Simonović Alfirević, Sanja

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Authority KeyName Variants
  • Simonović Alfirević, Sanja (56)
  • Симоновић Алфиревић, Сања (19)
  • Simonović, Sanja (15)

Author's Bibliography

Урбанистички пројекат за реконструкцију, доградњу и адаптацију и формирање грађевинске парцеле (од делова к.п. 2311/1, 2312/1 и 2312/3 све КО Вождовац) објекта јавне намене, Основне школе „Карађорђе“ у Улици Јове Илића бр. 2 у Београду

Манић, Божидар; Симоновић Алфиревић, Сања; Његић, Тања; Црнчевић, Тијана; Николић, Сања

(Удружење урбаниста Србије, 2023)


Манић, Б., Симоновић Алфиревић, С., Његић, Т., Црнчевић, Т.,& Николић, С.. (2023). Урбанистички пројекат за реконструкцију, доградњу и адаптацију и формирање грађевинске парцеле (од делова к.п. 2311/1, 2312/1 и 2312/3 све КО  Вождовац) објекта јавне намене, Основне школе „Карађорђе“ у Улици Јове Илића бр. 2 у Београду. in Kаталог изложбе: 32. Међународни салон Урбанизма 2023, Ниш
Удружење урбаниста Србије., 105-105.
Манић Б, Симоновић Алфиревић С, Његић Т, Црнчевић Т, Николић С. Урбанистички пројекат за реконструкцију, доградњу и адаптацију и формирање грађевинске парцеле (од делова к.п. 2311/1, 2312/1 и 2312/3 све КО  Вождовац) објекта јавне намене, Основне школе „Карађорђе“ у Улици Јове Илића бр. 2 у Београду. in Kаталог изложбе: 32. Међународни салон Урбанизма 2023, Ниш. 2023;:105-105. .
Манић, Божидар, Симоновић Алфиревић, Сања, Његић, Тања, Црнчевић, Тијана, Николић, Сања, "Урбанистички пројекат за реконструкцију, доградњу и адаптацију и формирање грађевинске парцеле (од делова к.п. 2311/1, 2312/1 и 2312/3 све КО  Вождовац) објекта јавне намене, Основне школе „Карађорђе“ у Улици Јове Илића бр. 2 у Београду" in Kаталог изложбе: 32. Међународни салон Урбанизма 2023, Ниш (2023):105-105, .

Принципи конфигурације стамбеног простора

Алфиревић, Ђорђе; Симоновић Алфиревић, Сања

(Београд : Институт за архитектуру и урбанизам Србије, 2023)

AU  - Алфиревић, Ђорђе
AU  - Симоновић Алфиревић, Сања
PY  - 2023
UR  -
AB  - Становање као једна од најкомплекснијих пројектантских тема је побуђивало пажњу бројних истраживача вековима уназад. Међутим, и поред великог броја научних радова у овој области, књиге о становању, а пре свега организацији стамбеног простора су из данашње позиције посматрања доста ретке. Основни разлог за овакву ситуацију је чињеница да се архитекти у професионалном смислу остварују пре свега кроз пројектантску активност и да су не толико чести ствараоци који се поред пројектовања баве теоријским и истраживачким радом. Желећи да објединимо искуства, покушали смо да запажања о којима смо размишљали у пројектима, додатно истражимо, забележимо и публикујемо.
Идеја за приређивање ове књиге настала је као резултат вишегодишњег пројектантског рада и истраживања у области стамбене архитектуре. Материјал који је презентован у књизи чини сублимацију теоријских и историографских тема којима смо се као истраживачи до сада бавили, желећи да проникнемо у суштину различитих концепата који се примењују у пројектовању стамбених простора. Многи од наведених принципа су у употреби и у другим пољима архитектуре, у пројектовању јавних, сакралних и других објеката, те с тим у вези сматрамо да садржај ове књиге може да има ширу примену и да буде користан већем броју читалаца, студената, истраживача и пројектаната, који се интересују за архитектонску теорију и праксу. 
Књига је подељена у неколико поглавља, у којима су распоређене тематске јединице о функционалним, структуралним, организационим и перцептивним принципима, за које сматрамо да творе феномен конфигурације стамбеног простора. Термин „конфигурација простора” видимо као термин вишег реда, који обухвата претходно поменуте појмове и који чини базу за разумевање сложености и слојевитости стамбене архитектуре. У монографији нису обухваћени апсолутно сви пројектански принципи који су присутни у архитектонској професији, што нам и није била намера, већ смо желели да укажемо на њихову хијерархију и релације, као и да их до извесне границе систематизујемо и појаснимо оне за које мислимо да су карактеристични и најчешће у примени. Књигу је могуће читати и садржину пратити редом који је предложен у књизи, док се пажња може фокусирати и на поједине тематске јединице које су интересантне читаоцу.
Несумњиво је на тематски оквир ове монографије утицало наше дугогодишње блиско познанство са истакнутим српским пројектантом и истраживачем стамбене архитектуре - др Михаилом Чанком (1932-2014), кога смо дуго година познавали и са којим смо у разговорима које смо водили, у почетку слушали о различитим принципима пројектовања стамбене архитектуре, а касније и истраживали теме које су нас интересовале. Кружна веза, технички блок, људске потребе, отворени план, али и друге теме које су приказане у књизи, бојиле су наше разговоре и фокусирале су нам пажњу на област становања. Сасвим је сигурно да су поред поменутог Мике Чанка, на нас утицале и друге личности, наши професори и старије колеге, али и поједини фактори, попут истраживања наслеђа београдске школе становања и њеног значаја за архитектуру у Србији, као и публикације и научни чланци наших професора и других цењених колега на које смо наилазили, а који су фокусирали нашу пажњу на истраживања у области стамбене архитектуре.
Надамо се да ћемо овом публикацијом код читалаца проширити поље сазнања о стамбеној архитектури, те да ћемо некога од њих можда мотивисати за даља истраживања у овој области. Становање је за нас основа за промишљање о архитектури, што као став желимо да пренесемо и другим истраживачима и љубитељима архитектуре.
PB  - Београд : Институт за архитектуру и урбанизам Србије
PB  - Београд : Универзитет у Београду - Архитектонски факултет
T1  - Принципи конфигурације стамбеног простора
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Алфиревић, Ђорђе and Симоновић Алфиревић, Сања",
year = "2023",
abstract = "Становање као једна од најкомплекснијих пројектантских тема је побуђивало пажњу бројних истраживача вековима уназад. Међутим, и поред великог броја научних радова у овој области, књиге о становању, а пре свега организацији стамбеног простора су из данашње позиције посматрања доста ретке. Основни разлог за овакву ситуацију је чињеница да се архитекти у професионалном смислу остварују пре свега кроз пројектантску активност и да су не толико чести ствараоци који се поред пројектовања баве теоријским и истраживачким радом. Желећи да објединимо искуства, покушали смо да запажања о којима смо размишљали у пројектима, додатно истражимо, забележимо и публикујемо.
Идеја за приређивање ове књиге настала је као резултат вишегодишњег пројектантског рада и истраживања у области стамбене архитектуре. Материјал који је презентован у књизи чини сублимацију теоријских и историографских тема којима смо се као истраживачи до сада бавили, желећи да проникнемо у суштину различитих концепата који се примењују у пројектовању стамбених простора. Многи од наведених принципа су у употреби и у другим пољима архитектуре, у пројектовању јавних, сакралних и других објеката, те с тим у вези сматрамо да садржај ове књиге може да има ширу примену и да буде користан већем броју читалаца, студената, истраживача и пројектаната, који се интересују за архитектонску теорију и праксу. 
Књига је подељена у неколико поглавља, у којима су распоређене тематске јединице о функционалним, структуралним, организационим и перцептивним принципима, за које сматрамо да творе феномен конфигурације стамбеног простора. Термин „конфигурација простора” видимо као термин вишег реда, који обухвата претходно поменуте појмове и који чини базу за разумевање сложености и слојевитости стамбене архитектуре. У монографији нису обухваћени апсолутно сви пројектански принципи који су присутни у архитектонској професији, што нам и није била намера, већ смо желели да укажемо на њихову хијерархију и релације, као и да их до извесне границе систематизујемо и појаснимо оне за које мислимо да су карактеристични и најчешће у примени. Књигу је могуће читати и садржину пратити редом који је предложен у књизи, док се пажња може фокусирати и на поједине тематске јединице које су интересантне читаоцу.
Несумњиво је на тематски оквир ове монографије утицало наше дугогодишње блиско познанство са истакнутим српским пројектантом и истраживачем стамбене архитектуре - др Михаилом Чанком (1932-2014), кога смо дуго година познавали и са којим смо у разговорима које смо водили, у почетку слушали о различитим принципима пројектовања стамбене архитектуре, а касније и истраживали теме које су нас интересовале. Кружна веза, технички блок, људске потребе, отворени план, али и друге теме које су приказане у књизи, бојиле су наше разговоре и фокусирале су нам пажњу на област становања. Сасвим је сигурно да су поред поменутог Мике Чанка, на нас утицале и друге личности, наши професори и старије колеге, али и поједини фактори, попут истраживања наслеђа београдске школе становања и њеног значаја за архитектуру у Србији, као и публикације и научни чланци наших професора и других цењених колега на које смо наилазили, а који су фокусирали нашу пажњу на истраживања у области стамбене архитектуре.
Надамо се да ћемо овом публикацијом код читалаца проширити поље сазнања о стамбеној архитектури, те да ћемо некога од њих можда мотивисати за даља истраживања у овој области. Становање је за нас основа за промишљање о архитектури, што као став желимо да пренесемо и другим истраживачима и љубитељима архитектуре.",
publisher = "Београд : Институт за архитектуру и урбанизам Србије, Београд : Универзитет у Београду - Архитектонски факултет",
title = "Принципи конфигурације стамбеног простора",
url = ""
Алфиревић, Ђ.,& Симоновић Алфиревић, С.. (2023). Принципи конфигурације стамбеног простора. 
Београд : Институт за архитектуру и урбанизам Србије..
Алфиревић Ђ, Симоновић Алфиревић С. Принципи конфигурације стамбеног простора. 2023;. .
Алфиревић, Ђорђе, Симоновић Алфиревић, Сања, "Принципи конфигурације стамбеног простора" (2023), .

Typology of micro apartments based on the structure of living space

Alfirević, Đorđe; Simonović Alfirević, Sanja

(Belgrade : International Research Academy of Science and Art (IRASA), 2023)

AU  - Alfirević, Đorđe
AU  - Simonović Alfirević, Sanja
PY  - 2023
UR  -
AB  - A micro apartment is a concept of organizing living space that typically provides the basic necessities for long-term residence for one or two occupants. In general, it refers to a residential unit with a floor area ranging from 15 to 30 square meters. Micro apartments are considered to be one of the prevalent forms of sustainable housing in the future, as the concept is based on smaller living spaces and reduced consumption of energy and resources.
The research is based on a deductive method and begins with the analysis of current micro apartment typologies, along with the formulation of different theoretical models. Subsequently, an analysis and comparison of characteristic examples of micro apartments are conducted to establish a clear typology. Finally, based on the typology, an evaluation is carried out, and proposals for different approaches to micro apartment design are formulated.
The aim of the research is to comprehensively systematize the typological forms of micro apartments recognized in architectural practice and examine their characteristics and potential applications in urban environments. Additionally, the research aims to identify distinctive structural differences among various typological forms of micro apartments. The ultimate goal of the research is to contribute to the development of sustainable housing solutions in urban areas, with a particular emphasis on the concept of micro apartments.
PB  - Belgrade : International Research Academy of Science and Art (IRASA)
C3  - IRASA International Scientific Conference Science, Education, Technology and Innovation SETI V 2023 - Book of Proceedings
T1  - Typology of micro apartments based on the structure of living space
SP  - 444
EP  - 455
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Alfirević, Đorđe and Simonović Alfirević, Sanja",
year = "2023",
abstract = "A micro apartment is a concept of organizing living space that typically provides the basic necessities for long-term residence for one or two occupants. In general, it refers to a residential unit with a floor area ranging from 15 to 30 square meters. Micro apartments are considered to be one of the prevalent forms of sustainable housing in the future, as the concept is based on smaller living spaces and reduced consumption of energy and resources.
The research is based on a deductive method and begins with the analysis of current micro apartment typologies, along with the formulation of different theoretical models. Subsequently, an analysis and comparison of characteristic examples of micro apartments are conducted to establish a clear typology. Finally, based on the typology, an evaluation is carried out, and proposals for different approaches to micro apartment design are formulated.
The aim of the research is to comprehensively systematize the typological forms of micro apartments recognized in architectural practice and examine their characteristics and potential applications in urban environments. Additionally, the research aims to identify distinctive structural differences among various typological forms of micro apartments. The ultimate goal of the research is to contribute to the development of sustainable housing solutions in urban areas, with a particular emphasis on the concept of micro apartments.",
publisher = "Belgrade : International Research Academy of Science and Art (IRASA)",
journal = "IRASA International Scientific Conference Science, Education, Technology and Innovation SETI V 2023 - Book of Proceedings",
title = "Typology of micro apartments based on the structure of living space",
pages = "444-455",
url = ""
Alfirević, Đ.,& Simonović Alfirević, S.. (2023). Typology of micro apartments based on the structure of living space. in IRASA International Scientific Conference Science, Education, Technology and Innovation SETI V 2023 - Book of Proceedings
Belgrade : International Research Academy of Science and Art (IRASA)., 444-455.
Alfirević Đ, Simonović Alfirević S. Typology of micro apartments based on the structure of living space. in IRASA International Scientific Conference Science, Education, Technology and Innovation SETI V 2023 - Book of Proceedings. 2023;:444-455. .
Alfirević, Đorđe, Simonović Alfirević, Sanja, "Typology of micro apartments based on the structure of living space" in IRASA International Scientific Conference Science, Education, Technology and Innovation SETI V 2023 - Book of Proceedings (2023):444-455, .

Assessment of brownfield locations in ten cities in Serbia: a comparative study and new ideas for improvement

Simonović Alfirević, Sanja; Nenković-Riznić, Marina

(Belgrade : International Research Academy of Science and Art (IRASA), 2023)

AU  - Simonović Alfirević, Sanja
AU  - Nenković-Riznić, Marina
PY  - 2023
UR  -
AB  - Brownfield sites, characterized by abandoned or underutilized industrial or commercial properties, pose significant environmental, economic, and social challenges to urban areas. This paper aims to assess the prevalence and characteristics of brownfield locations in ten cities in Serbia and provide a comparative analysis of their potential for redevelopment. The undertaken research was developed for the World Bank Group and SECO project “Technical assistance: Strengthening capacities of local self-governments in Serbia towards low-carbon and resilient urban development investments”, and the ten cities were chosen based on the initial survey as cities of interest to the project. 
Using a combination of qualitative and quantitative research methods, as well as questionnaires developed for the purpose of research data was collected on brownfield sites in Niš, Novi Sad, Kragujevac, Kraljevo, Šabac, Zrenjanin, Novi Pazar, Sombor, Užice and Leskovac. Some of the cities provided the data of brownfield sites within various databases which encompassed basic (geographical) data about the location, site histories, environmental conditions, land use restrictions, ownership status, original and potential purpose, existing infrastructure and accessibility. 
Future studies can build upon these findings by exploring specific redevelopment strategies tailored to the distinct challenges and opportunities presented by each city's brownfield diversity.
PB  - Belgrade : International Research Academy of Science and Art (IRASA)
C3  - IRASA International Scientific Conference Science, Education, Technology and Innovation SETI V 2023 - Book of Proceedings
T1  - Assessment of brownfield locations in ten cities in Serbia: a comparative study and new ideas for improvement
SP  - 456
EP  - 464
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Simonović Alfirević, Sanja and Nenković-Riznić, Marina",
year = "2023",
abstract = "Brownfield sites, characterized by abandoned or underutilized industrial or commercial properties, pose significant environmental, economic, and social challenges to urban areas. This paper aims to assess the prevalence and characteristics of brownfield locations in ten cities in Serbia and provide a comparative analysis of their potential for redevelopment. The undertaken research was developed for the World Bank Group and SECO project “Technical assistance: Strengthening capacities of local self-governments in Serbia towards low-carbon and resilient urban development investments”, and the ten cities were chosen based on the initial survey as cities of interest to the project. 
Using a combination of qualitative and quantitative research methods, as well as questionnaires developed for the purpose of research data was collected on brownfield sites in Niš, Novi Sad, Kragujevac, Kraljevo, Šabac, Zrenjanin, Novi Pazar, Sombor, Užice and Leskovac. Some of the cities provided the data of brownfield sites within various databases which encompassed basic (geographical) data about the location, site histories, environmental conditions, land use restrictions, ownership status, original and potential purpose, existing infrastructure and accessibility. 
Future studies can build upon these findings by exploring specific redevelopment strategies tailored to the distinct challenges and opportunities presented by each city's brownfield diversity.",
publisher = "Belgrade : International Research Academy of Science and Art (IRASA)",
journal = "IRASA International Scientific Conference Science, Education, Technology and Innovation SETI V 2023 - Book of Proceedings",
title = "Assessment of brownfield locations in ten cities in Serbia: a comparative study and new ideas for improvement",
pages = "456-464",
url = ""
Simonović Alfirević, S.,& Nenković-Riznić, M.. (2023). Assessment of brownfield locations in ten cities in Serbia: a comparative study and new ideas for improvement. in IRASA International Scientific Conference Science, Education, Technology and Innovation SETI V 2023 - Book of Proceedings
Belgrade : International Research Academy of Science and Art (IRASA)., 456-464.
Simonović Alfirević S, Nenković-Riznić M. Assessment of brownfield locations in ten cities in Serbia: a comparative study and new ideas for improvement. in IRASA International Scientific Conference Science, Education, Technology and Innovation SETI V 2023 - Book of Proceedings. 2023;:456-464. .
Simonović Alfirević, Sanja, Nenković-Riznić, Marina, "Assessment of brownfield locations in ten cities in Serbia: a comparative study and new ideas for improvement" in IRASA International Scientific Conference Science, Education, Technology and Innovation SETI V 2023 - Book of Proceedings (2023):456-464, .

Assessment of brownfield locations in ten cities in Serbia: a comparative study and new ideas for improvement (M34)

Simonović Alfirević, Sanja; Nenković-Riznić, Marina

(IRASA – International Research Academy of Science and Art, 2023)

AU  - Simonović Alfirević, Sanja
AU  - Nenković-Riznić, Marina
PY  - 2023
UR  -
AB  - Brownfield sites, characterized by abandoned or underutilized industrial or commercial properties, pose significant environmental, economic, and social challenges to urban areas. This paper aims to assess the prevalence and characteristics of brownfield locations in ten cities in Serbia and provide a comparative analysis of their potential for redevelopment. The undertaken research was developed for the World Bank Group and SECO project “Technical assistance: Strengthening capacities of local self-governments in Serbia towards low-carbon and resilient urban development investments”, and the ten cities were chosen based on the initial survey as cities of interest to the project. 
Using a combination of qualitative and quantitative research methods, as well as questionnaires developed for the purpose of research data was collected on brownfield sites in Niš, Novi Sad, Kragujevac, Kraljevo, Šabac, Zrenjanin, Novi Pazar, Sombor, Užice and Leskovac. Some of the cities provided the data of brownfield sites within various databases which encompassed basic (geographical) data about the location, site histories, environmental conditions, land use restrictions, ownership status, original and potential purpose, existing infrastructure and accessibility. 
Future studies can build upon these findings by exploring specific redevelopment strategies tailored to the distinct challenges and opportunities presented by each city's brownfield diversity.
PB  - IRASA – International Research Academy of Science and Art
C3  - IRASA International Scientific Conference Science, Education, Technology and Innovation SETI V 2023 - Book of Abstracts
T1  - Assessment of brownfield locations in ten cities in Serbia: a comparative study and new ideas for improvement (M34)
SP  - 81
EP  - 81
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Simonović Alfirević, Sanja and Nenković-Riznić, Marina",
year = "2023",
abstract = "Brownfield sites, characterized by abandoned or underutilized industrial or commercial properties, pose significant environmental, economic, and social challenges to urban areas. This paper aims to assess the prevalence and characteristics of brownfield locations in ten cities in Serbia and provide a comparative analysis of their potential for redevelopment. The undertaken research was developed for the World Bank Group and SECO project “Technical assistance: Strengthening capacities of local self-governments in Serbia towards low-carbon and resilient urban development investments”, and the ten cities were chosen based on the initial survey as cities of interest to the project. 
Using a combination of qualitative and quantitative research methods, as well as questionnaires developed for the purpose of research data was collected on brownfield sites in Niš, Novi Sad, Kragujevac, Kraljevo, Šabac, Zrenjanin, Novi Pazar, Sombor, Užice and Leskovac. Some of the cities provided the data of brownfield sites within various databases which encompassed basic (geographical) data about the location, site histories, environmental conditions, land use restrictions, ownership status, original and potential purpose, existing infrastructure and accessibility. 
Future studies can build upon these findings by exploring specific redevelopment strategies tailored to the distinct challenges and opportunities presented by each city's brownfield diversity.",
publisher = "IRASA – International Research Academy of Science and Art",
journal = "IRASA International Scientific Conference Science, Education, Technology and Innovation SETI V 2023 - Book of Abstracts",
title = "Assessment of brownfield locations in ten cities in Serbia: a comparative study and new ideas for improvement (M34)",
pages = "81-81",
url = ""
Simonović Alfirević, S.,& Nenković-Riznić, M.. (2023). Assessment of brownfield locations in ten cities in Serbia: a comparative study and new ideas for improvement (M34). in IRASA International Scientific Conference Science, Education, Technology and Innovation SETI V 2023 - Book of Abstracts
IRASA – International Research Academy of Science and Art., 81-81.
Simonović Alfirević S, Nenković-Riznić M. Assessment of brownfield locations in ten cities in Serbia: a comparative study and new ideas for improvement (M34). in IRASA International Scientific Conference Science, Education, Technology and Innovation SETI V 2023 - Book of Abstracts. 2023;:81-81. .
Simonović Alfirević, Sanja, Nenković-Riznić, Marina, "Assessment of brownfield locations in ten cities in Serbia: a comparative study and new ideas for improvement (M34)" in IRASA International Scientific Conference Science, Education, Technology and Innovation SETI V 2023 - Book of Abstracts (2023):81-81, .

Typology of micro apartments based on the structure of living space (M34)

Alfirević, Đorđe; Simonović Alfirević, Sanja

(Belgrade : International Research Academy of Science and Art (IRASA), 2023)

AU  - Alfirević, Đorđe
AU  - Simonović Alfirević, Sanja
PY  - 2023
UR  -
AB  - A micro apartment is a concept of organizing living space that typically provides the basic necessities for long-term residence for one or two occupants. In general, it refers to a residential unit with a floor area ranging from 15 to 30 square meters. Micro apartments are considered to be one of the prevalent forms of sustainable housing in the future, as the concept is based on smaller living spaces and reduced consumption of energy and resources.
The research is based on a deductive method and begins with the analysis of current micro apartment typologies, along with the formulation of different theoretical models. Subsequently, an analysis and comparison of characteristic examples of micro apartments are conducted to establish a clear typology. Finally, based on the typology, an evaluation is carried out, and proposals for different approaches to micro apartment design are formulated.
The aim of the research is to comprehensively systematize the typological forms of micro apartments recognized in architectural practice and examine their characteristics and potential applications in urban environments. Additionally, the research aims to identify distinctive structural differences among various typological forms of micro apartments. The ultimate goal of the research is to contribute to the development of sustainable housing solutions in urban areas, with a particular emphasis on the concept of micro apartments.
PB  - Belgrade : International Research Academy of Science and Art (IRASA)
C3  - IRASA International Scientific Conference Science, Education, Technology and Innovation SETI V 2023 - Book of Abstracts
T1  - Typology of micro apartments based on the structure of living space (M34)
SP  - 80
EP  - 80
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Alfirević, Đorđe and Simonović Alfirević, Sanja",
year = "2023",
abstract = "A micro apartment is a concept of organizing living space that typically provides the basic necessities for long-term residence for one or two occupants. In general, it refers to a residential unit with a floor area ranging from 15 to 30 square meters. Micro apartments are considered to be one of the prevalent forms of sustainable housing in the future, as the concept is based on smaller living spaces and reduced consumption of energy and resources.
The research is based on a deductive method and begins with the analysis of current micro apartment typologies, along with the formulation of different theoretical models. Subsequently, an analysis and comparison of characteristic examples of micro apartments are conducted to establish a clear typology. Finally, based on the typology, an evaluation is carried out, and proposals for different approaches to micro apartment design are formulated.
The aim of the research is to comprehensively systematize the typological forms of micro apartments recognized in architectural practice and examine their characteristics and potential applications in urban environments. Additionally, the research aims to identify distinctive structural differences among various typological forms of micro apartments. The ultimate goal of the research is to contribute to the development of sustainable housing solutions in urban areas, with a particular emphasis on the concept of micro apartments.",
publisher = "Belgrade : International Research Academy of Science and Art (IRASA)",
journal = "IRASA International Scientific Conference Science, Education, Technology and Innovation SETI V 2023 - Book of Abstracts",
title = "Typology of micro apartments based on the structure of living space (M34)",
pages = "80-80",
url = ""
Alfirević, Đ.,& Simonović Alfirević, S.. (2023). Typology of micro apartments based on the structure of living space (M34). in IRASA International Scientific Conference Science, Education, Technology and Innovation SETI V 2023 - Book of Abstracts
Belgrade : International Research Academy of Science and Art (IRASA)., 80-80.
Alfirević Đ, Simonović Alfirević S. Typology of micro apartments based on the structure of living space (M34). in IRASA International Scientific Conference Science, Education, Technology and Innovation SETI V 2023 - Book of Abstracts. 2023;:80-80. .
Alfirević, Đorđe, Simonović Alfirević, Sanja, "Typology of micro apartments based on the structure of living space (M34)" in IRASA International Scientific Conference Science, Education, Technology and Innovation SETI V 2023 - Book of Abstracts (2023):80-80, .

The experience of territoriality in the living space

Alfirević, Đorđe; Simonović Alfirević, Sanja

(University of Niš - Faculty of civil engineering and architecture, 2023)

AU  - Alfirević, Đorđe
AU  - Simonović Alfirević, Sanja
PY  - 2023
UR  -
AB  - Territoriality is a term that is widely used in science and other areas of human activity. Usually, this term refers to a pattern of behavior of a person or group that is based on the need to control the physical space, object or idea. It can also be seen as the user's level of tolerance and willingness to share the same spaces and content with other people. Although the phenomenon of territoriality has already been researched to a considerable extent in the field of architecture, there are fewer studies in which the presence of territoriality has been analyzed in residential spaces. The subject of this research is the experience of territoriality in the domain of residential spaces, specifically in an apartment or a house.
The research starts from the analysis of the reference literature in which territoriality in residential areas was discussed, and then moves on to the analysis of the presence of territoriality among users in characteristic models of housing units (apartment for singles, for families with one, two and three generations and for coliving communities). After the synthesis of the obtained information, different levels and intensities of the experience of territoriality arising between users, facilities and visitors in the previously mentioned housing models will be compared.
The aim of the research is to examine which aspects influence the emergence and change of the intensity of the experience of territoriality in the residential space, as well as to reconsider the view that the experience of territoriality in the residential space is always present, but of different intensity depending on whether a reaction occurs to the presence of visitors, facilities or other users.
PB  - University of Niš - Faculty of civil engineering and architecture
PB  - Serbian academy of sciences and arts - Branch in Niš
C3  - International conference synergy of architecture & civil engineering - SINARG 2023
T1  - The experience of territoriality in the living space
SP  - 185
EP  - 196
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Alfirević, Đorđe and Simonović Alfirević, Sanja",
year = "2023",
abstract = "Territoriality is a term that is widely used in science and other areas of human activity. Usually, this term refers to a pattern of behavior of a person or group that is based on the need to control the physical space, object or idea. It can also be seen as the user's level of tolerance and willingness to share the same spaces and content with other people. Although the phenomenon of territoriality has already been researched to a considerable extent in the field of architecture, there are fewer studies in which the presence of territoriality has been analyzed in residential spaces. The subject of this research is the experience of territoriality in the domain of residential spaces, specifically in an apartment or a house.
The research starts from the analysis of the reference literature in which territoriality in residential areas was discussed, and then moves on to the analysis of the presence of territoriality among users in characteristic models of housing units (apartment for singles, for families with one, two and three generations and for coliving communities). After the synthesis of the obtained information, different levels and intensities of the experience of territoriality arising between users, facilities and visitors in the previously mentioned housing models will be compared.
The aim of the research is to examine which aspects influence the emergence and change of the intensity of the experience of territoriality in the residential space, as well as to reconsider the view that the experience of territoriality in the residential space is always present, but of different intensity depending on whether a reaction occurs to the presence of visitors, facilities or other users.",
publisher = "University of Niš - Faculty of civil engineering and architecture, Serbian academy of sciences and arts - Branch in Niš",
journal = "International conference synergy of architecture & civil engineering - SINARG 2023",
title = "The experience of territoriality in the living space",
pages = "185-196",
url = ""
Alfirević, Đ.,& Simonović Alfirević, S.. (2023). The experience of territoriality in the living space. in International conference synergy of architecture & civil engineering - SINARG 2023
University of Niš - Faculty of civil engineering and architecture., 185-196.
Alfirević Đ, Simonović Alfirević S. The experience of territoriality in the living space. in International conference synergy of architecture & civil engineering - SINARG 2023. 2023;:185-196. .
Alfirević, Đorđe, Simonović Alfirević, Sanja, "The experience of territoriality in the living space" in International conference synergy of architecture & civil engineering - SINARG 2023 (2023):185-196, .

Конкурсу за дизајн за израду урбанистичко архитектонског решења Трга ослобођења у Зајечару

Манић, Божидар; Гогић, Сања; Симоновић Алфиревић, Сања; Црнчевић, Тијана

(Чачак: Удружење урбаниста Србије, 2022)

AU  - Манић, Божидар
AU  - Гогић, Сања
AU  - Симоновић Алфиревић, Сања
AU  - Црнчевић, Тијана
PY  - 2022
UR  -
AB  - Урбанистичко-архитектонско решење Tрга ослобођења у Зајечару темељи се на наглашеној интеграцији централног простора главне пешачке зоне. На тај начин формиран је простор који се ослања на широко сагледавање и слободно кретање преко површине Трга ослобођења и везаних простора. Савременим архитектонским језиком се дограђује и донекле мења идентитет простора. Урбанистичко-архитектонски израз је савремен и прати светске тенденције. Универзалност принципа на којима се гради поменути израз, донекле га измешта из културолошког контекста нашег поднебља, али истовремено ствара директну везу са традицијом.
AB  - Urban and architectural design for “Trg Oslobođenja” in Zaječar is based on the emphasized integration of the central space of the main pedestrian zone. In this way, a space was formed that relies on a wide view and free movement across the surface of the Liberation Square and connected spaces. The contemporary architectural language is used to build on and somewhat change the identity of the space. The urban-architectural expression is contemporary and follows contemporary trends. The universality of the principles on which the mentioned expression is built, somewhat displaces it from the cultural context of our ambience, but at the same time creates a direct connection with tradition.
PB  - Чачак: Удружење урбаниста Србије
T2  - Kаталог изложбе: 31. Међународни салон Урбанизма 2021, Чачак, 8-13. новембар 2022.
T1  - Конкурсу за дизајн за израду урбанистичко архитектонског решења Трга ослобођења у Зајечару
SP  - 06.04
EP  - 
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Манић, Божидар and Гогић, Сања and Симоновић Алфиревић, Сања and Црнчевић, Тијана",
year = "2022",
abstract = "Урбанистичко-архитектонско решење Tрга ослобођења у Зајечару темељи се на наглашеној интеграцији централног простора главне пешачке зоне. На тај начин формиран је простор који се ослања на широко сагледавање и слободно кретање преко површине Трга ослобођења и везаних простора. Савременим архитектонским језиком се дограђује и донекле мења идентитет простора. Урбанистичко-архитектонски израз је савремен и прати светске тенденције. Универзалност принципа на којима се гради поменути израз, донекле га измешта из културолошког контекста нашег поднебља, али истовремено ствара директну везу са традицијом., Urban and architectural design for “Trg Oslobođenja” in Zaječar is based on the emphasized integration of the central space of the main pedestrian zone. In this way, a space was formed that relies on a wide view and free movement across the surface of the Liberation Square and connected spaces. The contemporary architectural language is used to build on and somewhat change the identity of the space. The urban-architectural expression is contemporary and follows contemporary trends. The universality of the principles on which the mentioned expression is built, somewhat displaces it from the cultural context of our ambience, but at the same time creates a direct connection with tradition.",
publisher = "Чачак: Удружење урбаниста Србије",
journal = "Kаталог изложбе: 31. Међународни салон Урбанизма 2021, Чачак, 8-13. новембар 2022.",
title = "Конкурсу за дизајн за израду урбанистичко архитектонског решења Трга ослобођења у Зајечару",
pages = "06.04-",
url = ""
Манић, Б., Гогић, С., Симоновић Алфиревић, С.,& Црнчевић, Т.. (2022). Конкурсу за дизајн за израду урбанистичко архитектонског решења Трга ослобођења у Зајечару. in Kаталог изложбе: 31. Међународни салон Урбанизма 2021, Чачак, 8-13. новембар 2022.
Чачак: Удружење урбаниста Србије., 06.04-.
Манић Б, Гогић С, Симоновић Алфиревић С, Црнчевић Т. Конкурсу за дизајн за израду урбанистичко архитектонског решења Трга ослобођења у Зајечару. in Kаталог изложбе: 31. Међународни салон Урбанизма 2021, Чачак, 8-13. новембар 2022.. 2022;:06.04-. .
Манић, Божидар, Гогић, Сања, Симоновић Алфиревић, Сања, Црнчевић, Тијана, "Конкурсу за дизајн за израду урбанистичко архитектонског решења Трга ослобођења у Зајечару" in Kаталог изложбе: 31. Међународни салон Урбанизма 2021, Чачак, 8-13. новембар 2022. (2022):06.04-, .

Програми едукације најмлађих у областима архитектонског обликовања, наслеђа, урбанистичког и просторног планирања

Даниловић Христић, Наташа; Ненковић-Ризнић, Марина; Симоновић Алфиревић, Сања


AU  - Даниловић Христић, Наташа
AU  - Ненковић-Ризнић, Марина
AU  - Симоновић Алфиревић, Сања
PY  - 2022
UR  -
AB  - У професионалним круговима се често стиче утисак да су стање у нашим урбаним срединама и однос према природном окружењу одраз недовољне пажње посвећене едукацији свих генерација и подизању свести о овој теми. Слика наших насеља је заправо
слика нас самих. Из тог разлога, и из жеље да најмлађима приближе и објасне стручне теме на адекватан и прихватљив начин, да развију љубав према окружењу и свест о квалитету живота, неколико институција и организација покренуло je независне програме едукације. Ови програми и радионице реализују се делом волонтерски или у оквиру активности везаних за поједине манифестације, пројекте и редовне делатности појединих институција, а осмишљени су као допуна образовно-васпитним програмима у предшколским установама, школама и на факултетима.
У раду се анализирају познати приступи, методе и технике партиципације младих, приказани кроз изабран преглед литературе. Такође, наводе се примери неколико различитих едукативних радионица спроведених на тему архитектонског обликовања, урбанистичког планирања, заштите градитељског наслеђа и очувања еколошких коридора, у неколико београдских стручних институција и организација. На основу стечених искустава и запажених резултата формира се низ препорука за организацију и спровођење овог вида едукације. Циљ рада је да укаже на значај, могућности и бенефите едукације подмлатка у смислу схватања и бриге о простору који нас окружује, као и о другима са којима тај простор делимо. Партиципација у креативном процесу доприноси прикупљању запажања, идеја, визија и исказивању потреба, са могућношћу њихове реализације.
AB  - In professional circles, it often seems that the state of our urban environment and attitude towards the natural environment reflect a lack of attention devoted to educating all generations, and a lack of awareness raised on this topic. The picture of our settlements is actually a picture of ourselves. For this reason, and the desire to draw young people in and explain professional topics to them in an adequate and acceptable way, and to develop a love of the environment and awareness of the quality of life, several institutions and organizations have launched independent education programs. These programs and workshops are implemented partly voluntarily, or within activities related to specific events and projects and the regular activities of individual institutions, and they are designed as a supplement to educational programs in preschools, schools and universities.
The paper analyzes known approaches, methods and techniques related to youth participation, shown through a selected review of the literature. Also cited are examples of several different educational workshops in some of Belgrade’s professional institutions and organizations, based on architectural formatting, urban planning, the protection of built heritage and the preservation of ecological corridors. Based on the experiences acquired and the observed results, a series of recommendations are formed for the organization and implementation of this form of education. The aim of the research is to highlight the importance, possibilities and benefits of educating
young people in terms of understanding and caring for the space that surrounds us, as well as others with whom we share that space. Participation in the creative process contributes to gathering observations, ideas, visions and expressing needs, with the possibility of their application.
T2  - Arhitektura i urbanizam
T1  - Програми едукације најмлађих у областима архитектонског обликовања, наслеђа, урбанистичког и просторног планирања
T1  - Education programs for young people in the fields of architectural formatting, heritage, urban and spatial planning
DO  - 10.5937/a-u0-37128
ER  - 
author = "Даниловић Христић, Наташа and Ненковић-Ризнић, Марина and Симоновић Алфиревић, Сања",
year = "2022",
abstract = "У професионалним круговима се често стиче утисак да су стање у нашим урбаним срединама и однос према природном окружењу одраз недовољне пажње посвећене едукацији свих генерација и подизању свести о овој теми. Слика наших насеља је заправо
слика нас самих. Из тог разлога, и из жеље да најмлађима приближе и објасне стручне теме на адекватан и прихватљив начин, да развију љубав према окружењу и свест о квалитету живота, неколико институција и организација покренуло je независне програме едукације. Ови програми и радионице реализују се делом волонтерски или у оквиру активности везаних за поједине манифестације, пројекте и редовне делатности појединих институција, а осмишљени су као допуна образовно-васпитним програмима у предшколским установама, школама и на факултетима.
У раду се анализирају познати приступи, методе и технике партиципације младих, приказани кроз изабран преглед литературе. Такође, наводе се примери неколико различитих едукативних радионица спроведених на тему архитектонског обликовања, урбанистичког планирања, заштите градитељског наслеђа и очувања еколошких коридора, у неколико београдских стручних институција и организација. На основу стечених искустава и запажених резултата формира се низ препорука за организацију и спровођење овог вида едукације. Циљ рада је да укаже на значај, могућности и бенефите едукације подмлатка у смислу схватања и бриге о простору који нас окружује, као и о другима са којима тај простор делимо. Партиципација у креативном процесу доприноси прикупљању запажања, идеја, визија и исказивању потреба, са могућношћу њихове реализације., In professional circles, it often seems that the state of our urban environment and attitude towards the natural environment reflect a lack of attention devoted to educating all generations, and a lack of awareness raised on this topic. The picture of our settlements is actually a picture of ourselves. For this reason, and the desire to draw young people in and explain professional topics to them in an adequate and acceptable way, and to develop a love of the environment and awareness of the quality of life, several institutions and organizations have launched independent education programs. These programs and workshops are implemented partly voluntarily, or within activities related to specific events and projects and the regular activities of individual institutions, and they are designed as a supplement to educational programs in preschools, schools and universities.
The paper analyzes known approaches, methods and techniques related to youth participation, shown through a selected review of the literature. Also cited are examples of several different educational workshops in some of Belgrade’s professional institutions and organizations, based on architectural formatting, urban planning, the protection of built heritage and the preservation of ecological corridors. Based on the experiences acquired and the observed results, a series of recommendations are formed for the organization and implementation of this form of education. The aim of the research is to highlight the importance, possibilities and benefits of educating
young people in terms of understanding and caring for the space that surrounds us, as well as others with whom we share that space. Participation in the creative process contributes to gathering observations, ideas, visions and expressing needs, with the possibility of their application.",
journal = "Arhitektura i urbanizam",
title = "Програми едукације најмлађих у областима архитектонског обликовања, наслеђа, урбанистичког и просторног планирања, Education programs for young people in the fields of architectural formatting, heritage, urban and spatial planning",
doi = "10.5937/a-u0-37128"
Даниловић Христић, Н., Ненковић-Ризнић, М.,& Симоновић Алфиревић, С.. (2022). Програми едукације најмлађих у областима архитектонског обликовања, наслеђа, урбанистичког и просторног планирања. in Arhitektura i urbanizam.
Даниловић Христић Н, Ненковић-Ризнић М, Симоновић Алфиревић С. Програми едукације најмлађих у областима архитектонског обликовања, наслеђа, урбанистичког и просторног планирања. in Arhitektura i urbanizam. 2022;.
doi:10.5937/a-u0-37128 .
Даниловић Христић, Наташа, Ненковић-Ризнић, Марина, Симоновић Алфиревић, Сања, "Програми едукације најмлађих у областима архитектонског обликовања, наслеђа, урбанистичког и просторног планирања" in Arhitektura i urbanizam (2022), . .

Микростанови: постизање просторног комфора у подстандардним условима за становање

Алфиревић, Ђорђе; Симоновић Алфиревић, Сања

(Београд : Институт за архитектуру и урбанизам Србије, 2022)

AU  - Алфиревић, Ђорђе
AU  - Симоновић Алфиревић, Сања
PY  - 2022
UR  -
AB  - Микростановање подразумева живот у подстандардним условима, у стамбеним јединицама које су веома малих димензија. Овакви станови обично имају само најосновније садржаје, попут собе за одмор, кухиње и купатила и не испуњавају све аспекте функционалности. Њихови корисници се свесно одричу задовољења појединих животних потреба како би живели на одређеној локацији или имали мање трошкове за одржавање стана. У истраживању су анализирани карактеристични примери микростанова и референтна научна литература, да би из обимне грађе дедуктивном методом били екстраховани пројектантски принципи чијом применом је могуће постићи адекватан просторни комфор у становима минималних димензија. Принципи су класификовани према групама основних људских потреба које задовољавају, а затим хијерархијски поређани према нивоу значаја у поступку доживљаја веће просторности. Циљ истраживања је да се размотре и систематизују најзначајнији принципи којима се може постићи виши ниво просторног комфора у подстандардним условима за микростановање. У раду се преиспитује становиште по коме доњу границу квалитета микростановања чини лични доживљај пријатности и комфора у стамбеном простору, који је одређен могућностима за задовољење физиолошких потреба корисника. Према резултатима овог истраживања, за минималан просторни комфор у стану је неопходно поседовање простора за одмор (лежаја), са могућношћу коришћења заједничког простора за припрему хране и одржавање личне хигијене, што помера доњу границу квалитета микростановања која је до сада била присутна у науци
AB  - Micro-housing means living in substandard conditions, in housing units that are very small in size. These apartments usually have only the most basic facilities, such as a rest room, kitchen and bathroom, and do not meet all aspects of functionality. Their users consciously renounce the satisfaction of certain living needs in order to live in a certain location or have lower costs for the maintenance of the apartment. The research analyzed characteristic examples of micro-apartments and reference scientific literature, in order to extract design principles from the extensive material by the deductive method, the application of which makes it possible to achieve adequate spatial comfort in apartments of minimal dimensions. The principles are classified according to the groups of basic human needs that they satisfy, and then hierarchically arranged according to the level of significance in the process of experiencing greater space. The aim of the research is to consider and systematize the most important principles that can achieve a higher level of spatial comfort in substandard conditions for micro-housing. The paper examines the view that the lower limit of the quality of micro-housing is the personal experience of comfort and convenience in the living space, which is determined by the possibilities for meeting the physiological needs of users. According to the results of this research, for minimal spatial comfort in the apartment, it is necessary to have a resting place (bed), with the possibility of using a common space for food preparation and personal hygiene, which pushes the lower limit of microhabitation quality that has been present in science
PB  - Београд : Институт за архитектуру и урбанизам Србије
T2  - Архитектура и урбанизам
T1  - Микростанови: постизање просторног комфора у подстандардним условима за становање
T1  - Micro-apartments: achieving spatial comfort in substandard housing conditions
IS  - 55
SP  - 5
EP  - 23
DO  - 10.5937/a-u0-36566
ER  - 
author = "Алфиревић, Ђорђе and Симоновић Алфиревић, Сања",
year = "2022",
abstract = "Микростановање подразумева живот у подстандардним условима, у стамбеним јединицама које су веома малих димензија. Овакви станови обично имају само најосновније садржаје, попут собе за одмор, кухиње и купатила и не испуњавају све аспекте функционалности. Њихови корисници се свесно одричу задовољења појединих животних потреба како би живели на одређеној локацији или имали мање трошкове за одржавање стана. У истраживању су анализирани карактеристични примери микростанова и референтна научна литература, да би из обимне грађе дедуктивном методом били екстраховани пројектантски принципи чијом применом је могуће постићи адекватан просторни комфор у становима минималних димензија. Принципи су класификовани према групама основних људских потреба које задовољавају, а затим хијерархијски поређани према нивоу значаја у поступку доживљаја веће просторности. Циљ истраживања је да се размотре и систематизују најзначајнији принципи којима се може постићи виши ниво просторног комфора у подстандардним условима за микростановање. У раду се преиспитује становиште по коме доњу границу квалитета микростановања чини лични доживљај пријатности и комфора у стамбеном простору, који је одређен могућностима за задовољење физиолошких потреба корисника. Према резултатима овог истраживања, за минималан просторни комфор у стану је неопходно поседовање простора за одмор (лежаја), са могућношћу коришћења заједничког простора за припрему хране и одржавање личне хигијене, што помера доњу границу квалитета микростановања која је до сада била присутна у науци, Micro-housing means living in substandard conditions, in housing units that are very small in size. These apartments usually have only the most basic facilities, such as a rest room, kitchen and bathroom, and do not meet all aspects of functionality. Their users consciously renounce the satisfaction of certain living needs in order to live in a certain location or have lower costs for the maintenance of the apartment. The research analyzed characteristic examples of micro-apartments and reference scientific literature, in order to extract design principles from the extensive material by the deductive method, the application of which makes it possible to achieve adequate spatial comfort in apartments of minimal dimensions. The principles are classified according to the groups of basic human needs that they satisfy, and then hierarchically arranged according to the level of significance in the process of experiencing greater space. The aim of the research is to consider and systematize the most important principles that can achieve a higher level of spatial comfort in substandard conditions for micro-housing. The paper examines the view that the lower limit of the quality of micro-housing is the personal experience of comfort and convenience in the living space, which is determined by the possibilities for meeting the physiological needs of users. According to the results of this research, for minimal spatial comfort in the apartment, it is necessary to have a resting place (bed), with the possibility of using a common space for food preparation and personal hygiene, which pushes the lower limit of microhabitation quality that has been present in science",
publisher = "Београд : Институт за архитектуру и урбанизам Србије",
journal = "Архитектура и урбанизам",
title = "Микростанови: постизање просторног комфора у подстандардним условима за становање, Micro-apartments: achieving spatial comfort in substandard housing conditions",
number = "55",
pages = "5-23",
doi = "10.5937/a-u0-36566"
Алфиревић, Ђ.,& Симоновић Алфиревић, С.. (2022). Микростанови: постизање просторног комфора у подстандардним условима за становање. in Архитектура и урбанизам
Београд : Институт за архитектуру и урбанизам Србије.(55), 5-23.
Алфиревић Ђ, Симоновић Алфиревић С. Микростанови: постизање просторног комфора у подстандардним условима за становање. in Архитектура и урбанизам. 2022;(55):5-23.
doi:10.5937/a-u0-36566 .
Алфиревић, Ђорђе, Симоновић Алфиревић, Сања, "Микростанови: постизање просторног комфора у подстандардним условима за становање" in Архитектура и урбанизам, no. 55 (2022):5-23, . .

Поливалентност стана са отвореним планом − карактеристике и принципи просторне организације

Алфиревић, Ђорђе; Симоновић Алфиревић, Сања

(Београд : Институт за архитектуру и урбанизам Србије, 2022)

AU  - Алфиревић, Ђорђе
AU  - Симоновић Алфиревић, Сања
PY  - 2022
UR  -
AB  - Поливалентност (грч. poly више, нлат. valentia вредност − вишевредан, вишезначан, вишенаменски) је термин који има широк опсег употребе у науци и уметностима. Поливалентност најчешће подразумева различите начине (режиме) коришћења истог простора, тј. прилагодљивост простора различитим људским потребама уз минималне физичке модификације. У науци је уврежено мишљење да се термин поливалентност у стамбеној архитектури првенствено односи на ниво читавог стана или куће, тј. на могућност реорганизације унутрашње структуре (пренамену просторија), што се може посматрати као шире тумачење појма. Са друге стране, постоји и уже тумачење, које се односи на поливалентност дела стана, једног простора или просторије, тј. на могућност преклапања стамбених функција у различитим временским терминима у истом простору, тзв. отвореном плану. У истраживању су разматрани концепти просторне организације поливалентних стамбених простора са отвореним планом. Научном анализом референтних извора, тумачењем и анализом карактеристичних примера, као и применом дедуктивне методе, истражени су поливалентни стамбени простори са отвореним планом, с циљем констатовања њихових најзначајнијих карактеристика и принципа просторне организације.
AB  - Polyvalence (gr. poly multi, nlat. valentia value – multivalued, ambiguous, multipurpose) is a term that has a wide range of uses in science and art. Polyvalence usually implies different ways (regimes) of using the same space, i.e., the adaptability of space to different human needs, with minimal physical modifications. It is a common opinion in science that the term polyvalence in residential architecture primarily refers to the level of an entire apartment or house, i.e., to the possibility of reorganizing the internal structure (conversion of the premises), which can be seen as a broader interpretation of the term. On the other hand, there is a narrower interpretation which refers to the polyvalence of a part of an apartment, to a particular space or room, i.e., to the possibility of overlapping housing functions at different times in the same space, a so-called open plan. The research considers the concepts of spatial organization in polyvalent residential spaces with an open plan. The scientific analysis of reference sources, the interpretation and analysis of characteristic examples, and the deductive method, were used to investigate polyvalent open-plan living spaces, with the aim of ascertaining their most important characteristics and the principles of their spatial organization.
PB  - Београд : Институт за архитектуру и урбанизам Србије
T2  - Архитектура и урбанизам
T1  - Поливалентност стана са отвореним планом − карактеристике и принципи просторне организације
T1  - The polyvalence of an open plan apartment – characteristics and spatial organization principles
IS  - 54
SP  - 27
EP  - 43
DO  - 10.5937/a-u0-34066
ER  - 
author = "Алфиревић, Ђорђе and Симоновић Алфиревић, Сања",
year = "2022",
abstract = "Поливалентност (грч. poly више, нлат. valentia вредност − вишевредан, вишезначан, вишенаменски) је термин који има широк опсег употребе у науци и уметностима. Поливалентност најчешће подразумева различите начине (режиме) коришћења истог простора, тј. прилагодљивост простора различитим људским потребама уз минималне физичке модификације. У науци је уврежено мишљење да се термин поливалентност у стамбеној архитектури првенствено односи на ниво читавог стана или куће, тј. на могућност реорганизације унутрашње структуре (пренамену просторија), што се може посматрати као шире тумачење појма. Са друге стране, постоји и уже тумачење, које се односи на поливалентност дела стана, једног простора или просторије, тј. на могућност преклапања стамбених функција у различитим временским терминима у истом простору, тзв. отвореном плану. У истраживању су разматрани концепти просторне организације поливалентних стамбених простора са отвореним планом. Научном анализом референтних извора, тумачењем и анализом карактеристичних примера, као и применом дедуктивне методе, истражени су поливалентни стамбени простори са отвореним планом, с циљем констатовања њихових најзначајнијих карактеристика и принципа просторне организације., Polyvalence (gr. poly multi, nlat. valentia value – multivalued, ambiguous, multipurpose) is a term that has a wide range of uses in science and art. Polyvalence usually implies different ways (regimes) of using the same space, i.e., the adaptability of space to different human needs, with minimal physical modifications. It is a common opinion in science that the term polyvalence in residential architecture primarily refers to the level of an entire apartment or house, i.e., to the possibility of reorganizing the internal structure (conversion of the premises), which can be seen as a broader interpretation of the term. On the other hand, there is a narrower interpretation which refers to the polyvalence of a part of an apartment, to a particular space or room, i.e., to the possibility of overlapping housing functions at different times in the same space, a so-called open plan. The research considers the concepts of spatial organization in polyvalent residential spaces with an open plan. The scientific analysis of reference sources, the interpretation and analysis of characteristic examples, and the deductive method, were used to investigate polyvalent open-plan living spaces, with the aim of ascertaining their most important characteristics and the principles of their spatial organization.",
publisher = "Београд : Институт за архитектуру и урбанизам Србије",
journal = "Архитектура и урбанизам",
title = "Поливалентност стана са отвореним планом − карактеристике и принципи просторне организације, The polyvalence of an open plan apartment – characteristics and spatial organization principles",
number = "54",
pages = "27-43",
doi = "10.5937/a-u0-34066"
Алфиревић, Ђ.,& Симоновић Алфиревић, С.. (2022). Поливалентност стана са отвореним планом − карактеристике и принципи просторне организације. in Архитектура и урбанизам
Београд : Институт за архитектуру и урбанизам Србије.(54), 27-43.
Алфиревић Ђ, Симоновић Алфиревић С. Поливалентност стана са отвореним планом − карактеристике и принципи просторне организације. in Архитектура и урбанизам. 2022;(54):27-43.
doi:10.5937/a-u0-34066 .
Алфиревић, Ђорђе, Симоновић Алфиревић, Сања, "Поливалентност стана са отвореним планом − карактеристике и принципи просторне организације" in Архитектура и урбанизам, no. 54 (2022):27-43, . .

ConnectGREEN (DTP 072-2.3) – Restoring and managing ecological corridors in mountains as the green infrastructure in the Danube basin

Nenković-Riznić, Marina; Simonović Alfirević, Sanja; Danilović Hristić, Nataša

(Belgrade : STRAND - Sustainable Urban Society Association, 2022)


Nenković-Riznić, M., Simonović Alfirević, S.,& Danilović Hristić, N.. (2022). ConnectGREEN (DTP 072-2.3) – Restoring and managing ecological corridors in mountains as the green infrastructure in the Danube basin. in Exhibition book, “On Architecture – Philosophy of  Architecture”, Proceedings, 10th International Conference “On Architecture – Philosophy of Architecture”, STRAND, 02-03.12.2022, Belgrade, Serbia
Belgrade : STRAND - Sustainable Urban Society Association., 29-29.
Nenković-Riznić M, Simonović Alfirević S, Danilović Hristić N. ConnectGREEN (DTP 072-2.3) – Restoring and managing ecological corridors in mountains as the green infrastructure in the Danube basin. in Exhibition book, “On Architecture – Philosophy of  Architecture”, Proceedings, 10th International Conference “On Architecture – Philosophy of Architecture”, STRAND, 02-03.12.2022, Belgrade, Serbia. 2022;:29-29. .
Nenković-Riznić, Marina, Simonović Alfirević, Sanja, Danilović Hristić, Nataša, "ConnectGREEN (DTP 072-2.3) – Restoring and managing ecological corridors in mountains as the green infrastructure in the Danube basin" in Exhibition book, “On Architecture – Philosophy of  Architecture”, Proceedings, 10th International Conference “On Architecture – Philosophy of Architecture”, STRAND, 02-03.12.2022, Belgrade, Serbia (2022):29-29, .

New Technologies in the Function of Participatory and Educational Processes in Urban Planning – Challenges of COVID-19 and the Future of Dialogue

Nenković-Riznić, Marina; Danilović-Hristić, Nataša; Simonović Alfirević, Sanja

(Belgrade : STRAND - Sustainable Urban Society Association, 2022)

AU  - Nenković-Riznić, Marina
AU  - Danilović-Hristić, Nataša
AU  - Simonović Alfirević, Sanja
PY  - 2022
UR  -
AB  - Participatory and educational processes in urban planning and design have not experienced significant steps forward or transformations during the last decades of the 20th and the first decade of the 21st century. However, with the emergence of the Covid 19 pandemic, the current paradigm related to the need for active public participation and education directly related to urban planning and decision-making is changing, and new virtual space settings of participation are defined. These circumstances raise the question of continuing active participation activities in a (permanently?) changed environment and facing the obstacles caused by the global pandemic. 
New experiences gained during the pandemic, and in light of the growing digitalization and migration of various spheres of engagement in virtual space, indicate the need to change the paradigm engagement of planners as educators whose presence is necessary in the offline world. Having that in mind they can achieve wider possibilities in overcoming the communication boundaries from a narrow space to the territory of the whole world. In addition, this leads to significant reduction of fuel consumption needed to overcome distant destinations and, consequently, reducing the carbon footprint. On the other hand, this type of communication allows relaxation of all participants who from their own homes can have a real experience of participating in the conference, lecture or seminar.
However, this type of dialogue also has significant negative consequences, which are reflected in increased alienation between interlocutors/participants, frequent misunderstandings and inadequate communication due to technological barriers, as well as participants intertia resulting from long exhausting conferences without real interaction. 
On the examples of dialogue, education and participatory processes within the INTERREG ConnectGREEN project this paper will review the positive and negative repercussions of new mechanisms of participation and possible directions for achieving active participation and education that would be realized hybridlike.
PB  - Belgrade : STRAND - Sustainable Urban Society Association
C3  - Book of Abstracts & Proceedings of 10th International Conference ‘’On Architecture — Philosophy of Architecture’’ STRAND
T1  - New Technologies in the Function of Participatory and Educational Processes in Urban Planning – Challenges of COVID-19 and the Future of Dialogue
SP  - 60
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Nenković-Riznić, Marina and Danilović-Hristić, Nataša and Simonović Alfirević, Sanja",
year = "2022",
abstract = "Participatory and educational processes in urban planning and design have not experienced significant steps forward or transformations during the last decades of the 20th and the first decade of the 21st century. However, with the emergence of the Covid 19 pandemic, the current paradigm related to the need for active public participation and education directly related to urban planning and decision-making is changing, and new virtual space settings of participation are defined. These circumstances raise the question of continuing active participation activities in a (permanently?) changed environment and facing the obstacles caused by the global pandemic. 
New experiences gained during the pandemic, and in light of the growing digitalization and migration of various spheres of engagement in virtual space, indicate the need to change the paradigm engagement of planners as educators whose presence is necessary in the offline world. Having that in mind they can achieve wider possibilities in overcoming the communication boundaries from a narrow space to the territory of the whole world. In addition, this leads to significant reduction of fuel consumption needed to overcome distant destinations and, consequently, reducing the carbon footprint. On the other hand, this type of communication allows relaxation of all participants who from their own homes can have a real experience of participating in the conference, lecture or seminar.
However, this type of dialogue also has significant negative consequences, which are reflected in increased alienation between interlocutors/participants, frequent misunderstandings and inadequate communication due to technological barriers, as well as participants intertia resulting from long exhausting conferences without real interaction. 
On the examples of dialogue, education and participatory processes within the INTERREG ConnectGREEN project this paper will review the positive and negative repercussions of new mechanisms of participation and possible directions for achieving active participation and education that would be realized hybridlike.",
publisher = "Belgrade : STRAND - Sustainable Urban Society Association",
journal = "Book of Abstracts & Proceedings of 10th International Conference ‘’On Architecture — Philosophy of Architecture’’ STRAND",
title = "New Technologies in the Function of Participatory and Educational Processes in Urban Planning – Challenges of COVID-19 and the Future of Dialogue",
pages = "60",
url = ""
Nenković-Riznić, M., Danilović-Hristić, N.,& Simonović Alfirević, S.. (2022). New Technologies in the Function of Participatory and Educational Processes in Urban Planning – Challenges of COVID-19 and the Future of Dialogue. in Book of Abstracts & Proceedings of 10th International Conference ‘’On Architecture — Philosophy of Architecture’’ STRAND
Belgrade : STRAND - Sustainable Urban Society Association., 60.
Nenković-Riznić M, Danilović-Hristić N, Simonović Alfirević S. New Technologies in the Function of Participatory and Educational Processes in Urban Planning – Challenges of COVID-19 and the Future of Dialogue. in Book of Abstracts & Proceedings of 10th International Conference ‘’On Architecture — Philosophy of Architecture’’ STRAND. 2022;:60. .
Nenković-Riznić, Marina, Danilović-Hristić, Nataša, Simonović Alfirević, Sanja, "New Technologies in the Function of Participatory and Educational Processes in Urban Planning – Challenges of COVID-19 and the Future of Dialogue" in Book of Abstracts & Proceedings of 10th International Conference ‘’On Architecture — Philosophy of Architecture’’ STRAND (2022):60, .

New Technologies in the Function of Participatory and Educational Processes in Urban Planning - Challenges of Covid-19 and the Future of Dialogue

Nenković-Riznić, Marina; Danilović Hristić, Nataša; Simonović Alfirević, Sanja

(Belgrade : STRAND, 2022)

AU  - Nenković-Riznić, Marina
AU  - Danilović Hristić, Nataša
AU  - Simonović Alfirević, Sanja
PY  - 2022
UR  -
AB  - New experiences in public participation gained during the pandemic, and in light of the growing digitalization and migration of various spheres of engagement in virtual space, indicate the need to change the paradigm engagement of planners as educators whose presence is necessary in the offline world. There are wider possibilities in overcoming the communication boundaries from a narrow space to the territory of the whole world. In addition, this leads to significant reduction of fuel consumption needed to overcome distant destinations and, consequently, reducing the carbon footprint. On the other hand, this type of communication allows relaxation of all participants who from their own homes can have a real experience of participating in the conference, lecture or seminar.
This type of dialogue also has significant negative consequences, which are reflected in increased alienation between interlocutors/participants, frequent misunderstandings and inadequate communication due to technological barriers, as well as participants inertia resulting from long exhausting conferences without real interaction. 
On the examples of dialogue, education and participatory processes within the ConnectGREEN project- .... this paper will review the positive and negative repercussions of new mechanisms of participation and possible directions for achieving active participation and education that would be realized hybrid
PB  - Belgrade : STRAND
C3  - Proceedings of 10th International Conference “On Architecture — Philosophy of Architecture” STRAND
T1  - New Technologies in the Function of Participatory and Educational Processes in Urban Planning - Challenges of Covid-19 and the Future of Dialogue
SP  - 287
EP  - 292
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Nenković-Riznić, Marina and Danilović Hristić, Nataša and Simonović Alfirević, Sanja",
year = "2022",
abstract = "New experiences in public participation gained during the pandemic, and in light of the growing digitalization and migration of various spheres of engagement in virtual space, indicate the need to change the paradigm engagement of planners as educators whose presence is necessary in the offline world. There are wider possibilities in overcoming the communication boundaries from a narrow space to the territory of the whole world. In addition, this leads to significant reduction of fuel consumption needed to overcome distant destinations and, consequently, reducing the carbon footprint. On the other hand, this type of communication allows relaxation of all participants who from their own homes can have a real experience of participating in the conference, lecture or seminar.
This type of dialogue also has significant negative consequences, which are reflected in increased alienation between interlocutors/participants, frequent misunderstandings and inadequate communication due to technological barriers, as well as participants inertia resulting from long exhausting conferences without real interaction. 
On the examples of dialogue, education and participatory processes within the ConnectGREEN project- .... this paper will review the positive and negative repercussions of new mechanisms of participation and possible directions for achieving active participation and education that would be realized hybrid",
publisher = "Belgrade : STRAND",
journal = "Proceedings of 10th International Conference “On Architecture — Philosophy of Architecture” STRAND",
title = "New Technologies in the Function of Participatory and Educational Processes in Urban Planning - Challenges of Covid-19 and the Future of Dialogue",
pages = "287-292",
url = ""
Nenković-Riznić, M., Danilović Hristić, N.,& Simonović Alfirević, S.. (2022). New Technologies in the Function of Participatory and Educational Processes in Urban Planning - Challenges of Covid-19 and the Future of Dialogue. in Proceedings of 10th International Conference “On Architecture — Philosophy of Architecture” STRAND
Belgrade : STRAND., 287-292.
Nenković-Riznić M, Danilović Hristić N, Simonović Alfirević S. New Technologies in the Function of Participatory and Educational Processes in Urban Planning - Challenges of Covid-19 and the Future of Dialogue. in Proceedings of 10th International Conference “On Architecture — Philosophy of Architecture” STRAND. 2022;:287-292. .
Nenković-Riznić, Marina, Danilović Hristić, Nataša, Simonović Alfirević, Sanja, "New Technologies in the Function of Participatory and Educational Processes in Urban Planning - Challenges of Covid-19 and the Future of Dialogue" in Proceedings of 10th International Conference “On Architecture — Philosophy of Architecture” STRAND (2022):287-292, .

The Concept of “Surface Depth” in Architecture

Alfirević, Đorđe; Simonović Alfirević, Sanja

(Niš : University of Niš, 2022)

AU  - Alfirević, Đorđe
AU  - Simonović Alfirević, Sanja
PY  - 2022
UR  -
AB  - In history of art and architecture, surface has always been the bearer of symbolic
and aesthetic values, the subject of theoretical and critical analysis, with various ideological, discursive and philosophical interpretations. The subject of this 
 research paper are different concepts of composition, artistic elements and materialisation of façade surfaces, which have the effect of “surface depth“ as their primary characteristic. By analysing the potential of this concept in articulation of the structure of façade and other surfaces, three main emergent forms were noted: plasticity of surfaces (the use of small façade plastics), double skin façade with unused in-between space and double skin façade with used in-between space. By conducting scientific analyses of theoretical reference sources and characteristic examples, along with the application of the deductive methods, the characteristics of the „surface depth“ concept in architecture were explored, with the aim of systematizing the principles used to achieve it, the possibilities of its application, as well as ways to establish the dual character of spatial planes - surface and volume. This research has contributed to the clarification of this concept and laid the foundation for further research in the direction of finding, chronologically ordering and analysing other examples, in order to enable their more extensive typology and systematization
PB  - Niš : University of Niš
T2  - Facta Universitatis, Series: Architecture and Civil Engineering
T1  - The Concept of “Surface Depth” in Architecture
VL  - 20
IS  - 3
SP  - 249
EP  - 260
DO  - 10.2298/FUACE220622019A
ER  - 
author = "Alfirević, Đorđe and Simonović Alfirević, Sanja",
year = "2022",
abstract = "In history of art and architecture, surface has always been the bearer of symbolic
and aesthetic values, the subject of theoretical and critical analysis, with various ideological, discursive and philosophical interpretations. The subject of this 
 research paper are different concepts of composition, artistic elements and materialisation of façade surfaces, which have the effect of “surface depth“ as their primary characteristic. By analysing the potential of this concept in articulation of the structure of façade and other surfaces, three main emergent forms were noted: plasticity of surfaces (the use of small façade plastics), double skin façade with unused in-between space and double skin façade with used in-between space. By conducting scientific analyses of theoretical reference sources and characteristic examples, along with the application of the deductive methods, the characteristics of the „surface depth“ concept in architecture were explored, with the aim of systematizing the principles used to achieve it, the possibilities of its application, as well as ways to establish the dual character of spatial planes - surface and volume. This research has contributed to the clarification of this concept and laid the foundation for further research in the direction of finding, chronologically ordering and analysing other examples, in order to enable their more extensive typology and systematization",
publisher = "Niš : University of Niš",
journal = "Facta Universitatis, Series: Architecture and Civil Engineering",
title = "The Concept of “Surface Depth” in Architecture",
volume = "20",
number = "3",
pages = "249-260",
doi = "10.2298/FUACE220622019A"
Alfirević, Đ.,& Simonović Alfirević, S.. (2022). The Concept of “Surface Depth” in Architecture. in Facta Universitatis, Series: Architecture and Civil Engineering
Niš : University of Niš., 20(3), 249-260.
Alfirević Đ, Simonović Alfirević S. The Concept of “Surface Depth” in Architecture. in Facta Universitatis, Series: Architecture and Civil Engineering. 2022;20(3):249-260.
doi:10.2298/FUACE220622019A .
Alfirević, Đorđe, Simonović Alfirević, Sanja, "The Concept of “Surface Depth” in Architecture" in Facta Universitatis, Series: Architecture and Civil Engineering, 20, no. 3 (2022):249-260, . .

Citizens' participation during COVID-19 pandemic: Lessons for the future

Nenković-Riznić, Marina; Simonović Alfirević, Sanja; Pucar, Mila; Brankov, Borjan

(Niš : Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture, University of Niš, 2022)

AU  - Nenković-Riznić, Marina
AU  - Simonović Alfirević, Sanja
AU  - Pucar, Mila
AU  - Brankov, Borjan
PY  - 2022
UR  -
AB  - Since the beginning of the Covid-19 crisis, the scientific community around the world has been trying to explain and study many newly formed issues, from health problems, but also to how the city can function in adaptation to changing environment with the importance of citizen participation. The focus of these issues is mainly on city areas that have been the biggest hotbeds of infection and have seen the biggest shift in the way these areas function on daily basis. This paper gives a brief overview of some research that primarily relates to the role of how pandemic motivated the change in participation methods and how we perceive meeting spaces in physical and online spheres. Part of the paper descibes the importance of citizen participation in emerging conditions along with chosen case study of the ConnectGREEN project’s participation process during live and online workshops organized from 2019 to 2021, in which the authors of this paper participated. 
Lessons learned through research and projects aim to help understand the impact of specific, often unforeseen situations, that can change existing patterns of urban planning and design, but also change and challenge the existing quality of life, show the need for proper community involvement, good governance, etc. The paper concludes that future cities will have a semi-online way of functioning, which in the post-pandemic period opens new possibilities in different public initiatives (some already started in various cities), and also creates specific conditions with advantages and disadvantages for participation in wider initiatives, but also in scientific and similar small projects.
PB  - Niš : Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture, University of Niš
C3  - Proceedings of International Conference on Urban Planning - ICUP 2022
T1  - Citizens' participation during COVID-19 pandemic: Lessons for the future
SP  - 69
EP  - 75
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Nenković-Riznić, Marina and Simonović Alfirević, Sanja and Pucar, Mila and Brankov, Borjan",
year = "2022",
abstract = "Since the beginning of the Covid-19 crisis, the scientific community around the world has been trying to explain and study many newly formed issues, from health problems, but also to how the city can function in adaptation to changing environment with the importance of citizen participation. The focus of these issues is mainly on city areas that have been the biggest hotbeds of infection and have seen the biggest shift in the way these areas function on daily basis. This paper gives a brief overview of some research that primarily relates to the role of how pandemic motivated the change in participation methods and how we perceive meeting spaces in physical and online spheres. Part of the paper descibes the importance of citizen participation in emerging conditions along with chosen case study of the ConnectGREEN project’s participation process during live and online workshops organized from 2019 to 2021, in which the authors of this paper participated. 
Lessons learned through research and projects aim to help understand the impact of specific, often unforeseen situations, that can change existing patterns of urban planning and design, but also change and challenge the existing quality of life, show the need for proper community involvement, good governance, etc. The paper concludes that future cities will have a semi-online way of functioning, which in the post-pandemic period opens new possibilities in different public initiatives (some already started in various cities), and also creates specific conditions with advantages and disadvantages for participation in wider initiatives, but also in scientific and similar small projects.",
publisher = "Niš : Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture, University of Niš",
journal = "Proceedings of International Conference on Urban Planning - ICUP 2022",
title = "Citizens' participation during COVID-19 pandemic: Lessons for the future",
pages = "69-75",
url = ""
Nenković-Riznić, M., Simonović Alfirević, S., Pucar, M.,& Brankov, B.. (2022). Citizens' participation during COVID-19 pandemic: Lessons for the future. in Proceedings of International Conference on Urban Planning - ICUP 2022
Niš : Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture, University of Niš., 69-75.
Nenković-Riznić M, Simonović Alfirević S, Pucar M, Brankov B. Citizens' participation during COVID-19 pandemic: Lessons for the future. in Proceedings of International Conference on Urban Planning - ICUP 2022. 2022;:69-75. .
Nenković-Riznić, Marina, Simonović Alfirević, Sanja, Pucar, Mila, Brankov, Borjan, "Citizens' participation during COVID-19 pandemic: Lessons for the future" in Proceedings of International Conference on Urban Planning - ICUP 2022 (2022):69-75, .

Interior in Context: Principles of Interior and Exterior Integration

Simonović Alfirević, Sanja; Alfirević, Đorđe

(Belgrade : Faculty of Applied Arts, University of Arts in Belgrade, Serbia, 2022)

AU  - Simonović Alfirević, Sanja
AU  - Alfirević, Đorđe
PY  - 2022
UR  -
AB  - The subject of this research includes design principles
through which the integration of interior and exterior can
be achieved. The principles are grouped according to the role
they play in achieving the relationship between outer and inner
space. Two directions of possible interactions are considered: a)
the influence of the interior on the exterior and b) the influence
of the exterior on the interior.
The structure of design principles is conceived by applying the
deductive method and is derived from the basic motives that
most often cause interactions between the interior space and
the environment. The analysis of characteristic motives, which
are mainly a consequence of the extroverted or introverted nature
of the user, the desire for intimacy or presenting material
status, etc., formulates design principles that provide an answer
to the needs for integration of interior and exterior. The principles
are clearly presented using characteristic examples of
modern concepts of spatial organization and interior design.
The main goal of the research is to determine a methodical
structure of creative principles, which enable the integration of
interior and exterior, and supporting that relation at the same
time, but also to check the stance that the architect’s shaping of
the user’s desire to perceive the immediate environment is sufficient
for the basic connection of external and internal space.
In addition, it is important to emphasize that for higher levels
of the mentioned integration, it is necessary for the user to see,
but also to be seen, i.e. that there is a mutual interest in the interaction
of both the user of the interior space and the observer
who experiences the interior from the environment.
The results of the research indicate, first of all, the existence of a
larger number of creative principles by means of which it is possible
to connect the interior space with the immediate environment.
On the other hand, the paper states a close cause-and-effect
relationship of motives, which arise from the specific users’
needs and the architect’s competence to recognize the wishes of
users and articulate them in a contextual visual expression.
AB  - Контекст (лат. contextus – веза, спој речи, смисао) је термин који у општем смислу означава везу мисли у говору. Термин је у употреби у готово свим областима људског стваралаштва, између осталог и у архитектури и дизајну ентеријера. Када се примењује, обично подразумева релацију дела нечега према целини. Један исти појам или елемент може имати различито значење у зависности од контекста у коме се налази. У дизајну ентеријера, као и у архитектури, контекст има два нивоа значења. У ужем смислу, подразумева непосредно физичко окружење око облика или простора који се пројектује. У ширем смислу, контекст је скуп свих утицајних фактора који утичу на конципирање пројектног решења. Предмет рада овог истраживања су пројектантски принципи путем којих се може постићи интеграција ентеријера и екстеријера. Принципи су груписани према улози коју имају у остваривању релација између спољашњег и унурашњег простора. Разматрана су два смера могућих интеракција: а) утицај ентеријера на екстеријер и б) утицај екстеријера на ентеријер. Структура принципа је постављена помоћу дедуктивног метода и изведена је из основних мотива који најчешће узрокују интеракције између унутрашњег простора и окружења. Анализом карактеристичних мотива, који су углавном последица екстровертне или интровертне природе корисника, жеље за интимношћу, за приказивањем материјалног статуса и др., формулисани су пројектантски принципи који пружају одговор на потребе за интегрисањем ентеријера и екстеријера. Принципи су прегледно приказани помоћу карактеристичних примера савремених концепата просторне организације и ентеријера. Основни циљ истраживања је да се постави систематична структура стваралачких принципа, који омогућавају остваривање и јачање интеграције ентеријера и екстеријера, али и да се провери становиште по коме је за елементарно повезивање спољашњег и унутрашњег простора довољно да архитект уобличи жељу корисника да види окружење, док је за више нивое интеграције неопходно да корисник види, али и да буде виђен, тј. да постоји обострани интерес за интеракцијом и корисника унутрашњег простора и посматрача који доживљава ентеријер из окружења. Резултати истраживања указују пре свега на постојање већег броја стваралачких принципа помоћу којих је могуће повезати унутрашњи простор са непосредним окружењем. Са друге стране, у раду је констатована блиска узрочно-последична релација мотива, који проистичу из специфичних потреба корисника и спремности ствараоца да препозна жеље корисника и артикулише их у контекстуалан визуелни израз.
PB  - Belgrade : Faculty of Applied Arts, University of Arts in Belgrade, Serbia
T2  - Thematic Proceedings - Art and Science Applied : Experience and Vision - Selection of Papers from the Second International Conference of the Faculty of Applied Arts in Belgrade, SmartArt 2021
T1  - Interior in Context: Principles of Interior and Exterior Integration
T1  - Ентеријер у контексту: принципи интеграције ентеријера и екстеријера
SP  - 450
EP  - 462
DO  - 10.18485/smartart.2022.2.ch24
ER  - 
author = "Simonović Alfirević, Sanja and Alfirević, Đorđe",
year = "2022",
abstract = "The subject of this research includes design principles
through which the integration of interior and exterior can
be achieved. The principles are grouped according to the role
they play in achieving the relationship between outer and inner
space. Two directions of possible interactions are considered: a)
the influence of the interior on the exterior and b) the influence
of the exterior on the interior.
The structure of design principles is conceived by applying the
deductive method and is derived from the basic motives that
most often cause interactions between the interior space and
the environment. The analysis of characteristic motives, which
are mainly a consequence of the extroverted or introverted nature
of the user, the desire for intimacy or presenting material
status, etc., formulates design principles that provide an answer
to the needs for integration of interior and exterior. The principles
are clearly presented using characteristic examples of
modern concepts of spatial organization and interior design.
The main goal of the research is to determine a methodical
structure of creative principles, which enable the integration of
interior and exterior, and supporting that relation at the same
time, but also to check the stance that the architect’s shaping of
the user’s desire to perceive the immediate environment is sufficient
for the basic connection of external and internal space.
In addition, it is important to emphasize that for higher levels
of the mentioned integration, it is necessary for the user to see,
but also to be seen, i.e. that there is a mutual interest in the interaction
of both the user of the interior space and the observer
who experiences the interior from the environment.
The results of the research indicate, first of all, the existence of a
larger number of creative principles by means of which it is possible
to connect the interior space with the immediate environment.
On the other hand, the paper states a close cause-and-effect
relationship of motives, which arise from the specific users’
needs and the architect’s competence to recognize the wishes of
users and articulate them in a contextual visual expression., Контекст (лат. contextus – веза, спој речи, смисао) је термин који у општем смислу означава везу мисли у говору. Термин је у употреби у готово свим областима људског стваралаштва, између осталог и у архитектури и дизајну ентеријера. Када се примењује, обично подразумева релацију дела нечега према целини. Један исти појам или елемент може имати различито значење у зависности од контекста у коме се налази. У дизајну ентеријера, као и у архитектури, контекст има два нивоа значења. У ужем смислу, подразумева непосредно физичко окружење око облика или простора који се пројектује. У ширем смислу, контекст је скуп свих утицајних фактора који утичу на конципирање пројектног решења. Предмет рада овог истраживања су пројектантски принципи путем којих се може постићи интеграција ентеријера и екстеријера. Принципи су груписани према улози коју имају у остваривању релација између спољашњег и унурашњег простора. Разматрана су два смера могућих интеракција: а) утицај ентеријера на екстеријер и б) утицај екстеријера на ентеријер. Структура принципа је постављена помоћу дедуктивног метода и изведена је из основних мотива који најчешће узрокују интеракције између унутрашњег простора и окружења. Анализом карактеристичних мотива, који су углавном последица екстровертне или интровертне природе корисника, жеље за интимношћу, за приказивањем материјалног статуса и др., формулисани су пројектантски принципи који пружају одговор на потребе за интегрисањем ентеријера и екстеријера. Принципи су прегледно приказани помоћу карактеристичних примера савремених концепата просторне организације и ентеријера. Основни циљ истраживања је да се постави систематична структура стваралачких принципа, који омогућавају остваривање и јачање интеграције ентеријера и екстеријера, али и да се провери становиште по коме је за елементарно повезивање спољашњег и унутрашњег простора довољно да архитект уобличи жељу корисника да види окружење, док је за више нивое интеграције неопходно да корисник види, али и да буде виђен, тј. да постоји обострани интерес за интеракцијом и корисника унутрашњег простора и посматрача који доживљава ентеријер из окружења. Резултати истраживања указују пре свега на постојање већег броја стваралачких принципа помоћу којих је могуће повезати унутрашњи простор са непосредним окружењем. Са друге стране, у раду је констатована блиска узрочно-последична релација мотива, који проистичу из специфичних потреба корисника и спремности ствараоца да препозна жеље корисника и артикулише их у контекстуалан визуелни израз.",
publisher = "Belgrade : Faculty of Applied Arts, University of Arts in Belgrade, Serbia",
journal = "Thematic Proceedings - Art and Science Applied : Experience and Vision - Selection of Papers from the Second International Conference of the Faculty of Applied Arts in Belgrade, SmartArt 2021",
booktitle = "Interior in Context: Principles of Interior and Exterior Integration, Ентеријер у контексту: принципи интеграције ентеријера и екстеријера",
pages = "450-462",
doi = "10.18485/smartart.2022.2.ch24"
Simonović Alfirević, S.,& Alfirević, Đ.. (2022). Interior in Context: Principles of Interior and Exterior Integration. in Thematic Proceedings - Art and Science Applied : Experience and Vision - Selection of Papers from the Second International Conference of the Faculty of Applied Arts in Belgrade, SmartArt 2021
Belgrade : Faculty of Applied Arts, University of Arts in Belgrade, Serbia., 450-462.
Simonović Alfirević S, Alfirević Đ. Interior in Context: Principles of Interior and Exterior Integration. in Thematic Proceedings - Art and Science Applied : Experience and Vision - Selection of Papers from the Second International Conference of the Faculty of Applied Arts in Belgrade, SmartArt 2021. 2022;:450-462.
doi:10.18485/smartart.2022.2.ch24 .
Simonović Alfirević, Sanja, Alfirević, Đorđe, "Interior in Context: Principles of Interior and Exterior Integration" in Thematic Proceedings - Art and Science Applied : Experience and Vision - Selection of Papers from the Second International Conference of the Faculty of Applied Arts in Belgrade, SmartArt 2021 (2022):450-462, . .

Participatory planning in the post-pandemic period – towards new stakeholder communication

Nenković-Riznić, Marina; Simonović Alfirević, Sanja

(Belgrade : IRASA – International Research Academy of Science and Art Belgrade, 2022)

AU  - Nenković-Riznić, Marina
AU  - Simonović Alfirević, Sanja
PY  - 2022
UR  -
AB  - Participatory planning, as a way to reform spatial and urban planning and design during the global pandemic of virus COVID - 19 in 2020 is undergoing a serious transformation, not only in form, appearance, but also in the essential, significant sense. In this regard, the current paradigms of the need for active public participation directly related to spatial and urban planning and decision-making through public workshops, round tables, discussions and debates that require the physical presence of participants are changing. Having that in mind new participatory settings are defined and they are migrating to virtual space. New circumstances raise the question of continuing active participation activities in a (permanently?) changed environment and defining new, hybrid ways of engaging stakeholders in participatory planning activities. Thus, the participatory tools and instruments used in the pre-pandemic are changing significantly, opening new opportunities for the active participation of experts in projects of wider community importance.
The paper will consider previous ways of engaging stakeholders in spatial and urban planning processes, as well as opportunities to change the participatory paradigm, which may now include hiring remote experts, where territorial distance is no longer an obstacle to participation. Through examples of different types of engagement in pandemic and post-pandemic conditions, advantages and critiques of new hybrid ways of participation will be given.
PB  - Belgrade : IRASA – International Research Academy of Science and Art Belgrade
C3  - Book of abstracts / IRASA International Research Academy of Science and Art International Scientific Conference Science, Education, Technology and Innovation - SETI IV, Belgrade, September 30 – October 1
T1  - Participatory planning in the post-pandemic period – towards new stakeholder communication
SP  - 63
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Nenković-Riznić, Marina and Simonović Alfirević, Sanja",
year = "2022",
abstract = "Participatory planning, as a way to reform spatial and urban planning and design during the global pandemic of virus COVID - 19 in 2020 is undergoing a serious transformation, not only in form, appearance, but also in the essential, significant sense. In this regard, the current paradigms of the need for active public participation directly related to spatial and urban planning and decision-making through public workshops, round tables, discussions and debates that require the physical presence of participants are changing. Having that in mind new participatory settings are defined and they are migrating to virtual space. New circumstances raise the question of continuing active participation activities in a (permanently?) changed environment and defining new, hybrid ways of engaging stakeholders in participatory planning activities. Thus, the participatory tools and instruments used in the pre-pandemic are changing significantly, opening new opportunities for the active participation of experts in projects of wider community importance.
The paper will consider previous ways of engaging stakeholders in spatial and urban planning processes, as well as opportunities to change the participatory paradigm, which may now include hiring remote experts, where territorial distance is no longer an obstacle to participation. Through examples of different types of engagement in pandemic and post-pandemic conditions, advantages and critiques of new hybrid ways of participation will be given.",
publisher = "Belgrade : IRASA – International Research Academy of Science and Art Belgrade",
journal = "Book of abstracts / IRASA International Research Academy of Science and Art International Scientific Conference Science, Education, Technology and Innovation - SETI IV, Belgrade, September 30 – October 1",
title = "Participatory planning in the post-pandemic period – towards new stakeholder communication",
pages = "63",
url = ""
Nenković-Riznić, M.,& Simonović Alfirević, S.. (2022). Participatory planning in the post-pandemic period – towards new stakeholder communication. in Book of abstracts / IRASA International Research Academy of Science and Art International Scientific Conference Science, Education, Technology and Innovation - SETI IV, Belgrade, September 30 – October 1
Belgrade : IRASA – International Research Academy of Science and Art Belgrade., 63.
Nenković-Riznić M, Simonović Alfirević S. Participatory planning in the post-pandemic period – towards new stakeholder communication. in Book of abstracts / IRASA International Research Academy of Science and Art International Scientific Conference Science, Education, Technology and Innovation - SETI IV, Belgrade, September 30 – October 1. 2022;:63. .
Nenković-Riznić, Marina, Simonović Alfirević, Sanja, "Participatory planning in the post-pandemic period – towards new stakeholder communication" in Book of abstracts / IRASA International Research Academy of Science and Art International Scientific Conference Science, Education, Technology and Innovation - SETI IV, Belgrade, September 30 – October 1 (2022):63, .

Participatory planning in the post-pandemic period – towards new stakeholder communication

Nenković-Riznić, Marina; Simonović Alfirević, Sanja

(Belgrade : IRASA – International Research Academy of Science and Art Belgrade, 2022)

AU  - Nenković-Riznić, Marina
AU  - Simonović Alfirević, Sanja
PY  - 2022
UR  -
AB  - Participatory planning, as a way to reform spatial and urban planning and design during the global pandemic of virus COVID - 19 in 2020 is undergoing a serious transformation, not only in form, appearance, but also in the essential, significant sense. In this regard, the current paradigms of the need for active public participation directly related to spatial and urban planning and decision-making through public workshops, round tables, discussions and debates that require the physical presence of participants are changing. Having that in mind new participatory settings are defined and they are migrating to virtual space. New circumstances raise the question of continuing active participation activities in a (permanently?) changed environment and defining new, hybrid ways of engaging stakeholders in participatory planning activities. Thus, the participatory tools and instruments used in the pre-pandemic are changing significantly, opening new opportunities for the active participation of experts in projects of wider community importance.
The paper will consider previous ways of engaging stakeholders in spatial and urban planning processes, as well as opportunities to change the participatory paradigm, which may now include hiring remote experts, where territorial distance is no longer an obstacle to participation. Through examples of different types of engagement in pandemic and post-pandemic conditions, advantages and critiques of new hybrid ways of participation will be given.
PB  - Belgrade : IRASA – International Research Academy of Science and Art Belgrade
C3  - Fourth International Scientific Conference ′′Science, Education, Technology and Innovation – SETI IV 2022
T1  - Participatory planning in the post-pandemic period – towards new stakeholder communication
SP  - 393
EP  - 400
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Nenković-Riznić, Marina and Simonović Alfirević, Sanja",
year = "2022",
abstract = "Participatory planning, as a way to reform spatial and urban planning and design during the global pandemic of virus COVID - 19 in 2020 is undergoing a serious transformation, not only in form, appearance, but also in the essential, significant sense. In this regard, the current paradigms of the need for active public participation directly related to spatial and urban planning and decision-making through public workshops, round tables, discussions and debates that require the physical presence of participants are changing. Having that in mind new participatory settings are defined and they are migrating to virtual space. New circumstances raise the question of continuing active participation activities in a (permanently?) changed environment and defining new, hybrid ways of engaging stakeholders in participatory planning activities. Thus, the participatory tools and instruments used in the pre-pandemic are changing significantly, opening new opportunities for the active participation of experts in projects of wider community importance.
The paper will consider previous ways of engaging stakeholders in spatial and urban planning processes, as well as opportunities to change the participatory paradigm, which may now include hiring remote experts, where territorial distance is no longer an obstacle to participation. Through examples of different types of engagement in pandemic and post-pandemic conditions, advantages and critiques of new hybrid ways of participation will be given.",
publisher = "Belgrade : IRASA – International Research Academy of Science and Art Belgrade",
journal = "Fourth International Scientific Conference ′′Science, Education, Technology and Innovation – SETI IV 2022",
title = "Participatory planning in the post-pandemic period – towards new stakeholder communication",
pages = "393-400",
url = ""
Nenković-Riznić, M.,& Simonović Alfirević, S.. (2022). Participatory planning in the post-pandemic period – towards new stakeholder communication. in Fourth International Scientific Conference ′′Science, Education, Technology and Innovation – SETI IV 2022
Belgrade : IRASA – International Research Academy of Science and Art Belgrade., 393-400.
Nenković-Riznić M, Simonović Alfirević S. Participatory planning in the post-pandemic period – towards new stakeholder communication. in Fourth International Scientific Conference ′′Science, Education, Technology and Innovation – SETI IV 2022. 2022;:393-400. .
Nenković-Riznić, Marina, Simonović Alfirević, Sanja, "Participatory planning in the post-pandemic period – towards new stakeholder communication" in Fourth International Scientific Conference ′′Science, Education, Technology and Innovation – SETI IV 2022 (2022):393-400, .

The influence of the border materiality on the experience of territoriality in housing

Simonović Alfirević, Sanja; Alfirević, Đorđe

(Belgrade : IRASA – International Research Academy of Science and Art Belgrade, 2022)

AU  - Simonović Alfirević, Sanja
AU  - Alfirević, Đorđe
PY  - 2022
UR  -
AB  - The notion of territoriality is widespread and is present in many areas of human activity. This term is usually associated with the need to demarcate space, which individuals or groups use and defend. In science, so far, various parameters that determine the extent of the experience of territoriality have been investigated, among others, control, security, personalization and protection of space..
In the research, through the deductive method and the analysis of certain characteristic housing models - residential communities, residential buildings and residential units, it will be considered on a general level to what extent spatial boundaries provide different degrees of privacy and enable people to exercise control over their own activities and the activities of others. The physical and functional framework and the social division of space can increase or decrease the possibilities for resident activities.
The goal of this research is to consider the relationship between the experience of territoriality of an individual or a group in housing and the character of the boundaries that determine the domain of the territory, i.e. certain spatial levels. Another goal is to reconsider the thesis according to which the character of the boundary is one of the key parameters that influence the experience of territoriality in housing. If the boundary of the territory is more material, solid, concrete or closed, the experience of territoriality is more present, while if the boundary of the territory is immaterial, ephemeral, softer, flexible or more open, it diminishes the experience of territoriality and has the opposite effect.
PB  - Belgrade : IRASA – International Research Academy of Science and Art Belgrade
C3  - Book of abstracts / IRASA International Research Academy of Science and Art International Scientific Conference Science, Education, Technology and Innovation - SETI IV, Belgrade, September 30 – October 1
T1  - The influence of the border materiality on the experience of territoriality in housing
SP  - 65
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Simonović Alfirević, Sanja and Alfirević, Đorđe",
year = "2022",
abstract = "The notion of territoriality is widespread and is present in many areas of human activity. This term is usually associated with the need to demarcate space, which individuals or groups use and defend. In science, so far, various parameters that determine the extent of the experience of territoriality have been investigated, among others, control, security, personalization and protection of space..
In the research, through the deductive method and the analysis of certain characteristic housing models - residential communities, residential buildings and residential units, it will be considered on a general level to what extent spatial boundaries provide different degrees of privacy and enable people to exercise control over their own activities and the activities of others. The physical and functional framework and the social division of space can increase or decrease the possibilities for resident activities.
The goal of this research is to consider the relationship between the experience of territoriality of an individual or a group in housing and the character of the boundaries that determine the domain of the territory, i.e. certain spatial levels. Another goal is to reconsider the thesis according to which the character of the boundary is one of the key parameters that influence the experience of territoriality in housing. If the boundary of the territory is more material, solid, concrete or closed, the experience of territoriality is more present, while if the boundary of the territory is immaterial, ephemeral, softer, flexible or more open, it diminishes the experience of territoriality and has the opposite effect.",
publisher = "Belgrade : IRASA – International Research Academy of Science and Art Belgrade",
journal = "Book of abstracts / IRASA International Research Academy of Science and Art International Scientific Conference Science, Education, Technology and Innovation - SETI IV, Belgrade, September 30 – October 1",
title = "The influence of the border materiality on the experience of territoriality in housing",
pages = "65",
url = ""
Simonović Alfirević, S.,& Alfirević, Đ.. (2022). The influence of the border materiality on the experience of territoriality in housing. in Book of abstracts / IRASA International Research Academy of Science and Art International Scientific Conference Science, Education, Technology and Innovation - SETI IV, Belgrade, September 30 – October 1
Belgrade : IRASA – International Research Academy of Science and Art Belgrade., 65.
Simonović Alfirević S, Alfirević Đ. The influence of the border materiality on the experience of territoriality in housing. in Book of abstracts / IRASA International Research Academy of Science and Art International Scientific Conference Science, Education, Technology and Innovation - SETI IV, Belgrade, September 30 – October 1. 2022;:65. .
Simonović Alfirević, Sanja, Alfirević, Đorđe, "The influence of the border materiality on the experience of territoriality in housing" in Book of abstracts / IRASA International Research Academy of Science and Art International Scientific Conference Science, Education, Technology and Innovation - SETI IV, Belgrade, September 30 – October 1 (2022):65, .

The influence of the border materiality on the experience of territoriality in housing

Simonović Alfirević, Sanja; Alfirević, Đorđe

(Belgrade : IRASA – International Research Academy of Science and Art Belgrade, 2022)

AU  - Simonović Alfirević, Sanja
AU  - Alfirević, Đorđe
PY  - 2022
UR  -
AB  - The notion of territoriality is widespread and is present in many areas of human activity. This term is usually associated with the need to demarcate space, which individuals or groups use and defend. In science, so far, various parameters that determine the extent of the experience of territoriality have been investigated, among others, control, security, personalization and protection of space..
In the research, through the deductive method and the analysis of certain characteristic housing models - residential communities, residential buildings and residential units, it will be considered on a general level to what extent spatial boundaries provide different degrees of privacy and enable people to exercise control over their own activities and the activities of others. The physical and functional framework and the social division of space can increase or decrease the possibilities for resident activities.
The goal of this research is to consider the relationship between the experience of territoriality of an individual or a group in housing and the character of the boundaries that determine the domain of the territory, i.e. certain spatial levels. Another goal is to reconsider the thesis according to which the character of the boundary is one of the key parameters that influence the experience of territoriality in housing. If the boundary of the territory is more material, solid, concrete or closed, the experience of territoriality is more present, while if the boundary of the territory is immaterial, ephemeral, softer, flexible or more open, it diminishes the experience of territoriality and has the opposite effect.
PB  - Belgrade : IRASA – International Research Academy of Science and Art Belgrade
C3  - Fourth International Scientific Conference ′′Science, Education, Technology and Innovation – SETI IV 2022
T1  - The influence of the border materiality on the experience of territoriality in housing
SP  - 414
EP  - 426
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Simonović Alfirević, Sanja and Alfirević, Đorđe",
year = "2022",
abstract = "The notion of territoriality is widespread and is present in many areas of human activity. This term is usually associated with the need to demarcate space, which individuals or groups use and defend. In science, so far, various parameters that determine the extent of the experience of territoriality have been investigated, among others, control, security, personalization and protection of space..
In the research, through the deductive method and the analysis of certain characteristic housing models - residential communities, residential buildings and residential units, it will be considered on a general level to what extent spatial boundaries provide different degrees of privacy and enable people to exercise control over their own activities and the activities of others. The physical and functional framework and the social division of space can increase or decrease the possibilities for resident activities.
The goal of this research is to consider the relationship between the experience of territoriality of an individual or a group in housing and the character of the boundaries that determine the domain of the territory, i.e. certain spatial levels. Another goal is to reconsider the thesis according to which the character of the boundary is one of the key parameters that influence the experience of territoriality in housing. If the boundary of the territory is more material, solid, concrete or closed, the experience of territoriality is more present, while if the boundary of the territory is immaterial, ephemeral, softer, flexible or more open, it diminishes the experience of territoriality and has the opposite effect.",
publisher = "Belgrade : IRASA – International Research Academy of Science and Art Belgrade",
journal = "Fourth International Scientific Conference ′′Science, Education, Technology and Innovation – SETI IV 2022",
title = "The influence of the border materiality on the experience of territoriality in housing",
pages = "414-426",
url = ""
Simonović Alfirević, S.,& Alfirević, Đ.. (2022). The influence of the border materiality on the experience of territoriality in housing. in Fourth International Scientific Conference ′′Science, Education, Technology and Innovation – SETI IV 2022
Belgrade : IRASA – International Research Academy of Science and Art Belgrade., 414-426.
Simonović Alfirević S, Alfirević Đ. The influence of the border materiality on the experience of territoriality in housing. in Fourth International Scientific Conference ′′Science, Education, Technology and Innovation – SETI IV 2022. 2022;:414-426. .
Simonović Alfirević, Sanja, Alfirević, Đorđe, "The influence of the border materiality on the experience of territoriality in housing" in Fourth International Scientific Conference ′′Science, Education, Technology and Innovation – SETI IV 2022 (2022):414-426, .

Нови методолошки приступ анализи података за интегрисани инвентар почетних вредности емисија (BEI) и процене рањивости и ризика (VRA) и процена утицаја резултата анализе на животну средину у урбаним подручјима

Пуцар, Мила; Симоновић Алфиревић, Сања; Ненковић-Ризнић, Марина; Петровић, Снежана

(Београд : Институт за архитектуру и урбанизам Србије, 2021)


Пуцар, М., Симоновић Алфиревић, С., Ненковић-Ризнић, М.,& Петровић, С.. (2021). Нови методолошки приступ анализи података за интегрисани инвентар почетних вредности емисија (BEI) и процене рањивости и ризика (VRA) и процена утицаја резултата анализе на животну средину у урбаним подручјима. 
Београд : Институт за архитектуру и урбанизам Србије..
Пуцар М, Симоновић Алфиревић С, Ненковић-Ризнић М, Петровић С. Нови методолошки приступ анализи података за интегрисани инвентар почетних вредности емисија (BEI) и процене рањивости и ризика (VRA) и процена утицаја резултата анализе на животну средину у урбаним подручјима. 2021;. .
Пуцар, Мила, Симоновић Алфиревић, Сања, Ненковић-Ризнић, Марина, Петровић, Снежана, "Нови методолошки приступ анализи података за интегрисани инвентар почетних вредности емисија (BEI) и процене рањивости и ризика (VRA) и процена утицаја резултата анализе на животну средину у урбаним подручјима" (2021), .

Конкурс за израду урбанистичко-архитектонског решења Трга ослобођења у Зајечару

Манић, Божидар; Гогић, Сања; Симоновић Алфиревић, Сања; Црнчевић, Тијана

(Градска управа града Зајечара, 2021)


Манић, Б., Гогић, С., Симоновић Алфиревић, С.,& Црнчевић, Т.. (2021). Конкурс за израду урбанистичко-архитектонског решења Трга ослобођења у Зајечару. in Одлука о резултатима конкурса за дизајн
Градска управа града Зајечара..
Манић Б, Гогић С, Симоновић Алфиревић С, Црнчевић Т. Конкурс за израду урбанистичко-архитектонског решења Трга ослобођења у Зајечару. in Одлука о резултатима конкурса за дизајн. 2021;. .
Манић, Божидар, Гогић, Сања, Симоновић Алфиревић, Сања, Црнчевић, Тијана, "Конкурс за израду урбанистичко-архитектонског решења Трга ослобођења у Зајечару" in Одлука о резултатима конкурса за дизајн (2021), .

Стратешкe процена утицаја (СПУ) Акционог планa за одрживе енергије и климу за град Београд (SECAP) и Акционог плана за зелени град за Београд (GCAP)

Ненковић-Ризнић, Марина; Пуцар, Мила; Симоновић Алфиревић, Сања; Петровић, Снежана; Пантић, Маријана

(Ниш : Удружење урбаниста Србије, 2021, 2021)


Ненковић-Ризнић, М., Пуцар, М., Симоновић Алфиревић, С., Петровић, С.,& Пантић, М.. (2021). Стратешкe процена утицаја (СПУ) Акционог планa за одрживе енергије и климу за град Београд (SECAP) и Акционог плана за зелени град за Београд (GCAP). in Kаталог изложбе: 30. Међународни салон Урбанизма 2021, Ниш, 8-13. новембар 2021.
Ниш : Удружење урбаниста Србије, 2021., 140-140.
Ненковић-Ризнић М, Пуцар М, Симоновић Алфиревић С, Петровић С, Пантић М. Стратешкe процена утицаја (СПУ) Акционог планa за одрживе енергије и климу за град Београд (SECAP) и Акционог плана за зелени град за Београд (GCAP). in Kаталог изложбе: 30. Међународни салон Урбанизма 2021, Ниш, 8-13. новембар 2021.. 2021;:140-140. .
Ненковић-Ризнић, Марина, Пуцар, Мила, Симоновић Алфиревић, Сања, Петровић, Снежана, Пантић, Маријана, "Стратешкe процена утицаја (СПУ) Акционог планa за одрживе енергије и климу за град Београд (SECAP) и Акционог плана за зелени град за Београд (GCAP)" in Kаталог изложбе: 30. Међународни салон Урбанизма 2021, Ниш, 8-13. новембар 2021. (2021):140-140, .

Програмско-урбанистичка студија решења културно-историјског спомен-комплекса Бранковина и предлог мера заштите од климатских промена

Пуцар, Мила; Симић, Бранислава; Симоновић Алфиревић, Сања

(Ниш : Удружење урбаниста Србије, 2021)


Пуцар, М., Симић, Б.,& Симоновић Алфиревић, С.. (2021). Програмско-урбанистичка студија решења културно-историјског спомен-комплекса Бранковина и предлог мера заштите од климатских промена. in Каталог изложбе: 30. Међународни салон Урбанизма 2021, Ниш, 8-13. новембар 2021.
Ниш : Удружење урбаниста Србије., 142-142.
Пуцар М, Симић Б, Симоновић Алфиревић С. Програмско-урбанистичка студија решења културно-историјског спомен-комплекса Бранковина и предлог мера заштите од климатских промена. in Каталог изложбе: 30. Међународни салон Урбанизма 2021, Ниш, 8-13. новембар 2021.. 2021;:142-142. .
Пуцар, Мила, Симић, Бранислава, Симоновић Алфиревић, Сања, "Програмско-урбанистичка студија решења културно-историјског спомен-комплекса Бранковина и предлог мера заштите од климатских промена" in Каталог изложбе: 30. Међународни салон Урбанизма 2021, Ниш, 8-13. новембар 2021. (2021):142-142, .