Niković, Ana

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Authority KeyName Variants
  • Niković, Ana (42)
  • Никовић, Ана (13)
  • Bogdanov, Ana (5)
  • Богданов, Ана (2)
  • Niković, Ana S. (1)

Author's Bibliography

Нови методолошки приступ интегрисаном планирању и управљању у области заштите непокретних културних добара националног и међународног значаја и одрживог просторног развоја у Србији (пример просторног плана подручја посебне намене)

Никовић, Ана; Манић, Божидар; Крунић, Никола; Бакић, Олгица; Јосимовић, Бошко; Џелебџић, Омиљена; Добричић, Милица

(Београд : Институт за архитектуру и урбанизам Србије, 2024)


Никовић, А., Манић, Б., Крунић, Н., Бакић, О., Јосимовић, Б., Џелебџић, О.,& Добричић, М.. (2024). Нови методолошки приступ интегрисаном планирању и управљању у области заштите непокретних културних добара националног и међународног значаја и одрживог просторног развоја у Србији (пример просторног плана подручја посебне намене). 
Београд : Институт за архитектуру и урбанизам Србије..
Никовић А, Манић Б, Крунић Н, Бакић О, Јосимовић Б, Џелебџић О, Добричић М. Нови методолошки приступ интегрисаном планирању и управљању у области заштите непокретних културних добара националног и међународног значаја и одрживог просторног развоја у Србији (пример просторног плана подручја посебне намене). 2024;. .
Никовић, Ана, Манић, Божидар, Крунић, Никола, Бакић, Олгица, Јосимовић, Бошко, Џелебџић, Омиљена, Добричић, Милица, "Нови методолошки приступ интегрисаном планирању и управљању у области заштите непокретних културних добара националног и међународног значаја и одрживог просторног развоја у Србији (пример просторног плана подручја посебне намене)" (2024), .

The position of aesthetics in the contemporary urban design in Serbia (M34)

Niković, Ana; Manić, Božidar

(Belgrade : University of Belgrade, Faculty of Architecture, 2023)

AU  - Niković, Ana
AU  - Manić, Božidar
PY  - 2023
UR  -
AB  - In this paper, the methodology of contemporary architectural and urban design and planning is discussed. The main standpoint is that architectural or urban form as a complex phenomenon that results from design activities should represent not only utilitarian-technical but also spatial-experiential and visual aesthetic elements. This issue has been widely discussed in the discourse of urban morphology where the urban form has been defined in its complexity. However, the practice of urban design and planning in the contemporary context in Serbia, but also elsewhere neglects most of the non-utilitarian aspects of architectural and urban form. The concept of the spatial order has been stated as the key point of introducing the aesthetic principles in architecture and urbanism, either through means of geometry and abstraction or through instruments of architectural and urban design competitions and other spatial checks provided by professional committees and wider debates. Some of the findings have been included in the debate on the upcoming National Architectural Strategy of the Republic of Serbia.
PB  - Belgrade : University of Belgrade, Faculty of Architecture
C3  - XXX Conference of the International Seminar on Urban Form (ISUF 2023). Praxis of Urban Morphology: book of abstracts
T1  - The position of aesthetics in the contemporary urban design in Serbia (M34)
SP  - 73
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Niković, Ana and Manić, Božidar",
year = "2023",
abstract = "In this paper, the methodology of contemporary architectural and urban design and planning is discussed. The main standpoint is that architectural or urban form as a complex phenomenon that results from design activities should represent not only utilitarian-technical but also spatial-experiential and visual aesthetic elements. This issue has been widely discussed in the discourse of urban morphology where the urban form has been defined in its complexity. However, the practice of urban design and planning in the contemporary context in Serbia, but also elsewhere neglects most of the non-utilitarian aspects of architectural and urban form. The concept of the spatial order has been stated as the key point of introducing the aesthetic principles in architecture and urbanism, either through means of geometry and abstraction or through instruments of architectural and urban design competitions and other spatial checks provided by professional committees and wider debates. Some of the findings have been included in the debate on the upcoming National Architectural Strategy of the Republic of Serbia.",
publisher = "Belgrade : University of Belgrade, Faculty of Architecture",
journal = "XXX Conference of the International Seminar on Urban Form (ISUF 2023). Praxis of Urban Morphology: book of abstracts",
title = "The position of aesthetics in the contemporary urban design in Serbia (M34)",
pages = "73",
url = ""
Niković, A.,& Manić, B.. (2023). The position of aesthetics in the contemporary urban design in Serbia (M34). in XXX Conference of the International Seminar on Urban Form (ISUF 2023). Praxis of Urban Morphology: book of abstracts
Belgrade : University of Belgrade, Faculty of Architecture., 73.
Niković A, Manić B. The position of aesthetics in the contemporary urban design in Serbia (M34). in XXX Conference of the International Seminar on Urban Form (ISUF 2023). Praxis of Urban Morphology: book of abstracts. 2023;:73. .
Niković, Ana, Manić, Božidar, "The position of aesthetics in the contemporary urban design in Serbia (M34)" in XXX Conference of the International Seminar on Urban Form (ISUF 2023). Praxis of Urban Morphology: book of abstracts (2023):73, .

Надстрешнице на стајалиштима јавног градског превоза у Београду

Марић, Игор; Манић, Божидар; Никовић, Ана



Марић, И., Манић, Б.,& Никовић, А.. (2023). Надстрешнице на стајалиштима јавног градског превоза у Београду. .
Марић И, Манић Б, Никовић А. Надстрешнице на стајалиштима јавног градског превоза у Београду. 2023;. .
Марић, Игор, Манић, Божидар, Никовић, Ана, "Надстрешнице на стајалиштима јавног градског превоза у Београду" (2023), .

Изазови непосредног спровођења стратешких планских докумената – планови јединица локалне самоуправе са уређајним основама

Манић, Божидар; Крунић, Никола; Никовић, Ана

(Београд : Удружење урбаниста Србије, 2023)

AU  - Манић, Божидар
AU  - Крунић, Никола
AU  - Никовић, Ана
PY  - 2023
UR  -
AB  - У раду се разматра садржај и карактер просторног плана јединице локалне самоуправе (ПП ЈЛС) са 
уређајним основама, као посебне врсте планског документа са стратешком и спроведбено регулационом димензијом, те његов третман у регулативи и у планерској пракси у Србији данас. 
Изменама Закона о планирању и изградњи из 2014. године и увођењем уређајних основа за села као 
обавезног дела ПП ЈЛС, јача спроведбено-регулациони на рачун стратешког карактера овог плана иако 
је он основни стратешки документ и оквир одрживог просторног развоја ЈЛС. Анализиран је развој 
законодавног оквира од средине ХХ века до данас, као и актуелни проблеми и изазови у планској пракси. 
Формулисане су тезе за преиспитивање могућности и модалитета директне примене ПП ЈЛС, као и 
форме и садржине уређајних основа.
AB  - The paper discusses the content and character of the spatial plan of the local self-government unit (SP LSU) with 
the basis for the development of villages, as a special type of planning document with both a strategic and 
implementation-regulatory dimension, within the legal framework and planning practice in Serbia today. 
Amendments to the Planning and construction law from 2014 and the introduction of basis for the development of 
village as a mandatory part of the SP LSU strengthen the implementation-regulatory at the expense of the strategic 
character of this plan, even though it is the basic strategic document and framework of sustainable spatial 
development of the LSU. The development of the legislative framework from the middle of the 20th century until 
today, as well as current problems and challenges in planning practice in Serbia, were analyzed. Theses were 
formulated for reviewing the possibilities and modalities of direct implementation of SP LSU, as well as the form 
and content of the basis for the development of villages.
PB  - Београд : Удружење урбаниста Србије
C3  - Ревитализација руралних предела и просторни планови локалних самоуправа са уређајним основама; Модерни катастар као основна подлога одрживог развоја; Урбана обнова и регенерација градског језгра и значајних градских целина; Планирање и изградња вишеспратних објеката – предности и мане; Урбанизам и инжењерске делатности у функцији развоја обновљивих извора енерије / Међународна конференција 19. Летња школа урбанизма и одрживог развоја
T1  - Изазови непосредног спровођења стратешких планских докумената – планови јединица локалне самоуправе са уређајним основама
T1  - Challenges of direct implementation of the strategic planning documents – spatial plans of the local self-government units with the basis for the development of villages
SP  - 3
EP  - 12
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Манић, Божидар and Крунић, Никола and Никовић, Ана",
year = "2023",
abstract = "У раду се разматра садржај и карактер просторног плана јединице локалне самоуправе (ПП ЈЛС) са 
уређајним основама, као посебне врсте планског документа са стратешком и спроведбено регулационом димензијом, те његов третман у регулативи и у планерској пракси у Србији данас. 
Изменама Закона о планирању и изградњи из 2014. године и увођењем уређајних основа за села као 
обавезног дела ПП ЈЛС, јача спроведбено-регулациони на рачун стратешког карактера овог плана иако 
је он основни стратешки документ и оквир одрживог просторног развоја ЈЛС. Анализиран је развој 
законодавног оквира од средине ХХ века до данас, као и актуелни проблеми и изазови у планској пракси. 
Формулисане су тезе за преиспитивање могућности и модалитета директне примене ПП ЈЛС, као и 
форме и садржине уређајних основа., The paper discusses the content and character of the spatial plan of the local self-government unit (SP LSU) with 
the basis for the development of villages, as a special type of planning document with both a strategic and 
implementation-regulatory dimension, within the legal framework and planning practice in Serbia today. 
Amendments to the Planning and construction law from 2014 and the introduction of basis for the development of 
village as a mandatory part of the SP LSU strengthen the implementation-regulatory at the expense of the strategic 
character of this plan, even though it is the basic strategic document and framework of sustainable spatial 
development of the LSU. The development of the legislative framework from the middle of the 20th century until 
today, as well as current problems and challenges in planning practice in Serbia, were analyzed. Theses were 
formulated for reviewing the possibilities and modalities of direct implementation of SP LSU, as well as the form 
and content of the basis for the development of villages.",
publisher = "Београд : Удружење урбаниста Србије",
journal = "Ревитализација руралних предела и просторни планови локалних самоуправа са уређајним основама; Модерни катастар као основна подлога одрживог развоја; Урбана обнова и регенерација градског језгра и значајних градских целина; Планирање и изградња вишеспратних објеката – предности и мане; Урбанизам и инжењерске делатности у функцији развоја обновљивих извора енерије / Међународна конференција 19. Летња школа урбанизма и одрживог развоја",
title = "Изазови непосредног спровођења стратешких планских докумената – планови јединица локалне самоуправе са уређајним основама, Challenges of direct implementation of the strategic planning documents – spatial plans of the local self-government units with the basis for the development of villages",
pages = "3-12",
url = ""
Манић, Б., Крунић, Н.,& Никовић, А.. (2023). Изазови непосредног спровођења стратешких планских докумената – планови јединица локалне самоуправе са уређајним основама. in Ревитализација руралних предела и просторни планови локалних самоуправа са уређајним основама; Модерни катастар као основна подлога одрживог развоја; Урбана обнова и регенерација градског језгра и значајних градских целина; Планирање и изградња вишеспратних објеката – предности и мане; Урбанизам и инжењерске делатности у функцији развоја обновљивих извора енерије / Међународна конференција 19. Летња школа урбанизма и одрживог развоја
Београд : Удружење урбаниста Србије., 3-12.
Манић Б, Крунић Н, Никовић А. Изазови непосредног спровођења стратешких планских докумената – планови јединица локалне самоуправе са уређајним основама. in Ревитализација руралних предела и просторни планови локалних самоуправа са уређајним основама; Модерни катастар као основна подлога одрживог развоја; Урбана обнова и регенерација градског језгра и значајних градских целина; Планирање и изградња вишеспратних објеката – предности и мане; Урбанизам и инжењерске делатности у функцији развоја обновљивих извора енерије / Међународна конференција 19. Летња школа урбанизма и одрживог развоја. 2023;:3-12. .
Манић, Божидар, Крунић, Никола, Никовић, Ана, "Изазови непосредног спровођења стратешких планских докумената – планови јединица локалне самоуправе са уређајним основама" in Ревитализација руралних предела и просторни планови локалних самоуправа са уређајним основама; Модерни катастар као основна подлога одрживог развоја; Урбана обнова и регенерација градског језгра и значајних градских целина; Планирање и изградња вишеспратних објеката – предности и мане; Урбанизам и инжењерске делатности у функцији развоја обновљивих извора енерије / Међународна конференција 19. Летња школа урбанизма и одрживог развоја (2023):3-12, .

Urban form, plans and procedures: some recent transformations of Belgrade’s urban tissue

Niković, Ana; Manić, Božidar

(Łódź : Łódź University of Technology, 2022)

AU  - Niković, Ana
AU  - Manić, Božidar
PY  - 2022
UR  -
AB  - This paper seeks to establish the relationship between the theory of urban morphology and the practice of urban conservation and urban planning. Spatial configurations  of streets, blocks and other types of urban ensembles represent a heritage of a kind whether it is institutionally protected or its value is recognizable by experience or analysis. Good experiences of citizens’ living and good traditions of city planning and building are ignored in contemporary urban planning practice in Belgrade, but also other Serbian towns. There, new planning approaches are applied which are based mainly on fulfilling the economic interest of private investors. The main issue is how to protect the space, how to ensure positive effects of future transformations which are supposed to meet the complex demands of contemporary life. In considering these, the recommendation from the international charters on the protection of urban heritage as well as good planning practices and urban morphology approach are discussed. An example of a postmodernist open residential block, incorporated in the urban tissue of individual housing, has been analyzed in terms of spatial and functional features of the block, procedures of planning, the content of planning documents, and its implementation. The recent transformations have been discussed that have been unfolded within a new planning framework and are mainly characterized as partial interventions which neglect the context and the initial plans which once have been developed for the whole block. Urban morphology can help  in analyzing space qualities, creating scenarios for future development, and controlling planned transformations. The way of introducing the urban morphology approach depends on the capacity of the institutional and legal framework and it calls upon introducing new procedural instruments and steps: commission for check physical/morphological dimension  of plans, handbooks for assessment the qualities of the location, etc.
PB  - Łódź : Łódź University of Technology
C3  - XXIX Conference International Seminar on Urban Form. Urban Redevelopment and Revitalisation. A Multidisciplinary Perspective, 6-11 September 2022, Łódź – Kraków, Łódź: Łódź University of Technology, Book of Abstracts
T1  - Urban form, plans and procedures: some recent transformations of Belgrade’s urban tissue
SP  - 147
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Niković, Ana and Manić, Božidar",
year = "2022",
abstract = "This paper seeks to establish the relationship between the theory of urban morphology and the practice of urban conservation and urban planning. Spatial configurations  of streets, blocks and other types of urban ensembles represent a heritage of a kind whether it is institutionally protected or its value is recognizable by experience or analysis. Good experiences of citizens’ living and good traditions of city planning and building are ignored in contemporary urban planning practice in Belgrade, but also other Serbian towns. There, new planning approaches are applied which are based mainly on fulfilling the economic interest of private investors. The main issue is how to protect the space, how to ensure positive effects of future transformations which are supposed to meet the complex demands of contemporary life. In considering these, the recommendation from the international charters on the protection of urban heritage as well as good planning practices and urban morphology approach are discussed. An example of a postmodernist open residential block, incorporated in the urban tissue of individual housing, has been analyzed in terms of spatial and functional features of the block, procedures of planning, the content of planning documents, and its implementation. The recent transformations have been discussed that have been unfolded within a new planning framework and are mainly characterized as partial interventions which neglect the context and the initial plans which once have been developed for the whole block. Urban morphology can help  in analyzing space qualities, creating scenarios for future development, and controlling planned transformations. The way of introducing the urban morphology approach depends on the capacity of the institutional and legal framework and it calls upon introducing new procedural instruments and steps: commission for check physical/morphological dimension  of plans, handbooks for assessment the qualities of the location, etc.",
publisher = "Łódź : Łódź University of Technology",
journal = "XXIX Conference International Seminar on Urban Form. Urban Redevelopment and Revitalisation. A Multidisciplinary Perspective, 6-11 September 2022, Łódź – Kraków, Łódź: Łódź University of Technology, Book of Abstracts",
title = "Urban form, plans and procedures: some recent transformations of Belgrade’s urban tissue",
pages = "147",
url = ""
Niković, A.,& Manić, B.. (2022). Urban form, plans and procedures: some recent transformations of Belgrade’s urban tissue. in XXIX Conference International Seminar on Urban Form. Urban Redevelopment and Revitalisation. A Multidisciplinary Perspective, 6-11 September 2022, Łódź – Kraków, Łódź: Łódź University of Technology, Book of Abstracts
Łódź : Łódź University of Technology., 147.
Niković A, Manić B. Urban form, plans and procedures: some recent transformations of Belgrade’s urban tissue. in XXIX Conference International Seminar on Urban Form. Urban Redevelopment and Revitalisation. A Multidisciplinary Perspective, 6-11 September 2022, Łódź – Kraków, Łódź: Łódź University of Technology, Book of Abstracts. 2022;:147. .
Niković, Ana, Manić, Božidar, "Urban form, plans and procedures: some recent transformations of Belgrade’s urban tissue" in XXIX Conference International Seminar on Urban Form. Urban Redevelopment and Revitalisation. A Multidisciplinary Perspective, 6-11 September 2022, Łódź – Kraków, Łódź: Łódź University of Technology, Book of Abstracts (2022):147, .

Урбанистички пројекат изградње, реконструкције, доградње и адаптације објеката у комплексу Опште болнице Здравственог центра Ужице

Niković, Ana; Manić, Božidar; Brankov, Borjan; Crnčević, Tijana; Teofilović, Svetozar; Furundžić, Danilo

(Чачак : Удружење урбаниста Србије, 2022)


Niković, A., Manić, B., Brankov, B., Crnčević, T., Teofilović, S.,& Furundžić, D.. (2022). Урбанистички пројекат изградње, реконструкције, доградње и адаптације објеката у комплексу Опште болнице Здравственог центра Ужице. in 31th International Urban Planners’ Exhibition Catalogue [31. Међународни салон урбанизма, каталог]
Чачак : Удружење урбаниста Србије., 05.07.
Niković A, Manić B, Brankov B, Crnčević T, Teofilović S, Furundžić D. Урбанистички пројекат изградње, реконструкције, доградње и адаптације објеката у комплексу Опште болнице Здравственог центра Ужице. in 31th International Urban Planners’ Exhibition Catalogue [31. Међународни салон урбанизма, каталог]. 2022;:05.07. .
Niković, Ana, Manić, Božidar, Brankov, Borjan, Crnčević, Tijana, Teofilović, Svetozar, Furundžić, Danilo, "Урбанистички пројекат изградње, реконструкције, доградње и адаптације објеката у комплексу Опште болнице Здравственог центра Ужице" in 31th International Urban Planners’ Exhibition Catalogue [31. Међународни салон урбанизма, каталог] (2022):05.07, .

Програмско-урбанистички концепт насеља "Сунчана долина" са идејним решењима објеката и спољњег уређења за Омладинску радну акцију "Сунчана долина"

Marić, Igor; Manić, Božidar; Bakić, Olgica; Niković, Ana; Bajić, Tanja; Simić, Branislava; Crnčević, Tijana; Hristov, Maja

(Београд : Асоцијација просторних планера Србије, 2022)


Marić, I., Manić, B., Bakić, O., Niković, A., Bajić, T., Simić, B., Crnčević, T.,& Hristov, M.. (2022). Програмско-урбанистички концепт насеља "Сунчана долина" са идејним решењима објеката и спољњег уређења за Омладинску радну акцију "Сунчана долина". in Каталог изложбе Просторно и урбанистичко планирање Косова и Метохије, Косовска Митровица, јун 2022.
Београд : Асоцијација просторних планера Србије., 49.
Marić I, Manić B, Bakić O, Niković A, Bajić T, Simić B, Crnčević T, Hristov M. Програмско-урбанистички концепт насеља "Сунчана долина" са идејним решењима објеката и спољњег уређења за Омладинску радну акцију "Сунчана долина". in Каталог изложбе Просторно и урбанистичко планирање Косова и Метохије, Косовска Митровица, јун 2022.. 2022;:49. .
Marić, Igor, Manić, Božidar, Bakić, Olgica, Niković, Ana, Bajić, Tanja, Simić, Branislava, Crnčević, Tijana, Hristov, Maja, "Програмско-урбанистички концепт насеља "Сунчана долина" са идејним решењима објеката и спољњег уређења за Омладинску радну акцију "Сунчана долина"" in Каталог изложбе Просторно и урбанистичко планирање Косова и Метохије, Косовска Митровица, јун 2022. (2022):49, .

Urban morphology and the sustainable development of cultural heritage in Serbia – between wishful thinking and reality

Niković, Ana; Manić, Božidar

(Glasgow : University of Strathclyde Publishing, 2022)

AU  - Niković, Ana
AU  - Manić, Božidar
PY  - 2022
UR  -
AB  - The formal planning system in Serbia has recently been upgraded with the introduction of new strategic documents. One of them is the Sustainable Urban Development Strategy of the Republic of Serbia until 2030 (2019) developed in accordance with the EU policies and UN Sustainable Development Goal 11. Multisectoral and territorial approaches have been proposed to improve the planning methodology. Several key topics were considered in the Strategy, where special attention was paid to cultural heritage. The resulting SWOT analysis showed great cultural potential of Serbia which relates to regional, European and world heritage. This potential has already been affirmed through Serbia's participation in international projects and programs, as well as through the proclamation of Novi Sad for the European Capital of Culture for 2021. However, the SWOT analysis also showed that at the national and local levels cultural potential has still not been adequately supported by current legislative which do not recognizes specific typologies of heritage (proposed by ICOMOS) such as urban and rural settlements, historic towns and villages. This leads to decline of these types of urban forms which are important landmarks of Serbia's cultural and historical past – especially smaller ones in underdeveloped areas. Furthemore, it leads to decline of valuable types of vernacular architecture and spatial entities. There are huge pressures for inadequate development even in the surroundings of the cultural assets. The approach proposed in the Strategy sought to bridge the gap between the regulatory framework of the cultural heritage protection in Serbia, which still supports a sectoral and object-oriented approach and modern conservation approaches that advocate a contextual and integrative approach. In these efforts, an active relationship between urban conservation and urban designing and planning is required where urban morphology can pave the way for making a common scientific and professional platform.
PB  - Glasgow : University of Strathclyde Publishing
C3  - Annual Conference Proceedings of the XXVIII International Seminar on Urban Form. Urban Form and the Sustainable and Prosperous City (ISUF 2021), Glasgow, Scotland, 29 June - 3 July 2021
T1  - Urban morphology and the sustainable development of cultural heritage in Serbia – between wishful thinking and reality
SP  - 1663
EP  - 1672
DO  - 10.17868/strath.00080531
ER  - 
author = "Niković, Ana and Manić, Božidar",
year = "2022",
abstract = "The formal planning system in Serbia has recently been upgraded with the introduction of new strategic documents. One of them is the Sustainable Urban Development Strategy of the Republic of Serbia until 2030 (2019) developed in accordance with the EU policies and UN Sustainable Development Goal 11. Multisectoral and territorial approaches have been proposed to improve the planning methodology. Several key topics were considered in the Strategy, where special attention was paid to cultural heritage. The resulting SWOT analysis showed great cultural potential of Serbia which relates to regional, European and world heritage. This potential has already been affirmed through Serbia's participation in international projects and programs, as well as through the proclamation of Novi Sad for the European Capital of Culture for 2021. However, the SWOT analysis also showed that at the national and local levels cultural potential has still not been adequately supported by current legislative which do not recognizes specific typologies of heritage (proposed by ICOMOS) such as urban and rural settlements, historic towns and villages. This leads to decline of these types of urban forms which are important landmarks of Serbia's cultural and historical past – especially smaller ones in underdeveloped areas. Furthemore, it leads to decline of valuable types of vernacular architecture and spatial entities. There are huge pressures for inadequate development even in the surroundings of the cultural assets. The approach proposed in the Strategy sought to bridge the gap between the regulatory framework of the cultural heritage protection in Serbia, which still supports a sectoral and object-oriented approach and modern conservation approaches that advocate a contextual and integrative approach. In these efforts, an active relationship between urban conservation and urban designing and planning is required where urban morphology can pave the way for making a common scientific and professional platform.",
publisher = "Glasgow : University of Strathclyde Publishing",
journal = "Annual Conference Proceedings of the XXVIII International Seminar on Urban Form. Urban Form and the Sustainable and Prosperous City (ISUF 2021), Glasgow, Scotland, 29 June - 3 July 2021",
title = "Urban morphology and the sustainable development of cultural heritage in Serbia – between wishful thinking and reality",
pages = "1663-1672",
doi = "10.17868/strath.00080531"
Niković, A.,& Manić, B.. (2022). Urban morphology and the sustainable development of cultural heritage in Serbia – between wishful thinking and reality. in Annual Conference Proceedings of the XXVIII International Seminar on Urban Form. Urban Form and the Sustainable and Prosperous City (ISUF 2021), Glasgow, Scotland, 29 June - 3 July 2021
Glasgow : University of Strathclyde Publishing., 1663-1672.
Niković A, Manić B. Urban morphology and the sustainable development of cultural heritage in Serbia – between wishful thinking and reality. in Annual Conference Proceedings of the XXVIII International Seminar on Urban Form. Urban Form and the Sustainable and Prosperous City (ISUF 2021), Glasgow, Scotland, 29 June - 3 July 2021. 2022;:1663-1672.
doi:10.17868/strath.00080531 .
Niković, Ana, Manić, Božidar, "Urban morphology and the sustainable development of cultural heritage in Serbia – between wishful thinking and reality" in Annual Conference Proceedings of the XXVIII International Seminar on Urban Form. Urban Form and the Sustainable and Prosperous City (ISUF 2021), Glasgow, Scotland, 29 June - 3 July 2021 (2022):1663-1672, . .

Просторна димензија заштите културног наслеђа у Србији: Прилог унапређењу институционалног и правног оквира

Никовић, Ана; Манић, Божидар

(Београд : Завод за заштиту споменика културе града Београда, 2021)

AU  - Никовић, Ана
AU  - Манић, Божидар
PY  - 2021
UR  -
AB  - Скорија искуства у изради планских докумената указују на то да у регулаторном оквиру заштите културног наслеђа у Србији недостају елементи којима се афирмише просторна димензија наслеђа. То се манифестује кроз: неадекватан третман околине заштићених непокретних културних добара (НКД), недовољно учешће просторних културно-историјских целина у укупном броју регистрованих НКД, непрепознавање важних категорија културног наслеђа у складу са савременим конзерваторским приступима. Поред научне и стручне јавности, проблем препознају и надлежне институције заштите НКД, које указују на негативне ефекте њиховог маргинализованог положаја у процесу одлучивања о простору. Неки заводи примењују унапређену методологију и укључују у своје базе података не само регистрована НКД, већ и низ просторних целина кроз инструмент претходне заштите. Такође, у неким планским документима примењује се инструмент урбанистичке заштите којим се обухватају вредни објекти и целине који се рекогносцирају на терену. Уместо оваквих приступа, који су утемељени на појединачним праксама заштите и ставовима обрађивача планова, потребно је унапредити и применити уједначен приступ на читавој територији Србије, у чијој основи би били интердисциплинарна сарадња, интегративна заштита простора и успостављање равнотеже између планског развоја и заштите културног наслеђа.
AB  - Recent experiences in developing the planning documents indicate that the regulatory fra¬mework for the protection of cultural heritage in Serbia lacks elements that affirm the spatial dimension of heritage. This is manifested through: inadequate treatment of the surroundings of protected immovable cultural property (ICP), the insufficient share of spatial cultural and historical units in the total number of registered ICP non-recognition of important categories of cultural heritage in accordance with contemporary conservation approaches. The institu¬tions in charge of the protection of the ICP recognize these problems and also indicate the negative effects of their marginalized position in the process of space creation and mana¬gement. Some of the institutions apply improved methodologies and include in their data collections not only registered cultural properties but also a wider range of spatial entities through the instrument of prior protection. Also, in some planning documents, the instrument of urban protection is applied, which includes valuable objects and units that are identified in situ. Instead of such approaches based on individual attitudes, it is necessary to improve and apply a uniform approach on the entire territory of Serbia based on interdisciplinary cooperation, protection of space and establishing a balance between planning, development and protection of cultural heritage.
PB  - Београд : Завод за заштиту споменика културе града Београда
C3  - Градитељско наслеђе и урбанизам : зборник радова. XI научностручна конференција са међународним учешћем
T1  - Просторна димензија заштите културног наслеђа у Србији: Прилог унапређењу институционалног и правног оквира
T1  - Spatial dimension of the cultural heritage protection in Serbia: a contribution to the improvement of the institutional and legislative framework
SP  - 346
EP  - 358
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Никовић, Ана and Манић, Божидар",
year = "2021",
abstract = "Скорија искуства у изради планских докумената указују на то да у регулаторном оквиру заштите културног наслеђа у Србији недостају елементи којима се афирмише просторна димензија наслеђа. То се манифестује кроз: неадекватан третман околине заштићених непокретних културних добара (НКД), недовољно учешће просторних културно-историјских целина у укупном броју регистрованих НКД, непрепознавање важних категорија културног наслеђа у складу са савременим конзерваторским приступима. Поред научне и стручне јавности, проблем препознају и надлежне институције заштите НКД, које указују на негативне ефекте њиховог маргинализованог положаја у процесу одлучивања о простору. Неки заводи примењују унапређену методологију и укључују у своје базе података не само регистрована НКД, већ и низ просторних целина кроз инструмент претходне заштите. Такође, у неким планским документима примењује се инструмент урбанистичке заштите којим се обухватају вредни објекти и целине који се рекогносцирају на терену. Уместо оваквих приступа, који су утемељени на појединачним праксама заштите и ставовима обрађивача планова, потребно је унапредити и применити уједначен приступ на читавој територији Србије, у чијој основи би били интердисциплинарна сарадња, интегративна заштита простора и успостављање равнотеже између планског развоја и заштите културног наслеђа., Recent experiences in developing the planning documents indicate that the regulatory fra¬mework for the protection of cultural heritage in Serbia lacks elements that affirm the spatial dimension of heritage. This is manifested through: inadequate treatment of the surroundings of protected immovable cultural property (ICP), the insufficient share of spatial cultural and historical units in the total number of registered ICP non-recognition of important categories of cultural heritage in accordance with contemporary conservation approaches. The institu¬tions in charge of the protection of the ICP recognize these problems and also indicate the negative effects of their marginalized position in the process of space creation and mana¬gement. Some of the institutions apply improved methodologies and include in their data collections not only registered cultural properties but also a wider range of spatial entities through the instrument of prior protection. Also, in some planning documents, the instrument of urban protection is applied, which includes valuable objects and units that are identified in situ. Instead of such approaches based on individual attitudes, it is necessary to improve and apply a uniform approach on the entire territory of Serbia based on interdisciplinary cooperation, protection of space and establishing a balance between planning, development and protection of cultural heritage.",
publisher = "Београд : Завод за заштиту споменика културе града Београда",
journal = "Градитељско наслеђе и урбанизам : зборник радова. XI научностручна конференција са међународним учешћем",
title = "Просторна димензија заштите културног наслеђа у Србији: Прилог унапређењу институционалног и правног оквира, Spatial dimension of the cultural heritage protection in Serbia: a contribution to the improvement of the institutional and legislative framework",
pages = "346-358",
url = ""
Никовић, А.,& Манић, Б.. (2021). Просторна димензија заштите културног наслеђа у Србији: Прилог унапређењу институционалног и правног оквира. in Градитељско наслеђе и урбанизам : зборник радова. XI научностручна конференција са међународним учешћем
Београд : Завод за заштиту споменика културе града Београда., 346-358.
Никовић А, Манић Б. Просторна димензија заштите културног наслеђа у Србији: Прилог унапређењу институционалног и правног оквира. in Градитељско наслеђе и урбанизам : зборник радова. XI научностручна конференција са међународним учешћем. 2021;:346-358. .
Никовић, Ана, Манић, Божидар, "Просторна димензија заштите културног наслеђа у Србији: Прилог унапређењу институционалног и правног оквира" in Градитељско наслеђе и урбанизам : зборник радова. XI научностручна конференција са међународним учешћем (2021):346-358, .

Spatial plan of the special purpose area of the Nature Park “Zlatibor”

Maksin, Marija; Milijić, Saša; Vasiljević, Božidar; Niković, Ana; Manić, Božidar; Gajić, Aleksandra; Maksić Mulalić, Milica

(Ниш : Удружење урбаниста Србије, 2021)


Maksin, M., Milijić, S., Vasiljević, B., Niković, A., Manić, B., Gajić, A.,& Maksić Mulalić, M.. (2021). Spatial plan of the special purpose area of the Nature Park “Zlatibor”. in 30th International Urban Planners’ Exhibition Catalogue [30. Међународни салон урбанизма, каталог]
Ниш : Удружење урбаниста Србије., 01.04..
Maksin M, Milijić S, Vasiljević B, Niković A, Manić B, Gajić A, Maksić Mulalić M. Spatial plan of the special purpose area of the Nature Park “Zlatibor”. in 30th International Urban Planners’ Exhibition Catalogue [30. Међународни салон урбанизма, каталог]. 2021;:01.04.. .
Maksin, Marija, Milijić, Saša, Vasiljević, Božidar, Niković, Ana, Manić, Božidar, Gajić, Aleksandra, Maksić Mulalić, Milica, "Spatial plan of the special purpose area of the Nature Park “Zlatibor”" in 30th International Urban Planners’ Exhibition Catalogue [30. Међународни салон урбанизма, каталог] (2021):01.04., .

Urban and Building Rules and Climate Change Planning: Case Study of Zlatibor Nature Park

Brankov, Borjan; Crnčević, Tijana; Manić, Božidar; Niković, Ana

(Cham : Springer Nature Switzerland, 2021)

AU  - Brankov, Borjan
AU  - Crnčević, Tijana
AU  - Manić, Božidar
AU  - Niković, Ana
PY  - 2021
UR  -
AB  - The issue of climate change is an integral part of urban and spatial development. Due to increasing urbanization and development within rural and natural landscapes, we are faced with various spatial demands and conflicts. However, sustainable urban and spatial regulations can improve the mitigation of climate change effects and promote adaptation.
In order to obtain needed analytical framework to identify urban and building rules that promote mitigation and adaptation for the selected case study “the educational and sports-recreational complex” within the Spatial plan of the Nature Park Zlatibor , document analyses and literature research within the planning framework for the Spatial plan in Serbia have been performed to distinguish the mitigation and adaptation background.
By addressing the urban and building rules in the context of climate change, this case study presents the planned adaptation and mitigation measures that were promoted through the spatial organization of multiple parcels, different urban land parameters, green and open spaces, the position on the parcel, maximum number of floors, energy efficiency standards, etc. Outlined urban and building rules focus on specific measures, such as energy efficiency, preserving water resources, heating and green areas, and use of natural materials in the visual appearance of buildings.
Thus, it should be assumed that spatial planning represents an important tool for building development, nature preservation, and implementing the adaptation to climate change.
As a signatory of all relevant international frameworks that promote the issue of climate change, it can be expected that in the forthcoming planning practice in Serbia the adaptation measures will be binding in a way that addresses specific problems and building development.
PB  - Cham : Springer Nature Switzerland
T2  - Handbook of Climate Change Management
T1  - Urban and Building Rules and Climate Change Planning: Case Study of Zlatibor Nature Park
SP  - 3411
EP  - 3430
DO  - 10.1007/978-3-030-57281-5_296
ER  - 
author = "Brankov, Borjan and Crnčević, Tijana and Manić, Božidar and Niković, Ana",
year = "2021",
abstract = "The issue of climate change is an integral part of urban and spatial development. Due to increasing urbanization and development within rural and natural landscapes, we are faced with various spatial demands and conflicts. However, sustainable urban and spatial regulations can improve the mitigation of climate change effects and promote adaptation.
In order to obtain needed analytical framework to identify urban and building rules that promote mitigation and adaptation for the selected case study “the educational and sports-recreational complex” within the Spatial plan of the Nature Park Zlatibor , document analyses and literature research within the planning framework for the Spatial plan in Serbia have been performed to distinguish the mitigation and adaptation background.
By addressing the urban and building rules in the context of climate change, this case study presents the planned adaptation and mitigation measures that were promoted through the spatial organization of multiple parcels, different urban land parameters, green and open spaces, the position on the parcel, maximum number of floors, energy efficiency standards, etc. Outlined urban and building rules focus on specific measures, such as energy efficiency, preserving water resources, heating and green areas, and use of natural materials in the visual appearance of buildings.
Thus, it should be assumed that spatial planning represents an important tool for building development, nature preservation, and implementing the adaptation to climate change.
As a signatory of all relevant international frameworks that promote the issue of climate change, it can be expected that in the forthcoming planning practice in Serbia the adaptation measures will be binding in a way that addresses specific problems and building development.",
publisher = "Cham : Springer Nature Switzerland",
journal = "Handbook of Climate Change Management",
booktitle = "Urban and Building Rules and Climate Change Planning: Case Study of Zlatibor Nature Park",
pages = "3411-3430",
doi = "10.1007/978-3-030-57281-5_296"
Brankov, B., Crnčević, T., Manić, B.,& Niković, A.. (2021). Urban and Building Rules and Climate Change Planning: Case Study of Zlatibor Nature Park. in Handbook of Climate Change Management
Cham : Springer Nature Switzerland., 3411-3430.
Brankov B, Crnčević T, Manić B, Niković A. Urban and Building Rules and Climate Change Planning: Case Study of Zlatibor Nature Park. in Handbook of Climate Change Management. 2021;:3411-3430.
doi:10.1007/978-3-030-57281-5_296 .
Brankov, Borjan, Crnčević, Tijana, Manić, Božidar, Niković, Ana, "Urban and Building Rules and Climate Change Planning: Case Study of Zlatibor Nature Park" in Handbook of Climate Change Management (2021):3411-3430, . .

Grasping the framework for the urban governance of smart cities in Serbia. The case of INTERREG SMF project CLEVER

Čolić, Nataša; Manić, Božidar; Niković, Ana; Brankov, Borjan

(Београд : Институт за Архитектуру и Урбанизам Србије, 2020)

AU  - Čolić, Nataša
AU  - Manić, Božidar
AU  - Niković, Ana
AU  - Brankov, Borjan
PY  - 2020
UR  -
AB  - There is global interest in the smart city, not only as an operational concept, but also as a funding mechanism of the EU Cohesion Policy, joint programs, projects and initiatives. According to the EU Commission, a smart city is a place where traditional networks and services are made more efficient with the use of digital and communication technologies, for the benefit of its inhabitants and business. Urban governance, as an instrument of integrated urban development, has  an  important  role  as  a  decentralization  criterion  in  improving  the  smart  city’s  performance  in  more  developed  countries and regions. At the same time, the countries of Southeast Europe that are not members of the EU (including Serbia) are lagging in this matter. Taken that the application of urban governance in the context of a smart city can be seen as a practical novelty in Serbia, this paper presents and discusses the existing state of the art in this field. The findings presented were derived from collaborative engagement within the INTERREG project CLEVER – Co-designing Smart Local Solutions for Exploiting Values and Enhancing Resilience, during 2018/2019.
PB  - Београд : Институт за Архитектуру и Урбанизам Србије
T2  - Spatium
T1  - Grasping the framework for the urban governance of smart cities in Serbia. The case of INTERREG SMF project CLEVER
IS  - 43
SP  - 26
EP  - 34
DO  -
ER  - 
author = "Čolić, Nataša and Manić, Božidar and Niković, Ana and Brankov, Borjan",
year = "2020",
abstract = "There is global interest in the smart city, not only as an operational concept, but also as a funding mechanism of the EU Cohesion Policy, joint programs, projects and initiatives. According to the EU Commission, a smart city is a place where traditional networks and services are made more efficient with the use of digital and communication technologies, for the benefit of its inhabitants and business. Urban governance, as an instrument of integrated urban development, has  an  important  role  as  a  decentralization  criterion  in  improving  the  smart  city’s  performance  in  more  developed  countries and regions. At the same time, the countries of Southeast Europe that are not members of the EU (including Serbia) are lagging in this matter. Taken that the application of urban governance in the context of a smart city can be seen as a practical novelty in Serbia, this paper presents and discusses the existing state of the art in this field. The findings presented were derived from collaborative engagement within the INTERREG project CLEVER – Co-designing Smart Local Solutions for Exploiting Values and Enhancing Resilience, during 2018/2019.",
publisher = "Београд : Институт за Архитектуру и Урбанизам Србије",
journal = "Spatium",
title = "Grasping the framework for the urban governance of smart cities in Serbia. The case of INTERREG SMF project CLEVER",
number = "43",
pages = "26-34",
doi = ""
Čolić, N., Manić, B., Niković, A.,& Brankov, B.. (2020). Grasping the framework for the urban governance of smart cities in Serbia. The case of INTERREG SMF project CLEVER. in Spatium
Београд : Институт за Архитектуру и Урбанизам Србије.(43), 26-34.
Čolić N, Manić B, Niković A, Brankov B. Grasping the framework for the urban governance of smart cities in Serbia. The case of INTERREG SMF project CLEVER. in Spatium. 2020;(43):26-34.
doi: .
Čolić, Nataša, Manić, Božidar, Niković, Ana, Brankov, Borjan, "Grasping the framework for the urban governance of smart cities in Serbia. The case of INTERREG SMF project CLEVER" in Spatium, no. 43 (2020):26-34, . .

Climate change adaptation within urban planning in Serbia

Crnčević, Tijana; Niković, Ana; Manić, Božidar


AU  - Crnčević, Tijana
AU  - Niković, Ana
AU  - Manić, Božidar
PY  - 2020
UR  -
C3  - CLIMATE2020 – The Worldwide Online Climate Conference, Category 2 – Intelligent Climate Policy & Governance
T1  - Climate change adaptation within urban planning in Serbia
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Crnčević, Tijana and Niković, Ana and Manić, Božidar",
year = "2020",
journal = "CLIMATE2020 – The Worldwide Online Climate Conference, Category 2 – Intelligent Climate Policy & Governance",
title = "Climate change adaptation within urban planning in Serbia",
url = ""
Crnčević, T., Niković, A.,& Manić, B.. (2020). Climate change adaptation within urban planning in Serbia. in CLIMATE2020 – The Worldwide Online Climate Conference, Category 2 – Intelligent Climate Policy & Governance.
Crnčević T, Niković A, Manić B. Climate change adaptation within urban planning in Serbia. in CLIMATE2020 – The Worldwide Online Climate Conference, Category 2 – Intelligent Climate Policy & Governance. 2020;. .
Crnčević, Tijana, Niković, Ana, Manić, Božidar, "Climate change adaptation within urban planning in Serbia" in CLIMATE2020 – The Worldwide Online Climate Conference, Category 2 – Intelligent Climate Policy & Governance (2020), .

Building a Common Platform: Integrative and Territorial Approach to Planning Cultural Heritage within the Framework of the Spatial Plan of the Republic of Serbia 2021-2035

Niković, Ana; Manić, Božidar

(Vienna : CORP – Competence Center of Urban and Regional Planning, 2020)

AU  - Niković, Ana
AU  - Manić, Božidar
PY  - 2020
UR  -
AB  - In accordance with international documents, European regulations and standards, recent documents of spatial and urban planning in Serbia promote the objectives of an integrative and territorial approach for the protection and planning of cultural heritage. This is intended as a cross-institutional, cross-sectoral approach and extending the scope of the protection of single monuments to wider spatial entities. Institutional and legal frameworks of the cultural heritage protection and planning have not yet been harmonised with international recommendations and do not support achieving these goals. Cultural Property Law (1994) is still in force and does not recognise the categories of cultural landscape (although the European Landscape Convention was ratified in Serbia in 2011) and of urban landscape (as the UNESCO's Recommendation on the Historic Urban Landscape from 2011 has not been ratified yet, although the scientific and professional community has been acquainted with it). In accordance with the current law, single monuments dominate the structure of the Central Registry of immovable cultural properties. Considering that registration is not legally binding, there is a lack of additional research to recognise the architectural and urban heritage that is not under institutional protection. This has resulted in the decline of valuable buildings and ensembles, including entire urban settlements that represent important constituents of the cultural and urban identity of Serbia. Furthermore, Reports on the Implementation of the Spatial Plan of the Republic of Serbia from 2010 point to an unequal spatial distribution of registered cultural goods, which is not related to the factual cultural and historical importance of certain areas, but to the degree of economic development and the activity of certain regional protection services. This sets an additional task for the planning documents on enhanced urban protection measures in these areas. The preparation of the Spatial Plan of the Republic of Serbia 2021-2035 is underway, which affirms that cultural heritage is a resource of sustainable development as well as of national, regional and urban identity as one of the general objectives of spatial development. This paper is a summary of an initial analysis of the draft plan. It indicates the need to establish a common platform for the protection, planning and sustainable use of cultural heritage in Serbia. This platform should act on three main levels, firstly gathering data on cultural properties; secondly compounding all formal and informal documents relating to cultural heritage, especially s regards its spatial dimension; and last but not least, inolving a wide range of participants in the protection, planning and management of cultural heritage.
PB  - Vienna : CORP – Competence Center of Urban and Regional Planning
C3  - Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Urban Planning, Regional Development and Information Society REAL CORP 2020: Shaping Urban Change. Livable City Regions for the 21st Century
T1  - Building a Common Platform: Integrative and Territorial Approach to Planning Cultural Heritage within the  Framework of the Spatial Plan of the Republic of Serbia 2021-2035
SP  - 107
EP  - 115
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Niković, Ana and Manić, Božidar",
year = "2020",
abstract = "In accordance with international documents, European regulations and standards, recent documents of spatial and urban planning in Serbia promote the objectives of an integrative and territorial approach for the protection and planning of cultural heritage. This is intended as a cross-institutional, cross-sectoral approach and extending the scope of the protection of single monuments to wider spatial entities. Institutional and legal frameworks of the cultural heritage protection and planning have not yet been harmonised with international recommendations and do not support achieving these goals. Cultural Property Law (1994) is still in force and does not recognise the categories of cultural landscape (although the European Landscape Convention was ratified in Serbia in 2011) and of urban landscape (as the UNESCO's Recommendation on the Historic Urban Landscape from 2011 has not been ratified yet, although the scientific and professional community has been acquainted with it). In accordance with the current law, single monuments dominate the structure of the Central Registry of immovable cultural properties. Considering that registration is not legally binding, there is a lack of additional research to recognise the architectural and urban heritage that is not under institutional protection. This has resulted in the decline of valuable buildings and ensembles, including entire urban settlements that represent important constituents of the cultural and urban identity of Serbia. Furthermore, Reports on the Implementation of the Spatial Plan of the Republic of Serbia from 2010 point to an unequal spatial distribution of registered cultural goods, which is not related to the factual cultural and historical importance of certain areas, but to the degree of economic development and the activity of certain regional protection services. This sets an additional task for the planning documents on enhanced urban protection measures in these areas. The preparation of the Spatial Plan of the Republic of Serbia 2021-2035 is underway, which affirms that cultural heritage is a resource of sustainable development as well as of national, regional and urban identity as one of the general objectives of spatial development. This paper is a summary of an initial analysis of the draft plan. It indicates the need to establish a common platform for the protection, planning and sustainable use of cultural heritage in Serbia. This platform should act on three main levels, firstly gathering data on cultural properties; secondly compounding all formal and informal documents relating to cultural heritage, especially s regards its spatial dimension; and last but not least, inolving a wide range of participants in the protection, planning and management of cultural heritage.",
publisher = "Vienna : CORP – Competence Center of Urban and Regional Planning",
journal = "Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Urban Planning, Regional Development and Information Society REAL CORP 2020: Shaping Urban Change. Livable City Regions for the 21st Century",
title = "Building a Common Platform: Integrative and Territorial Approach to Planning Cultural Heritage within the  Framework of the Spatial Plan of the Republic of Serbia 2021-2035",
pages = "107-115",
url = ""
Niković, A.,& Manić, B.. (2020). Building a Common Platform: Integrative and Territorial Approach to Planning Cultural Heritage within the  Framework of the Spatial Plan of the Republic of Serbia 2021-2035. in Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Urban Planning, Regional Development and Information Society REAL CORP 2020: Shaping Urban Change. Livable City Regions for the 21st Century
Vienna : CORP – Competence Center of Urban and Regional Planning., 107-115.
Niković A, Manić B. Building a Common Platform: Integrative and Territorial Approach to Planning Cultural Heritage within the  Framework of the Spatial Plan of the Republic of Serbia 2021-2035. in Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Urban Planning, Regional Development and Information Society REAL CORP 2020: Shaping Urban Change. Livable City Regions for the 21st Century. 2020;:107-115. .
Niković, Ana, Manić, Božidar, "Building a Common Platform: Integrative and Territorial Approach to Planning Cultural Heritage within the  Framework of the Spatial Plan of the Republic of Serbia 2021-2035" in Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Urban Planning, Regional Development and Information Society REAL CORP 2020: Shaping Urban Change. Livable City Regions for the 21st Century (2020):107-115, .

Стратегија одрживог урбаног развоја Републике Србије до 2030. године

Милић, Ђорђе; Тркуља, Синиша; Радосављевић, Зоран; Максин, Марија; Зековић, Славка; Ненковић-Ризнић, Марина; Манић, Божидар; Џелебџић, Омиљена; Ђукић, Александар; Јокановић, Игор; Петрић, Јасна; Никовић, Ана; Даниловић Христић, Наташа; Бајић, Тања; Чолић, Наташа; Бранков, Борјан; Милер, Харалд; Чолић, Ратка; Бабић, Драго; Гаули, Јохан

(Београд : Удружење урбаниста Србије, 2019)


Милић, Ђ., Тркуља, С., Радосављевић, З., Максин, М., Зековић, С., Ненковић-Ризнић, М., Манић, Б., Џелебџић, О., Ђукић, А., Јокановић, И., Петрић, Ј., Никовић, А., Даниловић Христић, Н., Бајић, Т., Чолић, Н., Бранков, Б., Милер, Х., Чолић, Р., Бабић, Д.,& Гаули, Ј.. (2019). Стратегија одрживог урбаног развоја Републике Србије до 2030. године. in Каталог изложбе: 28. Салон урбанизма 2018, Ниш, 8-13 новембар, 2019
Београд : Удружење урбаниста Србије., 12-12.
Милић Ђ, Тркуља С, Радосављевић З, Максин М, Зековић С, Ненковић-Ризнић М, Манић Б, Џелебџић О, Ђукић А, Јокановић И, Петрић Ј, Никовић А, Даниловић Христић Н, Бајић Т, Чолић Н, Бранков Б, Милер Х, Чолић Р, Бабић Д, Гаули Ј. Стратегија одрживог урбаног развоја Републике Србије до 2030. године. in Каталог изложбе: 28. Салон урбанизма 2018, Ниш, 8-13 новембар, 2019. 2019;:12-12. .
Милић, Ђорђе, Тркуља, Синиша, Радосављевић, Зоран, Максин, Марија, Зековић, Славка, Ненковић-Ризнић, Марина, Манић, Божидар, Џелебџић, Омиљена, Ђукић, Александар, Јокановић, Игор, Петрић, Јасна, Никовић, Ана, Даниловић Христић, Наташа, Бајић, Тања, Чолић, Наташа, Бранков, Борјан, Милер, Харалд, Чолић, Ратка, Бабић, Драго, Гаули, Јохан, "Стратегија одрживог урбаног развоја Републике Србије до 2030. године" in Каталог изложбе: 28. Салон урбанизма 2018, Ниш, 8-13 новембар, 2019 (2019):12-12, .

Нови методолошки приступ интегрисаном управљању одрживим урбаним развојем у Републици Србији (на примеру Стратегије одрживог урбаног развоја Републике Србије до 2030. године)

Милић, Ђорђе; Тркуља, Синиша; Радосављевић, Зоран; Чолић, Ратка; Максин, Марија; Зековић, Славка; Ненковић-Ризнић, Марина; Манић, Божидар; Џелебџић, Омиљена; Ђукић, Александар; Јокановић, Игор; Петрић, Јасна; Никовић, Ана; Даниловић Христић, Наташа; Бајић, Тања; Чолић, Наташа; Бранков, Борјан

(Београд : Институт за архитектуру и урбанизам Србије, 2019)


Милић, Ђ., Тркуља, С., Радосављевић, З., Чолић, Р., Максин, М., Зековић, С., Ненковић-Ризнић, М., Манић, Б., Џелебџић, О., Ђукић, А., Јокановић, И., Петрић, Ј., Никовић, А., Даниловић Христић, Н., Бајић, Т., Чолић, Н.,& Бранков, Б.. (2019). Нови методолошки приступ интегрисаном управљању одрживим урбаним развојем у Републици Србији (на примеру Стратегије одрживог урбаног развоја Републике Србије до 2030. године). 
Београд : Институт за архитектуру и урбанизам Србије..
Милић Ђ, Тркуља С, Радосављевић З, Чолић Р, Максин М, Зековић С, Ненковић-Ризнић М, Манић Б, Џелебџић О, Ђукић А, Јокановић И, Петрић Ј, Никовић А, Даниловић Христић Н, Бајић Т, Чолић Н, Бранков Б. Нови методолошки приступ интегрисаном управљању одрживим урбаним развојем у Републици Србији (на примеру Стратегије одрживог урбаног развоја Републике Србије до 2030. године). 2019;. .
Милић, Ђорђе, Тркуља, Синиша, Радосављевић, Зоран, Чолић, Ратка, Максин, Марија, Зековић, Славка, Ненковић-Ризнић, Марина, Манић, Божидар, Џелебџић, Омиљена, Ђукић, Александар, Јокановић, Игор, Петрић, Јасна, Никовић, Ана, Даниловић Христић, Наташа, Бајић, Тања, Чолић, Наташа, Бранков, Борјан, "Нови методолошки приступ интегрисаном управљању одрживим урбаним развојем у Републици Србији (на примеру Стратегије одрживог урбаног развоја Републике Србије до 2030. године)" (2019), .

Часопис Зборник радова (1961-1975): анализа и библиографија

Милинковић, Милена; Никовић, Ана; Петрић, Јасна

(Београд : Институт за архитектуру и урбанизам Србије, 2019)

AU  - Милинковић, Милена
AU  - Никовић, Ана
AU  - Петрић, Јасна
PY  - 2019
UR  -
AB  - У раду се приказује део издавачке делатности Института која се одвијала у периоду 1961–1975. године, у виду часописа Зборник радова у коме су поглавито представљане архитектонске и урбанистичке реализације на простору тадашње Југославије. Циљ је упознавање научне и стручне јавности, а нарочито младих истраживача, са значајем и садржајем овог часописа, те се у раду врши његова анализа, што је резултирало израдом његове библиографије. Посебан допринос овог рада чине пет пратећих регистара (регистар наслова, именски, предметни, географски и хронолошки), који заједно са библиографијом представљају исцрпан извор информација. Додатно, потенцира се значај објављивања текстова о савременим архитектонским и урбанистичким реализацијама које омогућава информисаност, едукацију и документовање промена у изграђеном окружењу.
AB  - The paper presents a part of the publishing activity of the Institute of Architecture and Urban&Spatial Planning of Serbia that took place in the period 1961–1975, in the form of a journal Zbornik radova, which mainly presents architectural and urban realizations in the area of former Yugoslavia. The aim is to get acquainted with the scientific and professional public, especially young researchers with the significance and content of this journal. With that aim, the five accompanying registers (register of titles, names, topics, geographical and chronological) are given which, together with bibliography, represent a full source of information. It is important to establish the continuity in presenting the contemporary architectural and urban realizations in Serbia – which contributes to informing, educating and documenting the changes in the built environment.
AB  - U radu se prikazuje deo izdavačke delatnosti Instituta koja se odvijala u periodu 1961–1975. godine, u vidu časopisa Zbornik radova u kome su poglavito predstavlјane arhitektonske i urbanističke realizacije na prostoru tadašnje Jugoslavije. Cilј je upoznavanje naučne i stručne javnosti, a naročito mladih istraživača, sa značajem i sadržajem ovog časopisa, te se u radu vrši njegova analiza, što je rezultiralo izradom njegove bibliografije. Poseban doprinos ovog rada čine pet pratećih registara (registar naslova, imenski, predmetni, geografski i hronološki), koji zajedno sa bibliografijom predstavlјaju iscrpan izvor informacija. Dodatno, potencira se značaj objavlјivanja tekstova o savremenim arhitektonskim i urbanističkim realizacijama koje omogućava informisanost, edukaciju i dokumentovanje promena u izgrađenom okruženju.
PB  - Београд : Институт за архитектуру и урбанизам Србије
T2  - Архитектура и урбанизам
T1  - Часопис Зборник радова (1961-1975): анализа и библиографија
T1  - Analysis and bibliography of the journal Zbornik radova (1961-1975)
T1  - Časopis Zbornik radova (1961-1975): analiza i bibliografija
IS  - 48
SP  - 7
EP  - 18
DO  - 10.5937/a-u0-22139
ER  - 
author = "Милинковић, Милена and Никовић, Ана and Петрић, Јасна",
year = "2019",
abstract = "У раду се приказује део издавачке делатности Института која се одвијала у периоду 1961–1975. године, у виду часописа Зборник радова у коме су поглавито представљане архитектонске и урбанистичке реализације на простору тадашње Југославије. Циљ је упознавање научне и стручне јавности, а нарочито младих истраживача, са значајем и садржајем овог часописа, те се у раду врши његова анализа, што је резултирало израдом његове библиографије. Посебан допринос овог рада чине пет пратећих регистара (регистар наслова, именски, предметни, географски и хронолошки), који заједно са библиографијом представљају исцрпан извор информација. Додатно, потенцира се значај објављивања текстова о савременим архитектонским и урбанистичким реализацијама које омогућава информисаност, едукацију и документовање промена у изграђеном окружењу., The paper presents a part of the publishing activity of the Institute of Architecture and Urban&Spatial Planning of Serbia that took place in the period 1961–1975, in the form of a journal Zbornik radova, which mainly presents architectural and urban realizations in the area of former Yugoslavia. The aim is to get acquainted with the scientific and professional public, especially young researchers with the significance and content of this journal. With that aim, the five accompanying registers (register of titles, names, topics, geographical and chronological) are given which, together with bibliography, represent a full source of information. It is important to establish the continuity in presenting the contemporary architectural and urban realizations in Serbia – which contributes to informing, educating and documenting the changes in the built environment., U radu se prikazuje deo izdavačke delatnosti Instituta koja se odvijala u periodu 1961–1975. godine, u vidu časopisa Zbornik radova u kome su poglavito predstavlјane arhitektonske i urbanističke realizacije na prostoru tadašnje Jugoslavije. Cilј je upoznavanje naučne i stručne javnosti, a naročito mladih istraživača, sa značajem i sadržajem ovog časopisa, te se u radu vrši njegova analiza, što je rezultiralo izradom njegove bibliografije. Poseban doprinos ovog rada čine pet pratećih registara (registar naslova, imenski, predmetni, geografski i hronološki), koji zajedno sa bibliografijom predstavlјaju iscrpan izvor informacija. Dodatno, potencira se značaj objavlјivanja tekstova o savremenim arhitektonskim i urbanističkim realizacijama koje omogućava informisanost, edukaciju i dokumentovanje promena u izgrađenom okruženju.",
publisher = "Београд : Институт за архитектуру и урбанизам Србије",
journal = "Архитектура и урбанизам",
title = "Часопис Зборник радова (1961-1975): анализа и библиографија, Analysis and bibliography of the journal Zbornik radova (1961-1975), Časopis Zbornik radova (1961-1975): analiza i bibliografija",
number = "48",
pages = "7-18",
doi = "10.5937/a-u0-22139"
Милинковић, М., Никовић, А.,& Петрић, Ј.. (2019). Часопис Зборник радова (1961-1975): анализа и библиографија. in Архитектура и урбанизам
Београд : Институт за архитектуру и урбанизам Србије.(48), 7-18.
Милинковић М, Никовић А, Петрић Ј. Часопис Зборник радова (1961-1975): анализа и библиографија. in Архитектура и урбанизам. 2019;(48):7-18.
doi:10.5937/a-u0-22139 .
Милинковић, Милена, Никовић, Ана, Петрић, Јасна, "Часопис Зборник радова (1961-1975): анализа и библиографија" in Архитектура и урбанизам, no. 48 (2019):7-18, . .

Promoting adaptation within urban planning: case study of the General Regulation Plan of the city of Požarevac

Crnčević, Tijana; Niković, Ana; Manić, Božidar

(Cham : Springer, 2019)

AU  - Crnčević, Tijana
AU  - Niković, Ana
AU  - Manić, Božidar
PY  - 2019
UR  -
AB  - This paper, by presenting the case study of the General Regulation Plan,
provides an overview of the potentials and limitations of the planning system regarding
adaptation in the context of urban planning in the Republic of Serbia. The spatial
coverage of the Plan includes the central/urban and peri-urban area of the city of
Požarevac, within which various land uses are represented. In addition to housing,
commercial and industrial facilities, green infrastructure, as well as other land uses,
agriculture is also presented. Taking into consideration the specificity of the Plan
area, the paper presents measures that promote adaptation, with special emphasis on
the green infrastructure, the water system, energy efficiency and the urban structure.
Thus, one of the measures promoted by this Plan is the reservation of the space for
raising fast-growing forests, building green roofs and walls and as well developing
and expanding of the water drainage system network. In accordance with the current
legal and planning basis, within the conclusions that this work stresses is that, even
in an incomplete legal and planning framework, there are real possibilities for the
inclusion of adaptive measures in the process of urban planning.
PB  - Cham : Springer
T2  - Climate Change Adaptation in Eastern Europe. Climate Change Management: Managing risks and building resilience to climate change
T1  - Promoting adaptation within urban planning: case study of the General Regulation Plan of the city of Požarevac
SP  - 229
EP  - 244
DO  - 10.1007/978-3-030-03383-5
ER  - 
author = "Crnčević, Tijana and Niković, Ana and Manić, Božidar",
year = "2019",
abstract = "This paper, by presenting the case study of the General Regulation Plan,
provides an overview of the potentials and limitations of the planning system regarding
adaptation in the context of urban planning in the Republic of Serbia. The spatial
coverage of the Plan includes the central/urban and peri-urban area of the city of
Požarevac, within which various land uses are represented. In addition to housing,
commercial and industrial facilities, green infrastructure, as well as other land uses,
agriculture is also presented. Taking into consideration the specificity of the Plan
area, the paper presents measures that promote adaptation, with special emphasis on
the green infrastructure, the water system, energy efficiency and the urban structure.
Thus, one of the measures promoted by this Plan is the reservation of the space for
raising fast-growing forests, building green roofs and walls and as well developing
and expanding of the water drainage system network. In accordance with the current
legal and planning basis, within the conclusions that this work stresses is that, even
in an incomplete legal and planning framework, there are real possibilities for the
inclusion of adaptive measures in the process of urban planning.",
publisher = "Cham : Springer",
journal = "Climate Change Adaptation in Eastern Europe. Climate Change Management: Managing risks and building resilience to climate change",
booktitle = "Promoting adaptation within urban planning: case study of the General Regulation Plan of the city of Požarevac",
pages = "229-244",
doi = "10.1007/978-3-030-03383-5"
Crnčević, T., Niković, A.,& Manić, B.. (2019). Promoting adaptation within urban planning: case study of the General Regulation Plan of the city of Požarevac. in Climate Change Adaptation in Eastern Europe. Climate Change Management: Managing risks and building resilience to climate change
Cham : Springer., 229-244.
Crnčević T, Niković A, Manić B. Promoting adaptation within urban planning: case study of the General Regulation Plan of the city of Požarevac. in Climate Change Adaptation in Eastern Europe. Climate Change Management: Managing risks and building resilience to climate change. 2019;:229-244.
doi:10.1007/978-3-030-03383-5 .
Crnčević, Tijana, Niković, Ana, Manić, Božidar, "Promoting adaptation within urban planning: case study of the General Regulation Plan of the city of Požarevac" in Climate Change Adaptation in Eastern Europe. Climate Change Management: Managing risks and building resilience to climate change (2019):229-244, . .

Co-designing smart local solutions for exploiting values and enhancing resilience

Manić, Božidar; Čolić, Nataša; Niković, Ana; Brankov, Borjan

(Београд : Удружење урбаниста Србије, 2019)


Manić, B., Čolić, N., Niković, A.,& Brankov, B.. (2019). Co-designing smart local solutions for exploiting values and enhancing resilience. in 28th International Urban Planners’ Exhibition Catalogue [28. Међународни салон урбанизма, каталог]
Београд : Удружење урбаниста Србије., 07.13.
Manić B, Čolić N, Niković A, Brankov B. Co-designing smart local solutions for exploiting values and enhancing resilience. in 28th International Urban Planners’ Exhibition Catalogue [28. Међународни салон урбанизма, каталог]. 2019;:07.13. .
Manić, Božidar, Čolić, Nataša, Niković, Ana, Brankov, Borjan, "Co-designing smart local solutions for exploiting values and enhancing resilience" in 28th International Urban Planners’ Exhibition Catalogue [28. Међународни салон урбанизма, каталог] (2019):07.13, .

О пројекту CLEVER – Cо-Designing Smart Local Solutions for Exploiting Values and Enhancing Resilience

Manić, Božidar; Čolić, Nataša; Niković, Ana; Brankov, Borjan

(Београд : Институт за Архитектуру и Урбанизам Србије, 2019)

AU  - Manić, Božidar
AU  - Čolić, Nataša
AU  - Niković, Ana
AU  - Brankov, Borjan
PY  - 2019
UR  -
PB  - Београд : Институт за Архитектуру и Урбанизам Србије
T2  - Архитектура и Урбанизам
T1  - О пројекту CLEVER – Cо-Designing Smart Local Solutions for Exploiting Values and Enhancing Resilience
SP  - 88
EP  - 89
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Manić, Božidar and Čolić, Nataša and Niković, Ana and Brankov, Borjan",
year = "2019",
publisher = "Београд : Институт за Архитектуру и Урбанизам Србије",
journal = "Архитектура и Урбанизам",
title = "О пројекту CLEVER – Cо-Designing Smart Local Solutions for Exploiting Values and Enhancing Resilience",
pages = "88-89",
url = ""
Manić, B., Čolić, N., Niković, A.,& Brankov, B.. (2019). О пројекту CLEVER – Cо-Designing Smart Local Solutions for Exploiting Values and Enhancing Resilience. in Архитектура и Урбанизам
Београд : Институт за Архитектуру и Урбанизам Србије., 88-89.
Manić B, Čolić N, Niković A, Brankov B. О пројекту CLEVER – Cо-Designing Smart Local Solutions for Exploiting Values and Enhancing Resilience. in Архитектура и Урбанизам. 2019;:88-89. .
Manić, Božidar, Čolić, Nataša, Niković, Ana, Brankov, Borjan, "О пројекту CLEVER – Cо-Designing Smart Local Solutions for Exploiting Values and Enhancing Resilience" in Архитектура и Урбанизам (2019):88-89, .

Detailed Regulation Plan for turistic complex “Srebrnac” on Kopaonik

Manić, Božidar; Niković, Ana; Crnčević, Tijana; Brankov, Borjan; Majhenšek, Katarina

(Београд : Удружење урбаниста Србије, 2019)


Manić, B., Niković, A., Crnčević, T., Brankov, B.,& Majhenšek, K.. (2019). Detailed Regulation Plan for turistic complex “Srebrnac” on Kopaonik. in 28th International Urban Planners’ Exhibition Catalogue [28. Међународни салон урбанизма, каталог]
Београд : Удружење урбаниста Србије., 04.16..
Manić B, Niković A, Crnčević T, Brankov B, Majhenšek K. Detailed Regulation Plan for turistic complex “Srebrnac” on Kopaonik. in 28th International Urban Planners’ Exhibition Catalogue [28. Међународни салон урбанизма, каталог]. 2019;:04.16.. .
Manić, Božidar, Niković, Ana, Crnčević, Tijana, Brankov, Borjan, Majhenšek, Katarina, "Detailed Regulation Plan for turistic complex “Srebrnac” on Kopaonik" in 28th International Urban Planners’ Exhibition Catalogue [28. Међународни салон урбанизма, каталог] (2019):04.16., .

Urban Project Development for the Construction of Main Gas Pipe (Interconnector) Border of Bulgaria - Border of Hungary, Partition 1, Phase 4, Territory of Municipalities of Ćuprija and Paraćin

Manić, Božidar; Niković, Ana

(Београд : Удружење урбаниста Србије, 2019)


Manić, B.,& Niković, A.. (2019). Urban Project Development for the Construction of Main Gas Pipe (Interconnector) Border of Bulgaria - Border of Hungary, Partition 1, Phase 4, Territory of Municipalities of Ćuprija and Paraćin. in 28th International Urban Planners' Exibition, Catalogue [28. Међународни салон урбанизма, каталог]
Београд : Удружење урбаниста Србије., 05.10..
Manić B, Niković A. Urban Project Development for the Construction of Main Gas Pipe (Interconnector) Border of Bulgaria - Border of Hungary, Partition 1, Phase 4, Territory of Municipalities of Ćuprija and Paraćin. in 28th International Urban Planners' Exibition, Catalogue [28. Међународни салон урбанизма, каталог]. 2019;:05.10.. .
Manić, Božidar, Niković, Ana, "Urban Project Development for the Construction of Main Gas Pipe (Interconnector) Border of Bulgaria - Border of Hungary, Partition 1, Phase 4, Territory of Municipalities of Ćuprija and Paraćin" in 28th International Urban Planners' Exibition, Catalogue [28. Међународни салон урбанизма, каталог] (2019):05.10., .

Plan generalne regulacije – osnovni regulacioni plan? / General Regulation Plan - Basic Regulatory Plan?

Manić, Božidar; Niković, Ana; Majhenšek, Katarina

(Beograd : Udruženje urbanista Srbije, 2019)

AU  - Manić, Božidar
AU  - Niković, Ana
AU  - Majhenšek, Katarina
PY  - 2019
UR  -
AB  - U radu se razmatra sadržaj i karakter plana generalne regulacije, kao posebne vrste urbanističkog plana, te njegova pozicija u pravnom okviru urbanističke regulacije u Srbiji XIX, XX veka i danas. Prema najskorijim izmenama Zakona o planiranju i izgradnji, on postaje osnovni regulacioni plan, što implicira da se na najvećem delu planskog obuhvata može sprovoditi neposredno, bez obaveze dalje urbanističke razrade. Imajući u vidu da obuhvat ovih planova često čine cela naselja, u praksi se javlja problem nesprovodljivosti planova generalne regulacije, s obzirom da se kroz planske smernice nedovoljno prepoznaje heterogenost fizičke strukture i specifičnost pojedinih urbanističkih celina.
AB  - The paper discusses the content and character of the general regulation plan and its position in the legal framework of urban regulation in Serbia up to date. The latest Law on Planning and Construction promotes it as the basic regulatory plan, implying the direct implementation without developing the detailed regulation plans for certain parts of the planned area. Having that the planned area subsumes entire settlements, the difficulties in the implementation of general regulation plans are related with the fact that the planning guidelines do not recognize the heterogeneity of the physical structure and the specificity of certain urban entities.
PB  - Beograd : Udruženje urbanista Srbije
C3  - Urbanističko planiranje u novom zakonu: objašnjenja, iskustva i želje ; Analiza primene novog zakona o postupku upisa u katastar nepokretnosti; nacionalna infrastruktura geoprostornih podataka - geosrbija, novi sadržaji; RGZ - ozakonjenje bespravno izgrađenih objekata ; Budućnost je pred nama! Kakva je?
T1  - Plan generalne regulacije – osnovni regulacioni plan? / General Regulation Plan - Basic Regulatory Plan?
SP  - 43
EP  - 52
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Manić, Božidar and Niković, Ana and Majhenšek, Katarina",
year = "2019",
abstract = "U radu se razmatra sadržaj i karakter plana generalne regulacije, kao posebne vrste urbanističkog plana, te njegova pozicija u pravnom okviru urbanističke regulacije u Srbiji XIX, XX veka i danas. Prema najskorijim izmenama Zakona o planiranju i izgradnji, on postaje osnovni regulacioni plan, što implicira da se na najvećem delu planskog obuhvata može sprovoditi neposredno, bez obaveze dalje urbanističke razrade. Imajući u vidu da obuhvat ovih planova često čine cela naselja, u praksi se javlja problem nesprovodljivosti planova generalne regulacije, s obzirom da se kroz planske smernice nedovoljno prepoznaje heterogenost fizičke strukture i specifičnost pojedinih urbanističkih celina., The paper discusses the content and character of the general regulation plan and its position in the legal framework of urban regulation in Serbia up to date. The latest Law on Planning and Construction promotes it as the basic regulatory plan, implying the direct implementation without developing the detailed regulation plans for certain parts of the planned area. Having that the planned area subsumes entire settlements, the difficulties in the implementation of general regulation plans are related with the fact that the planning guidelines do not recognize the heterogeneity of the physical structure and the specificity of certain urban entities.",
publisher = "Beograd : Udruženje urbanista Srbije",
journal = "Urbanističko planiranje u novom zakonu: objašnjenja, iskustva i želje ; Analiza primene novog zakona o postupku upisa u katastar nepokretnosti; nacionalna infrastruktura geoprostornih podataka - geosrbija, novi sadržaji; RGZ - ozakonjenje bespravno izgrađenih objekata ; Budućnost je pred nama! Kakva je?",
title = "Plan generalne regulacije – osnovni regulacioni plan? / General Regulation Plan - Basic Regulatory Plan?",
pages = "43-52",
url = ""
Manić, B., Niković, A.,& Majhenšek, K.. (2019). Plan generalne regulacije – osnovni regulacioni plan? / General Regulation Plan - Basic Regulatory Plan?. in Urbanističko planiranje u novom zakonu: objašnjenja, iskustva i želje ; Analiza primene novog zakona o postupku upisa u katastar nepokretnosti; nacionalna infrastruktura geoprostornih podataka - geosrbija, novi sadržaji; RGZ - ozakonjenje bespravno izgrađenih objekata ; Budućnost je pred nama! Kakva je?
Beograd : Udruženje urbanista Srbije., 43-52.
Manić B, Niković A, Majhenšek K. Plan generalne regulacije – osnovni regulacioni plan? / General Regulation Plan - Basic Regulatory Plan?. in Urbanističko planiranje u novom zakonu: objašnjenja, iskustva i želje ; Analiza primene novog zakona o postupku upisa u katastar nepokretnosti; nacionalna infrastruktura geoprostornih podataka - geosrbija, novi sadržaji; RGZ - ozakonjenje bespravno izgrađenih objekata ; Budućnost je pred nama! Kakva je?. 2019;:43-52. .
Manić, Božidar, Niković, Ana, Majhenšek, Katarina, "Plan generalne regulacije – osnovni regulacioni plan? / General Regulation Plan - Basic Regulatory Plan?" in Urbanističko planiranje u novom zakonu: objašnjenja, iskustva i želje ; Analiza primene novog zakona o postupku upisa u katastar nepokretnosti; nacionalna infrastruktura geoprostornih podataka - geosrbija, novi sadržaji; RGZ - ozakonjenje bespravno izgrađenih objekata ; Budućnost je pred nama! Kakva je? (2019):43-52, .

Publishing and spatial planning - the driving role of the institute through the prism of the journal Savremene urbanističke teme (1961-1981)

Milinković, Milena; Petrić, Jasna; Niković, Ana

(Belgrade : Institute of Architecture and Urban & Spatial Planning of Serbia, 2019)

AU  - Milinković, Milena
AU  - Petrić, Jasna
AU  - Niković, Ana
PY  - 2019
UR  -
AB  - This paper emphasises the role of people who have been employed at the Institute of Architecture and Urban & Spatial Planning of Serbia as well as a number of its external associates in the development of spatial planning in Serbia. It highlights the significance of the publishing role of the Institute, which goes hand in hand with its work on scientific research and professional projects, with a special focus on the journal Savremene urbanističke teme (Engl. Contemporary Urban Themes), one of its five serial publications. This journal is significant because it published analytical and study articles, translations, critical reviews, and reviews of important achievements in urban and spatial planning at a time when spatial planning in Serbia was still in its pioneering phase, which resulted in the launch of ambitious projects with a wider social impact. The important contribution of this paper is the bibliography of the journal Savremene urbanističke teme, as well as four accompanying registers that present all of the authors of its texts and all of the published titles.
PB  - Belgrade : Institute of Architecture and Urban & Spatial Planning of Serbia
T2  - Spatium
T1  - Publishing and spatial planning - the driving role of the institute through the prism of the journal Savremene urbanističke teme (1961-1981)
IS  - 42
SP  - 23
EP  - 34
DO  - 10.2298/SPAT1942023M
ER  - 
author = "Milinković, Milena and Petrić, Jasna and Niković, Ana",
year = "2019",
abstract = "This paper emphasises the role of people who have been employed at the Institute of Architecture and Urban & Spatial Planning of Serbia as well as a number of its external associates in the development of spatial planning in Serbia. It highlights the significance of the publishing role of the Institute, which goes hand in hand with its work on scientific research and professional projects, with a special focus on the journal Savremene urbanističke teme (Engl. Contemporary Urban Themes), one of its five serial publications. This journal is significant because it published analytical and study articles, translations, critical reviews, and reviews of important achievements in urban and spatial planning at a time when spatial planning in Serbia was still in its pioneering phase, which resulted in the launch of ambitious projects with a wider social impact. The important contribution of this paper is the bibliography of the journal Savremene urbanističke teme, as well as four accompanying registers that present all of the authors of its texts and all of the published titles.",
publisher = "Belgrade : Institute of Architecture and Urban & Spatial Planning of Serbia",
journal = "Spatium",
title = "Publishing and spatial planning - the driving role of the institute through the prism of the journal Savremene urbanističke teme (1961-1981)",
number = "42",
pages = "23-34",
doi = "10.2298/SPAT1942023M"
Milinković, M., Petrić, J.,& Niković, A.. (2019). Publishing and spatial planning - the driving role of the institute through the prism of the journal Savremene urbanističke teme (1961-1981). in Spatium
Belgrade : Institute of Architecture and Urban & Spatial Planning of Serbia.(42), 23-34.
Milinković M, Petrić J, Niković A. Publishing and spatial planning - the driving role of the institute through the prism of the journal Savremene urbanističke teme (1961-1981). in Spatium. 2019;(42):23-34.
doi:10.2298/SPAT1942023M .
Milinković, Milena, Petrić, Jasna, Niković, Ana, "Publishing and spatial planning - the driving role of the institute through the prism of the journal Savremene urbanističke teme (1961-1981)" in Spatium, no. 42 (2019):23-34, . .

Нови методолошки приступ интегрисаном планирању и управљању у области заштите непокретних културних добара међународног значаја и одрживог просторног развоја у Србији (примери планова детаљне регулације за археолошка налазишта Ромулијана - Гамзиград и Царичин град)

Максић Мулалић, Милица; Максин, Марија; Манић, Божидар; Никовић, Ана; Пантић, Маријана; Његић, Тања

(Београд : Институт за архитектуру и урбанизам Србије, 2018)


Максић Мулалић, М., Максин, М., Манић, Б., Никовић, А., Пантић, М.,& Његић, Т.. (2018). Нови методолошки приступ интегрисаном планирању и управљању у области заштите непокретних културних добара међународног значаја и одрживог просторног развоја у Србији (примери планова детаљне регулације за археолошка налазишта Ромулијана - Гамзиград и Царичин град). 
Београд : Институт за архитектуру и урбанизам Србије..
Максић Мулалић М, Максин М, Манић Б, Никовић А, Пантић М, Његић Т. Нови методолошки приступ интегрисаном планирању и управљању у области заштите непокретних културних добара међународног значаја и одрживог просторног развоја у Србији (примери планова детаљне регулације за археолошка налазишта Ромулијана - Гамзиград и Царичин град). 2018;. .
Максић Мулалић, Милица, Максин, Марија, Манић, Божидар, Никовић, Ана, Пантић, Маријана, Његић, Тања, "Нови методолошки приступ интегрисаном планирању и управљању у области заштите непокретних културних добара међународног значаја и одрживог просторног развоја у Србији (примери планова детаљне регулације за археолошка налазишта Ромулијана - Гамзиград и Царичин град)" (2018), .