Jokić, Vesna

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Authority KeyName Variants
  • Jokić, Vesna (17)
  • Јокић, Весна (2)

Author's Bibliography

Стратешка процена утицаја (СПУ) Стратегије нискоугљеничног развоја Републике Србије на животну средину и План ангажовања заинтересованих страна

Ненковић-Ризнић, Марина; Јосимовић, Бошко; Филиповић, Дејан; Јокић, Весна

(Београд : Удружење урбаниста Србије, 2021)


Ненковић-Ризнић, М., Јосимовић, Б., Филиповић, Д.,& Јокић, В.. (2021). Стратешка процена утицаја (СПУ) Стратегије нискоугљеничног развоја Републике Србије на животну средину и План ангажовања заинтересованих страна. in Каталог изложбе: 30. међународниСало урбанизма 2021, Ниш 8-13. новембар
Београд : Удружење урбаниста Србије., 08.06.
Ненковић-Ризнић М, Јосимовић Б, Филиповић Д, Јокић В. Стратешка процена утицаја (СПУ) Стратегије нискоугљеничног развоја Републике Србије на животну средину и План ангажовања заинтересованих страна. in Каталог изложбе: 30. међународниСало урбанизма 2021, Ниш 8-13. новембар. 2021;:08.06. .
Ненковић-Ризнић, Марина, Јосимовић, Бошко, Филиповић, Дејан, Јокић, Весна, "Стратешка процена утицаја (СПУ) Стратегије нискоугљеничног развоја Републике Србије на животну средину и План ангажовања заинтересованих страна" in Каталог изложбе: 30. међународниСало урбанизма 2021, Ниш 8-13. новембар (2021):08.06, .

Urban and Spatial Planning: Pragmatic Considerations for Plan Implementation Improvements (A Case Study of the City of Bor)

Nikolić, Dragana; Pantić, Marijana; Jokić, Vesna


AU  - Nikolić, Dragana
AU  - Pantić, Marijana
AU  - Jokić, Vesna
PY  - 2021
UR  -
AB  - The main task of planning documents is to achieve maximal rationality in the use of space, spatial resources, and balanced territorial development. The preparation of plans is regulated by a legislative framework, which embraces multiple phases and stakeholders. In a perfect planning process, it would be expected that all the elements are well coordinated and brought to common understanding, but in reality, obstacles and challenges can occur in any of these steps, especially in the implementation phase. Although a plan is fully prepared to be practiced, its implementation might be omitted. Therefore, this article analyzes the full process of spatial and urban planning from the perspective of plan implementation. The methodology is based on a combination of different data collection methods (interviews, fieldwork, direct observation) with the analysis of plans and the particular mention of those plans that picture the implementation issues the most. Also, legislative acts and semi-annual and annual reports on the achievements of the local government budget are analyzed. The approach indicates that plan implementation depends the most on the willingness of the government to perform changes in the system and to peruse punitive policy comprehensively. Although it is about implementation at the local level, the success primarily depends on clear definitions given in the legislative acts, freedom of the local communities to make their own decisions, and financial decentralization, side by side with the regional and local circumstances, institutional technical and staff capacities, and application of participatory planning that involves actors from various sectors.
T2  - SAGE Open Journal
T1  - Urban and Spatial Planning: Pragmatic Considerations for Plan Implementation Improvements (A Case Study of the City of Bor)
VL  - 11
IS  - 1
SP  - 1
EP  - 14
DO  - 10.1177/2158244021994554
ER  - 
author = "Nikolić, Dragana and Pantić, Marijana and Jokić, Vesna",
year = "2021",
abstract = "The main task of planning documents is to achieve maximal rationality in the use of space, spatial resources, and balanced territorial development. The preparation of plans is regulated by a legislative framework, which embraces multiple phases and stakeholders. In a perfect planning process, it would be expected that all the elements are well coordinated and brought to common understanding, but in reality, obstacles and challenges can occur in any of these steps, especially in the implementation phase. Although a plan is fully prepared to be practiced, its implementation might be omitted. Therefore, this article analyzes the full process of spatial and urban planning from the perspective of plan implementation. The methodology is based on a combination of different data collection methods (interviews, fieldwork, direct observation) with the analysis of plans and the particular mention of those plans that picture the implementation issues the most. Also, legislative acts and semi-annual and annual reports on the achievements of the local government budget are analyzed. The approach indicates that plan implementation depends the most on the willingness of the government to perform changes in the system and to peruse punitive policy comprehensively. Although it is about implementation at the local level, the success primarily depends on clear definitions given in the legislative acts, freedom of the local communities to make their own decisions, and financial decentralization, side by side with the regional and local circumstances, institutional technical and staff capacities, and application of participatory planning that involves actors from various sectors.",
journal = "SAGE Open Journal",
title = "Urban and Spatial Planning: Pragmatic Considerations for Plan Implementation Improvements (A Case Study of the City of Bor)",
volume = "11",
number = "1",
pages = "1-14",
doi = "10.1177/2158244021994554"
Nikolić, D., Pantić, M.,& Jokić, V.. (2021). Urban and Spatial Planning: Pragmatic Considerations for Plan Implementation Improvements (A Case Study of the City of Bor). in SAGE Open Journal, 11(1), 1-14.
Nikolić D, Pantić M, Jokić V. Urban and Spatial Planning: Pragmatic Considerations for Plan Implementation Improvements (A Case Study of the City of Bor). in SAGE Open Journal. 2021;11(1):1-14.
doi:10.1177/2158244021994554 .
Nikolić, Dragana, Pantić, Marijana, Jokić, Vesna, "Urban and Spatial Planning: Pragmatic Considerations for Plan Implementation Improvements (A Case Study of the City of Bor)" in SAGE Open Journal, 11, no. 1 (2021):1-14, . .

Просторна доступност јавних служби као индикатор квалитета живота - нормативни оквир и пракса планирања у Србији

Јокић, Весна; Чолић, Наташа

(Београд : Институт за архитектуру и урбанизам Србије, 2020)

AU  - Јокић, Весна
AU  - Чолић, Наташа
PY  - 2020
UR  -
AB  - Постоји општа сагласност да се концепт квалитета живота односи на
макродруштвену средину, али обухвата и микроперспективу појединца кроз
индивидуалне способности и вештине, вредности, перцепције и ставове, као
и институционалне аспекте, као што су оснаживање и удруживање, међусобна
сарадња. Концепт квалитета живота укључује и квалитет и доступност услуга
јавних служби, где се просторна димензија сматра кључним условом за
остваривање социјалних права, праведан развој и кохезију друштва. У раду се
анализирају међународне, као и националне смернице за унапређење праксе
планирања у овом домену. Указује се на институционални и законодавни
оквир социјалних права, и принципе добре праксе у остваривању ових права.
Узимајући у обзир важност тема квалитета живота и поштовање социјалних
права у процесу европских интеграција, рад указује на потребу преиспитивања
постојеће праксе, као и увођење нових модалитета обезбеђивања просторне
доступности јавних служби у развојним политикама и пракси планирања у
Србији, што је jедан од кључних услова стварања веће кохезије друштва и
квалитета живота грађана.
AB  - There is a general agreement that the concept of quality of life refers to the
macro social environment, but also includes the micro perspective of the individual
through their abilities and skills, values, perceptions and attitudes, as well as
institutional aspects such as empowerment and collaboration, mutual cooperation.
The concept of quality of life includes the quality and accessibility of public services,
where the spatial dimension is considered a key condition for the realization of
social rights, equitable development and social cohesion. The paper analyzes
international as well as Serbian national guidelines for improving planning practices
in this domain. The institutional and legislative framework of social rights, and the
principles of good practice in exercising these rights are pointed out. Taking into
account the importance of quality of life and social rights in the process of European
integration, the paper points to the need to review existing practices and introduce
new modalities to ensure spatial accessibility of public services in development
policies and planning practices in Serbia, which is one of the key conditions for
greater cohesion of society and quality of life of citizens.
PB  - Београд : Институт за архитектуру и урбанизам Србије
T2  - Теоријска, развојна и примењена истраживања просторних процеса за обнову стратешког  мишљења и управљања у Србији
T1  - Просторна доступност јавних служби као индикатор квалитета живота - нормативни оквир и  пракса планирања у Србији
T1  - Spatial availability of public services as a quality of life indicator – normative framework and planning practice in Serbia
SP  - 105
EP  - 143
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Јокић, Весна and Чолић, Наташа",
year = "2020",
abstract = "Постоји општа сагласност да се концепт квалитета живота односи на
макродруштвену средину, али обухвата и микроперспективу појединца кроз
индивидуалне способности и вештине, вредности, перцепције и ставове, као
и институционалне аспекте, као што су оснаживање и удруживање, међусобна
сарадња. Концепт квалитета живота укључује и квалитет и доступност услуга
јавних служби, где се просторна димензија сматра кључним условом за
остваривање социјалних права, праведан развој и кохезију друштва. У раду се
анализирају међународне, као и националне смернице за унапређење праксе
планирања у овом домену. Указује се на институционални и законодавни
оквир социјалних права, и принципе добре праксе у остваривању ових права.
Узимајући у обзир важност тема квалитета живота и поштовање социјалних
права у процесу европских интеграција, рад указује на потребу преиспитивања
постојеће праксе, као и увођење нових модалитета обезбеђивања просторне
доступности јавних служби у развојним политикама и пракси планирања у
Србији, што је jедан од кључних услова стварања веће кохезије друштва и
квалитета живота грађана., There is a general agreement that the concept of quality of life refers to the
macro social environment, but also includes the micro perspective of the individual
through their abilities and skills, values, perceptions and attitudes, as well as
institutional aspects such as empowerment and collaboration, mutual cooperation.
The concept of quality of life includes the quality and accessibility of public services,
where the spatial dimension is considered a key condition for the realization of
social rights, equitable development and social cohesion. The paper analyzes
international as well as Serbian national guidelines for improving planning practices
in this domain. The institutional and legislative framework of social rights, and the
principles of good practice in exercising these rights are pointed out. Taking into
account the importance of quality of life and social rights in the process of European
integration, the paper points to the need to review existing practices and introduce
new modalities to ensure spatial accessibility of public services in development
policies and planning practices in Serbia, which is one of the key conditions for
greater cohesion of society and quality of life of citizens.",
publisher = "Београд : Институт за архитектуру и урбанизам Србије",
journal = "Теоријска, развојна и примењена истраживања просторних процеса за обнову стратешког  мишљења и управљања у Србији",
booktitle = "Просторна доступност јавних служби као индикатор квалитета живота - нормативни оквир и  пракса планирања у Србији, Spatial availability of public services as a quality of life indicator – normative framework and planning practice in Serbia",
pages = "105-143",
url = ""
Јокић, В.,& Чолић, Н.. (2020). Просторна доступност јавних служби као индикатор квалитета живота - нормативни оквир и  пракса планирања у Србији. in Теоријска, развојна и примењена истраживања просторних процеса за обнову стратешког  мишљења и управљања у Србији
Београд : Институт за архитектуру и урбанизам Србије., 105-143.
Јокић В, Чолић Н. Просторна доступност јавних служби као индикатор квалитета живота - нормативни оквир и  пракса планирања у Србији. in Теоријска, развојна и примењена истраживања просторних процеса за обнову стратешког  мишљења и управљања у Србији. 2020;:105-143. .
Јокић, Весна, Чолић, Наташа, "Просторна доступност јавних служби као индикатор квалитета живота - нормативни оквир и  пракса планирања у Србији" in Теоријска, развојна и примењена истраживања просторних процеса за обнову стратешког  мишљења и управљања у Србији (2020):105-143, .

Obrazovna struktura radnih potencijala u Srbiji - prostorna distribucija i regionalne razlike

Jokić, Vesna; Dželebdžić, Omiljena

(Beograd : Asocijacija peostornih planera Srbije, Univerzitet u Beogradu - Geografski fakulte, 2018)

AU  - Jokić, Vesna
AU  - Dželebdžić, Omiljena
PY  - 2018
UR  -
AB  - Apstrakt: Obrazovanje je jedan od ključnih elemenata održivog ekonomskog razvoja (ekonomije zasnovane na znanju) i socijalne kohezije društva. Takođe, dostignuti nivo obrazovanosti populacije i permanentno obrazovanje su bitni uslovi uravnoteženog regionalnog razvoja. 
Predmet ovog rada je analiza regionalnih i lokalnih razlika prema obrazovnom nivou radne populacije (20-64 godine) u Republici Srbiji, na osnovu podataka Popisa 2011. godine. Cilj rada je rangiranje i klasifikacija opština/gradova prema obrazovnoj strukturi radnog kontigenta stanovništva, što je pokazatelj potencijala ljudskih resursa kao nosioca ekonomskog i socijalnog razvoja.
AB  - Abstract: Education is one of the key element for achieving the goals of sustainable economic development (economy based on knowledge) and social cohesion in society. Also, the educational level attained and permanent education (lifelong learning) are important conditions for balanced regional development.
The subject of this paper is the analysis region and local differences in the education level of workforce (20-64 years) in the Republic of Serbia, on the 2011 Census data. The goal of the paper is to rank and classify municipalities/cities according to the educational structure of workforce, as an indicator of human resources potentials of economic and social development.
PB  - Beograd : Asocijacija peostornih planera Srbije, Univerzitet u Beogradu - Geografski fakulte
C3  - Lokalna samouprava u planiranju i uređenju prostora i naselja: geneze i perspektive prostornog razvoja, Zbornik radova sa naučno-stručnog skupa sa međunarodnim učešćem
T1  - Obrazovna struktura radnih potencijala u Srbiji - prostorna distribucija i regionalne razlike
T1  - The Educational Structure of Workforce in Serbia - Spatial Distribution and Regional Differences
SP  - 619
EP  - 627
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Jokić, Vesna and Dželebdžić, Omiljena",
year = "2018",
abstract = "Apstrakt: Obrazovanje je jedan od ključnih elemenata održivog ekonomskog razvoja (ekonomije zasnovane na znanju) i socijalne kohezije društva. Takođe, dostignuti nivo obrazovanosti populacije i permanentno obrazovanje su bitni uslovi uravnoteženog regionalnog razvoja. 
Predmet ovog rada je analiza regionalnih i lokalnih razlika prema obrazovnom nivou radne populacije (20-64 godine) u Republici Srbiji, na osnovu podataka Popisa 2011. godine. Cilj rada je rangiranje i klasifikacija opština/gradova prema obrazovnoj strukturi radnog kontigenta stanovništva, što je pokazatelj potencijala ljudskih resursa kao nosioca ekonomskog i socijalnog razvoja., Abstract: Education is one of the key element for achieving the goals of sustainable economic development (economy based on knowledge) and social cohesion in society. Also, the educational level attained and permanent education (lifelong learning) are important conditions for balanced regional development.
The subject of this paper is the analysis region and local differences in the education level of workforce (20-64 years) in the Republic of Serbia, on the 2011 Census data. The goal of the paper is to rank and classify municipalities/cities according to the educational structure of workforce, as an indicator of human resources potentials of economic and social development.",
publisher = "Beograd : Asocijacija peostornih planera Srbije, Univerzitet u Beogradu - Geografski fakulte",
journal = "Lokalna samouprava u planiranju i uređenju prostora i naselja: geneze i perspektive prostornog razvoja, Zbornik radova sa naučno-stručnog skupa sa međunarodnim učešćem",
title = "Obrazovna struktura radnih potencijala u Srbiji - prostorna distribucija i regionalne razlike, The Educational Structure of Workforce in Serbia - Spatial Distribution and Regional Differences",
pages = "619-627",
url = ""
Jokić, V.,& Dželebdžić, O.. (2018). Obrazovna struktura radnih potencijala u Srbiji - prostorna distribucija i regionalne razlike. in Lokalna samouprava u planiranju i uređenju prostora i naselja: geneze i perspektive prostornog razvoja, Zbornik radova sa naučno-stručnog skupa sa međunarodnim učešćem
Beograd : Asocijacija peostornih planera Srbije, Univerzitet u Beogradu - Geografski fakulte., 619-627.
Jokić V, Dželebdžić O. Obrazovna struktura radnih potencijala u Srbiji - prostorna distribucija i regionalne razlike. in Lokalna samouprava u planiranju i uređenju prostora i naselja: geneze i perspektive prostornog razvoja, Zbornik radova sa naučno-stručnog skupa sa međunarodnim učešćem. 2018;:619-627. .
Jokić, Vesna, Dželebdžić, Omiljena, "Obrazovna struktura radnih potencijala u Srbiji - prostorna distribucija i regionalne razlike" in Lokalna samouprava u planiranju i uređenju prostora i naselja: geneze i perspektive prostornog razvoja, Zbornik radova sa naučno-stručnog skupa sa međunarodnim učešćem (2018):619-627, .

Energy crop planning in Serbia with special reference to fast-growing forests

Crnčević, Tijana; Jokić, Vesna; Bezbradica, Ljubiša

(Beograd : Savez mašinskih i elektrotehničkih inženjera i tehničara Srbije (SMEITS), 2016)

AU  - Crnčević, Tijana
AU  - Jokić, Vesna
AU  - Bezbradica, Ljubiša
PY  - 2016
UR  -
AB  - Taking into consideration the reduction of energy dependence and the use of potentials of renewable energy sources (RES), which approximately amounts to 6Mt per year in Serbia, the paper considers the potential of using biomass or energy crops. According to the Energy Law (Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia, issue No. 145/2014), energy crops represent a renewable energy source produced from non-fossil renewable sources and include primarily the plantations of crops that contain a high percentage of oil or sugar (fast-growing trees, miscanthus or elephant grass, eucalyptus, green algae). 
The paper includes a review of the current legislative and planning framework that promotes the development of energy crops, especially fast-growing forests. Also a case study is highlighted on the level of urban planning that provides an insight into the planning framework. One of the conclusions of the paper points at the importance of establishing a suitable legislative and planning framework for planting energy crops-fast-growing forests (poplar; willow) in order to gain multiple benefits which, primarily, include the production of new energy sources and the environmental protection.
AB  - Uvažavajući neophodnost smanjenje energetske zavisnosti i iskorišćavanje potencijala obnovljivih izvora energije (OIE), koji za Srbiju iznosi oko 6Mt godišnje, rad razmatra potencijal korišćenja biomase odnosno energetskih zasada. Energetski zasadi, prema Zakonu o energetici ( broj 145/2014) predstavljaju obnovljiv izvor energije proizveden iz nefosilnih obnovljivih izvora i obuhvataju pre svega plantaže biljaka koje sadrže visok procenat ulja ili šećera (brzorastuće drveće, kineska trska, eukaliptus, zelene alge).
U radu je dat pregled aktuelnog zakonskog i planskog okvira kojim se promoviše razvoj energetskih zasada, posebno brzorastućih šuma. Takođe, izdvojena je studija slučaja na nivou urbanstičkog planiranja sa ciljem uvida u planski okvir: Jedan od zaključaka rada ukazuje na značaj uspostavljanja odgovarajućeg okvira, kako zakonskog tako i planskog za podizanje energetskih zasada brzorastućih šuma (topola, vrba) sa ciljem ostvarivanja višestrukih koristi koje, pre svega, podrazumevaju stvaranje novih energetskih izvora i očuvanje životne sredine,
PB  - Beograd : Savez mašinskih i elektrotehničkih inženjera i tehničara Srbije (SMEITS)
C3  - Book of Abstracts, The 4th International Conference on Renewable Electrical Power Sources / Zbornik rezimea radova, 4. Međunarodne konferencije o obnovljivim izvorima električne energije
T1  - Energy crop planning in Serbia with special reference to fast-growing forests
T1  - Planiranje energetskih zasada u Srbiji sa posebnim osvrtom na brzorastuće šume
SP  - 48
EP  - 48
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Crnčević, Tijana and Jokić, Vesna and Bezbradica, Ljubiša",
year = "2016",
abstract = "Taking into consideration the reduction of energy dependence and the use of potentials of renewable energy sources (RES), which approximately amounts to 6Mt per year in Serbia, the paper considers the potential of using biomass or energy crops. According to the Energy Law (Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia, issue No. 145/2014), energy crops represent a renewable energy source produced from non-fossil renewable sources and include primarily the plantations of crops that contain a high percentage of oil or sugar (fast-growing trees, miscanthus or elephant grass, eucalyptus, green algae). 
The paper includes a review of the current legislative and planning framework that promotes the development of energy crops, especially fast-growing forests. Also a case study is highlighted on the level of urban planning that provides an insight into the planning framework. One of the conclusions of the paper points at the importance of establishing a suitable legislative and planning framework for planting energy crops-fast-growing forests (poplar; willow) in order to gain multiple benefits which, primarily, include the production of new energy sources and the environmental protection., Uvažavajući neophodnost smanjenje energetske zavisnosti i iskorišćavanje potencijala obnovljivih izvora energije (OIE), koji za Srbiju iznosi oko 6Mt godišnje, rad razmatra potencijal korišćenja biomase odnosno energetskih zasada. Energetski zasadi, prema Zakonu o energetici ( broj 145/2014) predstavljaju obnovljiv izvor energije proizveden iz nefosilnih obnovljivih izvora i obuhvataju pre svega plantaže biljaka koje sadrže visok procenat ulja ili šećera (brzorastuće drveće, kineska trska, eukaliptus, zelene alge).
U radu je dat pregled aktuelnog zakonskog i planskog okvira kojim se promoviše razvoj energetskih zasada, posebno brzorastućih šuma. Takođe, izdvojena je studija slučaja na nivou urbanstičkog planiranja sa ciljem uvida u planski okvir: Jedan od zaključaka rada ukazuje na značaj uspostavljanja odgovarajućeg okvira, kako zakonskog tako i planskog za podizanje energetskih zasada brzorastućih šuma (topola, vrba) sa ciljem ostvarivanja višestrukih koristi koje, pre svega, podrazumevaju stvaranje novih energetskih izvora i očuvanje životne sredine,",
publisher = "Beograd : Savez mašinskih i elektrotehničkih inženjera i tehničara Srbije (SMEITS)",
journal = "Book of Abstracts, The 4th International Conference on Renewable Electrical Power Sources / Zbornik rezimea radova, 4. Međunarodne konferencije o obnovljivim izvorima električne energije",
title = "Energy crop planning in Serbia with special reference to fast-growing forests, Planiranje energetskih zasada u Srbiji sa posebnim osvrtom na brzorastuće šume",
pages = "48-48",
url = ""
Crnčević, T., Jokić, V.,& Bezbradica, L.. (2016). Energy crop planning in Serbia with special reference to fast-growing forests. in Book of Abstracts, The 4th International Conference on Renewable Electrical Power Sources / Zbornik rezimea radova, 4. Međunarodne konferencije o obnovljivim izvorima električne energije
Beograd : Savez mašinskih i elektrotehničkih inženjera i tehničara Srbije (SMEITS)., 48-48.
Crnčević T, Jokić V, Bezbradica L. Energy crop planning in Serbia with special reference to fast-growing forests. in Book of Abstracts, The 4th International Conference on Renewable Electrical Power Sources / Zbornik rezimea radova, 4. Međunarodne konferencije o obnovljivim izvorima električne energije. 2016;:48-48. .
Crnčević, Tijana, Jokić, Vesna, Bezbradica, Ljubiša, "Energy crop planning in Serbia with special reference to fast-growing forests" in Book of Abstracts, The 4th International Conference on Renewable Electrical Power Sources / Zbornik rezimea radova, 4. Međunarodne konferencije o obnovljivim izvorima električne energije (2016):48-48, .

Human capital and its spatial distribution as limiting factors for the balanced development of Serbia

Jokić, Vesna; Dželebdžić, Omiljena; Petovar, Ksenija

(Institute of Architecture, Urban & Spatial Planning of Serbia, 2015)

AU  - Jokić, Vesna
AU  - Dželebdžić, Omiljena
AU  - Petovar, Ksenija
PY  - 2015
UR  -
AB  - Human capital is one of the key factors of economic and social development. Namely, the growth potential of a territory is largely dependent on human capital that is, on citizen's creative potential and especially on their education. Society with a better endowment of human capital has a greater development potential. The subject of this paper is Serbia's human capital seen from the point of view of workforce education structure (20-64 age group). In this paper we present spatial distribution of workforce, i.e. the differences in workforce education levels and polarization of Serbian territory in terms of human capital pool. The result is a typology of municipalities in Serbia based on calculated values of average completed education level-the EMN index. Mapping of the corresponding values was done at the municipality level in order to get a clear distinction and a more accurate picture of spatial disparities in human resources.
PB  - Institute of Architecture, Urban & Spatial Planning of Serbia
T2  - Spatium
T1  - Human capital and its spatial distribution as limiting factors for the balanced development of Serbia
VL  - 1
IS  - 34
SP  - 46
EP  - 55
DO  - 10.2298/SPAT1534046J
ER  - 
author = "Jokić, Vesna and Dželebdžić, Omiljena and Petovar, Ksenija",
year = "2015",
abstract = "Human capital is one of the key factors of economic and social development. Namely, the growth potential of a territory is largely dependent on human capital that is, on citizen's creative potential and especially on their education. Society with a better endowment of human capital has a greater development potential. The subject of this paper is Serbia's human capital seen from the point of view of workforce education structure (20-64 age group). In this paper we present spatial distribution of workforce, i.e. the differences in workforce education levels and polarization of Serbian territory in terms of human capital pool. The result is a typology of municipalities in Serbia based on calculated values of average completed education level-the EMN index. Mapping of the corresponding values was done at the municipality level in order to get a clear distinction and a more accurate picture of spatial disparities in human resources.",
publisher = "Institute of Architecture, Urban & Spatial Planning of Serbia",
journal = "Spatium",
title = "Human capital and its spatial distribution as limiting factors for the balanced development of Serbia",
volume = "1",
number = "34",
pages = "46-55",
doi = "10.2298/SPAT1534046J"
Jokić, V., Dželebdžić, O.,& Petovar, K.. (2015). Human capital and its spatial distribution as limiting factors for the balanced development of Serbia. in Spatium
Institute of Architecture, Urban & Spatial Planning of Serbia., 1(34), 46-55.
Jokić V, Dželebdžić O, Petovar K. Human capital and its spatial distribution as limiting factors for the balanced development of Serbia. in Spatium. 2015;1(34):46-55.
doi:10.2298/SPAT1534046J .
Jokić, Vesna, Dželebdžić, Omiljena, Petovar, Ksenija, "Human capital and its spatial distribution as limiting factors for the balanced development of Serbia" in Spatium, 1, no. 34 (2015):46-55, . .

Mаpirаnjе sоciјаlnе isključеnоsti – prоstоrnа dimеnziја stаrоsnе i оbrаzоvnе strukturе stаnоvništvа Srbiје

Jokić, Vesna; Dželebdžić, Omiljena

(Beograd : Institut za arhitekturu i urbanizam Srbije, 2014)

AU  - Jokić, Vesna
AU  - Dželebdžić, Omiljena
PY  - 2014
UR  -
AB  - Apstrakt: U pоslеdnjој dеcеniјi 20. vеkа, kоncеpt sоciјаlnе isključеnоsti zаuzimа cеntrаlnо mеstо u rаzmаtrаnjimа društvеnоg rаzvоја. Mеrеnjе i prаcеnjе sоciјаlnе isključеnоsti оbuhvаtа rаzlicitе dimеnziје zа kоје sе uspоstаvljајu оdgоvаrајući indikаtоri usklаdu sа ciljеvimа istrаživаnjа i dоstupnim pоdаcimа. Prеdmеt оvоg rаdа је prоstоrnа dimеnziја rаzmеštаја stаnоvništvа kоја uključuје njegovu stаrоsnu i оbrаzоvnu strukturu. Analiza odnosa izmedu starosne i оbrаzоvnе strukturе rаdnоg kоntingеntа је višеstrukо znаčајna zа rаzmаtrаnjе ljudskih rеsursа. Analiza uključuје dеmоgrаfskе аtributе pоpulаciје u vеzi sа fаktоrimа isključеnjа (obrazovanje, starost, dоstignuti nivо kоncеntrаciје оsеtljivih društvеnih grupа – stаri i dеcа), s јеdnе strаnе, i pоkаzuје kоlikо su, nа kојim dеlоvimа tеritоriје Republike Srbije i u kоm оbimu ljudski rеsursi limitirајući fаktоr еkоnоmskоg i sоciјаlnоg rаzvоја zајеdnicе, s drugе.
AB  - Abstract: In the last decade of the 20th century, the concept of social exclusion has a central place in the discussions on social development. Measuring and monitoring of social exclusion includes different dimensions for which proper indicators are establishing, in accordance with the objectives of the research and with the available data.The subject of this paper is the spatial dimension of two key characteristics for measuring social exclusion – age and educational structure of the population. Analysis of the relationship between the age and educational structure of the working population is multiple important for consideration of human resources capacities and development potentials. On the one hand, the analysis includes demographic attributes of the population in relation to the factors of exclusion education, age, achieved level of the concentration of vulnerable groups - the elderly and children), and shows how much, on which parts of the Republic of Serbia territory and in which extent human resources acts as a limiting factor for economic and social development of the community, on the other hand.
PB  - Beograd : Institut za arhitekturu i urbanizam Srbije
T2  - Obnova strateskog prostornog misljenja, istrazivanja i upravljanja u Srbiji – Knjiga 2
T1  - Mаpirаnjе sоciјаlnе isključеnоsti – prоstоrnа dimеnziја stаrоsnе i оbrаzоvnе strukturе stаnоvništvа Srbiје
T1  - Mapping Social Exclusion ‒Spatial Dimension of Аge and Educational Structure of the Population in Serbia
IS  - 74
SP  - 107
EP  - 137
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Jokić, Vesna and Dželebdžić, Omiljena",
year = "2014",
abstract = "Apstrakt: U pоslеdnjој dеcеniјi 20. vеkа, kоncеpt sоciјаlnе isključеnоsti zаuzimа cеntrаlnо mеstо u rаzmаtrаnjimа društvеnоg rаzvоја. Mеrеnjе i prаcеnjе sоciјаlnе isključеnоsti оbuhvаtа rаzlicitе dimеnziје zа kоје sе uspоstаvljајu оdgоvаrајući indikаtоri usklаdu sа ciljеvimа istrаživаnjа i dоstupnim pоdаcimа. Prеdmеt оvоg rаdа је prоstоrnа dimеnziја rаzmеštаја stаnоvništvа kоја uključuје njegovu stаrоsnu i оbrаzоvnu strukturu. Analiza odnosa izmedu starosne i оbrаzоvnе strukturе rаdnоg kоntingеntа је višеstrukо znаčајna zа rаzmаtrаnjе ljudskih rеsursа. Analiza uključuје dеmоgrаfskе аtributе pоpulаciје u vеzi sа fаktоrimа isključеnjа (obrazovanje, starost, dоstignuti nivо kоncеntrаciје оsеtljivih društvеnih grupа – stаri i dеcа), s јеdnе strаnе, i pоkаzuје kоlikо su, nа kојim dеlоvimа tеritоriје Republike Srbije i u kоm оbimu ljudski rеsursi limitirајući fаktоr еkоnоmskоg i sоciјаlnоg rаzvоја zајеdnicе, s drugе., Abstract: In the last decade of the 20th century, the concept of social exclusion has a central place in the discussions on social development. Measuring and monitoring of social exclusion includes different dimensions for which proper indicators are establishing, in accordance with the objectives of the research and with the available data.The subject of this paper is the spatial dimension of two key characteristics for measuring social exclusion – age and educational structure of the population. Analysis of the relationship between the age and educational structure of the working population is multiple important for consideration of human resources capacities and development potentials. On the one hand, the analysis includes demographic attributes of the population in relation to the factors of exclusion education, age, achieved level of the concentration of vulnerable groups - the elderly and children), and shows how much, on which parts of the Republic of Serbia territory and in which extent human resources acts as a limiting factor for economic and social development of the community, on the other hand.",
publisher = "Beograd : Institut za arhitekturu i urbanizam Srbije",
journal = "Obnova strateskog prostornog misljenja, istrazivanja i upravljanja u Srbiji – Knjiga 2",
booktitle = "Mаpirаnjе sоciјаlnе isključеnоsti – prоstоrnа dimеnziја stаrоsnе i оbrаzоvnе strukturе stаnоvništvа Srbiје, Mapping Social Exclusion ‒Spatial Dimension of Аge and Educational Structure of the Population in Serbia",
number = "74",
pages = "107-137",
url = ""
Jokić, V.,& Dželebdžić, O.. (2014). Mаpirаnjе sоciјаlnе isključеnоsti – prоstоrnа dimеnziја stаrоsnе i оbrаzоvnе strukturе stаnоvništvа Srbiје. in Obnova strateskog prostornog misljenja, istrazivanja i upravljanja u Srbiji – Knjiga 2
Beograd : Institut za arhitekturu i urbanizam Srbije.(74), 107-137.
Jokić V, Dželebdžić O. Mаpirаnjе sоciјаlnе isključеnоsti – prоstоrnа dimеnziја stаrоsnе i оbrаzоvnе strukturе stаnоvništvа Srbiје. in Obnova strateskog prostornog misljenja, istrazivanja i upravljanja u Srbiji – Knjiga 2. 2014;(74):107-137. .
Jokić, Vesna, Dželebdžić, Omiljena, "Mаpirаnjе sоciјаlnе isključеnоsti – prоstоrnа dimеnziја stаrоsnе i оbrаzоvnе strukturе stаnоvništvа Srbiје" in Obnova strateskog prostornog misljenja, istrazivanja i upravljanja u Srbiji – Knjiga 2, no. 74 (2014):107-137, .

Ljudski (humani) resursi u Podunavlju u Srbiji

Jokić, Vesna

(Beograd : Institut za arhitekturu i urbanizam Srbije, 2014)

AU  - Jokić, Vesna
PY  - 2014
UR  -
AB  - Apstrakt: Ljudski resursi predstavljaju osnovu ekonomskog i socijalnog razvoja. Važna komponenta ljudskog razvoja su demografske resursi, koji uključuju opšte kvalitativne i kvantitativne karakteristike stanovništva. Demografski razvoj je jedan od glavnih izazova u ostvarivanju održivog/uravnoteženog razvoja, posebno sa stanovišta buduće organizacije društva, raspoloživih resursa radne snage, socijalne i teritorijalne kohezije i opšteg ekonomskog i socijalnog napretka zajednice. Istovremeno, koncept održivog razvoja podrazumeva postojanje potrebnog stepena demografske stabilnosti i uravnoteženosti funkcionalnih kontingenata u društvenoj zajednici i njenim regionalnim područjima.
Ovaj rad daje pregled demografskih promena u periodu od 1948 do 2011. godine i karakteristike ljudskih resursa u Podunavlju u Srbiji. Analizirani su odabrani demografski indikatori, a populacioni potencijali su iskazani indeksom demografskih resursa.
AB  - Abstract: Human resources are the basis of economic and social development. An important component of human development are demographic resources, which include the overall qualitative and quantitative characteristics of the population. The demographic development is also one of the main challenges in achieving sustainable/balanced development, particularly with regard to the future organization of society, the available labour resources, social and territorial cohesion and general economic and social progress of the community. At the same time, the concept of sustainable development implies the existence of the requisite level of demographic stability and balance of functional groups in the community and its regional areas.
This paper makes an overview of demographic changes in the period from 1948 to 2011, and characteristics of the human resources in Danube Region in Serbia. The analysis is based on selected demographic indicators, population potential being represented by the demographic resources index.
PB  - Beograd : Institut za arhitekturu i urbanizam Srbije
T2  - Održivi prostorni razvoj Podunavlja u Srbiji - Knjiga 2
T1  - Ljudski (humani) resursi u Podunavlju u Srbiji
T1  - Human resources in Danube Region in Serbia
IS  - 73
SP  - 201
EP  - 218
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Jokić, Vesna",
year = "2014",
abstract = "Apstrakt: Ljudski resursi predstavljaju osnovu ekonomskog i socijalnog razvoja. Važna komponenta ljudskog razvoja su demografske resursi, koji uključuju opšte kvalitativne i kvantitativne karakteristike stanovništva. Demografski razvoj je jedan od glavnih izazova u ostvarivanju održivog/uravnoteženog razvoja, posebno sa stanovišta buduće organizacije društva, raspoloživih resursa radne snage, socijalne i teritorijalne kohezije i opšteg ekonomskog i socijalnog napretka zajednice. Istovremeno, koncept održivog razvoja podrazumeva postojanje potrebnog stepena demografske stabilnosti i uravnoteženosti funkcionalnih kontingenata u društvenoj zajednici i njenim regionalnim područjima.
Ovaj rad daje pregled demografskih promena u periodu od 1948 do 2011. godine i karakteristike ljudskih resursa u Podunavlju u Srbiji. Analizirani su odabrani demografski indikatori, a populacioni potencijali su iskazani indeksom demografskih resursa., Abstract: Human resources are the basis of economic and social development. An important component of human development are demographic resources, which include the overall qualitative and quantitative characteristics of the population. The demographic development is also one of the main challenges in achieving sustainable/balanced development, particularly with regard to the future organization of society, the available labour resources, social and territorial cohesion and general economic and social progress of the community. At the same time, the concept of sustainable development implies the existence of the requisite level of demographic stability and balance of functional groups in the community and its regional areas.
This paper makes an overview of demographic changes in the period from 1948 to 2011, and characteristics of the human resources in Danube Region in Serbia. The analysis is based on selected demographic indicators, population potential being represented by the demographic resources index.",
publisher = "Beograd : Institut za arhitekturu i urbanizam Srbije",
journal = "Održivi prostorni razvoj Podunavlja u Srbiji - Knjiga 2",
booktitle = "Ljudski (humani) resursi u Podunavlju u Srbiji, Human resources in Danube Region in Serbia",
number = "73",
pages = "201-218",
url = ""
Jokić, V.. (2014). Ljudski (humani) resursi u Podunavlju u Srbiji. in Održivi prostorni razvoj Podunavlja u Srbiji - Knjiga 2
Beograd : Institut za arhitekturu i urbanizam Srbije.(73), 201-218.
Jokić V. Ljudski (humani) resursi u Podunavlju u Srbiji. in Održivi prostorni razvoj Podunavlja u Srbiji - Knjiga 2. 2014;(73):201-218. .
Jokić, Vesna, "Ljudski (humani) resursi u Podunavlju u Srbiji" in Održivi prostorni razvoj Podunavlja u Srbiji - Knjiga 2, no. 73 (2014):201-218, .

Održivo korišćenje prirodnih resursa u Podunavlju – primer Kostolačkog ugljenog basena

Maričić, Tamara; Jokić, Vesna

(Beograd : Institut za arhitekturu i urbanizam Srbije, 2014)

AU  - Maričić, Tamara
AU  - Jokić, Vesna
PY  - 2014
UR  -
AB  - Apstrakt: Na području Kostolačkog ugljenog basena već više od pola veka obavlja se obimna eksploatacija lignitskog ležišta, a poslednjih 15 - 20 godina i eksploatacija nafte i gasa u neposrednoj blizini akvatorije Dunava. Obimna eksploatacija mineralnih sirovina ima značajne uticaje na privredni i socijalni razvoj područja, uslove korišćenja drugih resursa, prostorni razvoj i degradaciju životne sredine. U radu je analizirana raspoloživost prirodnih resursa na ovom prostoru i mogući konflikti koji nastaju kao posledica eksploatacije ugljenog ležišta i korišćenja drugih prirodnih resursa. U zaključnim razmatranjima ukazuje se na mogući pristup održivom korišćenju prirodnih resursa u velikim ugljenim basenima, a posebno u Kostolačkom basenu. Pritom se poseban značaj pridaje istraživanjima i planiranju u oblasti prostornog razvoja. Rad je zasnovan na studijskoj i dokumentacionoj građi prikupljenoj za potrebe Prostonog plana područja posebne namene Kostolačkog lignitskog basena.
AB  - Abstrakt: For more than half a century lignite coal is being exploited in Kolubara mining region, while in the last 15 - 20 years oil and natural gas have been also exploited near the Danube river. Extensive exploitation of mineral resources created significant impacts on economic and social regional development, on the conditions of utilising other natural resources, spatial development and environmental degradation. The paper analyses availability of natural resources in this region, as well as possible conflicts arising as the consequence of coal exploitation, as well as utilisation of other natural resources. The concluding remarks point out at possible approach to sustainable use of natural resources in big mining basins, and especially in Kostolac basin. The special attention is given to research and planning in the area of spatial development. The paper is based on study material and documentation collected for compilation of the Spatial Plan of Special Purpose Area of Kostolac Lignite Basin.
PB  - Beograd : Institut za arhitekturu i urbanizam Srbije
T2  - Održivi prostorni razvoj Podunavlja u Srbiji - Knjiga 2
T1  - Održivo korišćenje prirodnih resursa u Podunavlju – primer Kostolačkog ugljenog basena
T1  - Sustainable Use of Natural Resources in Danube Region – The Example of Kostolac Coal Basin
IS  - 73
SP  - 337
EP  - 368
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Maričić, Tamara and Jokić, Vesna",
year = "2014",
abstract = "Apstrakt: Na području Kostolačkog ugljenog basena već više od pola veka obavlja se obimna eksploatacija lignitskog ležišta, a poslednjih 15 - 20 godina i eksploatacija nafte i gasa u neposrednoj blizini akvatorije Dunava. Obimna eksploatacija mineralnih sirovina ima značajne uticaje na privredni i socijalni razvoj područja, uslove korišćenja drugih resursa, prostorni razvoj i degradaciju životne sredine. U radu je analizirana raspoloživost prirodnih resursa na ovom prostoru i mogući konflikti koji nastaju kao posledica eksploatacije ugljenog ležišta i korišćenja drugih prirodnih resursa. U zaključnim razmatranjima ukazuje se na mogući pristup održivom korišćenju prirodnih resursa u velikim ugljenim basenima, a posebno u Kostolačkom basenu. Pritom se poseban značaj pridaje istraživanjima i planiranju u oblasti prostornog razvoja. Rad je zasnovan na studijskoj i dokumentacionoj građi prikupljenoj za potrebe Prostonog plana područja posebne namene Kostolačkog lignitskog basena., Abstrakt: For more than half a century lignite coal is being exploited in Kolubara mining region, while in the last 15 - 20 years oil and natural gas have been also exploited near the Danube river. Extensive exploitation of mineral resources created significant impacts on economic and social regional development, on the conditions of utilising other natural resources, spatial development and environmental degradation. The paper analyses availability of natural resources in this region, as well as possible conflicts arising as the consequence of coal exploitation, as well as utilisation of other natural resources. The concluding remarks point out at possible approach to sustainable use of natural resources in big mining basins, and especially in Kostolac basin. The special attention is given to research and planning in the area of spatial development. The paper is based on study material and documentation collected for compilation of the Spatial Plan of Special Purpose Area of Kostolac Lignite Basin.",
publisher = "Beograd : Institut za arhitekturu i urbanizam Srbije",
journal = "Održivi prostorni razvoj Podunavlja u Srbiji - Knjiga 2",
booktitle = "Održivo korišćenje prirodnih resursa u Podunavlju – primer Kostolačkog ugljenog basena, Sustainable Use of Natural Resources in Danube Region – The Example of Kostolac Coal Basin",
number = "73",
pages = "337-368",
url = ""
Maričić, T.,& Jokić, V.. (2014). Održivo korišćenje prirodnih resursa u Podunavlju – primer Kostolačkog ugljenog basena. in Održivi prostorni razvoj Podunavlja u Srbiji - Knjiga 2
Beograd : Institut za arhitekturu i urbanizam Srbije.(73), 337-368.
Maričić T, Jokić V. Održivo korišćenje prirodnih resursa u Podunavlju – primer Kostolačkog ugljenog basena. in Održivi prostorni razvoj Podunavlja u Srbiji - Knjiga 2. 2014;(73):337-368. .
Maričić, Tamara, Jokić, Vesna, "Održivo korišćenje prirodnih resursa u Podunavlju – primer Kostolačkog ugljenog basena" in Održivi prostorni razvoj Podunavlja u Srbiji - Knjiga 2, no. 73 (2014):337-368, .

Pravilo "reda veličine" naselja u Srbiji – prilog za ocenu policentričnosti prostornog razvoja

Dželebdžić, Omiljena; Jokić, Vesna

(Beograd : Institut za arhitekturu i urbanizam Srbije, 2014)

AU  - Dželebdžić, Omiljena
AU  - Jokić, Vesna
PY  - 2014
UR  -
AB  - Pravilo "reda veličine" naselja u Srbiji  – prilog za ocenu policentričnosti prostornog razvoja / 
Apstrakt: Pravilo „reda veličine” ukazuje da je demografska veličina svakog urbanog centra neke teritorije determinisana veličinom najvećeg grada i rangom tog centra unutar skupa svih gradova posmatrane teritorije. Ovim radom se ispituje da li ovo pravilo postoji i u distribuciji zaposlenih i investicija u naseljskom sistemu. Rezultati treba da pruže uvid u stepen dominacije glavnog grada ili više gradova, zastupljenost malih i srednjih gradova ili uravnoteženost urbanog sistema zemlje. Cilj rada je da pokaže da li tendencije u razvoju urbane mreže na nacionalnom nivou vode ka policentričnom sistemu gradova, što se smatra jednim od prioriteta prostornog razvoja.
AB  - A Rank Size Rule in Urban System in Serbia – Contribution to the Discussion of Polycentricity /
Abstract: The  rank-size rule shows that the size of the urban centre of a territory is determined by the population size of the largest city and rank of each ciiy within the set of all cities at a certain territory. This paper examines whether this rule exists in the distribution of employment and investment in the settlement system. The results should provide insight of rank-size distributions of city sizes, from city-primate, or more cities, representation of small and medium-sized cities, as well as the balance of urban system of the country. The aim of this paper is to show whether tendencies in the development of the urban network at national level leading to a polycentric system of cities, which is considered one of the priorities of spatial development.
PB  - Beograd : Institut za arhitekturu i urbanizam Srbije
T2  - Obnova strateškog prostornog mišljenja, istraživanja i upravljanja u Srbiji - knjiga 2
T1  - Pravilo "reda veličine" naselja u Srbiji – prilog za ocenu policentričnosti prostornog razvoja
T1  - A Rank Size Rule in Urban System in Serbia – Contribution to the Discussion of Polycentricity
SP  - 138
EP  - 154
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Dželebdžić, Omiljena and Jokić, Vesna",
year = "2014",
abstract = "Pravilo "reda veličine" naselja u Srbiji  – prilog za ocenu policentričnosti prostornog razvoja / 
Apstrakt: Pravilo „reda veličine” ukazuje da je demografska veličina svakog urbanog centra neke teritorije determinisana veličinom najvećeg grada i rangom tog centra unutar skupa svih gradova posmatrane teritorije. Ovim radom se ispituje da li ovo pravilo postoji i u distribuciji zaposlenih i investicija u naseljskom sistemu. Rezultati treba da pruže uvid u stepen dominacije glavnog grada ili više gradova, zastupljenost malih i srednjih gradova ili uravnoteženost urbanog sistema zemlje. Cilj rada je da pokaže da li tendencije u razvoju urbane mreže na nacionalnom nivou vode ka policentričnom sistemu gradova, što se smatra jednim od prioriteta prostornog razvoja., A Rank Size Rule in Urban System in Serbia – Contribution to the Discussion of Polycentricity /
Abstract: The  rank-size rule shows that the size of the urban centre of a territory is determined by the population size of the largest city and rank of each ciiy within the set of all cities at a certain territory. This paper examines whether this rule exists in the distribution of employment and investment in the settlement system. The results should provide insight of rank-size distributions of city sizes, from city-primate, or more cities, representation of small and medium-sized cities, as well as the balance of urban system of the country. The aim of this paper is to show whether tendencies in the development of the urban network at national level leading to a polycentric system of cities, which is considered one of the priorities of spatial development.",
publisher = "Beograd : Institut za arhitekturu i urbanizam Srbije",
journal = "Obnova strateškog prostornog mišljenja, istraživanja i upravljanja u Srbiji - knjiga 2",
booktitle = "Pravilo "reda veličine" naselja u Srbiji – prilog za ocenu policentričnosti prostornog razvoja, A Rank Size Rule in Urban System in Serbia – Contribution to the Discussion of Polycentricity",
pages = "138-154",
url = ""
Dželebdžić, O.,& Jokić, V.. (2014). Pravilo "reda veličine" naselja u Srbiji – prilog za ocenu policentričnosti prostornog razvoja. in Obnova strateškog prostornog mišljenja, istraživanja i upravljanja u Srbiji - knjiga 2
Beograd : Institut za arhitekturu i urbanizam Srbije., 138-154.
Dželebdžić O, Jokić V. Pravilo "reda veličine" naselja u Srbiji – prilog za ocenu policentričnosti prostornog razvoja. in Obnova strateškog prostornog mišljenja, istraživanja i upravljanja u Srbiji - knjiga 2. 2014;:138-154. .
Dželebdžić, Omiljena, Jokić, Vesna, "Pravilo "reda veličine" naselja u Srbiji – prilog za ocenu policentričnosti prostornog razvoja" in Obnova strateškog prostornog mišljenja, istraživanja i upravljanja u Srbiji - knjiga 2 (2014):138-154, .

Spatial distribution and age structure of population as the limiting factor for (balanced) development of Serbia

Jokić, Vesna

(Institute of Architecture and Urban and Spatial Planning of Serbia, 2013)

AU  - Jokić, Vesna
PY  - 2013
UR  -
AB  - The population (human resources) is the bearer of economic and social development. The demographic development is shaped by natural (birth and death) and by migration components (immigration/emigration); when is presented by changes in the number and structures of the population, it can be stimulating, slowing down or can be a limitation for economic, social and spatial development. Demographic changes in Serbia in the first decade of the 21st century are a continuation of the negative tendencies which began in the last decade of the 20th century, substantially fuelled initiated by political and socioeconomic processes. In the last decade, the changes were more intensive and demographic development was marked by extremely depopulation, weakening of demographic potential and aging population. This has resulted in an increase disparity in the territorial distribution of the population (drastically discharge of rural and undeveloped areas). The aim of this research is to analyze the demographic changes in Serbia in the last intercensal period, spatial distribution and age structure of the population as a factor of development / constraints of balanced development.
AB  - Stanovništvo, (ljudski resursi) nosioci su ekonomskog i socijalnog razvoja. Demografski razvoj oblikovan prirodnom (rađanje i umiranje) i mehaničkom komponentom (doseljavanje/ odseljavanje), a predstavljen promenama u broju i strukturama stanovništva može da stimuliše, usporava ili bude ograničenje ekonomskog, socijalnog i ukupnog prostornog razvoja. Demografske promene u Srbiji u prvoj deceniji 21. veka predstavljaju nastavak negativnih tendecija započetih u poslednjoj deceniji 20. veka, značajno podstaknutih političkim i društveno-ekonomskim procesima. U poslednjoj deceniji promene su bile intenzivnije, demografski razvoj su obeležile izrazita depopulacija, slabljenje demografskih potencijala i starenje stanovništva. Ovo je za posledicu imalo i povećanje neravnomernosti u teritorijalnom razmeštaju stanovništva (drastično pražnjenje seoskih i nerazvijenih područja). Cilj ovog istraživanja je analiza demografskih promena u Srbiji u poslednjem međupopisnom periodu, prostornog razmeštaja i starosne strukture stanovništva kao faktora razvoja, odnosno ograničenja ravnomernog razvoja.
PB  - Institute of Architecture and Urban and Spatial Planning of Serbia
T2  - Arhitektura i urbanizam
T1  - Spatial distribution and age structure of population as the limiting factor for (balanced) development of Serbia
T1  - Prostorni razmeštaj i starosna struktura stanovništva kao faktor ograničenja (ravnomernog) razvoja Srbije
IS  - 38
SP  - 17
EP  - 32
DO  - 10.5937/a-u38-5334
ER  - 
author = "Jokić, Vesna",
year = "2013",
abstract = "The population (human resources) is the bearer of economic and social development. The demographic development is shaped by natural (birth and death) and by migration components (immigration/emigration); when is presented by changes in the number and structures of the population, it can be stimulating, slowing down or can be a limitation for economic, social and spatial development. Demographic changes in Serbia in the first decade of the 21st century are a continuation of the negative tendencies which began in the last decade of the 20th century, substantially fuelled initiated by political and socioeconomic processes. In the last decade, the changes were more intensive and demographic development was marked by extremely depopulation, weakening of demographic potential and aging population. This has resulted in an increase disparity in the territorial distribution of the population (drastically discharge of rural and undeveloped areas). The aim of this research is to analyze the demographic changes in Serbia in the last intercensal period, spatial distribution and age structure of the population as a factor of development / constraints of balanced development., Stanovništvo, (ljudski resursi) nosioci su ekonomskog i socijalnog razvoja. Demografski razvoj oblikovan prirodnom (rađanje i umiranje) i mehaničkom komponentom (doseljavanje/ odseljavanje), a predstavljen promenama u broju i strukturama stanovništva može da stimuliše, usporava ili bude ograničenje ekonomskog, socijalnog i ukupnog prostornog razvoja. Demografske promene u Srbiji u prvoj deceniji 21. veka predstavljaju nastavak negativnih tendecija započetih u poslednjoj deceniji 20. veka, značajno podstaknutih političkim i društveno-ekonomskim procesima. U poslednjoj deceniji promene su bile intenzivnije, demografski razvoj su obeležile izrazita depopulacija, slabljenje demografskih potencijala i starenje stanovništva. Ovo je za posledicu imalo i povećanje neravnomernosti u teritorijalnom razmeštaju stanovništva (drastično pražnjenje seoskih i nerazvijenih područja). Cilj ovog istraživanja je analiza demografskih promena u Srbiji u poslednjem međupopisnom periodu, prostornog razmeštaja i starosne strukture stanovništva kao faktora razvoja, odnosno ograničenja ravnomernog razvoja.",
publisher = "Institute of Architecture and Urban and Spatial Planning of Serbia",
journal = "Arhitektura i urbanizam",
title = "Spatial distribution and age structure of population as the limiting factor for (balanced) development of Serbia, Prostorni razmeštaj i starosna struktura stanovništva kao faktor ograničenja (ravnomernog) razvoja Srbije",
number = "38",
pages = "17-32",
doi = "10.5937/a-u38-5334"
Jokić, V.. (2013). Spatial distribution and age structure of population as the limiting factor for (balanced) development of Serbia. in Arhitektura i urbanizam
Institute of Architecture and Urban and Spatial Planning of Serbia.(38), 17-32.
Jokić V. Spatial distribution and age structure of population as the limiting factor for (balanced) development of Serbia. in Arhitektura i urbanizam. 2013;(38):17-32.
doi:10.5937/a-u38-5334 .
Jokić, Vesna, "Spatial distribution and age structure of population as the limiting factor for (balanced) development of Serbia" in Arhitektura i urbanizam, no. 38 (2013):17-32, . .

Teritorijalna/prostorna dimenzija socijalne isključenosti

Jokić, Vesna; Petovar, Ksenija

(Beograd : Institut za arhitekturu i urbanizam Srbije, 2011)

AU  - Jokić, Vesna
AU  - Petovar, Ksenija
PY  - 2011
UR  -
AB  - Apstrakt: Tema socijalnog razvoja u poslednjoj deceniji 20. veka postaje sve aktuelnija. Naime, opšteprihvacena formula intenzivnog ekonomskog rasta koji će po automatizmu obezbedivati socijalno blagostanje, prouzrokovala je brojne negativne posledice. Povecanje ekonomskih i socijalnih nejednakosti, redukcija socijalnih prava kao i opadanje kvaliteta socijalnih usluga dovelo je znacajan broj gradana u zamku siromaštva I iskljucenosti iz opštih društvenih tokova. Jaz izmedu bogatih i siromašnih širi se i produbljuje, povecava se razlika izmedu gradskih i seoskih podrucja, izmedu i unutar regija, govori se o društvu s dve brzine (two-speed society). U takvim okolnostima, tema socijalnog razvoja sve više se stavlja na dnevni red. Socijalni razvoj se s razlogom definiše kao integralni faktor održivog ekonomskog razvoja. Bez socijalnog razvoja nije moguce jacati socijalnu koheziju koja je postavljena kao jedan od strateških ciljeva i koa temelj stabilnog razvoja evropskog društva. Jedan od pristupa u unaparedenju socijalnog razvoja je borba protiv siromaštva i socijalne iskljucenosti, odnosno jacanje procesa socijalne ukljucenosti, koji su prihvaceni kao kljucni element daljeg razvoja evropskog socijalnog modela. 
Prostorna distribucija indikatora socijalne iskljucenosti pokazuje da je dostupnost usluga od javnog interesa jedan od osnovnih činilaca društvene nejednakosti i generiranja obima socijalne iskljucenosti.
AB  - Abstract: Theme of social development in the last decade of the 20th century is becoming increasingly topical. The generally accepted formula of intensive economic growth that will automatically provide social welfare, has caused many negative consequences. Increasing economic and social inequality, reduction of social rights, as well as the decline in the quality of social services has resulted in a significant number of people in poverty and exclusion from the general social trends. The gap between rich and poor is wider and deeper, increasing the difference between urban and rural areas, between and within regions, discusses a two-speed society. In such circumstances, the theme of social development is increasingly placed on the agenda. Social development is rightly defined as an integral factor in sustainable economic development. Without social development is not possible to strengthen the social cohesion that is set as one of the strategic objectives and the basis of stable development of European society. One approach to its improvement in social development is the struggle against poverty and social exclusion and strengthening social inclusion process, which were accepted as a key element for further development of the European social model.
Spatial distribution of indicators of social exclusion shows that the availability of services of public interest is one of the main factors of social inequality and generating volume social exclusion.
PB  - Beograd : Institut za arhitekturu i urbanizam Srbije
T2  - Održivi prostorni razvoj Podunavlja u Srbiji - Knjiga 1
T1  - Teritorijalna/prostorna dimenzija socijalne isključenosti
T1  - Territory/Spatial Dimension of Social Exclusion
IS  - 68
SP  - 127
EP  - 149
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Jokić, Vesna and Petovar, Ksenija",
year = "2011",
abstract = "Apstrakt: Tema socijalnog razvoja u poslednjoj deceniji 20. veka postaje sve aktuelnija. Naime, opšteprihvacena formula intenzivnog ekonomskog rasta koji će po automatizmu obezbedivati socijalno blagostanje, prouzrokovala je brojne negativne posledice. Povecanje ekonomskih i socijalnih nejednakosti, redukcija socijalnih prava kao i opadanje kvaliteta socijalnih usluga dovelo je znacajan broj gradana u zamku siromaštva I iskljucenosti iz opštih društvenih tokova. Jaz izmedu bogatih i siromašnih širi se i produbljuje, povecava se razlika izmedu gradskih i seoskih podrucja, izmedu i unutar regija, govori se o društvu s dve brzine (two-speed society). U takvim okolnostima, tema socijalnog razvoja sve više se stavlja na dnevni red. Socijalni razvoj se s razlogom definiše kao integralni faktor održivog ekonomskog razvoja. Bez socijalnog razvoja nije moguce jacati socijalnu koheziju koja je postavljena kao jedan od strateških ciljeva i koa temelj stabilnog razvoja evropskog društva. Jedan od pristupa u unaparedenju socijalnog razvoja je borba protiv siromaštva i socijalne iskljucenosti, odnosno jacanje procesa socijalne ukljucenosti, koji su prihvaceni kao kljucni element daljeg razvoja evropskog socijalnog modela. 
Prostorna distribucija indikatora socijalne iskljucenosti pokazuje da je dostupnost usluga od javnog interesa jedan od osnovnih činilaca društvene nejednakosti i generiranja obima socijalne iskljucenosti., Abstract: Theme of social development in the last decade of the 20th century is becoming increasingly topical. The generally accepted formula of intensive economic growth that will automatically provide social welfare, has caused many negative consequences. Increasing economic and social inequality, reduction of social rights, as well as the decline in the quality of social services has resulted in a significant number of people in poverty and exclusion from the general social trends. The gap between rich and poor is wider and deeper, increasing the difference between urban and rural areas, between and within regions, discusses a two-speed society. In such circumstances, the theme of social development is increasingly placed on the agenda. Social development is rightly defined as an integral factor in sustainable economic development. Without social development is not possible to strengthen the social cohesion that is set as one of the strategic objectives and the basis of stable development of European society. One approach to its improvement in social development is the struggle against poverty and social exclusion and strengthening social inclusion process, which were accepted as a key element for further development of the European social model.
Spatial distribution of indicators of social exclusion shows that the availability of services of public interest is one of the main factors of social inequality and generating volume social exclusion.",
publisher = "Beograd : Institut za arhitekturu i urbanizam Srbije",
journal = "Održivi prostorni razvoj Podunavlja u Srbiji - Knjiga 1",
booktitle = "Teritorijalna/prostorna dimenzija socijalne isključenosti, Territory/Spatial Dimension of Social Exclusion",
number = "68",
pages = "127-149",
url = ""
Jokić, V.,& Petovar, K.. (2011). Teritorijalna/prostorna dimenzija socijalne isključenosti. in Održivi prostorni razvoj Podunavlja u Srbiji - Knjiga 1
Beograd : Institut za arhitekturu i urbanizam Srbije.(68), 127-149.
Jokić V, Petovar K. Teritorijalna/prostorna dimenzija socijalne isključenosti. in Održivi prostorni razvoj Podunavlja u Srbiji - Knjiga 1. 2011;(68):127-149. .
Jokić, Vesna, Petovar, Ksenija, "Teritorijalna/prostorna dimenzija socijalne isključenosti" in Održivi prostorni razvoj Podunavlja u Srbiji - Knjiga 1, no. 68 (2011):127-149, .

The right of servitude between public interest and undisturbed use of private property

Petovar, Ksenija; Jokić, Vesna

(Institute of Architecture, Urban & Spatial Planning of Serbia, 2011)

AU  - Petovar, Ksenija
AU  - Jokić, Vesna
PY  - 2011
UR  -
AB  - For obtaining the land in order to build the magistral pipeline a specific form of land expropriation is applied, namely the Right of servitude. The Right of servitude can be realized on the basis of established public interest, which can be defined according to the spatial plan of the relevant area. The Right of servitude is analyzed from the point of its influence on the respect of basic human rights of property owners to enjoy their property in safety and without disturbance. Current legal framework in Serbia that regulates procedures for acquiring land for the purpose of public interest allows for breach of private property rights. There is a mutual inconsistency between a number of decrees that regulate property rights for large infrastructural development projects. A specific, and possibly a greater problem, is the status of the local population, the land owner and other real estate. It concerns their awareness of their private and individual rights, as well as technical and other legal standards, which must be applied during the preparation, construction and working stages of an energy facility. Applying the Right of servitude as a way to acquire land for construction of the Pipeline, there is direct breach of the basic human right as stated in the first Protocol of the European Convention on Human Rights, namely that 'every natural or legal person is entitled to the peaceful enjoyment of his possessions' (Article 1, Protocol 1). The Right of servitude allows the investor to use 'public interest' as a way of gaining access to another's land, and under better financial conditions than if he were to apply permanent expropriation. While the owner retains his/her ownership of the land, inconvenienced by numerous limitations of its use, usability and market value of the land becomes substantially reduced.
PB  - Institute of Architecture, Urban & Spatial Planning of Serbia
T2  - Spatium
T1  - The right of servitude between public interest and undisturbed use of private property
IS  - 26
SP  - 7
EP  - 13
DO  - 10.2298/SPAT1126007P
ER  - 
author = "Petovar, Ksenija and Jokić, Vesna",
year = "2011",
abstract = "For obtaining the land in order to build the magistral pipeline a specific form of land expropriation is applied, namely the Right of servitude. The Right of servitude can be realized on the basis of established public interest, which can be defined according to the spatial plan of the relevant area. The Right of servitude is analyzed from the point of its influence on the respect of basic human rights of property owners to enjoy their property in safety and without disturbance. Current legal framework in Serbia that regulates procedures for acquiring land for the purpose of public interest allows for breach of private property rights. There is a mutual inconsistency between a number of decrees that regulate property rights for large infrastructural development projects. A specific, and possibly a greater problem, is the status of the local population, the land owner and other real estate. It concerns their awareness of their private and individual rights, as well as technical and other legal standards, which must be applied during the preparation, construction and working stages of an energy facility. Applying the Right of servitude as a way to acquire land for construction of the Pipeline, there is direct breach of the basic human right as stated in the first Protocol of the European Convention on Human Rights, namely that 'every natural or legal person is entitled to the peaceful enjoyment of his possessions' (Article 1, Protocol 1). The Right of servitude allows the investor to use 'public interest' as a way of gaining access to another's land, and under better financial conditions than if he were to apply permanent expropriation. While the owner retains his/her ownership of the land, inconvenienced by numerous limitations of its use, usability and market value of the land becomes substantially reduced.",
publisher = "Institute of Architecture, Urban & Spatial Planning of Serbia",
journal = "Spatium",
title = "The right of servitude between public interest and undisturbed use of private property",
number = "26",
pages = "7-13",
doi = "10.2298/SPAT1126007P"
Petovar, K.,& Jokić, V.. (2011). The right of servitude between public interest and undisturbed use of private property. in Spatium
Institute of Architecture, Urban & Spatial Planning of Serbia.(26), 7-13.
Petovar K, Jokić V. The right of servitude between public interest and undisturbed use of private property. in Spatium. 2011;(26):7-13.
doi:10.2298/SPAT1126007P .
Petovar, Ksenija, Jokić, Vesna, "The right of servitude between public interest and undisturbed use of private property" in Spatium, no. 26 (2011):7-13, . .

Koncept informacionog sistema za potrebe planiranja na području lignitskih basena

Jokić, Vesna; Mirjanić, Zoran

(Beograd : Institut za arhitekturu i urbanizam Srbije, 2010)

AU  - Jokić, Vesna
AU  - Mirjanić, Zoran
PY  - 2010
UR  -
AB  - Abstract: Efficient management of spatial development within the available normative framework and institutional organization, includes a coordinated participation of a large number of stakeholders, fundamental knowledge of all important spatial features, and the existence of a developed information base (database and system of indicators). Spatial Information system is a basic instrument for monitoring the spatial conditions, development tendencies, management and conduction of appropriate actions. In order to respond to these requirements, the spatial information system should be integrated with other sectoral information systems and databases at the national, regional and local level.
Areas which are featured by extensive lignite exploitation, have been characterised by significant structural changes in spatial development, which are manifested in terms of the use of space (large land encompass - a permanent change in land-use), socio-economic transformations, concentration of activities and jobs, transformation in the network of settlements, environmental impacts (degradation of natural resources, ecosystem change, pollution of the air, water, soil, etc.). Dynamic changes in the lignite basins which are caused by the development of mining and related/supporting functions may be directed according to development of a dynamic and continuous planning process and research. In that sense, information system for the purposes of planning and management of development, should be adapted to dynamic changes in the basin, as well as to the dynamics of planning, research, programming, design and control of development and regeneration of the area. Formation of an information system for lignite basin creates a common framework for the development, implementation and monitoring of spatial and urban development plans and implementation of mining - energy plans / programs and investment- technical documentation.
The paper gives an overview of the spatial information system, sectoral coordination and synchronization of activities, as well as the concept of an information system for planning in the lignite basins.
PB  - Beograd : Institut za arhitekturu i urbanizam Srbije
T2  - Prostroni, socijalni i ekološki aspekti održivofg razvoja u velikim ugljenim basenima
T1  - Koncept informacionog sistema za potrebe planiranja na području lignitskih  basena
T1  - The Concept of Information System for Planning in the Lignite Basins
IS  - 61
SP  - 203
EP  - 222
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Jokić, Vesna and Mirjanić, Zoran",
year = "2010",
abstract = "Abstract: Efficient management of spatial development within the available normative framework and institutional organization, includes a coordinated participation of a large number of stakeholders, fundamental knowledge of all important spatial features, and the existence of a developed information base (database and system of indicators). Spatial Information system is a basic instrument for monitoring the spatial conditions, development tendencies, management and conduction of appropriate actions. In order to respond to these requirements, the spatial information system should be integrated with other sectoral information systems and databases at the national, regional and local level.
Areas which are featured by extensive lignite exploitation, have been characterised by significant structural changes in spatial development, which are manifested in terms of the use of space (large land encompass - a permanent change in land-use), socio-economic transformations, concentration of activities and jobs, transformation in the network of settlements, environmental impacts (degradation of natural resources, ecosystem change, pollution of the air, water, soil, etc.). Dynamic changes in the lignite basins which are caused by the development of mining and related/supporting functions may be directed according to development of a dynamic and continuous planning process and research. In that sense, information system for the purposes of planning and management of development, should be adapted to dynamic changes in the basin, as well as to the dynamics of planning, research, programming, design and control of development and regeneration of the area. Formation of an information system for lignite basin creates a common framework for the development, implementation and monitoring of spatial and urban development plans and implementation of mining - energy plans / programs and investment- technical documentation.
The paper gives an overview of the spatial information system, sectoral coordination and synchronization of activities, as well as the concept of an information system for planning in the lignite basins.",
publisher = "Beograd : Institut za arhitekturu i urbanizam Srbije",
journal = "Prostroni, socijalni i ekološki aspekti održivofg razvoja u velikim ugljenim basenima",
booktitle = "Koncept informacionog sistema za potrebe planiranja na području lignitskih  basena, The Concept of Information System for Planning in the Lignite Basins",
number = "61",
pages = "203-222",
url = ""
Jokić, V.,& Mirjanić, Z.. (2010). Koncept informacionog sistema za potrebe planiranja na području lignitskih  basena. in Prostroni, socijalni i ekološki aspekti održivofg razvoja u velikim ugljenim basenima
Beograd : Institut za arhitekturu i urbanizam Srbije.(61), 203-222.
Jokić V, Mirjanić Z. Koncept informacionog sistema za potrebe planiranja na području lignitskih  basena. in Prostroni, socijalni i ekološki aspekti održivofg razvoja u velikim ugljenim basenima. 2010;(61):203-222. .
Jokić, Vesna, Mirjanić, Zoran, "Koncept informacionog sistema za potrebe planiranja na području lignitskih  basena" in Prostroni, socijalni i ekološki aspekti održivofg razvoja u velikim ugljenim basenima, no. 61 (2010):203-222, .

Procena uticaja na socijalni razvoj u projektima otvaranja i širenja površinskih kopova

Jokić, Vesna; Petovar, Ksenija

(Beograd : Institut za arhitekturu i urbanizam Srbije, 2010)

AU  - Jokić, Vesna
AU  - Petovar, Ksenija
PY  - 2010
UR  -
AB  - Abstract: There are numerous definitions and interpretations of what is the purpose and subject of SIA (Social Impact Assessment). A number of common determinants occur in various definitions. SIA examines the social changes that are likely to arise as a direct or indirect result of planned interventions (plans, programs, policies). In fact, SIA is a process aimed at understanding, managing and controlling the changes. The initiation of SIA application is linked to development of economic and infrastructural systems, i.e. zones in which intensive changes in social space have taken the place. There is an increased interest in SIA, and it has been applied not only in development of certain activities (large economic systems, construction of public facilities, etc.), but even more so in the implementation of programs and policies. SIA is generally associated with the five types of changes: • Demographic • Economic • Health and welfare • Environmental • Institutional changes. SIA has become a binding activity in the World Bank funded projects. In Serbia, neither the current Law on planning and construction nor the Law on expropriation would require the preparation of SIA.
During development of several spatial plans in Serbia for the areas in which the population and village displacement has been planned, only the segments of SEA methodology as it is commonly performed have been included in the analyses and programs.
The paper will show SIA development, framework and principles, as well as some results of its application in the projects of mining activity – for surface exploitation of raw mineral resources.
PB  - Beograd : Institut za arhitekturu i urbanizam Srbije
T2  - Prostroni, socijalni i ekološki aspekti održivofg razvoja u velikim ugljenim basenima
T1  - Procena uticaja na socijalni razvoj u projektima otvaranja i širenja površinskih kopova
T1  - Social Impact Assessment in the Projects for Opening and Expansion of Surface Mines
IS  - 61
SP  - 69
EP  - 84
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Jokić, Vesna and Petovar, Ksenija",
year = "2010",
abstract = "Abstract: There are numerous definitions and interpretations of what is the purpose and subject of SIA (Social Impact Assessment). A number of common determinants occur in various definitions. SIA examines the social changes that are likely to arise as a direct or indirect result of planned interventions (plans, programs, policies). In fact, SIA is a process aimed at understanding, managing and controlling the changes. The initiation of SIA application is linked to development of economic and infrastructural systems, i.e. zones in which intensive changes in social space have taken the place. There is an increased interest in SIA, and it has been applied not only in development of certain activities (large economic systems, construction of public facilities, etc.), but even more so in the implementation of programs and policies. SIA is generally associated with the five types of changes: • Demographic • Economic • Health and welfare • Environmental • Institutional changes. SIA has become a binding activity in the World Bank funded projects. In Serbia, neither the current Law on planning and construction nor the Law on expropriation would require the preparation of SIA.
During development of several spatial plans in Serbia for the areas in which the population and village displacement has been planned, only the segments of SEA methodology as it is commonly performed have been included in the analyses and programs.
The paper will show SIA development, framework and principles, as well as some results of its application in the projects of mining activity – for surface exploitation of raw mineral resources.",
publisher = "Beograd : Institut za arhitekturu i urbanizam Srbije",
journal = "Prostroni, socijalni i ekološki aspekti održivofg razvoja u velikim ugljenim basenima",
booktitle = "Procena uticaja na socijalni razvoj u projektima otvaranja i širenja površinskih kopova, Social Impact Assessment in the Projects for Opening and Expansion of Surface Mines",
number = "61",
pages = "69-84",
url = ""
Jokić, V.,& Petovar, K.. (2010). Procena uticaja na socijalni razvoj u projektima otvaranja i širenja površinskih kopova. in Prostroni, socijalni i ekološki aspekti održivofg razvoja u velikim ugljenim basenima
Beograd : Institut za arhitekturu i urbanizam Srbije.(61), 69-84.
Jokić V, Petovar K. Procena uticaja na socijalni razvoj u projektima otvaranja i širenja površinskih kopova. in Prostroni, socijalni i ekološki aspekti održivofg razvoja u velikim ugljenim basenima. 2010;(61):69-84. .
Jokić, Vesna, Petovar, Ksenija, "Procena uticaja na socijalni razvoj u projektima otvaranja i širenja površinskih kopova" in Prostroni, socijalni i ekološki aspekti održivofg razvoja u velikim ugljenim basenima, no. 61 (2010):69-84, .

Polazišta, kriterijumi i rezultati rekultivacije prostora degradiranog površinskom eksploatacijom uglja u Poljskoj

Nikolić, Marija; Jokić, Vesna

(Beograd, Institut za arhitekturu i urbanizam Srbije, 2010)

AU  - Nikolić, Marija
AU  - Jokić, Vesna
PY  - 2010
UR  -
AB  - Abstract: Starting with a review of brown coal exploitation capacities in Poland, firstly it was pointed out to limitations on further development of the mining-energy complex, which derive from its multiple adverse impacts on the environment, among which the CO2 emissions as well as the slowdown in financing the geological explorations have presently been given the key importance. Successful dealing with other ecological issues, which in Poland have been linked to surface overburden in coal mines, has been greatly influenced by a consistent law regulation on recultivation of degraded areas. In addition, some conceptual postulates on recultivation are addressed here since in the last half a century they have evolved from the attempts to bring a degraded soil back to previously dominant agricultural use into alternative ways for adaptation of the post-mining landscapes according to the socioeconomic needs, natural limitations, and technical and technology potentials at the location. In such context, there have been brought forward the criteria and indicators which have been lately applied in the selection process of the best recultivation use, and which involve public participation. Concluding remarks point to the instructive role of polish recultivation experience for dealing with a number of spatial development problems which may occur in the great mining basins of Serbia.
PB  - Beograd, Institut za arhitekturu i urbanizam Srbije
PB  - Beograd : Institut za arhitekturu i urbanizam Srbije
T2  - Prostroni, socijalni i ekološki aspekti održivofg razvoja u velikim ugljenim basenima
T1  - Polazišta, kriterijumi i rezultati rekultivacije prostora degradiranog površinskom eksploatacijom uglja u Poljskoj
T1  - Standpoints, Criteria and Results of Recultivation in the Area Degraded by Surface Exploitation of Coal in Poland
IS  - 61
SP  - 177
EP  - 202
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Nikolić, Marija and Jokić, Vesna",
year = "2010",
abstract = "Abstract: Starting with a review of brown coal exploitation capacities in Poland, firstly it was pointed out to limitations on further development of the mining-energy complex, which derive from its multiple adverse impacts on the environment, among which the CO2 emissions as well as the slowdown in financing the geological explorations have presently been given the key importance. Successful dealing with other ecological issues, which in Poland have been linked to surface overburden in coal mines, has been greatly influenced by a consistent law regulation on recultivation of degraded areas. In addition, some conceptual postulates on recultivation are addressed here since in the last half a century they have evolved from the attempts to bring a degraded soil back to previously dominant agricultural use into alternative ways for adaptation of the post-mining landscapes according to the socioeconomic needs, natural limitations, and technical and technology potentials at the location. In such context, there have been brought forward the criteria and indicators which have been lately applied in the selection process of the best recultivation use, and which involve public participation. Concluding remarks point to the instructive role of polish recultivation experience for dealing with a number of spatial development problems which may occur in the great mining basins of Serbia.",
publisher = "Beograd, Institut za arhitekturu i urbanizam Srbije, Beograd : Institut za arhitekturu i urbanizam Srbije",
journal = "Prostroni, socijalni i ekološki aspekti održivofg razvoja u velikim ugljenim basenima",
booktitle = "Polazišta, kriterijumi i rezultati rekultivacije prostora degradiranog površinskom eksploatacijom uglja u Poljskoj, Standpoints, Criteria and Results of Recultivation in the Area Degraded by Surface Exploitation of Coal in Poland",
number = "61",
pages = "177-202",
url = ""
Nikolić, M.,& Jokić, V.. (2010). Polazišta, kriterijumi i rezultati rekultivacije prostora degradiranog površinskom eksploatacijom uglja u Poljskoj. in Prostroni, socijalni i ekološki aspekti održivofg razvoja u velikim ugljenim basenima
Beograd, Institut za arhitekturu i urbanizam Srbije.(61), 177-202.
Nikolić M, Jokić V. Polazišta, kriterijumi i rezultati rekultivacije prostora degradiranog površinskom eksploatacijom uglja u Poljskoj. in Prostroni, socijalni i ekološki aspekti održivofg razvoja u velikim ugljenim basenima. 2010;(61):177-202. .
Nikolić, Marija, Jokić, Vesna, "Polazišta, kriterijumi i rezultati rekultivacije prostora degradiranog površinskom eksploatacijom uglja u Poljskoj" in Prostroni, socijalni i ekološki aspekti održivofg razvoja u velikim ugljenim basenima, no. 61 (2010):177-202, .

Managing spatial development in zones undergoing major structural changes

Spasić, Nenad; Jokić, Vesna; Maričić, Tamara

(Institute of Architecture, Urban & Spatial Planning of Serbia, 2009)

AU  - Spasić, Nenad
AU  - Jokić, Vesna
AU  - Maričić, Tamara
PY  - 2009
UR  -
AB  - Paper considers different aspects of spatial development management in the zones characterized by significant spatial interventions, whose consequences are structural changes in usage of space, social and economic development, environmental and ambient quality. Those are, above all, big mining regions, zones of big water accumulations and main infrastructure corridors. Paper deals with normative, institutional and organizational assumptions for managing spatial development, planning approaches, construction and spatial arrangement, searching and structuring data basis and development of information system, system of indicators and monitoring system. Special attention is given to balance and synchronization of activities during compilation of study, planning and technical documentation, as well as procedures of considering and enacting appropriate decisions by competent authorities on national, regional and local level.
PB  - Institute of Architecture, Urban & Spatial Planning of Serbia
T2  - Spatium
T1  - Managing spatial development in zones undergoing major structural changes
IS  - 21
SP  - 53
EP  - 65
DO  - 10.2298/SPAT0921053S
ER  - 
author = "Spasić, Nenad and Jokić, Vesna and Maričić, Tamara",
year = "2009",
abstract = "Paper considers different aspects of spatial development management in the zones characterized by significant spatial interventions, whose consequences are structural changes in usage of space, social and economic development, environmental and ambient quality. Those are, above all, big mining regions, zones of big water accumulations and main infrastructure corridors. Paper deals with normative, institutional and organizational assumptions for managing spatial development, planning approaches, construction and spatial arrangement, searching and structuring data basis and development of information system, system of indicators and monitoring system. Special attention is given to balance and synchronization of activities during compilation of study, planning and technical documentation, as well as procedures of considering and enacting appropriate decisions by competent authorities on national, regional and local level.",
publisher = "Institute of Architecture, Urban & Spatial Planning of Serbia",
journal = "Spatium",
title = "Managing spatial development in zones undergoing major structural changes",
number = "21",
pages = "53-65",
doi = "10.2298/SPAT0921053S"
Spasić, N., Jokić, V.,& Maričić, T.. (2009). Managing spatial development in zones undergoing major structural changes. in Spatium
Institute of Architecture, Urban & Spatial Planning of Serbia.(21), 53-65.
Spasić N, Jokić V, Maričić T. Managing spatial development in zones undergoing major structural changes. in Spatium. 2009;(21):53-65.
doi:10.2298/SPAT0921053S .
Spasić, Nenad, Jokić, Vesna, Maričić, Tamara, "Managing spatial development in zones undergoing major structural changes" in Spatium, no. 21 (2009):53-65, . .

Potentials and limitations of spatial and demographic development in Kosovo-Metohija lignite basin

Spasić, Nenad; Petovar, Ksenija; Jokić, Vesna

(Institute of Architecture, Urban & Spatial Planning of Serbia, 2009)

AU  - Spasić, Nenad
AU  - Petovar, Ksenija
AU  - Jokić, Vesna
PY  - 2009
UR  -
AB  - The initial research carried out for the purpose of elaborating the Spatial Plan for Kosovo-Metohija Lignite Basin indicated the need to address numerous conflicts and opposing interests in the area concerned. This required the Plan to focus on harmonizing the economic, social and spatial aspects of developing a mining-energy-industrial system (hereinafter MEIS) and its surroundings, devising the new ways for the protection of local population interests and use of novel approaches in dealing with the environmental consequences of lignite exploitation and processing. The area wherein Kosovo-Metohija lignite deposits are found is replete with diverse conflicting interests, including insufficient and uneven development, extremely large overall and especially agrarian population density (among the highest in Europe), unemployment and a sizable portion of the grey economy, low level and quality of services of public interest, ethnic conflicts and polarization, etc. The environmental effects of MEIS activities in a situation of this kind were revealed by the early stages of research in all segments of economic, social and spatial development, along with a high degree of environmental degradation. The main conflict in the Plan area is the one between mining and agriculture, i.e. open pit lignite mining and high-fertility soil covering lignite deposits. The conflict is additionally aggravated by the remarkable density of agricultural population on this territory and high selling prices of the land. Therefore, a substantial part of the Plan's propositions was related to the conditions of settlement and infrastructure relocation, population resettlement and measures to relieve the tensions and prevent the outbreak of potential conflicts in implementing the Plan. The Spatial Plan is conceived as a complex and comprehensive document defining the framework, basic principles, starting points and measures tackling the numerous development conflicts, spatial, social and ecological limitations, including the relevant analytical and data bases deriving from field research and surveys. Despite the fact that under the UN SC Resolution 1244, the Autonomous Province of Kosovo and Metohija has been under the jurisdiction of the United Nations since June 1999, we believe that the Draft of the Spatial Plan and the research work done for its purpose are still valid, since to this date there have been no attempts to start the formation of new open pits in Kosovo lignite basin.
PB  - Institute of Architecture, Urban & Spatial Planning of Serbia
T2  - Spatium
T1  - Potentials and limitations of spatial and demographic development in Kosovo-Metohija lignite basin
IS  - 19
SP  - 30
EP  - 50
DO  - 10.2298/SPAT0919030S
ER  - 
author = "Spasić, Nenad and Petovar, Ksenija and Jokić, Vesna",
year = "2009",
abstract = "The initial research carried out for the purpose of elaborating the Spatial Plan for Kosovo-Metohija Lignite Basin indicated the need to address numerous conflicts and opposing interests in the area concerned. This required the Plan to focus on harmonizing the economic, social and spatial aspects of developing a mining-energy-industrial system (hereinafter MEIS) and its surroundings, devising the new ways for the protection of local population interests and use of novel approaches in dealing with the environmental consequences of lignite exploitation and processing. The area wherein Kosovo-Metohija lignite deposits are found is replete with diverse conflicting interests, including insufficient and uneven development, extremely large overall and especially agrarian population density (among the highest in Europe), unemployment and a sizable portion of the grey economy, low level and quality of services of public interest, ethnic conflicts and polarization, etc. The environmental effects of MEIS activities in a situation of this kind were revealed by the early stages of research in all segments of economic, social and spatial development, along with a high degree of environmental degradation. The main conflict in the Plan area is the one between mining and agriculture, i.e. open pit lignite mining and high-fertility soil covering lignite deposits. The conflict is additionally aggravated by the remarkable density of agricultural population on this territory and high selling prices of the land. Therefore, a substantial part of the Plan's propositions was related to the conditions of settlement and infrastructure relocation, population resettlement and measures to relieve the tensions and prevent the outbreak of potential conflicts in implementing the Plan. The Spatial Plan is conceived as a complex and comprehensive document defining the framework, basic principles, starting points and measures tackling the numerous development conflicts, spatial, social and ecological limitations, including the relevant analytical and data bases deriving from field research and surveys. Despite the fact that under the UN SC Resolution 1244, the Autonomous Province of Kosovo and Metohija has been under the jurisdiction of the United Nations since June 1999, we believe that the Draft of the Spatial Plan and the research work done for its purpose are still valid, since to this date there have been no attempts to start the formation of new open pits in Kosovo lignite basin.",
publisher = "Institute of Architecture, Urban & Spatial Planning of Serbia",
journal = "Spatium",
title = "Potentials and limitations of spatial and demographic development in Kosovo-Metohija lignite basin",
number = "19",
pages = "30-50",
doi = "10.2298/SPAT0919030S"
Spasić, N., Petovar, K.,& Jokić, V.. (2009). Potentials and limitations of spatial and demographic development in Kosovo-Metohija lignite basin. in Spatium
Institute of Architecture, Urban & Spatial Planning of Serbia.(19), 30-50.
Spasić N, Petovar K, Jokić V. Potentials and limitations of spatial and demographic development in Kosovo-Metohija lignite basin. in Spatium. 2009;(19):30-50.
doi:10.2298/SPAT0919030S .
Spasić, Nenad, Petovar, Ksenija, Jokić, Vesna, "Potentials and limitations of spatial and demographic development in Kosovo-Metohija lignite basin" in Spatium, no. 19 (2009):30-50, . .

Social exclusion and education

Jokić, Vesna; Petovar, Ksenija

(Institute of Architecture and Urban and Spatial Planning of Serbia, 2009)

AU  - Jokić, Vesna
AU  - Petovar, Ksenija
PY  - 2009
UR  -
AB  - Social exclusion is a process whereby certain individuals are pushed to the edge of society and prevented from participating fully by virtue of their poverty, or lack of basic competencies and lifelong learning opportunities or as a result of discrimination. This distances them from job, income and education opportunities as well as social and community networks and activities. Quality education (conditions and access/accessibility/availability) is one of the factors that significantly influence the reduced social exclusion. In other words, education has is key role key role in ensuring social inclusion (equal opportunities and active social participation). At the same time, education and lifelong learning is established as the basis for achieving the goals of sustainable economic development (economy based on knowledge) and to achieve social cohesion. Quality education is a prerequisite for progress, development and well-being of the community. Conditions and accessibility to education have become priorities of national reforms in most European countries. The subject of this paper is the educational structure of population of Serbia and the accessibility of education. The analysis covers the educational structure with regard to age, gender and type of settlement (city and other/villages settlements).
AB  - Socijalna isključenost je proces u kojem su određeni pojedinci ili grupe gurnute na ivicu društva i sprečeni da u potpunosti učestvuju u društvu, što je posledica njihovog siromaštva, nedostatka osnovne stručnosti (neadekvatnog obrazovanja) i mogućnosti doživotnog učenja, ili je rezultat diskriminacije. Ovo ih udaljava od zaposlenja, prihoda i mogućnosti obrazovanja, kao i od socijalnih mreža i aktivnosti u društvu i zajednici. Kvalitetno obrazovanje (uslovi i pristup/dostupnost) predstavlja jedan od faktora koji značajno utiče na smanjene socijalne isključenosti. Drugim rečima, obrazovanje ima ključnu ulogu u osiguravanju socijalne uključenosti (jednake mogućnosti i aktivno učestvovanje u društvu). Istovremeno, obrazovanje i doživotno učenje je ustanovljeno kao temelj za ostvarivanje ciljeva održivog ekonomskog razvoja (ekonomija zasnovana na znanju) i postizanja socijalne kohezije. Kvalitetno obrazovanje je preduslov za napredovanje, razvoj i blagostanje zajednice. Uslovi i dostupnost obrazovanju postali su prioriteti nacionalnih reformi u većini evropskih zemalja. Predmet ovog rada je obrazovna struktura stanovništva Srbije i dostupnost obrazovanja. Obrazovna struktura je analizirana s obzirom na starost, pol i tip naselja (gradska i ostala/seoska naselja).
PB  - Institute of Architecture and Urban and Spatial Planning of Serbia
T2  - Arhitektura i urbanizam
T1  - Social exclusion and education
T1  - Socijalna isključenost i obrazovanje
IS  - 27
SP  - 46
EP  - 56
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Jokić, Vesna and Petovar, Ksenija",
year = "2009",
abstract = "Social exclusion is a process whereby certain individuals are pushed to the edge of society and prevented from participating fully by virtue of their poverty, or lack of basic competencies and lifelong learning opportunities or as a result of discrimination. This distances them from job, income and education opportunities as well as social and community networks and activities. Quality education (conditions and access/accessibility/availability) is one of the factors that significantly influence the reduced social exclusion. In other words, education has is key role key role in ensuring social inclusion (equal opportunities and active social participation). At the same time, education and lifelong learning is established as the basis for achieving the goals of sustainable economic development (economy based on knowledge) and to achieve social cohesion. Quality education is a prerequisite for progress, development and well-being of the community. Conditions and accessibility to education have become priorities of national reforms in most European countries. The subject of this paper is the educational structure of population of Serbia and the accessibility of education. The analysis covers the educational structure with regard to age, gender and type of settlement (city and other/villages settlements)., Socijalna isključenost je proces u kojem su određeni pojedinci ili grupe gurnute na ivicu društva i sprečeni da u potpunosti učestvuju u društvu, što je posledica njihovog siromaštva, nedostatka osnovne stručnosti (neadekvatnog obrazovanja) i mogućnosti doživotnog učenja, ili je rezultat diskriminacije. Ovo ih udaljava od zaposlenja, prihoda i mogućnosti obrazovanja, kao i od socijalnih mreža i aktivnosti u društvu i zajednici. Kvalitetno obrazovanje (uslovi i pristup/dostupnost) predstavlja jedan od faktora koji značajno utiče na smanjene socijalne isključenosti. Drugim rečima, obrazovanje ima ključnu ulogu u osiguravanju socijalne uključenosti (jednake mogućnosti i aktivno učestvovanje u društvu). Istovremeno, obrazovanje i doživotno učenje je ustanovljeno kao temelj za ostvarivanje ciljeva održivog ekonomskog razvoja (ekonomija zasnovana na znanju) i postizanja socijalne kohezije. Kvalitetno obrazovanje je preduslov za napredovanje, razvoj i blagostanje zajednice. Uslovi i dostupnost obrazovanju postali su prioriteti nacionalnih reformi u većini evropskih zemalja. Predmet ovog rada je obrazovna struktura stanovništva Srbije i dostupnost obrazovanja. Obrazovna struktura je analizirana s obzirom na starost, pol i tip naselja (gradska i ostala/seoska naselja).",
publisher = "Institute of Architecture and Urban and Spatial Planning of Serbia",
journal = "Arhitektura i urbanizam",
title = "Social exclusion and education, Socijalna isključenost i obrazovanje",
number = "27",
pages = "46-56",
url = ""
Jokić, V.,& Petovar, K.. (2009). Social exclusion and education. in Arhitektura i urbanizam
Institute of Architecture and Urban and Spatial Planning of Serbia.(27), 46-56.
Jokić V, Petovar K. Social exclusion and education. in Arhitektura i urbanizam. 2009;(27):46-56. .
Jokić, Vesna, Petovar, Ksenija, "Social exclusion and education" in Arhitektura i urbanizam, no. 27 (2009):46-56, .