Vujošević, Miodrag

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Authority KeyName Variants
  • Vujošević, Miodrag (42)
  • Вујошевић, Миодраг (3)

Author's Bibliography

Обнова СИМУ - развој, имплементација и главни резултати иии пројекта у области унапређења доношења државних одлука кроз циклус истраживања МПНТР 2011-2019. године

Петрић, Јасна; Вујошевић, Миодраг

(Београд : Институт за архитектуру и урбанизам Србије, 2020)

AU  - Петрић, Јасна
AU  - Вујошевић, Миодраг
PY  - 2020
UR  -
AB  - Научноистраживачки пројекат „Улога и имплементација државног
просторног плана и регионалних развојних докумената у обнови стратешког
истраживања, мишљења и управљања у Србији“ реализован је у оквиру
текућег истраживачког циклуса који је првобитно био предвиђен да траје до
2014. године, а затим продужаван за све пројекте, тако да је обухватио период
2011-2019. године. Пројекат је финансирало Министарство просвете, науке и
технолошког развоја Републике Србије (МПНТР), а на њему је окупљено 29
истраживача из пет научноистраживачких организација – учесница на пројекту.
Сагледавајући искушења и изазове транзиције у Србији у периоду дужем
од двадесет година, током којих је испробано неколико приступа и начина
прилагођавања у условима тзв. „управљања кризом“, нагласак истраживања
на овом пројекту је на планским приступима, који би у условима доминације
тржишног модела привређивања већинског система приватне својине и
политичког плурализма, могли довести до обнове развоја и обнове стратешког истраживања, мишљења и управљања (СИМУ) у Србији. Кроз интегрална и
интердисциплинарна истраживања (ИИИ) на Пројекту, фокус је на примени
Просторног плана Републике Србије 2010. до 2020. године, односно Програма
имплементације Просторног плана Републике Србије 2016-2020. Ради се о
стратешким документима који, поред осталог, имају за циљ да покрену и
обнову СИМУ у Србији, јер нису замишљени као уско физичко-просторни,
тј. не циљају само на тзв. „просторни развој“, или организацију и уређење
простора. У раду су приказани циљеви истраживања и њихово остваривање у
оквиру Пројекта; активности на Пројекту по годинама реализације и конкретан
опис резултата по активностима и фазама; ангажованост истраживача; и
изазови који су се јавили при реализацији Пројекта, те предузете активности
да би се они успешно савладали. Уз то, истакнута је потреба даљег развоја и
јачања институционалног „интерфејса“ између истраживачких организација
– реализатора Пројекта и институција, односно организација из политичко-
економског кластера које су корисници резултата истраживања са циљем
да се искористе научна знања и други компетентни увиди за припремање,
доношење и остваривање стратешких одлука.
AB  - Scientific research project “The role and implementation of the National Spatial
Plan and regional development documents in renewal of strategic research, thinking
and governance in Serbia” was conducted within the research program period that
was initially planned to last until the year 2014, but was subsequently extended
for all projects of this call so it covered the whole period 2011-2019. The project
was financed by the Serbian Ministry of Education, Science and Technological
Development (MESTD) and it gathered 29 researchers from five scientific research
organisations – participants in the Project. By analysing challenges of transition
in Serbia in the period of over the two decades, during which there were tested
several approaches and ways of adjustments under the conditions of the socalled
‘crisis management’, in the circumstances of the dominant market-economy
model, as well as majority system of a private property and political pluralism, the
emphasis of this Project’s research was on planning approaches which could bring
to the renewal of strategic research, thinking and governance (SRTG) in Serbia.
Through Integral and Interdisciplinary Investigations (III) on the Project, a focus was on implementation of the Spatial Plan of the Republic of Serbia from the year 2010
till 2020, and on the Program of implementation of the Spatial Plan of the Republic
of Serbia 2016-2020. These are strategic documents which, among all, also aim for
initialising the renewal of SRTG in Serbia, because they are not conceptualised as
merely the physical-spatial ones, i.e. they don’t aim just for the so-called ‘spatial
development’, or spatial organisation and arrangement. In the paper are presented
the research goals and their implementability while the duration of the Project;
activities on the Project according to the years of its realisation and the concrete
description of the results of the activities and phases; the engagement of researchers;
as well as challenges that occurred during the Project’s implementation, including
the activities taken in order to successfully overcome these challenges. In parallel
with that, there has been emphasized the need for further development and raise
of the institutional ‘interface’ between the research organisations – participants in
the Project and the institutions or organisations of the political-economy cluster
who use this research results with the aim to emply scientific knowledge and other
competent insights for implementing preparation, endorsement and achievement
of the strategic decisions.
PB  - Београд : Институт за архитектуру и урбанизам Србије
T2  - Теоријска, развојна и примењена истраживања просторних процеса за обнову стратешког  мишљења и управљања у Србији
T1  - Обнова СИМУ - развој, имплементација и главни резултати иии пројекта у области унапређења  доношења државних одлука кроз циклус истраживања МПНТР 2011-2019. године
T1  - The renewal of SRTG - development, implementation and key results of the iii project in the field of improvement of decision making processes through the research cycle of MESTD in the period 2011-2019
SP  - 1
EP  - 26
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Петрић, Јасна and Вујошевић, Миодраг",
year = "2020",
abstract = "Научноистраживачки пројекат „Улога и имплементација државног
просторног плана и регионалних развојних докумената у обнови стратешког
истраживања, мишљења и управљања у Србији“ реализован је у оквиру
текућег истраживачког циклуса који је првобитно био предвиђен да траје до
2014. године, а затим продужаван за све пројекте, тако да је обухватио период
2011-2019. године. Пројекат је финансирало Министарство просвете, науке и
технолошког развоја Републике Србије (МПНТР), а на њему је окупљено 29
истраживача из пет научноистраживачких организација – учесница на пројекту.
Сагледавајући искушења и изазове транзиције у Србији у периоду дужем
од двадесет година, током којих је испробано неколико приступа и начина
прилагођавања у условима тзв. „управљања кризом“, нагласак истраживања
на овом пројекту је на планским приступима, који би у условима доминације
тржишног модела привређивања већинског система приватне својине и
политичког плурализма, могли довести до обнове развоја и обнове стратешког истраживања, мишљења и управљања (СИМУ) у Србији. Кроз интегрална и
интердисциплинарна истраживања (ИИИ) на Пројекту, фокус је на примени
Просторног плана Републике Србије 2010. до 2020. године, односно Програма
имплементације Просторног плана Републике Србије 2016-2020. Ради се о
стратешким документима који, поред осталог, имају за циљ да покрену и
обнову СИМУ у Србији, јер нису замишљени као уско физичко-просторни,
тј. не циљају само на тзв. „просторни развој“, или организацију и уређење
простора. У раду су приказани циљеви истраживања и њихово остваривање у
оквиру Пројекта; активности на Пројекту по годинама реализације и конкретан
опис резултата по активностима и фазама; ангажованост истраживача; и
изазови који су се јавили при реализацији Пројекта, те предузете активности
да би се они успешно савладали. Уз то, истакнута је потреба даљег развоја и
јачања институционалног „интерфејса“ између истраживачких организација
– реализатора Пројекта и институција, односно организација из политичко-
економског кластера које су корисници резултата истраживања са циљем
да се искористе научна знања и други компетентни увиди за припремање,
доношење и остваривање стратешких одлука., Scientific research project “The role and implementation of the National Spatial
Plan and regional development documents in renewal of strategic research, thinking
and governance in Serbia” was conducted within the research program period that
was initially planned to last until the year 2014, but was subsequently extended
for all projects of this call so it covered the whole period 2011-2019. The project
was financed by the Serbian Ministry of Education, Science and Technological
Development (MESTD) and it gathered 29 researchers from five scientific research
organisations – participants in the Project. By analysing challenges of transition
in Serbia in the period of over the two decades, during which there were tested
several approaches and ways of adjustments under the conditions of the socalled
‘crisis management’, in the circumstances of the dominant market-economy
model, as well as majority system of a private property and political pluralism, the
emphasis of this Project’s research was on planning approaches which could bring
to the renewal of strategic research, thinking and governance (SRTG) in Serbia.
Through Integral and Interdisciplinary Investigations (III) on the Project, a focus was on implementation of the Spatial Plan of the Republic of Serbia from the year 2010
till 2020, and on the Program of implementation of the Spatial Plan of the Republic
of Serbia 2016-2020. These are strategic documents which, among all, also aim for
initialising the renewal of SRTG in Serbia, because they are not conceptualised as
merely the physical-spatial ones, i.e. they don’t aim just for the so-called ‘spatial
development’, or spatial organisation and arrangement. In the paper are presented
the research goals and their implementability while the duration of the Project;
activities on the Project according to the years of its realisation and the concrete
description of the results of the activities and phases; the engagement of researchers;
as well as challenges that occurred during the Project’s implementation, including
the activities taken in order to successfully overcome these challenges. In parallel
with that, there has been emphasized the need for further development and raise
of the institutional ‘interface’ between the research organisations – participants in
the Project and the institutions or organisations of the political-economy cluster
who use this research results with the aim to emply scientific knowledge and other
competent insights for implementing preparation, endorsement and achievement
of the strategic decisions.",
publisher = "Београд : Институт за архитектуру и урбанизам Србије",
journal = "Теоријска, развојна и примењена истраживања просторних процеса за обнову стратешког  мишљења и управљања у Србији",
booktitle = "Обнова СИМУ - развој, имплементација и главни резултати иии пројекта у области унапређења  доношења државних одлука кроз циклус истраживања МПНТР 2011-2019. године, The renewal of SRTG - development, implementation and key results of the iii project in the field of improvement of decision making processes through the research cycle of MESTD in the period 2011-2019",
pages = "1-26",
url = ""
Петрић, Ј.,& Вујошевић, М.. (2020). Обнова СИМУ - развој, имплементација и главни резултати иии пројекта у области унапређења  доношења државних одлука кроз циклус истраживања МПНТР 2011-2019. године. in Теоријска, развојна и примењена истраживања просторних процеса за обнову стратешког  мишљења и управљања у Србији
Београд : Институт за архитектуру и урбанизам Србије., 1-26.
Петрић Ј, Вујошевић М. Обнова СИМУ - развој, имплементација и главни резултати иии пројекта у области унапређења  доношења државних одлука кроз циклус истраживања МПНТР 2011-2019. године. in Теоријска, развојна и примењена истраживања просторних процеса за обнову стратешког  мишљења и управљања у Србији. 2020;:1-26. .
Петрић, Јасна, Вујошевић, Миодраг, "Обнова СИМУ - развој, имплементација и главни резултати иии пројекта у области унапређења  доношења државних одлука кроз циклус истраживања МПНТР 2011-2019. године" in Теоријска, развојна и примењена истраживања просторних процеса за обнову стратешког  мишљења и управљања у Србији (2020):1-26, .

Land construction and urban development policy in Serbia: impact of key contextual factors

Zeković, Slavka; Vujošević, Miodrag

(Lausanne : CODEV - Swiss Cooperation & Development Center at EPFL - École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne, 2018)

AU  - Zeković, Slavka
AU  - Vujošević, Miodrag
PY  - 2018
UR  -
UR  -
AB  - The aim of this paper is to provide a systematized overview of urban land policy in Serbia, primarily regarding the impact of key contextual factors (historical, institutional, legal, etc.). Various historical and developmental contexts have caused regulation changes concerning construction land and its impact on the urban development in Serbia from the mid-19th century to the beginning of the 1990s. The analysis starts with an overview of the theoretical background of urban development policy and land regulation, followed by a brief reflection on the impact of key historical and legislative factors focused on the post-socialist period. The analysis of the urban land policy in the post-socialist period includes: key legislation; ownership status of construction land and property rights; conversion of ownership status; general policy instruments; key urban land management issues in Serbian cities; and a preliminary evaluation of the implementation effects of the existing urban land system in Serbia. Several research methods have been applied here, viz., the conceptual benchmarking framework for the dominant legal doctrine; a general qualitative analysis of the contemporary context; institutional and comparative analyses, etc. Although the former socialist concept of the welfare state has been transformed into a neoliberal concept in a short period, there is an evident delay in the reforms of the Serbian urban land policy. The paper presents numerous findings regarding the impact of the current system and practice on the general urban land policy in Serbia, while also focusing on the concomitant developments in the Belgrade Area. The paper concludes with the recommendations regarding the harmonisation and innovation of urban land policy and urban development policy in Serbia in the post-socialist era.
PB  - Lausanne : CODEV - Swiss Cooperation & Development Center at EPFL - École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne
PB  - Belgrade : Institute of architecture and urban & spatial planning of Serbia
T2  - Support to process of urban development
T1  - Land construction and urban development policy in Serbia: impact of key contextual factors
SP  - 29
EP  - 58
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Zeković, Slavka and Vujošević, Miodrag",
year = "2018",
abstract = "The aim of this paper is to provide a systematized overview of urban land policy in Serbia, primarily regarding the impact of key contextual factors (historical, institutional, legal, etc.). Various historical and developmental contexts have caused regulation changes concerning construction land and its impact on the urban development in Serbia from the mid-19th century to the beginning of the 1990s. The analysis starts with an overview of the theoretical background of urban development policy and land regulation, followed by a brief reflection on the impact of key historical and legislative factors focused on the post-socialist period. The analysis of the urban land policy in the post-socialist period includes: key legislation; ownership status of construction land and property rights; conversion of ownership status; general policy instruments; key urban land management issues in Serbian cities; and a preliminary evaluation of the implementation effects of the existing urban land system in Serbia. Several research methods have been applied here, viz., the conceptual benchmarking framework for the dominant legal doctrine; a general qualitative analysis of the contemporary context; institutional and comparative analyses, etc. Although the former socialist concept of the welfare state has been transformed into a neoliberal concept in a short period, there is an evident delay in the reforms of the Serbian urban land policy. The paper presents numerous findings regarding the impact of the current system and practice on the general urban land policy in Serbia, while also focusing on the concomitant developments in the Belgrade Area. The paper concludes with the recommendations regarding the harmonisation and innovation of urban land policy and urban development policy in Serbia in the post-socialist era.",
publisher = "Lausanne : CODEV - Swiss Cooperation & Development Center at EPFL - École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne, Belgrade : Institute of architecture and urban & spatial planning of Serbia",
journal = "Support to process of urban development",
booktitle = "Land construction and urban development policy in Serbia: impact of key contextual factors",
pages = "29-58",
url = ""
Zeković, S.,& Vujošević, M.. (2018). Land construction and urban development policy in Serbia: impact of key contextual factors. in Support to process of urban development
Lausanne : CODEV - Swiss Cooperation & Development Center at EPFL - École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne., 29-58.
Zeković S, Vujošević M. Land construction and urban development policy in Serbia: impact of key contextual factors. in Support to process of urban development. 2018;:29-58. .
Zeković, Slavka, Vujošević, Miodrag, "Land construction and urban development policy in Serbia: impact of key contextual factors" in Support to process of urban development (2018):29-58, .

Megaprojects as an instrument of urban planning and development: example of Belgrade Waterfront

Zeković, Slavka; Maričić, Tamara; Vujošević, Miodrag

(Cham : Springer, 2018)

AU  - Zeković, Slavka
AU  - Maričić, Tamara
AU  - Vujošević, Miodrag
PY  - 2018
UR  -
AB  - The research analyzed the theoretical and methodological background of urban megaprojects (UMPs) as instrument of urban planning and development, with specific reference to the Belgrade Waterfront Project (BWP). In analysis we combined a contextually appropriate ap-proach, some elements of the phronetic planning approach and the benchmarking analysis of megaproject planning and development. BWP induced a change of the institutional framework (introduction of specific legal and policy instruments), as a key source of future changes in the metropolitan tissue. Preliminary impact assessment of the BWP indicates: slow development & economic effects, low transparency, social inequalities, marginal social mobilization and weak networks between the key actors, public funds overuse, impact on law-making, displacement impacts, high public financial risk, deep urban transformations, environmental impacts, medium-technological modernization, etc. This research highlights the differences in the political, institutional, social and economic environment that shape the BWP. It provides recommendations for future research and application, improvement of planning approach and continuing in-depth analysis for managing the undesirable consequences of the UMPs, including the determination of the interplay between different pools of power.
PB  - Cham : Springer
T2  - Technologies for development: from innovation to social impact
T1  - Megaprojects as an instrument of urban planning and development: example of Belgrade Waterfront
SP  - 153
EP  - 164
DO  - 10.1007/978-3-319-91068-0_13
ER  - 
author = "Zeković, Slavka and Maričić, Tamara and Vujošević, Miodrag",
year = "2018",
abstract = "The research analyzed the theoretical and methodological background of urban megaprojects (UMPs) as instrument of urban planning and development, with specific reference to the Belgrade Waterfront Project (BWP). In analysis we combined a contextually appropriate ap-proach, some elements of the phronetic planning approach and the benchmarking analysis of megaproject planning and development. BWP induced a change of the institutional framework (introduction of specific legal and policy instruments), as a key source of future changes in the metropolitan tissue. Preliminary impact assessment of the BWP indicates: slow development & economic effects, low transparency, social inequalities, marginal social mobilization and weak networks between the key actors, public funds overuse, impact on law-making, displacement impacts, high public financial risk, deep urban transformations, environmental impacts, medium-technological modernization, etc. This research highlights the differences in the political, institutional, social and economic environment that shape the BWP. It provides recommendations for future research and application, improvement of planning approach and continuing in-depth analysis for managing the undesirable consequences of the UMPs, including the determination of the interplay between different pools of power.",
publisher = "Cham : Springer",
journal = "Technologies for development: from innovation to social impact",
booktitle = "Megaprojects as an instrument of urban planning and development: example of Belgrade Waterfront",
pages = "153-164",
doi = "10.1007/978-3-319-91068-0_13"
Zeković, S., Maričić, T.,& Vujošević, M.. (2018). Megaprojects as an instrument of urban planning and development: example of Belgrade Waterfront. in Technologies for development: from innovation to social impact
Cham : Springer., 153-164.
Zeković S, Maričić T, Vujošević M. Megaprojects as an instrument of urban planning and development: example of Belgrade Waterfront. in Technologies for development: from innovation to social impact. 2018;:153-164.
doi:10.1007/978-3-319-91068-0_13 .
Zeković, Slavka, Maričić, Tamara, Vujošević, Miodrag, "Megaprojects as an instrument of urban planning and development: example of Belgrade Waterfront" in Technologies for development: from innovation to social impact (2018):153-164, . .

Urban Growth and Urbanization of Sofiа, Belgrade and Rome: the Interaction between Urban Planning and the Market

Kovachev, Atanas; Slaev, Aleksandar D.; Nikolov, Petar; Daskalova, Diliana; Vujošević, Miodrag; Zeković, Slavka; Petrić, Jasna; Krunić, Nikola; Maričić, Tamara; Bajić, Tanja; Salvemini, Mauro; Berardi, Laura

(Varna : Varna free university, 2016)

AU  - Kovachev, Atanas
AU  - Slaev, Aleksandar D.
AU  - Nikolov, Petar
AU  - Daskalova, Diliana
AU  - Vujošević, Miodrag
AU  - Zeković, Slavka
AU  - Petrić, Jasna
AU  - Krunić, Nikola
AU  - Maričić, Tamara
AU  - Bajić, Tanja
AU  - Salvemini, Mauro
AU  - Berardi, Laura
PY  - 2016
UR  -
AB  - The paper explores the problems of sustainable and resilient development of the cities in Eastern and South-east Europe on the examples of Sofia, Belgrade and Rome and their urban regions. The research draws comparisons to the forms, patterns and mechanisms of their development.
PB  - Varna : Varna free university
PB  - Belgrade: Institute of Architecture, Urban & Spatial Planning of Serbia
T2  - Forms of urban growth in South-Eastern Europe: transitioning towards urban resilience and sustainability. Volumen 1
T1  - Urban Growth and Urbanization of Sofiа, Belgrade and Rome: the Interaction between Urban Planning and the Market
SP  - 13
EP  - 136
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Kovachev, Atanas and Slaev, Aleksandar D. and Nikolov, Petar and Daskalova, Diliana and Vujošević, Miodrag and Zeković, Slavka and Petrić, Jasna and Krunić, Nikola and Maričić, Tamara and Bajić, Tanja and Salvemini, Mauro and Berardi, Laura",
year = "2016",
abstract = "The paper explores the problems of sustainable and resilient development of the cities in Eastern and South-east Europe on the examples of Sofia, Belgrade and Rome and their urban regions. The research draws comparisons to the forms, patterns and mechanisms of their development.",
publisher = "Varna : Varna free university, Belgrade: Institute of Architecture, Urban & Spatial Planning of Serbia",
journal = "Forms of urban growth in South-Eastern Europe: transitioning towards urban resilience and sustainability. Volumen 1",
booktitle = "Urban Growth and Urbanization of Sofiа, Belgrade and Rome: the Interaction between Urban Planning and the Market",
pages = "13-136",
url = ""
Kovachev, A., Slaev, A. D., Nikolov, P., Daskalova, D., Vujošević, M., Zeković, S., Petrić, J., Krunić, N., Maričić, T., Bajić, T., Salvemini, M.,& Berardi, L.. (2016). Urban Growth and Urbanization of Sofiа, Belgrade and Rome: the Interaction between Urban Planning and the Market. in Forms of urban growth in South-Eastern Europe: transitioning towards urban resilience and sustainability. Volumen 1
Varna : Varna free university., 13-136.
Kovachev A, Slaev AD, Nikolov P, Daskalova D, Vujošević M, Zeković S, Petrić J, Krunić N, Maričić T, Bajić T, Salvemini M, Berardi L. Urban Growth and Urbanization of Sofiа, Belgrade and Rome: the Interaction between Urban Planning and the Market. in Forms of urban growth in South-Eastern Europe: transitioning towards urban resilience and sustainability. Volumen 1. 2016;:13-136. .
Kovachev, Atanas, Slaev, Aleksandar D., Nikolov, Petar, Daskalova, Diliana, Vujošević, Miodrag, Zeković, Slavka, Petrić, Jasna, Krunić, Nikola, Maričić, Tamara, Bajić, Tanja, Salvemini, Mauro, Berardi, Laura, "Urban Growth and Urbanization of Sofiа, Belgrade and Rome: the Interaction between Urban Planning and the Market" in Forms of urban growth in South-Eastern Europe: transitioning towards urban resilience and sustainability. Volumen 1 (2016):13-136, .

Some guidelines on limiting urban sprawl

Zeković, Slavka; Vujošević, Miodrag

(Varna : Varna Free University, 2016)

AU  - Zeković, Slavka
AU  - Vujošević, Miodrag
PY  - 2016
UR  -
AB  - This contribution consists of two parts. In the first part, some comments are extended on the respective roles and contents of two key international documents in this area, viz., International Guidelines on Urban and Territorial Planning (Draft, UN Habitat, 2015), and the Leipzig Charter on Sustainable European Cities (2007). In the second part, some guidelines for the transformation of urban land policy and tools for limiting urban sprawl are presented and briefly interpreted, both traditional instruments and tools, and some which are more innovative and flexible. At the end of the paper we suggest that all of the documents mentioned (guidelines, charters, strategies, etc.) may fairly easily be implemented in the areas which are our main interest.
PB  - Varna : Varna Free University
PB  - Belgrade : Institute of architecture and urban& spatial planning of Serbia
T2  - Forms of urban growth in South-Eastern Europe: transitioning towards urban resilience and sustainability. Volume 2
T1  - Some guidelines on limiting urban sprawl
SP  - 153
EP  - 161
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Zeković, Slavka and Vujošević, Miodrag",
year = "2016",
abstract = "This contribution consists of two parts. In the first part, some comments are extended on the respective roles and contents of two key international documents in this area, viz., International Guidelines on Urban and Territorial Planning (Draft, UN Habitat, 2015), and the Leipzig Charter on Sustainable European Cities (2007). In the second part, some guidelines for the transformation of urban land policy and tools for limiting urban sprawl are presented and briefly interpreted, both traditional instruments and tools, and some which are more innovative and flexible. At the end of the paper we suggest that all of the documents mentioned (guidelines, charters, strategies, etc.) may fairly easily be implemented in the areas which are our main interest.",
publisher = "Varna : Varna Free University, Belgrade : Institute of architecture and urban& spatial planning of Serbia",
journal = "Forms of urban growth in South-Eastern Europe: transitioning towards urban resilience and sustainability. Volume 2",
booktitle = "Some guidelines on limiting urban sprawl",
pages = "153-161",
url = ""
Zeković, S.,& Vujošević, M.. (2016). Some guidelines on limiting urban sprawl. in Forms of urban growth in South-Eastern Europe: transitioning towards urban resilience and sustainability. Volume 2
Varna : Varna Free University., 153-161.
Zeković S, Vujošević M. Some guidelines on limiting urban sprawl. in Forms of urban growth in South-Eastern Europe: transitioning towards urban resilience and sustainability. Volume 2. 2016;:153-161. .
Zeković, Slavka, Vujošević, Miodrag, "Some guidelines on limiting urban sprawl" in Forms of urban growth in South-Eastern Europe: transitioning towards urban resilience and sustainability. Volume 2 (2016):153-161, .

Survey of planning documents - standards and regulations, spatial and master plans, plans for regional development

Zeković, Slavka; Vujošević, Miodrag

(Varna : Varna Free University, 2016)

AU  - Zeković, Slavka
AU  - Vujošević, Miodrag
PY  - 2016
UR  -
AB  - This contribution represents a revised version of reports for TURaS. It is comprised of two parts. In the first part, a number of national and local legal provisions on the utilization of agricultural and forest lands, respective conversion into urban (construction) lands and zoning in Serbia is presented. In the second part, the provisions of some national and local (Belgrade) strategic documents with regard to land use and urban construction policy are briefly discussed.
PB  - Varna : Varna Free University
PB  - Belgrade : Institute of architecture and urban& spatial planning of Serbia
T2  - Forms of urban growth in South-Eastern Europe: transitioning towards urban resilience and sustainability. Volume 2
T1  - Survey of planning documents - standards and regulations, spatial and master plans, plans for regional development
SP  - 25
EP  - 59
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Zeković, Slavka and Vujošević, Miodrag",
year = "2016",
abstract = "This contribution represents a revised version of reports for TURaS. It is comprised of two parts. In the first part, a number of national and local legal provisions on the utilization of agricultural and forest lands, respective conversion into urban (construction) lands and zoning in Serbia is presented. In the second part, the provisions of some national and local (Belgrade) strategic documents with regard to land use and urban construction policy are briefly discussed.",
publisher = "Varna : Varna Free University, Belgrade : Institute of architecture and urban& spatial planning of Serbia",
journal = "Forms of urban growth in South-Eastern Europe: transitioning towards urban resilience and sustainability. Volume 2",
booktitle = "Survey of planning documents - standards and regulations, spatial and master plans, plans for regional development",
pages = "25-59",
url = ""
Zeković, S.,& Vujošević, M.. (2016). Survey of planning documents - standards and regulations, spatial and master plans, plans for regional development. in Forms of urban growth in South-Eastern Europe: transitioning towards urban resilience and sustainability. Volume 2
Varna : Varna Free University., 25-59.
Zeković S, Vujošević M. Survey of planning documents - standards and regulations, spatial and master plans, plans for regional development. in Forms of urban growth in South-Eastern Europe: transitioning towards urban resilience and sustainability. Volume 2. 2016;:25-59. .
Zeković, Slavka, Vujošević, Miodrag, "Survey of planning documents - standards and regulations, spatial and master plans, plans for regional development" in Forms of urban growth in South-Eastern Europe: transitioning towards urban resilience and sustainability. Volume 2 (2016):25-59, .

Market analysis of housing in Belgrade

Zeković, Slavka; Vujošević, Miodrag; Maričić, Tamara

(Varna: Varna Free University, 2016)

AU  - Zeković, Slavka
AU  - Vujošević, Miodrag
AU  - Maričić, Tamara
PY  - 2016
UR  -
AB  - This contribution represents a report on the research for task 5.5 on the relations between market and regional & urban planning. The paper have applied the market analysis of housing in Belgrade - the key principles and the practice of urban land management (so-called "stratified demand" aspect); a preliminary analysis and assessment of housing market in  the Belgrade metropolitan area, and basic market indicators for urban land and real estate.
PB  - Varna: Varna Free University
PB  - Belgrade : Institute of architecture and urban& spatial planning of Serbia
T2  - Forms of urban growth in South-Eastern Europe: transitioning towards urban resilience and sustainability. Volume 2
T1  - Market analysis of housing in Belgrade
SP  - 97
EP  - 119
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Zeković, Slavka and Vujošević, Miodrag and Maričić, Tamara",
year = "2016",
abstract = "This contribution represents a report on the research for task 5.5 on the relations between market and regional & urban planning. The paper have applied the market analysis of housing in Belgrade - the key principles and the practice of urban land management (so-called "stratified demand" aspect); a preliminary analysis and assessment of housing market in  the Belgrade metropolitan area, and basic market indicators for urban land and real estate.",
publisher = "Varna: Varna Free University, Belgrade : Institute of architecture and urban& spatial planning of Serbia",
journal = "Forms of urban growth in South-Eastern Europe: transitioning towards urban resilience and sustainability. Volume 2",
booktitle = "Market analysis of housing in Belgrade",
pages = "97-119",
url = ""
Zeković, S., Vujošević, M.,& Maričić, T.. (2016). Market analysis of housing in Belgrade. in Forms of urban growth in South-Eastern Europe: transitioning towards urban resilience and sustainability. Volume 2
Varna: Varna Free University., 97-119.
Zeković S, Vujošević M, Maričić T. Market analysis of housing in Belgrade. in Forms of urban growth in South-Eastern Europe: transitioning towards urban resilience and sustainability. Volume 2. 2016;:97-119. .
Zeković, Slavka, Vujošević, Miodrag, Maričić, Tamara, "Market analysis of housing in Belgrade" in Forms of urban growth in South-Eastern Europe: transitioning towards urban resilience and sustainability. Volume 2 (2016):97-119, .

Indicators of the urban sprawl and urban land policy

Zeković, Slavka; Maričić, Tamara; Vujošević, Miodrag

(Varna: Varna Free University, 2016)

AU  - Zeković, Slavka
AU  - Maričić, Tamara
AU  - Vujošević, Miodrag
PY  - 2016
UR  -
AB  - The key aim of this contribution is to present the indicandum (the indicated issues, that is, urban sprawl and urban land) which are usually measured by a
number of indicators, the criteria for selection variables, the identification and
classification of the key indicators (quantitative) and their description. Also, a
concomitant aim is to derive some quantitative indicators critical for urban sprawl and urban land policy. As for the methodology used here for the preliminary identification of the indicators in question, the criteria are derived from standard evaluation of limit values and goals of, while the indicators are derived from measurements. Both concepts define the means or tools which have been used for the collection, analysis, evaluation and comparison of information about different issues, as well as tools for the integrated impact analysis of urban processes on urban land-use and policy. We have defined a preliminary set of indicators for urban sprawl, urban land-use and concomitant policy, grouped into five categories: 1) Key indicators of urban sprawl and urban land; 2) Anticipatory indicators of urban sprawl; 3)  Basic market indicators of urban land and real estate; 4) Indicators of multi-functional urban land-use; and 5) Composite indicators (indices).
PB  - Varna: Varna Free University
PB  - Belgrade : Institute of architecture and urban& spatial planning of Serbia
T2  - Forms of urban growth in South-Eastern Europe: transitioning towards urban resilience and sustainability. Volume 2
T1  - Indicators of the urban sprawl and urban land policy
SP  - 185
EP  - 204
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Zeković, Slavka and Maričić, Tamara and Vujošević, Miodrag",
year = "2016",
abstract = "The key aim of this contribution is to present the indicandum (the indicated issues, that is, urban sprawl and urban land) which are usually measured by a
number of indicators, the criteria for selection variables, the identification and
classification of the key indicators (quantitative) and their description. Also, a
concomitant aim is to derive some quantitative indicators critical for urban sprawl and urban land policy. As for the methodology used here for the preliminary identification of the indicators in question, the criteria are derived from standard evaluation of limit values and goals of, while the indicators are derived from measurements. Both concepts define the means or tools which have been used for the collection, analysis, evaluation and comparison of information about different issues, as well as tools for the integrated impact analysis of urban processes on urban land-use and policy. We have defined a preliminary set of indicators for urban sprawl, urban land-use and concomitant policy, grouped into five categories: 1) Key indicators of urban sprawl and urban land; 2) Anticipatory indicators of urban sprawl; 3)  Basic market indicators of urban land and real estate; 4) Indicators of multi-functional urban land-use; and 5) Composite indicators (indices).",
publisher = "Varna: Varna Free University, Belgrade : Institute of architecture and urban& spatial planning of Serbia",
journal = "Forms of urban growth in South-Eastern Europe: transitioning towards urban resilience and sustainability. Volume 2",
booktitle = "Indicators of the urban sprawl and urban land policy",
pages = "185-204",
url = ""
Zeković, S., Maričić, T.,& Vujošević, M.. (2016). Indicators of the urban sprawl and urban land policy. in Forms of urban growth in South-Eastern Europe: transitioning towards urban resilience and sustainability. Volume 2
Varna: Varna Free University., 185-204.
Zeković S, Maričić T, Vujošević M. Indicators of the urban sprawl and urban land policy. in Forms of urban growth in South-Eastern Europe: transitioning towards urban resilience and sustainability. Volume 2. 2016;:185-204. .
Zeković, Slavka, Maričić, Tamara, Vujošević, Miodrag, "Indicators of the urban sprawl and urban land policy" in Forms of urban growth in South-Eastern Europe: transitioning towards urban resilience and sustainability. Volume 2 (2016):185-204, .

A Preliminary Analysis of Sustainable Development in the Belgrade Metropolitan Area

Zeković, Slavka; Vujošević, Miodrag; Maričić, Tamara

(World academy of science, engineering and technology, 2015)

AU  - Zeković, Slavka
AU  - Vujošević, Miodrag
AU  - Maričić, Tamara
PY  - 2015
UR  -
UR  -
AB  - The paper provides a comprehensive analysis of the sustainable development in the Belgrade Metropolitan Region - BMA (level NUTS 2) preliminary evaluating the three chosen components: 1) economic growth and developmental changes; 2) competitiveness; and 3) territorial concentration and industrial specialization. First, we identified the main results of development changes and economic growth by applying Shift-share analysis on the metropolitan level. Second, the empirical evaluation of competitiveness in the BMA is based on the analysis of absolute and relative values of eight indicators by Spider method. Paper shows that the consideration of the national share, industrial mix and metropolitan/regional share in total Shift share of the BMA, as well as economic/functional specialization of the BMA indicate very strong process of deindustrialization. Allocative component of the BMA economic growth has positive value, reflecting the above-average sector productivity compared to the national average. Third, the important positive role of metropolitan/regional component in decomposition of the BMA economic growth is highlighted as one of the key results. Finally, comparative analysis of the industrial territorial concentration in the BMA in relation to Serbia is based on location quotient (LQ) or Balassa index as a valid measure. The results indicate absolute and relative differences in decrease of industry territorial concentration as well as inefficiency of utilizing territorial capital in the BMA. Results are important for the increase of regional competitiveness and territorial distribution in this area as well as for improvement of sustainable metropolitan and sector policies, planning and governance on this level.
PB  - World academy of science, engineering and technology
T2  - International journal of social, behavioral, educational, economic and management engineering
T1  - A Preliminary Analysis of Sustainable Development in the Belgrade Metropolitan Area
VL  - 9
IS  - 7
SP  - 839
EP  - 846
DO  - 10.5281/zenodo.1107674
ER  - 
author = "Zeković, Slavka and Vujošević, Miodrag and Maričić, Tamara",
year = "2015",
abstract = "The paper provides a comprehensive analysis of the sustainable development in the Belgrade Metropolitan Region - BMA (level NUTS 2) preliminary evaluating the three chosen components: 1) economic growth and developmental changes; 2) competitiveness; and 3) territorial concentration and industrial specialization. First, we identified the main results of development changes and economic growth by applying Shift-share analysis on the metropolitan level. Second, the empirical evaluation of competitiveness in the BMA is based on the analysis of absolute and relative values of eight indicators by Spider method. Paper shows that the consideration of the national share, industrial mix and metropolitan/regional share in total Shift share of the BMA, as well as economic/functional specialization of the BMA indicate very strong process of deindustrialization. Allocative component of the BMA economic growth has positive value, reflecting the above-average sector productivity compared to the national average. Third, the important positive role of metropolitan/regional component in decomposition of the BMA economic growth is highlighted as one of the key results. Finally, comparative analysis of the industrial territorial concentration in the BMA in relation to Serbia is based on location quotient (LQ) or Balassa index as a valid measure. The results indicate absolute and relative differences in decrease of industry territorial concentration as well as inefficiency of utilizing territorial capital in the BMA. Results are important for the increase of regional competitiveness and territorial distribution in this area as well as for improvement of sustainable metropolitan and sector policies, planning and governance on this level.",
publisher = "World academy of science, engineering and technology",
journal = "International journal of social, behavioral, educational, economic and management engineering",
title = "A Preliminary Analysis of Sustainable Development in the Belgrade Metropolitan Area",
volume = "9",
number = "7",
pages = "839-846",
doi = "10.5281/zenodo.1107674"
Zeković, S., Vujošević, M.,& Maričić, T.. (2015). A Preliminary Analysis of Sustainable Development in the Belgrade Metropolitan Area. in International journal of social, behavioral, educational, economic and management engineering
World academy of science, engineering and technology., 9(7), 839-846.
Zeković S, Vujošević M, Maričić T. A Preliminary Analysis of Sustainable Development in the Belgrade Metropolitan Area. in International journal of social, behavioral, educational, economic and management engineering. 2015;9(7):839-846.
doi:10.5281/zenodo.1107674 .
Zeković, Slavka, Vujošević, Miodrag, Maričić, Tamara, "A Preliminary Analysis of Sustainable Development in the Belgrade Metropolitan Area" in International journal of social, behavioral, educational, economic and management engineering, 9, no. 7 (2015):839-846, . .

Planning and land policy tools for limiting urban sprawl: The example of Belgrade

Zeković, Slavka; Vujošević, Miodrag; Bolay, J.-C.; Cvetinović, Marija; Živanović Miljković, Jelena; Maričić, Tamara

(Institute of Architecture, Urban & Spatial Planning of Serbia, 2015)

AU  - Zeković, Slavka
AU  - Vujošević, Miodrag
AU  - Bolay, J.-C.
AU  - Cvetinović, Marija
AU  - Živanović Miljković, Jelena
AU  - Maričić, Tamara
PY  - 2015
UR  -
AB  - Both the characteristics of Serbia's urban land policy, the delay in reforms and land development management of the Belgrade Metropolitan Area (BMA) illustrate the complexities following the reshaping of institutional framework under the conditions of economic and other uncertainties of societal transition. The negative implications of the prolonged crisis on the new urban development policy and urban land tools can postpone the establishment and application of guidelines for limiting the urban sprawl. This paper presents a brief literature review, as well as the current urban land policy and land-use efficiency in the BMA. Traditional urban land tools will be shortly described, followed by recommendations for limiting sprawl. There is a need for readjusting the current planning and urban policy regarding the urban sprawl, from an urban "command-and-control" approach to a "learn-and-adapt" approach. We suggest the introduction of more innovative and flexible urban land policy tools.
PB  - Institute of Architecture, Urban & Spatial Planning of Serbia
T2  - Spatium
T1  - Planning and land policy tools for limiting urban sprawl: The example of Belgrade
VL  - 1
IS  - 33
SP  - 69
EP  - 75
DO  - 10.2298/SPAT1533069Z
ER  - 
author = "Zeković, Slavka and Vujošević, Miodrag and Bolay, J.-C. and Cvetinović, Marija and Živanović Miljković, Jelena and Maričić, Tamara",
year = "2015",
abstract = "Both the characteristics of Serbia's urban land policy, the delay in reforms and land development management of the Belgrade Metropolitan Area (BMA) illustrate the complexities following the reshaping of institutional framework under the conditions of economic and other uncertainties of societal transition. The negative implications of the prolonged crisis on the new urban development policy and urban land tools can postpone the establishment and application of guidelines for limiting the urban sprawl. This paper presents a brief literature review, as well as the current urban land policy and land-use efficiency in the BMA. Traditional urban land tools will be shortly described, followed by recommendations for limiting sprawl. There is a need for readjusting the current planning and urban policy regarding the urban sprawl, from an urban "command-and-control" approach to a "learn-and-adapt" approach. We suggest the introduction of more innovative and flexible urban land policy tools.",
publisher = "Institute of Architecture, Urban & Spatial Planning of Serbia",
journal = "Spatium",
title = "Planning and land policy tools for limiting urban sprawl: The example of Belgrade",
volume = "1",
number = "33",
pages = "69-75",
doi = "10.2298/SPAT1533069Z"
Zeković, S., Vujošević, M., Bolay, J.-C., Cvetinović, M., Živanović Miljković, J.,& Maričić, T.. (2015). Planning and land policy tools for limiting urban sprawl: The example of Belgrade. in Spatium
Institute of Architecture, Urban & Spatial Planning of Serbia., 1(33), 69-75.
Zeković S, Vujošević M, Bolay J, Cvetinović M, Živanović Miljković J, Maričić T. Planning and land policy tools for limiting urban sprawl: The example of Belgrade. in Spatium. 2015;1(33):69-75.
doi:10.2298/SPAT1533069Z .
Zeković, Slavka, Vujošević, Miodrag, Bolay, J.-C., Cvetinović, Marija, Živanović Miljković, Jelena, Maričić, Tamara, "Planning and land policy tools for limiting urban sprawl: The example of Belgrade" in Spatium, 1, no. 33 (2015):69-75, . .

Development of South-Eastern Europe: The Role of Industrial Policy

Zeković, Slavka; Vujošević, Miodrag

(Boston : Public Science Framework, American Institute of Science, 2015)

AU  - Zeković, Slavka
AU  - Vujošević, Miodrag
PY  - 2015
UR  -
AB  - In the paper are analysed post-socialist development in South-East Europe (SEE) and the role of industrial policy. Countries of the SEE introduced market and other post-socialist transition reforms applying the so-called ‘shock therapy’, with subsequent transitory drop in GDP, standard of living and industrial production. Particularly industrial collapse happened to appear as the ‘Achilles heel’ of the SEE economy. The SEE 2020 Strategy tends to reverse current trends from the consumption-led model of growth to export-led and foreign direct investment (FDI) driven type of growth, based on accelerated technological development, growth of competitiveness and completion of socioeconomic reform. However, there has been no evidence that is the FDI type of growth would be more efficient for regional development than that based on regional savings, remittances and resources of domestic investors. We have shown that the FDI in the SEE are three times lower than the amount of regional savings and remittances. In recent years domestic sources tremendously exceeded the total sum of FDI. The current situation and future prospects call for developing a common approach in this region, and concomitant supra-national regulations and institutional arrangements.
PB  - Boston : Public Science Framework, American Institute of Science
T2  - American Journal of Economics, Finance and Management
T1  - Development of South-Eastern Europe: The Role of Industrial Policy
VL  - 1
IS  - 5
SP  - 445
EP  - 459
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Zeković, Slavka and Vujošević, Miodrag",
year = "2015",
abstract = "In the paper are analysed post-socialist development in South-East Europe (SEE) and the role of industrial policy. Countries of the SEE introduced market and other post-socialist transition reforms applying the so-called ‘shock therapy’, with subsequent transitory drop in GDP, standard of living and industrial production. Particularly industrial collapse happened to appear as the ‘Achilles heel’ of the SEE economy. The SEE 2020 Strategy tends to reverse current trends from the consumption-led model of growth to export-led and foreign direct investment (FDI) driven type of growth, based on accelerated technological development, growth of competitiveness and completion of socioeconomic reform. However, there has been no evidence that is the FDI type of growth would be more efficient for regional development than that based on regional savings, remittances and resources of domestic investors. We have shown that the FDI in the SEE are three times lower than the amount of regional savings and remittances. In recent years domestic sources tremendously exceeded the total sum of FDI. The current situation and future prospects call for developing a common approach in this region, and concomitant supra-national regulations and institutional arrangements.",
publisher = "Boston : Public Science Framework, American Institute of Science",
journal = "American Journal of Economics, Finance and Management",
title = "Development of South-Eastern Europe: The Role of Industrial Policy",
volume = "1",
number = "5",
pages = "445-459",
url = ""
Zeković, S.,& Vujošević, M.. (2015). Development of South-Eastern Europe: The Role of Industrial Policy. in American Journal of Economics, Finance and Management
Boston : Public Science Framework, American Institute of Science., 1(5), 445-459.
Zeković S, Vujošević M. Development of South-Eastern Europe: The Role of Industrial Policy. in American Journal of Economics, Finance and Management. 2015;1(5):445-459. .
Zeković, Slavka, Vujošević, Miodrag, "Development of South-Eastern Europe: The Role of Industrial Policy" in American Journal of Economics, Finance and Management, 1, no. 5 (2015):445-459, .

Spatial regularization, planning instruments and urban land market in a post-socialist society: The case of Belgrade

Zeković, Slavka; Vujošević, Miodrag; Maričić, Tamara

(Pergamon-Elsevier Science Ltd, Oxford, 2015)

AU  - Zeković, Slavka
AU  - Vujošević, Miodrag
AU  - Maričić, Tamara
PY  - 2015
UR  -
AB  - Over the last three decades, Serbia has moved from a mixed centrally planned deliberative self-governing economy to a market-based economy, but key institutional reforms are still not complete. Based on the contextual framework of post-socialist countries and theoretical background, this research focuses on the interaction between spatial regularization and existing planning instruments versus urban land market and land-use policy, and their impact on urban expansion in the Belgrade metropolitan area (BMA). The intention is to clarify the implications of urban land use policies and their (im) balance with planning instruments and the land market. The contextual framework of post-socialist Serbia, the transformation of its urban land policy as well as the land development management in the BMA illustrate complexities of spatial regularization, further emphasized by the delay in introducing and adopting new urban land policy. Key findings include: extremely inefficient urban land use and excessive urban sprawl (in the last two decades the urban area has tripled; with high urban land consumption of 670 m(2) per capita compared to other metropolitan cities); and important role of urban land policy (existing, still untransformed instruments contribute to urban sprawl).
PB  - Pergamon-Elsevier Science Ltd, Oxford
T2  - Habitat International
T1  - Spatial regularization, planning instruments and urban land market in a post-socialist society: The case of Belgrade
VL  - 48
SP  - 65
EP  - 78
DO  - 10.1016/j.habitatint.2015.03.010
ER  - 
author = "Zeković, Slavka and Vujošević, Miodrag and Maričić, Tamara",
year = "2015",
abstract = "Over the last three decades, Serbia has moved from a mixed centrally planned deliberative self-governing economy to a market-based economy, but key institutional reforms are still not complete. Based on the contextual framework of post-socialist countries and theoretical background, this research focuses on the interaction between spatial regularization and existing planning instruments versus urban land market and land-use policy, and their impact on urban expansion in the Belgrade metropolitan area (BMA). The intention is to clarify the implications of urban land use policies and their (im) balance with planning instruments and the land market. The contextual framework of post-socialist Serbia, the transformation of its urban land policy as well as the land development management in the BMA illustrate complexities of spatial regularization, further emphasized by the delay in introducing and adopting new urban land policy. Key findings include: extremely inefficient urban land use and excessive urban sprawl (in the last two decades the urban area has tripled; with high urban land consumption of 670 m(2) per capita compared to other metropolitan cities); and important role of urban land policy (existing, still untransformed instruments contribute to urban sprawl).",
publisher = "Pergamon-Elsevier Science Ltd, Oxford",
journal = "Habitat International",
title = "Spatial regularization, planning instruments and urban land market in a post-socialist society: The case of Belgrade",
volume = "48",
pages = "65-78",
doi = "10.1016/j.habitatint.2015.03.010"
Zeković, S., Vujošević, M.,& Maričić, T.. (2015). Spatial regularization, planning instruments and urban land market in a post-socialist society: The case of Belgrade. in Habitat International
Pergamon-Elsevier Science Ltd, Oxford., 48, 65-78.
Zeković S, Vujošević M, Maričić T. Spatial regularization, planning instruments and urban land market in a post-socialist society: The case of Belgrade. in Habitat International. 2015;48:65-78.
doi:10.1016/j.habitatint.2015.03.010 .
Zeković, Slavka, Vujošević, Miodrag, Maričić, Tamara, "Spatial regularization, planning instruments and urban land market in a post-socialist society: The case of Belgrade" in Habitat International, 48 (2015):65-78, . .

Novi evropski regionalizam i regionalno upravljanje u Srbiji. Knjiga 2, Regionalno planiranje i upravljanje u Srbiji i novi institucionalni dizajn

Vujošević, Miodrag; Zeković, Slavka; Maričić, Tamara

(Beograd : Institut za arhitekturu i urbanizam Srbije, 2014)

AU  - Vujošević, Miodrag
AU  - Zeković, Slavka
AU  - Maričić, Tamara
PY  - 2014
UR  -
PB  - Beograd : Institut za arhitekturu i urbanizam Srbije
T1  - Novi evropski regionalizam i regionalno upravljanje u Srbiji. Knjiga 2, Regionalno planiranje i upravljanje u Srbiji i novi institucionalni dizajn
VL  - 2
SP  - 1
EP  - 519
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Vujošević, Miodrag and Zeković, Slavka and Maričić, Tamara",
year = "2014",
publisher = "Beograd : Institut za arhitekturu i urbanizam Srbije",
title = "Novi evropski regionalizam i regionalno upravljanje u Srbiji. Knjiga 2, Regionalno planiranje i upravljanje u Srbiji i novi institucionalni dizajn",
volume = "2",
pages = "1-519",
url = ""
Vujošević, M., Zeković, S.,& Maričić, T.. (2014). Novi evropski regionalizam i regionalno upravljanje u Srbiji. Knjiga 2, Regionalno planiranje i upravljanje u Srbiji i novi institucionalni dizajn. 
Beograd : Institut za arhitekturu i urbanizam Srbije., 2, 1-519.
Vujošević M, Zeković S, Maričić T. Novi evropski regionalizam i regionalno upravljanje u Srbiji. Knjiga 2, Regionalno planiranje i upravljanje u Srbiji i novi institucionalni dizajn. 2014;2:1-519. .
Vujošević, Miodrag, Zeković, Slavka, Maričić, Tamara, "Novi evropski regionalizam i regionalno upravljanje u Srbiji. Knjiga 2, Regionalno planiranje i upravljanje u Srbiji i novi institucionalni dizajn", 2 (2014):1-519, .

Улога државне просторне стратегије и државне индустријске стратегије у обнови стратешког мишљења, истраживања и управљања и дефинисању нове концепције индустријализације Србије

Вујошевић, Миодраг; Зековић, Славка

(Београд: САНУ Одељење друштвених наука, 2014)

AU  - Вујошевић, Миодраг
AU  - Зековић, Славка
PY  - 2014
UR  -
UR  -
UR  -
AB  - Успркос великом броју стратешких докумената који су донети у последње време, Србија не располаже остварљивим стратегијама за решавање кључних развојних проблема, укључујући и изразито неравномеран регионални развој и кризу индустријског раста. Просторни плани Републике Србије 2010–2014–2020, донет 2010, садржи и део о индустријском развоју, који је даље разрађен у његовом имплементацијском Програму. Још амбициознија концепција реиндустријализације дефинисана је у Стратегији и политци развоја индустрије Србије за период 2011–2020. године (2010). Предложена имплементацијска средства, међутим, нису конципирана тако да подрже усклађивање разних секторских концепција, а ни предложени институционални и организациони аранжмани за регионални развој не одражавају специфичност разних подручја, најпре у односу на концентрацију активности и становништва у београдско-новосадском метрополском подручју, у односу на заостајање других подручја Србије. Остаје отворено питање да ли ови документи могу допринети обнављању стратешког истраживања, мишљења и управљања, које је у кризи у већ подужем периоду.
AB  - Despite a large number of strategic documents that have been adopted recently in Serbia, it is still missing implementable strategies (‘’exit strategies’’) for resolution of its key developmental problems, also including increasing regional development differences and the crisis of industrial development. The Spatial Plan of the Republic of Serbia 2010–2014–2020, adopted in 2010, contained also a part on industrial development, further elaborated in its implementation Programme. Even more ambitious concept of re-industrialization was defined in Industrial Development Strategy and Policy of Serbia for the period 2011–2020 (2010). Neither of them, however, stipulated appropriate implementation devices, especially regarding institutional and organizational arrangements needed for the mutual harmonization of sectoral and regional policies. This in the first place applies to the growing regional development differences between the metropolitan area of Belgrade and Novi Sad, and concomitant lagging behind of almost all other regions of Serbia. It is still debatable whether these documents may contribute to the renewal of strategic research, thinking and governance, now being in crisis over a longer period.
PB  - Београд: САНУ Одељење друштвених наука
T2  - Могуће стратегије развоја Србије
T1  - Улога државне просторне стратегије и државне индустријске стратегије у обнови стратешког мишљења, истраживања и управљања и дефинисању нове концепције индустријализације Србије
SP  - 567
EP  - 586
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Вујошевић, Миодраг and Зековић, Славка",
year = "2014",
abstract = "Успркос великом броју стратешких докумената који су донети у последње време, Србија не располаже остварљивим стратегијама за решавање кључних развојних проблема, укључујући и изразито неравномеран регионални развој и кризу индустријског раста. Просторни плани Републике Србије 2010–2014–2020, донет 2010, садржи и део о индустријском развоју, који је даље разрађен у његовом имплементацијском Програму. Још амбициознија концепција реиндустријализације дефинисана је у Стратегији и политци развоја индустрије Србије за период 2011–2020. године (2010). Предложена имплементацијска средства, међутим, нису конципирана тако да подрже усклађивање разних секторских концепција, а ни предложени институционални и организациони аранжмани за регионални развој не одражавају специфичност разних подручја, најпре у односу на концентрацију активности и становништва у београдско-новосадском метрополском подручју, у односу на заостајање других подручја Србије. Остаје отворено питање да ли ови документи могу допринети обнављању стратешког истраживања, мишљења и управљања, које је у кризи у већ подужем периоду., Despite a large number of strategic documents that have been adopted recently in Serbia, it is still missing implementable strategies (‘’exit strategies’’) for resolution of its key developmental problems, also including increasing regional development differences and the crisis of industrial development. The Spatial Plan of the Republic of Serbia 2010–2014–2020, adopted in 2010, contained also a part on industrial development, further elaborated in its implementation Programme. Even more ambitious concept of re-industrialization was defined in Industrial Development Strategy and Policy of Serbia for the period 2011–2020 (2010). Neither of them, however, stipulated appropriate implementation devices, especially regarding institutional and organizational arrangements needed for the mutual harmonization of sectoral and regional policies. This in the first place applies to the growing regional development differences between the metropolitan area of Belgrade and Novi Sad, and concomitant lagging behind of almost all other regions of Serbia. It is still debatable whether these documents may contribute to the renewal of strategic research, thinking and governance, now being in crisis over a longer period.",
publisher = "Београд: САНУ Одељење друштвених наука",
journal = "Могуће стратегије развоја Србије",
booktitle = "Улога државне просторне стратегије и државне индустријске стратегије у обнови стратешког мишљења, истраживања и управљања и дефинисању нове концепције индустријализације Србије",
pages = "567-586",
url = ""
Вујошевић, М.,& Зековић, С.. (2014). Улога државне просторне стратегије и државне индустријске стратегије у обнови стратешког мишљења, истраживања и управљања и дефинисању нове концепције индустријализације Србије. in Могуће стратегије развоја Србије
Београд: САНУ Одељење друштвених наука., 567-586.
Вујошевић М, Зековић С. Улога државне просторне стратегије и државне индустријске стратегије у обнови стратешког мишљења, истраживања и управљања и дефинисању нове концепције индустријализације Србије. in Могуће стратегије развоја Србије. 2014;:567-586. .
Вујошевић, Миодраг, Зековић, Славка, "Улога државне просторне стратегије и државне индустријске стратегије у обнови стратешког мишљења, истраживања и управљања и дефинисању нове концепције индустријализације Србије" in Могуће стратегије развоја Србије (2014):567-586, .

Komparativna analiza regionalne konkurentnosti i prostorne koncentracije: na primerima Podunavlja i regiona Beograda

Zeković, Slavka; Vujošević, Miodrag; Maričić, Tamara

(Beograd : Institut za arhitekturu i urbanizam Srbije, 2014)

AU  - Zeković, Slavka
AU  - Vujošević, Miodrag
AU  - Maričić, Tamara
PY  - 2014
UR  -
AB  - Rad pruža komparativnu analizu regionalne konkurentnosti i prostorne koncentracije industrijskog razvoja u Podunavlju i u Beogradskom regionu. Identifikovanje najznačajnijih rezultata konkurentnosti sprovedeno je primenom metoda regionalne komparativne analize, shift-share analize i “Spajder”metode. Istraživanje je pokazalo da razmatranje shift-share analize (nacionalni udeo, industrijski miks i regionalni udeo u ukupnoj „promeni udela”) oba regiona ukazuje na izuzetno jake procese deindustrijalizacije. Komponenta raspodele zaposlenosti i ekonomskog rasta u Beogradskom regionu i Podunavlju ima ključnu pozitivnu vrednost, odražavajući prosečnu sektorsku produktivnost u ovim regionima u poređenju sa nacionalnim prosekom. Empirijski rezultati su pokazali da međuregionalne razlike u ekonomskom razvoju mogu biti gotovo u potpunosti objašnjene razlikama u regionalnim specifičnostima po pitanju ukupne i industrijske zaposlenosti. Primenili smo „Spajder“ model kao analitički instrument za poređenje i vizuelizaciju relativnih regionalnih prednosti ili različitih razvojnih atributa. Empirijsko vrednovanje regionalne konkurentnosti oba regiona je zasnovano na komparativnoj analizi apsolutnih i relativnih vrednosti osam indikatora. Takođe, poredili smo nivo industrijske prostorne  koncentracije u ovim regionima u odnosu na Srbiju prema lokacionom koeficijentu (LQ) ili Balasa indeksu kao validnom merilu komparativnih prednosti u industriji. Ova pitanja ukazuju na apsolutne i relativne razlike u smanjivanju prostorne koncentracije industrije kao i efikasnosti korišćenja teritorijalnog kapitala u oba regiona. Rezultati su značajni za porast regionalne konkurentnosti i prostorne distribucije na tim prostorima, kao i za poboljšanje regionalnih i sektorskih politika, regionalnog planiranja i upravljanja, kao i za uspostavljanje boljeg institucionalnog uređenja na regionalnom i metropolskom nivou.
AB  - The paper gives a comparative analysis of the regional competitiveness
and territorial concentration of industrial development in the Danube river basin in Serbia
and in Belgrade region. An identification of the main results in competitiveness is
undertaken by applying a regional comparative analysis, shift-share analysis and “Spider”
method. The research shows that the consideration of the shift-share analysis (national share,
industrial mix and regional share in total shift-share) of both regions indicates very strong
process of deindustrialization. Allocative component of employment and economic growth of
Belgrade and Danube basin regions has key positive value, reflecting the above average sector
productivity in these regions compared to the national average. The empirical results show
that inter-regional differences in economic growth are almost entirely explained by the
differences in regional specificities in terms of total and industrial employment. We have
applied the Spider model as an analytical tool to compare and visualize relative regional
advantages or different development attributes. The empirical evaluation of regional
competitiveness of both regions has been based on a comparative analysis of the absolute and
relative values of eight indicators. Also, we compared the level of industrial territorial
concentration in these regions in relation to Serbia by location quotient (LQ) or Ballassa
index as valid measure of comparative advantages in industry. The issues indicate the
absolute and relative differences in decrease of territorial concentration of industry as well as
in efficiency of using the territorial capital in both regions. Results are important for the
increase of regional competitiveness and territorial distribution in these areas as well as for
improvement of regional and sectoral policies, regional planning and governance, and
establishing better institutional arrangements on regional and metropolitan level.
PB  - Beograd : Institut za arhitekturu i urbanizam Srbije
T2  - Održivi prostorni razvoj Podunavlja u Srbiji –  Knjiga 2
T1  - Komparativna analiza regionalne konkurentnosti i prostorne koncentracije: na primerima  Podunavlja i regiona Beograda
T1  - Comparative analysis of the regional competitiveness and spatial concentration: examples of Danube region and Belgrade region
SP  - 35
EP  - 82
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Zeković, Slavka and Vujošević, Miodrag and Maričić, Tamara",
year = "2014",
abstract = "Rad pruža komparativnu analizu regionalne konkurentnosti i prostorne koncentracije industrijskog razvoja u Podunavlju i u Beogradskom regionu. Identifikovanje najznačajnijih rezultata konkurentnosti sprovedeno je primenom metoda regionalne komparativne analize, shift-share analize i “Spajder”metode. Istraživanje je pokazalo da razmatranje shift-share analize (nacionalni udeo, industrijski miks i regionalni udeo u ukupnoj „promeni udela”) oba regiona ukazuje na izuzetno jake procese deindustrijalizacije. Komponenta raspodele zaposlenosti i ekonomskog rasta u Beogradskom regionu i Podunavlju ima ključnu pozitivnu vrednost, odražavajući prosečnu sektorsku produktivnost u ovim regionima u poređenju sa nacionalnim prosekom. Empirijski rezultati su pokazali da međuregionalne razlike u ekonomskom razvoju mogu biti gotovo u potpunosti objašnjene razlikama u regionalnim specifičnostima po pitanju ukupne i industrijske zaposlenosti. Primenili smo „Spajder“ model kao analitički instrument za poređenje i vizuelizaciju relativnih regionalnih prednosti ili različitih razvojnih atributa. Empirijsko vrednovanje regionalne konkurentnosti oba regiona je zasnovano na komparativnoj analizi apsolutnih i relativnih vrednosti osam indikatora. Takođe, poredili smo nivo industrijske prostorne  koncentracije u ovim regionima u odnosu na Srbiju prema lokacionom koeficijentu (LQ) ili Balasa indeksu kao validnom merilu komparativnih prednosti u industriji. Ova pitanja ukazuju na apsolutne i relativne razlike u smanjivanju prostorne koncentracije industrije kao i efikasnosti korišćenja teritorijalnog kapitala u oba regiona. Rezultati su značajni za porast regionalne konkurentnosti i prostorne distribucije na tim prostorima, kao i za poboljšanje regionalnih i sektorskih politika, regionalnog planiranja i upravljanja, kao i za uspostavljanje boljeg institucionalnog uređenja na regionalnom i metropolskom nivou., The paper gives a comparative analysis of the regional competitiveness
and territorial concentration of industrial development in the Danube river basin in Serbia
and in Belgrade region. An identification of the main results in competitiveness is
undertaken by applying a regional comparative analysis, shift-share analysis and “Spider”
method. The research shows that the consideration of the shift-share analysis (national share,
industrial mix and regional share in total shift-share) of both regions indicates very strong
process of deindustrialization. Allocative component of employment and economic growth of
Belgrade and Danube basin regions has key positive value, reflecting the above average sector
productivity in these regions compared to the national average. The empirical results show
that inter-regional differences in economic growth are almost entirely explained by the
differences in regional specificities in terms of total and industrial employment. We have
applied the Spider model as an analytical tool to compare and visualize relative regional
advantages or different development attributes. The empirical evaluation of regional
competitiveness of both regions has been based on a comparative analysis of the absolute and
relative values of eight indicators. Also, we compared the level of industrial territorial
concentration in these regions in relation to Serbia by location quotient (LQ) or Ballassa
index as valid measure of comparative advantages in industry. The issues indicate the
absolute and relative differences in decrease of territorial concentration of industry as well as
in efficiency of using the territorial capital in both regions. Results are important for the
increase of regional competitiveness and territorial distribution in these areas as well as for
improvement of regional and sectoral policies, regional planning and governance, and
establishing better institutional arrangements on regional and metropolitan level.",
publisher = "Beograd : Institut za arhitekturu i urbanizam Srbije",
journal = "Održivi prostorni razvoj Podunavlja u Srbiji –  Knjiga 2",
booktitle = "Komparativna analiza regionalne konkurentnosti i prostorne koncentracije: na primerima  Podunavlja i regiona Beograda, Comparative analysis of the regional competitiveness and spatial concentration: examples of Danube region and Belgrade region",
pages = "35-82",
url = ""
Zeković, S., Vujošević, M.,& Maričić, T.. (2014). Komparativna analiza regionalne konkurentnosti i prostorne koncentracije: na primerima  Podunavlja i regiona Beograda. in Održivi prostorni razvoj Podunavlja u Srbiji –  Knjiga 2
Beograd : Institut za arhitekturu i urbanizam Srbije., 35-82.
Zeković S, Vujošević M, Maričić T. Komparativna analiza regionalne konkurentnosti i prostorne koncentracije: na primerima  Podunavlja i regiona Beograda. in Održivi prostorni razvoj Podunavlja u Srbiji –  Knjiga 2. 2014;:35-82. .
Zeković, Slavka, Vujošević, Miodrag, Maričić, Tamara, "Komparativna analiza regionalne konkurentnosti i prostorne koncentracije: na primerima  Podunavlja i regiona Beograda" in Održivi prostorni razvoj Podunavlja u Srbiji –  Knjiga 2 (2014):35-82, .

Uloga nove industrijske politike u obnovi strateškog mišljenja, istraživanja i upravljanja u Srbiji: evropski kontekst i kontekst zemalja Jugoistočne Evrope

Vujošević, Miodrag; Zeković, Slavka

(Beograd: Institut za arhitekturu i urbanizam Srbije, 2014)

AU  - Vujošević, Miodrag
AU  - Zeković, Slavka
PY  - 2014
UR  -
AB  - Zemlje Jugoistične Evrope (JIE) uvodile su post-socijalističke reforme prema tzv. ,,šok terapiji’’, što je imalo za posledicu privremeni, kraći ili duži, pad BDP-a, životnog standarda i industrijske proizvodnje. Naročito je pad industrije bio ,,Ahilova peta’’ privreda ovih zemalja. Dokument Strategija Jugoistočne Evrope 2010 (SEE 2020 Strategy), koja je usvojena nedavno, treba da označi prekid ovog trenda, i pomak od modela rasta koji se zasniva na uvozu i potrošnji, ka modelu razvoja koji se zasniva na većem učešću stranih direktnih investicija (SDI), bržem tehnološkom razvoju, većoj konkurentosti i zaokruživanju socioekonomskih reformi. Međutim, nema pouzdanih empirijskih dokaza da će rast koji je zasnovan na SDI biti efikasniji sa stanovišta regionalnog razvoja od rasta koji je zasnovan na regionalnoj štednji, većem udelu doznaka iz inostranstva i resursima domaćih investitora. Treba uočiti da je poslednjih godina suma domaćih izvora znatno premašila ukupnu sumu SDI. Kako sadašnja situacija tako i budući izgledi nalažu da region JIE treba da razvije zajednički pristup razvoju, praćen propisima i institucionalnim aranžmanima na regionalnom nivou.
AB  - Countries of the SEE introduced market and other post-socialist transition reforms by applying the so-called ‘’shock therapy’’, with subsequent transitory drop in GDP, standard of living and industrial production. Particularly industrial collapse happened to appear as the "Achilles heel" of the SEE economy. The SEE 2020 Strategy tends to reverse current trends from the consumption-led model of growth to export-led and FDI driven type of growth, based on accelerated technological development, growth of competitiveness and completion of socioeconomic reform. However, there has been no evidence that is the FDI type of growth would be more efficient for regional development than that based on regional savings, remittances and resources of domestic investors. To note, in recent years domestic sources tremendously exceeded the total sum of FDI. The current situation and future prospects call for developing a common approach in this region, and concomitant supra-national regulations and institutional arrangements.
PB  - Beograd: Institut za arhitekturu i urbanizam Srbije
T2  - Obnova strateškog prostornog mišljenja, istraživanja i upravljanja u Srbiji – Knjiga 2
T1  - Uloga nove industrijske politike u obnovi strateškog mišljenja, istraživanja i upravljanja u Srbiji: evropski kontekst i kontekst zemalja Jugoistočne Evrope
T1  - The role of new industrial policy in the renewal of strategic thinking, research and governance in Serbia: European context and the context of South-European countries
SP  - 1
EP  - 44
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Vujošević, Miodrag and Zeković, Slavka",
year = "2014",
abstract = "Zemlje Jugoistične Evrope (JIE) uvodile su post-socijalističke reforme prema tzv. ,,šok terapiji’’, što je imalo za posledicu privremeni, kraći ili duži, pad BDP-a, životnog standarda i industrijske proizvodnje. Naročito je pad industrije bio ,,Ahilova peta’’ privreda ovih zemalja. Dokument Strategija Jugoistočne Evrope 2010 (SEE 2020 Strategy), koja je usvojena nedavno, treba da označi prekid ovog trenda, i pomak od modela rasta koji se zasniva na uvozu i potrošnji, ka modelu razvoja koji se zasniva na većem učešću stranih direktnih investicija (SDI), bržem tehnološkom razvoju, većoj konkurentosti i zaokruživanju socioekonomskih reformi. Međutim, nema pouzdanih empirijskih dokaza da će rast koji je zasnovan na SDI biti efikasniji sa stanovišta regionalnog razvoja od rasta koji je zasnovan na regionalnoj štednji, većem udelu doznaka iz inostranstva i resursima domaćih investitora. Treba uočiti da je poslednjih godina suma domaćih izvora znatno premašila ukupnu sumu SDI. Kako sadašnja situacija tako i budući izgledi nalažu da region JIE treba da razvije zajednički pristup razvoju, praćen propisima i institucionalnim aranžmanima na regionalnom nivou., Countries of the SEE introduced market and other post-socialist transition reforms by applying the so-called ‘’shock therapy’’, with subsequent transitory drop in GDP, standard of living and industrial production. Particularly industrial collapse happened to appear as the "Achilles heel" of the SEE economy. The SEE 2020 Strategy tends to reverse current trends from the consumption-led model of growth to export-led and FDI driven type of growth, based on accelerated technological development, growth of competitiveness and completion of socioeconomic reform. However, there has been no evidence that is the FDI type of growth would be more efficient for regional development than that based on regional savings, remittances and resources of domestic investors. To note, in recent years domestic sources tremendously exceeded the total sum of FDI. The current situation and future prospects call for developing a common approach in this region, and concomitant supra-national regulations and institutional arrangements.",
publisher = "Beograd: Institut za arhitekturu i urbanizam Srbije",
journal = "Obnova strateškog prostornog mišljenja, istraživanja i upravljanja u Srbiji – Knjiga 2",
booktitle = "Uloga nove industrijske politike u obnovi strateškog mišljenja, istraživanja i upravljanja u Srbiji: evropski kontekst i kontekst zemalja Jugoistočne Evrope, The role of new industrial policy in the renewal of strategic thinking, research and governance in Serbia: European context and the context of South-European countries",
pages = "1-44",
url = ""
Vujošević, M.,& Zeković, S.. (2014). Uloga nove industrijske politike u obnovi strateškog mišljenja, istraživanja i upravljanja u Srbiji: evropski kontekst i kontekst zemalja Jugoistočne Evrope. in Obnova strateškog prostornog mišljenja, istraživanja i upravljanja u Srbiji – Knjiga 2
Beograd: Institut za arhitekturu i urbanizam Srbije., 1-44.
Vujošević M, Zeković S. Uloga nove industrijske politike u obnovi strateškog mišljenja, istraživanja i upravljanja u Srbiji: evropski kontekst i kontekst zemalja Jugoistočne Evrope. in Obnova strateškog prostornog mišljenja, istraživanja i upravljanja u Srbiji – Knjiga 2. 2014;:1-44. .
Vujošević, Miodrag, Zeković, Slavka, "Uloga nove industrijske politike u obnovi strateškog mišljenja, istraživanja i upravljanja u Srbiji: evropski kontekst i kontekst zemalja Jugoistočne Evrope" in Obnova strateškog prostornog mišljenja, istraživanja i upravljanja u Srbiji – Knjiga 2 (2014):1-44, .

Renewal of strategic research, thinking and governance in spatial development of Serbia: mid-term priorities

Vujošević, Miodrag; Zeković, Slavka

(Belgrade: Institute of architecture and urban & spatial planning of Serbia, 2013)

AU  - Vujošević, Miodrag
AU  - Zeković, Slavka
PY  - 2013
UR  -
AB  - There has been a crisis of strategic thinking, research and governance in Serbia for more than two decades, resulting in its more recent development impasse, paralleled by ‘institutional sclerosis’ with regard to new planning approaches. This process has further funnelled down with the outburst of global crisis in 2008. As the result of interplay of a number of factors, especially those having to do with the inadequate post-socialist transition reforms and negative role in which political and economic elites played a role, Serbia is lagging behind in almost all development characteristics. Major adjustments are needed to that end, particularly vis-à-vis predictable ’Europeanization of Serbia outside the EU and with its limited support, under the conditions of prolonged crisis’, in all key strands, that is, in the cluster of strategic planning proper, in the broader context of strategic governance, and with regard to reworking the existing strategic development documents. Some recent European trends may be of help here, especially those pertaining to: a striking balance between economic cohesion, social cohesion and territorial cohesion and the role of the concept of ‘territorial capital’ within it; integration of strategic projects; planning implementation and planning evaluation; and lessons from recent changes in the EU regional policy. However, Serbia will not be able to make decisive moves to improve its future development prospects without redefining the role of its political and economic elites, now carrying a poor modernising and transformative potential.
PB  - Belgrade: Institute of architecture and urban & spatial planning of Serbia
C3  - Conference Proceedings / 2nd International Scientific Conference Regional Development, Spatial Planning and Strategic Governance - RESPAG 2013, Belgrade, May 22-25, 2013
T1  - Renewal of strategic research, thinking and governance in spatial development of Serbia: mid-term priorities
SP  - 13
EP  - 42
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Vujošević, Miodrag and Zeković, Slavka",
year = "2013",
abstract = "There has been a crisis of strategic thinking, research and governance in Serbia for more than two decades, resulting in its more recent development impasse, paralleled by ‘institutional sclerosis’ with regard to new planning approaches. This process has further funnelled down with the outburst of global crisis in 2008. As the result of interplay of a number of factors, especially those having to do with the inadequate post-socialist transition reforms and negative role in which political and economic elites played a role, Serbia is lagging behind in almost all development characteristics. Major adjustments are needed to that end, particularly vis-à-vis predictable ’Europeanization of Serbia outside the EU and with its limited support, under the conditions of prolonged crisis’, in all key strands, that is, in the cluster of strategic planning proper, in the broader context of strategic governance, and with regard to reworking the existing strategic development documents. Some recent European trends may be of help here, especially those pertaining to: a striking balance between economic cohesion, social cohesion and territorial cohesion and the role of the concept of ‘territorial capital’ within it; integration of strategic projects; planning implementation and planning evaluation; and lessons from recent changes in the EU regional policy. However, Serbia will not be able to make decisive moves to improve its future development prospects without redefining the role of its political and economic elites, now carrying a poor modernising and transformative potential.",
publisher = "Belgrade: Institute of architecture and urban & spatial planning of Serbia",
journal = "Conference Proceedings / 2nd International Scientific Conference Regional Development, Spatial Planning and Strategic Governance - RESPAG 2013, Belgrade, May 22-25, 2013",
title = "Renewal of strategic research, thinking and governance in spatial development of Serbia: mid-term priorities",
pages = "13-42",
url = ""
Vujošević, M.,& Zeković, S.. (2013). Renewal of strategic research, thinking and governance in spatial development of Serbia: mid-term priorities. in Conference Proceedings / 2nd International Scientific Conference Regional Development, Spatial Planning and Strategic Governance - RESPAG 2013, Belgrade, May 22-25, 2013
Belgrade: Institute of architecture and urban & spatial planning of Serbia., 13-42.
Vujošević M, Zeković S. Renewal of strategic research, thinking and governance in spatial development of Serbia: mid-term priorities. in Conference Proceedings / 2nd International Scientific Conference Regional Development, Spatial Planning and Strategic Governance - RESPAG 2013, Belgrade, May 22-25, 2013. 2013;:13-42. .
Vujošević, Miodrag, Zeković, Slavka, "Renewal of strategic research, thinking and governance in spatial development of Serbia: mid-term priorities" in Conference Proceedings / 2nd International Scientific Conference Regional Development, Spatial Planning and Strategic Governance - RESPAG 2013, Belgrade, May 22-25, 2013 (2013):13-42, .

The role of global challenges for sustainable development in the Bor basin copper

Zeković, Slavka; Vujošević, Miodrag


AU  - Zeković, Slavka
AU  - Vujošević, Miodrag
PY  - 2013
UR  -
AB  - The paper gives an overview of the global economic trends and strategic business challenges for the development of the non-ferous mining & metallurgy sector in the Bor basin copper in Serbian part of Danube region and its implications for the national framework. Strategic ecomic challenges in the non-ferous sector are endangered by world economic and financial crisis. Paper indicates some prospects in the future financing of (project) developments in the copper sector, as follows: 1) Variable, unreliable, "cunning" and skillfully established method and character of financing as a long-term effect of the global financial crisis, which especially causes changes in the financing of capital and company debt, with a great importance of financial derivatives; 2) Dynamic demand growth resulting for the economic expansion of the China, BPJC countries, etc.; 3) The capital cost; 4) The role of the agencies for credit rating, considering that their assessment of a country's financial capacities can drastically change the investors' confidence, in the copper sector as well; 5) Further tension in obtaining social and spatio-environmental permits for mining activities; 6) A lack of uniform global framework for standards in environmental reporting, and its impacts on the future development of copper basin of Bor. An analysis of strategic prospects in this sector is undertaken by application of broadest integrated framework for the preliminary general, sectoral and corporate risk assessment & management. Specific attention is given to economic and environmental issues in the Bor basin copper. Paper indicates that economics and other predictable impacts of global sectoral challenges on the future sustainable development of Bor basin copper should be included in corporate making-decision, as well as in local and regional plans1.
C3  - European Metallurgical Conference, EMC 2013
T1  - The role of global challenges for sustainable development in the Bor basin copper
SP  - 185
EP  - 202
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Zeković, Slavka and Vujošević, Miodrag",
year = "2013",
abstract = "The paper gives an overview of the global economic trends and strategic business challenges for the development of the non-ferous mining & metallurgy sector in the Bor basin copper in Serbian part of Danube region and its implications for the national framework. Strategic ecomic challenges in the non-ferous sector are endangered by world economic and financial crisis. Paper indicates some prospects in the future financing of (project) developments in the copper sector, as follows: 1) Variable, unreliable, "cunning" and skillfully established method and character of financing as a long-term effect of the global financial crisis, which especially causes changes in the financing of capital and company debt, with a great importance of financial derivatives; 2) Dynamic demand growth resulting for the economic expansion of the China, BPJC countries, etc.; 3) The capital cost; 4) The role of the agencies for credit rating, considering that their assessment of a country's financial capacities can drastically change the investors' confidence, in the copper sector as well; 5) Further tension in obtaining social and spatio-environmental permits for mining activities; 6) A lack of uniform global framework for standards in environmental reporting, and its impacts on the future development of copper basin of Bor. An analysis of strategic prospects in this sector is undertaken by application of broadest integrated framework for the preliminary general, sectoral and corporate risk assessment & management. Specific attention is given to economic and environmental issues in the Bor basin copper. Paper indicates that economics and other predictable impacts of global sectoral challenges on the future sustainable development of Bor basin copper should be included in corporate making-decision, as well as in local and regional plans1.",
journal = "European Metallurgical Conference, EMC 2013",
title = "The role of global challenges for sustainable development in the Bor basin copper",
pages = "185-202",
url = ""
Zeković, S.,& Vujošević, M.. (2013). The role of global challenges for sustainable development in the Bor basin copper. in European Metallurgical Conference, EMC 2013, 185-202.
Zeković S, Vujošević M. The role of global challenges for sustainable development in the Bor basin copper. in European Metallurgical Conference, EMC 2013. 2013;:185-202. .
Zeković, Slavka, Vujošević, Miodrag, "The role of global challenges for sustainable development in the Bor basin copper" in European Metallurgical Conference, EMC 2013 (2013):185-202, .

Novi evropski regionalizam i regionalno upravljanje u Srbiji. Knjiga 1. Opšti aspekti regionalnog pitanja i evropski regionalizam

Vujošević, Miodrag; Zeković, Slavka; Maričić, Tamara

(Beograd : Institut za arhitekturu i urbanizam Srbije, 2012)

AU  - Vujošević, Miodrag
AU  - Zeković, Slavka
AU  - Maričić, Tamara
PY  - 2012
UR  -
AB  - Pažnja autora usredsređena je na opšte aspekte regionalizma, upravljanje rastom i razvojem, te novije promene i implikacije za strateško planiranje i vođenje regiona. Naučna monografija je napisana tako da bude pouzdan vodič zainteresovanima za detaljniji uvid u inače razgranatu problematiku regionalizma i regionalnog upravljanja. U njoj je naveden veći broj različitih interpretacija osnovnih pitanja, iz uglova raznih disciplina, problema i izvora. Posebno se ukazuje na moguće pouke što ih valja izvući, te koja bi stara i novija iskustva iz zemalja članica EU mogla biti na odgovarajući način primenjiva u aktuelnoj stvarnosti Srbije. Preko modela planiranja koji omogućava kompleksnu društvenu transformaciju države, društva, najvećeg broja socijalnih grupa i pojedinaca afirmiše se čitav blok strateškog mišljenja, istraživanja i upravljanja, pa u tome na poseban način i regionalno upravljanje, što još uvek ne nailazi na dovoljno široko ili opšte prihvatanje u Evropi, pa ni u današnjoj Srbiji.
PB  - Beograd : Institut za arhitekturu i urbanizam Srbije
T1  - Novi evropski regionalizam i regionalno upravljanje u Srbiji. Knjiga 1. Opšti aspekti regionalnog pitanja i evropski regionalizam
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Vujošević, Miodrag and Zeković, Slavka and Maričić, Tamara",
year = "2012",
abstract = "Pažnja autora usredsređena je na opšte aspekte regionalizma, upravljanje rastom i razvojem, te novije promene i implikacije za strateško planiranje i vođenje regiona. Naučna monografija je napisana tako da bude pouzdan vodič zainteresovanima za detaljniji uvid u inače razgranatu problematiku regionalizma i regionalnog upravljanja. U njoj je naveden veći broj različitih interpretacija osnovnih pitanja, iz uglova raznih disciplina, problema i izvora. Posebno se ukazuje na moguće pouke što ih valja izvući, te koja bi stara i novija iskustva iz zemalja članica EU mogla biti na odgovarajući način primenjiva u aktuelnoj stvarnosti Srbije. Preko modela planiranja koji omogućava kompleksnu društvenu transformaciju države, društva, najvećeg broja socijalnih grupa i pojedinaca afirmiše se čitav blok strateškog mišljenja, istraživanja i upravljanja, pa u tome na poseban način i regionalno upravljanje, što još uvek ne nailazi na dovoljno široko ili opšte prihvatanje u Evropi, pa ni u današnjoj Srbiji.",
publisher = "Beograd : Institut za arhitekturu i urbanizam Srbije",
title = "Novi evropski regionalizam i regionalno upravljanje u Srbiji. Knjiga 1. Opšti aspekti regionalnog pitanja i evropski regionalizam",
url = ""
Vujošević, M., Zeković, S.,& Maričić, T.. (2012). Novi evropski regionalizam i regionalno upravljanje u Srbiji. Knjiga 1. Opšti aspekti regionalnog pitanja i evropski regionalizam. 
Beograd : Institut za arhitekturu i urbanizam Srbije..
Vujošević M, Zeković S, Maričić T. Novi evropski regionalizam i regionalno upravljanje u Srbiji. Knjiga 1. Opšti aspekti regionalnog pitanja i evropski regionalizam. 2012;. .
Vujošević, Miodrag, Zeković, Slavka, Maričić, Tamara, "Novi evropski regionalizam i regionalno upravljanje u Srbiji. Knjiga 1. Opšti aspekti regionalnog pitanja i evropski regionalizam" (2012), .

Land privatization and management in Serbia - Policy in limbo

Nedović-Budić, Zorica; Zeković, Slavka; Vujošević, Miodrag


AU  - Nedović-Budić, Zorica
AU  - Zeković, Slavka
AU  - Vujošević, Miodrag
PY  - 2012
UR  -
AB  - Unlike in most other European post-socialist countries, in Serbia, land policy and property reforms have only been partially implemented. A new approach is neither fully defined nor institutionalized a decade after the end of ethnic conflict and the Milosevic era. The context and characteristics of Serbia's urban-land privatization reforms and the land development management of its capital, Belgrade, illustrate the complexities involved in establishing new institutional arrangements under circumstances of overall societal transition. The negative implications of the prolonged transition to a new land policy and related land-management instruments only serve to aggravate the already difficult social, economic, and spatial development situation. The deeply embedded Serbian political culture may be the overriding cause of these difficulties.
T2  - Journal of Architectural and Planning Research
T1  - Land privatization and management in Serbia - Policy in limbo
VL  - 29
IS  - 4
SP  - 306
EP  - 317
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Nedović-Budić, Zorica and Zeković, Slavka and Vujošević, Miodrag",
year = "2012",
abstract = "Unlike in most other European post-socialist countries, in Serbia, land policy and property reforms have only been partially implemented. A new approach is neither fully defined nor institutionalized a decade after the end of ethnic conflict and the Milosevic era. The context and characteristics of Serbia's urban-land privatization reforms and the land development management of its capital, Belgrade, illustrate the complexities involved in establishing new institutional arrangements under circumstances of overall societal transition. The negative implications of the prolonged transition to a new land policy and related land-management instruments only serve to aggravate the already difficult social, economic, and spatial development situation. The deeply embedded Serbian political culture may be the overriding cause of these difficulties.",
journal = "Journal of Architectural and Planning Research",
title = "Land privatization and management in Serbia - Policy in limbo",
volume = "29",
number = "4",
pages = "306-317",
url = ""
Nedović-Budić, Z., Zeković, S.,& Vujošević, M.. (2012). Land privatization and management in Serbia - Policy in limbo. in Journal of Architectural and Planning Research, 29(4), 306-317.
Nedović-Budić Z, Zeković S, Vujošević M. Land privatization and management in Serbia - Policy in limbo. in Journal of Architectural and Planning Research. 2012;29(4):306-317. .
Nedović-Budić, Zorica, Zeković, Slavka, Vujošević, Miodrag, "Land privatization and management in Serbia - Policy in limbo" in Journal of Architectural and Planning Research, 29, no. 4 (2012):306-317, .

On territorial capital and geographical and traffic position of Serbia in the spatial plan of the Republic of Serbia 2010-2014-2020 (2010): A critical review

Vujošević, Miodrag; Zeković, Slavka

(Scientific Research Center Ltd Belgrade, Belgrade, 2012)

AU  - Vujošević, Miodrag
AU  - Zeković, Slavka
PY  - 2012
UR  -
AB  - The utilization of territorial capital has been a relatively new thematic issue in European spatial planning, also treated in Serbia only as from very recently. The Spatial Plan of the Republic of Serbia 2010-2014-2020, adopted in 2010, represented an attempt of the kind, i.e., to address this theme in a strategic document at the state (national) level, paralleling few regional plans also comprising this issue in a more significant way. Apart from dealing with the geographical and traffic position of Serbia, some other aspects of overall territorial capital of Serbia have also been taken into account. However, the aproach and defined concept have been applied rather rudimentary and insufficiently, especially vis-a-vis implementation of the Plan and concomitant institutional and organisational support, either at the state (national) or at the regional governance levels.
PB  - Scientific Research Center Ltd Belgrade, Belgrade
C3  - Proceedings of International Conference on Traffic and Transport Engineering (ICTTE)
T1  - On territorial capital and geographical and traffic position of Serbia in the spatial plan of the Republic of Serbia 2010-2014-2020 (2010): A critical review
SP  - 291
EP  - 296
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Vujošević, Miodrag and Zeković, Slavka",
year = "2012",
abstract = "The utilization of territorial capital has been a relatively new thematic issue in European spatial planning, also treated in Serbia only as from very recently. The Spatial Plan of the Republic of Serbia 2010-2014-2020, adopted in 2010, represented an attempt of the kind, i.e., to address this theme in a strategic document at the state (national) level, paralleling few regional plans also comprising this issue in a more significant way. Apart from dealing with the geographical and traffic position of Serbia, some other aspects of overall territorial capital of Serbia have also been taken into account. However, the aproach and defined concept have been applied rather rudimentary and insufficiently, especially vis-a-vis implementation of the Plan and concomitant institutional and organisational support, either at the state (national) or at the regional governance levels.",
publisher = "Scientific Research Center Ltd Belgrade, Belgrade",
journal = "Proceedings of International Conference on Traffic and Transport Engineering (ICTTE)",
title = "On territorial capital and geographical and traffic position of Serbia in the spatial plan of the Republic of Serbia 2010-2014-2020 (2010): A critical review",
pages = "291-296",
url = ""
Vujošević, M.,& Zeković, S.. (2012). On territorial capital and geographical and traffic position of Serbia in the spatial plan of the Republic of Serbia 2010-2014-2020 (2010): A critical review. in Proceedings of International Conference on Traffic and Transport Engineering (ICTTE)
Scientific Research Center Ltd Belgrade, Belgrade., 291-296.
Vujošević M, Zeković S. On territorial capital and geographical and traffic position of Serbia in the spatial plan of the Republic of Serbia 2010-2014-2020 (2010): A critical review. in Proceedings of International Conference on Traffic and Transport Engineering (ICTTE). 2012;:291-296. .
Vujošević, Miodrag, Zeković, Slavka, "On territorial capital and geographical and traffic position of Serbia in the spatial plan of the Republic of Serbia 2010-2014-2020 (2010): A critical review" in Proceedings of International Conference on Traffic and Transport Engineering (ICTTE) (2012):291-296, .

Post-Socialist Transition in Serbia and Its Unsustainable Path

Vujošević, Miodrag; Zeković, Slavka; Maričić, Tamara

(Routledge Journals, Taylor & Francis Ltd, Abingdon, 2012)

AU  - Vujošević, Miodrag
AU  - Zeković, Slavka
AU  - Maričić, Tamara
PY  - 2012
UR  -
AB  - Since the beginning of its post-socialist transition, Serbia has been going through a major political and economic crisis, thus isolated from the mainstream trends of the European integration and convergence. The country's comparative advantages and competitiveness have worsened in terms of two key aspects, that is, its structural qualities and its territorial capital. The economic recovery after the year 2000 assumed a form of "growth without development", mostly based on poorly legitimized transition reforms, whereby Serbia's inherent unsustainable spatial development patterns have been perpetuated. Today, Serbia finds itself in the position of an economic, ecological and financial semi-colony of a few powerful international political, economic and financial actors, paralleled by the collapse of its strategic thinking, research and governance. Rather bleak development prospects for Serbia call for prompt further research on predictable development scenarios. Therefore, we have discussed the key issues in the current planning system and practice and analysed the basic elements of the prospective future using the scenario approach.
PB  - Routledge Journals, Taylor & Francis Ltd, Abingdon
T2  - European Planning Studies
T1  - Post-Socialist Transition in Serbia and Its Unsustainable Path
VL  - 20
IS  - 10
SP  - 1707
EP  - 1727
DO  - 10.1080/09654313.2012.713330
ER  - 
author = "Vujošević, Miodrag and Zeković, Slavka and Maričić, Tamara",
year = "2012",
abstract = "Since the beginning of its post-socialist transition, Serbia has been going through a major political and economic crisis, thus isolated from the mainstream trends of the European integration and convergence. The country's comparative advantages and competitiveness have worsened in terms of two key aspects, that is, its structural qualities and its territorial capital. The economic recovery after the year 2000 assumed a form of "growth without development", mostly based on poorly legitimized transition reforms, whereby Serbia's inherent unsustainable spatial development patterns have been perpetuated. Today, Serbia finds itself in the position of an economic, ecological and financial semi-colony of a few powerful international political, economic and financial actors, paralleled by the collapse of its strategic thinking, research and governance. Rather bleak development prospects for Serbia call for prompt further research on predictable development scenarios. Therefore, we have discussed the key issues in the current planning system and practice and analysed the basic elements of the prospective future using the scenario approach.",
publisher = "Routledge Journals, Taylor & Francis Ltd, Abingdon",
journal = "European Planning Studies",
title = "Post-Socialist Transition in Serbia and Its Unsustainable Path",
volume = "20",
number = "10",
pages = "1707-1727",
doi = "10.1080/09654313.2012.713330"
Vujošević, M., Zeković, S.,& Maričić, T.. (2012). Post-Socialist Transition in Serbia and Its Unsustainable Path. in European Planning Studies
Routledge Journals, Taylor & Francis Ltd, Abingdon., 20(10), 1707-1727.
Vujošević M, Zeković S, Maričić T. Post-Socialist Transition in Serbia and Its Unsustainable Path. in European Planning Studies. 2012;20(10):1707-1727.
doi:10.1080/09654313.2012.713330 .
Vujošević, Miodrag, Zeković, Slavka, Maričić, Tamara, "Post-Socialist Transition in Serbia and Its Unsustainable Path" in European Planning Studies, 20, no. 10 (2012):1707-1727, . .

Key Business Risks in the Mining Development in the Bor Basin of Copper

Zeković, Slavka; Vujošević, Miodrag

(Bor : University of Belgrade, Technical Faculty in Bor, 2011)

AU  - Zeković, Slavka
AU  - Vujošević, Miodrag
PY  - 2011
UR  -
AB  - The paper gives an overview of the global business risks and risks in the mining development and the possible impact they could have on the future development of the Bor basin of copper. Risks in the further development of mining are emphasized by global economic and financial crisis. An identification of main risks is undertaken by application of a comprehensive development framework approach. Paper indicates that an evaluation of possible impacts of risks on the future development of Bor basin shows that these impacts must be included in corporative decision and compilation plans on the local and regional level.
PB  - Bor : University of Belgrade, Technical Faculty in Bor
C3  - Proceedings of the 43rd International October Conference on Mining and Metallurgy
T1  - Key Business Risks in the Mining Development in the Bor Basin of Copper
SP  - 428
EP  - 432
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Zeković, Slavka and Vujošević, Miodrag",
year = "2011",
abstract = "The paper gives an overview of the global business risks and risks in the mining development and the possible impact they could have on the future development of the Bor basin of copper. Risks in the further development of mining are emphasized by global economic and financial crisis. An identification of main risks is undertaken by application of a comprehensive development framework approach. Paper indicates that an evaluation of possible impacts of risks on the future development of Bor basin shows that these impacts must be included in corporative decision and compilation plans on the local and regional level.",
publisher = "Bor : University of Belgrade, Technical Faculty in Bor",
journal = "Proceedings of the 43rd International October Conference on Mining and Metallurgy",
title = "Key Business Risks in the Mining Development in the Bor Basin of Copper",
pages = "428-432",
url = ""
Zeković, S.,& Vujošević, M.. (2011). Key Business Risks in the Mining Development in the Bor Basin of Copper. in Proceedings of the 43rd International October Conference on Mining and Metallurgy
Bor : University of Belgrade, Technical Faculty in Bor., 428-432.
Zeković S, Vujošević M. Key Business Risks in the Mining Development in the Bor Basin of Copper. in Proceedings of the 43rd International October Conference on Mining and Metallurgy. 2011;:428-432. .
Zeković, Slavka, Vujošević, Miodrag, "Key Business Risks in the Mining Development in the Bor Basin of Copper" in Proceedings of the 43rd International October Conference on Mining and Metallurgy (2011):428-432, .

Global business risk factors in the coal and electricity sectors

Zeković, Slavka; Vujošević, Miodrag


AU  - Zeković, Slavka
AU  - Vujošević, Miodrag
PY  - 2011
UR  -
AB  - In this paper are identified global factors of business risk and shown the risks of doing business in the mining sector which effect is enhanced due to the global economic crisis. Due to the dynamism of the market and regulatory changes at the international level and renewing of interest for recovery of the coal sector it is estimated that in the future can expect increasing pressure on the transformation of the mining and energy sectors in all major aspects - structural, ownership and control, socio-economic, technical, institutional, environmental and physical. Research results are important for making future decisions on strategic development and integrated planning of the coal sector in Serbia in the market, financial, management, ownership, socio-economic impact, regional relation, ecological-spatial solutions, institutional and organizational adjustments. There is estimated that the share of public sector continues to be important despite the long-term trend of privatization, competition and independent regulation in the energy sector, as indicated by new research in Europe. It is concluded that the strategic development of the mining and energy sector and energy situation in Serbia can not be assessed otherwise than general developments in this sector in Europe and the wider environment.
AB  - U radu su identifikovani globalni faktori poslovnog rizika i prikazani osnovni rizici poslovanja u sektoru rudarstva, čije je dejstvo pojačano zbog svetske ekonomske krize. Zbog dinamizma tržišnih i regulatornih promena na nadnacionalnom nivou i obnavljanja interesa za oporavak sektora uglja ocenjuje se da se u budućnosti može očekivati sve veći pritisak na transformaciju rudarskog i energetskog sektora u svim glavnim aspektima - strukturnim, svojinsko-upravljačkim, socioekonomskim, tehničkim, institucionalnim, ekološko-prostornim. Nalazi istraživanja su značajni za donošenje budućih odluka o strateškom razvoju i integralnom planiranju sektora uglja u Srbiji u oblasti tržišno-finansijskih, upravljačkih, vlasničkih, socioekonomskih uticaja, regionalnih veza, ekološko-prostornih rešenja, institucionalnih i organizacionih prilagođavanja. Ocenjuje se da je učešće javnog sektora i dalje značajno uprkos dugoročnom trendu privatizacije, konkurencije i nezavisne regulacije u energetskom sektoru, na šta ukazuju nova istraživanja u Evropi. Zaključuje se da strateški razvoj rudarskog i elektroenergetskog sektora, kao i energetska situacija u Srbiji ne mogu da se procenjuju izolovano od opštih kretanja u ovom sektoru u Evropi i širem okruženju.
T2  - Elektroprivreda
T1  - Global business risk factors in the coal and electricity sectors
T1  - Globalni faktori rizika poslovanja u sektoru proizvodnje uglja i električne energije
VL  - 64
IS  - 2
SP  - 142
EP  - 153
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Zeković, Slavka and Vujošević, Miodrag",
year = "2011",
abstract = "In this paper are identified global factors of business risk and shown the risks of doing business in the mining sector which effect is enhanced due to the global economic crisis. Due to the dynamism of the market and regulatory changes at the international level and renewing of interest for recovery of the coal sector it is estimated that in the future can expect increasing pressure on the transformation of the mining and energy sectors in all major aspects - structural, ownership and control, socio-economic, technical, institutional, environmental and physical. Research results are important for making future decisions on strategic development and integrated planning of the coal sector in Serbia in the market, financial, management, ownership, socio-economic impact, regional relation, ecological-spatial solutions, institutional and organizational adjustments. There is estimated that the share of public sector continues to be important despite the long-term trend of privatization, competition and independent regulation in the energy sector, as indicated by new research in Europe. It is concluded that the strategic development of the mining and energy sector and energy situation in Serbia can not be assessed otherwise than general developments in this sector in Europe and the wider environment., U radu su identifikovani globalni faktori poslovnog rizika i prikazani osnovni rizici poslovanja u sektoru rudarstva, čije je dejstvo pojačano zbog svetske ekonomske krize. Zbog dinamizma tržišnih i regulatornih promena na nadnacionalnom nivou i obnavljanja interesa za oporavak sektora uglja ocenjuje se da se u budućnosti može očekivati sve veći pritisak na transformaciju rudarskog i energetskog sektora u svim glavnim aspektima - strukturnim, svojinsko-upravljačkim, socioekonomskim, tehničkim, institucionalnim, ekološko-prostornim. Nalazi istraživanja su značajni za donošenje budućih odluka o strateškom razvoju i integralnom planiranju sektora uglja u Srbiji u oblasti tržišno-finansijskih, upravljačkih, vlasničkih, socioekonomskih uticaja, regionalnih veza, ekološko-prostornih rešenja, institucionalnih i organizacionih prilagođavanja. Ocenjuje se da je učešće javnog sektora i dalje značajno uprkos dugoročnom trendu privatizacije, konkurencije i nezavisne regulacije u energetskom sektoru, na šta ukazuju nova istraživanja u Evropi. Zaključuje se da strateški razvoj rudarskog i elektroenergetskog sektora, kao i energetska situacija u Srbiji ne mogu da se procenjuju izolovano od opštih kretanja u ovom sektoru u Evropi i širem okruženju.",
journal = "Elektroprivreda",
title = "Global business risk factors in the coal and electricity sectors, Globalni faktori rizika poslovanja u sektoru proizvodnje uglja i električne energije",
volume = "64",
number = "2",
pages = "142-153",
url = ""
Zeković, S.,& Vujošević, M.. (2011). Global business risk factors in the coal and electricity sectors. in Elektroprivreda, 64(2), 142-153.
Zeković S, Vujošević M. Global business risk factors in the coal and electricity sectors. in Elektroprivreda. 2011;64(2):142-153. .
Zeković, Slavka, Vujošević, Miodrag, "Global business risk factors in the coal and electricity sectors" in Elektroprivreda, 64, no. 2 (2011):142-153, .

Post-socialist transition and empirical evaluation of the future spatial development of Serbia

Vujošević, Miodrag; Zeković, Slavka; Maričić, Tamara


AU  - Vujošević, Miodrag
AU  - Zeković, Slavka
AU  - Maričić, Tamara
PY  - 2010
UR  -
UR  -
AB  - Due to different political and economic factors during its post-socialist transition Serbia has been isolated from the mainstream trends of European integration and convergence. The country's comparative advantages and competitiveness have worsened in two key aspects - in its structural qualities and in its territorial capital. The economic recovery after the changes in 2000 onwards has the form of "growth without development", while the spatial development patterns have appeared to be rather unsustainable. Today, Serbia has found itself in the position of an economic, ecological and financial semi-colony of few powerful international political, economic and financial actors. In the last part, we will present results of an empiric evaluation of the three scenarios for spatial development of Serbia until 2020 based on comparative analysis of 29 indicators by applying the Spider method.
T2  - WSEAS Transactions on Environment and Development
T1  - Post-socialist transition and empirical evaluation of the future spatial development of Serbia
VL  - 6
IS  - 9
SP  - 666
EP  - 676
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Vujošević, Miodrag and Zeković, Slavka and Maričić, Tamara",
year = "2010",
abstract = "Due to different political and economic factors during its post-socialist transition Serbia has been isolated from the mainstream trends of European integration and convergence. The country's comparative advantages and competitiveness have worsened in two key aspects - in its structural qualities and in its territorial capital. The economic recovery after the changes in 2000 onwards has the form of "growth without development", while the spatial development patterns have appeared to be rather unsustainable. Today, Serbia has found itself in the position of an economic, ecological and financial semi-colony of few powerful international political, economic and financial actors. In the last part, we will present results of an empiric evaluation of the three scenarios for spatial development of Serbia until 2020 based on comparative analysis of 29 indicators by applying the Spider method.",
journal = "WSEAS Transactions on Environment and Development",
title = "Post-socialist transition and empirical evaluation of the future spatial development of Serbia",
volume = "6",
number = "9",
pages = "666-676",
url = ""
Vujošević, M., Zeković, S.,& Maričić, T.. (2010). Post-socialist transition and empirical evaluation of the future spatial development of Serbia. in WSEAS Transactions on Environment and Development, 6(9), 666-676.
Vujošević M, Zeković S, Maričić T. Post-socialist transition and empirical evaluation of the future spatial development of Serbia. in WSEAS Transactions on Environment and Development. 2010;6(9):666-676. .
Vujošević, Miodrag, Zeković, Slavka, Maričić, Tamara, "Post-socialist transition and empirical evaluation of the future spatial development of Serbia" in WSEAS Transactions on Environment and Development, 6, no. 9 (2010):666-676, .