Gajić, Aleksandra

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Authority KeyName Variants
  • Gajić, Aleksandra (28)
  • Гајић, Александра (5)
  • Gajić Protić, Aleksandra Z (1)

Author's Bibliography

Значај руралних и урбаних подручја у просторно-функцијској организацији Србије

Gajić Protić, Aleksandra Z

(Универзитет у Београду - Географски факултет, 2023)

AU  - Gajić Protić, Aleksandra Z
PY  - 2023
UR  -
AB  - Захваљујући просторно-функцијским односима, процесима и променама који се одвијају у простору, све је теже прецизно детерминисати урбаност или руралност одређеног подручја. Традиционална дихотомна подела која разликује рурална подручја од урбаних, не узима у обзир све већу комплексност којом се одликују ова подручја. Проблематика просторне делимитиције руралних и урбаних подручја интензивно је изучавана у европским истраживањима, укључујући и Србију. Већина ових истраживањима била је заснована на примени јасних правила и критеријума за издвајање урбаних и руралних подручја. Основни циљ докторске дисертације је утврђивање методологије за просторну делимитацију руралних и урбаних подручја у Србији. Предложени модел заснован је на примени фази логике у процесу одлучивања. Истраживање је засновано на вишедимензионалном приступу, који интегрише физичко-географске, демографске, социоекономске и функцијске карактеристике геопростора Србије. Предложени модел укључује примену седам варијабли (број становника, дневне миграције, удео активног становништва које обавља занимање у секундарном и терцијарном сектору, индекс промене броја становника, густина насељености, удео природних површина и доступност) различитих тежина и 254 правила на основу којег је изграђен фази систем закључивања (ФИС). Добијени резултати наглашавају различите степене припадности насеља руралним или урбаним подручјима у Србији. Истраживање је обухватило 4.604 насеља у Србији. На основу добијених резултата дат је преглед добијених класа насеља које садрже различите степене припадности руралним или урбаним подручјима и у складу са тим идентификовани су савремене тенденције могући правци просторно-функцијске организације Србије.
AB  - Due to the spatio-functional relations, processes, and changes taking place in an area, it is getting difficult to accurately determine urbanity and rurality of a certain area. The traditional dichotomous division which differentiates rural from urban areas does not take into consideration the growing complexity which characterizes these areas. The problem of spatial delimitation of rural and urban areas has been studied intensively in European researches, including the ones in Serbia. The majority of these studies have been based on the application of the clear rules and criteria of differentiation between urban and rural areas. The main aim of the doctoral thesis is to determine the methodology for the spatial delimitation of rural and urban areas in Serbia. The suggested model is based on the application of the fuzzy logic in the inference process. The research is based on multi-dimensional approach which integrates both socio-economic and functional characteristics of the geospace of Serbia. The suggested model includes the application of seven indicators (population number, daily migrations, the share of active population performing an occupation in secondary and tertiary sector, the index of change in the population number, population density, the share of natural areas and accessibility) of different weights and 254 rules which the fuzzy inference system (FIS) is based on. The obtained results highlight the various levels of the areas belonging to rural or urban areas in Serbia. The research comprised 4,604 settlements in Serbia. On the basis of the obtained results, a preview of the obtained classes of settlements which contain various levels of belonging to rural or urban areas has been presented. Accordingly, modern tendencies and possible directions of spatio-functional organizations of Serbia have been identified.
PB  - Универзитет у Београду - Географски факултет
T2  - Универзитет у Београду
T1  - Значај руралних и урбаних подручја у просторно-функцијској организацији Србије
T1  - The importance of rural and urban areas in the spatio-functional organization of Serbia
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Gajić Protić, Aleksandra Z",
year = "2023",
abstract = "Захваљујући просторно-функцијским односима, процесима и променама који се одвијају у простору, све је теже прецизно детерминисати урбаност или руралност одређеног подручја. Традиционална дихотомна подела која разликује рурална подручја од урбаних, не узима у обзир све већу комплексност којом се одликују ова подручја. Проблематика просторне делимитиције руралних и урбаних подручја интензивно је изучавана у европским истраживањима, укључујући и Србију. Већина ових истраживањима била је заснована на примени јасних правила и критеријума за издвајање урбаних и руралних подручја. Основни циљ докторске дисертације је утврђивање методологије за просторну делимитацију руралних и урбаних подручја у Србији. Предложени модел заснован је на примени фази логике у процесу одлучивања. Истраживање је засновано на вишедимензионалном приступу, који интегрише физичко-географске, демографске, социоекономске и функцијске карактеристике геопростора Србије. Предложени модел укључује примену седам варијабли (број становника, дневне миграције, удео активног становништва које обавља занимање у секундарном и терцијарном сектору, индекс промене броја становника, густина насељености, удео природних површина и доступност) различитих тежина и 254 правила на основу којег је изграђен фази систем закључивања (ФИС). Добијени резултати наглашавају различите степене припадности насеља руралним или урбаним подручјима у Србији. Истраживање је обухватило 4.604 насеља у Србији. На основу добијених резултата дат је преглед добијених класа насеља које садрже различите степене припадности руралним или урбаним подручјима и у складу са тим идентификовани су савремене тенденције могући правци просторно-функцијске организације Србије., Due to the spatio-functional relations, processes, and changes taking place in an area, it is getting difficult to accurately determine urbanity and rurality of a certain area. The traditional dichotomous division which differentiates rural from urban areas does not take into consideration the growing complexity which characterizes these areas. The problem of spatial delimitation of rural and urban areas has been studied intensively in European researches, including the ones in Serbia. The majority of these studies have been based on the application of the clear rules and criteria of differentiation between urban and rural areas. The main aim of the doctoral thesis is to determine the methodology for the spatial delimitation of rural and urban areas in Serbia. The suggested model is based on the application of the fuzzy logic in the inference process. The research is based on multi-dimensional approach which integrates both socio-economic and functional characteristics of the geospace of Serbia. The suggested model includes the application of seven indicators (population number, daily migrations, the share of active population performing an occupation in secondary and tertiary sector, the index of change in the population number, population density, the share of natural areas and accessibility) of different weights and 254 rules which the fuzzy inference system (FIS) is based on. The obtained results highlight the various levels of the areas belonging to rural or urban areas in Serbia. The research comprised 4,604 settlements in Serbia. On the basis of the obtained results, a preview of the obtained classes of settlements which contain various levels of belonging to rural or urban areas has been presented. Accordingly, modern tendencies and possible directions of spatio-functional organizations of Serbia have been identified.",
publisher = "Универзитет у Београду - Географски факултет",
journal = "Универзитет у Београду",
title = "Значај руралних и урбаних подручја у просторно-функцијској организацији Србије, The importance of rural and urban areas in the spatio-functional organization of Serbia",
url = ""
Gajić Protić, A. Z.. (2023). Значај руралних и урбаних подручја у просторно-функцијској организацији Србије. in Универзитет у Београду
Универзитет у Београду - Географски факултет..
Gajić Protić AZ. Значај руралних и урбаних подручја у просторно-функцијској организацији Србије. in Универзитет у Београду. 2023;. .
Gajić Protić, Aleksandra Z, "Значај руралних и урбаних подручја у просторно-функцијској организацији Србије" in Универзитет у Београду (2023), .

Effects Of Changing Land Use On Reducing Risks From Natural Disasters On The Case Study Of Erosion And Torrential Floods Prevention In Serbia

Bezbradica, Ljubiša; Josimović, Boško; Gajić, Aleksandra; Srnić, Danijela

(Innsbruck : Research Area Mountain Regions, 2022)

AU  - Bezbradica, Ljubiša
AU  - Josimović, Boško
AU  - Gajić, Aleksandra
AU  - Srnić, Danijela
PY  - 2022
UR  -
AB  - A global issue of the modern world, erosion is one of the main causes of
two-component streams (carrying water and soil) that cause torrential floods in
the mountainous regions of the Republic of Serbia. Such natural disaster is
intensified by global climate changes reflected in the change of air temperature
and the distribution of precipitation. Climate and natural characteristics of
highland regions are locally constant categories. The introduction of planning
measures, i.e. the change in the use of space, has the greatest effect on
preventing or mitigating disasters caused by torrential floods, resulting in the
minimisation of soil erosion and surface outflow. In addition to the impact of
natural disasters, spatial distribution of infrastructure and human activities greatly
affect the security of people and the protection of property. Soil erosion, as one
of the means of land resources degradation, causes the loss of topsoil and the
reduction of infiltration characteristics, which consequently lead to surface
outflow. Natural disaster caused by torrential floods increases the risks for
population and infrastructure security. The level of topsoil degradation and the
accumulation of deposits depend on the means of exploitation. Urbanisation,
infrastructure development, construction of ski centres and other facilities,
greatly affect land exploitation characteristics, reflecting in the destruction of
forests, improper agricultural production, unplanned development of ski pistes
and infrastructure. In order to develop tourist, residential, and infrastructure
facilities in Serbian mountains, the great pressure is directed on repurposing
forest and agricultural land into building land. The purpose and the means of land
use in the Republic of Serbia is directed by planning and other strategic and legal
documents. By applying anti-erosion measures, increasing the quality of forests,
afforestation, preservation of the existing well-structured forests, a proper choice
of culture on steep terrain, contour farming, and other biological and technical
measures, land erosion can be significantly reduced. Implementation of plans is
fundamental for environment preservation, population and infrastructure safety,
resulting in the prevention or minimisation of natural disasters consequences.
PB  - Innsbruck : Research Area Mountain Regions
C3  - INTERNATIONAL MOUNTAIN CONFERENCE SEPTEMBER 11 - 15 2022 - online abstract publication
T1  - Effects Of Changing Land Use On Reducing Risks From Natural Disasters On The Case Study Of Erosion And Torrential Floods Prevention In Serbia
SP  - 552
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Bezbradica, Ljubiša and Josimović, Boško and Gajić, Aleksandra and Srnić, Danijela",
year = "2022",
abstract = "A global issue of the modern world, erosion is one of the main causes of
two-component streams (carrying water and soil) that cause torrential floods in
the mountainous regions of the Republic of Serbia. Such natural disaster is
intensified by global climate changes reflected in the change of air temperature
and the distribution of precipitation. Climate and natural characteristics of
highland regions are locally constant categories. The introduction of planning
measures, i.e. the change in the use of space, has the greatest effect on
preventing or mitigating disasters caused by torrential floods, resulting in the
minimisation of soil erosion and surface outflow. In addition to the impact of
natural disasters, spatial distribution of infrastructure and human activities greatly
affect the security of people and the protection of property. Soil erosion, as one
of the means of land resources degradation, causes the loss of topsoil and the
reduction of infiltration characteristics, which consequently lead to surface
outflow. Natural disaster caused by torrential floods increases the risks for
population and infrastructure security. The level of topsoil degradation and the
accumulation of deposits depend on the means of exploitation. Urbanisation,
infrastructure development, construction of ski centres and other facilities,
greatly affect land exploitation characteristics, reflecting in the destruction of
forests, improper agricultural production, unplanned development of ski pistes
and infrastructure. In order to develop tourist, residential, and infrastructure
facilities in Serbian mountains, the great pressure is directed on repurposing
forest and agricultural land into building land. The purpose and the means of land
use in the Republic of Serbia is directed by planning and other strategic and legal
documents. By applying anti-erosion measures, increasing the quality of forests,
afforestation, preservation of the existing well-structured forests, a proper choice
of culture on steep terrain, contour farming, and other biological and technical
measures, land erosion can be significantly reduced. Implementation of plans is
fundamental for environment preservation, population and infrastructure safety,
resulting in the prevention or minimisation of natural disasters consequences.",
publisher = "Innsbruck : Research Area Mountain Regions",
journal = "INTERNATIONAL MOUNTAIN CONFERENCE SEPTEMBER 11 - 15 2022 - online abstract publication",
title = "Effects Of Changing Land Use On Reducing Risks From Natural Disasters On The Case Study Of Erosion And Torrential Floods Prevention In Serbia",
pages = "552",
url = ""
Bezbradica, L., Josimović, B., Gajić, A.,& Srnić, D.. (2022). Effects Of Changing Land Use On Reducing Risks From Natural Disasters On The Case Study Of Erosion And Torrential Floods Prevention In Serbia. in INTERNATIONAL MOUNTAIN CONFERENCE SEPTEMBER 11 - 15 2022 - online abstract publication
Innsbruck : Research Area Mountain Regions., 552.
Bezbradica L, Josimović B, Gajić A, Srnić D. Effects Of Changing Land Use On Reducing Risks From Natural Disasters On The Case Study Of Erosion And Torrential Floods Prevention In Serbia. in INTERNATIONAL MOUNTAIN CONFERENCE SEPTEMBER 11 - 15 2022 - online abstract publication. 2022;:552. .
Bezbradica, Ljubiša, Josimović, Boško, Gajić, Aleksandra, Srnić, Danijela, "Effects Of Changing Land Use On Reducing Risks From Natural Disasters On The Case Study Of Erosion And Torrential Floods Prevention In Serbia" in INTERNATIONAL MOUNTAIN CONFERENCE SEPTEMBER 11 - 15 2022 - online abstract publication (2022):552, .

Land Take Processes and Challenges for Urban Agriculture: A Spatial Analysis for Novi Sad, Serbia

Živanović Miljković, Jelena; Popović, Vesna; Gajić, Aleksandra


AU  - Živanović Miljković, Jelena
AU  - Popović, Vesna
AU  - Gajić, Aleksandra
PY  - 2022
UR  -
AB  - Food security is becoming an increasingly important issue worldwide, and in this respect, urban agriculture has a substantial role. Nonetheless, pressure for agricultural land conversion and fragmentation is highest in peri-urban areas. In order to respond to these challenges, urban farmers use different adaptation strategies and business models, including product differentiation based on geographical indications (GIs). The paper considers land take (LT) issues in Futog, the settlement of the City of Novi Sad, registered as the GI of Futog cabbage, as an illustrative example which reflects the attitude of land use policy and planning in Serbia towards the specific conditions and requirements that growers of GIs have to meet. The purpose of this study is to identify the role of urban land use planning within LT processes and the implications this has on urban agriculture, accordingly. The supporting framework used for quantifying LT in the period 2000–2018 was CORINE Land Cover (CLC), specifically Urban Atlas (UA) datasets for two time series between 2012 and 2018. Since a significant part of agricultural land registered as a GI in Futog was planned for conversion into construction land, the authors conclude that current forms of land use planning in Serbia are not adequate to ensure the protection of either urban agriculture or GIs. Given that there is a clear correlation between GI products and their place of origin, this study recognized the necessary inclusion of all protected agricultural areas, as well as areas with GIs, into legislation binding for land use planning in Serbia, with limitations in terms of new LT.
T2  - Land
T1  - Land Take Processes and Challenges for Urban Agriculture: A Spatial Analysis for Novi Sad, Serbia
VL  - 11
IS  - 6
SP  - 769
DO  - 10.3390/land11060769
ER  - 
author = "Živanović Miljković, Jelena and Popović, Vesna and Gajić, Aleksandra",
year = "2022",
abstract = "Food security is becoming an increasingly important issue worldwide, and in this respect, urban agriculture has a substantial role. Nonetheless, pressure for agricultural land conversion and fragmentation is highest in peri-urban areas. In order to respond to these challenges, urban farmers use different adaptation strategies and business models, including product differentiation based on geographical indications (GIs). The paper considers land take (LT) issues in Futog, the settlement of the City of Novi Sad, registered as the GI of Futog cabbage, as an illustrative example which reflects the attitude of land use policy and planning in Serbia towards the specific conditions and requirements that growers of GIs have to meet. The purpose of this study is to identify the role of urban land use planning within LT processes and the implications this has on urban agriculture, accordingly. The supporting framework used for quantifying LT in the period 2000–2018 was CORINE Land Cover (CLC), specifically Urban Atlas (UA) datasets for two time series between 2012 and 2018. Since a significant part of agricultural land registered as a GI in Futog was planned for conversion into construction land, the authors conclude that current forms of land use planning in Serbia are not adequate to ensure the protection of either urban agriculture or GIs. Given that there is a clear correlation between GI products and their place of origin, this study recognized the necessary inclusion of all protected agricultural areas, as well as areas with GIs, into legislation binding for land use planning in Serbia, with limitations in terms of new LT.",
journal = "Land",
title = "Land Take Processes and Challenges for Urban Agriculture: A Spatial Analysis for Novi Sad, Serbia",
volume = "11",
number = "6",
pages = "769",
doi = "10.3390/land11060769"
Živanović Miljković, J., Popović, V.,& Gajić, A.. (2022). Land Take Processes and Challenges for Urban Agriculture: A Spatial Analysis for Novi Sad, Serbia. in Land, 11(6), 769.
Živanović Miljković J, Popović V, Gajić A. Land Take Processes and Challenges for Urban Agriculture: A Spatial Analysis for Novi Sad, Serbia. in Land. 2022;11(6):769.
doi:10.3390/land11060769 .
Živanović Miljković, Jelena, Popović, Vesna, Gajić, Aleksandra, "Land Take Processes and Challenges for Urban Agriculture: A Spatial Analysis for Novi Sad, Serbia" in Land, 11, no. 6 (2022):769, . .

Development Challenges Faced by Cities in Serbia

Krunić, Nikola; Gajić, Aleksandra; Tošić, Dragutin

(Cham : Springer, 2022)

AU  - Krunić, Nikola
AU  - Gajić, Aleksandra
AU  - Tošić, Dragutin
PY  - 2022
UR  -
AB  - The cities in Serbia are a heterogeneous system of settlements of various demographic size, economic development and functional capacity, resulting from different predispositions for development in a specific geographic and socio-historical context. This chapter considers cities as urban centres which are hubs of their local government units that have a central function in their spheres of influence. Although this is not congruent with the concept of a city defined by multiple relevant laws, it aptly reflects the cities in Serbia; however, that is not the subject of this discussion. This debate examines the system of settlements in a specific territory from the perspective of urban geography, with urban systems or networks of settlements at different levels of development, but all of which have at least one central settlement, along with other surrounding subordinate settlements. This approach to urban systems enables a comprehensive view of the cause-and-effect relationships that define each urban system, namely their space, population and activities, and it avoids incomplete views by focusing on just some aspects of urban development. Finally, this approach has also been used in the long practice of spatial planning in Serbia.
PB  - Cham : Springer
T2  - The Geography of Serbia: Nature, People, Economy
T1  - Development Challenges Faced by Cities in Serbia
SP  - 279
EP  - 287
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Krunić, Nikola and Gajić, Aleksandra and Tošić, Dragutin",
year = "2022",
abstract = "The cities in Serbia are a heterogeneous system of settlements of various demographic size, economic development and functional capacity, resulting from different predispositions for development in a specific geographic and socio-historical context. This chapter considers cities as urban centres which are hubs of their local government units that have a central function in their spheres of influence. Although this is not congruent with the concept of a city defined by multiple relevant laws, it aptly reflects the cities in Serbia; however, that is not the subject of this discussion. This debate examines the system of settlements in a specific territory from the perspective of urban geography, with urban systems or networks of settlements at different levels of development, but all of which have at least one central settlement, along with other surrounding subordinate settlements. This approach to urban systems enables a comprehensive view of the cause-and-effect relationships that define each urban system, namely their space, population and activities, and it avoids incomplete views by focusing on just some aspects of urban development. Finally, this approach has also been used in the long practice of spatial planning in Serbia.",
publisher = "Cham : Springer",
journal = "The Geography of Serbia: Nature, People, Economy",
booktitle = "Development Challenges Faced by Cities in Serbia",
pages = "279-287",
url = ""
Krunić, N., Gajić, A.,& Tošić, D.. (2022). Development Challenges Faced by Cities in Serbia. in The Geography of Serbia: Nature, People, Economy
Cham : Springer., 279-287.
Krunić N, Gajić A, Tošić D. Development Challenges Faced by Cities in Serbia. in The Geography of Serbia: Nature, People, Economy. 2022;:279-287. .
Krunić, Nikola, Gajić, Aleksandra, Tošić, Dragutin, "Development Challenges Faced by Cities in Serbia" in The Geography of Serbia: Nature, People, Economy (2022):279-287, .

Multi‑criteria Evaluation in Strategic Environmental Assessment in the Creation of a Sustainable Agricultural Waste Management Plan for wineries: Case Study: Oplenac Vineyard

Josimović, Boško; Krunić, Nikola; Gajić, Aleksandra; Manić, Božidar


AU  - Josimović, Boško
AU  - Krunić, Nikola
AU  - Gajić, Aleksandra
AU  - Manić, Božidar
PY  - 2021
UR  -
AB  - Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA), as a support to strategic planning, is
a starting point in the creation of a sustainable concept of managing waste that is
based on the principles of a circular economy. The role of SEA is to guide the planning
process towards the goal of securing the best e ects in relation to the quality of
the living environment and the socio-economic aspects of development. SEA is also
an instrument that can be used when making optimal decisions about spatial development,
which further contributes to its importance and role in the planning process.
The implementation of SEA allows developers to establish the bene ts and implications
of the proposed spatial changes, taking into account the capacity of the space
to sustain the planned development, and to determine the degree of acceptability of
the proposed spatial changes. This paper presents a speci c method used for impact
assessment in SEA for the Agro-Waste Management Plan (AWMP) for Oplenac
Vineyard. The speci city of this method is that it combines speci c goals, indicators
and criteria for assessing the e ect of planning solutions formulated in the simulated
AWMP for Oplenac Vineyard using a semi-quantitative expert method. The results
of the paper indicate the possibility of using GIS tools to increase objectivity in the
expert evaluation of planning solutions, particularly in relation to a group of criteria
for assessing the spatial dispersion of the impacts. This reduces the subjectivity
that is characteristic of all expert methods. The graphical presentation of the results
in GIS technology and the use of matrices and graphs to present the results makes
them easier to understand and creates a good basis for making optimal decisions on
future activities concerning the elimination of waste from wineries and viticulture.
The research was carried out within the framework of the NoAW project, which
is supported by the European Commission through the Horizon2020 research and
innovation program.
T2  - Vol.:(0123456789) Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics
T1  - Multi‑criteria Evaluation in Strategic Environmental Assessment in the Creation of a Sustainable Agricultural Waste Management Plan for wineries: Case Study: Oplenac Vineyard
VL  - 34
IS  - 1
SP  - 4
DO  - 10.1007/s10806-021-09846-3
ER  - 
author = "Josimović, Boško and Krunić, Nikola and Gajić, Aleksandra and Manić, Božidar",
year = "2021",
abstract = "Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA), as a support to strategic planning, is
a starting point in the creation of a sustainable concept of managing waste that is
based on the principles of a circular economy. The role of SEA is to guide the planning
process towards the goal of securing the best e ects in relation to the quality of
the living environment and the socio-economic aspects of development. SEA is also
an instrument that can be used when making optimal decisions about spatial development,
which further contributes to its importance and role in the planning process.
The implementation of SEA allows developers to establish the bene ts and implications
of the proposed spatial changes, taking into account the capacity of the space
to sustain the planned development, and to determine the degree of acceptability of
the proposed spatial changes. This paper presents a speci c method used for impact
assessment in SEA for the Agro-Waste Management Plan (AWMP) for Oplenac
Vineyard. The speci city of this method is that it combines speci c goals, indicators
and criteria for assessing the e ect of planning solutions formulated in the simulated
AWMP for Oplenac Vineyard using a semi-quantitative expert method. The results
of the paper indicate the possibility of using GIS tools to increase objectivity in the
expert evaluation of planning solutions, particularly in relation to a group of criteria
for assessing the spatial dispersion of the impacts. This reduces the subjectivity
that is characteristic of all expert methods. The graphical presentation of the results
in GIS technology and the use of matrices and graphs to present the results makes
them easier to understand and creates a good basis for making optimal decisions on
future activities concerning the elimination of waste from wineries and viticulture.
The research was carried out within the framework of the NoAW project, which
is supported by the European Commission through the Horizon2020 research and
innovation program.",
journal = "Vol.:(0123456789) Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics",
title = "Multi‑criteria Evaluation in Strategic Environmental Assessment in the Creation of a Sustainable Agricultural Waste Management Plan for wineries: Case Study: Oplenac Vineyard",
volume = "34",
number = "1",
pages = "4",
doi = "10.1007/s10806-021-09846-3"
Josimović, B., Krunić, N., Gajić, A.,& Manić, B.. (2021). Multi‑criteria Evaluation in Strategic Environmental Assessment in the Creation of a Sustainable Agricultural Waste Management Plan for wineries: Case Study: Oplenac Vineyard. in Vol.:(0123456789) Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics, 34(1), 4.
Josimović B, Krunić N, Gajić A, Manić B. Multi‑criteria Evaluation in Strategic Environmental Assessment in the Creation of a Sustainable Agricultural Waste Management Plan for wineries: Case Study: Oplenac Vineyard. in Vol.:(0123456789) Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics. 2021;34(1):4.
doi:10.1007/s10806-021-09846-3 .
Josimović, Boško, Krunić, Nikola, Gajić, Aleksandra, Manić, Božidar, "Multi‑criteria Evaluation in Strategic Environmental Assessment in the Creation of a Sustainable Agricultural Waste Management Plan for wineries: Case Study: Oplenac Vineyard" in Vol.:(0123456789) Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics, 34, no. 1 (2021):4, . .

How system of settlements in Serbia will change? Geographic determinants of spatial-functional relationships of urban and rural areas

Krunić, Nikola; Gajić, Aleksandra; Srnić, Danijela

(Skopje, North Macedonia : Geobalcanica Society, 2021)

AU  - Krunić, Nikola
AU  - Gajić, Aleksandra
AU  - Srnić, Danijela
PY  - 2021
UR  -
AB  - System of heterogeneous settlements in Serbia was shaped by phenomenon and processes rooted in their geographical position: accessibility, population dynamics, socio-economic transformation and functional capacity of the centers. This paper examines future spatial-functional development of the national urban system (consisting from urban and rural areas) with focus on geographical determinants and population dynamics. The research provides an overview of the key geographical factors and processes which influence development of the urban system. The aim of the paper is to predict future spatial-functional relationships between urban and rural areas of Serbia in the line and context with the official projection of the population. The result should contribute to wider discussion about new implementation models in the new generation of spatial planning documents.
PB  - Skopje, North Macedonia : Geobalcanica Society
C3  - International Scientific Conference GEOBALCANICA 2021
T1  - How system of settlements in Serbia will change? Geographic determinants of spatial-functional relationships of urban and rural areas
SP  - 461
EP  - 465
DO  - 10.18509/GBP210461k
ER  - 
author = "Krunić, Nikola and Gajić, Aleksandra and Srnić, Danijela",
year = "2021",
abstract = "System of heterogeneous settlements in Serbia was shaped by phenomenon and processes rooted in their geographical position: accessibility, population dynamics, socio-economic transformation and functional capacity of the centers. This paper examines future spatial-functional development of the national urban system (consisting from urban and rural areas) with focus on geographical determinants and population dynamics. The research provides an overview of the key geographical factors and processes which influence development of the urban system. The aim of the paper is to predict future spatial-functional relationships between urban and rural areas of Serbia in the line and context with the official projection of the population. The result should contribute to wider discussion about new implementation models in the new generation of spatial planning documents.",
publisher = "Skopje, North Macedonia : Geobalcanica Society",
journal = "International Scientific Conference GEOBALCANICA 2021",
title = "How system of settlements in Serbia will change? Geographic determinants of spatial-functional relationships of urban and rural areas",
pages = "461-465",
doi = "10.18509/GBP210461k"
Krunić, N., Gajić, A.,& Srnić, D.. (2021). How system of settlements in Serbia will change? Geographic determinants of spatial-functional relationships of urban and rural areas. in International Scientific Conference GEOBALCANICA 2021
Skopje, North Macedonia : Geobalcanica Society., 461-465.
Krunić N, Gajić A, Srnić D. How system of settlements in Serbia will change? Geographic determinants of spatial-functional relationships of urban and rural areas. in International Scientific Conference GEOBALCANICA 2021. 2021;:461-465.
doi:10.18509/GBP210461k .
Krunić, Nikola, Gajić, Aleksandra, Srnić, Danijela, "How system of settlements in Serbia will change? Geographic determinants of spatial-functional relationships of urban and rural areas" in International Scientific Conference GEOBALCANICA 2021 (2021):461-465, . .

Urban areas of Serbia – a new framework for spatial development

Srnić, Danijela; Krunić, Nikola; Gajić, Aleksandra

(Skopje, North Macedonia : Geobalcanica Society, 2021)

AU  - Srnić, Danijela
AU  - Krunić, Nikola
AU  - Gajić, Aleksandra
PY  - 2021
UR  -
AB  - Disproportions in the Serbian urban system, which were accumulated during the decades, manifested in unequal distribution of population, activities, highly qualified labor, accessibility of centers, have become more noticeable during the second decade of the 21st century. Concepts that were used in previous national spatial planning documents based their spatial development on the application of functional areas and functional urban areas without being able to provide balanced development – failing to implement politics of polycentrism. The national urban system of today has an irregular shape with clearly marked domination of the capital in all of the previously stated characteristics. In these circumstances, it is a necessity to seek a new instrument of spatial development that will provide "acceptable territorial imbalance" and prevent creating a further partition between the Belgrade metropolitan area and the rest of the territory. The purpose of this paper is to discuss a new framework of spatial development which is based on urban areas - using them as an instrument to optimize urban system and to contribute to territorial integration.
PB  - Skopje, North Macedonia : Geobalcanica Society
C3  - International Scientific Conference GEOBALCANICA 2021
T1  - Urban areas of Serbia – a new framework for spatial development
SP  - 477
EP  - 482
DO  - 10.18509/GBP210477s
ER  - 
author = "Srnić, Danijela and Krunić, Nikola and Gajić, Aleksandra",
year = "2021",
abstract = "Disproportions in the Serbian urban system, which were accumulated during the decades, manifested in unequal distribution of population, activities, highly qualified labor, accessibility of centers, have become more noticeable during the second decade of the 21st century. Concepts that were used in previous national spatial planning documents based their spatial development on the application of functional areas and functional urban areas without being able to provide balanced development – failing to implement politics of polycentrism. The national urban system of today has an irregular shape with clearly marked domination of the capital in all of the previously stated characteristics. In these circumstances, it is a necessity to seek a new instrument of spatial development that will provide "acceptable territorial imbalance" and prevent creating a further partition between the Belgrade metropolitan area and the rest of the territory. The purpose of this paper is to discuss a new framework of spatial development which is based on urban areas - using them as an instrument to optimize urban system and to contribute to territorial integration.",
publisher = "Skopje, North Macedonia : Geobalcanica Society",
journal = "International Scientific Conference GEOBALCANICA 2021",
title = "Urban areas of Serbia – a new framework for spatial development",
pages = "477-482",
doi = "10.18509/GBP210477s"
Srnić, D., Krunić, N.,& Gajić, A.. (2021). Urban areas of Serbia – a new framework for spatial development. in International Scientific Conference GEOBALCANICA 2021
Skopje, North Macedonia : Geobalcanica Society., 477-482.
Srnić D, Krunić N, Gajić A. Urban areas of Serbia – a new framework for spatial development. in International Scientific Conference GEOBALCANICA 2021. 2021;:477-482.
doi:10.18509/GBP210477s .
Srnić, Danijela, Krunić, Nikola, Gajić, Aleksandra, "Urban areas of Serbia – a new framework for spatial development" in International Scientific Conference GEOBALCANICA 2021 (2021):477-482, . .

Spatial plan of the special purpose area of the Nature Park “Zlatibor”

Maksin, Marija; Milijić, Saša; Vasiljević, Božidar; Niković, Ana; Manić, Božidar; Gajić, Aleksandra; Maksić Mulalić, Milica

(Ниш : Удружење урбаниста Србије, 2021)


Maksin, M., Milijić, S., Vasiljević, B., Niković, A., Manić, B., Gajić, A.,& Maksić Mulalić, M.. (2021). Spatial plan of the special purpose area of the Nature Park “Zlatibor”. in 30th International Urban Planners’ Exhibition Catalogue [30. Међународни салон урбанизма, каталог]
Ниш : Удружење урбаниста Србије., 01.04..
Maksin M, Milijić S, Vasiljević B, Niković A, Manić B, Gajić A, Maksić Mulalić M. Spatial plan of the special purpose area of the Nature Park “Zlatibor”. in 30th International Urban Planners’ Exhibition Catalogue [30. Међународни салон урбанизма, каталог]. 2021;:01.04.. .
Maksin, Marija, Milijić, Saša, Vasiljević, Božidar, Niković, Ana, Manić, Božidar, Gajić, Aleksandra, Maksić Mulalić, Milica, "Spatial plan of the special purpose area of the Nature Park “Zlatibor”" in 30th International Urban Planners’ Exhibition Catalogue [30. Међународни салон урбанизма, каталог] (2021):01.04., .

Classification of Rural Areas in Serbia: Framework and Implications for Spatial Planning

Gajić, Aleksandra; Krunić, Nikola; Protić, Branko

(Basel : MDPI, 2021)

AU  - Gajić, Aleksandra
AU  - Krunić, Nikola
AU  - Protić, Branko
PY  - 2021
UR  -
AB  - The classification of rural and urban areas presents an important topic both in scientific research and in the practice of spatial planning, regional policy making, and territorial governance. Taking into account the multidimensionality of these areas, this paper aims to provide a classification framework design for rural areas in Serbia. After selecting the relevant indicators, which were included to reflect the main demographic, economic, and physio-geographical characteristics of the Serbian rural areas, multivariate analysis (principal component method and factor analysis) was used to determine the main factors in the delimitation and classification of rural and urban areas. The last step of the conducted methodology used cluster analysis (CA) that identified six types of areas with similar characteristics. The results of this study and applied methodology can improve the existing rural–urban classifications and help planners and policy makers in the adaptation of strategic development documents
PB  - Basel : MDPI
T2  - Sustainability
T1  - Classification of Rural Areas in Serbia: Framework and Implications for Spatial Planning
VL  - 13
IS  - 4
SP  - 1596
DO  - 10.3390/su13041596
ER  - 
author = "Gajić, Aleksandra and Krunić, Nikola and Protić, Branko",
year = "2021",
abstract = "The classification of rural and urban areas presents an important topic both in scientific research and in the practice of spatial planning, regional policy making, and territorial governance. Taking into account the multidimensionality of these areas, this paper aims to provide a classification framework design for rural areas in Serbia. After selecting the relevant indicators, which were included to reflect the main demographic, economic, and physio-geographical characteristics of the Serbian rural areas, multivariate analysis (principal component method and factor analysis) was used to determine the main factors in the delimitation and classification of rural and urban areas. The last step of the conducted methodology used cluster analysis (CA) that identified six types of areas with similar characteristics. The results of this study and applied methodology can improve the existing rural–urban classifications and help planners and policy makers in the adaptation of strategic development documents",
publisher = "Basel : MDPI",
journal = "Sustainability",
title = "Classification of Rural Areas in Serbia: Framework and Implications for Spatial Planning",
volume = "13",
number = "4",
pages = "1596",
doi = "10.3390/su13041596"
Gajić, A., Krunić, N.,& Protić, B.. (2021). Classification of Rural Areas in Serbia: Framework and Implications for Spatial Planning. in Sustainability
Basel : MDPI., 13(4), 1596.
Gajić A, Krunić N, Protić B. Classification of Rural Areas in Serbia: Framework and Implications for Spatial Planning. in Sustainability. 2021;13(4):1596.
doi:10.3390/su13041596 .
Gajić, Aleksandra, Krunić, Nikola, Protić, Branko, "Classification of Rural Areas in Serbia: Framework and Implications for Spatial Planning" in Sustainability, 13, no. 4 (2021):1596, . .

ConnectGREEN (DTP 072-2.3) – Управљање и обнављање еколошких коридора као зелене инфраструктуре у Дунавском басену, 2018-2021

Ненковић-Ризнић, Марина; Максин, Марија; Симоновић Алфиревић, Сања; Крунић, Никола; Бранков, Борјан; Даниловић Христић, Наташа; Ненић, Мирјана; Гајић, Александра

(Крагујевац : Удружење урбаниста Србије, 2020)


Ненковић-Ризнић, М., Максин, М., Симоновић Алфиревић, С., Крунић, Н., Бранков, Б., Даниловић Христић, Н., Ненић, М.,& Гајић, А.. (2020). ConnectGREEN (DTP 072-2.3) – Управљање и обнављање еколошких коридора као зелене инфраструктуре у Дунавском басену, 2018-2021. in Каталог изложбе: 29. Међународни салон Урбанизма 2020, Крагујевац, 10-13. новембар 2020.
Крагујевац : Удружење урбаниста Србије., 109-109.
Ненковић-Ризнић М, Максин М, Симоновић Алфиревић С, Крунић Н, Бранков Б, Даниловић Христић Н, Ненић М, Гајић А. ConnectGREEN (DTP 072-2.3) – Управљање и обнављање еколошких коридора као зелене инфраструктуре у Дунавском басену, 2018-2021. in Каталог изложбе: 29. Међународни салон Урбанизма 2020, Крагујевац, 10-13. новембар 2020.. 2020;:109-109. .
Ненковић-Ризнић, Марина, Максин, Марија, Симоновић Алфиревић, Сања, Крунић, Никола, Бранков, Борјан, Даниловић Христић, Наташа, Ненић, Мирјана, Гајић, Александра, "ConnectGREEN (DTP 072-2.3) – Управљање и обнављање еколошких коридора као зелене инфраструктуре у Дунавском басену, 2018-2021" in Каталог изложбе: 29. Међународни салон Урбанизма 2020, Крагујевац, 10-13. новембар 2020. (2020):109-109, .

Примена података „Urban Atlas” у истраживању и планирању простора: пример Београда

Гајић, Александра; Крунић, Никола

(Београд : Институт за архитектуру и урбанизам Србије, 2020)

AU  - Гајић, Александра
AU  - Крунић, Никола
PY  - 2020
UR  -
AB  - У раду се анализирају могућности примене/коришћења јавно доступне геопросторне базе података Урбани атлас (енгл. Urban Atlas; UA) у планирању и истраживању урбаних подручја. UA садржи податке о коришћењу земљишта за све европске градове са популацијом већом од 50.000 становника и њихова гравитациона подручја. У првом делу рада приказане су основне карактеристике UA базе података. У другом делу рада анализиране су неке од могућности примене UA података на примеру Београда и других српских градова за које су ови подаци доступни. На крају је дат краћи осврт на одабране примере коришћења UA у другим европским земљама са циљем да се укаже на неке од потенцијала ове базе података у планирању простора.
PB  - Београд : Институт за архитектуру и урбанизам Србије
T2  - Теоријска, развојна и примењена истраживања просторних процеса за обнову стратешког мишљења и управљања у Србији
T1  - Примена података „Urban Atlas” у истраживању и планирању простора: пример Београда
IS  - 88
SP  - 67
EP  - 85
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Гајић, Александра and Крунић, Никола",
year = "2020",
abstract = "У раду се анализирају могућности примене/коришћења јавно доступне геопросторне базе података Урбани атлас (енгл. Urban Atlas; UA) у планирању и истраживању урбаних подручја. UA садржи податке о коришћењу земљишта за све европске градове са популацијом већом од 50.000 становника и њихова гравитациона подручја. У првом делу рада приказане су основне карактеристике UA базе података. У другом делу рада анализиране су неке од могућности примене UA података на примеру Београда и других српских градова за које су ови подаци доступни. На крају је дат краћи осврт на одабране примере коришћења UA у другим европским земљама са циљем да се укаже на неке од потенцијала ове базе података у планирању простора.",
publisher = "Београд : Институт за архитектуру и урбанизам Србије",
journal = "Теоријска, развојна и примењена истраживања просторних процеса за обнову стратешког мишљења и управљања у Србији",
booktitle = "Примена података „Urban Atlas” у истраживању и планирању простора: пример Београда",
number = "88",
pages = "67-85",
url = ""
Гајић, А.,& Крунић, Н.. (2020). Примена података „Urban Atlas” у истраживању и планирању простора: пример Београда. in Теоријска, развојна и примењена истраживања просторних процеса за обнову стратешког мишљења и управљања у Србији
Београд : Институт за архитектуру и урбанизам Србије.(88), 67-85.
Гајић А, Крунић Н. Примена података „Urban Atlas” у истраживању и планирању простора: пример Београда. in Теоријска, развојна и примењена истраживања просторних процеса за обнову стратешког мишљења и управљања у Србији. 2020;(88):67-85. .
Гајић, Александра, Крунић, Никола, "Примена података „Urban Atlas” у истраживању и планирању простора: пример Београда" in Теоријска, развојна и примењена истраживања просторних процеса за обнову стратешког мишљења и управљања у Србији, no. 88 (2020):67-85, .

Примена података "Urban Аtlas" у истраживању и планирању простора: пример Београда

Гајић, Александра; Крунић, Никола

(Београд : Институт за архитектуру и урбанизам Србије, 2020)

AU  - Гајић, Александра
AU  - Крунић, Никола
PY  - 2020
UR  -
AB  - У раду се анализирају могућности примене/коришћења јавно доступне
геопросторне базе података Урбани атлас (енгл. Urban Atlas; UA) у планирању
и истраживању урбаних подручја. UA садржи податке о коришћењу земљишта
за све европске градове са популацијом већом од 50.000 становника и
њихова гравитациона подручја. У првом делу рада приказане су основне
карактеристике UA базе података. У другом делу рада анализиране су неке
од могућности примене UA података на примеру Београда и других српских
градова за које су ови подаци доступни. На крају је дат краћи осврт на
одабране примере коришћења UA у другим европским земљама са циљем
да се укаже на неке од потенцијала ове базе података у планирању простора.
AB  - The paper analyzes the possibilities of application/use of the publicly
available geospatial database Urban Atlas (UA) in the planning and research of
urban areas. Urban Atlas contains data on land use for all European cities with a
population of more than 50,000 inhabitants and their gravitational areas. The first
part of the paper presents the basic characteristics of the Urban Atlas database. The second part of the paper analyzes some of the possibilities of applying UA data on
the example of Belgrade and other Serbian cities for which these data are available.
Finally, a brief overview of selected examples of the use of UA in other European
countries is given in order to point out some of the potentials of this database in
spatial planning.
PB  - Београд : Институт за архитектуру и урбанизам Србије
T2  - Теоријска, развојна и примењена истраживања просторних процеса за обнову стратешког  мишљења и управљања у Србији
T1  - Примена података "Urban Аtlas" у истраживању и планирању простора: пример Београда
T1  - Application of „Urban Аtlas“ data in research and spatial planning: the example of Belgrade
SP  - 67
EP  - 85
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Гајић, Александра and Крунић, Никола",
year = "2020",
abstract = "У раду се анализирају могућности примене/коришћења јавно доступне
геопросторне базе података Урбани атлас (енгл. Urban Atlas; UA) у планирању
и истраживању урбаних подручја. UA садржи податке о коришћењу земљишта
за све европске градове са популацијом већом од 50.000 становника и
њихова гравитациона подручја. У првом делу рада приказане су основне
карактеристике UA базе података. У другом делу рада анализиране су неке
од могућности примене UA података на примеру Београда и других српских
градова за које су ови подаци доступни. На крају је дат краћи осврт на
одабране примере коришћења UA у другим европским земљама са циљем
да се укаже на неке од потенцијала ове базе података у планирању простора., The paper analyzes the possibilities of application/use of the publicly
available geospatial database Urban Atlas (UA) in the planning and research of
urban areas. Urban Atlas contains data on land use for all European cities with a
population of more than 50,000 inhabitants and their gravitational areas. The first
part of the paper presents the basic characteristics of the Urban Atlas database. The second part of the paper analyzes some of the possibilities of applying UA data on
the example of Belgrade and other Serbian cities for which these data are available.
Finally, a brief overview of selected examples of the use of UA in other European
countries is given in order to point out some of the potentials of this database in
spatial planning.",
publisher = "Београд : Институт за архитектуру и урбанизам Србије",
journal = "Теоријска, развојна и примењена истраживања просторних процеса за обнову стратешког  мишљења и управљања у Србији",
booktitle = "Примена података "Urban Аtlas" у истраживању и планирању простора: пример Београда, Application of „Urban Аtlas“ data in research and spatial planning: the example of Belgrade",
pages = "67-85",
url = ""
Гајић, А.,& Крунић, Н.. (2020). Примена података "Urban Аtlas" у истраживању и планирању простора: пример Београда. in Теоријска, развојна и примењена истраживања просторних процеса за обнову стратешког  мишљења и управљања у Србији
Београд : Институт за архитектуру и урбанизам Србије., 67-85.
Гајић А, Крунић Н. Примена података "Urban Аtlas" у истраживању и планирању простора: пример Београда. in Теоријска, развојна и примењена истраживања просторних процеса за обнову стратешког  мишљења и управљања у Србији. 2020;:67-85. .
Гајић, Александра, Крунић, Никола, "Примена података "Urban Аtlas" у истраживању и планирању простора: пример Београда" in Теоријска, развојна и примењена истраживања просторних процеса за обнову стратешког  мишљења и управљања у Србији (2020):67-85, .

Алати за мултикритеријумску евлауацију (NoAW H2020 Project)

Josimović, Boško; Nenković-Riznić, Marina; Krunić, Nikola; Gajić, Aleksandra; Milijić, Saša; Petrić, Jasna; Ekman Nilsson, Anna; Pribanović, Stevan

(Београд : Удружење урбаниста Србије, 2019)


Josimović, B., Nenković-Riznić, M., Krunić, N., Gajić, A., Milijić, S., Petrić, J., Ekman Nilsson, A.,& Pribanović, S.. (2019). Алати за мултикритеријумску евлауацију (NoAW H2020 Project). in Каталог излижбе: 28. Међународни салон урбанизма 2019, 8-13. новембар
Београд : Удружење урбаниста Србије., 07.12.
Josimović B, Nenković-Riznić M, Krunić N, Gajić A, Milijić S, Petrić J, Ekman Nilsson A, Pribanović S. Алати за мултикритеријумску евлауацију (NoAW H2020 Project). in Каталог излижбе: 28. Међународни салон урбанизма 2019, 8-13. новембар. 2019;:07.12. .
Josimović, Boško, Nenković-Riznić, Marina, Krunić, Nikola, Gajić, Aleksandra, Milijić, Saša, Petrić, Jasna, Ekman Nilsson, Anna, Pribanović, Stevan, "Алати за мултикритеријумску евлауацију (NoAW H2020 Project)" in Каталог излижбе: 28. Међународни салон урбанизма 2019, 8-13. новембар (2019):07.12, .

Territorial analysis as support to the strategic environmental assessment process for agro-waste management planning

Krunić, Nikola; Josimović, Boško; Gajić, Aleksandra; Nenković-Riznić, Marina

(Belgrade : Institute of Architecture and Urban & Spatial Planning of Serbia, 2019)

AU  - Krunić, Nikola
AU  - Josimović, Boško
AU  - Gajić, Aleksandra
AU  - Nenković-Riznić, Marina
PY  - 2019
UR  -
AB  - Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) for waste management planning (WMP) has been applied around the world for fifteen years now. In addition to identifying potential trends in space and the environment by means of WMP, the SEA process contributes to involving the general public in issues relevant to the environment. In turn, the endpoint of the SEA process is a set of results that enable appropriate decisions to be made related to WMP. Bearing this in mind, it is necessary for all the segments of the SEA process to be supported by specific spatial analyses and presentations enabling visual monitoring of the results. In this context, an important role is played by GIS tools, since they offer support to the SEA process and give it a new quality, which, in addition to visualizing the results, also increases objectivity in the evaluation of the planned solutions. This paper presents the deployment of GIS tools in spatial analysis and the support they provide for the SEA process during the development of the Agro-Waste Management Plan for Oplenac Vineyard in Serbia (AWMP). The results indicate the possibility of applying GIS tools to increase objectivity in the Multi-Criteria Evaluation (MCE) of the planned solutions in the SEA process.
PB  - Belgrade : Institute of Architecture and Urban & Spatial Planning of Serbia
T2  - Spatium
T1  - Territorial analysis as support to the strategic environmental assessment process for agro-waste management planning
IS  - 42
SP  - 16
EP  - 22
DO  - 10.2298/SPAT1942016K
ER  - 
author = "Krunić, Nikola and Josimović, Boško and Gajić, Aleksandra and Nenković-Riznić, Marina",
year = "2019",
abstract = "Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) for waste management planning (WMP) has been applied around the world for fifteen years now. In addition to identifying potential trends in space and the environment by means of WMP, the SEA process contributes to involving the general public in issues relevant to the environment. In turn, the endpoint of the SEA process is a set of results that enable appropriate decisions to be made related to WMP. Bearing this in mind, it is necessary for all the segments of the SEA process to be supported by specific spatial analyses and presentations enabling visual monitoring of the results. In this context, an important role is played by GIS tools, since they offer support to the SEA process and give it a new quality, which, in addition to visualizing the results, also increases objectivity in the evaluation of the planned solutions. This paper presents the deployment of GIS tools in spatial analysis and the support they provide for the SEA process during the development of the Agro-Waste Management Plan for Oplenac Vineyard in Serbia (AWMP). The results indicate the possibility of applying GIS tools to increase objectivity in the Multi-Criteria Evaluation (MCE) of the planned solutions in the SEA process.",
publisher = "Belgrade : Institute of Architecture and Urban & Spatial Planning of Serbia",
journal = "Spatium",
title = "Territorial analysis as support to the strategic environmental assessment process for agro-waste management planning",
number = "42",
pages = "16-22",
doi = "10.2298/SPAT1942016K"
Krunić, N., Josimović, B., Gajić, A.,& Nenković-Riznić, M.. (2019). Territorial analysis as support to the strategic environmental assessment process for agro-waste management planning. in Spatium
Belgrade : Institute of Architecture and Urban & Spatial Planning of Serbia.(42), 16-22.
Krunić N, Josimović B, Gajić A, Nenković-Riznić M. Territorial analysis as support to the strategic environmental assessment process for agro-waste management planning. in Spatium. 2019;(42):16-22.
doi:10.2298/SPAT1942016K .
Krunić, Nikola, Josimović, Boško, Gajić, Aleksandra, Nenković-Riznić, Marina, "Territorial analysis as support to the strategic environmental assessment process for agro-waste management planning" in Spatium, no. 42 (2019):16-22, . .

The Land Use and Soil Protection: Planning and Legal Regulations in Serbia

Bezbradica, Ljubiša; Pantić, Marijana; Gajić, Aleksandra

(Serbian Soil Science Society, 2019)

AU  - Bezbradica, Ljubiša
AU  - Pantić, Marijana
AU  - Gajić, Aleksandra
PY  - 2019
UR  -
AB  - Land, as one of the basic environmental factors, is under large impact by intensive agricultural
production, urbanisation, mining activities, erosion caused by anthropogenic factors, etc., which can easily result in its degradation. The unplanned land use increases the risks of degradation and
reduction of the land resource. Chemical pollution, unfavourable physical and mechanical
characteristics, disruption and accumulation processes, infrastructural occupancy of land represent
only few forms of the land degradation. The largest portion of the land in the Republic of Serbia is
covered by forests, and only then agricultural, water and construction land. The land use, management and protection is regulated by legislation and planning documents, which are the object of this paper.
In the first part of the document analysis, the focus is on the review of the relevant laws adopted in
Serbia, such as the Law on Forests, the Law on Spatial Planning and Construction, the Law on
Environmental Protection, the Law on Land Protection, and the Law on Agricultural Land, bearing in mind the fact that the legislation forms a basis for further implementation of the planning management and supervision of the land use of all types and purposes. The other part of the review deals with the planning acts as pioneering documents in the integral overview of space, and/or all the activities in it.
To that purpose, several spatial plans for different types of areas and different primary functions of
land use have been chosen. In its conclusion, this paper explains the symbiosis of legislation and
planning documents, and/or their implementation, as well as the significance of such symbiosis for the land function and its sustainable utilisation in the Republic of Serbia.
PB  - Serbian Soil Science Society
T2  - Zemljište i biljka
T1  - The Land Use and Soil Protection: Planning and Legal Regulations in Serbia
VL  - 68
IS  - 2
SP  - 51
EP  - 71
DO  - 10.5937/ZemBilj1902051B
ER  - 
author = "Bezbradica, Ljubiša and Pantić, Marijana and Gajić, Aleksandra",
year = "2019",
abstract = "Land, as one of the basic environmental factors, is under large impact by intensive agricultural
production, urbanisation, mining activities, erosion caused by anthropogenic factors, etc., which can easily result in its degradation. The unplanned land use increases the risks of degradation and
reduction of the land resource. Chemical pollution, unfavourable physical and mechanical
characteristics, disruption and accumulation processes, infrastructural occupancy of land represent
only few forms of the land degradation. The largest portion of the land in the Republic of Serbia is
covered by forests, and only then agricultural, water and construction land. The land use, management and protection is regulated by legislation and planning documents, which are the object of this paper.
In the first part of the document analysis, the focus is on the review of the relevant laws adopted in
Serbia, such as the Law on Forests, the Law on Spatial Planning and Construction, the Law on
Environmental Protection, the Law on Land Protection, and the Law on Agricultural Land, bearing in mind the fact that the legislation forms a basis for further implementation of the planning management and supervision of the land use of all types and purposes. The other part of the review deals with the planning acts as pioneering documents in the integral overview of space, and/or all the activities in it.
To that purpose, several spatial plans for different types of areas and different primary functions of
land use have been chosen. In its conclusion, this paper explains the symbiosis of legislation and
planning documents, and/or their implementation, as well as the significance of such symbiosis for the land function and its sustainable utilisation in the Republic of Serbia.",
publisher = "Serbian Soil Science Society",
journal = "Zemljište i biljka",
title = "The Land Use and Soil Protection: Planning and Legal Regulations in Serbia",
volume = "68",
number = "2",
pages = "51-71",
doi = "10.5937/ZemBilj1902051B"
Bezbradica, L., Pantić, M.,& Gajić, A.. (2019). The Land Use and Soil Protection: Planning and Legal Regulations in Serbia. in Zemljište i biljka
Serbian Soil Science Society., 68(2), 51-71.
Bezbradica L, Pantić M, Gajić A. The Land Use and Soil Protection: Planning and Legal Regulations in Serbia. in Zemljište i biljka. 2019;68(2):51-71.
doi:10.5937/ZemBilj1902051B .
Bezbradica, Ljubiša, Pantić, Marijana, Gajić, Aleksandra, "The Land Use and Soil Protection: Planning and Legal Regulations in Serbia" in Zemljište i biljka, 68, no. 2 (2019):51-71, . .

Demographic Change as Opportunity or Constraint for Technological Development and Economic Growth in Cities of Serbia

Pantić, Marijana; Živanović Miljković, Jelena; Gajić, Aleksandra

(Belgrade : Academy of Engineering Sciences of Serbia, 2019)

AU  - Pantić, Marijana
AU  - Živanović Miljković, Jelena
AU  - Gajić, Aleksandra
PY  - 2019
UR  -
AB  - Demographic change, technological development and economic growth are seen in the group
of the largest global challenges nowadays. Even though it might not be intentional, they are interconnected and play role of cause and consequence for each other. The nexus between demographics and technology and their interactions have the power to stimulate or to hinder growth, therefore the question what features demographic structure should have in order to push technology and economy forward is relevant to answer.
Since the time known to humanity, global population increases. The increase has been also growing, meaning that humanity needed less and less time to reach additional billion – the 2 billionth, 3 billionth, 4 billionth, 5 billionth, and the 6 billionth took 123, 33, 14, 13, and 12 years, respectively. But, for the 7 billionth the humanity took 13 years, in addition to an estimation that the total population of the Earth will stop growing within the lifespan of people who live today. In addition, OECD estimates that there is going to be 51 elderly per 100 individuals of working age, which is only one among arguments proving another aspect of demographic change – aging population.
This paper aims at better understating of relations between demography, technology and economy in urban context of Serbia. Statistical data at the level of cities, as they are defined by the Law on Territorial Organization of the Republic of Serbia (2007), are analysed regarding all three aspects, including depopulation, population aging, education structure, working population capacity, employment in technology, etc. The analysed sections of data are interpreted in mutual correlation, thus indicating features of demographic change and their expected outcomes in technology and economics.
PB  - Belgrade : Academy of Engineering Sciences of Serbia
PB  - Belgrade : University of Belgrade - Faculty of Geography
C3  - International Scientific Conference: e-Future of Cities, 24-24 October 2019, Belgrade, Serbia
T1  - Demographic Change as Opportunity or Constraint for Technological Development and Economic Growth in Cities of Serbia
SP  - 391
EP  - 404
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Pantić, Marijana and Živanović Miljković, Jelena and Gajić, Aleksandra",
year = "2019",
abstract = "Demographic change, technological development and economic growth are seen in the group
of the largest global challenges nowadays. Even though it might not be intentional, they are interconnected and play role of cause and consequence for each other. The nexus between demographics and technology and their interactions have the power to stimulate or to hinder growth, therefore the question what features demographic structure should have in order to push technology and economy forward is relevant to answer.
Since the time known to humanity, global population increases. The increase has been also growing, meaning that humanity needed less and less time to reach additional billion – the 2 billionth, 3 billionth, 4 billionth, 5 billionth, and the 6 billionth took 123, 33, 14, 13, and 12 years, respectively. But, for the 7 billionth the humanity took 13 years, in addition to an estimation that the total population of the Earth will stop growing within the lifespan of people who live today. In addition, OECD estimates that there is going to be 51 elderly per 100 individuals of working age, which is only one among arguments proving another aspect of demographic change – aging population.
This paper aims at better understating of relations between demography, technology and economy in urban context of Serbia. Statistical data at the level of cities, as they are defined by the Law on Territorial Organization of the Republic of Serbia (2007), are analysed regarding all three aspects, including depopulation, population aging, education structure, working population capacity, employment in technology, etc. The analysed sections of data are interpreted in mutual correlation, thus indicating features of demographic change and their expected outcomes in technology and economics.",
publisher = "Belgrade : Academy of Engineering Sciences of Serbia, Belgrade : University of Belgrade - Faculty of Geography",
journal = "International Scientific Conference: e-Future of Cities, 24-24 October 2019, Belgrade, Serbia",
title = "Demographic Change as Opportunity or Constraint for Technological Development and Economic Growth in Cities of Serbia",
pages = "391-404",
url = ""
Pantić, M., Živanović Miljković, J.,& Gajić, A.. (2019). Demographic Change as Opportunity or Constraint for Technological Development and Economic Growth in Cities of Serbia. in International Scientific Conference: e-Future of Cities, 24-24 October 2019, Belgrade, Serbia
Belgrade : Academy of Engineering Sciences of Serbia., 391-404.
Pantić M, Živanović Miljković J, Gajić A. Demographic Change as Opportunity or Constraint for Technological Development and Economic Growth in Cities of Serbia. in International Scientific Conference: e-Future of Cities, 24-24 October 2019, Belgrade, Serbia. 2019;:391-404. .
Pantić, Marijana, Živanović Miljković, Jelena, Gajić, Aleksandra, "Demographic Change as Opportunity or Constraint for Technological Development and Economic Growth in Cities of Serbia" in International Scientific Conference: e-Future of Cities, 24-24 October 2019, Belgrade, Serbia (2019):391-404, .

European Policies and Measures for Protection, Management and Development of Mountain Areas and Mountain Forests

Pantić, Marijana; Gajić, Aleksandra; Bezbradica, Ljubiša


AU  - Pantić, Marijana
AU  - Gajić, Aleksandra
AU  - Bezbradica, Ljubiša
PY  - 2019
UR  -
AB  - European countries have already a tradition in taking care of mountain area
resources. As mountain areas have multiple functions – ecological, economic, social – the main challenge is finding a balance between their colliding roles, but
also between extensive use and complete negligence.Even though the areas are
multifunctional, their prevailing role is ecological because mountains store most
of drinking water sources, ore, biodiversity, as well as they are shelters for forests
For successful actions it is necessary to build comprehensive framework in
order to tackle different issues at once and prepare a base for sectoral solutions.
Therefore, this article will focus on overall national policies and measures developed in European mountain countries, but with particular attention on how they
influence protection, management and development of mountain forests.This will
include review of existing legislative, institutions, financial, strategic and participatory instruments and measures.
C3  - XVIII International Conference of Young Scientists - Forests of Eurasia - Serbian Forests, 23-29 September 2018, Goč, Serbia
T1  - European Policies and Measures for Protection, Management and Development of Mountain Areas and Mountain Forests
SP  - 152
EP  - 155
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Pantić, Marijana and Gajić, Aleksandra and Bezbradica, Ljubiša",
year = "2019",
abstract = "European countries have already a tradition in taking care of mountain area
resources. As mountain areas have multiple functions – ecological, economic, social – the main challenge is finding a balance between their colliding roles, but
also between extensive use and complete negligence.Even though the areas are
multifunctional, their prevailing role is ecological because mountains store most
of drinking water sources, ore, biodiversity, as well as they are shelters for forests
For successful actions it is necessary to build comprehensive framework in
order to tackle different issues at once and prepare a base for sectoral solutions.
Therefore, this article will focus on overall national policies and measures developed in European mountain countries, but with particular attention on how they
influence protection, management and development of mountain forests.This will
include review of existing legislative, institutions, financial, strategic and participatory instruments and measures.",
journal = "XVIII International Conference of Young Scientists - Forests of Eurasia - Serbian Forests, 23-29 September 2018, Goč, Serbia",
title = "European Policies and Measures for Protection, Management and Development of Mountain Areas and Mountain Forests",
pages = "152-155",
url = ""
Pantić, M., Gajić, A.,& Bezbradica, L.. (2019). European Policies and Measures for Protection, Management and Development of Mountain Areas and Mountain Forests. in XVIII International Conference of Young Scientists - Forests of Eurasia - Serbian Forests, 23-29 September 2018, Goč, Serbia, 152-155.
Pantić M, Gajić A, Bezbradica L. European Policies and Measures for Protection, Management and Development of Mountain Areas and Mountain Forests. in XVIII International Conference of Young Scientists - Forests of Eurasia - Serbian Forests, 23-29 September 2018, Goč, Serbia. 2019;:152-155. .
Pantić, Marijana, Gajić, Aleksandra, Bezbradica, Ljubiša, "European Policies and Measures for Protection, Management and Development of Mountain Areas and Mountain Forests" in XVIII International Conference of Young Scientists - Forests of Eurasia - Serbian Forests, 23-29 September 2018, Goč, Serbia (2019):152-155, .

Планска и законска регулатива у функцији заштите земљиша у Србији

Bezbradica, Ljubiša; Pantić, Marijana; Gajić, Aleksandra

(Београд : Српско друштво за проучавање земљишта, 2019)

AU  - Bezbradica, Ljubiša
AU  - Pantić, Marijana
AU  - Gajić, Aleksandra
PY  - 2019
UR  -
UR  -
PB  - Београд : Српско друштво за проучавање земљишта
C3  - Симпозијум "Земљиште основно природно добро - угроженост и опасности", 19-21. јуни 2019, Гоч, Србија
T1  - Планска и законска регулатива у функцији заштите земљиша у Србији
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Bezbradica, Ljubiša and Pantić, Marijana and Gajić, Aleksandra",
year = "2019",
publisher = "Београд : Српско друштво за проучавање земљишта",
journal = "Симпозијум "Земљиште основно природно добро - угроженост и опасности", 19-21. јуни 2019, Гоч, Србија",
title = "Планска и законска регулатива у функцији заштите земљиша у Србији",
url = ""
Bezbradica, L., Pantić, M.,& Gajić, A.. (2019). Планска и законска регулатива у функцији заштите земљиша у Србији. in Симпозијум "Земљиште основно природно добро - угроженост и опасности", 19-21. јуни 2019, Гоч, Србија
Београд : Српско друштво за проучавање земљишта..
Bezbradica L, Pantić M, Gajić A. Планска и законска регулатива у функцији заштите земљиша у Србији. in Симпозијум "Земљиште основно природно добро - угроженост и опасности", 19-21. јуни 2019, Гоч, Србија. 2019;. .
Bezbradica, Ljubiša, Pantić, Marijana, Gajić, Aleksandra, "Планска и законска регулатива у функцији заштите земљиша у Србији" in Симпозијум "Земљиште основно природно добро - угроженост и опасности", 19-21. јуни 2019, Гоч, Србија (2019), .

Графичка база података за праћење спровођења регионалних просторних планова

Петрић, Јасна; Џелебџић, Омиљена; Гајић, Александра; Срнић, Данијела

(Београд : Институт за архитектуру и урбанизам Србије, 2019)


Петрић, Ј., Џелебџић, О., Гајић, А.,& Срнић, Д.. (2019). Графичка база података за праћење спровођења регионалних просторних планова. 
Београд : Институт за архитектуру и урбанизам Србије..
Петрић Ј, Џелебџић О, Гајић А, Срнић Д. Графичка база података за праћење спровођења регионалних просторних планова. 2019;. .
Петрић, Јасна, Џелебџић, Омиљена, Гајић, Александра, Срнић, Данијела, "Графичка база података за праћење спровођења регионалних просторних планова" (2019), .

Оцена показатеља просторног развоја Региона Шумадије и Западне Србије за 2016. годину, у контексту имплементације важећих регионалних просторних планова

Џелебџић, Омиљена; Петрић, Јасна; Гајић, Александра; Срнић, Данијела

(Београд : Институт за архитектуру и урбанизам Србије, 2019)


Џелебџић, О., Петрић, Ј., Гајић, А.,& Срнић, Д.. (2019). Оцена показатеља просторног развоја Региона Шумадије и Западне Србије за 2016. годину, у контексту имплементације важећих регионалних просторних планова. 
Београд : Институт за архитектуру и урбанизам Србије..
Џелебџић О, Петрић Ј, Гајић А, Срнић Д. Оцена показатеља просторног развоја Региона Шумадије и Западне Србије за 2016. годину, у контексту имплементације важећих регионалних просторних планова. 2019;. .
Џелебџић, Омиљена, Петрић, Јасна, Гајић, Александра, Срнић, Данијела, "Оцена показатеља просторног развоја Региона Шумадије и Западне Србије за 2016. годину, у контексту имплементације важећих регионалних просторних планова" (2019), .

Spatial aspects of demographic processes in Serbia

Krunić, Nikola; Gajić, Aleksandra; Srnić, Danijela; Tošić, Dragutin

(Belgrade : Institute of Social Sciencies, 2018)

AU  - Krunić, Nikola
AU  - Gajić, Aleksandra
AU  - Srnić, Danijela
AU  - Tošić, Dragutin
PY  - 2018
UR  -
AB  - Changes in the trends, distribution and structures of the population identified through censuses (such as the changes in total population, gender, educational, age and other structures) are crucial for understanding spatial phenomena and processes like urbanization. Numerous urban geography studies researching the development of systems of settlements in former Yugoslavia, which carried on in Serbia, were the foundation for a singular theoretical and methodological framework for researching spatial phenomena and processes focused precisely on the understanding of dynamic changes in the structures of the population and their territorial manifestation. Other than in scientific research, this approach found direct application in spatial and urban planning, when defining the measures directing demographic development, arrangement of urban functions, formation of a system of settlements, planning infrastructure development, etc. More recently, this theoretical and methodological framework was enhanced using GIS technologies, which allow for the integration of spatial and statistical data and provide for a powerful analytical tool. Data integration has spurred new research on the correlation between demographic and spatial phenomena and the mutual relationships and influences between spatial and demographic development. This paper presents an overview of existing research on the mutual influence between population development trends and spatial changes manifest through the fluctuations in the intensity of built-up areas, population density, infrastructure development, etc. A model of population distribution was created by using selected census statistical data and correlating them with phenomena in actual geospace. Emphasis is placed on the significance of using this and similar models in further research on the population’s impact on the environment, directing economic development, protection in emergency situations, and numerous other areas.
PB  - Belgrade : Institute of Social Sciencies
T2  - Stanovništvo
T1  - Spatial aspects of demographic processes in Serbia
VL  - 56
IS  - 2
SP  - 23
EP  - 38
DO  - 10.2298/STNV1802023K
ER  - 
author = "Krunić, Nikola and Gajić, Aleksandra and Srnić, Danijela and Tošić, Dragutin",
year = "2018",
abstract = "Changes in the trends, distribution and structures of the population identified through censuses (such as the changes in total population, gender, educational, age and other structures) are crucial for understanding spatial phenomena and processes like urbanization. Numerous urban geography studies researching the development of systems of settlements in former Yugoslavia, which carried on in Serbia, were the foundation for a singular theoretical and methodological framework for researching spatial phenomena and processes focused precisely on the understanding of dynamic changes in the structures of the population and their territorial manifestation. Other than in scientific research, this approach found direct application in spatial and urban planning, when defining the measures directing demographic development, arrangement of urban functions, formation of a system of settlements, planning infrastructure development, etc. More recently, this theoretical and methodological framework was enhanced using GIS technologies, which allow for the integration of spatial and statistical data and provide for a powerful analytical tool. Data integration has spurred new research on the correlation between demographic and spatial phenomena and the mutual relationships and influences between spatial and demographic development. This paper presents an overview of existing research on the mutual influence between population development trends and spatial changes manifest through the fluctuations in the intensity of built-up areas, population density, infrastructure development, etc. A model of population distribution was created by using selected census statistical data and correlating them with phenomena in actual geospace. Emphasis is placed on the significance of using this and similar models in further research on the population’s impact on the environment, directing economic development, protection in emergency situations, and numerous other areas.",
publisher = "Belgrade : Institute of Social Sciencies",
journal = "Stanovništvo",
title = "Spatial aspects of demographic processes in Serbia",
volume = "56",
number = "2",
pages = "23-38",
doi = "10.2298/STNV1802023K"
Krunić, N., Gajić, A., Srnić, D.,& Tošić, D.. (2018). Spatial aspects of demographic processes in Serbia. in Stanovništvo
Belgrade : Institute of Social Sciencies., 56(2), 23-38.
Krunić N, Gajić A, Srnić D, Tošić D. Spatial aspects of demographic processes in Serbia. in Stanovništvo. 2018;56(2):23-38.
doi:10.2298/STNV1802023K .
Krunić, Nikola, Gajić, Aleksandra, Srnić, Danijela, Tošić, Dragutin, "Spatial aspects of demographic processes in Serbia" in Stanovništvo, 56, no. 2 (2018):23-38, . .

Towards a new methodological framework for the delimitation of rural and urban areas: a case study of Serbia

Gajić, Aleksandra; Krunić, Nikola; Protić, Branko

(Royal Danish Geographical Soc, Copenhagen K, 2018)

AU  - Gajić, Aleksandra
AU  - Krunić, Nikola
AU  - Protić, Branko
PY  - 2018
UR  -
AB  - Identification of urban and rural areas has been a widely present topic in the past decades, both in scientific research and in the policy and practice of spatial/regional development and territorial governance. The internationally accepted OECD definition does not produce appropriate results that are able to include the multidimensionality of these territories. In this context, the aim of this paper is the analysis and selection of relevant criteria and indicators of urbanity/rurality that may be significant for the establishment of a methodological framework for identifying urban and rural areas in Serbia. Multivariate analysis (PCA, FA and CA) was used to group local self-government units (LSGU) in Serbia that share similar characteristics. The research resulted in five types of areas which indicate that rural and urban areas in Serbia are very diverse in terms of physiogeographical, socio-economic and functional characteristics. The results of this paper offer a more detailed analysis based on scientifically and empirically selected indicators and can be applied in the practice of spatial and urban planning, and in the adaptation of strategic development documents at the regional or national level.
PB  - Royal Danish Geographical Soc, Copenhagen K
T2  - Geografisk Tidsskrift-Danish Journal of Geography
T1  - Towards a new methodological framework for the delimitation of rural and urban areas: a case study of Serbia
VL  - 118
IS  - 2
SP  - 160
EP  - 172
DO  - 10.1080/00167223.2018.1503551
ER  - 
author = "Gajić, Aleksandra and Krunić, Nikola and Protić, Branko",
year = "2018",
abstract = "Identification of urban and rural areas has been a widely present topic in the past decades, both in scientific research and in the policy and practice of spatial/regional development and territorial governance. The internationally accepted OECD definition does not produce appropriate results that are able to include the multidimensionality of these territories. In this context, the aim of this paper is the analysis and selection of relevant criteria and indicators of urbanity/rurality that may be significant for the establishment of a methodological framework for identifying urban and rural areas in Serbia. Multivariate analysis (PCA, FA and CA) was used to group local self-government units (LSGU) in Serbia that share similar characteristics. The research resulted in five types of areas which indicate that rural and urban areas in Serbia are very diverse in terms of physiogeographical, socio-economic and functional characteristics. The results of this paper offer a more detailed analysis based on scientifically and empirically selected indicators and can be applied in the practice of spatial and urban planning, and in the adaptation of strategic development documents at the regional or national level.",
publisher = "Royal Danish Geographical Soc, Copenhagen K",
journal = "Geografisk Tidsskrift-Danish Journal of Geography",
title = "Towards a new methodological framework for the delimitation of rural and urban areas: a case study of Serbia",
volume = "118",
number = "2",
pages = "160-172",
doi = "10.1080/00167223.2018.1503551"
Gajić, A., Krunić, N.,& Protić, B.. (2018). Towards a new methodological framework for the delimitation of rural and urban areas: a case study of Serbia. in Geografisk Tidsskrift-Danish Journal of Geography
Royal Danish Geographical Soc, Copenhagen K., 118(2), 160-172.
Gajić A, Krunić N, Protić B. Towards a new methodological framework for the delimitation of rural and urban areas: a case study of Serbia. in Geografisk Tidsskrift-Danish Journal of Geography. 2018;118(2):160-172.
doi:10.1080/00167223.2018.1503551 .
Gajić, Aleksandra, Krunić, Nikola, Protić, Branko, "Towards a new methodological framework for the delimitation of rural and urban areas: a case study of Serbia" in Geografisk Tidsskrift-Danish Journal of Geography, 118, no. 2 (2018):160-172, . .

Potencijali i ograničenja za razvoj ruralnih područja opštine Smederevska Palanka

Gajić, Jelena; Gajić, Aleksandra

(Beograd : Asocijacija prostornih planera Srbije, 2017)

AU  - Gajić, Jelena
AU  - Gajić, Aleksandra
PY  - 2017
UR  -
AB  - Istraživanje obuhvata anketno ispitivanje stanovnika ruralnih područja opštine Smederevska Palanka kako bi se proverili njihovi stavovi o životu na istim. Predmet istra-živanja jesu ruralna područja opštine Smederevska Palanka. Zadatak istraživanja je da se formira upitnik adekvatne strukture, čijom bi analizom moglo da se dođe do jasne slike opšteg stanja na teritoriji opštine. Cilj istraživanja je da se preko određenih karakteristika stanovništva, domaćinstava i gazdinstava utvrdi postojeće stanje ruralnog prostora u op-štini i samim tim uoče ključni potencijali i ograničenja za postizanje razvoja na teritoriji ove opštine. Opravdanost teme leži u činjenici da u ruralnim područjima živi 53% ukupnog sta-novništva opštine Smederevska Palanka. U istraživanju su korišćeni metod analize, metod deskripcije, grafički prikaz podataka i metoda ankete.
PB  - Beograd : Asocijacija prostornih planera Srbije
PB  - Beograd : Univerzitet u Beogradu - Geografski fakultet
C3  - Planska i normativna zaštita prostora i životne sredine. Zbornik radova
T1  - Potencijali i ograničenja za razvoj ruralnih područja opštine Smederevska Palanka
SP  - 425
EP  - 431
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Gajić, Jelena and Gajić, Aleksandra",
year = "2017",
abstract = "Istraživanje obuhvata anketno ispitivanje stanovnika ruralnih područja opštine Smederevska Palanka kako bi se proverili njihovi stavovi o životu na istim. Predmet istra-živanja jesu ruralna područja opštine Smederevska Palanka. Zadatak istraživanja je da se formira upitnik adekvatne strukture, čijom bi analizom moglo da se dođe do jasne slike opšteg stanja na teritoriji opštine. Cilj istraživanja je da se preko određenih karakteristika stanovništva, domaćinstava i gazdinstava utvrdi postojeće stanje ruralnog prostora u op-štini i samim tim uoče ključni potencijali i ograničenja za postizanje razvoja na teritoriji ove opštine. Opravdanost teme leži u činjenici da u ruralnim područjima živi 53% ukupnog sta-novništva opštine Smederevska Palanka. U istraživanju su korišćeni metod analize, metod deskripcije, grafički prikaz podataka i metoda ankete.",
publisher = "Beograd : Asocijacija prostornih planera Srbije, Beograd : Univerzitet u Beogradu - Geografski fakultet",
journal = "Planska i normativna zaštita prostora i životne sredine. Zbornik radova",
title = "Potencijali i ograničenja za razvoj ruralnih područja opštine Smederevska Palanka",
pages = "425-431",
url = ""
Gajić, J.,& Gajić, A.. (2017). Potencijali i ograničenja za razvoj ruralnih područja opštine Smederevska Palanka. in Planska i normativna zaštita prostora i životne sredine. Zbornik radova
Beograd : Asocijacija prostornih planera Srbije., 425-431.
Gajić J, Gajić A. Potencijali i ograničenja za razvoj ruralnih područja opštine Smederevska Palanka. in Planska i normativna zaštita prostora i životne sredine. Zbornik radova. 2017;:425-431. .
Gajić, Jelena, Gajić, Aleksandra, "Potencijali i ograničenja za razvoj ruralnih područja opštine Smederevska Palanka" in Planska i normativna zaštita prostora i životne sredine. Zbornik radova (2017):425-431, .

Savremene tendencije u izdvajanju i definisanju ruralnih područja

Gajić, Aleksandra

(Beograd : Asocijacija prostornih planera Srbije, 2017)

AU  - Gajić, Aleksandra
PY  - 2017
UR  -
AB  - Za izdvajanje ruralnih područja ne postoji jedinstvena metodologija, te se u zavisnosti od svrhe i cilja istraživanja formiraju različiti kriterijumi i indikatori ruralnosti. Izdvajanje ruralnih i urbanih područja ima važnu ulogu u podsticanju razvoja i jačanju ur-bano-ruralnog partnerstva koje dobija sve veći značaj u političkom okviru Evropske unije. Stoga, delimitacija ruralnih područja predstavlja jedan od glavnih preduslova za alokaciju sredstava finansijske podrške. Polazeći od osnovnih kriterijuma i indikatora, u radu su anali-zirani i kritički sagledani savremeni metodološki koncepti za izdvajanje i definisanje ruralnih područja koje primenjuju međunarodne organizacije (OECD, EU). Cilj rada je da se analizom savremenih indikatora ruralnosti istaknu mogući pravci formiranja i oblikovanja metodološ-kog okvira za izdvajanje ruralnih područja u Srbiji.
PB  - Beograd : Asocijacija prostornih planera Srbije
PB  - Beograd : Univerzitet u Beogradu - Geografski fakultet
C3  - Planska i normativna zaštita prostora i životne sredine. Zbornik radova
T1  - Savremene tendencije u izdvajanju i definisanju ruralnih područja
SP  - 145
EP  - 150
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Gajić, Aleksandra",
year = "2017",
abstract = "Za izdvajanje ruralnih područja ne postoji jedinstvena metodologija, te se u zavisnosti od svrhe i cilja istraživanja formiraju različiti kriterijumi i indikatori ruralnosti. Izdvajanje ruralnih i urbanih područja ima važnu ulogu u podsticanju razvoja i jačanju ur-bano-ruralnog partnerstva koje dobija sve veći značaj u političkom okviru Evropske unije. Stoga, delimitacija ruralnih područja predstavlja jedan od glavnih preduslova za alokaciju sredstava finansijske podrške. Polazeći od osnovnih kriterijuma i indikatora, u radu su anali-zirani i kritički sagledani savremeni metodološki koncepti za izdvajanje i definisanje ruralnih područja koje primenjuju međunarodne organizacije (OECD, EU). Cilj rada je da se analizom savremenih indikatora ruralnosti istaknu mogući pravci formiranja i oblikovanja metodološ-kog okvira za izdvajanje ruralnih područja u Srbiji.",
publisher = "Beograd : Asocijacija prostornih planera Srbije, Beograd : Univerzitet u Beogradu - Geografski fakultet",
journal = "Planska i normativna zaštita prostora i životne sredine. Zbornik radova",
title = "Savremene tendencije u izdvajanju i definisanju ruralnih područja",
pages = "145-150",
url = ""
Gajić, A.. (2017). Savremene tendencije u izdvajanju i definisanju ruralnih područja. in Planska i normativna zaštita prostora i životne sredine. Zbornik radova
Beograd : Asocijacija prostornih planera Srbije., 145-150.
Gajić A. Savremene tendencije u izdvajanju i definisanju ruralnih područja. in Planska i normativna zaštita prostora i životne sredine. Zbornik radova. 2017;:145-150. .
Gajić, Aleksandra, "Savremene tendencije u izdvajanju i definisanju ruralnih područja" in Planska i normativna zaštita prostora i životne sredine. Zbornik radova (2017):145-150, .

Development of rural and urban areas of the Lower Danube area in Serbia

Gajić, Aleksandra; Krunić, Nikola

(Sofia : Faculty of Geology and Geography, Sofia University and Association of Professional Geographers, 2016)

AU  - Gajić, Aleksandra
AU  - Krunić, Nikola
PY  - 2016
UR  -
AB  - River Danube represents one of the main axis for spatial development and functional networking of settlements in Europe, both at the national and international level. However, despite the central position of Serbia in Danube area in Europe and potentials for integration of the territory in this area, these advantages are not yet valorised appropriately in spatial development of the territory. This paper examines the emergence and development of urban and rural areas within the Lower Danube area in contemporary network of settlements in Serbia. This research is based on the analysis of relevant demographic, spatial, and socio-economic indicators with the aim to identify and critically examine the role and importance of the Danube development axis in linking and integration of urban centers with their surroundings. Results of the research presented in this paper may be significant for further spatial development of Danube area in Serbia. In that context some recommendation and conceptual frameworks are suggested.
PB  - Sofia : Faculty of Geology and Geography, Sofia University and Association of Professional Geographers
C3  - Fourth Romanian – Bulgarian – Hungarian – Serbian Conference “Geographical Research and Cross-Border Cooperation within the Lower Basin of the Danube” – abstracts of the oral and poster presentations
T1  - Development of rural and urban areas of the Lower Danube area in Serbia
SP  - 98
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Gajić, Aleksandra and Krunić, Nikola",
year = "2016",
abstract = "River Danube represents one of the main axis for spatial development and functional networking of settlements in Europe, both at the national and international level. However, despite the central position of Serbia in Danube area in Europe and potentials for integration of the territory in this area, these advantages are not yet valorised appropriately in spatial development of the territory. This paper examines the emergence and development of urban and rural areas within the Lower Danube area in contemporary network of settlements in Serbia. This research is based on the analysis of relevant demographic, spatial, and socio-economic indicators with the aim to identify and critically examine the role and importance of the Danube development axis in linking and integration of urban centers with their surroundings. Results of the research presented in this paper may be significant for further spatial development of Danube area in Serbia. In that context some recommendation and conceptual frameworks are suggested.",
publisher = "Sofia : Faculty of Geology and Geography, Sofia University and Association of Professional Geographers",
journal = "Fourth Romanian – Bulgarian – Hungarian – Serbian Conference “Geographical Research and Cross-Border Cooperation within the Lower Basin of the Danube” – abstracts of the oral and poster presentations",
title = "Development of rural and urban areas of the Lower Danube area in Serbia",
pages = "98",
url = ""
Gajić, A.,& Krunić, N.. (2016). Development of rural and urban areas of the Lower Danube area in Serbia. in Fourth Romanian – Bulgarian – Hungarian – Serbian Conference “Geographical Research and Cross-Border Cooperation within the Lower Basin of the Danube” – abstracts of the oral and poster presentations
Sofia : Faculty of Geology and Geography, Sofia University and Association of Professional Geographers., 98.
Gajić A, Krunić N. Development of rural and urban areas of the Lower Danube area in Serbia. in Fourth Romanian – Bulgarian – Hungarian – Serbian Conference “Geographical Research and Cross-Border Cooperation within the Lower Basin of the Danube” – abstracts of the oral and poster presentations. 2016;:98. .
Gajić, Aleksandra, Krunić, Nikola, "Development of rural and urban areas of the Lower Danube area in Serbia" in Fourth Romanian – Bulgarian – Hungarian – Serbian Conference “Geographical Research and Cross-Border Cooperation within the Lower Basin of the Danube” – abstracts of the oral and poster presentations (2016):98, .