Brankov, B.. (2021). Proposal of the New Nomenclature in Planning for Adaptation to Climate Change at the Level of Local Self-Government Units (LSGU) in Serbia. in Book of Abstracts of Third International Scientific Conference "Science, Education, Technology and Innovation - SETI III 2021"
Zagreb : IRASA – International Research Academy of Science and Art Department for the Republic of Croatia., 36-36.
Nenković-Riznić M, Pucar M, Brankov B. Proposal of the New Nomenclature in Planning for Adaptation to Climate Change at the Level of Local Self-Government Units (LSGU) in Serbia. in Book of Abstracts of Third International Scientific Conference "Science, Education, Technology and Innovation - SETI III 2021". 2021;:36-36.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raumplan_738 .
Nenković-Riznić, Marina, Pucar, Mila, Brankov, Borjan, "Proposal of the New Nomenclature in Planning for Adaptation to Climate Change at the Level of Local Self-Government Units (LSGU) in Serbia" in Book of Abstracts of Third International Scientific Conference "Science, Education, Technology and Innovation - SETI III 2021" (2021):36-36,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raumplan_738 .

Proposal of the New Nomenclature in Planning for Adaptation to Climate Change at the Level of Local Self-Government Units (LSGU) in Serbia

Nenković-Riznić, Marina; Pucar, Mila; Brankov, Borjan

(Zagreb : IRASA – International Research Academy of Science and Art Department for the Republic of Croatia, 2021)

AU  - Nenković-Riznić, Marina
AU  - Pucar, Mila
AU  - Brankov, Borjan
PY  - 2021
UR  - http://raumplan.iaus.ac.rs/handle/123456789/698
AB  - The impact of climate change on the implementation of various activities in Serbia is evident. The new living conditions impose a change on the existing paradigm of spatial planning and management. In addition to numerous initiatives for the adoption of strategic and legislative acts at the national level, it is necessary to simultaneously define an adequate system of horizontal and vertical planning. It would include the development of action plans for climate change adaptation at the local level, adoption of instructions, guidelines, manuals for the local government and population. Taking into account all national documents in the field of climate change and reduction of CO2 emissions (already adopted or in the process of adoption), this paper will propose a new nomenclature in planning for adaptation to climate change at the local level in Serbia. This would simplify the procedure for local government units to adequately respond to all risks arising from the growing consequences of climate change and enable an adequate response.
PB  - Zagreb : IRASA – International Research Academy of Science and Art Department for the Republic of Croatia
C3  - Book of Proceedings / IRASA International Research Academy of Science and Art International Scientific Conference Science, Education, Technology and Innovation - SETI III 2021
T1  - Proposal of the New Nomenclature in Planning for Adaptation to Climate Change at the Level of Local Self-Government Units (LSGU) in Serbia
SP  - 261
EP  - 268
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raumplan_698
ER  - 
author = "Nenković-Riznić, Marina and Pucar, Mila and Brankov, Borjan",
year = "2021",
abstract = "The impact of climate change on the implementation of various activities in Serbia is evident. The new living conditions impose a change on the existing paradigm of spatial planning and management. In addition to numerous initiatives for the adoption of strategic and legislative acts at the national level, it is necessary to simultaneously define an adequate system of horizontal and vertical planning. It would include the development of action plans for climate change adaptation at the local level, adoption of instructions, guidelines, manuals for the local government and population. Taking into account all national documents in the field of climate change and reduction of CO2 emissions (already adopted or in the process of adoption), this paper will propose a new nomenclature in planning for adaptation to climate change at the local level in Serbia. This would simplify the procedure for local government units to adequately respond to all risks arising from the growing consequences of climate change and enable an adequate response.",
publisher = "Zagreb : IRASA – International Research Academy of Science and Art Department for the Republic of Croatia",
journal = "Book of Proceedings / IRASA International Research Academy of Science and Art International Scientific Conference Science, Education, Technology and Innovation - SETI III 2021",
title = "Proposal of the New Nomenclature in Planning for Adaptation to Climate Change at the Level of Local Self-Government Units (LSGU) in Serbia",
pages = "261-268",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raumplan_698"
Nenković-Riznić, M., Pucar, M.,& Brankov, B.. (2021). Proposal of the New Nomenclature in Planning for Adaptation to Climate Change at the Level of Local Self-Government Units (LSGU) in Serbia. in Book of Proceedings / IRASA International Research Academy of Science and Art International Scientific Conference Science, Education, Technology and Innovation - SETI III 2021
Zagreb : IRASA – International Research Academy of Science and Art Department for the Republic of Croatia., 261-268.
Nenković-Riznić M, Pucar M, Brankov B. Proposal of the New Nomenclature in Planning for Adaptation to Climate Change at the Level of Local Self-Government Units (LSGU) in Serbia. in Book of Proceedings / IRASA International Research Academy of Science and Art International Scientific Conference Science, Education, Technology and Innovation - SETI III 2021. 2021;:261-268.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raumplan_698 .
Nenković-Riznić, Marina, Pucar, Mila, Brankov, Borjan, "Proposal of the New Nomenclature in Planning for Adaptation to Climate Change at the Level of Local Self-Government Units (LSGU) in Serbia" in Book of Proceedings / IRASA International Research Academy of Science and Art International Scientific Conference Science, Education, Technology and Innovation - SETI III 2021 (2021):261-268,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raumplan_698 .

New Methodology in Green City Planning - the Way to Sustainable Urban Development

Pucar, Mila; Simonović Alfirević, Sanja; Nenković-Riznić, Marina; Petrović, Snežana

(Zagreb : IRASA – International Research Academy of Science and Art Department for the Republic of Croatia, 2021)

AU  - Pucar, Mila
AU  - Simonović Alfirević, Sanja
AU  - Nenković-Riznić, Marina
AU  - Petrović, Snežana
PY  - 2021
UR  - http://raumplan.iaus.ac.rs/handle/123456789/671
AB  - In 2018, the City of Belgrade signed the Covenant of Mayors for Climate and Energy in order to reduce carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions by at least 40% and enhance the city’s resilience to the effects of climate change by 2030. To implement these goals, a team (authors of this paper) was formed to develop a Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plan (SECAP) based on the results of the Baseline Emission Inventory (BEI) and Vulnerability and Risk Assessment (VRA). The VRA involved determining CO2 emissions using an approach based on a series of activities and the reduction of GHG emissions. The impact of the provided climate change mitigation measures was assessed on the basis of a hypothetical baseline scenario (increase in demand in the BEI sectors and socioeconomic parameters). To achieve the mitigation objectives, it is necessary to implement projects in the field of energy efficiency, expand district heating, introduce renewable energy sources in the energy potential of the city, rationalize public lighting and traffic, and continue with intensive urban greening.
PB  - Zagreb : IRASA – International Research Academy of Science and Art Department for the Republic of Croatia
C3  - Book of Abstracts / IRASA International Research Academy of Science and Art International Scientific Conference Science, Education, Technology and Innovation - SETI III
T1  - New Methodology in Green City Planning - the Way to Sustainable Urban Development
SP  - 47
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raumplan_671
ER  - 
author = "Pucar, Mila and Simonović Alfirević, Sanja and Nenković-Riznić, Marina and Petrović, Snežana",
year = "2021",
abstract = "In 2018, the City of Belgrade signed the Covenant of Mayors for Climate and Energy in order to reduce carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions by at least 40% and enhance the city’s resilience to the effects of climate change by 2030. To implement these goals, a team (authors of this paper) was formed to develop a Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plan (SECAP) based on the results of the Baseline Emission Inventory (BEI) and Vulnerability and Risk Assessment (VRA). The VRA involved determining CO2 emissions using an approach based on a series of activities and the reduction of GHG emissions. The impact of the provided climate change mitigation measures was assessed on the basis of a hypothetical baseline scenario (increase in demand in the BEI sectors and socioeconomic parameters). To achieve the mitigation objectives, it is necessary to implement projects in the field of energy efficiency, expand district heating, introduce renewable energy sources in the energy potential of the city, rationalize public lighting and traffic, and continue with intensive urban greening.",
publisher = "Zagreb : IRASA – International Research Academy of Science and Art Department for the Republic of Croatia",
journal = "Book of Abstracts / IRASA International Research Academy of Science and Art International Scientific Conference Science, Education, Technology and Innovation - SETI III",
title = "New Methodology in Green City Planning - the Way to Sustainable Urban Development",
pages = "47",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raumplan_671"
Pucar, M., Simonović Alfirević, S., Nenković-Riznić, M.,& Petrović, S.. (2021). New Methodology in Green City Planning - the Way to Sustainable Urban Development. in Book of Abstracts / IRASA International Research Academy of Science and Art International Scientific Conference Science, Education, Technology and Innovation - SETI III
Zagreb : IRASA – International Research Academy of Science and Art Department for the Republic of Croatia., 47.
Pucar M, Simonović Alfirević S, Nenković-Riznić M, Petrović S. New Methodology in Green City Planning - the Way to Sustainable Urban Development. in Book of Abstracts / IRASA International Research Academy of Science and Art International Scientific Conference Science, Education, Technology and Innovation - SETI III. 2021;:47.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raumplan_671 .
Pucar, Mila, Simonović Alfirević, Sanja, Nenković-Riznić, Marina, Petrović, Snežana, "New Methodology in Green City Planning - the Way to Sustainable Urban Development" in Book of Abstracts / IRASA International Research Academy of Science and Art International Scientific Conference Science, Education, Technology and Innovation - SETI III (2021):47,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raumplan_671 .

New Methodology in Green City Planning - the Way to Sustainable Urban Development

Pucar, Mila; Simonović Alfirević, Sanja; Nenković-Riznić, Marina; Petrović, Snežana

(Zagreb : IRASA – International Research Academy of Science and Art Department for the Republic of Croatia, 2021)

AU  - Pucar, Mila
AU  - Simonović Alfirević, Sanja
AU  - Nenković-Riznić, Marina
AU  - Petrović, Snežana
PY  - 2021
UR  - http://raumplan.iaus.ac.rs/handle/123456789/668
AB  - In 2018, the City of Belgrade signed the Covenant of Mayors for Climate and Energy in order to reduce carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions by at least 40% and enhance the city’s resilience to the effects of climate change by 2030. To implement these goals, a team (authors of this paper) was formed to develop a Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plan (SECAP) based on the results of the Baseline Emission Inventory (BEI) and Vulnerability and Risk Assessment (VRA). The VRA involved determining CO2 emissions using an approach based on a series of activities and the reduction of GHG emissions. The impact of the provided climate change mitigation measures was assessed on the basis of a hypothetical baseline scenario (increase in demand in the BEI sectors and socioeconomic parameters). To achieve the mitigation objectives, it is necessary to implement projects in the field of energy efficiency, expand district heating, introduce renewable energy sources in the energy potential of the city, rationalize public lighting and traffic, and continue with intensive urban greening.
PB  - Zagreb : IRASA – International Research Academy of Science and Art Department for the Republic of Croatia
C3  - Book of Proceedings / IRASA International Research Academy of Science and Art International Scientific Conference Science, Education, Technology and Innovation - SETI III 2021
T1  - New Methodology in Green City Planning - the Way to Sustainable Urban Development
SP  - 386
EP  - 392
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raumplan_668
ER  - 
author = "Pucar, Mila and Simonović Alfirević, Sanja and Nenković-Riznić, Marina and Petrović, Snežana",
year = "2021",
abstract = "In 2018, the City of Belgrade signed the Covenant of Mayors for Climate and Energy in order to reduce carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions by at least 40% and enhance the city’s resilience to the effects of climate change by 2030. To implement these goals, a team (authors of this paper) was formed to develop a Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plan (SECAP) based on the results of the Baseline Emission Inventory (BEI) and Vulnerability and Risk Assessment (VRA). The VRA involved determining CO2 emissions using an approach based on a series of activities and the reduction of GHG emissions. The impact of the provided climate change mitigation measures was assessed on the basis of a hypothetical baseline scenario (increase in demand in the BEI sectors and socioeconomic parameters). To achieve the mitigation objectives, it is necessary to implement projects in the field of energy efficiency, expand district heating, introduce renewable energy sources in the energy potential of the city, rationalize public lighting and traffic, and continue with intensive urban greening.",
publisher = "Zagreb : IRASA – International Research Academy of Science and Art Department for the Republic of Croatia",
journal = "Book of Proceedings / IRASA International Research Academy of Science and Art International Scientific Conference Science, Education, Technology and Innovation - SETI III 2021",
title = "New Methodology in Green City Planning - the Way to Sustainable Urban Development",
pages = "386-392",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raumplan_668"
Pucar, M., Simonović Alfirević, S., Nenković-Riznić, M.,& Petrović, S.. (2021). New Methodology in Green City Planning - the Way to Sustainable Urban Development. in Book of Proceedings / IRASA International Research Academy of Science and Art International Scientific Conference Science, Education, Technology and Innovation - SETI III 2021
Zagreb : IRASA – International Research Academy of Science and Art Department for the Republic of Croatia., 386-392.
Pucar M, Simonović Alfirević S, Nenković-Riznić M, Petrović S. New Methodology in Green City Planning - the Way to Sustainable Urban Development. in Book of Proceedings / IRASA International Research Academy of Science and Art International Scientific Conference Science, Education, Technology and Innovation - SETI III 2021. 2021;:386-392.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raumplan_668 .
Pucar, Mila, Simonović Alfirević, Sanja, Nenković-Riznić, Marina, Petrović, Snežana, "New Methodology in Green City Planning - the Way to Sustainable Urban Development" in Book of Proceedings / IRASA International Research Academy of Science and Art International Scientific Conference Science, Education, Technology and Innovation - SETI III 2021 (2021):386-392,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raumplan_668 .

Zakonski okvir u oblasti energetske efikasnosti i OIE kao jedan od ključnih preduslova za održivi razvoj Srbije

Pucar, Mila; Brankov, Borjan; Stanojević, Ana; Nenković-Riznić, Marina

(Beograd : Savez mašinskih i elektrotehničkih inženjera i tehničara Srbije (SMEITS), 2021)

AU  - Pucar, Mila
AU  - Brankov, Borjan
AU  - Stanojević, Ana
AU  - Nenković-Riznić, Marina
PY  - 2021
UR  - https://raumplan.iaus.ac.rs/handle/123456789/628
AB  - Rad se bavi analizom dva od četiri zakona iz oblasti energetike koji su usvojeni aprila meseca 2021. godine i to: Zakonom o korišćenju obnovljivih izvora energije i Zakonom o energetskoj efikasnosti i racionalnoj upotrebi energije. U radu su prikazana istraživanja koja se odnose na novine koje ovi zakoni donose, potrebne preduslove za njihovo sprovođenje i implementaciju, prepreke i mogućnosti na putu Srbije ka većoj primeni zelene energije, smanjenju emisija CO2 i održivom razvoju, u skladu i sa novim strateškim okvirima u ovoj oblasti (NERP, Strategija niskougljeničnog razvoja). Da bi se ovo ostvarilo, potrebno je doneti niz podzakonskih akata, kojima se u startu rešavaju brojne nedoumice. 
Rad se posebno bavi zakonskim preduslovima za sprovođenje ideje korišćenja obnovljivih izvora energije u stanovanju. Osim toga, u Nacrtu Nacionalne stambene strategije 2020-2030. ističe se da, s obzirom na činjenicu da je stambeni fond veliki potrošač energije, unapređenje energetskih svojstava ovog fonda predstavlja zadatak ne samo od nacionalnog, već i globalnog značaja (odnosi se na celokupan stambeni fond - višeporodično/kolektivno i porodično/individualno stanovanje). Prema pomenutoj Strategiji veliki udeo potrošnje energije troši se za grejanje, a sve više i za hlađenje stanova/kuća, a stalni rast ukupne potrošnje energije ukazuje na neracionalno i neodrživo korišćenja energije u sektoru stanovanja. Stoga unapređenje energetske efikasnosti i korišćenje obnovljivih izvora energije u stambenom sektoru predstavlja jedan od ključnih izazova za održivi razvoj Srbije u budućnosti. U radu se daju predlozi za permanentno, sistematsko i plansko obrazovanje, podizanje svesti građana o značaju primene i potencijalima OIE. Stimulisanje korišćenja ovog vida energije i primena energetske efikasnosti mora biti permanentna misija struke, nauke i politike. Stimulacija države kako kroz donešenu legislativu, tako i kroz praktične procedure koje neće biti previse komplikovane, i povoljne kredite, može omogućiti opredeljenje korisnika stambenih objekata i zajednica za ovaj vid proizvodnje energije.
AB  - This paper analyses two of the four laws in the field of the energy sector that were adopted in April 2021: The Law on the Use of Renewable Energy Sources and the Law on Energy Efficiency and Rational Use of Energy. It presents research related to the improve-ments brought by these laws, the necessary preconditions for their implementation, potential obstacles and opportunities on Serbia's path to greater and wider use of green energy, re-duction of CO2 emissions, and sustainable development, following the new strategic frame-work in this area (NERP, Low Carbon Development Strategy). To achieve full potential and initially resolve numerous doubts, it is necessary to pass through bylaws.
The paper deals with the legal preconditions for implementing renewable energy sources in housing. In addition, in the Draft National Housing Strategy 2020-2030, it is pointed out that, given the fact that the housing sector is a big energy consumer, improving the energy performance of housing funds is a task not only of national but also global im-portance (refers to the entire housing market - multi-family/collective and family/individual housing). According to the mentioned Strategy, a large share of energy consumption is spent on heating, and more and more on the cooling of dwellings/houses. The constant growth of total energy consumption indicates irrational and unsustainable energy use in the housing sector. Therefore, improving energy efficiency and using renewable energy sources in the housing sector is one of the key challenges for Serbia's sustainable development in the fu-ture. The paper presents proposals for permanent, systematic, and planned education and raising citizens' awareness of the importance of implementation and the potential of RES. Stimulating the use of this type of energy and the application of energy efficiency must be a permanent mission of the profession, science, and politics. Stimulation of the state, both through the adopted legislation and through practical procedures that will not be overly complicated and through favorable loans, can enable the involvement of house owners and housing communities for this type of energy production.
PB  - Beograd : Savez mašinskih i elektrotehničkih inženjera i tehničara Srbije (SMEITS)
PB  - Beograd : Društvo za obnovljive izvore električne energije
C3  - Proceedings of 9th International conference on Renewable Electrical Power Sources
T1  - Zakonski okvir u oblasti energetske efikasnosti i OIE kao jedan od ključnih preduslova za održivi razvoj Srbije
T1  - The legal framework in the field of Energy Efficiency and RES as one of the key precondi-tions for the sustainable development of Serbia
SP  - 153
EP  - 163
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raumplan_628
ER  - 
author = "Pucar, Mila and Brankov, Borjan and Stanojević, Ana and Nenković-Riznić, Marina",
year = "2021",
abstract = "Rad se bavi analizom dva od četiri zakona iz oblasti energetike koji su usvojeni aprila meseca 2021. godine i to: Zakonom o korišćenju obnovljivih izvora energije i Zakonom o energetskoj efikasnosti i racionalnoj upotrebi energije. U radu su prikazana istraživanja koja se odnose na novine koje ovi zakoni donose, potrebne preduslove za njihovo sprovođenje i implementaciju, prepreke i mogućnosti na putu Srbije ka većoj primeni zelene energije, smanjenju emisija CO2 i održivom razvoju, u skladu i sa novim strateškim okvirima u ovoj oblasti (NERP, Strategija niskougljeničnog razvoja). Da bi se ovo ostvarilo, potrebno je doneti niz podzakonskih akata, kojima se u startu rešavaju brojne nedoumice. 
Rad se posebno bavi zakonskim preduslovima za sprovođenje ideje korišćenja obnovljivih izvora energije u stanovanju. Osim toga, u Nacrtu Nacionalne stambene strategije 2020-2030. ističe se da, s obzirom na činjenicu da je stambeni fond veliki potrošač energije, unapređenje energetskih svojstava ovog fonda predstavlja zadatak ne samo od nacionalnog, već i globalnog značaja (odnosi se na celokupan stambeni fond - višeporodično/kolektivno i porodično/individualno stanovanje). Prema pomenutoj Strategiji veliki udeo potrošnje energije troši se za grejanje, a sve više i za hlađenje stanova/kuća, a stalni rast ukupne potrošnje energije ukazuje na neracionalno i neodrživo korišćenja energije u sektoru stanovanja. Stoga unapređenje energetske efikasnosti i korišćenje obnovljivih izvora energije u stambenom sektoru predstavlja jedan od ključnih izazova za održivi razvoj Srbije u budućnosti. U radu se daju predlozi za permanentno, sistematsko i plansko obrazovanje, podizanje svesti građana o značaju primene i potencijalima OIE. Stimulisanje korišćenja ovog vida energije i primena energetske efikasnosti mora biti permanentna misija struke, nauke i politike. Stimulacija države kako kroz donešenu legislativu, tako i kroz praktične procedure koje neće biti previse komplikovane, i povoljne kredite, može omogućiti opredeljenje korisnika stambenih objekata i zajednica za ovaj vid proizvodnje energije., This paper analyses two of the four laws in the field of the energy sector that were adopted in April 2021: The Law on the Use of Renewable Energy Sources and the Law on Energy Efficiency and Rational Use of Energy. It presents research related to the improve-ments brought by these laws, the necessary preconditions for their implementation, potential obstacles and opportunities on Serbia's path to greater and wider use of green energy, re-duction of CO2 emissions, and sustainable development, following the new strategic frame-work in this area (NERP, Low Carbon Development Strategy). To achieve full potential and initially resolve numerous doubts, it is necessary to pass through bylaws.
The paper deals with the legal preconditions for implementing renewable energy sources in housing. In addition, in the Draft National Housing Strategy 2020-2030, it is pointed out that, given the fact that the housing sector is a big energy consumer, improving the energy performance of housing funds is a task not only of national but also global im-portance (refers to the entire housing market - multi-family/collective and family/individual housing). According to the mentioned Strategy, a large share of energy consumption is spent on heating, and more and more on the cooling of dwellings/houses. The constant growth of total energy consumption indicates irrational and unsustainable energy use in the housing sector. Therefore, improving energy efficiency and using renewable energy sources in the housing sector is one of the key challenges for Serbia's sustainable development in the fu-ture. The paper presents proposals for permanent, systematic, and planned education and raising citizens' awareness of the importance of implementation and the potential of RES. Stimulating the use of this type of energy and the application of energy efficiency must be a permanent mission of the profession, science, and politics. Stimulation of the state, both through the adopted legislation and through practical procedures that will not be overly complicated and through favorable loans, can enable the involvement of house owners and housing communities for this type of energy production.",
publisher = "Beograd : Savez mašinskih i elektrotehničkih inženjera i tehničara Srbije (SMEITS), Beograd : Društvo za obnovljive izvore električne energije",
journal = "Proceedings of 9th International conference on Renewable Electrical Power Sources",
title = "Zakonski okvir u oblasti energetske efikasnosti i OIE kao jedan od ključnih preduslova za održivi razvoj Srbije, The legal framework in the field of Energy Efficiency and RES as one of the key precondi-tions for the sustainable development of Serbia",
pages = "153-163",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raumplan_628"
Pucar, M., Brankov, B., Stanojević, A.,& Nenković-Riznić, M.. (2021). Zakonski okvir u oblasti energetske efikasnosti i OIE kao jedan od ključnih preduslova za održivi razvoj Srbije. in Proceedings of 9th International conference on Renewable Electrical Power Sources
Beograd : Savez mašinskih i elektrotehničkih inženjera i tehničara Srbije (SMEITS)., 153-163.
Pucar M, Brankov B, Stanojević A, Nenković-Riznić M. Zakonski okvir u oblasti energetske efikasnosti i OIE kao jedan od ključnih preduslova za održivi razvoj Srbije. in Proceedings of 9th International conference on Renewable Electrical Power Sources. 2021;:153-163.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raumplan_628 .
Pucar, Mila, Brankov, Borjan, Stanojević, Ana, Nenković-Riznić, Marina, "Zakonski okvir u oblasti energetske efikasnosti i OIE kao jedan od ključnih preduslova za održivi razvoj Srbije" in Proceedings of 9th International conference on Renewable Electrical Power Sources (2021):153-163,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raumplan_628 .

Opportunities and challenges of rehabilitation of abandoned industrial heritage sites in the context of former modernizations

Dimitrijević Marković, Svetlana; Simonović Alfirević, Sanja; Pucar, Mila; Petrović, Snežana

(Tirana : Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism (FAU), Polytechnic University of Tirana, 2021)

AU  - Dimitrijević Marković, Svetlana
AU  - Simonović Alfirević, Sanja
AU  - Pucar, Mila
AU  - Petrović, Snežana
PY  - 2021
UR  - http://raumplan.iaus.ac.rs/handle/123456789/670
AB  - Rehabilitation of abandoned industrial heritage sites can be a special opportunity, challenge and a driver of new possibilities for city development. Numerous examples of conservation, restoration and repurposing of such locations that have been implemented so far, demonstrate significant development potentials, that have influenced the culture, education, environmental, social and economic aspects of the development of the respective area. In the case of industrial complexes declared as cultural monuments, it is important to preserve their monumental value during the renovation i.e. to preserve their original characteristics by repurposing, repairs and interventions on existing buildings that bring them closer to modern requirements of use. Sometimes, these actions were aggravated precisely by the procedures that took place in the name of modernization and progress in the past of that industrial complex. The negative effects of changes that have taken place in the past in the name of progress and modernization of the factory complex, regarding the possibility of its rehabilitation, are identified and analyzed on the example of the factory complex declared as a cultural monument called "Sugar factory".
PB  - Tirana : Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism (FAU), Polytechnic University of Tirana
PB  - Napoli : La scuola di Pitagora editrice
C3  - Modernization and Globalization. New Paradigms in Architecture, Cities, Territory
T1  - Opportunities and challenges of rehabilitation of abandoned industrial heritage sites in the context of former modernizations
SP  - 267
EP  - 272
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raumplan_670
ER  - 
author = "Dimitrijević Marković, Svetlana and Simonović Alfirević, Sanja and Pucar, Mila and Petrović, Snežana",
year = "2021",
abstract = "Rehabilitation of abandoned industrial heritage sites can be a special opportunity, challenge and a driver of new possibilities for city development. Numerous examples of conservation, restoration and repurposing of such locations that have been implemented so far, demonstrate significant development potentials, that have influenced the culture, education, environmental, social and economic aspects of the development of the respective area. In the case of industrial complexes declared as cultural monuments, it is important to preserve their monumental value during the renovation i.e. to preserve their original characteristics by repurposing, repairs and interventions on existing buildings that bring them closer to modern requirements of use. Sometimes, these actions were aggravated precisely by the procedures that took place in the name of modernization and progress in the past of that industrial complex. The negative effects of changes that have taken place in the past in the name of progress and modernization of the factory complex, regarding the possibility of its rehabilitation, are identified and analyzed on the example of the factory complex declared as a cultural monument called "Sugar factory".",
publisher = "Tirana : Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism (FAU), Polytechnic University of Tirana, Napoli : La scuola di Pitagora editrice",
journal = "Modernization and Globalization. New Paradigms in Architecture, Cities, Territory",
title = "Opportunities and challenges of rehabilitation of abandoned industrial heritage sites in the context of former modernizations",
pages = "267-272",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raumplan_670"
Dimitrijević Marković, S., Simonović Alfirević, S., Pucar, M.,& Petrović, S.. (2021). Opportunities and challenges of rehabilitation of abandoned industrial heritage sites in the context of former modernizations. in Modernization and Globalization. New Paradigms in Architecture, Cities, Territory
Tirana : Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism (FAU), Polytechnic University of Tirana., 267-272.
Dimitrijević Marković S, Simonović Alfirević S, Pucar M, Petrović S. Opportunities and challenges of rehabilitation of abandoned industrial heritage sites in the context of former modernizations. in Modernization and Globalization. New Paradigms in Architecture, Cities, Territory. 2021;:267-272.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raumplan_670 .
Dimitrijević Marković, Svetlana, Simonović Alfirević, Sanja, Pucar, Mila, Petrović, Snežana, "Opportunities and challenges of rehabilitation of abandoned industrial heritage sites in the context of former modernizations" in Modernization and Globalization. New Paradigms in Architecture, Cities, Territory (2021):267-272,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raumplan_670 .

Истраживања у оквиру израде Акционог плана за зелени град – Град Београд (GCAP) и Акционог плана за одрживу енергију и климу за Град Београд (SECAP)

Pucar, Mila; Simonović Alfirević, Sanja; Pantić, Marijana; Nenković-Riznić, Marina; Petrović, Snežana

(Niš: Udruženje urbanista Srbije, 2021)

AU  - Pucar, Mila
AU  - Simonović Alfirević, Sanja
AU  - Pantić, Marijana
AU  - Nenković-Riznić, Marina
AU  - Petrović, Snežana
PY  - 2021
UR  - http://raumplan.iaus.ac.rs/handle/123456789/644
AB  - Град Београд је 2018. год потписао Споразум градоначелника (C ) за климу и енергију се обавезао да ће до 2030. смањити ине оМ чиме године (1) емисиј угљендиоксида (CO2) у одабраним секторима за најмање 40%, повећати отпорност града на утицаје климатских промена и обезбедити у (2) (3) сигуран приступ одрживој енергији. Да би се то спровело, израд Акцион план за зелени град и обновљивој приступило се и ог а и Акционог плана (GCAP) за одрживу енергију и климу ( . У изради оба Акциона плана радили су ови из различитих институција из Србије и света којима је SECAP тим експерата ) , кординирала компанија из Уједињеног краљевства. Део експертских тимова чинили су и истраживачи ИАУС-а са спољним Mott MacDonald Ltd сарадницима.
AB  - The City of Belgrade signed the Covenant of Mayors for Climate and Energy in 2018, thus obliging itself to: (1) reduce CO2 emission in selected sectors by at least 40%, (2) increase resilience towards climate change and (3) secure access to sustainable and renewable energy by 2030. To achieve this, the creation of the Green City Action Plan and the Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plan commenced. Teams of experts from Serbia and other countries were involved in the creation of both Action plans coordinated by Mott MacDonald Ltd of the United Kingdom. One of the expert teams included researchers from the IAUS and th , eir external associates.
PB  - Niš: Udruženje urbanista Srbije
C3  - 30th International Urban Planners' Exhibition Niš 8-13 November 2021
T1  - Истраживања у оквиру израде Акционог плана за зелени град – Град Београд (GCAP) и Акционог плана за одрживу енергију и климу за Град Београд (SECAP)
T1  - Research for the GCAP – Green City Action Plan for City of Belgrade and the SECAP – Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plan
SP  - 07.05
EP  - 07.05
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raumplan_644
ER  - 
author = "Pucar, Mila and Simonović Alfirević, Sanja and Pantić, Marijana and Nenković-Riznić, Marina and Petrović, Snežana",
year = "2021",
abstract = "Град Београд је 2018. год потписао Споразум градоначелника (C ) за климу и енергију се обавезао да ће до 2030. смањити ине оМ чиме године (1) емисиј угљендиоксида (CO2) у одабраним секторима за најмање 40%, повећати отпорност града на утицаје климатских промена и обезбедити у (2) (3) сигуран приступ одрживој енергији. Да би се то спровело, израд Акцион план за зелени град и обновљивој приступило се и ог а и Акционог плана (GCAP) за одрживу енергију и климу ( . У изради оба Акциона плана радили су ови из различитих институција из Србије и света којима је SECAP тим експерата ) , кординирала компанија из Уједињеног краљевства. Део експертских тимова чинили су и истраживачи ИАУС-а са спољним Mott MacDonald Ltd сарадницима., The City of Belgrade signed the Covenant of Mayors for Climate and Energy in 2018, thus obliging itself to: (1) reduce CO2 emission in selected sectors by at least 40%, (2) increase resilience towards climate change and (3) secure access to sustainable and renewable energy by 2030. To achieve this, the creation of the Green City Action Plan and the Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plan commenced. Teams of experts from Serbia and other countries were involved in the creation of both Action plans coordinated by Mott MacDonald Ltd of the United Kingdom. One of the expert teams included researchers from the IAUS and th , eir external associates.",
publisher = "Niš: Udruženje urbanista Srbije",
journal = "30th International Urban Planners' Exhibition Niš 8-13 November 2021",
title = "Истраживања у оквиру израде Акционог плана за зелени град – Град Београд (GCAP) и Акционог плана за одрживу енергију и климу за Град Београд (SECAP), Research for the GCAP – Green City Action Plan for City of Belgrade and the SECAP – Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plan",
pages = "07.05-07.05",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raumplan_644"
Pucar, M., Simonović Alfirević, S., Pantić, M., Nenković-Riznić, M.,& Petrović, S.. (2021). Истраживања у оквиру израде Акционог плана за зелени град – Град Београд (GCAP) и Акционог плана за одрживу енергију и климу за Град Београд (SECAP). in 30th International Urban Planners' Exhibition Niš 8-13 November 2021
Niš: Udruženje urbanista Srbije., 07.05-07.05.
Pucar M, Simonović Alfirević S, Pantić M, Nenković-Riznić M, Petrović S. Истраживања у оквиру израде Акционог плана за зелени град – Град Београд (GCAP) и Акционог плана за одрживу енергију и климу за Град Београд (SECAP). in 30th International Urban Planners' Exhibition Niš 8-13 November 2021. 2021;:07.05-07.05.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raumplan_644 .
Pucar, Mila, Simonović Alfirević, Sanja, Pantić, Marijana, Nenković-Riznić, Marina, Petrović, Snežana, "Истраживања у оквиру израде Акционог плана за зелени град – Град Београд (GCAP) и Акционог плана за одрживу енергију и климу за Град Београд (SECAP)" in 30th International Urban Planners' Exhibition Niš 8-13 November 2021 (2021):07.05-07.05,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raumplan_644 .

Стратешкe процена утицаја (СПУ) Акционог планa за одрживе енергије и климу за Град Београд (SECAP) и Акционог плана за зелени град за Београд (GCAP)

Nenković-Riznić, Marina; Pucar, Mila; Simonović Alfirević, Sanja; Petrović, Snežana; Pantić, Marijana

(Niš : Udruženje urbanista Srbije, 2021)


Nenković-Riznić, M., Pucar, M., Simonović Alfirević, S., Petrović, S.,& Pantić, M.. (2021). Стратешкe процена утицаја (СПУ) Акционог планa за одрживе енергије и климу за Град Београд (SECAP) и Акционог плана за зелени град за Београд (GCAP). in 30th International Urban Planners' Exhibition Niš 8-1 3 November 2021
Niš : Udruženje urbanista Srbije., 08.05-08.05.
Nenković-Riznić M, Pucar M, Simonović Alfirević S, Petrović S, Pantić M. Стратешкe процена утицаја (СПУ) Акционог планa за одрживе енергије и климу за Град Београд (SECAP) и Акционог плана за зелени град за Београд (GCAP). in 30th International Urban Planners' Exhibition Niš 8-1 3 November 2021. 2021;:08.05-08.05.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raumplan_635 .
Nenković-Riznić, Marina, Pucar, Mila, Simonović Alfirević, Sanja, Petrović, Snežana, Pantić, Marijana, "Стратешкe процена утицаја (СПУ) Акционог планa за одрживе енергије и климу за Град Београд (SECAP) и Акционог плана за зелени град за Београд (GCAP)" in 30th International Urban Planners' Exhibition Niš 8-1 3 November 2021 (2021):08.05-08.05,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raumplan_635 .

Results of scientific research project „The spatial, environmental, energy and social aspects of developing settlements and climate change – mutual impacts“- facing the climate crisis, proposals and solutions in newer planning practice in Serbia

Pucar, Mila; Nenković-Riznić, Marina

(Belgrade : STRAND - Sustainable Urban Society Association, 2020)

AU  - Pucar, Mila
AU  - Nenković-Riznić, Marina
PY  - 2020
UR  - http://raumplan.iaus.ac.rs/handle/123456789/742
AB  - The scientific research project entitled „The Spatial, Environmental, Energy And Social Aspects of Developing Settlements And Climate Change – Mutual Impacts“, financed by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia in the period from 2011 to 2019, has gathered over 60 researchers from 6 scientific research institutes and faculties in Serbia. The Institute of Architecture and Urban & Spatial Planning of Serbia (IAUS) was a project coordinator. This paper shows the way of conducting the scientific research project and presents some of the results, but also the difficulties encountered by researchers over more than nine years of research work. 
In addition to the official scientific research papers published within this Project (in the international and national journals  and in the international and national congress proceedings), the results obtained in this Project have also found their direct implementation in drafting the planning documents in Serbia, as well as in the development of the specific web services/platforms for supporting the process  of  issuing the approvals on the environmental impact assessment studies and studies in the field related to the use of the solar power potential in urban areas. Added value of this scientific and wider community is the knowledge base established within the project with all relevant scientific and research contributions realized on the Project in the form of an online database that was and still is available to project participants and the entire scientific community in Serbia and worldwide.  This paper presents the successfully made projects that have had a scientific research foothold in this Project.
PB  - Belgrade : STRAND - Sustainable Urban Society Association
C3  - Book of Proceedings of 8th International Conference „On Architecture — Philosophy of Architecture’’ STRAND
T1  - Results of scientific research project „The spatial, environmental, energy and social aspects of developing settlements and climate change – mutual impacts“- facing the climate crisis, proposals and solutions in newer planning practice in Serbia
SP  - 210
EP  - 217
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raumplan_742
ER  - 
author = "Pucar, Mila and Nenković-Riznić, Marina",
year = "2020",
abstract = "The scientific research project entitled „The Spatial, Environmental, Energy And Social Aspects of Developing Settlements And Climate Change – Mutual Impacts“, financed by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia in the period from 2011 to 2019, has gathered over 60 researchers from 6 scientific research institutes and faculties in Serbia. The Institute of Architecture and Urban & Spatial Planning of Serbia (IAUS) was a project coordinator. This paper shows the way of conducting the scientific research project and presents some of the results, but also the difficulties encountered by researchers over more than nine years of research work. 
In addition to the official scientific research papers published within this Project (in the international and national journals  and in the international and national congress proceedings), the results obtained in this Project have also found their direct implementation in drafting the planning documents in Serbia, as well as in the development of the specific web services/platforms for supporting the process  of  issuing the approvals on the environmental impact assessment studies and studies in the field related to the use of the solar power potential in urban areas. Added value of this scientific and wider community is the knowledge base established within the project with all relevant scientific and research contributions realized on the Project in the form of an online database that was and still is available to project participants and the entire scientific community in Serbia and worldwide.  This paper presents the successfully made projects that have had a scientific research foothold in this Project.",
publisher = "Belgrade : STRAND - Sustainable Urban Society Association",
journal = "Book of Proceedings of 8th International Conference „On Architecture — Philosophy of Architecture’’ STRAND",
title = "Results of scientific research project „The spatial, environmental, energy and social aspects of developing settlements and climate change – mutual impacts“- facing the climate crisis, proposals and solutions in newer planning practice in Serbia",
pages = "210-217",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raumplan_742"
Pucar, M.,& Nenković-Riznić, M.. (2020). Results of scientific research project „The spatial, environmental, energy and social aspects of developing settlements and climate change – mutual impacts“- facing the climate crisis, proposals and solutions in newer planning practice in Serbia. in Book of Proceedings of 8th International Conference „On Architecture — Philosophy of Architecture’’ STRAND
Belgrade : STRAND - Sustainable Urban Society Association., 210-217.
Pucar M, Nenković-Riznić M. Results of scientific research project „The spatial, environmental, energy and social aspects of developing settlements and climate change – mutual impacts“- facing the climate crisis, proposals and solutions in newer planning practice in Serbia. in Book of Proceedings of 8th International Conference „On Architecture — Philosophy of Architecture’’ STRAND. 2020;:210-217.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raumplan_742 .
Pucar, Mila, Nenković-Riznić, Marina, "Results of scientific research project „The spatial, environmental, energy and social aspects of developing settlements and climate change – mutual impacts“- facing the climate crisis, proposals and solutions in newer planning practice in Serbia" in Book of Proceedings of 8th International Conference „On Architecture — Philosophy of Architecture’’ STRAND (2020):210-217,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raumplan_742 .

Hospitals` disaster resilience on the case of healthcare institutions of small capacity

Nenković-Riznić, Marina; Brankov, Borjan; Petrović, Snežana; Pucar, Mila

(Belgrade : IRASA- International Research Academy of Science and Art Belgrade, 2020)

AU  - Nenković-Riznić, Marina
AU  - Brankov, Borjan
AU  - Petrović, Snežana
AU  - Pucar, Mila
PY  - 2020
UR  - https://raumplan.iaus.ac.rs/handle/123456789/604
AB  - In case of disasters, caused by natural hazards or antrophogene factors, it is important to preserve the function of health institutions. The World Health Organization has developed the HSI (Hospital Safety Index) method that can categorize a healthcare facility in terms of disaster safety in a simple and relatively reliable way. If a healthcare facility has a smaller capacity (up to 20 beds) it can be assessed using a simplified method of HSI according to the recommendations of the World Health Organization. By assessing the list of elements according to the recommendations, the potential weaknesses of the facilities that can lead to security threats can be preliminarily identified. On that basis, emergency interventions could also be defined in order to increase the safety of the healthcare facility. Paper uses methods (the standard HSI method and the method applied to small-capacity hospitals) for assessing the resistance on the selected case of a low capacity healthcare facility in Belgrade.
PB  - Belgrade : IRASA- International Research Academy of Science and Art Belgrade
C3  - Book of Abstracts of IRASA Second International Scientific Conference Science, Education, Technology and Innovation - SETI II
T1  - Hospitals` disaster resilience on the case of healthcare institutions of small capacity
EP  - 75
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raumplan_604
ER  - 
author = "Nenković-Riznić, Marina and Brankov, Borjan and Petrović, Snežana and Pucar, Mila",
year = "2020",
abstract = "In case of disasters, caused by natural hazards or antrophogene factors, it is important to preserve the function of health institutions. The World Health Organization has developed the HSI (Hospital Safety Index) method that can categorize a healthcare facility in terms of disaster safety in a simple and relatively reliable way. If a healthcare facility has a smaller capacity (up to 20 beds) it can be assessed using a simplified method of HSI according to the recommendations of the World Health Organization. By assessing the list of elements according to the recommendations, the potential weaknesses of the facilities that can lead to security threats can be preliminarily identified. On that basis, emergency interventions could also be defined in order to increase the safety of the healthcare facility. Paper uses methods (the standard HSI method and the method applied to small-capacity hospitals) for assessing the resistance on the selected case of a low capacity healthcare facility in Belgrade.",
publisher = "Belgrade : IRASA- International Research Academy of Science and Art Belgrade",
journal = "Book of Abstracts of IRASA Second International Scientific Conference Science, Education, Technology and Innovation - SETI II",
title = "Hospitals` disaster resilience on the case of healthcare institutions of small capacity",
pages = "75",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raumplan_604"
Nenković-Riznić, M., Brankov, B., Petrović, S.,& Pucar, M.. (2020). Hospitals` disaster resilience on the case of healthcare institutions of small capacity. in Book of Abstracts of IRASA Second International Scientific Conference Science, Education, Technology and Innovation - SETI II
Belgrade : IRASA- International Research Academy of Science and Art Belgrade..
Nenković-Riznić M, Brankov B, Petrović S, Pucar M. Hospitals` disaster resilience on the case of healthcare institutions of small capacity. in Book of Abstracts of IRASA Second International Scientific Conference Science, Education, Technology and Innovation - SETI II. 2020;:null-75.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raumplan_604 .
Nenković-Riznić, Marina, Brankov, Borjan, Petrović, Snežana, Pucar, Mila, "Hospitals` disaster resilience on the case of healthcare institutions of small capacity" in Book of Abstracts of IRASA Second International Scientific Conference Science, Education, Technology and Innovation - SETI II (2020),
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raumplan_604 .

Residential space as changeable and resilient polygon for future living

Brankov, Borjan; Nenković-Riznić, Marina; Pucar, Mila

(Niš : Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture, University of Niš, 2020)

AU  - Brankov, Borjan
AU  - Nenković-Riznić, Marina
AU  - Pucar, Mila
PY  - 2020
UR  - https://raumplan.iaus.ac.rs/handle/123456789/580
AB  - Communities today are faced with increasingly dynamic changes in the city and especially in their residential parts. It is important to consider how much residential space and its residents have the capacity to accept or endure the different aspects of changes (climate, social, environmental, functional, etc.). Although almost all changes at the city level are focused on public service facilities and spaces, the residential segment of the city is another major function that must be adequately adapted to the change.
In this regard, the research focuses on observing changes and opportunities for achieving resilience in multi-family housing. The premise of the paper is that changes manifest and can be differently absorbed/mitigated at different spatial levels within the residential complex. The paper, through a case study of a selected urban block in Belgrade, presents an analysis of three spatial levels of resilience and transformational possibilities: (1) level of the building, (2) surrounding of the building, and (3) the residential block. The assumption of the paper is that different spatial levels are interdependent in terms of the possibility of transformation and adaptability to different types of changes. 
The analysis of thrеe spatial levels in the paper shows that the spatial organization and the qualities of Block 22 can be a good base for adapting to different changes. Combining different responses to change in those spatial levels paper will show how the community and the urban block can be more resilient and can contribute to the general resilience of the city.
PB  - Niš : Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture, University of Niš
C3  - Proceedings of Third International conference on urban planning – ICUP 2020
T1  - Residential space as changeable and resilient polygon for future living
SP  - 73
EP  - 79
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raumplan_580
ER  - 
author = "Brankov, Borjan and Nenković-Riznić, Marina and Pucar, Mila",
year = "2020",
abstract = "Communities today are faced with increasingly dynamic changes in the city and especially in their residential parts. It is important to consider how much residential space and its residents have the capacity to accept or endure the different aspects of changes (climate, social, environmental, functional, etc.). Although almost all changes at the city level are focused on public service facilities and spaces, the residential segment of the city is another major function that must be adequately adapted to the change.
In this regard, the research focuses on observing changes and opportunities for achieving resilience in multi-family housing. The premise of the paper is that changes manifest and can be differently absorbed/mitigated at different spatial levels within the residential complex. The paper, through a case study of a selected urban block in Belgrade, presents an analysis of three spatial levels of resilience and transformational possibilities: (1) level of the building, (2) surrounding of the building, and (3) the residential block. The assumption of the paper is that different spatial levels are interdependent in terms of the possibility of transformation and adaptability to different types of changes. 
The analysis of thrеe spatial levels in the paper shows that the spatial organization and the qualities of Block 22 can be a good base for adapting to different changes. Combining different responses to change in those spatial levels paper will show how the community and the urban block can be more resilient and can contribute to the general resilience of the city.",
publisher = "Niš : Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture, University of Niš",
journal = "Proceedings of Third International conference on urban planning – ICUP 2020",
title = "Residential space as changeable and resilient polygon for future living",
pages = "73-79",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raumplan_580"
Brankov, B., Nenković-Riznić, M.,& Pucar, M.. (2020). Residential space as changeable and resilient polygon for future living. in Proceedings of Third International conference on urban planning – ICUP 2020
Niš : Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture, University of Niš., 73-79.
Brankov B, Nenković-Riznić M, Pucar M. Residential space as changeable and resilient polygon for future living. in Proceedings of Third International conference on urban planning – ICUP 2020. 2020;:73-79.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raumplan_580 .
Brankov, Borjan, Nenković-Riznić, Marina, Pucar, Mila, "Residential space as changeable and resilient polygon for future living" in Proceedings of Third International conference on urban planning – ICUP 2020 (2020):73-79,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raumplan_580 .

The possibilities for implementation of photovoltaic solar panels in multi-family housing areas

Brankov, Borjan; Stanojević, Ana; Nenković-Riznić, Marina; Pucar, Mila

(Beograd : Savez mašinskih i elektrotehničkih inženjera i tehničara Srbije (SMEITS), 2020)

AU  - Brankov, Borjan
AU  - Stanojević, Ana
AU  - Nenković-Riznić, Marina
AU  - Pucar, Mila
PY  - 2020
UR  - https://raumplan.iaus.ac.rs/handle/123456789/579
AB  - Usled dinamičnije promene klime i porasta broja ljudi u gradovima obnovljivi izvori energije (OIE) sve više doprinose racionalnijem korišćenju energije. Imajući u vidu značaj koji upotreba OIE u stanovanju donosi u pogledu finansijske uštede i smanjenja emisije CO2, rad ispituje mogućnost upotrebe OIE u područjima višeporodičnog stanovanja sa aspekta sakupljanja i konverzije solarne energije odnosno implementacije fotovoltaičnih panela i generisanja električne energije. Kod višeporodičnog stanovanja, problem održivosti i primene OIE je složen zadatak, prvenstveno zbog postojećih načina korišćenja prostora i vlasništva koje je višeslojno, ali i postojanja potrebe za aktivnim uključenjem cele stambene zajednice u procesu donošenja odluka i pokretanja inicijativa. Istraživanje analizira prednosti i mane za postavljanje solarnih panela i to na krovovima i fasadama objekata, i u okviru zajedničkih otvorenih prostora u bloku, postavljanjem solarnih svetiljki, solarnog napajanja za električna vozila, solarnih punjača itd. Ispitivanje mogućnosti za korišćenje solarne energije sprovedeno je na primeru stambenog Bloka 29 na Novom Beogradu, urbanističkom analizom uz podršku odgovarajućih podataka o solarnoj radijaciji za analizirano područje i softvera Skelion i PVGIS-a za numeričku i grafičku ilustraciju količina energije koje je moguće dobiti postavljanjem fotonaponskih solarnih panela. Rad sagledava dva različita scenarija: kada se paneli instaliraju na krovovima stambenih objekata i kada se oni postavljaju na otvorenim prostorima, istovremeno analizirajući potencijale svakog od njih i preduslove za njihovu realizaciju u praksi. Dobijeni rezultati imaju za cilj da uporede kolicine elektricne energije dobijene proracunom za dva različita scenarija.
AB  - Due to the increasingly dynamic climate change and the increase in the number of people in cities, renewable energy sources (RES) are contributing to a more rational use of energy. Given the importance that the use of RES in housing directly brings in terms of financial savings and reduction of CO2 emissions, the paper examines the possibility of using RES in multi-family housing from the aspect of solar energy collection and conversion respectively implementation of photovoltaic panels and electricity generation. In multi-family housing, the problem of sustainability and implementation of RES is a complex task, primarily due to the existing ways of using space and ownership, which is multi-layered, but also the need for the active involvement of the entire housing community in decision-making and initiatives. The research analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of installing solar panels on the rooftops and facades of buildings, and within the common open spaces in the block, by installing solar lamps, solar power for electric vehicles, solar chargers, etc. The examination of the possibilities for using solar energy was conducted on the example of the residential Block 29 in New Belgrade, using urban analysis supported by appropriate data on solar radiation for the analyzed area and Skelion software for a numerical and graphical illustration of the amount of energy that can be obtained by installing photovoltaic solar panels. The paper considers two different scenarios: when panels are installed on the roofs of buildings and when they are installed in open spaces, analyzing the potential of each and the prerequisites for their implementation in practice. The results aim to compare the quantities of electricity obtained by calculation for two different scenarios.
PB  - Beograd : Savez mašinskih i elektrotehničkih inženjera i tehničara Srbije (SMEITS)
PB  - Beograd : Društvo za obnovljive izvore energije
C3  - Proceedings of 8th International Conference on Renewable Electrical Power Sources
T1  - The possibilities for implementation of photovoltaic solar panels in multi-family housing areas
SP  - 167
EP  - 175
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raumplan_579
ER  - 
author = "Brankov, Borjan and Stanojević, Ana and Nenković-Riznić, Marina and Pucar, Mila",
year = "2020",
abstract = "Usled dinamičnije promene klime i porasta broja ljudi u gradovima obnovljivi izvori energije (OIE) sve više doprinose racionalnijem korišćenju energije. Imajući u vidu značaj koji upotreba OIE u stanovanju donosi u pogledu finansijske uštede i smanjenja emisije CO2, rad ispituje mogućnost upotrebe OIE u područjima višeporodičnog stanovanja sa aspekta sakupljanja i konverzije solarne energije odnosno implementacije fotovoltaičnih panela i generisanja električne energije. Kod višeporodičnog stanovanja, problem održivosti i primene OIE je složen zadatak, prvenstveno zbog postojećih načina korišćenja prostora i vlasništva koje je višeslojno, ali i postojanja potrebe za aktivnim uključenjem cele stambene zajednice u procesu donošenja odluka i pokretanja inicijativa. Istraživanje analizira prednosti i mane za postavljanje solarnih panela i to na krovovima i fasadama objekata, i u okviru zajedničkih otvorenih prostora u bloku, postavljanjem solarnih svetiljki, solarnog napajanja za električna vozila, solarnih punjača itd. Ispitivanje mogućnosti za korišćenje solarne energije sprovedeno je na primeru stambenog Bloka 29 na Novom Beogradu, urbanističkom analizom uz podršku odgovarajućih podataka o solarnoj radijaciji za analizirano područje i softvera Skelion i PVGIS-a za numeričku i grafičku ilustraciju količina energije koje je moguće dobiti postavljanjem fotonaponskih solarnih panela. Rad sagledava dva različita scenarija: kada se paneli instaliraju na krovovima stambenih objekata i kada se oni postavljaju na otvorenim prostorima, istovremeno analizirajući potencijale svakog od njih i preduslove za njihovu realizaciju u praksi. Dobijeni rezultati imaju za cilj da uporede kolicine elektricne energije dobijene proracunom za dva različita scenarija., Due to the increasingly dynamic climate change and the increase in the number of people in cities, renewable energy sources (RES) are contributing to a more rational use of energy. Given the importance that the use of RES in housing directly brings in terms of financial savings and reduction of CO2 emissions, the paper examines the possibility of using RES in multi-family housing from the aspect of solar energy collection and conversion respectively implementation of photovoltaic panels and electricity generation. In multi-family housing, the problem of sustainability and implementation of RES is a complex task, primarily due to the existing ways of using space and ownership, which is multi-layered, but also the need for the active involvement of the entire housing community in decision-making and initiatives. The research analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of installing solar panels on the rooftops and facades of buildings, and within the common open spaces in the block, by installing solar lamps, solar power for electric vehicles, solar chargers, etc. The examination of the possibilities for using solar energy was conducted on the example of the residential Block 29 in New Belgrade, using urban analysis supported by appropriate data on solar radiation for the analyzed area and Skelion software for a numerical and graphical illustration of the amount of energy that can be obtained by installing photovoltaic solar panels. The paper considers two different scenarios: when panels are installed on the roofs of buildings and when they are installed in open spaces, analyzing the potential of each and the prerequisites for their implementation in practice. The results aim to compare the quantities of electricity obtained by calculation for two different scenarios.",
publisher = "Beograd : Savez mašinskih i elektrotehničkih inženjera i tehničara Srbije (SMEITS), Beograd : Društvo za obnovljive izvore energije",
journal = "Proceedings of 8th International Conference on Renewable Electrical Power Sources",
title = "The possibilities for implementation of photovoltaic solar panels in multi-family housing areas",
pages = "167-175",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raumplan_579"
Brankov, B., Stanojević, A., Nenković-Riznić, M.,& Pucar, M.. (2020). The possibilities for implementation of photovoltaic solar panels in multi-family housing areas. in Proceedings of 8th International Conference on Renewable Electrical Power Sources
Beograd : Savez mašinskih i elektrotehničkih inženjera i tehničara Srbije (SMEITS)., 167-175.
Brankov B, Stanojević A, Nenković-Riznić M, Pucar M. The possibilities for implementation of photovoltaic solar panels in multi-family housing areas. in Proceedings of 8th International Conference on Renewable Electrical Power Sources. 2020;:167-175.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raumplan_579 .
Brankov, Borjan, Stanojević, Ana, Nenković-Riznić, Marina, Pucar, Mila, "The possibilities for implementation of photovoltaic solar panels in multi-family housing areas" in Proceedings of 8th International Conference on Renewable Electrical Power Sources (2020):167-175,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raumplan_579 .

Establishing hospitals` disaster resilience on the case of healthcare institutions of small capacity

Nenković-Riznić, Marina; Brankov, Borjan; Pucar, Mila; Petrović, Snežana

(Belgrade : IRASA / International Research Academy of Science and Art, 2020)

AU  - Nenković-Riznić, Marina
AU  - Brankov, Borjan
AU  - Pucar, Mila
AU  - Petrović, Snežana
PY  - 2020
UR  - https://raumplan.iaus.ac.rs/handle/123456789/567
AB  - In case of disasters, caused by natural hazards or antrophogene factors, it is important to preserve the function of health institutions. The World Health Organization has developed the HSI (Hospital Safety Index) method that can categorize a healthcare facility in terms of disaster safety in a simple and relatively reliable way. If a healthcare facility has a smaller capacity (up to 20 beds) it can be assessed using a simplified method of HSI according to the recommendations of the World Health Organization. By assessing the list of elements according to the recommendations, the potential weaknesses of the facilities that can lead to security threats can be preliminarily identified. On that basis, emergency interventions could also be defined in order to increase the safety of the healthcare facility. Paper uses methods (the standard HSI method and the method applied to small-capacity hospitals) for assessing the resistance on the selected case of a low capacity healthcare facility in Belgrade.
PB  - Belgrade : IRASA / International Research Academy of Science and Art
C3  - Science, Education, Technology and Innovation/SETI II 2020 Book of Proceedings
T1  - Establishing hospitals` disaster resilience on the case of healthcare institutions of small capacity
SP  - 483
EP  - 491
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raumplan_567
ER  - 
author = "Nenković-Riznić, Marina and Brankov, Borjan and Pucar, Mila and Petrović, Snežana",
year = "2020",
abstract = "In case of disasters, caused by natural hazards or antrophogene factors, it is important to preserve the function of health institutions. The World Health Organization has developed the HSI (Hospital Safety Index) method that can categorize a healthcare facility in terms of disaster safety in a simple and relatively reliable way. If a healthcare facility has a smaller capacity (up to 20 beds) it can be assessed using a simplified method of HSI according to the recommendations of the World Health Organization. By assessing the list of elements according to the recommendations, the potential weaknesses of the facilities that can lead to security threats can be preliminarily identified. On that basis, emergency interventions could also be defined in order to increase the safety of the healthcare facility. Paper uses methods (the standard HSI method and the method applied to small-capacity hospitals) for assessing the resistance on the selected case of a low capacity healthcare facility in Belgrade.",
publisher = "Belgrade : IRASA / International Research Academy of Science and Art",
journal = "Science, Education, Technology and Innovation/SETI II 2020 Book of Proceedings",
title = "Establishing hospitals` disaster resilience on the case of healthcare institutions of small capacity",
pages = "483-491",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raumplan_567"
Nenković-Riznić, M., Brankov, B., Pucar, M.,& Petrović, S.. (2020). Establishing hospitals` disaster resilience on the case of healthcare institutions of small capacity. in Science, Education, Technology and Innovation/SETI II 2020 Book of Proceedings
Belgrade : IRASA / International Research Academy of Science and Art., 483-491.
Nenković-Riznić M, Brankov B, Pucar M, Petrović S. Establishing hospitals` disaster resilience on the case of healthcare institutions of small capacity. in Science, Education, Technology and Innovation/SETI II 2020 Book of Proceedings. 2020;:483-491.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raumplan_567 .
Nenković-Riznić, Marina, Brankov, Borjan, Pucar, Mila, Petrović, Snežana, "Establishing hospitals` disaster resilience on the case of healthcare institutions of small capacity" in Science, Education, Technology and Innovation/SETI II 2020 Book of Proceedings (2020):483-491,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raumplan_567 .

Rehabilitation of Brownfield Sites Declared as a Cultural Heritage: Opportunities and Challenges. Case Study: Sugar Factory in Belgrade

Dimitrijević Marković, Svetlana; Simonović Alfirević, Sanja; Pucar, Mila; Petrović, Snežana

(Tirana : Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism (FAU) - Polytechnic University of Tirana (PUT), 2019)

AU  - Dimitrijević Marković, Svetlana
AU  - Simonović Alfirević, Sanja
AU  - Pucar, Mila
AU  - Petrović, Snežana
PY  - 2019
UR  - http://raumplan.iaus.ac.rs/handle/123456789/686
AB  - Rehabilitation of abandoned industrial heritage sites can be a special opportunity, challenge and a driver of new possibilities for city development.
Numerous examples of conservation, restoration and re purposing of such locations that have been implemented so far, demonstrate significant development potentials, that have influenced the culture, education, environmental, social and economic aspects of the development of the respective area. A case study in this paper is the Sugar Factory in Belgrade, which was declared as a cultural monument. The factory site is a unique industrial and urban area, located in the spatial, cultural and historic ensemble of outstanding value “Topčider”. The Sugar
Factory is a monument of industrial development of the country and urban
evelopment of Belgrade and one of the few preserved factory sites of the late 19th century. The oldest buildings in the area are also architecturally the most valuable. Common to all buildings in the area is vulnerability due to inadequate use, non-maintenance, neglect and decay. To preserve the inherited monument values and popularize the rehabilitation of industrial architecture, it is necessary to improve and recover the Sugar Factory, with the affirmation of the architectural and urban values of the area and its historical features. Starting from the premise that this cultural heritage should be treated as a unique architectural and urban site which, with adequate conversion and reconstruction, can earn a significant place in the tourist offer and cultural life of the city, the paper will consider the negative effects that result from withholding the current situation as well as problems to refurbish this site as a whole.
PB  - Tirana : Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism (FAU) - Polytechnic University of Tirana (PUT)
C3  - Abstract Proceedings Book from IFAU19 - 3rd International Forum for Architecture and Urbanism - Modernisation and Globalization Challenges and opportunities in architecture, urbanism, cultural heritage
T1  - Rehabilitation of Brownfield Sites Declared as a Cultural Heritage: Opportunities and Challenges. Case Study: Sugar Factory in Belgrade
SP  - 130
EP  - 130
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raumplan_686
ER  - 
author = "Dimitrijević Marković, Svetlana and Simonović Alfirević, Sanja and Pucar, Mila and Petrović, Snežana",
year = "2019",
abstract = "Rehabilitation of abandoned industrial heritage sites can be a special opportunity, challenge and a driver of new possibilities for city development.
Numerous examples of conservation, restoration and re purposing of such locations that have been implemented so far, demonstrate significant development potentials, that have influenced the culture, education, environmental, social and economic aspects of the development of the respective area. A case study in this paper is the Sugar Factory in Belgrade, which was declared as a cultural monument. The factory site is a unique industrial and urban area, located in the spatial, cultural and historic ensemble of outstanding value “Topčider”. The Sugar
Factory is a monument of industrial development of the country and urban
evelopment of Belgrade and one of the few preserved factory sites of the late 19th century. The oldest buildings in the area are also architecturally the most valuable. Common to all buildings in the area is vulnerability due to inadequate use, non-maintenance, neglect and decay. To preserve the inherited monument values and popularize the rehabilitation of industrial architecture, it is necessary to improve and recover the Sugar Factory, with the affirmation of the architectural and urban values of the area and its historical features. Starting from the premise that this cultural heritage should be treated as a unique architectural and urban site which, with adequate conversion and reconstruction, can earn a significant place in the tourist offer and cultural life of the city, the paper will consider the negative effects that result from withholding the current situation as well as problems to refurbish this site as a whole.",
publisher = "Tirana : Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism (FAU) - Polytechnic University of Tirana (PUT)",
journal = "Abstract Proceedings Book from IFAU19 - 3rd International Forum for Architecture and Urbanism - Modernisation and Globalization Challenges and opportunities in architecture, urbanism, cultural heritage",
title = "Rehabilitation of Brownfield Sites Declared as a Cultural Heritage: Opportunities and Challenges. Case Study: Sugar Factory in Belgrade",
pages = "130-130",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raumplan_686"
Dimitrijević Marković, S., Simonović Alfirević, S., Pucar, M.,& Petrović, S.. (2019). Rehabilitation of Brownfield Sites Declared as a Cultural Heritage: Opportunities and Challenges. Case Study: Sugar Factory in Belgrade. in Abstract Proceedings Book from IFAU19 - 3rd International Forum for Architecture and Urbanism - Modernisation and Globalization Challenges and opportunities in architecture, urbanism, cultural heritage
Tirana : Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism (FAU) - Polytechnic University of Tirana (PUT)., 130-130.
Dimitrijević Marković S, Simonović Alfirević S, Pucar M, Petrović S. Rehabilitation of Brownfield Sites Declared as a Cultural Heritage: Opportunities and Challenges. Case Study: Sugar Factory in Belgrade. in Abstract Proceedings Book from IFAU19 - 3rd International Forum for Architecture and Urbanism - Modernisation and Globalization Challenges and opportunities in architecture, urbanism, cultural heritage. 2019;:130-130.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raumplan_686 .
Dimitrijević Marković, Svetlana, Simonović Alfirević, Sanja, Pucar, Mila, Petrović, Snežana, "Rehabilitation of Brownfield Sites Declared as a Cultural Heritage: Opportunities and Challenges. Case Study: Sugar Factory in Belgrade" in Abstract Proceedings Book from IFAU19 - 3rd International Forum for Architecture and Urbanism - Modernisation and Globalization Challenges and opportunities in architecture, urbanism, cultural heritage (2019):130-130,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raumplan_686 .

Uloga urbanih sistema kao dela infrastrukture u smanjenju posledica klimatskih promena u gradovima

Brankov, Borjan; Nenković-Riznić, Marina; Pucar, Mila


AU  - Brankov, Borjan
AU  - Nenković-Riznić, Marina
AU  - Pucar, Mila
PY  - 2019
UR  - http://raumplan.iaus.ac.rs/handle/123456789/648
AB  - Klimatske promene utiču na razvoj novih koncepata planiranja urbanih sistema, infrastrukture, projektovanje zgrada i instalacionih sistema u zgradama, koji podrazumevaju i primenu novih tehnologija. Optimizovanjem najnovijih planerskih, projektantskih i tehničko-tehnoloških znanja i iskustava teži se smanjenju uticaja klimatskih promena i poboljšanju komfora unutar objekata, ali i u otvorenim/javnim prostorima u gradu.
S tim u vezi, ovaj rad istražuje moguće uticaje klimatskih promena na gradsku sredinu. Rad se ne bavi pojedinačnim zgradama, već istražuje ulogu urbanih sistema i infrastructure grada u pružanju odgovora na klimatske promene. Analizirano je nekoliko odabranih, značajnih dokumenata usvojenih na globalnom, nacionalnom i lokalnom nivou, vršena su poređenja i diskutovani rezultati koji se odnose na istraživanje urbanih sistema kao integralnog dela infrastrukture.
AB  - Climate change is affecting the development of new concepts of planning urban systems, infrastructure, building design and installation systems in buildings, which also implies the application of new technologies. By optimizing the latest planning, design and technicaltechnological know-how, intention is to reduce the impact of climate change and improve comfort within buildings, as well as in open/public spaces in the city. Regarding this, the paper researches the possible impacts of climate change on the urban environment. This research does not address individual buildings, but rather explores the role of urban systems and infrastructure of the city as part of response to climate change. Focusing on urban systems as an integral part of infrastructure this paper analyzed several significant documents adopted at the global, national and local levels.
C3  - Zbornik radova Sedmi nacionalni naučno - stručni skup sa međunarodnim učešćem Instalacije & arhitektura 2019
T1  - Uloga urbanih sistema kao dela infrastrukture u smanjenju posledica klimatskih promena u gradovima
T1  - Role of urban systems as part of infrastructure in reduction of climate change effects in the cities
SP  - 9
EP  - 17
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raumplan_648
ER  - 
author = "Brankov, Borjan and Nenković-Riznić, Marina and Pucar, Mila",
year = "2019",
abstract = "Klimatske promene utiču na razvoj novih koncepata planiranja urbanih sistema, infrastrukture, projektovanje zgrada i instalacionih sistema u zgradama, koji podrazumevaju i primenu novih tehnologija. Optimizovanjem najnovijih planerskih, projektantskih i tehničko-tehnoloških znanja i iskustava teži se smanjenju uticaja klimatskih promena i poboljšanju komfora unutar objekata, ali i u otvorenim/javnim prostorima u gradu.
S tim u vezi, ovaj rad istražuje moguće uticaje klimatskih promena na gradsku sredinu. Rad se ne bavi pojedinačnim zgradama, već istražuje ulogu urbanih sistema i infrastructure grada u pružanju odgovora na klimatske promene. Analizirano je nekoliko odabranih, značajnih dokumenata usvojenih na globalnom, nacionalnom i lokalnom nivou, vršena su poređenja i diskutovani rezultati koji se odnose na istraživanje urbanih sistema kao integralnog dela infrastrukture., Climate change is affecting the development of new concepts of planning urban systems, infrastructure, building design and installation systems in buildings, which also implies the application of new technologies. By optimizing the latest planning, design and technicaltechnological know-how, intention is to reduce the impact of climate change and improve comfort within buildings, as well as in open/public spaces in the city. Regarding this, the paper researches the possible impacts of climate change on the urban environment. This research does not address individual buildings, but rather explores the role of urban systems and infrastructure of the city as part of response to climate change. Focusing on urban systems as an integral part of infrastructure this paper analyzed several significant documents adopted at the global, national and local levels.",
journal = "Zbornik radova Sedmi nacionalni naučno - stručni skup sa međunarodnim učešćem Instalacije & arhitektura 2019",
title = "Uloga urbanih sistema kao dela infrastrukture u smanjenju posledica klimatskih promena u gradovima, Role of urban systems as part of infrastructure in reduction of climate change effects in the cities",
pages = "9-17",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raumplan_648"
Brankov, B., Nenković-Riznić, M.,& Pucar, M.. (2019). Uloga urbanih sistema kao dela infrastrukture u smanjenju posledica klimatskih promena u gradovima. in Zbornik radova Sedmi nacionalni naučno - stručni skup sa međunarodnim učešćem Instalacije & arhitektura 2019, 9-17.
Brankov B, Nenković-Riznić M, Pucar M. Uloga urbanih sistema kao dela infrastrukture u smanjenju posledica klimatskih promena u gradovima. in Zbornik radova Sedmi nacionalni naučno - stručni skup sa međunarodnim učešćem Instalacije & arhitektura 2019. 2019;:9-17.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raumplan_648 .
Brankov, Borjan, Nenković-Riznić, Marina, Pucar, Mila, "Uloga urbanih sistema kao dela infrastrukture u smanjenju posledica klimatskih promena u gradovima" in Zbornik radova Sedmi nacionalni naučno - stručni skup sa međunarodnim učešćem Instalacije & arhitektura 2019 (2019):9-17,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raumplan_648 .

Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) on Spatial Plans for the Special Purpose Areas- Problems, Conflicts and Their Relativization

Nenković-Riznić, Marina; Brankov, Borjan; Pucar, Mila

(Belgrade : Association of Chemists and Chemical Engineers of Serbia (UHTS), 2019)

AU  - Nenković-Riznić, Marina
AU  - Brankov, Borjan
AU  - Pucar, Mila
PY  - 2019
UR  - https://raumplan.iaus.ac.rs/handle/123456789/537
AB  - U svim evropskim zemljama poslednjih decenija prisutna je tendencija ka definisanju integralnog sistema planiranja, koji pored standardnog planerskog instrumentarijuma posebnu pažnju poklanja aspektu zaštite životne sredine i kvalitetu života stanovnika. Planiranje zaštite životne sredine u strateškom planiranju (prostornom, regionalnom i urbanističkom) predstavlja jedan od instrumenata za dostizanje održivog razvoja teritorija različitih namena. Implementacija holističkog pristupa i koordinacije između prostornog, sektorskog i planiranja zaštite životne sredine je od najvećeg značaja za integralno planiranje održivog teritorijalnog razvoja. Potreba za uključivanjem envajronmentalnih pitanja u strateške dokumente ukazala se usled neophodnosti usaglašavanja ekoloških i razvojnih interesa na nekoj teritoriji. Različite intervencije u prostoru pokazuju negativne implikacije manjeg ili većeg intenziteta po pojedine parametre zaštite životne sredine. Navedeni efekti uslovili su obavezu da se u postupak pripreme i usvajanja planova i programa integrišu i osnovna načela zaštite životne sredine, kao i definišu mere za neutralizaciju ili smanjenje negativnih efekata (koje planska rešenja mogu izazvati na nekoj teritoriji) ili potencijalnih konflikata u realizaciji aktivnosti. S obzirom na činjenicu da je planiranje proces koji se istovremeno odvija na više hijerarhijskih nivoa, neophodna je ne samo vertikalna, već i horizontalna harmonizacija planskih rešenja i mera zaštite životne sredine. Stoga, planski proces zahteva istovremeno (paralelno) formiranje strateških smernica za neku teritoriju i proveru tih smernica kroz instrumente vrednovanja kvaliteta zaštite životne sredine. Kroz rad će biti data moguća rešewa za relativizaciju konflikata koji se mogu javiti na relaciji zaštite životne sredine i prostornog razvoja. Kroz prezentaciju nekoliko SPU za različita područja posebne namene, rad će ukazati na različite pristupe za relativizaciju konflikata u prostoru.
AB  - In all European countries in the last decades, there is a tendency towards the definition of an integral planning system, which, in addition to the standard planning instrument, pays special attention to the aspect of environmental protection and the quality of life of the inhabitants. Environmental protection planning in strategic planning (spatial, regional and urban) is one of the instruments for achieving sustainable development of territories of different purposes. The implementation of a holistic approach and
coordination between spatial, sectoral and environmental planning is of utmost importance for integral planning of sustainable territorial development. The need to include the environmental issues in the strategic documents was indicated by the necessity of harmonizing ecological and development interests in a certain territory. Different interventions in the space show negative implications of lower or higher
intensity according to individual environmental parameters. These effects have caused the obligation to integrate the basic principles of environmental and life-quality protection in the process of preparation and adoption of plans and programs, as well as need to define measures for neutralization or reduction of negative effects or potential conflicts in the realization of activities. Considering the fact that planning is a process that is simultaneously taking place at several hierarchical levels, it is necessary to achieve not only vertical, but also horizontal harmonization of planned solutions and environmental protection measures. Therefore, the planning process requires the simultaneous (parallel) formation of strategic guidelines for a territory and the verification of these guidelines through instruments for evaluating the quality of environmental protection. The paper will provide some of the potential solution for the relativization of the conflicts that can appear between environmental protection on one side, and spatial development on other side. Through presentation of several SEA conducted for different special purpose area, paper will show different approaches in relativization of the conflicts.
PB  - Belgrade : Association of Chemists and Chemical Engineers of Serbia (UHTS)
C3  - International scientific conference: Environmental impact of illegal construction, poor planning and design IMPEDE 2019 - Conference Proceedings
T1  - Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) on Spatial Plans for the Special Purpose Areas- Problems, Conflicts and Their Relativization
T1  - Strateške procene uticaja na životnu sredinu (SPU) u prostornim planovima područja posebne namene-problemi, konflikti i njihova  relativizacija
SP  - 449
EP  - 459
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raumplan_537
ER  - 
author = "Nenković-Riznić, Marina and Brankov, Borjan and Pucar, Mila",
year = "2019",
abstract = "U svim evropskim zemljama poslednjih decenija prisutna je tendencija ka definisanju integralnog sistema planiranja, koji pored standardnog planerskog instrumentarijuma posebnu pažnju poklanja aspektu zaštite životne sredine i kvalitetu života stanovnika. Planiranje zaštite životne sredine u strateškom planiranju (prostornom, regionalnom i urbanističkom) predstavlja jedan od instrumenata za dostizanje održivog razvoja teritorija različitih namena. Implementacija holističkog pristupa i koordinacije između prostornog, sektorskog i planiranja zaštite životne sredine je od najvećeg značaja za integralno planiranje održivog teritorijalnog razvoja. Potreba za uključivanjem envajronmentalnih pitanja u strateške dokumente ukazala se usled neophodnosti usaglašavanja ekoloških i razvojnih interesa na nekoj teritoriji. Različite intervencije u prostoru pokazuju negativne implikacije manjeg ili većeg intenziteta po pojedine parametre zaštite životne sredine. Navedeni efekti uslovili su obavezu da se u postupak pripreme i usvajanja planova i programa integrišu i osnovna načela zaštite životne sredine, kao i definišu mere za neutralizaciju ili smanjenje negativnih efekata (koje planska rešenja mogu izazvati na nekoj teritoriji) ili potencijalnih konflikata u realizaciji aktivnosti. S obzirom na činjenicu da je planiranje proces koji se istovremeno odvija na više hijerarhijskih nivoa, neophodna je ne samo vertikalna, već i horizontalna harmonizacija planskih rešenja i mera zaštite životne sredine. Stoga, planski proces zahteva istovremeno (paralelno) formiranje strateških smernica za neku teritoriju i proveru tih smernica kroz instrumente vrednovanja kvaliteta zaštite životne sredine. Kroz rad će biti data moguća rešewa za relativizaciju konflikata koji se mogu javiti na relaciji zaštite životne sredine i prostornog razvoja. Kroz prezentaciju nekoliko SPU za različita područja posebne namene, rad će ukazati na različite pristupe za relativizaciju konflikata u prostoru., In all European countries in the last decades, there is a tendency towards the definition of an integral planning system, which, in addition to the standard planning instrument, pays special attention to the aspect of environmental protection and the quality of life of the inhabitants. Environmental protection planning in strategic planning (spatial, regional and urban) is one of the instruments for achieving sustainable development of territories of different purposes. The implementation of a holistic approach and
coordination between spatial, sectoral and environmental planning is of utmost importance for integral planning of sustainable territorial development. The need to include the environmental issues in the strategic documents was indicated by the necessity of harmonizing ecological and development interests in a certain territory. Different interventions in the space show negative implications of lower or higher
intensity according to individual environmental parameters. These effects have caused the obligation to integrate the basic principles of environmental and life-quality protection in the process of preparation and adoption of plans and programs, as well as need to define measures for neutralization or reduction of negative effects or potential conflicts in the realization of activities. Considering the fact that planning is a process that is simultaneously taking place at several hierarchical levels, it is necessary to achieve not only vertical, but also horizontal harmonization of planned solutions and environmental protection measures. Therefore, the planning process requires the simultaneous (parallel) formation of strategic guidelines for a territory and the verification of these guidelines through instruments for evaluating the quality of environmental protection. The paper will provide some of the potential solution for the relativization of the conflicts that can appear between environmental protection on one side, and spatial development on other side. Through presentation of several SEA conducted for different special purpose area, paper will show different approaches in relativization of the conflicts.",
publisher = "Belgrade : Association of Chemists and Chemical Engineers of Serbia (UHTS)",
journal = "International scientific conference: Environmental impact of illegal construction, poor planning and design IMPEDE 2019 - Conference Proceedings",
title = "Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) on Spatial Plans for the Special Purpose Areas- Problems, Conflicts and Their Relativization, Strateške procene uticaja na životnu sredinu (SPU) u prostornim planovima područja posebne namene-problemi, konflikti i njihova  relativizacija",
pages = "449-459",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raumplan_537"
Nenković-Riznić, M., Brankov, B.,& Pucar, M.. (2019). Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) on Spatial Plans for the Special Purpose Areas- Problems, Conflicts and Their Relativization. in International scientific conference: Environmental impact of illegal construction, poor planning and design IMPEDE 2019 - Conference Proceedings
Belgrade : Association of Chemists and Chemical Engineers of Serbia (UHTS)., 449-459.
Nenković-Riznić M, Brankov B, Pucar M. Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) on Spatial Plans for the Special Purpose Areas- Problems, Conflicts and Their Relativization. in International scientific conference: Environmental impact of illegal construction, poor planning and design IMPEDE 2019 - Conference Proceedings. 2019;:449-459.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raumplan_537 .
Nenković-Riznić, Marina, Brankov, Borjan, Pucar, Mila, "Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) on Spatial Plans for the Special Purpose Areas- Problems, Conflicts and Their Relativization" in International scientific conference: Environmental impact of illegal construction, poor planning and design IMPEDE 2019 - Conference Proceedings (2019):449-459,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raumplan_537 .

Safety standards of educational institutions − Case study of the High school in Belgrade

Brankov, Borjan; Nenković-Riznić, Marina; Pucar, Mila

(Belgrade : IRASA - International Research Academy of Science and Art, 2019)

AU  - Brankov, Borjan
AU  - Nenković-Riznić, Marina
AU  - Pucar, Mila
PY  - 2019
UR  - https://raumplan.iaus.ac.rs/handle/123456789/536
AB  - Based on the previously adopted strategies and laws on international and national, Serbia is approaching to the implementation of standards on the risk reduction and control of the climate change on the acceptable level. The cities could be considered   place with strong vulnerability, so the special attention must be provided in ensuring the resiliency of social infrastructure. Educational institutions are part of the  secondary level of social protection in cities whose operation is necessary in terms of natural disasters.
The paper will present the methodology in the area of risk management and assessment of educational institutions on the case study of High school in Belgrade and answer the  questions - how the functionality of the facility can be obtained/improved, based on the improvement of the safety standards and how the standards could incorporate parameters that could be recognizable in the existing building overview and use?
PB  - Belgrade : IRASA - International Research Academy of Science and Art
C3  - IRASA - international scientific conferece; Science, education, technology and innovation - SETI 1
T1  - Safety standards of educational institutions − Case study of the High school in Belgrade
SP  - 377
EP  - 384
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raumplan_536
ER  - 
author = "Brankov, Borjan and Nenković-Riznić, Marina and Pucar, Mila",
year = "2019",
abstract = "Based on the previously adopted strategies and laws on international and national, Serbia is approaching to the implementation of standards on the risk reduction and control of the climate change on the acceptable level. The cities could be considered   place with strong vulnerability, so the special attention must be provided in ensuring the resiliency of social infrastructure. Educational institutions are part of the  secondary level of social protection in cities whose operation is necessary in terms of natural disasters.
The paper will present the methodology in the area of risk management and assessment of educational institutions on the case study of High school in Belgrade and answer the  questions - how the functionality of the facility can be obtained/improved, based on the improvement of the safety standards and how the standards could incorporate parameters that could be recognizable in the existing building overview and use?",
publisher = "Belgrade : IRASA - International Research Academy of Science and Art",
journal = "IRASA - international scientific conferece; Science, education, technology and innovation - SETI 1",
title = "Safety standards of educational institutions − Case study of the High school in Belgrade",
pages = "377-384",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raumplan_536"
Brankov, B., Nenković-Riznić, M.,& Pucar, M.. (2019). Safety standards of educational institutions − Case study of the High school in Belgrade. in IRASA - international scientific conferece; Science, education, technology and innovation - SETI 1
Belgrade : IRASA - International Research Academy of Science and Art., 377-384.
Brankov B, Nenković-Riznić M, Pucar M. Safety standards of educational institutions − Case study of the High school in Belgrade. in IRASA - international scientific conferece; Science, education, technology and innovation - SETI 1. 2019;:377-384.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raumplan_536 .
Brankov, Borjan, Nenković-Riznić, Marina, Pucar, Mila, "Safety standards of educational institutions − Case study of the High school in Belgrade" in IRASA - international scientific conferece; Science, education, technology and innovation - SETI 1 (2019):377-384,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raumplan_536 .