Nedović-Budić, Zorica

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  • Nedović-Budić, Zorica (9)

Author's Bibliography

Public Interest as a Basis for Planning Standards in Urban Development: State-Socialist and Post-socialist Cases in Serbia

Čolić, Nataša; Nedović-Budić, Zorica


AU  - Čolić, Nataša
AU  - Nedović-Budić, Zorica
PY  - 2021
UR  -
AB  - How public interest is constituted in planning practice varies according to the local context.
Using state-socialist and post-socialist cases in Belgrade, Serbia, we explore the shift in the
realization of public interest as a basis for planning standards regarding provision of public
land use and services. The research looks at trends for planning standards on two case
studies, and reveals the underlying norms of this local interpretation of public interest via
interviews with planning professionals and residents. The results suggest the persistence of
the top-down unitary approach to public interest in planning, but also a deterioration in
prescribed standards.
T2  - Journal of Planning Education and Research
T1  - Public Interest as a Basis for Planning Standards in Urban Development: State-Socialist and Post-socialist Cases in Serbia
SP  - 1
EP  - 15
DO  - 10.1177/0739456X211051421
ER  - 
author = "Čolić, Nataša and Nedović-Budić, Zorica",
year = "2021",
abstract = "How public interest is constituted in planning practice varies according to the local context.
Using state-socialist and post-socialist cases in Belgrade, Serbia, we explore the shift in the
realization of public interest as a basis for planning standards regarding provision of public
land use and services. The research looks at trends for planning standards on two case
studies, and reveals the underlying norms of this local interpretation of public interest via
interviews with planning professionals and residents. The results suggest the persistence of
the top-down unitary approach to public interest in planning, but also a deterioration in
prescribed standards.",
journal = "Journal of Planning Education and Research",
title = "Public Interest as a Basis for Planning Standards in Urban Development: State-Socialist and Post-socialist Cases in Serbia",
pages = "1-15",
doi = "10.1177/0739456X211051421"
Čolić, N.,& Nedović-Budić, Z.. (2021). Public Interest as a Basis for Planning Standards in Urban Development: State-Socialist and Post-socialist Cases in Serbia. in Journal of Planning Education and Research, 1-15.
Čolić N, Nedović-Budić Z. Public Interest as a Basis for Planning Standards in Urban Development: State-Socialist and Post-socialist Cases in Serbia. in Journal of Planning Education and Research. 2021;:1-15.
doi:10.1177/0739456X211051421 .
Čolić, Nataša, Nedović-Budić, Zorica, "Public Interest as a Basis for Planning Standards in Urban Development: State-Socialist and Post-socialist Cases in Serbia" in Journal of Planning Education and Research (2021):1-15, . .

Qualitative perception on participatory planning policy and practice: evidence from seven Serbian cities

Čolić, Nataša; Nedović-Budić, Zorica; Čolić, Ratka; Russel, Paula

(Dublin : University College Dublin, Ireland, 2019)

AU  - Čolić, Nataša
AU  - Nedović-Budić, Zorica
AU  - Čolić, Ratka
AU  - Russel, Paula
PY  - 2019
UR  -
AB  - The evaluation of planning policies and practices has mostly been lagging behind planning activity. The evaluation of participation seems even more perplexed if taken that it has to inevitably deal with the question of values, processes and outcomes, but also the fact that such practices do not exist in a vacuum and are exposed to various internal and external dynamics. An evaluation study of public participation was carried out in seven (7) Serbian cities. The methodological approach is grounded in an interpretive analysis of policy and practice, where planners were interviewed over the course of two years after introducing an additional level of participation in planning legislation. The results imply that procedural participation represents no guarantee of actual changes in outcomes of planning, and that practical experimentation beyond minimal legal obligations may do more for achieving visible and less visible results in the field of deliberation and governance.
PB  - Dublin : University College Dublin, Ireland
C3  - Book of abstracts: EURA – UAA Conference, City Futures IV
T1  - Qualitative perception on participatory planning policy and practice: evidence from seven Serbian cities
SP  - 169
EP  - 169
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Čolić, Nataša and Nedović-Budić, Zorica and Čolić, Ratka and Russel, Paula",
year = "2019",
abstract = "The evaluation of planning policies and practices has mostly been lagging behind planning activity. The evaluation of participation seems even more perplexed if taken that it has to inevitably deal with the question of values, processes and outcomes, but also the fact that such practices do not exist in a vacuum and are exposed to various internal and external dynamics. An evaluation study of public participation was carried out in seven (7) Serbian cities. The methodological approach is grounded in an interpretive analysis of policy and practice, where planners were interviewed over the course of two years after introducing an additional level of participation in planning legislation. The results imply that procedural participation represents no guarantee of actual changes in outcomes of planning, and that practical experimentation beyond minimal legal obligations may do more for achieving visible and less visible results in the field of deliberation and governance.",
publisher = "Dublin : University College Dublin, Ireland",
journal = "Book of abstracts: EURA – UAA Conference, City Futures IV",
title = "Qualitative perception on participatory planning policy and practice: evidence from seven Serbian cities",
pages = "169-169",
url = ""
Čolić, N., Nedović-Budić, Z., Čolić, R.,& Russel, P.. (2019). Qualitative perception on participatory planning policy and practice: evidence from seven Serbian cities. in Book of abstracts: EURA – UAA Conference, City Futures IV
Dublin : University College Dublin, Ireland., 169-169.
Čolić N, Nedović-Budić Z, Čolić R, Russel P. Qualitative perception on participatory planning policy and practice: evidence from seven Serbian cities. in Book of abstracts: EURA – UAA Conference, City Futures IV. 2019;:169-169. .
Čolić, Nataša, Nedović-Budić, Zorica, Čolić, Ratka, Russel, Paula, "Qualitative perception on participatory planning policy and practice: evidence from seven Serbian cities" in Book of abstracts: EURA – UAA Conference, City Futures IV (2019):169-169, .

Улога наслеђа социјалистичке праксе планирања урбаног развоја у очувању и промоцији нормативног јавног интереса у Србији

Čolić, Nataša; Nedović-Budić, Zorica

(Београд : Завод за заштиту споменика културе града Београда, 2019)

AU  - Čolić, Nataša
AU  - Nedović-Budić, Zorica
PY  - 2019
UR  -
AB  - Овај рад преиспитује приступ урбаном планирању у периоду социјализма кроз
перспективу нормативне димензије концепта јавног интереса на студији случаја
Београда. Јавни интерес се у теорији планирања посматра двојако. Заједнички
јавни интерес представља једну или скуп вредности које деле сви чланови одређене
заједнице, док плуралистички јавни интерес представља суму појединачних и
групних интереса. И поред законске обавезе за спровођење партиципације у пракси
планирања урбаног развоја у Србији, јавни интерес се најчешће нормативно утврђује
кроз планирање јавне намене. У циљу разумевања утицаја тржишних промена на
поимање јавног интереса у пракси планирања у Србији од социјализма до данас, у
овом раду се квантитативном анализом студије случаја сагледавају трендови измена
норми и стандарда за јавне намене и јавне службе на нивоу града. У овом случају,
традиционални нормативни домени јавног интереса више се не посматрају само као
технички већ и као квалитативни показатељ квалитета живота грађана. У том смислу,
значајно је размотрити препоруке за преиспитивање норми и стандарда jавних намена
и јавних служби у урбаним подручјима, као и обнове и заштите објеката и целина
градитељског и урбаног наслеђа које укључује и социјалистички период.
PB  - Београд : Завод за заштиту споменика културе града Београда
C3  - Зборник радова: X научно-стручна конференција са међународним учешћем (27.05.2019.) ''Културно наслеђе, ризици и перспективе''
T1  - Улога наслеђа социјалистичке праксе планирања урбаног развоја у очувању и промоцији нормативног јавног интереса у Србији
SP  - 161
EP  - 171
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Čolić, Nataša and Nedović-Budić, Zorica",
year = "2019",
abstract = "Овај рад преиспитује приступ урбаном планирању у периоду социјализма кроз
перспективу нормативне димензије концепта јавног интереса на студији случаја
Београда. Јавни интерес се у теорији планирања посматра двојако. Заједнички
јавни интерес представља једну или скуп вредности које деле сви чланови одређене
заједнице, док плуралистички јавни интерес представља суму појединачних и
групних интереса. И поред законске обавезе за спровођење партиципације у пракси
планирања урбаног развоја у Србији, јавни интерес се најчешће нормативно утврђује
кроз планирање јавне намене. У циљу разумевања утицаја тржишних промена на
поимање јавног интереса у пракси планирања у Србији од социјализма до данас, у
овом раду се квантитативном анализом студије случаја сагледавају трендови измена
норми и стандарда за јавне намене и јавне службе на нивоу града. У овом случају,
традиционални нормативни домени јавног интереса више се не посматрају само као
технички већ и као квалитативни показатељ квалитета живота грађана. У том смислу,
значајно је размотрити препоруке за преиспитивање норми и стандарда jавних намена
и јавних служби у урбаним подручјима, као и обнове и заштите објеката и целина
градитељског и урбаног наслеђа које укључује и социјалистички период.",
publisher = "Београд : Завод за заштиту споменика културе града Београда",
journal = "Зборник радова: X научно-стручна конференција са међународним учешћем (27.05.2019.) ''Културно наслеђе, ризици и перспективе''",
title = "Улога наслеђа социјалистичке праксе планирања урбаног развоја у очувању и промоцији нормативног јавног интереса у Србији",
pages = "161-171",
url = ""
Čolić, N.,& Nedović-Budić, Z.. (2019). Улога наслеђа социјалистичке праксе планирања урбаног развоја у очувању и промоцији нормативног јавног интереса у Србији. in Зборник радова: X научно-стручна конференција са међународним учешћем (27.05.2019.) ''Културно наслеђе, ризици и перспективе''
Београд : Завод за заштиту споменика културе града Београда., 161-171.
Čolić N, Nedović-Budić Z. Улога наслеђа социјалистичке праксе планирања урбаног развоја у очувању и промоцији нормативног јавног интереса у Србији. in Зборник радова: X научно-стручна конференција са међународним учешћем (27.05.2019.) ''Културно наслеђе, ризици и перспективе''. 2019;:161-171. .
Čolić, Nataša, Nedović-Budić, Zorica, "Улога наслеђа социјалистичке праксе планирања урбаног развоја у очувању и промоцији нормативног јавног интереса у Србији" in Зборник радова: X научно-стручна конференција са међународним учешћем (27.05.2019.) ''Културно наслеђе, ризици и перспективе'' (2019):161-171, .

Final Report - Additional Volume 5 ESPON COMPASS – Additional Countries Feasibility Report

Nadin, Vincent; Cotella, Giancarlo; Berisha, Erblin; Nedović-Budić, Zorica; Čolić, Nataša; Erkut, Gülden

(Luxembourg : ESPON EGTC, 2018)

AU  - Nadin, Vincent
AU  - Cotella, Giancarlo
AU  - Berisha, Erblin
AU  - Nedović-Budić, Zorica
AU  - Čolić, Nataša
AU  - Erkut, Gülden
PY  - 2018
UR  -
AB  - The COMPASS project compares territorial governance and spatial planning in 32 European countries (the 28 EU member states plus four ESPON partner countries). COMPASS differs from previous studies in that the accent is not on a snapshot comparison of national systems, but on identifying trends in reforms from 2000 to 2016. It also seeks to give reasons for these changes with particular reference to EU directives and policies, and to identify good practices for the cross-fertilisation of spatial development policies with EU Cohesion Policy. The objective of the COMPASS project is to provide an authoritative comparative report on changes in territorial governance and spatial planning systems in Europe since 2000. It substantially improves the knowledge base on territorial governance and spatial planning, and in particular, their relationship with EU Cohesion Policy.
PB  - Luxembourg : ESPON EGTC
T1  - Final Report - Additional Volume 5 ESPON COMPASS – Additional Countries Feasibility Report
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Nadin, Vincent and Cotella, Giancarlo and Berisha, Erblin and Nedović-Budić, Zorica and Čolić, Nataša and Erkut, Gülden",
year = "2018",
abstract = "The COMPASS project compares territorial governance and spatial planning in 32 European countries (the 28 EU member states plus four ESPON partner countries). COMPASS differs from previous studies in that the accent is not on a snapshot comparison of national systems, but on identifying trends in reforms from 2000 to 2016. It also seeks to give reasons for these changes with particular reference to EU directives and policies, and to identify good practices for the cross-fertilisation of spatial development policies with EU Cohesion Policy. The objective of the COMPASS project is to provide an authoritative comparative report on changes in territorial governance and spatial planning systems in Europe since 2000. It substantially improves the knowledge base on territorial governance and spatial planning, and in particular, their relationship with EU Cohesion Policy.",
publisher = "Luxembourg : ESPON EGTC",
journal = "ESPON",
title = "Final Report - Additional Volume 5 ESPON COMPASS – Additional Countries Feasibility Report",
url = ""
Nadin, V., Cotella, G., Berisha, E., Nedović-Budić, Z., Čolić, N.,& Erkut, G.. (2018). Final Report - Additional Volume 5 ESPON COMPASS – Additional Countries Feasibility Report. in ESPON
Luxembourg : ESPON EGTC..
Nadin V, Cotella G, Berisha E, Nedović-Budić Z, Čolić N, Erkut G. Final Report - Additional Volume 5 ESPON COMPASS – Additional Countries Feasibility Report. in ESPON. 2018;. .
Nadin, Vincent, Cotella, Giancarlo, Berisha, Erblin, Nedović-Budić, Zorica, Čolić, Nataša, Erkut, Gülden, "Final Report - Additional Volume 5 ESPON COMPASS – Additional Countries Feasibility Report" in ESPON (2018), .

Evaluation of implementation of early public participation in Serbian planning practice

Čolić, Nataša; Nedović-Budić, Zorica

(Novi Sad : University of Novi Sad, Centre for Strategic and Advanced Studies, 2018)

AU  - Čolić, Nataša
AU  - Nedović-Budić, Zorica
PY  - 2018
UR  -
AB  - Early public participation has been introduced in Serbian legal planning framework in 2014. In the context of recent Serbian planning history, early public participation can be observed as a novelty within the field of deliberation. Still, there is no sufficient data on the success of the process, or its effects. Hence, the
main aim of this paper is to contribute towards filling this gap by providing an understanding on implementation of the early public participation from a qualitative perspective, through the eyes of planning practitioners. 
Implementation of early public participation in Serbian planning practice is evaluated during May and June 2017 in 7 Serbian local municipalities. Planning practitioners were interviewed about procedural aspects in its operationalization, but also provided data on actual and potential effects of participatory processes. Qualitative data was complemented with content analysis of the By-law on implementation of participation as well as existing reports on completed early participation processes. 
Findings suggested that early public participation is implemented differently in each local municipality. Planning professionals pointed out at practices from a real life perspective, where procedural participation represents no guarantee of actual changes in outcomes of planning. Paradoxically, planners who operationalize early public participation beyond minimal legal obligations have witnessed how early participation has affected changes in planning solutions. Based on these findings, paper offers recommendations for improvement of early public participation in practice and especially in relation to dissemination of good practices between planning practitioners, through sharing and dialogue within an inclusive and long-term platform for peer-to-peer learning.
PB  - Novi Sad : University of Novi Sad, Centre for Strategic and Advanced Studies
C3  - Book of abstracts [12th] Annual PLPR international scientific conference „Migrations – impacts, law and spatial planning“
T1  - Evaluation of implementation of early public participation in Serbian planning practice
SP  - 44
EP  - 44
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Čolić, Nataša and Nedović-Budić, Zorica",
year = "2018",
abstract = "Early public participation has been introduced in Serbian legal planning framework in 2014. In the context of recent Serbian planning history, early public participation can be observed as a novelty within the field of deliberation. Still, there is no sufficient data on the success of the process, or its effects. Hence, the
main aim of this paper is to contribute towards filling this gap by providing an understanding on implementation of the early public participation from a qualitative perspective, through the eyes of planning practitioners. 
Implementation of early public participation in Serbian planning practice is evaluated during May and June 2017 in 7 Serbian local municipalities. Planning practitioners were interviewed about procedural aspects in its operationalization, but also provided data on actual and potential effects of participatory processes. Qualitative data was complemented with content analysis of the By-law on implementation of participation as well as existing reports on completed early participation processes. 
Findings suggested that early public participation is implemented differently in each local municipality. Planning professionals pointed out at practices from a real life perspective, where procedural participation represents no guarantee of actual changes in outcomes of planning. Paradoxically, planners who operationalize early public participation beyond minimal legal obligations have witnessed how early participation has affected changes in planning solutions. Based on these findings, paper offers recommendations for improvement of early public participation in practice and especially in relation to dissemination of good practices between planning practitioners, through sharing and dialogue within an inclusive and long-term platform for peer-to-peer learning.",
publisher = "Novi Sad : University of Novi Sad, Centre for Strategic and Advanced Studies",
journal = "Book of abstracts [12th] Annual PLPR international scientific conference „Migrations – impacts, law and spatial planning“",
title = "Evaluation of implementation of early public participation in Serbian planning practice",
pages = "44-44",
url = ""
Čolić, N.,& Nedović-Budić, Z.. (2018). Evaluation of implementation of early public participation in Serbian planning practice. in Book of abstracts [12th] Annual PLPR international scientific conference „Migrations – impacts, law and spatial planning“
Novi Sad : University of Novi Sad, Centre for Strategic and Advanced Studies., 44-44.
Čolić N, Nedović-Budić Z. Evaluation of implementation of early public participation in Serbian planning practice. in Book of abstracts [12th] Annual PLPR international scientific conference „Migrations – impacts, law and spatial planning“. 2018;:44-44. .
Čolić, Nataša, Nedović-Budić, Zorica, "Evaluation of implementation of early public participation in Serbian planning practice" in Book of abstracts [12th] Annual PLPR international scientific conference „Migrations – impacts, law and spatial planning“ (2018):44-44, .

Mind the Gap: Spatial Planning Systems in the Western Balkan Region

Berisha, Erblin; Čolić, Nataša; Cotella, Giancarlo; Nedović-Budić, Zorica


AU  - Berisha, Erblin
AU  - Čolić, Nataša
AU  - Cotella, Giancarlo
AU  - Nedović-Budić, Zorica
PY  - 2018
UR  -
AB  - Starting in the 1990s, an increasing number of studies and reports have focused on examining the nature and characteristics of spatial planning in Europe. The geographical coverage of these comparative analyses broadened over time, paralleling the progression of EU integration. However, the Western Balkan countries were only vaguely mentioned within such studies, mostly due to their fragmentation and geopolitical instability. This paper analyses and compares spatial planning systems in the Western Balkan Region since the
1990s. More specifically, it presents an overview of the geographical and socio-economic situation, explores administrative and legal frameworks for spatial planning, analyses spatial planning instruments produced at each territorial level, and addresses future challenges. Through so doing this paper exposes the complexity of the subject and sets a base for further research.
C3  - Transactions of the Association of European Schools of Planning
T1  - Mind the Gap: Spatial Planning Systems in the Western Balkan Region
IS  - 2
SP  - 47
EP  - 62
DO  - 10.24306/TrAESOP.2018.01.004
ER  - 
author = "Berisha, Erblin and Čolić, Nataša and Cotella, Giancarlo and Nedović-Budić, Zorica",
year = "2018",
abstract = "Starting in the 1990s, an increasing number of studies and reports have focused on examining the nature and characteristics of spatial planning in Europe. The geographical coverage of these comparative analyses broadened over time, paralleling the progression of EU integration. However, the Western Balkan countries were only vaguely mentioned within such studies, mostly due to their fragmentation and geopolitical instability. This paper analyses and compares spatial planning systems in the Western Balkan Region since the
1990s. More specifically, it presents an overview of the geographical and socio-economic situation, explores administrative and legal frameworks for spatial planning, analyses spatial planning instruments produced at each territorial level, and addresses future challenges. Through so doing this paper exposes the complexity of the subject and sets a base for further research.",
journal = "Transactions of the Association of European Schools of Planning",
title = "Mind the Gap: Spatial Planning Systems in the Western Balkan Region",
number = "2",
pages = "47-62",
doi = "10.24306/TrAESOP.2018.01.004"
Berisha, E., Čolić, N., Cotella, G.,& Nedović-Budić, Z.. (2018). Mind the Gap: Spatial Planning Systems in the Western Balkan Region. in Transactions of the Association of European Schools of Planning(2), 47-62.
Berisha E, Čolić N, Cotella G, Nedović-Budić Z. Mind the Gap: Spatial Planning Systems in the Western Balkan Region. in Transactions of the Association of European Schools of Planning. 2018;(2):47-62.
doi:10.24306/TrAESOP.2018.01.004 .
Berisha, Erblin, Čolić, Nataša, Cotella, Giancarlo, Nedović-Budić, Zorica, "Mind the Gap: Spatial Planning Systems in the Western Balkan Region" in Transactions of the Association of European Schools of Planning, no. 2 (2018):47-62, . .

Suburbanization and sprawl in post-socialist Belgrade and Sofia

Slaev, Aleksandar D.; Nedović-Budić, Zorica; Krunić, Nikola; Petrić, Jasna; Daskalova, Diliana

(Routledge Journals, Taylor & Francis Ltd, Abingdon, 2018)

AU  - Slaev, Aleksandar D.
AU  - Nedović-Budić, Zorica
AU  - Krunić, Nikola
AU  - Petrić, Jasna
AU  - Daskalova, Diliana
PY  - 2018
UR  -
AB  - The goal of this research is to examine the processes of suburbanization and sprawl in two post-socialist capital cities in Southeast Europe - Belgrade, Serbia and Sofia, Bulgaria. Our analysis begins with a survey of relevant historical developments in the two cities, which illustrates the impact of major political, economic and social drivers on urban development processes and form. We follow this with an empirical study aimed at identifying contemporary features of peri-urban processes occurring in the two cities. Specifically, we explore spatial patterns, general population trends and changes in urban densities. Our study confirms earlier observations by other researchers that processes of suburbanization are occurring in Belgrade and Sofia. Yet this research goes further and emphasizes the specific combination of conditions inherited from the era of state socialism and the features of South-east European urban culture. Thus regarding the form of urban expansion, we observe relatively weak trends of sprawl with strong local specifics. On this basis, we discuss our empirical results with the objective of identifying the specifics of studied processes in Belgrade and Sofia as a grounds for the articulation of an appropriate policy framework.
PB  - Routledge Journals, Taylor & Francis Ltd, Abingdon
T2  - European Planning Studies
T1  - Suburbanization and sprawl in post-socialist Belgrade and Sofia
VL  - 26
IS  - 7
SP  - 1389
EP  - 1412
DO  - 10.1080/09654313.2018.1465530
ER  - 
author = "Slaev, Aleksandar D. and Nedović-Budić, Zorica and Krunić, Nikola and Petrić, Jasna and Daskalova, Diliana",
year = "2018",
abstract = "The goal of this research is to examine the processes of suburbanization and sprawl in two post-socialist capital cities in Southeast Europe - Belgrade, Serbia and Sofia, Bulgaria. Our analysis begins with a survey of relevant historical developments in the two cities, which illustrates the impact of major political, economic and social drivers on urban development processes and form. We follow this with an empirical study aimed at identifying contemporary features of peri-urban processes occurring in the two cities. Specifically, we explore spatial patterns, general population trends and changes in urban densities. Our study confirms earlier observations by other researchers that processes of suburbanization are occurring in Belgrade and Sofia. Yet this research goes further and emphasizes the specific combination of conditions inherited from the era of state socialism and the features of South-east European urban culture. Thus regarding the form of urban expansion, we observe relatively weak trends of sprawl with strong local specifics. On this basis, we discuss our empirical results with the objective of identifying the specifics of studied processes in Belgrade and Sofia as a grounds for the articulation of an appropriate policy framework.",
publisher = "Routledge Journals, Taylor & Francis Ltd, Abingdon",
journal = "European Planning Studies",
title = "Suburbanization and sprawl in post-socialist Belgrade and Sofia",
volume = "26",
number = "7",
pages = "1389-1412",
doi = "10.1080/09654313.2018.1465530"
Slaev, A. D., Nedović-Budić, Z., Krunić, N., Petrić, J.,& Daskalova, D.. (2018). Suburbanization and sprawl in post-socialist Belgrade and Sofia. in European Planning Studies
Routledge Journals, Taylor & Francis Ltd, Abingdon., 26(7), 1389-1412.
Slaev AD, Nedović-Budić Z, Krunić N, Petrić J, Daskalova D. Suburbanization and sprawl in post-socialist Belgrade and Sofia. in European Planning Studies. 2018;26(7):1389-1412.
doi:10.1080/09654313.2018.1465530 .
Slaev, Aleksandar D., Nedović-Budić, Zorica, Krunić, Nikola, Petrić, Jasna, Daskalova, Diliana, "Suburbanization and sprawl in post-socialist Belgrade and Sofia" in European Planning Studies, 26, no. 7 (2018):1389-1412, . .

Land privatization and management in Serbia - Policy in limbo

Nedović-Budić, Zorica; Zeković, Slavka; Vujošević, Miodrag


AU  - Nedović-Budić, Zorica
AU  - Zeković, Slavka
AU  - Vujošević, Miodrag
PY  - 2012
UR  -
AB  - Unlike in most other European post-socialist countries, in Serbia, land policy and property reforms have only been partially implemented. A new approach is neither fully defined nor institutionalized a decade after the end of ethnic conflict and the Milosevic era. The context and characteristics of Serbia's urban-land privatization reforms and the land development management of its capital, Belgrade, illustrate the complexities involved in establishing new institutional arrangements under circumstances of overall societal transition. The negative implications of the prolonged transition to a new land policy and related land-management instruments only serve to aggravate the already difficult social, economic, and spatial development situation. The deeply embedded Serbian political culture may be the overriding cause of these difficulties.
T2  - Journal of Architectural and Planning Research
T1  - Land privatization and management in Serbia - Policy in limbo
VL  - 29
IS  - 4
SP  - 306
EP  - 317
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Nedović-Budić, Zorica and Zeković, Slavka and Vujošević, Miodrag",
year = "2012",
abstract = "Unlike in most other European post-socialist countries, in Serbia, land policy and property reforms have only been partially implemented. A new approach is neither fully defined nor institutionalized a decade after the end of ethnic conflict and the Milosevic era. The context and characteristics of Serbia's urban-land privatization reforms and the land development management of its capital, Belgrade, illustrate the complexities involved in establishing new institutional arrangements under circumstances of overall societal transition. The negative implications of the prolonged transition to a new land policy and related land-management instruments only serve to aggravate the already difficult social, economic, and spatial development situation. The deeply embedded Serbian political culture may be the overriding cause of these difficulties.",
journal = "Journal of Architectural and Planning Research",
title = "Land privatization and management in Serbia - Policy in limbo",
volume = "29",
number = "4",
pages = "306-317",
url = ""
Nedović-Budić, Z., Zeković, S.,& Vujošević, M.. (2012). Land privatization and management in Serbia - Policy in limbo. in Journal of Architectural and Planning Research, 29(4), 306-317.
Nedović-Budić Z, Zeković S, Vujošević M. Land privatization and management in Serbia - Policy in limbo. in Journal of Architectural and Planning Research. 2012;29(4):306-317. .
Nedović-Budić, Zorica, Zeković, Slavka, Vujošević, Miodrag, "Land privatization and management in Serbia - Policy in limbo" in Journal of Architectural and Planning Research, 29, no. 4 (2012):306-317, .

Planning and societal context - The case of Belgrade, Serbia

Vujošević, Miodrag; Nedović-Budić, Zorica


AU  - Vujošević, Miodrag
AU  - Nedović-Budić, Zorica
PY  - 2006
UR  -
AB  - The problems of planning system and practice in Serbia have been concomitant with the overall institutional changes. Urban planning evolves in response to and by adjusting to the specific contexts and circumstances, namely political, socio-economic, and governing. The more extreme variations in planning practice and the response to the societal circumstances since 1989, offer rich opportunities for observing the relationships between planning and its broader context. Serbia is one of the six republics of the former Yugoslavia, which from the early 1990s disintegrated into five states: Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia, and Serbia and Montenegro. The main characteristic of the 1990s was the re-centralization of government and the weakening of the constitutional role and planning authority of the local communes. The new planning practice was steered by a mixture of old habits, few institutional innovations and the social, economic and political turbulence of the transition period.
T2  - Contributions to Economics
T1  - Planning and societal context - The case of Belgrade, Serbia
SP  - 275
EP  - 294
DO  - 10.1007/3-7908-1727-9-14
ER  - 
author = "Vujošević, Miodrag and Nedović-Budić, Zorica",
year = "2006",
abstract = "The problems of planning system and practice in Serbia have been concomitant with the overall institutional changes. Urban planning evolves in response to and by adjusting to the specific contexts and circumstances, namely political, socio-economic, and governing. The more extreme variations in planning practice and the response to the societal circumstances since 1989, offer rich opportunities for observing the relationships between planning and its broader context. Serbia is one of the six republics of the former Yugoslavia, which from the early 1990s disintegrated into five states: Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia, and Serbia and Montenegro. The main characteristic of the 1990s was the re-centralization of government and the weakening of the constitutional role and planning authority of the local communes. The new planning practice was steered by a mixture of old habits, few institutional innovations and the social, economic and political turbulence of the transition period.",
journal = "Contributions to Economics",
title = "Planning and societal context - The case of Belgrade, Serbia",
pages = "275-294",
doi = "10.1007/3-7908-1727-9-14"
Vujošević, M.,& Nedović-Budić, Z.. (2006). Planning and societal context - The case of Belgrade, Serbia. in Contributions to Economics, 275-294.
Vujošević M, Nedović-Budić Z. Planning and societal context - The case of Belgrade, Serbia. in Contributions to Economics. 2006;:275-294.
doi:10.1007/3-7908-1727-9-14 .
Vujošević, Miodrag, Nedović-Budić, Zorica, "Planning and societal context - The case of Belgrade, Serbia" in Contributions to Economics (2006):275-294, . .