Maksin-Mićić, Marija

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Authority KeyName Variants
  • Maksin-Mićić, Marija (25)
  • Maksin, Marija (20)
  • Максин, Марија (6)

Author's Bibliography

Измене и допуне Плана подручја посебне намене Националног парка ,,Копаоник''

Krunić, Nikola; Milijić, Saša; Maksin, Marija; Danilović Hristić, Nataša; Bakić, Olgica; Hristov, Maja

(Ниш : Удружење урбаниста Србије / Niš : Serbian Town Planners’ Association, 2023)


Krunić, N., Milijić, S., Maksin, M., Danilović Hristić, N., Bakić, O.,& Hristov, M.. (2023). Измене и допуне Плана подручја посебне намене Националног парка ,,Копаоник''. in Каталог изложбе: 32. Међународни салон урбанизма Ниш, 8-11. новембар 2023 / Exhibition catalogue: 32nd International urban planners' exhibition Niš, 8-11 November 2023
Ниш : Удружење урбаниста Србије / Niš : Serbian Town Planners’ Association., 01.04..
Krunić N, Milijić S, Maksin M, Danilović Hristić N, Bakić O, Hristov M. Измене и допуне Плана подручја посебне намене Националног парка ,,Копаоник''. in Каталог изложбе: 32. Међународни салон урбанизма Ниш, 8-11. новембар 2023 / Exhibition catalogue: 32nd International urban planners' exhibition Niš, 8-11 November 2023. 2023;:01.04.. .
Krunić, Nikola, Milijić, Saša, Maksin, Marija, Danilović Hristić, Nataša, Bakić, Olgica, Hristov, Maja, "Измене и допуне Плана подручја посебне намене Националног парка ,,Копаоник''" in Каталог изложбе: 32. Међународни салон урбанизма Ниш, 8-11. новембар 2023 / Exhibition catalogue: 32nd International urban planners' exhibition Niš, 8-11 November 2023 (2023):01.04., .

Измене и допуне Просторног плана подручја посебне намене Националног парка „Копаоник”

Krunić, Nikola; Milijić, Saša; Maksin, Marija; Danilović Hristić, Nataša



Krunić, N., Milijić, S., Maksin, M.,& Danilović Hristić, N.. (2023). Измене и допуне Просторног плана подручја посебне намене Националног парка „Копаоник”. in Службени гласник РС", бр. 81/2023(81), 7-35.
Krunić N, Milijić S, Maksin M, Danilović Hristić N. Измене и допуне Просторног плана подручја посебне намене Националног парка „Копаоник”. in Службени гласник РС", бр. 81/2023. 2023;(81):7-35. .
Krunić, Nikola, Milijić, Saša, Maksin, Marija, Danilović Hristić, Nataša, "Измене и допуне Просторног плана подручја посебне намене Националног парка „Копаоник”" in Службени гласник РС", бр. 81/2023, no. 81 (2023):7-35, .

Просторни планови подручја посебне намене државног пута IБ реда, аутопут Е-75 Београд-Ниш (петља „Пожаревац”) – Пожаревац (обилазница) –Велико Градиште – Голубац” и инфраструктурног коридора државног пута IБ реда број 27 Лозница–Ваљево–Лазаревац, деоница Иверак–Лајковац (веза са аутопутом Е-763 Београд – Јужни Јадран, деоница Београд–Пожега)

Stefanović, Nebojša; Milijić, Saša; Danilović Hristić, Nataša; Maksin, Marija; Srnić, Danijela; Majhenšek, Katarina; Bogdanović, Vladimir; Marić, Miroslav

(Ниш : Удружење урбаниста Србије, 2021)


Stefanović, N., Milijić, S., Danilović Hristić, N., Maksin, M., Srnić, D., Majhenšek, K., Bogdanović, V.,& Marić, M.. (2021). Просторни планови подручја посебне намене државног пута IБ реда, аутопут Е-75 Београд-Ниш (петља „Пожаревац”) – Пожаревац (обилазница) –Велико Градиште – Голубац” и инфраструктурног коридора државног пута IБ реда број 27 Лозница–Ваљево–Лазаревац, деоница Иверак–Лајковац (веза са аутопутом Е-763 Београд – Јужни Јадран, деоница Београд–Пожега). in 30. Међународни салон урбанизма Ниш, 8 -13 . новембар 2021 .
Ниш : Удружење урбаниста Србије., 01.05.
Stefanović N, Milijić S, Danilović Hristić N, Maksin M, Srnić D, Majhenšek K, Bogdanović V, Marić M. Просторни планови подручја посебне намене државног пута IБ реда, аутопут Е-75 Београд-Ниш (петља „Пожаревац”) – Пожаревац (обилазница) –Велико Градиште – Голубац” и инфраструктурног коридора државног пута IБ реда број 27 Лозница–Ваљево–Лазаревац, деоница Иверак–Лајковац (веза са аутопутом Е-763 Београд – Јужни Јадран, деоница Београд–Пожега). in 30. Међународни салон урбанизма Ниш, 8 -13 . новембар 2021 .. 2021;:01.05. .
Stefanović, Nebojša, Milijić, Saša, Danilović Hristić, Nataša, Maksin, Marija, Srnić, Danijela, Majhenšek, Katarina, Bogdanović, Vladimir, Marić, Miroslav, "Просторни планови подручја посебне намене државног пута IБ реда, аутопут Е-75 Београд-Ниш (петља „Пожаревац”) – Пожаревац (обилазница) –Велико Градиште – Голубац” и инфраструктурног коридора државног пута IБ реда број 27 Лозница–Ваљево–Лазаревац, деоница Иверак–Лајковац (веза са аутопутом Е-763 Београд – Јужни Јадран, деоница Београд–Пожега)" in 30. Међународни салон урбанизма Ниш, 8 -13 . новембар 2021 . (2021):01.05, .

Spatial plan of the special purpose area of the Nature Park “Zlatibor”

Maksin, Marija; Milijić, Saša; Vasiljević, Božidar; Niković, Ana; Manić, Božidar; Gajić, Aleksandra; Maksić Mulalić, Milica

(Ниш : Удружење урбаниста Србије, 2021)


Maksin, M., Milijić, S., Vasiljević, B., Niković, A., Manić, B., Gajić, A.,& Maksić Mulalić, M.. (2021). Spatial plan of the special purpose area of the Nature Park “Zlatibor”. in 30th International Urban Planners’ Exhibition Catalogue [30. Међународни салон урбанизма, каталог]
Ниш : Удружење урбаниста Србије., 01.04..
Maksin M, Milijić S, Vasiljević B, Niković A, Manić B, Gajić A, Maksić Mulalić M. Spatial plan of the special purpose area of the Nature Park “Zlatibor”. in 30th International Urban Planners’ Exhibition Catalogue [30. Међународни салон урбанизма, каталог]. 2021;:01.04.. .
Maksin, Marija, Milijić, Saša, Vasiljević, Božidar, Niković, Ana, Manić, Božidar, Gajić, Aleksandra, Maksić Mulalić, Milica, "Spatial plan of the special purpose area of the Nature Park “Zlatibor”" in 30th International Urban Planners’ Exhibition Catalogue [30. Међународни салон урбанизма, каталог] (2021):01.04., .

ConnectGREEN (DTP 072-2.3) – Управљање и обнављање еколошких коридора као зелене инфраструктуре у Дунавском басену, 2018-2021

Ненковић-Ризнић, Марина; Максин, Марија; Симоновић Алфиревић, Сања; Крунић, Никола; Бранков, Борјан; Даниловић Христић, Наташа; Ненић, Мирјана; Гајић, Александра

(Крагујевац : Удружење урбаниста Србије, 2020)


Ненковић-Ризнић, М., Максин, М., Симоновић Алфиревић, С., Крунић, Н., Бранков, Б., Даниловић Христић, Н., Ненић, М.,& Гајић, А.. (2020). ConnectGREEN (DTP 072-2.3) – Управљање и обнављање еколошких коридора као зелене инфраструктуре у Дунавском басену, 2018-2021. in Каталог изложбе: 29. Међународни салон Урбанизма 2020, Крагујевац, 10-13. новембар 2020.
Крагујевац : Удружење урбаниста Србије., 109-109.
Ненковић-Ризнић М, Максин М, Симоновић Алфиревић С, Крунић Н, Бранков Б, Даниловић Христић Н, Ненић М, Гајић А. ConnectGREEN (DTP 072-2.3) – Управљање и обнављање еколошких коридора као зелене инфраструктуре у Дунавском басену, 2018-2021. in Каталог изложбе: 29. Међународни салон Урбанизма 2020, Крагујевац, 10-13. новембар 2020.. 2020;:109-109. .
Ненковић-Ризнић, Марина, Максин, Марија, Симоновић Алфиревић, Сања, Крунић, Никола, Бранков, Борјан, Даниловић Христић, Наташа, Ненић, Мирјана, Гајић, Александра, "ConnectGREEN (DTP 072-2.3) – Управљање и обнављање еколошких коридора као зелене инфраструктуре у Дунавском басену, 2018-2021" in Каталог изложбе: 29. Међународни салон Урбанизма 2020, Крагујевац, 10-13. новембар 2020. (2020):109-109, .

The significance of protected natural areas for tourism in the Vojvodina province (Northern Serbia) - analysis of sustainable tourism development

Trišić, Igor; Štetić, Snežana; Maksin, Marija

(Belgrade : Institute of Architecture and Urban & Spatial Planning of Serbia, 2020)

AU  - Trišić, Igor
AU  - Štetić, Snežana
AU  - Maksin, Marija
PY  - 2020
UR  -
AB  - This paper presents experimental research into the attitudes of tourists towards the significance of protected areas with regard to tourism in the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina, in the northern part of the Republic of Serbia. It is an area with significant rare plant and animal resources, as well as wеtlands, ecosystems, and hilly and mountainous areas. Several research methods have been used in the paper. The first method is to collect data using a written questionnaire that was completed by 215 visitors to different protected areas in AP Vojvodina. Their answers revealed their attitudes toward sustainable tourism in selected protected areas. After examining the differences in the answers using the Kruskal-Wallis test, the results of the survey conducted by the authors were examined by means of two comparative analyses of identical, related, and similar answers in selected case studies. Based on the results of the Kruskal-Wallis Test, it can be concluded that there is a statistically significant difference in the assessments of the importance of activities and the forms of tourism chosen when visiting protected areas. The most important forms of tourism are ecotourism and adventure tourism. Tourists also identified hiking, cycling, and wildlife watching as the most important activities.
PB  - Belgrade : Institute of Architecture and Urban & Spatial Planning of Serbia
T2  - Spatium
T1  - The significance of protected natural areas for tourism in the Vojvodina province (Northern Serbia) - analysis of sustainable tourism development
IS  - 43
SP  - 1
EP  - 7
DO  - 10.2298/SPAT2043001T
ER  - 
author = "Trišić, Igor and Štetić, Snežana and Maksin, Marija",
year = "2020",
abstract = "This paper presents experimental research into the attitudes of tourists towards the significance of protected areas with regard to tourism in the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina, in the northern part of the Republic of Serbia. It is an area with significant rare plant and animal resources, as well as wеtlands, ecosystems, and hilly and mountainous areas. Several research methods have been used in the paper. The first method is to collect data using a written questionnaire that was completed by 215 visitors to different protected areas in AP Vojvodina. Their answers revealed their attitudes toward sustainable tourism in selected protected areas. After examining the differences in the answers using the Kruskal-Wallis test, the results of the survey conducted by the authors were examined by means of two comparative analyses of identical, related, and similar answers in selected case studies. Based on the results of the Kruskal-Wallis Test, it can be concluded that there is a statistically significant difference in the assessments of the importance of activities and the forms of tourism chosen when visiting protected areas. The most important forms of tourism are ecotourism and adventure tourism. Tourists also identified hiking, cycling, and wildlife watching as the most important activities.",
publisher = "Belgrade : Institute of Architecture and Urban & Spatial Planning of Serbia",
journal = "Spatium",
title = "The significance of protected natural areas for tourism in the Vojvodina province (Northern Serbia) - analysis of sustainable tourism development",
number = "43",
pages = "1-7",
doi = "10.2298/SPAT2043001T"
Trišić, I., Štetić, S.,& Maksin, M.. (2020). The significance of protected natural areas for tourism in the Vojvodina province (Northern Serbia) - analysis of sustainable tourism development. in Spatium
Belgrade : Institute of Architecture and Urban & Spatial Planning of Serbia.(43), 1-7.
Trišić I, Štetić S, Maksin M. The significance of protected natural areas for tourism in the Vojvodina province (Northern Serbia) - analysis of sustainable tourism development. in Spatium. 2020;(43):1-7.
doi:10.2298/SPAT2043001T .
Trišić, Igor, Štetić, Snežana, Maksin, Marija, "The significance of protected natural areas for tourism in the Vojvodina province (Northern Serbia) - analysis of sustainable tourism development" in Spatium, no. 43 (2020):1-7, . .

Strategic planning of sustainable urban development in Serbia

Ristić, Vladica; Maksin, Marija

(Belgrade : IRASA / International Research Academy of Science and Art, 2020)

AU  - Ristić, Vladica
AU  - Maksin, Marija
PY  - 2020
UR  -
AB  - The Europeanization of statutory and strategic spatial planning and planning
methodology has brought about dynamic changes in planning systems of Europeancountries, as well as in Serbia. Recent trends in spatial governance, statutory and strategic spatial/urban planning in EU countries and in Serbia have been briefly analysed. For some time one of the most widely used strategic planning tool has been integrated urban development policy. The new generation of urban policy reaches beyond the traditional boundaries of the city and fosters stronger horizontal and vertical linkages, as well as creative partnerships outside of the public sector in order to tackle complex urban problems in a coordinated way. First attempts of a new strategic spatial/urban planning are recently taking place in Serbia through Urban Development Strategies at local and national level, namely the National Sustainable Urban Development Strategy/NSUDS. Based on the trends in spatial governance and strategic spatial/urban planning in Europe, this paper investigates its influence on the NSUDS’s preparation. The influence has been checked through the methodology steps and principles – integrated and place-based approach, collaborative and participative approach, as well as the integrated territorial investments applied in the NSUDS. This informal strategic planning tool in combination with statutory spatial/urban planning system should improve the spatial and urban development governance in Serbia.
PB  - Belgrade : IRASA / International Research Academy of Science and Art
C3  - Science, Education, Technology and Innovation/SETI II 2020 Book of Proceedings
T1  - Strategic planning of sustainable urban development in Serbia
SP  - 535
EP  - 548
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Ristić, Vladica and Maksin, Marija",
year = "2020",
abstract = "The Europeanization of statutory and strategic spatial planning and planning
methodology has brought about dynamic changes in planning systems of Europeancountries, as well as in Serbia. Recent trends in spatial governance, statutory and strategic spatial/urban planning in EU countries and in Serbia have been briefly analysed. For some time one of the most widely used strategic planning tool has been integrated urban development policy. The new generation of urban policy reaches beyond the traditional boundaries of the city and fosters stronger horizontal and vertical linkages, as well as creative partnerships outside of the public sector in order to tackle complex urban problems in a coordinated way. First attempts of a new strategic spatial/urban planning are recently taking place in Serbia through Urban Development Strategies at local and national level, namely the National Sustainable Urban Development Strategy/NSUDS. Based on the trends in spatial governance and strategic spatial/urban planning in Europe, this paper investigates its influence on the NSUDS’s preparation. The influence has been checked through the methodology steps and principles – integrated and place-based approach, collaborative and participative approach, as well as the integrated territorial investments applied in the NSUDS. This informal strategic planning tool in combination with statutory spatial/urban planning system should improve the spatial and urban development governance in Serbia.",
publisher = "Belgrade : IRASA / International Research Academy of Science and Art",
journal = "Science, Education, Technology and Innovation/SETI II 2020 Book of Proceedings",
title = "Strategic planning of sustainable urban development in Serbia",
pages = "535-548",
url = ""
Ristić, V.,& Maksin, M.. (2020). Strategic planning of sustainable urban development in Serbia. in Science, Education, Technology and Innovation/SETI II 2020 Book of Proceedings
Belgrade : IRASA / International Research Academy of Science and Art., 535-548.
Ristić V, Maksin M. Strategic planning of sustainable urban development in Serbia. in Science, Education, Technology and Innovation/SETI II 2020 Book of Proceedings. 2020;:535-548. .
Ristić, Vladica, Maksin, Marija, "Strategic planning of sustainable urban development in Serbia" in Science, Education, Technology and Innovation/SETI II 2020 Book of Proceedings (2020):535-548, .

Стратегија одрживог урбаног развоја Републике Србије до 2030. године

Милић, Ђорђе; Тркуља, Синиша; Радосављевић, Зоран; Максин, Марија; Зековић, Славка; Ненковић-Ризнић, Марина; Манић, Божидар; Џелебџић, Омиљена; Ђукић, Александар; Јокановић, Игор; Петрић, Јасна; Никовић, Ана; Даниловић Христић, Наташа; Бајић, Тања; Чолић, Наташа; Бранков, Борјан; Милер, Харалд; Чолић, Ратка; Бабић, Драго; Гаули, Јохан

(Београд : Удружење урбаниста Србије, 2019)


Милић, Ђ., Тркуља, С., Радосављевић, З., Максин, М., Зековић, С., Ненковић-Ризнић, М., Манић, Б., Џелебџић, О., Ђукић, А., Јокановић, И., Петрић, Ј., Никовић, А., Даниловић Христић, Н., Бајић, Т., Чолић, Н., Бранков, Б., Милер, Х., Чолић, Р., Бабић, Д.,& Гаули, Ј.. (2019). Стратегија одрживог урбаног развоја Републике Србије до 2030. године. in Каталог изложбе: 28. Салон урбанизма 2018, Ниш, 8-13 новембар, 2019
Београд : Удружење урбаниста Србије., 12-12.
Милић Ђ, Тркуља С, Радосављевић З, Максин М, Зековић С, Ненковић-Ризнић М, Манић Б, Џелебџић О, Ђукић А, Јокановић И, Петрић Ј, Никовић А, Даниловић Христић Н, Бајић Т, Чолић Н, Бранков Б, Милер Х, Чолић Р, Бабић Д, Гаули Ј. Стратегија одрживог урбаног развоја Републике Србије до 2030. године. in Каталог изложбе: 28. Салон урбанизма 2018, Ниш, 8-13 новембар, 2019. 2019;:12-12. .
Милић, Ђорђе, Тркуља, Синиша, Радосављевић, Зоран, Максин, Марија, Зековић, Славка, Ненковић-Ризнић, Марина, Манић, Божидар, Џелебџић, Омиљена, Ђукић, Александар, Јокановић, Игор, Петрић, Јасна, Никовић, Ана, Даниловић Христић, Наташа, Бајић, Тања, Чолић, Наташа, Бранков, Борјан, Милер, Харалд, Чолић, Ратка, Бабић, Драго, Гаули, Јохан, "Стратегија одрживог урбаног развоја Републике Србије до 2030. године" in Каталог изложбе: 28. Салон урбанизма 2018, Ниш, 8-13 новембар, 2019 (2019):12-12, .

Нови методолошки приступ интегрисаном управљању одрживим урбаним развојем у Републици Србији (на примеру Стратегије одрживог урбаног развоја Републике Србије до 2030. године)

Милић, Ђорђе; Тркуља, Синиша; Радосављевић, Зоран; Чолић, Ратка; Максин, Марија; Зековић, Славка; Ненковић-Ризнић, Марина; Манић, Божидар; Џелебџић, Омиљена; Ђукић, Александар; Јокановић, Игор; Петрић, Јасна; Никовић, Ана; Даниловић Христић, Наташа; Бајић, Тања; Чолић, Наташа; Бранков, Борјан

(Београд : Институт за архитектуру и урбанизам Србије, 2019)


Милић, Ђ., Тркуља, С., Радосављевић, З., Чолић, Р., Максин, М., Зековић, С., Ненковић-Ризнић, М., Манић, Б., Џелебџић, О., Ђукић, А., Јокановић, И., Петрић, Ј., Никовић, А., Даниловић Христић, Н., Бајић, Т., Чолић, Н.,& Бранков, Б.. (2019). Нови методолошки приступ интегрисаном управљању одрживим урбаним развојем у Републици Србији (на примеру Стратегије одрживог урбаног развоја Републике Србије до 2030. године). 
Београд : Институт за архитектуру и урбанизам Србије..
Милић Ђ, Тркуља С, Радосављевић З, Чолић Р, Максин М, Зековић С, Ненковић-Ризнић М, Манић Б, Џелебџић О, Ђукић А, Јокановић И, Петрић Ј, Никовић А, Даниловић Христић Н, Бајић Т, Чолић Н, Бранков Б. Нови методолошки приступ интегрисаном управљању одрживим урбаним развојем у Републици Србији (на примеру Стратегије одрживог урбаног развоја Републике Србије до 2030. године). 2019;. .
Милић, Ђорђе, Тркуља, Синиша, Радосављевић, Зоран, Чолић, Ратка, Максин, Марија, Зековић, Славка, Ненковић-Ризнић, Марина, Манић, Божидар, Џелебџић, Омиљена, Ђукић, Александар, Јокановић, Игор, Петрић, Јасна, Никовић, Ана, Даниловић Христић, Наташа, Бајић, Тања, Чолић, Наташа, Бранков, Борјан, "Нови методолошки приступ интегрисаном управљању одрживим урбаним развојем у Републици Србији (на примеру Стратегије одрживог урбаног развоја Републике Србије до 2030. године)" (2019), .

Нови методолошки приступ интегрисаном планирању и управљању у области заштите непокретних културних добара међународног значаја и одрживог просторног развоја у Србији (примери планова детаљне регулације за археолошка налазишта Ромулијана - Гамзиград и Царичин град)

Максић Мулалић, Милица; Максин, Марија; Манић, Божидар; Никовић, Ана; Пантић, Маријана; Његић, Тања

(Београд : Институт за архитектуру и урбанизам Србије, 2018)


Максић Мулалић, М., Максин, М., Манић, Б., Никовић, А., Пантић, М.,& Његић, Т.. (2018). Нови методолошки приступ интегрисаном планирању и управљању у области заштите непокретних културних добара међународног значаја и одрживог просторног развоја у Србији (примери планова детаљне регулације за археолошка налазишта Ромулијана - Гамзиград и Царичин град). 
Београд : Институт за архитектуру и урбанизам Србије..
Максић Мулалић М, Максин М, Манић Б, Никовић А, Пантић М, Његић Т. Нови методолошки приступ интегрисаном планирању и управљању у области заштите непокретних културних добара међународног значаја и одрживог просторног развоја у Србији (примери планова детаљне регулације за археолошка налазишта Ромулијана - Гамзиград и Царичин град). 2018;. .
Максић Мулалић, Милица, Максин, Марија, Манић, Божидар, Никовић, Ана, Пантић, Маријана, Његић, Тања, "Нови методолошки приступ интегрисаном планирању и управљању у области заштите непокретних културних добара међународног значаја и одрживог просторног развоја у Србији (примери планова детаљне регулације за археолошка налазишта Ромулијана - Гамзиград и Царичин град)" (2018), .

Integrative spatial processes – the case of urban peripheral zones

Ristić, Vladica; Maksin, Marija; Nenković-Riznić, Marina

(Beograd : Asocijacija peostornih planera Srbije, 2018)

AU  - Ristić, Vladica
AU  - Maksin, Marija
AU  - Nenković-Riznić, Marina
PY  - 2018
UR  -
AB  - The urban peripheral zones reflect all the key problems and might offer the key solutions for sustainable and integrated urban development. This paper deals with the problems and possibilities of integrating the spatial, urban and environmental planning in sustainable territorial development of the urban peripheral zones (UPZ), and their integration with city centre and surrounding rural area. So far the urban peripheral zones which are under the pressure of urban sprawl have been treated inadequately both in the urban and spatial planning practice in Serbia. The problems of conceptual and methodological integration of urban planning with spatial planning, and with instruments of environmental planning (Strategic Environmental Assessment - SEA), are checked for the urban peripheral zones in two municipal spatial plans and two master plans for medium-sized cities in Serbia (Valjevo and Novi Pazar). The compatibility of development concepts, planning solutions and rules proposed for the urban peripheral zones by these plans are analysed and their harmonization addressed with respect to the cross-cutting key issues relevant for achieving the sustainable urban development of the UPZ and its integration with city centre and surrounding rural area. In the concluding remarks, the recommendations for the coordination and integration of spatial planning with urban planning and SEA process in developing the urban peripheral zones and achieving sustainable and integrated urban development are presented.
PB  - Beograd : Asocijacija peostornih planera Srbije
PB  - Beograd : Univerzitet u Beogradu - Geografski fakulte
C3  - Zbornik radova sa 7. međunarodnog naučnog skupa: Lokalna samouprava u planiranju i uređenju prostora i naselja, Asocijacija prostornih planera Srbije
T1  - Integrative spatial processes – the case of urban peripheral zones
SP  - 423
EP  - 430
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Ristić, Vladica and Maksin, Marija and Nenković-Riznić, Marina",
year = "2018",
abstract = "The urban peripheral zones reflect all the key problems and might offer the key solutions for sustainable and integrated urban development. This paper deals with the problems and possibilities of integrating the spatial, urban and environmental planning in sustainable territorial development of the urban peripheral zones (UPZ), and their integration with city centre and surrounding rural area. So far the urban peripheral zones which are under the pressure of urban sprawl have been treated inadequately both in the urban and spatial planning practice in Serbia. The problems of conceptual and methodological integration of urban planning with spatial planning, and with instruments of environmental planning (Strategic Environmental Assessment - SEA), are checked for the urban peripheral zones in two municipal spatial plans and two master plans for medium-sized cities in Serbia (Valjevo and Novi Pazar). The compatibility of development concepts, planning solutions and rules proposed for the urban peripheral zones by these plans are analysed and their harmonization addressed with respect to the cross-cutting key issues relevant for achieving the sustainable urban development of the UPZ and its integration with city centre and surrounding rural area. In the concluding remarks, the recommendations for the coordination and integration of spatial planning with urban planning and SEA process in developing the urban peripheral zones and achieving sustainable and integrated urban development are presented.",
publisher = "Beograd : Asocijacija peostornih planera Srbije, Beograd : Univerzitet u Beogradu - Geografski fakulte",
journal = "Zbornik radova sa 7. međunarodnog naučnog skupa: Lokalna samouprava u planiranju i uređenju prostora i naselja, Asocijacija prostornih planera Srbije",
title = "Integrative spatial processes – the case of urban peripheral zones",
pages = "423-430",
url = ""
Ristić, V., Maksin, M.,& Nenković-Riznić, M.. (2018). Integrative spatial processes – the case of urban peripheral zones. in Zbornik radova sa 7. međunarodnog naučnog skupa: Lokalna samouprava u planiranju i uređenju prostora i naselja, Asocijacija prostornih planera Srbije
Beograd : Asocijacija peostornih planera Srbije., 423-430.
Ristić V, Maksin M, Nenković-Riznić M. Integrative spatial processes – the case of urban peripheral zones. in Zbornik radova sa 7. međunarodnog naučnog skupa: Lokalna samouprava u planiranju i uređenju prostora i naselja, Asocijacija prostornih planera Srbije. 2018;:423-430. .
Ristić, Vladica, Maksin, Marija, Nenković-Riznić, Marina, "Integrative spatial processes – the case of urban peripheral zones" in Zbornik radova sa 7. međunarodnog naučnog skupa: Lokalna samouprava u planiranju i uređenju prostora i naselja, Asocijacija prostornih planera Srbije (2018):423-430, .

О пројекту Атрактивни Дунав

Krunić, Nikola; Maksin, Marija

(Београд : Институт за архитектуру и урбанизам Србије, 2018)

AU  - Krunić, Nikola
AU  - Maksin, Marija
PY  - 2018
UR  -
UR  -
AB  - У пројекат Јачање капацитета за унапређење територијалне атрактивности Дунавског региона – АТРАКТИВНИ ДУНАВ, Република Србија је укључена преко Института за архитектуру и урбанизам Србије (ИАУС). Пројекат из Програма дунавске сарадње суфинансиран je од стране фондова Европске уније (ERDF, IPA).
AB  - The Republic of Serbia is included in the project “Improving Capacities for Enhancing Territorial Attractiveness of the Danube Region”: ATTRACTIVE DANUBE (DTP1-270-4) through the Institute of Architecture and Urban & Spatial Planning of Serbia (IAUS). The project, within the INTERREG Danube Transnational Programme, was co-financed by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA).
PB  - Београд : Институт за архитектуру и урбанизам Србије
T2  - Архитектура и урбанизам
T1  - О пројекту Атрактивни Дунав
T1  - About the 'attractive Danube' project
IS  - 47
SP  - 73
EP  - 75
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Krunić, Nikola and Maksin, Marija",
year = "2018",
abstract = "У пројекат Јачање капацитета за унапређење територијалне атрактивности Дунавског региона – АТРАКТИВНИ ДУНАВ, Република Србија је укључена преко Института за архитектуру и урбанизам Србије (ИАУС). Пројекат из Програма дунавске сарадње суфинансиран je од стране фондова Европске уније (ERDF, IPA)., The Republic of Serbia is included in the project “Improving Capacities for Enhancing Territorial Attractiveness of the Danube Region”: ATTRACTIVE DANUBE (DTP1-270-4) through the Institute of Architecture and Urban & Spatial Planning of Serbia (IAUS). The project, within the INTERREG Danube Transnational Programme, was co-financed by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA).",
publisher = "Београд : Институт за архитектуру и урбанизам Србије",
journal = "Архитектура и урбанизам",
title = "О пројекту Атрактивни Дунав, About the 'attractive Danube' project",
number = "47",
pages = "73-75",
url = ""
Krunić, N.,& Maksin, M.. (2018). О пројекту Атрактивни Дунав. in Архитектура и урбанизам
Београд : Институт за архитектуру и урбанизам Србије.(47), 73-75.
Krunić N, Maksin M. О пројекту Атрактивни Дунав. in Архитектура и урбанизам. 2018;(47):73-75. .
Krunić, Nikola, Maksin, Marija, "О пројекту Атрактивни Дунав" in Архитектура и урбанизам, no. 47 (2018):73-75, .

The role of zoning in the strategic planning of protected areas: lessons learnt from EU countries and Serbia

Maksin, Marija; Ristić, Vladica; Nenković-Riznić, Marina; Micić, Srdjan

(Routledge Journals, Taylor & Francis Ltd, Abingdon, 2018)

AU  - Maksin, Marija
AU  - Ristić, Vladica
AU  - Nenković-Riznić, Marina
AU  - Micić, Srdjan
PY  - 2018
UR  -
AB  - This paper aims to highlight the problems and possibilities for improving the nature protection zoning of protected areas (PA) in spatial planning. It analyses and compares the systems of spatial planning and the legal basis for protecting nature in PAs in selected EU countries and Serbia. It investigates and compares the role of nature protection zoning and the practice of spatial planning for selected European countries. The case study of a national park in each of the selected countries is used to analyse the nature protection zoning and its role in the coordination of spatial planning for PAs and their surroundings. The initial hypothesis is tested and confirmed that, regardless of differences in the planning systems of the selected European countries, the models of nature protection zoning established for PAs are defining for the coordination of planning instruments in achieving the protection and sustainable development of PAs. The lessons learnt concern the identification of similarities and differences in approaches to nature protection zoning, and their relationship with the spatial planning for PAs in six European countries. Based on these lessons and existing research, recommendations are given for improving the legal basis for the nature protection zoning and spatial planning of PAs in Serbia.
PB  - Routledge Journals, Taylor & Francis Ltd, Abingdon
T2  - European Planning Studies
T1  - The role of zoning in the strategic planning of protected areas: lessons learnt from EU countries and Serbia
VL  - 26
IS  - 4
SP  - 838
EP  - 872
DO  - 10.1080/09654313.2018.1426736
ER  - 
author = "Maksin, Marija and Ristić, Vladica and Nenković-Riznić, Marina and Micić, Srdjan",
year = "2018",
abstract = "This paper aims to highlight the problems and possibilities for improving the nature protection zoning of protected areas (PA) in spatial planning. It analyses and compares the systems of spatial planning and the legal basis for protecting nature in PAs in selected EU countries and Serbia. It investigates and compares the role of nature protection zoning and the practice of spatial planning for selected European countries. The case study of a national park in each of the selected countries is used to analyse the nature protection zoning and its role in the coordination of spatial planning for PAs and their surroundings. The initial hypothesis is tested and confirmed that, regardless of differences in the planning systems of the selected European countries, the models of nature protection zoning established for PAs are defining for the coordination of planning instruments in achieving the protection and sustainable development of PAs. The lessons learnt concern the identification of similarities and differences in approaches to nature protection zoning, and their relationship with the spatial planning for PAs in six European countries. Based on these lessons and existing research, recommendations are given for improving the legal basis for the nature protection zoning and spatial planning of PAs in Serbia.",
publisher = "Routledge Journals, Taylor & Francis Ltd, Abingdon",
journal = "European Planning Studies",
title = "The role of zoning in the strategic planning of protected areas: lessons learnt from EU countries and Serbia",
volume = "26",
number = "4",
pages = "838-872",
doi = "10.1080/09654313.2018.1426736"
Maksin, M., Ristić, V., Nenković-Riznić, M.,& Micić, S.. (2018). The role of zoning in the strategic planning of protected areas: lessons learnt from EU countries and Serbia. in European Planning Studies
Routledge Journals, Taylor & Francis Ltd, Abingdon., 26(4), 838-872.
Maksin M, Ristić V, Nenković-Riznić M, Micić S. The role of zoning in the strategic planning of protected areas: lessons learnt from EU countries and Serbia. in European Planning Studies. 2018;26(4):838-872.
doi:10.1080/09654313.2018.1426736 .
Maksin, Marija, Ristić, Vladica, Nenković-Riznić, Marina, Micić, Srdjan, "The role of zoning in the strategic planning of protected areas: lessons learnt from EU countries and Serbia" in European Planning Studies, 26, no. 4 (2018):838-872, . .

Land-use evaluation for sustainable construction in a protected area: A case of Sara mountain national park

Ristić, Vladica; Maksin, Marija; Nenković-Riznić, Marina; Basarić, Jelena

(Academic Press Ltd- Elsevier Science Ltd, London, 2018)

AU  - Ristić, Vladica
AU  - Maksin, Marija
AU  - Nenković-Riznić, Marina
AU  - Basarić, Jelena
PY  - 2018
UR  -
AB  - The process of making decisions on sustainable development and construction begins in spatial and urban planning when defining the suitability of using land for sustainable construction in a protected area (PA) and its immediate and regional surroundings. The aim of this research is to propose and assess a model for evaluating land-use suitability for sustainable construction in a PA and its surroundings. The methodological approach of Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis was used in the formation of this model and adapted for the research; it was combined with the adapted Analytical hierarchy process and the Delphi process, and supported by a geographical information system (GIS) within the framework of ESRI ArcGIS software Spatial analyst. The model is applied to the case study of Sara mountain National Park in Kosovo. The result of the model is a "map of integrated assessment of land-use suitability for sustainable construction in a PA for the natural factor".
PB  - Academic Press Ltd- Elsevier Science Ltd, London
T2  - Journal of Environmental Management
T1  - Land-use evaluation for sustainable construction in a protected area: A case of Sara mountain national park
VL  - 206
SP  - 430
EP  - 445
DO  - 10.1016/j.jenvman.2017.09.080
ER  - 
author = "Ristić, Vladica and Maksin, Marija and Nenković-Riznić, Marina and Basarić, Jelena",
year = "2018",
abstract = "The process of making decisions on sustainable development and construction begins in spatial and urban planning when defining the suitability of using land for sustainable construction in a protected area (PA) and its immediate and regional surroundings. The aim of this research is to propose and assess a model for evaluating land-use suitability for sustainable construction in a PA and its surroundings. The methodological approach of Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis was used in the formation of this model and adapted for the research; it was combined with the adapted Analytical hierarchy process and the Delphi process, and supported by a geographical information system (GIS) within the framework of ESRI ArcGIS software Spatial analyst. The model is applied to the case study of Sara mountain National Park in Kosovo. The result of the model is a "map of integrated assessment of land-use suitability for sustainable construction in a PA for the natural factor".",
publisher = "Academic Press Ltd- Elsevier Science Ltd, London",
journal = "Journal of Environmental Management",
title = "Land-use evaluation for sustainable construction in a protected area: A case of Sara mountain national park",
volume = "206",
pages = "430-445",
doi = "10.1016/j.jenvman.2017.09.080"
Ristić, V., Maksin, M., Nenković-Riznić, M.,& Basarić, J.. (2018). Land-use evaluation for sustainable construction in a protected area: A case of Sara mountain national park. in Journal of Environmental Management
Academic Press Ltd- Elsevier Science Ltd, London., 206, 430-445.
Ristić V, Maksin M, Nenković-Riznić M, Basarić J. Land-use evaluation for sustainable construction in a protected area: A case of Sara mountain national park. in Journal of Environmental Management. 2018;206:430-445.
doi:10.1016/j.jenvman.2017.09.080 .
Ristić, Vladica, Maksin, Marija, Nenković-Riznić, Marina, Basarić, Jelena, "Land-use evaluation for sustainable construction in a protected area: A case of Sara mountain national park" in Journal of Environmental Management, 206 (2018):430-445, . .

Нови методолошки приступ у интегрисаном управљању у обнасти заштите животне средине, биодиверзитета и одрживог просторног развоја у заштићеним подручјима Србије (пример просторног плана подручја посебне намене за Национални парк "Копаоник")

Максин, Марија; Милијић, Саша; Ненковић-Ризнић, Марина; Јосимовић, Бошко; Крунић, Никола; Никовић, Ана

(Београд : Институт за архитектуру и урбанизам Србије, 2017)


Максин, М., Милијић, С., Ненковић-Ризнић, М., Јосимовић, Б., Крунић, Н.,& Никовић, А.. (2017). Нови методолошки приступ у интегрисаном управљању у обнасти заштите животне средине, биодиверзитета и одрживог просторног развоја у заштићеним подручјима Србије (пример просторног плана подручја посебне намене за Национални парк "Копаоник"). 
Београд : Институт за архитектуру и урбанизам Србије..
Максин М, Милијић С, Ненковић-Ризнић М, Јосимовић Б, Крунић Н, Никовић А. Нови методолошки приступ у интегрисаном управљању у обнасти заштите животне средине, биодиверзитета и одрживог просторног развоја у заштићеним подручјима Србије (пример просторног плана подручја посебне намене за Национални парк "Копаоник"). 2017;. .
Максин, Марија, Милијић, Саша, Ненковић-Ризнић, Марина, Јосимовић, Бошко, Крунић, Никола, Никовић, Ана, "Нови методолошки приступ у интегрисаном управљању у обнасти заштите животне средине, биодиверзитета и одрживог просторног развоја у заштићеним подручјима Србије (пример просторног плана подручја посебне намене за Национални парк "Копаоник")" (2017), .

Просторни план подручја посебне намене изворишта водоснабдевања "Јелашница"

Крунић, Никола; Милијић, Саша; Максин, Марија; Бакић, Олгица; Ненковић-Ризнић, Марина


AU  - Крунић, Никола
AU  - Милијић, Саша
AU  - Максин, Марија
AU  - Бакић, Олгица
AU  - Ненковић-Ризнић, Марина
PY  - 2017
UR  -
AB  - Просторни план реализован је са циљем обезбеђивања просторних услова за остварење посебне намене подручја, односно за заштиту слива планиране акумулације „Јелашница“ са браном, прибранским објектима, водозахватом и цевоводом сирове воде. Планом ће се обезбедити планско коришћење акумулације „Јелашница“, заштита и уређење сливног подручја; унапређење инфраструктурне и комуналне опремљености; унапређење квалитета живљења локалног становништва стимулацијом постојећих и развојем нових делатности, у првом реду туризма задовољење спортско-рекреативних потреба урбаног становништва из окружења, и смернице за институционално-организациону и управно-контролну подршку коришћењу и заштити акумулације.
T2  - Službeni glasnik 39/2017
T1  - Просторни план подручја посебне намене изворишта водоснабдевања "Јелашница"
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Крунић, Никола and Милијић, Саша and Максин, Марија and Бакић, Олгица and Ненковић-Ризнић, Марина",
year = "2017",
abstract = "Просторни план реализован је са циљем обезбеђивања просторних услова за остварење посебне намене подручја, односно за заштиту слива планиране акумулације „Јелашница“ са браном, прибранским објектима, водозахватом и цевоводом сирове воде. Планом ће се обезбедити планско коришћење акумулације „Јелашница“, заштита и уређење сливног подручја; унапређење инфраструктурне и комуналне опремљености; унапређење квалитета живљења локалног становништва стимулацијом постојећих и развојем нових делатности, у првом реду туризма задовољење спортско-рекреативних потреба урбаног становништва из окружења, и смернице за институционално-организациону и управно-контролну подршку коришћењу и заштити акумулације.",
journal = "Službeni glasnik 39/2017",
title = "Просторни план подручја посебне намене изворишта водоснабдевања "Јелашница"",
url = ""
Крунић, Н., Милијић, С., Максин, М., Бакић, О.,& Ненковић-Ризнић, М.. (2017). Просторни план подручја посебне намене изворишта водоснабдевања "Јелашница". in Službeni glasnik 39/2017.
Крунић Н, Милијић С, Максин М, Бакић О, Ненковић-Ризнић М. Просторни план подручја посебне намене изворишта водоснабдевања "Јелашница". in Službeni glasnik 39/2017. 2017;. .
Крунић, Никола, Милијић, Саша, Максин, Марија, Бакић, Олгица, Ненковић-Ризнић, Марина, "Просторни план подручја посебне намене изворишта водоснабдевања "Јелашница"" in Službeni glasnik 39/2017 (2017), .

The impacts of spatial planning on the sustainable territorial development of the Rhine-Danube Trans-European Transport Corridor through Serbia

Maksin, Marija; Nenković-Riznić, Marina; Milijić, Saša; Ristić, Vladica

(Routledge Journals, Taylor & Francis Ltd, Abingdon, 2017)

AU  - Maksin, Marija
AU  - Nenković-Riznić, Marina
AU  - Milijić, Saša
AU  - Ristić, Vladica
PY  - 2017
UR  -
AB  - The Danube River is both the international waterway E-80 and the Rhine-Danube Core Network Corridor of nine European corridors in the trans-European transport network, and it is the core area of the most significant Danubian development axis in the Republic of Serbia. The present research focus of this paper is the integrated impact of spatial planning on achieving the sustainable territorial development of the Rhine-Danube Corridor through Serbia and its potential transboundary impact. Integrated assessment (environmental and social), based on the combined application of the standard strategic environmental assessment (SEA) method and the newly presented adapted strategic environmental assessment (ASEA) method, has made it possible to predict the effects of future activities on the sustainable territorial development of the waterway corridor, not only in Serbia, but also in other Danubian countries. The applied combination of the SEA and ASEA methods is presented in the form of key planning solutions in three selected sectors: international inland waterway, water management infrastructure and tourism. The results indicate that the negative impacts of potential conflicts between the planning solutions are far greater than the negative impacts of individual planning solutions, and that it is more difficult to control and mitigate or neutralize them.
PB  - Routledge Journals, Taylor & Francis Ltd, Abingdon
T2  - European Planning Studies
T1  - The impacts of spatial planning on the sustainable territorial development of the Rhine-Danube Trans-European Transport Corridor through Serbia
VL  - 25
IS  - 2
SP  - 278
EP  - 297
DO  - 10.1080/09654313.2016.1260691
ER  - 
author = "Maksin, Marija and Nenković-Riznić, Marina and Milijić, Saša and Ristić, Vladica",
year = "2017",
abstract = "The Danube River is both the international waterway E-80 and the Rhine-Danube Core Network Corridor of nine European corridors in the trans-European transport network, and it is the core area of the most significant Danubian development axis in the Republic of Serbia. The present research focus of this paper is the integrated impact of spatial planning on achieving the sustainable territorial development of the Rhine-Danube Corridor through Serbia and its potential transboundary impact. Integrated assessment (environmental and social), based on the combined application of the standard strategic environmental assessment (SEA) method and the newly presented adapted strategic environmental assessment (ASEA) method, has made it possible to predict the effects of future activities on the sustainable territorial development of the waterway corridor, not only in Serbia, but also in other Danubian countries. The applied combination of the SEA and ASEA methods is presented in the form of key planning solutions in three selected sectors: international inland waterway, water management infrastructure and tourism. The results indicate that the negative impacts of potential conflicts between the planning solutions are far greater than the negative impacts of individual planning solutions, and that it is more difficult to control and mitigate or neutralize them.",
publisher = "Routledge Journals, Taylor & Francis Ltd, Abingdon",
journal = "European Planning Studies",
title = "The impacts of spatial planning on the sustainable territorial development of the Rhine-Danube Trans-European Transport Corridor through Serbia",
volume = "25",
number = "2",
pages = "278-297",
doi = "10.1080/09654313.2016.1260691"
Maksin, M., Nenković-Riznić, M., Milijić, S.,& Ristić, V.. (2017). The impacts of spatial planning on the sustainable territorial development of the Rhine-Danube Trans-European Transport Corridor through Serbia. in European Planning Studies
Routledge Journals, Taylor & Francis Ltd, Abingdon., 25(2), 278-297.
Maksin M, Nenković-Riznić M, Milijić S, Ristić V. The impacts of spatial planning on the sustainable territorial development of the Rhine-Danube Trans-European Transport Corridor through Serbia. in European Planning Studies. 2017;25(2):278-297.
doi:10.1080/09654313.2016.1260691 .
Maksin, Marija, Nenković-Riznić, Marina, Milijić, Saša, Ristić, Vladica, "The impacts of spatial planning on the sustainable territorial development of the Rhine-Danube Trans-European Transport Corridor through Serbia" in European Planning Studies, 25, no. 2 (2017):278-297, . .

Retrospective of and prospects for the development and strategic planning of tourism in the mountain regions of Serbia

Milijić, Saša; Micić, Srdjan; Maksin, Marija

(Institute of Architecture, Urban & Spatial Planning of Serbia, 2017)

AU  - Milijić, Saša
AU  - Micić, Srdjan
AU  - Maksin, Marija
PY  - 2017
UR  -
AB  - Following on from previous research, this paper provides a comparative retrospective overview of trends in the development of mountain tourism destinations (MTDs) in European countries and their influence on MTD development in Serbia. The prospects for developing tourism in the mountain regions of Serbia follow the European trends and experiences in sustainable MTD development. These trends and experiences should be selectively implemented and adapted to the social and economic conditions, the characteristics of Serbian mountain regions and the effects on the local and regional spatial development. The paper gives a critical view of the role of strategic planning in developing tourism in Serbian mountain regions. The problems that have influenced the prevailing uncontrolled development of MTDs, the marginalization of the role of strategic planning and the limited implementation of spatial planning in their development have been identified. The possibilities for achieving the coordinating role of spatial planning in strategic planning were assessed for the National Park and MTD Kopaonik. In this case the harmonization of the various sectoral plans and programs, the multisectoral coordination of development entities in the public sector, participation in the planning process and partnerships in decision making and implementation have been achieved in the process of spatial planning, and this should be implemented for other MTDs and improved in the future.
PB  - Institute of Architecture, Urban & Spatial Planning of Serbia
T2  - Spatium
T1  - Retrospective of and prospects for the development and strategic planning of tourism in the mountain regions of Serbia
VL  - 1
IS  - 37
SP  - 42
EP  - 48
DO  - 10.2298/SPAT1737042M
ER  - 
author = "Milijić, Saša and Micić, Srdjan and Maksin, Marija",
year = "2017",
abstract = "Following on from previous research, this paper provides a comparative retrospective overview of trends in the development of mountain tourism destinations (MTDs) in European countries and their influence on MTD development in Serbia. The prospects for developing tourism in the mountain regions of Serbia follow the European trends and experiences in sustainable MTD development. These trends and experiences should be selectively implemented and adapted to the social and economic conditions, the characteristics of Serbian mountain regions and the effects on the local and regional spatial development. The paper gives a critical view of the role of strategic planning in developing tourism in Serbian mountain regions. The problems that have influenced the prevailing uncontrolled development of MTDs, the marginalization of the role of strategic planning and the limited implementation of spatial planning in their development have been identified. The possibilities for achieving the coordinating role of spatial planning in strategic planning were assessed for the National Park and MTD Kopaonik. In this case the harmonization of the various sectoral plans and programs, the multisectoral coordination of development entities in the public sector, participation in the planning process and partnerships in decision making and implementation have been achieved in the process of spatial planning, and this should be implemented for other MTDs and improved in the future.",
publisher = "Institute of Architecture, Urban & Spatial Planning of Serbia",
journal = "Spatium",
title = "Retrospective of and prospects for the development and strategic planning of tourism in the mountain regions of Serbia",
volume = "1",
number = "37",
pages = "42-48",
doi = "10.2298/SPAT1737042M"
Milijić, S., Micić, S.,& Maksin, M.. (2017). Retrospective of and prospects for the development and strategic planning of tourism in the mountain regions of Serbia. in Spatium
Institute of Architecture, Urban & Spatial Planning of Serbia., 1(37), 42-48.
Milijić S, Micić S, Maksin M. Retrospective of and prospects for the development and strategic planning of tourism in the mountain regions of Serbia. in Spatium. 2017;1(37):42-48.
doi:10.2298/SPAT1737042M .
Milijić, Saša, Micić, Srdjan, Maksin, Marija, "Retrospective of and prospects for the development and strategic planning of tourism in the mountain regions of Serbia" in Spatium, 1, no. 37 (2017):42-48, . .

The role of zoning in strategic planning for protected areas in Serbia: Case of 'Sara' National Park

Ristić, Vladica; Maksin, Marija; Basarić, Jelena

(Institute of Architecture and Urban and Spatial Planning of Serbia, 2016)

AU  - Ristić, Vladica
AU  - Maksin, Marija
AU  - Basarić, Jelena
PY  - 2016
UR  -
AB  - One of the instruments in strategic planning and management of protected areas (PAs) is zoning. Changes in protection regimes for PAs occurred in the legal grounds for nature conservation in Serbia during 2009-2015. As a result of these changes difficulties in overcoming the conflicting interests between protection and development of PAs in the process of strategic planning, namely spatial planning and sectoral planning for nature conservation, have occurred. This was especially evident in the preparation of spatial plans for special purpose areas in the case of PAs which are the primary tourism destinations. in this paper the brief overview of the changing role of zoning in strategic planning and management of PAs is presented. This is the starting point for the analysis of the zoning in legal grounds and strategic planning for PAs in Serbia. This analysis is conducted at the case of Sara National Park and primary tourism destination. Based on the results of this analysis, the recommendations for the review and improvement of legal grounds and strategic planning - spatial and sectoral planning for PAs in Serbia are given.
AB  - Zoniranje predstavlja jedan od instrumenata strateškog planiranja i upravljanja zaštićenim područjima. Promene zakonskog osnova za zaštitu prirode u Srbiji 2009-2015. god. u pogledu režima zaštite uticale su na otežano prevazilaženje konfliktnih interesa između zaštite i razvoja u procesu strateškog - prostornog planiranja zaštićenih područja. To je posebno došlo do izražaja u izradi prostornih planova područja posebne namene za zaštićena područja koja su primarne turističke destinacije. U radu se polazi od kratkog pregleda uloge zoniranja u planiranju i upravljanju zaštićenim područjima u svetu. To je osnov za analizu zoniranja režima zaštite u zakonskom i planskom osnovu u Srbiji. Pristup zoniranju i njegova uloga u ostvarivanju zaštite i razvoja zaštićenih područja proveravaju se na primeru Nacionalnog parka 'Šar-planina'. Na osnovu rezultata istraživanja, u radu se daju preporuke i smernice za preispitivanje i unapređenje zakonskog osnova i strateškog - prostornog i sektorskog (za zaštitu prirode) planiranja u Srbiji.
PB  - Institute of Architecture and Urban and Spatial Planning of Serbia
T2  - Arhitektura i urbanizam
T1  - The role of zoning in strategic planning for protected areas in Serbia: Case of 'Sara' National Park
T1  - Uloga zoniranja u strateškom planiranju zaštićenih područja u Srbiji - primer Nacionalnog parka 'Šar-planina'
IS  - 43
SP  - 61
EP  - 68
DO  - 10.5937/a-u0-12024
ER  - 
author = "Ristić, Vladica and Maksin, Marija and Basarić, Jelena",
year = "2016",
abstract = "One of the instruments in strategic planning and management of protected areas (PAs) is zoning. Changes in protection regimes for PAs occurred in the legal grounds for nature conservation in Serbia during 2009-2015. As a result of these changes difficulties in overcoming the conflicting interests between protection and development of PAs in the process of strategic planning, namely spatial planning and sectoral planning for nature conservation, have occurred. This was especially evident in the preparation of spatial plans for special purpose areas in the case of PAs which are the primary tourism destinations. in this paper the brief overview of the changing role of zoning in strategic planning and management of PAs is presented. This is the starting point for the analysis of the zoning in legal grounds and strategic planning for PAs in Serbia. This analysis is conducted at the case of Sara National Park and primary tourism destination. Based on the results of this analysis, the recommendations for the review and improvement of legal grounds and strategic planning - spatial and sectoral planning for PAs in Serbia are given., Zoniranje predstavlja jedan od instrumenata strateškog planiranja i upravljanja zaštićenim područjima. Promene zakonskog osnova za zaštitu prirode u Srbiji 2009-2015. god. u pogledu režima zaštite uticale su na otežano prevazilaženje konfliktnih interesa između zaštite i razvoja u procesu strateškog - prostornog planiranja zaštićenih područja. To je posebno došlo do izražaja u izradi prostornih planova područja posebne namene za zaštićena područja koja su primarne turističke destinacije. U radu se polazi od kratkog pregleda uloge zoniranja u planiranju i upravljanju zaštićenim područjima u svetu. To je osnov za analizu zoniranja režima zaštite u zakonskom i planskom osnovu u Srbiji. Pristup zoniranju i njegova uloga u ostvarivanju zaštite i razvoja zaštićenih područja proveravaju se na primeru Nacionalnog parka 'Šar-planina'. Na osnovu rezultata istraživanja, u radu se daju preporuke i smernice za preispitivanje i unapređenje zakonskog osnova i strateškog - prostornog i sektorskog (za zaštitu prirode) planiranja u Srbiji.",
publisher = "Institute of Architecture and Urban and Spatial Planning of Serbia",
journal = "Arhitektura i urbanizam",
title = "The role of zoning in strategic planning for protected areas in Serbia: Case of 'Sara' National Park, Uloga zoniranja u strateškom planiranju zaštićenih područja u Srbiji - primer Nacionalnog parka 'Šar-planina'",
number = "43",
pages = "61-68",
doi = "10.5937/a-u0-12024"
Ristić, V., Maksin, M.,& Basarić, J.. (2016). The role of zoning in strategic planning for protected areas in Serbia: Case of 'Sara' National Park. in Arhitektura i urbanizam
Institute of Architecture and Urban and Spatial Planning of Serbia.(43), 61-68.
Ristić V, Maksin M, Basarić J. The role of zoning in strategic planning for protected areas in Serbia: Case of 'Sara' National Park. in Arhitektura i urbanizam. 2016;(43):61-68.
doi:10.5937/a-u0-12024 .
Ristić, Vladica, Maksin, Marija, Basarić, Jelena, "The role of zoning in strategic planning for protected areas in Serbia: Case of 'Sara' National Park" in Arhitektura i urbanizam, no. 43 (2016):61-68, . .

Integration of strategic environmental assessment and environmental social impact assessment into strategic territorial planning: Lessons learned from two cases of tourism destinations in protected areas

Nenković-Riznić, Marina; Ristić, Vladica; Milijić, Saša; Maksin, Marija

(Hard, Olsztyn 5, 2016)

AU  - Nenković-Riznić, Marina
AU  - Ristić, Vladica
AU  - Milijić, Saša
AU  - Maksin, Marija
PY  - 2016
UR  -
AB  - Whereas standard strategic environmental assessment (SEA) methodology aims to assess the impacts of certain activities solely on environmental quality, new tendencies in spatial and environmental planning are directed toward the application of environmental social impact assessment (ESIA). Having a wider scope, ESIA also implies assessing the impacts on quality of life as well as on natural and cultural heritage. Case studies in Serbia are used to explore whether the combined application of SEA and ESIA methodology in strategic territorial planning helps control negative effects of tourism, namely in protected areas (PA). The results/findings of the analysed case studies prove that combined implementation of SEA with ESIA methodology in spatial planning helps to overcome conflicts between tourism development and protection of natural and cultural heritage, and quality of life. Also, the analysed case studies (tourism destinations in PA such as Djerdap National Park and Stara planina Nature Park) show that the application of combined SEA and ESIA contributes to better understanding of the specific problems related to sustainable territorial development, and provides support to the planning options and solutions aimed at addressing these problems in a more ecologically and socially justifiable manner. Findings implicate that SEA and ESIA have proved to be instruments for indirect coordination between spatial and tourism planning for achieving sustainable territorial development of tourism destinations in PA.
PB  - Hard, Olsztyn 5
T2  - Polish Journal of Environmental Studies
T1  - Integration of strategic environmental assessment and environmental social impact assessment into strategic territorial planning: Lessons learned from two cases of tourism destinations in protected areas
VL  - 25
IS  - 3
SP  - 1353
EP  - 1366
DO  - 10.15244/pjoes/61851
ER  - 
author = "Nenković-Riznić, Marina and Ristić, Vladica and Milijić, Saša and Maksin, Marija",
year = "2016",
abstract = "Whereas standard strategic environmental assessment (SEA) methodology aims to assess the impacts of certain activities solely on environmental quality, new tendencies in spatial and environmental planning are directed toward the application of environmental social impact assessment (ESIA). Having a wider scope, ESIA also implies assessing the impacts on quality of life as well as on natural and cultural heritage. Case studies in Serbia are used to explore whether the combined application of SEA and ESIA methodology in strategic territorial planning helps control negative effects of tourism, namely in protected areas (PA). The results/findings of the analysed case studies prove that combined implementation of SEA with ESIA methodology in spatial planning helps to overcome conflicts between tourism development and protection of natural and cultural heritage, and quality of life. Also, the analysed case studies (tourism destinations in PA such as Djerdap National Park and Stara planina Nature Park) show that the application of combined SEA and ESIA contributes to better understanding of the specific problems related to sustainable territorial development, and provides support to the planning options and solutions aimed at addressing these problems in a more ecologically and socially justifiable manner. Findings implicate that SEA and ESIA have proved to be instruments for indirect coordination between spatial and tourism planning for achieving sustainable territorial development of tourism destinations in PA.",
publisher = "Hard, Olsztyn 5",
journal = "Polish Journal of Environmental Studies",
title = "Integration of strategic environmental assessment and environmental social impact assessment into strategic territorial planning: Lessons learned from two cases of tourism destinations in protected areas",
volume = "25",
number = "3",
pages = "1353-1366",
doi = "10.15244/pjoes/61851"
Nenković-Riznić, M., Ristić, V., Milijić, S.,& Maksin, M.. (2016). Integration of strategic environmental assessment and environmental social impact assessment into strategic territorial planning: Lessons learned from two cases of tourism destinations in protected areas. in Polish Journal of Environmental Studies
Hard, Olsztyn 5., 25(3), 1353-1366.
Nenković-Riznić M, Ristić V, Milijić S, Maksin M. Integration of strategic environmental assessment and environmental social impact assessment into strategic territorial planning: Lessons learned from two cases of tourism destinations in protected areas. in Polish Journal of Environmental Studies. 2016;25(3):1353-1366.
doi:10.15244/pjoes/61851 .
Nenković-Riznić, Marina, Ristić, Vladica, Milijić, Saša, Maksin, Marija, "Integration of strategic environmental assessment and environmental social impact assessment into strategic territorial planning: Lessons learned from two cases of tourism destinations in protected areas" in Polish Journal of Environmental Studies, 25, no. 3 (2016):1353-1366, . .

Advantages of combined application of sea with ESIA in strategic planning for sustainable territorial development of tourism destinations

Nenković-Riznić, Marina; Maksin, Marija; Ristić, Vladica

(Institute of Architecture, Urban & Spatial Planning of Serbia, 2015)

AU  - Nenković-Riznić, Marina
AU  - Maksin, Marija
AU  - Ristić, Vladica
PY  - 2015
UR  -
AB  - Whereas standard SEA (Strategic Environmental Assessment) and EIA (Environmental Impact Assessment) methodologies aim to assess the impacts of certain activities solely on environmental quality, new tendencies in spatial and environmental planning are directed towards the application of environmental social impact assessment (ESIA), which implies assessment of the impacts on the quality of life, as well as on natural and cultural heritage. In the ESIA procedure, identification and assessment of direct, indirect and cumulative effects of tourism-related and other different activities are of key importance. The paper presents two case studies of ecologically vulnerable tourism destinations to explore whether the application of SEA/ESIA to strategic planning helps control, minimize or avoid negative effects of tourism; in addition, the case studies are analysed to check the efficiency of SEA/ESIA as instruments for coordination between spatial and tourism planning for sustainable territorial development of tourism destinations. The results/findings of the analysed case studies show that the application of combined SEA and adapted ESIA methods contributes to better understanding of the specific problems related to sustainable territorial development of tourism destinations, and provides support to the planning options and solutions aimed at addressing these problems n a more ecologically and socially justifiable manner.
PB  - Institute of Architecture, Urban & Spatial Planning of Serbia
T2  - Spatium
T1  - Advantages of combined application of sea with ESIA in strategic planning for sustainable territorial development of tourism destinations
VL  - 1
IS  - 34
SP  - 56
EP  - 63
DO  - 10.2298/SPAT1534056N
ER  - 
author = "Nenković-Riznić, Marina and Maksin, Marija and Ristić, Vladica",
year = "2015",
abstract = "Whereas standard SEA (Strategic Environmental Assessment) and EIA (Environmental Impact Assessment) methodologies aim to assess the impacts of certain activities solely on environmental quality, new tendencies in spatial and environmental planning are directed towards the application of environmental social impact assessment (ESIA), which implies assessment of the impacts on the quality of life, as well as on natural and cultural heritage. In the ESIA procedure, identification and assessment of direct, indirect and cumulative effects of tourism-related and other different activities are of key importance. The paper presents two case studies of ecologically vulnerable tourism destinations to explore whether the application of SEA/ESIA to strategic planning helps control, minimize or avoid negative effects of tourism; in addition, the case studies are analysed to check the efficiency of SEA/ESIA as instruments for coordination between spatial and tourism planning for sustainable territorial development of tourism destinations. The results/findings of the analysed case studies show that the application of combined SEA and adapted ESIA methods contributes to better understanding of the specific problems related to sustainable territorial development of tourism destinations, and provides support to the planning options and solutions aimed at addressing these problems n a more ecologically and socially justifiable manner.",
publisher = "Institute of Architecture, Urban & Spatial Planning of Serbia",
journal = "Spatium",
title = "Advantages of combined application of sea with ESIA in strategic planning for sustainable territorial development of tourism destinations",
volume = "1",
number = "34",
pages = "56-63",
doi = "10.2298/SPAT1534056N"
Nenković-Riznić, M., Maksin, M.,& Ristić, V.. (2015). Advantages of combined application of sea with ESIA in strategic planning for sustainable territorial development of tourism destinations. in Spatium
Institute of Architecture, Urban & Spatial Planning of Serbia., 1(34), 56-63.
Nenković-Riznić M, Maksin M, Ristić V. Advantages of combined application of sea with ESIA in strategic planning for sustainable territorial development of tourism destinations. in Spatium. 2015;1(34):56-63.
doi:10.2298/SPAT1534056N .
Nenković-Riznić, Marina, Maksin, Marija, Ristić, Vladica, "Advantages of combined application of sea with ESIA in strategic planning for sustainable territorial development of tourism destinations" in Spatium, 1, no. 34 (2015):56-63, . .

Spatial and sectoral planning support to sustainable territorial and tourism development of protected mountain areas in Serbia

Maksin, Marija; Milijić, Saša; Krunić, Nikola; Ristić, Vladica

(Institute of Architecture, Urban & Spatial Planning of Serbia, 2014)

AU  - Maksin, Marija
AU  - Milijić, Saša
AU  - Krunić, Nikola
AU  - Ristić, Vladica
PY  - 2014
UR  -
AB  - The starting point for easier resolution of conflicts between conservation and development should be the application of the concept of protected areas of natural heritage as social-ecological systems. This is also the precondition for attainment of strategic planning coordination for protected mountain areas (PMA). The objective of the paper is to provide the insight into the effectiveness of strategic planning support - spatial and sectoral planning - to sustainable territorial and tourism development of PMA in Serbia. The study area comprises Kopaonik and D{stroke}erdap National Parks, and Stara Planina Nature Park. This paper evaluates the effectiveness of strategic planning for PMA by means of analysis and evaluation of spatial plans, Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) and sector plans in tourism for the study area. The effectiveness of spatial planning is checked based on the analysis and evaluation of sustainability of zoning and land-use regimes, and of tourism development proposed by spatial plans for the study area. The conclusion is that it is necessary to apply holistic approach to sector planning for nature conservation and tourism development, and to apply SEA for tourism planning as well. Reduction of the spatial coverage of PMA and spatial differentiation of protected zones from the ones planned for intensive development is recommended.
PB  - Institute of Architecture, Urban & Spatial Planning of Serbia
T2  - Spatium
T1  - Spatial and sectoral planning support to sustainable territorial and tourism development of protected mountain areas in Serbia
VL  - 1
IS  - 32
SP  - 15
EP  - 21
DO  - 10.2298/SPAT1432015M
ER  - 
author = "Maksin, Marija and Milijić, Saša and Krunić, Nikola and Ristić, Vladica",
year = "2014",
abstract = "The starting point for easier resolution of conflicts between conservation and development should be the application of the concept of protected areas of natural heritage as social-ecological systems. This is also the precondition for attainment of strategic planning coordination for protected mountain areas (PMA). The objective of the paper is to provide the insight into the effectiveness of strategic planning support - spatial and sectoral planning - to sustainable territorial and tourism development of PMA in Serbia. The study area comprises Kopaonik and D{stroke}erdap National Parks, and Stara Planina Nature Park. This paper evaluates the effectiveness of strategic planning for PMA by means of analysis and evaluation of spatial plans, Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) and sector plans in tourism for the study area. The effectiveness of spatial planning is checked based on the analysis and evaluation of sustainability of zoning and land-use regimes, and of tourism development proposed by spatial plans for the study area. The conclusion is that it is necessary to apply holistic approach to sector planning for nature conservation and tourism development, and to apply SEA for tourism planning as well. Reduction of the spatial coverage of PMA and spatial differentiation of protected zones from the ones planned for intensive development is recommended.",
publisher = "Institute of Architecture, Urban & Spatial Planning of Serbia",
journal = "Spatium",
title = "Spatial and sectoral planning support to sustainable territorial and tourism development of protected mountain areas in Serbia",
volume = "1",
number = "32",
pages = "15-21",
doi = "10.2298/SPAT1432015M"
Maksin, M., Milijić, S., Krunić, N.,& Ristić, V.. (2014). Spatial and sectoral planning support to sustainable territorial and tourism development of protected mountain areas in Serbia. in Spatium
Institute of Architecture, Urban & Spatial Planning of Serbia., 1(32), 15-21.
Maksin M, Milijić S, Krunić N, Ristić V. Spatial and sectoral planning support to sustainable territorial and tourism development of protected mountain areas in Serbia. in Spatium. 2014;1(32):15-21.
doi:10.2298/SPAT1432015M .
Maksin, Marija, Milijić, Saša, Krunić, Nikola, Ristić, Vladica, "Spatial and sectoral planning support to sustainable territorial and tourism development of protected mountain areas in Serbia" in Spatium, 1, no. 32 (2014):15-21, . .

Population dynamics and land cover changes of urban areas

Krunić, Nikola; Maksin, Marija; Milijić, Saša; Bakić, Olgica; Đurđević, Jasmina

(Institute of Architecture, Urban & Spatial Planning of Serbia, 2014)

AU  - Krunić, Nikola
AU  - Maksin, Marija
AU  - Milijić, Saša
AU  - Bakić, Olgica
AU  - Đurđević, Jasmina
PY  - 2014
UR  -
AB  - In order to enable efficient management of spatial development of cities, it is essential to analyse changes in land cover, in the 'consumption' of the land surrounding cities and the attained rationality with respect to the use of already urban land (reflected in the urban population density). This paper provides an overview of the land cover changes in the period between 1990 and 2006, and the potential correlation between the dynamics of the total population change on the one hand, and the land cover change on the other. The initial hypotheses of this paper are: (1) occupation and sealing of productive soil in peri-urban zones is not proportional to the population dynamics of cities and their metropolitan areas; and (2) expansion of soil sealing in peri-urban zones is not significantly affected by the differences with regard to the natural surroundings and historical development of cities, nor by these cities being developed cities or cities in transition, capitalistic or post-socialist cities, etc. These hypotheses are tested and confirmed in the cases of three capital cities in South and Southeast Europe. Regarding the changes in population density, it can be concluded that central/inner-city municipalities became less populated, with sometimes very significant decrease in population density, but without any land cover change, which indicates 'depopulation'. At the same time, outer-city and peripheral municipalities also suffered a decline in population density, while their urban zones extended.
PB  - Institute of Architecture, Urban & Spatial Planning of Serbia
T2  - Spatium
T1  - Population dynamics and land cover changes of urban areas
VL  - 1
IS  - 31
SP  - 22
EP  - 29
DO  - 10.2298/SPAT1431022K
ER  - 
author = "Krunić, Nikola and Maksin, Marija and Milijić, Saša and Bakić, Olgica and Đurđević, Jasmina",
year = "2014",
abstract = "In order to enable efficient management of spatial development of cities, it is essential to analyse changes in land cover, in the 'consumption' of the land surrounding cities and the attained rationality with respect to the use of already urban land (reflected in the urban population density). This paper provides an overview of the land cover changes in the period between 1990 and 2006, and the potential correlation between the dynamics of the total population change on the one hand, and the land cover change on the other. The initial hypotheses of this paper are: (1) occupation and sealing of productive soil in peri-urban zones is not proportional to the population dynamics of cities and their metropolitan areas; and (2) expansion of soil sealing in peri-urban zones is not significantly affected by the differences with regard to the natural surroundings and historical development of cities, nor by these cities being developed cities or cities in transition, capitalistic or post-socialist cities, etc. These hypotheses are tested and confirmed in the cases of three capital cities in South and Southeast Europe. Regarding the changes in population density, it can be concluded that central/inner-city municipalities became less populated, with sometimes very significant decrease in population density, but without any land cover change, which indicates 'depopulation'. At the same time, outer-city and peripheral municipalities also suffered a decline in population density, while their urban zones extended.",
publisher = "Institute of Architecture, Urban & Spatial Planning of Serbia",
journal = "Spatium",
title = "Population dynamics and land cover changes of urban areas",
volume = "1",
number = "31",
pages = "22-29",
doi = "10.2298/SPAT1431022K"
Krunić, N., Maksin, M., Milijić, S., Bakić, O.,& Đurđević, J.. (2014). Population dynamics and land cover changes of urban areas. in Spatium
Institute of Architecture, Urban & Spatial Planning of Serbia., 1(31), 22-29.
Krunić N, Maksin M, Milijić S, Bakić O, Đurđević J. Population dynamics and land cover changes of urban areas. in Spatium. 2014;1(31):22-29.
doi:10.2298/SPAT1431022K .
Krunić, Nikola, Maksin, Marija, Milijić, Saša, Bakić, Olgica, Đurđević, Jasmina, "Population dynamics and land cover changes of urban areas" in Spatium, 1, no. 31 (2014):22-29, . .

Sustainable spatial development of tourism destinations in time of crisis in Serbia

Maksin, Marija; Milijić, Saša

(Univ Rijeka, Faculty Tourism & Hospitality Management, Opatija, Opatija, 2013)

AU  - Maksin, Marija
AU  - Milijić, Saša
PY  - 2013
UR  -
UR  -
AB  - The purpose of this paper is to analyze and discuss the challenges and possibilities for sustainable spatial development of tourism destinations at the time of economic crisis in Serbia. At a time of crisis, the sustainability of more developed tourism destinations is challenged, as the pressure from the tourism industry for intensive construction of tourism facilities and their spatial concentration prevails. The proposed development is then more likely to cause negative impacts on environment, as well as on social and economic development of local communities. Primary tourism destinations in the initial stage of development do not experience the pressure of tourism industry for intensive development, thus enabling the public sector to prepare for and support their sustainable spatial development. On the other hand, in times of crisis the public sector will have difficulties to provide for necessary investments of the private sector in tourism facilities and supply. In the paper primary tourism destinations - mountain tourism destinations, Danube and Lower Danube, have been analyzed and compared in terms of sustainability and spatial development changes. Based on results of the analyzed cases, the challenges and possibilities for sustainable spatial development of tourist destinations have been evaluated and discussed. The research has multiple implications. It suggests necessary adaptations in the spatial and tourism sector planning and management of tourism destination at different stages of development. It also calls for stakeholder participation, public-private arrangements, and local community involvement in the sustainable spatial development of tourism destinations in Serbia.
PB  - Univ Rijeka, Faculty Tourism & Hospitality Management, Opatija, Opatija
C3  - 2nd International Scientific Conference Tourism In Southern and Eastern Europe 2013: Crisis - A Chal
T1  - Sustainable spatial development of tourism destinations in time of crisis in Serbia
VL  - 2
SP  - 185
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Maksin, Marija and Milijić, Saša",
year = "2013",
abstract = "The purpose of this paper is to analyze and discuss the challenges and possibilities for sustainable spatial development of tourism destinations at the time of economic crisis in Serbia. At a time of crisis, the sustainability of more developed tourism destinations is challenged, as the pressure from the tourism industry for intensive construction of tourism facilities and their spatial concentration prevails. The proposed development is then more likely to cause negative impacts on environment, as well as on social and economic development of local communities. Primary tourism destinations in the initial stage of development do not experience the pressure of tourism industry for intensive development, thus enabling the public sector to prepare for and support their sustainable spatial development. On the other hand, in times of crisis the public sector will have difficulties to provide for necessary investments of the private sector in tourism facilities and supply. In the paper primary tourism destinations - mountain tourism destinations, Danube and Lower Danube, have been analyzed and compared in terms of sustainability and spatial development changes. Based on results of the analyzed cases, the challenges and possibilities for sustainable spatial development of tourist destinations have been evaluated and discussed. The research has multiple implications. It suggests necessary adaptations in the spatial and tourism sector planning and management of tourism destination at different stages of development. It also calls for stakeholder participation, public-private arrangements, and local community involvement in the sustainable spatial development of tourism destinations in Serbia.",
publisher = "Univ Rijeka, Faculty Tourism & Hospitality Management, Opatija, Opatija",
journal = "2nd International Scientific Conference Tourism In Southern and Eastern Europe 2013: Crisis - A Chal",
title = "Sustainable spatial development of tourism destinations in time of crisis in Serbia",
volume = "2",
pages = "185",
url = ""
Maksin, M.,& Milijić, S.. (2013). Sustainable spatial development of tourism destinations in time of crisis in Serbia. in 2nd International Scientific Conference Tourism In Southern and Eastern Europe 2013: Crisis - A Chal
Univ Rijeka, Faculty Tourism & Hospitality Management, Opatija, Opatija., 2, 185.
Maksin M, Milijić S. Sustainable spatial development of tourism destinations in time of crisis in Serbia. in 2nd International Scientific Conference Tourism In Southern and Eastern Europe 2013: Crisis - A Chal. 2013;2:185. .
Maksin, Marija, Milijić, Saša, "Sustainable spatial development of tourism destinations in time of crisis in Serbia" in 2nd International Scientific Conference Tourism In Southern and Eastern Europe 2013: Crisis - A Chal, 2 (2013):185, .

Potentials for sustainable tourism development at Danube in Serbia

Maksin, Marija; Milijić, Saša

(Institute of Architecture and Urban and Spatial Planning of Serbia, 2012)

AU  - Maksin, Marija
AU  - Milijić, Saša
PY  - 2012
UR  -
AB  - The importance of Corridor VII for tourism development in spatial planning and sector planning for tourism has been presented. The key tourism assets, primarily Danube and natural and cultural heritage assets along its coastal area are identified. Based on the FAS methodology (UNWTO) the attractiveness of identified key tourism assets is evaluated. The results of this evaluation indicate there is still more factors than attractors, the least developed are the man-made attractors, while the natural attractors are underdeveloped. Based on identified tourism assets and their attractiveness the differentiation of Danube and its coastal area into three highly valuable zones are proposed. Bearing in mind that potential tourism attractiveness of identified factors and attractors has not yet been realized, necessary actions for activating and sustainable development of three proposed tourism zones are suggested. Therefore the criteria for nautical infrastructure prioritization, as well as criteria for urban and rural tourism centers differentiation at Danube coastal area are defined. The paper indicates the priority actions for sustainable tourism development, namely the upgrading of tourist presentation and interpretation in order to achieve the potential attractiveness of tourism assets, supported with their better accessibility, as well as development of tourism products, integration and diversification of tourism offer at Danube and along its coastal area. One of the key problems for achieving sustainable tourism development are insufficient institutional arrangements that need to be changed and improved for Danube primary tourism destination management in Serbia.
AB  - U radu se polazi od osvrta na značaj koridora VII za razvoj turizma u domenu prostornog planiranja i sektorskog planiranja razvoja turizma. Identifikovani su ključni turistički resursi, u prvom redu akvatorije Dunava, prirodnog i kulturnog nasleđa u priobalju. Primenom FAS metodologije UNWTO vrednovana je atraktivnost identifikovanih turističkih resursa Dunava i priobalja. Rezultati vrednovanja ukazuju da još uvek ima više faktora nego atraktora, među kojima je najmanje kreiranih i veoma malo prirodnih atraktora. Na osnovu identifikovanih turističkih resursa i njihove atraktivnosti, u radu se predlaže diferencijacija Dunava i njegovog priobalnog pojasa na tri visokovredna turistička prostora koji se međusobno razlikuju i prožimaju. Ako se pođe od ocene da potencijalna atraktivnost turističkih resursa i prostora za turiste još uvek nije ostvarena, jasno je da je utvrđivanje prioriteta aktiviranja i ostvarivanja održivog razvoja turizma na Dunavu kroz Srbiju neophodan korak. Zbog toga su predloženi kriterijumi za izbor lokacija nautičkih punktova i kriterijumi za diferencijaciju naselja i lokaliteta u priobalju Dunava prema značaju za razvoj nautičkog turizma i nautičke infrastrukture. U radu se ukazuje da bi prioritet trebalo da ima unapređenje prezentacije i razvoj interpretacije turističkih resursa za doživljaj posetilaca i ostvarivanje potencijalnog nivoa njihove atraktivnosti, kao i razvoj široke lepeze aktivnosti, integrisanje i diverzifikacija turističke ponude na Dunavu i povećanje njene pristupačnosti. Jedan od uzroka nedovoljno atraktivne i nerazvijene turističke ponude Dunava su postojeći institucionalno-organizacioni aranžamani, te je prioritet unapređenje upravljanja održivim razvojem primarnog turističkog prostora Dunava kroz Srbiju.
PB  - Institute of Architecture and Urban and Spatial Planning of Serbia
T2  - Arhitektura i urbanizam
T1  - Potentials for sustainable tourism development at Danube in Serbia
T1  - Potencijali za održivi razvoj turizma na Dunavu kroz Srbiju
IS  - 35
SP  - 10
EP  - 21
DO  - 10.5937/arhurb1235010M
ER  - 
author = "Maksin, Marija and Milijić, Saša",
year = "2012",
abstract = "The importance of Corridor VII for tourism development in spatial planning and sector planning for tourism has been presented. The key tourism assets, primarily Danube and natural and cultural heritage assets along its coastal area are identified. Based on the FAS methodology (UNWTO) the attractiveness of identified key tourism assets is evaluated. The results of this evaluation indicate there is still more factors than attractors, the least developed are the man-made attractors, while the natural attractors are underdeveloped. Based on identified tourism assets and their attractiveness the differentiation of Danube and its coastal area into three highly valuable zones are proposed. Bearing in mind that potential tourism attractiveness of identified factors and attractors has not yet been realized, necessary actions for activating and sustainable development of three proposed tourism zones are suggested. Therefore the criteria for nautical infrastructure prioritization, as well as criteria for urban and rural tourism centers differentiation at Danube coastal area are defined. The paper indicates the priority actions for sustainable tourism development, namely the upgrading of tourist presentation and interpretation in order to achieve the potential attractiveness of tourism assets, supported with their better accessibility, as well as development of tourism products, integration and diversification of tourism offer at Danube and along its coastal area. One of the key problems for achieving sustainable tourism development are insufficient institutional arrangements that need to be changed and improved for Danube primary tourism destination management in Serbia., U radu se polazi od osvrta na značaj koridora VII za razvoj turizma u domenu prostornog planiranja i sektorskog planiranja razvoja turizma. Identifikovani su ključni turistički resursi, u prvom redu akvatorije Dunava, prirodnog i kulturnog nasleđa u priobalju. Primenom FAS metodologije UNWTO vrednovana je atraktivnost identifikovanih turističkih resursa Dunava i priobalja. Rezultati vrednovanja ukazuju da još uvek ima više faktora nego atraktora, među kojima je najmanje kreiranih i veoma malo prirodnih atraktora. Na osnovu identifikovanih turističkih resursa i njihove atraktivnosti, u radu se predlaže diferencijacija Dunava i njegovog priobalnog pojasa na tri visokovredna turistička prostora koji se međusobno razlikuju i prožimaju. Ako se pođe od ocene da potencijalna atraktivnost turističkih resursa i prostora za turiste još uvek nije ostvarena, jasno je da je utvrđivanje prioriteta aktiviranja i ostvarivanja održivog razvoja turizma na Dunavu kroz Srbiju neophodan korak. Zbog toga su predloženi kriterijumi za izbor lokacija nautičkih punktova i kriterijumi za diferencijaciju naselja i lokaliteta u priobalju Dunava prema značaju za razvoj nautičkog turizma i nautičke infrastrukture. U radu se ukazuje da bi prioritet trebalo da ima unapređenje prezentacije i razvoj interpretacije turističkih resursa za doživljaj posetilaca i ostvarivanje potencijalnog nivoa njihove atraktivnosti, kao i razvoj široke lepeze aktivnosti, integrisanje i diverzifikacija turističke ponude na Dunavu i povećanje njene pristupačnosti. Jedan od uzroka nedovoljno atraktivne i nerazvijene turističke ponude Dunava su postojeći institucionalno-organizacioni aranžamani, te je prioritet unapređenje upravljanja održivim razvojem primarnog turističkog prostora Dunava kroz Srbiju.",
publisher = "Institute of Architecture and Urban and Spatial Planning of Serbia",
journal = "Arhitektura i urbanizam",
title = "Potentials for sustainable tourism development at Danube in Serbia, Potencijali za održivi razvoj turizma na Dunavu kroz Srbiju",
number = "35",
pages = "10-21",
doi = "10.5937/arhurb1235010M"
Maksin, M.,& Milijić, S.. (2012). Potentials for sustainable tourism development at Danube in Serbia. in Arhitektura i urbanizam
Institute of Architecture and Urban and Spatial Planning of Serbia.(35), 10-21.
Maksin M, Milijić S. Potentials for sustainable tourism development at Danube in Serbia. in Arhitektura i urbanizam. 2012;(35):10-21.
doi:10.5937/arhurb1235010M .
Maksin, Marija, Milijić, Saša, "Potentials for sustainable tourism development at Danube in Serbia" in Arhitektura i urbanizam, no. 35 (2012):10-21, . .