Basarić, Jelena

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Authority KeyName Variants
  • Basarić, Jelena (15)
  • Басарић, Јелена (2)

Author's Bibliography

Просторни план подручја посебне намене регионалног Колубарског система снабдевања водом

Krunić, Nikola; Mirjanić, Zoran; Danilović Hristić, Nataša; Manić, Božidar; Basarić, Jelena; Srnić, Danijela

(Ниш : Удружење урбаниста Србије / Niš : Serbian Town Planners’ Association, 2023)


Krunić, N., Mirjanić, Z., Danilović Hristić, N., Manić, B., Basarić, J.,& Srnić, D.. (2023). Просторни план подручја посебне намене регионалног Колубарског система снабдевања водом. in Каталог изложбе: 32. Међународни салон урбанизма Ниш, 8-11. новембар 2023 / Exhibition catalogue: 32nd International urban planners' exhibition Niš, 8-11 November 2023
Ниш : Удружење урбаниста Србије / Niš : Serbian Town Planners’ Association., 01.03..
Krunić N, Mirjanić Z, Danilović Hristić N, Manić B, Basarić J, Srnić D. Просторни план подручја посебне намене регионалног Колубарског система снабдевања водом. in Каталог изложбе: 32. Међународни салон урбанизма Ниш, 8-11. новембар 2023 / Exhibition catalogue: 32nd International urban planners' exhibition Niš, 8-11 November 2023. 2023;:01.03.. .
Krunić, Nikola, Mirjanić, Zoran, Danilović Hristić, Nataša, Manić, Božidar, Basarić, Jelena, Srnić, Danijela, "Просторни план подручја посебне намене регионалног Колубарског система снабдевања водом" in Каталог изложбе: 32. Међународни салон урбанизма Ниш, 8-11. новембар 2023 / Exhibition catalogue: 32nd International urban planners' exhibition Niš, 8-11 November 2023 (2023):01.03., .

National parks biodiversity preservation and improvement: the case study of Djerdap

Basarić, Jelena; Bezbradica, Ljubiša; Srnić, Danijela

(Belgrade : University of Belgrade - Faculty of Geography, 2023)

AU  - Basarić, Jelena
AU  - Bezbradica, Ljubiša
AU  - Srnić, Danijela
PY  - 2023
UR  -
AB  - As a country in the Danube river basin, with specific low-lying and
mountaineous terrain, Serbia abounds in quite diverse natural systems. As a part of the
Carpathian-Balkan massif, the area of the Djerdap gorge and national park boasts high level
of species and ecosystem diversity. When it comes to flora, it is one of the primary centres
of plant diversity in Southeast Europe, a home to over thousand taxons, the large number
of which are relict, endemic and endangered species. Vegetation comprises over fifty plant
communities and/or forest and shrub species. Such diversity of life has earned Đerdap its
status of national and international protected area, making it an EMERALD Network member,
a Ramsar site, an IBA, IPA and PBA area. Đerdap is featured on the World Cultural and Natural
Heritage Tentative List (UNESCO) and the list of Carpathian areas (Framework Convention
on the Protection and Sustainable Development of the Carpathians, BioREGIO Carpathians
Project, etc.), and designated to become a biosphere reserve (MаB). The greatest limitations
and threats to this area come from land repurposing, infrastructural development, forest
destruction, ecosystems degradation and similar. A major element in preventing the negative
consequences and causes of the shrinking biodiversity is advancing the management system
of a protected area. It implies efficient maintenance and preservation of natural values,
research and monitoring, conservation, rehabilitation of damages, landscape regulation,
etc. The paper presents the concept of spatial planning in such areas, with special attention
to the preservation and implementation of relevant planning solutions, laws, strategies and
international documents.
PB  - Belgrade : University of Belgrade - Faculty of Geography
C3  - Book of Abstracts / International Scientific Conference Green Agenda for Western Balkans, Belgrade, 2023.
T1  - National parks biodiversity preservation and improvement: the case study of Djerdap
SP  - 43
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Basarić, Jelena and Bezbradica, Ljubiša and Srnić, Danijela",
year = "2023",
abstract = "As a country in the Danube river basin, with specific low-lying and
mountaineous terrain, Serbia abounds in quite diverse natural systems. As a part of the
Carpathian-Balkan massif, the area of the Djerdap gorge and national park boasts high level
of species and ecosystem diversity. When it comes to flora, it is one of the primary centres
of plant diversity in Southeast Europe, a home to over thousand taxons, the large number
of which are relict, endemic and endangered species. Vegetation comprises over fifty plant
communities and/or forest and shrub species. Such diversity of life has earned Đerdap its
status of national and international protected area, making it an EMERALD Network member,
a Ramsar site, an IBA, IPA and PBA area. Đerdap is featured on the World Cultural and Natural
Heritage Tentative List (UNESCO) and the list of Carpathian areas (Framework Convention
on the Protection and Sustainable Development of the Carpathians, BioREGIO Carpathians
Project, etc.), and designated to become a biosphere reserve (MаB). The greatest limitations
and threats to this area come from land repurposing, infrastructural development, forest
destruction, ecosystems degradation and similar. A major element in preventing the negative
consequences and causes of the shrinking biodiversity is advancing the management system
of a protected area. It implies efficient maintenance and preservation of natural values,
research and monitoring, conservation, rehabilitation of damages, landscape regulation,
etc. The paper presents the concept of spatial planning in such areas, with special attention
to the preservation and implementation of relevant planning solutions, laws, strategies and
international documents.",
publisher = "Belgrade : University of Belgrade - Faculty of Geography",
journal = "Book of Abstracts / International Scientific Conference Green Agenda for Western Balkans, Belgrade, 2023.",
title = "National parks biodiversity preservation and improvement: the case study of Djerdap",
pages = "43",
url = ""
Basarić, J., Bezbradica, L.,& Srnić, D.. (2023). National parks biodiversity preservation and improvement: the case study of Djerdap. in Book of Abstracts / International Scientific Conference Green Agenda for Western Balkans, Belgrade, 2023.
Belgrade : University of Belgrade - Faculty of Geography., 43.
Basarić J, Bezbradica L, Srnić D. National parks biodiversity preservation and improvement: the case study of Djerdap. in Book of Abstracts / International Scientific Conference Green Agenda for Western Balkans, Belgrade, 2023.. 2023;:43. .
Basarić, Jelena, Bezbradica, Ljubiša, Srnić, Danijela, "National parks biodiversity preservation and improvement: the case study of Djerdap" in Book of Abstracts / International Scientific Conference Green Agenda for Western Balkans, Belgrade, 2023. (2023):43, .

Demand for building water reservoirs as a basis for sustainable space management in the Republic of Serbia

Bezbradica, Ljubiša; Milijić, Saša; Basarić, Jelena; Josimović, Boško

(Targoviste : Romanian Limnogeographical Association, 2023)

AU  - Bezbradica, Ljubiša
AU  - Milijić, Saša
AU  - Basarić, Jelena
AU  - Josimović, Boško
PY  - 2023
UR  -
AB  - The purpose of planning space for water reservoirs is to produce aplan as a final product of dynamic activities focused on realizing the idea of purposeful space. In a wider context, the process of spatial planning of multipurpose systems intended for water supply is a controlling structure of events directed towards producing changes in space in a certain time horizon as a precondition for progress of a community. Water supply to the population and economy, intensive erosion, and torrential floods in mountainous regions in the Republic of Serbia stress the significance of managing the existing water reservoirs and call for the need for planning and building the new ones. These key infrastructure facilities enable the integral use and protection of drainage basins and prevent degradation of certain natural resources. One of the basic characteristics of water reservoirs is their multipurpose role in the social and economic development. Apart from their major role in water supply and power production, reservoirs directly impact hydrological regimes, sediment transport, biodiversity in aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems, microclimatic characteristics, river basins management, population, economy, etc. The paper will stress the needs for planning and building water reservoirs as multipurpose systems intended to respond to the challenge of progress of the society, as well as the change in climate conditions, which result in the periods of drought and water shortage, on the one hand, and excessive rains producing floods, on the other. The focus will be on the sustainable management of water reservoirs, but also on remediating the impact on water sources, land and forests.
PB  - Targoviste : Romanian Limnogeographical Association
C3  - Water resources and wetlands, 6th International Hybrid Conference Water resources and wetlands, 13-17 September 2023, Tulcea (Romania)
T1  - Demand for building water reservoirs as a basis for sustainable space management in the Republic of Serbia
SP  - 248
EP  - 260
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Bezbradica, Ljubiša and Milijić, Saša and Basarić, Jelena and Josimović, Boško",
year = "2023",
abstract = "The purpose of planning space for water reservoirs is to produce aplan as a final product of dynamic activities focused on realizing the idea of purposeful space. In a wider context, the process of spatial planning of multipurpose systems intended for water supply is a controlling structure of events directed towards producing changes in space in a certain time horizon as a precondition for progress of a community. Water supply to the population and economy, intensive erosion, and torrential floods in mountainous regions in the Republic of Serbia stress the significance of managing the existing water reservoirs and call for the need for planning and building the new ones. These key infrastructure facilities enable the integral use and protection of drainage basins and prevent degradation of certain natural resources. One of the basic characteristics of water reservoirs is their multipurpose role in the social and economic development. Apart from their major role in water supply and power production, reservoirs directly impact hydrological regimes, sediment transport, biodiversity in aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems, microclimatic characteristics, river basins management, population, economy, etc. The paper will stress the needs for planning and building water reservoirs as multipurpose systems intended to respond to the challenge of progress of the society, as well as the change in climate conditions, which result in the periods of drought and water shortage, on the one hand, and excessive rains producing floods, on the other. The focus will be on the sustainable management of water reservoirs, but also on remediating the impact on water sources, land and forests.",
publisher = "Targoviste : Romanian Limnogeographical Association",
journal = "Water resources and wetlands, 6th International Hybrid Conference Water resources and wetlands, 13-17 September 2023, Tulcea (Romania)",
title = "Demand for building water reservoirs as a basis for sustainable space management in the Republic of Serbia",
pages = "248-260",
url = ""
Bezbradica, L., Milijić, S., Basarić, J.,& Josimović, B.. (2023). Demand for building water reservoirs as a basis for sustainable space management in the Republic of Serbia. in Water resources and wetlands, 6th International Hybrid Conference Water resources and wetlands, 13-17 September 2023, Tulcea (Romania)
Targoviste : Romanian Limnogeographical Association., 248-260.
Bezbradica L, Milijić S, Basarić J, Josimović B. Demand for building water reservoirs as a basis for sustainable space management in the Republic of Serbia. in Water resources and wetlands, 6th International Hybrid Conference Water resources and wetlands, 13-17 September 2023, Tulcea (Romania). 2023;:248-260. .
Bezbradica, Ljubiša, Milijić, Saša, Basarić, Jelena, Josimović, Boško, "Demand for building water reservoirs as a basis for sustainable space management in the Republic of Serbia" in Water resources and wetlands, 6th International Hybrid Conference Water resources and wetlands, 13-17 September 2023, Tulcea (Romania) (2023):248-260, .

Перспективе развоја туризма Србије – осврт на Просторни план Републике Србије 2021-2035

Басарић, Јелена; Милијић, Саша; Безбрадица, Љубиша

(Требиње : Висока школа за туризам и хотелијерство, 2022)

AU  - Басарић, Јелена
AU  - Милијић, Саша
AU  - Безбрадица, Љубиша
PY  - 2022
UR  -
AB  - Туризам као глобална појава и процес бележи стабилан раст последњих деценија, и као такав налази се у процесу сталних промена и прилагођавања (захтевима тржишта, климатских промена и других утицаја). Промене су условиле потребу за новим развојем и различитим облицима туризма. Србија се налази на раскрсници између источне и западне Европе, где су видљива интензивна прилагођавања европским али и другим интеграцијама. Ради остваривања привредног развоја неопходно је утврдити развојне циљеве и приоритет посебно у области туризма и инфраструктуре. Потенцијали туризма у Србији нису довољно валоризовани, с обзиром на могућности развоја. Полазећи од компаративних туристичких предности, али и од искустава других земаља, Србија може постати значајнија туристичка дестинација у окружењу али и шире. Планским и развојним документима су јасно дефинисане туристичке дестинације и локалитети, а у раду ће се настојати дати кратак приказ потенцијала, циљева развоја, заштите и унапређења туризма у Србији.
PB  - Требиње : Висока школа за туризам и хотелијерство
C3  - Зборник радова - међународна конференција "Туризам у савременом европском и евроазијском простору-стање, проблеми, изазови, перспективе"
T1  - Перспективе развоја туризма Србије – осврт на Просторни план Републике Србије 2021-2035
SP  - 509
EP  - 522
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Басарић, Јелена and Милијић, Саша and Безбрадица, Љубиша",
year = "2022",
abstract = "Туризам као глобална појава и процес бележи стабилан раст последњих деценија, и као такав налази се у процесу сталних промена и прилагођавања (захтевима тржишта, климатских промена и других утицаја). Промене су условиле потребу за новим развојем и различитим облицима туризма. Србија се налази на раскрсници између источне и западне Европе, где су видљива интензивна прилагођавања европским али и другим интеграцијама. Ради остваривања привредног развоја неопходно је утврдити развојне циљеве и приоритет посебно у области туризма и инфраструктуре. Потенцијали туризма у Србији нису довољно валоризовани, с обзиром на могућности развоја. Полазећи од компаративних туристичких предности, али и од искустава других земаља, Србија може постати значајнија туристичка дестинација у окружењу али и шире. Планским и развојним документима су јасно дефинисане туристичке дестинације и локалитети, а у раду ће се настојати дати кратак приказ потенцијала, циљева развоја, заштите и унапређења туризма у Србији.",
publisher = "Требиње : Висока школа за туризам и хотелијерство",
journal = "Зборник радова - међународна конференција "Туризам у савременом европском и евроазијском простору-стање, проблеми, изазови, перспективе"",
title = "Перспективе развоја туризма Србије – осврт на Просторни план Републике Србије 2021-2035",
pages = "509-522",
url = ""
Басарић, Ј., Милијић, С.,& Безбрадица, Љ.. (2022). Перспективе развоја туризма Србије – осврт на Просторни план Републике Србије 2021-2035. in Зборник радова - међународна конференција "Туризам у савременом европском и евроазијском простору-стање, проблеми, изазови, перспективе"
Требиње : Висока школа за туризам и хотелијерство., 509-522.
Басарић Ј, Милијић С, Безбрадица Љ. Перспективе развоја туризма Србије – осврт на Просторни план Републике Србије 2021-2035. in Зборник радова - међународна конференција "Туризам у савременом европском и евроазијском простору-стање, проблеми, изазови, перспективе". 2022;:509-522. .
Басарић, Јелена, Милијић, Саша, Безбрадица, Љубиша, "Перспективе развоја туризма Србије – осврт на Просторни план Републике Србије 2021-2035" in Зборник радова - међународна конференција "Туризам у савременом европском и евроазијском простору-стање, проблеми, изазови, перспективе" (2022):509-522, .

The cultural-historical heritage as a potential for the development of tourism in the municipality of Aranđelovac

Basarić, Jelena; Golac, Andrijana

(Volos : University of Thessaly, Department of Planning and Regional Development, Laboratory of Urban Morphology & Design, Volos, Greece, 2022)

AU  - Basarić, Jelena
AU  - Golac, Andrijana
PY  - 2022
UR  -
AB  - When it comes to tourism, cultural heritage keeps gaining attention and interest. A tourist’s wish to
learn more about the destination he is visiting is mirrored in his growing demand for cultural
landmarks from different historical periods, from the oldest - to the most recent ones. Today,
tourists do not decide only on one content, it is usually enriched with a whole spectrum of new
ones. In the context of cultural heritage, new approaches have a special role in the development of
tourism, so all of the aspects of its influence are being taken into consideration. The presentation
and conservation of cultural heritage can contribute to the development and advancement of local
and regional communities. In terms of tourism, each space is more interesting if cultural heritage
has been integrated into the spatial development (in the level of development). An important
segment of development and advancement of cultural tourism is the sustainable use and
management of cultural potentials. The paper explores the capability of including cultural heritage
into cultural and tourism policies. It presents and describes the tourism potential of the historically
and artistically important urban wholes of Aranđelovac, a city with a preserved historical heritage.
The municipality and town of Aranđelovac belong to the district of Šumadija in central Serbia.
Aranđelovac occupies a territory of 375.89 km2, of which 15.75% of the total area of the Šumadija
district (2.386.71 km2) belongs to the municipality of Aranđelovac. Aranđelovac is situated at the
foot of Bukulja Mountain (696 m), at about 250 m above sea level, where the river Kubršnica has
its springs. Apart from its natural beauties, this area is known for its historical importance and
abundance of cultural monuments. This is why the aim of our paper is to introduce landmarks such
as the Risovača cave, Bukovička spa, Marićevića jaruga, the Church of Saint Archangel Michael
near Aranđelovac, the Church of Saint Archangel Gabriel with a memorial fountain and plaque in
Bukovik (just to name a few) to the public, and to point out the tourism potential of those places.
Tourism is becoming one of the leading branches of economy in the world today, and its
development can be based on natural and cultural-historical values of cities. Owing to tourism, the
conservation of natural, cultural and historical values (in municipalities like Aranđelovac) can be
achieved in accordance with the economic potential it owns.
PB  - Volos : University of Thessaly, Department of Planning and Regional Development, Laboratory of Urban Morphology & Design, Volos, Greece
C3  - Proceedings of the International Conference on Changing Cities V: Spatial, Design, Landscape, Heritage & Socio-economic Dimensions Corfu Island, Greece, June 20-25, 2022
T1  - The cultural-historical heritage as a potential for the development of tourism in the municipality of Aranđelovac
SP  - 942
EP  - 952
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Basarić, Jelena and Golac, Andrijana",
year = "2022",
abstract = "When it comes to tourism, cultural heritage keeps gaining attention and interest. A tourist’s wish to
learn more about the destination he is visiting is mirrored in his growing demand for cultural
landmarks from different historical periods, from the oldest - to the most recent ones. Today,
tourists do not decide only on one content, it is usually enriched with a whole spectrum of new
ones. In the context of cultural heritage, new approaches have a special role in the development of
tourism, so all of the aspects of its influence are being taken into consideration. The presentation
and conservation of cultural heritage can contribute to the development and advancement of local
and regional communities. In terms of tourism, each space is more interesting if cultural heritage
has been integrated into the spatial development (in the level of development). An important
segment of development and advancement of cultural tourism is the sustainable use and
management of cultural potentials. The paper explores the capability of including cultural heritage
into cultural and tourism policies. It presents and describes the tourism potential of the historically
and artistically important urban wholes of Aranđelovac, a city with a preserved historical heritage.
The municipality and town of Aranđelovac belong to the district of Šumadija in central Serbia.
Aranđelovac occupies a territory of 375.89 km2, of which 15.75% of the total area of the Šumadija
district (2.386.71 km2) belongs to the municipality of Aranđelovac. Aranđelovac is situated at the
foot of Bukulja Mountain (696 m), at about 250 m above sea level, where the river Kubršnica has
its springs. Apart from its natural beauties, this area is known for its historical importance and
abundance of cultural monuments. This is why the aim of our paper is to introduce landmarks such
as the Risovača cave, Bukovička spa, Marićevića jaruga, the Church of Saint Archangel Michael
near Aranđelovac, the Church of Saint Archangel Gabriel with a memorial fountain and plaque in
Bukovik (just to name a few) to the public, and to point out the tourism potential of those places.
Tourism is becoming one of the leading branches of economy in the world today, and its
development can be based on natural and cultural-historical values of cities. Owing to tourism, the
conservation of natural, cultural and historical values (in municipalities like Aranđelovac) can be
achieved in accordance with the economic potential it owns.",
publisher = "Volos : University of Thessaly, Department of Planning and Regional Development, Laboratory of Urban Morphology & Design, Volos, Greece",
journal = "Proceedings of the International Conference on Changing Cities V: Spatial, Design, Landscape, Heritage & Socio-economic Dimensions Corfu Island, Greece, June 20-25, 2022",
title = "The cultural-historical heritage as a potential for the development of tourism in the municipality of Aranđelovac",
pages = "942-952",
url = ""
Basarić, J.,& Golac, A.. (2022). The cultural-historical heritage as a potential for the development of tourism in the municipality of Aranđelovac. in Proceedings of the International Conference on Changing Cities V: Spatial, Design, Landscape, Heritage & Socio-economic Dimensions Corfu Island, Greece, June 20-25, 2022
Volos : University of Thessaly, Department of Planning and Regional Development, Laboratory of Urban Morphology & Design, Volos, Greece., 942-952.
Basarić J, Golac A. The cultural-historical heritage as a potential for the development of tourism in the municipality of Aranđelovac. in Proceedings of the International Conference on Changing Cities V: Spatial, Design, Landscape, Heritage & Socio-economic Dimensions Corfu Island, Greece, June 20-25, 2022. 2022;:942-952. .
Basarić, Jelena, Golac, Andrijana, "The cultural-historical heritage as a potential for the development of tourism in the municipality of Aranđelovac" in Proceedings of the International Conference on Changing Cities V: Spatial, Design, Landscape, Heritage & Socio-economic Dimensions Corfu Island, Greece, June 20-25, 2022 (2022):942-952, .

Планирање простора за потребе туризма Доњег Подунавља у Србији

Басарић, Јелена

(Универзитет у Београду, Географски факултет, 2021)

AU  - Басарић, Јелена
PY  - 2021
UR  -
AB  - Значај и потенцијали Дунава и Доњег Подунавља за нашу земљу су огромни, али те предности још увек нису у потпуности искоришћене. Природним и културним ресурсима простора Доњег Подунавља и потребама међу државне сарадње бавили су се многи и установили да је њихова искоришћеност недовољна и неадекватна. Доње Подунавље, на основу својих потенцијала, располаже могућностима за градски, сеоски, пословни, вински, спортско-рекреативни, ловни, риболовни, културно-манифестациони, бициклистички и екотуризам. Природне и културне вредности, данас, побуђују све већу пажњу и заинтересованост када је реч о туризму. Жеља туриста за новим сазнањима огледа се у све већој потражњи за различитим садржајима. Данас, туристи се не одлучују само за искључиво један садржај, него је најчешће обогаћен додатним. Новији приступи у погледу природних и културних вредности имају посебну улогу у развоју туризма, те се разматрају сви аспекти његових утицаја. Презентација и очување природног и културног наслеђа може да допринесе развоју и унапређењу локалне и регионалне заједнице. Сваки простор је интересантнији за туризам, уколико на нивоу развоја постоји интегрисаност природног и културног наслеђа у просторни развој. Важан сегмент развоја и унапређења туризма јесте одрживо коришћење и управљење природним и културним потенцијалима као и рационална организација економских, еколошких, културних и других интереса. У раду ће се дати посебан осврт на концепт и циљ одрживог туризма, који обједињује еколошку, економску и социјалну димензију. Резултати рада могу допринети бољем разумевању стварне територијалне атрактивности Доњег Подунавља и Србије, туристичког кретања и валоризације природних и културних добара, као и допринос у стварању туристичких стратегија и плана управљања туризмом. Основни циљ дисертације је потврђивање постављених хипотеза потенцијала, могућности и ограничења које подручје Доње Подунавље пружа Републици Србији. Циљ је да се укаже на значај туризма Доњег Подунавља и да се конкретним решењима предложе најбољи начини за коришћење његових многобројних природних и културних вредности. Развој туризма немогуће је реализовати без институционалне подршке, као и без подршке локалне заједнице, те се реалним приказом садашњег стања омогућава и процена будућег дешавања и промена туристичког развоја. Захваљујући географском положају, и ослањању на Дунавски коридор, за ово подручје се може рећи да је једна од најатрактивнијих крузинг линија у Европи. Због тога сектор Доњег Подунавља би могао да буде појас будућег развоја Србије, преко кога би наша земља остварила економске и друге облике интеграције не само са суседним земљама у окружењу, него и са земљама у Европи.
AB  - For our country, the meaning and potentials of the Danube and the Lower Danube regions are enormous, but those advantages have not yet been fully used. Many have studied the natural and cultural resources in the area of the Lower Danube and also the need for an interstate cooperation, and they have come to the conclusion that their employment is insufficient and inadequate. According to its potential, the Lower Danube region possesses vast possibilities for the establishment of urban, rural, business, wine, sports and recreational, hunting, fishing, culturallymanifestational, cycling and ecological tourism. Today the natural and cultural values draw growing attention and interest when it comes to tourism. The tourists’ desire for knoweledge is manifested through their growing demands for a variety of contets. Today, they do not choose a single content but usually enrich it with additional ones. The new approaches in terms of natural and cultural values have a special role in the development of tourism, so all the aspects of their influences have been taken into consideration. The introduction and preservation of natural and cultural heritage can benefit the development and promotion of the local and regional community. Each area is more interesting for toruism if natural and cultural heritage is inegrated in the space’s development. An important segment of the evolution and advancement of tourism is the sustainable use and control of natural and cultural potentials, and also the rational organization of economical, ecological and other interests. A particular review of the concept and aim of sustainable tourism that unites the ecological, economic and social dimensions will be given in the paper. The results of the study can contribute to a better understanding of the actual territorial attractiveness of Serbia and the Lower Danube region. The tourists’ activity and valorization of natural and cultural stady can contribute to a better understanding of the actual territorial attractiveness of Serbia and the Lower Danube region, the tourists’ activity and valorization of natural and cultural goods, and also to improve the creation of touristic strategies and the plan for the administration of tourism. The main goal of the dissertation is the affirmation of the set hypothesis of the potential, possibilities and limitations which the area of the Lower Danube offers the Republic of Serbia. The aim is to show the importance of tourism of the Lower Danube and to give concrete solutions for the use of its many natural and cultural values. The development of tourism is impossible without institutional and local community support, so a realistic presentation of the current state enables the assessment of future happenings and changes in the development of tourism. Due to its geographical position and the reliance on Danube corridor it can be said that this area is one of the most attractive ones in Europe when it comes to cruise lines. This is why region of the Lower Danube could be the line of future development of Serbia, through which our country would achieve economical and forms of integration, not just with neighboring countries, but also with European ones.
PB  - Универзитет у Београду, Географски факултет
T2  - Универзитет у Београду
T1  - Планирање простора за потребе туризма Доњег Подунавља у Србији
T1  - Planning of space for the needs of tourism of the Lower Danube in Serbia
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Басарић, Јелена",
year = "2021",
abstract = "Значај и потенцијали Дунава и Доњег Подунавља за нашу земљу су огромни, али те предности још увек нису у потпуности искоришћене. Природним и културним ресурсима простора Доњег Подунавља и потребама међу државне сарадње бавили су се многи и установили да је њихова искоришћеност недовољна и неадекватна. Доње Подунавље, на основу својих потенцијала, располаже могућностима за градски, сеоски, пословни, вински, спортско-рекреативни, ловни, риболовни, културно-манифестациони, бициклистички и екотуризам. Природне и културне вредности, данас, побуђују све већу пажњу и заинтересованост када је реч о туризму. Жеља туриста за новим сазнањима огледа се у све већој потражњи за различитим садржајима. Данас, туристи се не одлучују само за искључиво један садржај, него је најчешће обогаћен додатним. Новији приступи у погледу природних и културних вредности имају посебну улогу у развоју туризма, те се разматрају сви аспекти његових утицаја. Презентација и очување природног и културног наслеђа може да допринесе развоју и унапређењу локалне и регионалне заједнице. Сваки простор је интересантнији за туризам, уколико на нивоу развоја постоји интегрисаност природног и културног наслеђа у просторни развој. Важан сегмент развоја и унапређења туризма јесте одрживо коришћење и управљење природним и културним потенцијалима као и рационална организација економских, еколошких, културних и других интереса. У раду ће се дати посебан осврт на концепт и циљ одрживог туризма, који обједињује еколошку, економску и социјалну димензију. Резултати рада могу допринети бољем разумевању стварне територијалне атрактивности Доњег Подунавља и Србије, туристичког кретања и валоризације природних и културних добара, као и допринос у стварању туристичких стратегија и плана управљања туризмом. Основни циљ дисертације је потврђивање постављених хипотеза потенцијала, могућности и ограничења које подручје Доње Подунавље пружа Републици Србији. Циљ је да се укаже на значај туризма Доњег Подунавља и да се конкретним решењима предложе најбољи начини за коришћење његових многобројних природних и културних вредности. Развој туризма немогуће је реализовати без институционалне подршке, као и без подршке локалне заједнице, те се реалним приказом садашњег стања омогућава и процена будућег дешавања и промена туристичког развоја. Захваљујући географском положају, и ослањању на Дунавски коридор, за ово подручје се може рећи да је једна од најатрактивнијих крузинг линија у Европи. Због тога сектор Доњег Подунавља би могао да буде појас будућег развоја Србије, преко кога би наша земља остварила економске и друге облике интеграције не само са суседним земљама у окружењу, него и са земљама у Европи., For our country, the meaning and potentials of the Danube and the Lower Danube regions are enormous, but those advantages have not yet been fully used. Many have studied the natural and cultural resources in the area of the Lower Danube and also the need for an interstate cooperation, and they have come to the conclusion that their employment is insufficient and inadequate. According to its potential, the Lower Danube region possesses vast possibilities for the establishment of urban, rural, business, wine, sports and recreational, hunting, fishing, culturallymanifestational, cycling and ecological tourism. Today the natural and cultural values draw growing attention and interest when it comes to tourism. The tourists’ desire for knoweledge is manifested through their growing demands for a variety of contets. Today, they do not choose a single content but usually enrich it with additional ones. The new approaches in terms of natural and cultural values have a special role in the development of tourism, so all the aspects of their influences have been taken into consideration. The introduction and preservation of natural and cultural heritage can benefit the development and promotion of the local and regional community. Each area is more interesting for toruism if natural and cultural heritage is inegrated in the space’s development. An important segment of the evolution and advancement of tourism is the sustainable use and control of natural and cultural potentials, and also the rational organization of economical, ecological and other interests. A particular review of the concept and aim of sustainable tourism that unites the ecological, economic and social dimensions will be given in the paper. The results of the study can contribute to a better understanding of the actual territorial attractiveness of Serbia and the Lower Danube region. The tourists’ activity and valorization of natural and cultural stady can contribute to a better understanding of the actual territorial attractiveness of Serbia and the Lower Danube region, the tourists’ activity and valorization of natural and cultural goods, and also to improve the creation of touristic strategies and the plan for the administration of tourism. The main goal of the dissertation is the affirmation of the set hypothesis of the potential, possibilities and limitations which the area of the Lower Danube offers the Republic of Serbia. The aim is to show the importance of tourism of the Lower Danube and to give concrete solutions for the use of its many natural and cultural values. The development of tourism is impossible without institutional and local community support, so a realistic presentation of the current state enables the assessment of future happenings and changes in the development of tourism. Due to its geographical position and the reliance on Danube corridor it can be said that this area is one of the most attractive ones in Europe when it comes to cruise lines. This is why region of the Lower Danube could be the line of future development of Serbia, through which our country would achieve economical and forms of integration, not just with neighboring countries, but also with European ones.",
publisher = "Универзитет у Београду, Географски факултет",
journal = "Универзитет у Београду",
title = "Планирање простора за потребе туризма Доњег Подунавља у Србији, Planning of space for the needs of tourism of the Lower Danube in Serbia",
url = ""
Басарић, Ј.. (2021). Планирање простора за потребе туризма Доњег Подунавља у Србији. in Универзитет у Београду
Универзитет у Београду, Географски факултет..
Басарић Ј. Планирање простора за потребе туризма Доњег Подунавља у Србији. in Универзитет у Београду. 2021;. .
Басарић, Јелена, "Планирање простора за потребе туризма Доњег Подунавља у Србији" in Универзитет у Београду (2021), .

Water resources and wetlands

Bezbradica, Ljubiša; Basarić, Jelena

(Targoviste : Romanian Limnogeographical Association, 2021)

AU  - Bezbradica, Ljubiša
AU  - Basarić, Jelena
PY  - 2021
UR  -
UR  -
AB  - Planning documents constitute the basis for area planning and sustainable use of land, water and other resources by taking an integral approach to space organization and protection. Spatial plans for special purpose areas (SPSPAs) for accumulation basins form the basis for basin sanitary protection, basin area protection and organization, infrastructural and communal equipment improvement etc. “Prvonek” accumulation is located in the territory of the City of Vranje as a multi-purpose facility for water supply and/or regulation of large and small watercourses. In the planning, construction and use of “Prvonek”, all its potential implications in the basin area and the accumulation have been considered. This context inevitably includes considering the impact of population on the use and management of land and water resources of the accumulation and/or the exploitation of forests, forest land and agricultural land. The pollution of surface and ground waters penetrating into the accumulation and the accumulation being filled by erosion sediments constitute limitations regarding the protection and conservation of the accumulation and other natural resources of this region.The work analyzes the basin of “Prvonek” accumulation and also presents the planning solutions and/or their impacts on the use and management of the accumulation, and thus the protection and conservation of the basin area land.
PB  - Targoviste : Romanian Limnogeographical Association
C3  - Book of proceedings: 5th International Hybrid Conference Water resources and wetlands, 8-12 September 2021, Tulcea (Romania)
T1  - Water resources and wetlands
SP  - 165
EP  - 174
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Bezbradica, Ljubiša and Basarić, Jelena",
year = "2021",
abstract = "Planning documents constitute the basis for area planning and sustainable use of land, water and other resources by taking an integral approach to space organization and protection. Spatial plans for special purpose areas (SPSPAs) for accumulation basins form the basis for basin sanitary protection, basin area protection and organization, infrastructural and communal equipment improvement etc. “Prvonek” accumulation is located in the territory of the City of Vranje as a multi-purpose facility for water supply and/or regulation of large and small watercourses. In the planning, construction and use of “Prvonek”, all its potential implications in the basin area and the accumulation have been considered. This context inevitably includes considering the impact of population on the use and management of land and water resources of the accumulation and/or the exploitation of forests, forest land and agricultural land. The pollution of surface and ground waters penetrating into the accumulation and the accumulation being filled by erosion sediments constitute limitations regarding the protection and conservation of the accumulation and other natural resources of this region.The work analyzes the basin of “Prvonek” accumulation and also presents the planning solutions and/or their impacts on the use and management of the accumulation, and thus the protection and conservation of the basin area land.",
publisher = "Targoviste : Romanian Limnogeographical Association",
journal = "Book of proceedings: 5th International Hybrid Conference Water resources and wetlands, 8-12 September 2021, Tulcea (Romania)",
title = "Water resources and wetlands",
pages = "165-174",
url = ""
Bezbradica, L.,& Basarić, J.. (2021). Water resources and wetlands. in Book of proceedings: 5th International Hybrid Conference Water resources and wetlands, 8-12 September 2021, Tulcea (Romania)
Targoviste : Romanian Limnogeographical Association., 165-174.
Bezbradica L, Basarić J. Water resources and wetlands. in Book of proceedings: 5th International Hybrid Conference Water resources and wetlands, 8-12 September 2021, Tulcea (Romania). 2021;:165-174. .
Bezbradica, Ljubiša, Basarić, Jelena, "Water resources and wetlands" in Book of proceedings: 5th International Hybrid Conference Water resources and wetlands, 8-12 September 2021, Tulcea (Romania) (2021):165-174, .

Uticaji infrastrukturnih koridora na prostor i životnu sredinu, na primeru prostornog plana železničke pruge Beograd–Niš

Bezbradica, Ljubiša; Basarić, Jelena; Milijić, Saša

(Beograd : Asocijacija prostornih planera Srbije, 2020)

AU  - Bezbradica, Ljubiša
AU  - Basarić, Jelena
AU  - Milijić, Saša
PY  - 2020
UR  -
AB  - Prostorni plan područja posebne namene infrastrukturnog koridora železničke
pruge Beograd–Niš, deonica Velika Plana – Niš (Plan) predstavlja planski osnov za modernizaciju
i rekonstrukciju dela postojeće železničke pruge ukupne dužine 110 km, za brzine do
160 km/h. Plan takođe predstavlja osnov za izdavanje lokacijskih uslova, utvrđivanje javnog
interesa i sprovođenje postupka eksproprijacije i izradu projekata parcelacije i preparcelacije
za prostor u obuhvatu detaljne razrade. Prilikom modernizacije i rekonstrukcije predmetne
deonice koridora železničke pruge, evidentni su značajni uticaji na prostor, odnosno činioce
životne sredine. Integracija ciljeva i principa održivog razvoja, uvažavajući pri tome potrebu
da se izbegnu ili ograniče negativni uticaji na životnu sredinu, zdravlje i socio-ekonomske
aspekte, predstavlja jedan od osnovnih izazova realizacije Plana. U radu se ukazuje na važnost
određivanja mera prevencije, ublažavanja, i kompenzacije štetnih uticaja železničke
pruge na životnu sredinu i zdravlje ljudi. Prezentovani su neki od osnovnih karakteristika
trase koridora pruge i definisani mogući negativni efekti modernizacije i rekonstrukcije pruge
Beograd–Niš, kao i mere sprečavanja konflikta sa okruženjem. U zaključcima su razmotrene
mogućnosti da se u skladu sa strateškim opredeljenjima Republike Srbije, u daljim istraživanjima
i kroz izradu nove planske dokumentacije se formira posebn koridor železničke pruge
Beograd – Mladenovac – Niš – granica sa Republikom Severnom Makedonijom za brzinu do
200 km/h, koji će biti deo koridora „Put svile”. Ovaj koridor će iziskivati nove i strožije mere
zaštite životne sredine, u skladu sa međunarodnim standardima.
PB  - Beograd : Asocijacija prostornih planera Srbije
PB  - Beograd : Univerzitet u Beogradu - Geografski fakultet
C3  - Osmi naučno-stručni skup sa međunarodnim učešćem “Lokalna samouprava u planiranju i uređenju prostora i naselja” Prostorne integracije
T1  - Uticaji infrastrukturnih koridora na prostor i životnu sredinu, na primeru prostornog plana železničke pruge Beograd–Niš
SP  - 389
EP  - 396
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Bezbradica, Ljubiša and Basarić, Jelena and Milijić, Saša",
year = "2020",
abstract = "Prostorni plan područja posebne namene infrastrukturnog koridora železničke
pruge Beograd–Niš, deonica Velika Plana – Niš (Plan) predstavlja planski osnov za modernizaciju
i rekonstrukciju dela postojeće železničke pruge ukupne dužine 110 km, za brzine do
160 km/h. Plan takođe predstavlja osnov za izdavanje lokacijskih uslova, utvrđivanje javnog
interesa i sprovođenje postupka eksproprijacije i izradu projekata parcelacije i preparcelacije
za prostor u obuhvatu detaljne razrade. Prilikom modernizacije i rekonstrukcije predmetne
deonice koridora železničke pruge, evidentni su značajni uticaji na prostor, odnosno činioce
životne sredine. Integracija ciljeva i principa održivog razvoja, uvažavajući pri tome potrebu
da se izbegnu ili ograniče negativni uticaji na životnu sredinu, zdravlje i socio-ekonomske
aspekte, predstavlja jedan od osnovnih izazova realizacije Plana. U radu se ukazuje na važnost
određivanja mera prevencije, ublažavanja, i kompenzacije štetnih uticaja železničke
pruge na životnu sredinu i zdravlje ljudi. Prezentovani su neki od osnovnih karakteristika
trase koridora pruge i definisani mogući negativni efekti modernizacije i rekonstrukcije pruge
Beograd–Niš, kao i mere sprečavanja konflikta sa okruženjem. U zaključcima su razmotrene
mogućnosti da se u skladu sa strateškim opredeljenjima Republike Srbije, u daljim istraživanjima
i kroz izradu nove planske dokumentacije se formira posebn koridor železničke pruge
Beograd – Mladenovac – Niš – granica sa Republikom Severnom Makedonijom za brzinu do
200 km/h, koji će biti deo koridora „Put svile”. Ovaj koridor će iziskivati nove i strožije mere
zaštite životne sredine, u skladu sa međunarodnim standardima.",
publisher = "Beograd : Asocijacija prostornih planera Srbije, Beograd : Univerzitet u Beogradu - Geografski fakultet",
journal = "Osmi naučno-stručni skup sa međunarodnim učešćem “Lokalna samouprava u planiranju i uređenju prostora i naselja” Prostorne integracije",
title = "Uticaji infrastrukturnih koridora na prostor i životnu sredinu, na primeru prostornog plana železničke pruge Beograd–Niš",
pages = "389-396",
url = ""
Bezbradica, L., Basarić, J.,& Milijić, S.. (2020). Uticaji infrastrukturnih koridora na prostor i životnu sredinu, na primeru prostornog plana železničke pruge Beograd–Niš. in Osmi naučno-stručni skup sa međunarodnim učešćem “Lokalna samouprava u planiranju i uređenju prostora i naselja” Prostorne integracije
Beograd : Asocijacija prostornih planera Srbije., 389-396.
Bezbradica L, Basarić J, Milijić S. Uticaji infrastrukturnih koridora na prostor i životnu sredinu, na primeru prostornog plana železničke pruge Beograd–Niš. in Osmi naučno-stručni skup sa međunarodnim učešćem “Lokalna samouprava u planiranju i uređenju prostora i naselja” Prostorne integracije. 2020;:389-396. .
Bezbradica, Ljubiša, Basarić, Jelena, Milijić, Saša, "Uticaji infrastrukturnih koridora na prostor i životnu sredinu, na primeru prostornog plana železničke pruge Beograd–Niš" in Osmi naučno-stručni skup sa međunarodnim učešćem “Lokalna samouprava u planiranju i uređenju prostora i naselja” Prostorne integracije (2020):389-396, .

Land-use evaluation for sustainable construction in a protected area: A case of Sara mountain national park

Ristić, Vladica; Maksin, Marija; Nenković-Riznić, Marina; Basarić, Jelena

(Academic Press Ltd- Elsevier Science Ltd, London, 2018)

AU  - Ristić, Vladica
AU  - Maksin, Marija
AU  - Nenković-Riznić, Marina
AU  - Basarić, Jelena
PY  - 2018
UR  -
AB  - The process of making decisions on sustainable development and construction begins in spatial and urban planning when defining the suitability of using land for sustainable construction in a protected area (PA) and its immediate and regional surroundings. The aim of this research is to propose and assess a model for evaluating land-use suitability for sustainable construction in a PA and its surroundings. The methodological approach of Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis was used in the formation of this model and adapted for the research; it was combined with the adapted Analytical hierarchy process and the Delphi process, and supported by a geographical information system (GIS) within the framework of ESRI ArcGIS software Spatial analyst. The model is applied to the case study of Sara mountain National Park in Kosovo. The result of the model is a "map of integrated assessment of land-use suitability for sustainable construction in a PA for the natural factor".
PB  - Academic Press Ltd- Elsevier Science Ltd, London
T2  - Journal of Environmental Management
T1  - Land-use evaluation for sustainable construction in a protected area: A case of Sara mountain national park
VL  - 206
SP  - 430
EP  - 445
DO  - 10.1016/j.jenvman.2017.09.080
ER  - 
author = "Ristić, Vladica and Maksin, Marija and Nenković-Riznić, Marina and Basarić, Jelena",
year = "2018",
abstract = "The process of making decisions on sustainable development and construction begins in spatial and urban planning when defining the suitability of using land for sustainable construction in a protected area (PA) and its immediate and regional surroundings. The aim of this research is to propose and assess a model for evaluating land-use suitability for sustainable construction in a PA and its surroundings. The methodological approach of Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis was used in the formation of this model and adapted for the research; it was combined with the adapted Analytical hierarchy process and the Delphi process, and supported by a geographical information system (GIS) within the framework of ESRI ArcGIS software Spatial analyst. The model is applied to the case study of Sara mountain National Park in Kosovo. The result of the model is a "map of integrated assessment of land-use suitability for sustainable construction in a PA for the natural factor".",
publisher = "Academic Press Ltd- Elsevier Science Ltd, London",
journal = "Journal of Environmental Management",
title = "Land-use evaluation for sustainable construction in a protected area: A case of Sara mountain national park",
volume = "206",
pages = "430-445",
doi = "10.1016/j.jenvman.2017.09.080"
Ristić, V., Maksin, M., Nenković-Riznić, M.,& Basarić, J.. (2018). Land-use evaluation for sustainable construction in a protected area: A case of Sara mountain national park. in Journal of Environmental Management
Academic Press Ltd- Elsevier Science Ltd, London., 206, 430-445.
Ristić V, Maksin M, Nenković-Riznić M, Basarić J. Land-use evaluation for sustainable construction in a protected area: A case of Sara mountain national park. in Journal of Environmental Management. 2018;206:430-445.
doi:10.1016/j.jenvman.2017.09.080 .
Ristić, Vladica, Maksin, Marija, Nenković-Riznić, Marina, Basarić, Jelena, "Land-use evaluation for sustainable construction in a protected area: A case of Sara mountain national park" in Journal of Environmental Management, 206 (2018):430-445, . .

The role of zoning in strategic planning for protected areas in Serbia: Case of 'Sara' National Park

Ristić, Vladica; Maksin, Marija; Basarić, Jelena

(Institute of Architecture and Urban and Spatial Planning of Serbia, 2016)

AU  - Ristić, Vladica
AU  - Maksin, Marija
AU  - Basarić, Jelena
PY  - 2016
UR  -
AB  - One of the instruments in strategic planning and management of protected areas (PAs) is zoning. Changes in protection regimes for PAs occurred in the legal grounds for nature conservation in Serbia during 2009-2015. As a result of these changes difficulties in overcoming the conflicting interests between protection and development of PAs in the process of strategic planning, namely spatial planning and sectoral planning for nature conservation, have occurred. This was especially evident in the preparation of spatial plans for special purpose areas in the case of PAs which are the primary tourism destinations. in this paper the brief overview of the changing role of zoning in strategic planning and management of PAs is presented. This is the starting point for the analysis of the zoning in legal grounds and strategic planning for PAs in Serbia. This analysis is conducted at the case of Sara National Park and primary tourism destination. Based on the results of this analysis, the recommendations for the review and improvement of legal grounds and strategic planning - spatial and sectoral planning for PAs in Serbia are given.
AB  - Zoniranje predstavlja jedan od instrumenata strateškog planiranja i upravljanja zaštićenim područjima. Promene zakonskog osnova za zaštitu prirode u Srbiji 2009-2015. god. u pogledu režima zaštite uticale su na otežano prevazilaženje konfliktnih interesa između zaštite i razvoja u procesu strateškog - prostornog planiranja zaštićenih područja. To je posebno došlo do izražaja u izradi prostornih planova područja posebne namene za zaštićena područja koja su primarne turističke destinacije. U radu se polazi od kratkog pregleda uloge zoniranja u planiranju i upravljanju zaštićenim područjima u svetu. To je osnov za analizu zoniranja režima zaštite u zakonskom i planskom osnovu u Srbiji. Pristup zoniranju i njegova uloga u ostvarivanju zaštite i razvoja zaštićenih područja proveravaju se na primeru Nacionalnog parka 'Šar-planina'. Na osnovu rezultata istraživanja, u radu se daju preporuke i smernice za preispitivanje i unapređenje zakonskog osnova i strateškog - prostornog i sektorskog (za zaštitu prirode) planiranja u Srbiji.
PB  - Institute of Architecture and Urban and Spatial Planning of Serbia
T2  - Arhitektura i urbanizam
T1  - The role of zoning in strategic planning for protected areas in Serbia: Case of 'Sara' National Park
T1  - Uloga zoniranja u strateškom planiranju zaštićenih područja u Srbiji - primer Nacionalnog parka 'Šar-planina'
IS  - 43
SP  - 61
EP  - 68
DO  - 10.5937/a-u0-12024
ER  - 
author = "Ristić, Vladica and Maksin, Marija and Basarić, Jelena",
year = "2016",
abstract = "One of the instruments in strategic planning and management of protected areas (PAs) is zoning. Changes in protection regimes for PAs occurred in the legal grounds for nature conservation in Serbia during 2009-2015. As a result of these changes difficulties in overcoming the conflicting interests between protection and development of PAs in the process of strategic planning, namely spatial planning and sectoral planning for nature conservation, have occurred. This was especially evident in the preparation of spatial plans for special purpose areas in the case of PAs which are the primary tourism destinations. in this paper the brief overview of the changing role of zoning in strategic planning and management of PAs is presented. This is the starting point for the analysis of the zoning in legal grounds and strategic planning for PAs in Serbia. This analysis is conducted at the case of Sara National Park and primary tourism destination. Based on the results of this analysis, the recommendations for the review and improvement of legal grounds and strategic planning - spatial and sectoral planning for PAs in Serbia are given., Zoniranje predstavlja jedan od instrumenata strateškog planiranja i upravljanja zaštićenim područjima. Promene zakonskog osnova za zaštitu prirode u Srbiji 2009-2015. god. u pogledu režima zaštite uticale su na otežano prevazilaženje konfliktnih interesa između zaštite i razvoja u procesu strateškog - prostornog planiranja zaštićenih područja. To je posebno došlo do izražaja u izradi prostornih planova područja posebne namene za zaštićena područja koja su primarne turističke destinacije. U radu se polazi od kratkog pregleda uloge zoniranja u planiranju i upravljanju zaštićenim područjima u svetu. To je osnov za analizu zoniranja režima zaštite u zakonskom i planskom osnovu u Srbiji. Pristup zoniranju i njegova uloga u ostvarivanju zaštite i razvoja zaštićenih područja proveravaju se na primeru Nacionalnog parka 'Šar-planina'. Na osnovu rezultata istraživanja, u radu se daju preporuke i smernice za preispitivanje i unapređenje zakonskog osnova i strateškog - prostornog i sektorskog (za zaštitu prirode) planiranja u Srbiji.",
publisher = "Institute of Architecture and Urban and Spatial Planning of Serbia",
journal = "Arhitektura i urbanizam",
title = "The role of zoning in strategic planning for protected areas in Serbia: Case of 'Sara' National Park, Uloga zoniranja u strateškom planiranju zaštićenih područja u Srbiji - primer Nacionalnog parka 'Šar-planina'",
number = "43",
pages = "61-68",
doi = "10.5937/a-u0-12024"
Ristić, V., Maksin, M.,& Basarić, J.. (2016). The role of zoning in strategic planning for protected areas in Serbia: Case of 'Sara' National Park. in Arhitektura i urbanizam
Institute of Architecture and Urban and Spatial Planning of Serbia.(43), 61-68.
Ristić V, Maksin M, Basarić J. The role of zoning in strategic planning for protected areas in Serbia: Case of 'Sara' National Park. in Arhitektura i urbanizam. 2016;(43):61-68.
doi:10.5937/a-u0-12024 .
Ristić, Vladica, Maksin, Marija, Basarić, Jelena, "The role of zoning in strategic planning for protected areas in Serbia: Case of 'Sara' National Park" in Arhitektura i urbanizam, no. 43 (2016):61-68, . .

Analysis of the Kolubara drainage basin and impacts of the river on the town of Valjevo and its surroundings

Basarić, Jelena; Bezbradica, Ljubiša

(Romanian Limnogeographical Assoc, Targoviste, 2016)

AU  - Basarić, Jelena
AU  - Bezbradica, Ljubiša
PY  - 2016
UR  -
UR  -
AB  - After heavy rains and floods in 2014 that hit western Serbia, the river Kolubara burst its banks, inflicting heavy damages to the town of Valjevo and its environment. This region has the specific climatic factors characterized by a rapid melting of snow and periods of heavy rainfall in spring. As a result, the erosion and damages occur in the steep terrains devoid of forests or other vegetation, as well as the extensive floods in the alluvial plains of the Kolubara river. This paper will analyze a part of the Kolubara river drainage basin upstream of the town of Valjevo. We will show the individual analyses and calculation of water level, flow rate, amount of precipitation, etc. The worse consequences of heavy rainfall include floods, erosion in the river basin and river bed, as well as their impacts on forests, agricultural and building land. The data analysis will provide a clear picture of the assessment of future flood risks and erosion, suitable and unsuitable terrains, remediation systems, as well as flood protection systems. In this respect, it is also necessary to clearly define the planning guidelines and integrated development of the sectors and services at all levels of government.
PB  - Romanian Limnogeographical Assoc, Targoviste
C3  - 3rd International Conference Water Resources and Wetlands
T1  - Analysis of the Kolubara drainage basin and impacts of the river on the town of Valjevo and its surroundings
SP  - 146
EP  - 152
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Basarić, Jelena and Bezbradica, Ljubiša",
year = "2016",
abstract = "After heavy rains and floods in 2014 that hit western Serbia, the river Kolubara burst its banks, inflicting heavy damages to the town of Valjevo and its environment. This region has the specific climatic factors characterized by a rapid melting of snow and periods of heavy rainfall in spring. As a result, the erosion and damages occur in the steep terrains devoid of forests or other vegetation, as well as the extensive floods in the alluvial plains of the Kolubara river. This paper will analyze a part of the Kolubara river drainage basin upstream of the town of Valjevo. We will show the individual analyses and calculation of water level, flow rate, amount of precipitation, etc. The worse consequences of heavy rainfall include floods, erosion in the river basin and river bed, as well as their impacts on forests, agricultural and building land. The data analysis will provide a clear picture of the assessment of future flood risks and erosion, suitable and unsuitable terrains, remediation systems, as well as flood protection systems. In this respect, it is also necessary to clearly define the planning guidelines and integrated development of the sectors and services at all levels of government.",
publisher = "Romanian Limnogeographical Assoc, Targoviste",
journal = "3rd International Conference Water Resources and Wetlands",
title = "Analysis of the Kolubara drainage basin and impacts of the river on the town of Valjevo and its surroundings",
pages = "146-152",
url = ""
Basarić, J.,& Bezbradica, L.. (2016). Analysis of the Kolubara drainage basin and impacts of the river on the town of Valjevo and its surroundings. in 3rd International Conference Water Resources and Wetlands
Romanian Limnogeographical Assoc, Targoviste., 146-152.
Basarić J, Bezbradica L. Analysis of the Kolubara drainage basin and impacts of the river on the town of Valjevo and its surroundings. in 3rd International Conference Water Resources and Wetlands. 2016;:146-152. .
Basarić, Jelena, Bezbradica, Ljubiša, "Analysis of the Kolubara drainage basin and impacts of the river on the town of Valjevo and its surroundings" in 3rd International Conference Water Resources and Wetlands (2016):146-152, .

Regional differentiation of rural areas for tourism purposes – the case of Eastern Serbia

Basarić, Jelena; Bakić, Olgica; Gajić, Aleksandra

(Budapest : Hungarian Geographical Society, 2015)

AU  - Basarić, Jelena
AU  - Bakić, Olgica
AU  - Gajić, Aleksandra
PY  - 2015
UR  -
AB  - Rural areas in Serbia are characterized with high level of diversification in terms of natural, demographic, economic and environmental characteristics. Contemporary tendencies in the spatial development require new approach to determination of rural areas at regional and national level. Natural predispositions of Eastern Serbia observed from physical and geographical standpoint indicate that this area have great tourism potential which is not sufficiently utilized. This paper will give an overview of existing approaches to identification and planning treatment of rural areas in Eastern Serbia. The application of GIS technology based on available data will be presented along with possible differentiation of rural areas in Eastern Serbia. Results may contribute to the improvement the existing methodology of determination of rural areas for tourism purposes. In that context are proposed some guidelines regarding future development of tourism in this part of Serbia.
PB  - Budapest : Hungarian Geographical Society
C3  - EUGEO Budapest 2015-Congress programme and abstracts
T1  - Regional differentiation of rural areas for tourism purposes – the case of Eastern Serbia
SP  - 134
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Basarić, Jelena and Bakić, Olgica and Gajić, Aleksandra",
year = "2015",
abstract = "Rural areas in Serbia are characterized with high level of diversification in terms of natural, demographic, economic and environmental characteristics. Contemporary tendencies in the spatial development require new approach to determination of rural areas at regional and national level. Natural predispositions of Eastern Serbia observed from physical and geographical standpoint indicate that this area have great tourism potential which is not sufficiently utilized. This paper will give an overview of existing approaches to identification and planning treatment of rural areas in Eastern Serbia. The application of GIS technology based on available data will be presented along with possible differentiation of rural areas in Eastern Serbia. Results may contribute to the improvement the existing methodology of determination of rural areas for tourism purposes. In that context are proposed some guidelines regarding future development of tourism in this part of Serbia.",
publisher = "Budapest : Hungarian Geographical Society",
journal = "EUGEO Budapest 2015-Congress programme and abstracts",
title = "Regional differentiation of rural areas for tourism purposes – the case of Eastern Serbia",
pages = "134",
url = ""
Basarić, J., Bakić, O.,& Gajić, A.. (2015). Regional differentiation of rural areas for tourism purposes – the case of Eastern Serbia. in EUGEO Budapest 2015-Congress programme and abstracts
Budapest : Hungarian Geographical Society., 134.
Basarić J, Bakić O, Gajić A. Regional differentiation of rural areas for tourism purposes – the case of Eastern Serbia. in EUGEO Budapest 2015-Congress programme and abstracts. 2015;:134. .
Basarić, Jelena, Bakić, Olgica, Gajić, Aleksandra, "Regional differentiation of rural areas for tourism purposes – the case of Eastern Serbia" in EUGEO Budapest 2015-Congress programme and abstracts (2015):134, .

Zaštićena područja Podunavlja kao potencijal razvoja turizma

Basarić, Jelena; Bajić, Tanja

(Beograd : Institut za arhitekturu i urbanizam Srbije, 2014)

AU  - Basarić, Jelena
AU  - Bajić, Tanja
PY  - 2014
UR  -
AB  - Na teritoriji Podunavlja postoje brojne prirodne i antropogene turističke vrednosti koje se međusobno povezuju i dopunjuju. Kao visokovredne i jedinstvene zone izdvajaju se ekološka zona i istorijska zona Dunava. Vrednosti Podunavlja, sa aspekta turističke valorizacije su značajne u pogledu raznovrsnosti motiva, ekološke očuvanosti, vrednosti prirodne i kulturne baštine i u povoljnoj pristupačnosti atraktivnim turističkim zonama. Kao turistički atraktivne zone izdvajaju se zaštićena područja. Stepen njihove izvornosti, očuvanosti i zaštite predstavlja osnovu turističke valorizacije i omogućava razvoj više vrsta domaćeg i inostranog turizma. U tom pogledu, akcenat se stavlja na vrednosti zaštićenih područja, njihov povoljan geografski, turistički i saobraćajni položaj, njihove turističke i ugostiteljske kapacitete. Područje Podunavlja na osnovu izražene koncentracije zaštićenih kulturnih dobara, njihove istorijske i kulturne povezanosti, zajedno sa zaštićenim prirodnim vrednostima predstavlja polazište za očuvanje identiteta koridora vodnog puta i njegovog okruženja.
PB  - Beograd : Institut za arhitekturu i urbanizam Srbije
T2  - Održivi prostorni razvoj Podunavlja u Srbiji - knjiga 2
T1  - Zaštićena područja Podunavlja kao potencijal razvoja turizma
SP  - 151
EP  - 168
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Basarić, Jelena and Bajić, Tanja",
year = "2014",
abstract = "Na teritoriji Podunavlja postoje brojne prirodne i antropogene turističke vrednosti koje se međusobno povezuju i dopunjuju. Kao visokovredne i jedinstvene zone izdvajaju se ekološka zona i istorijska zona Dunava. Vrednosti Podunavlja, sa aspekta turističke valorizacije su značajne u pogledu raznovrsnosti motiva, ekološke očuvanosti, vrednosti prirodne i kulturne baštine i u povoljnoj pristupačnosti atraktivnim turističkim zonama. Kao turistički atraktivne zone izdvajaju se zaštićena područja. Stepen njihove izvornosti, očuvanosti i zaštite predstavlja osnovu turističke valorizacije i omogućava razvoj više vrsta domaćeg i inostranog turizma. U tom pogledu, akcenat se stavlja na vrednosti zaštićenih područja, njihov povoljan geografski, turistički i saobraćajni položaj, njihove turističke i ugostiteljske kapacitete. Područje Podunavlja na osnovu izražene koncentracije zaštićenih kulturnih dobara, njihove istorijske i kulturne povezanosti, zajedno sa zaštićenim prirodnim vrednostima predstavlja polazište za očuvanje identiteta koridora vodnog puta i njegovog okruženja.",
publisher = "Beograd : Institut za arhitekturu i urbanizam Srbije",
journal = "Održivi prostorni razvoj Podunavlja u Srbiji - knjiga 2",
booktitle = "Zaštićena područja Podunavlja kao potencijal razvoja turizma",
pages = "151-168",
url = ""
Basarić, J.,& Bajić, T.. (2014). Zaštićena područja Podunavlja kao potencijal razvoja turizma. in Održivi prostorni razvoj Podunavlja u Srbiji - knjiga 2
Beograd : Institut za arhitekturu i urbanizam Srbije., 151-168.
Basarić J, Bajić T. Zaštićena područja Podunavlja kao potencijal razvoja turizma. in Održivi prostorni razvoj Podunavlja u Srbiji - knjiga 2. 2014;:151-168. .
Basarić, Jelena, Bajić, Tanja, "Zaštićena područja Podunavlja kao potencijal razvoja turizma" in Održivi prostorni razvoj Podunavlja u Srbiji - knjiga 2 (2014):151-168, .

Urbani razvoj i promene u korišćenju prostora priobalja: primer Beograda

Bajić, Tanja; Basarić, Jelena

(Beograd : Institut za arhitekturu i urbanizam Srbije, 2014)

AU  - Bajić, Tanja
AU  - Basarić, Jelena
PY  - 2014
UR  -
AB  - Izuzеtаn gеоgrаfski pоlоžај nа ušću dvа mеđunаrоdnа rеčnа kоridоrа - Dunаvа i Sаvе - imао је pоsеbnu ulоgu u rаzvојu Bеоgrаdа tоkоm dugе istоriје. Ipаk, krоz višеdеcеniјski urbаnistički rаzvој prеstоnicе, brојni pоtеnciјаli priоbаlnih zоnа bili su, i оstаli su, nеiskоrišćеni. U rаdu sе аnаlizirајu nоviје iniciјаtivе trаnsfоrmаciје prоstоrа bеоgrаdskоg priоbаlја u kоntеkstu urbаnоg rаzvоја i sаvrеmеnih izаzоvа nеkоntrоlisаnоg „implоzivnоg“ rаstа Bеоgrаdа. Nеkоntrоlisаni urbаni rаst tоkоm nеkоlikо pоslеdnjih dеcеniја 20. vеkа biо је usmеrеn primаrnо kа rurаlnоm zаlеđu, dоk sе u nоviјеm pеriоdu uоčаvа trеnd rаstа unutаr urbаnоg pоdručја. Оbаlе rеkа Dunаvа i Sаvе prеdstаvlјајu znаčајаn dео аtrаktivnоg, а istоvrеmеnо nеdоvоlјnо i nеаdеkvаtnо iskоrišćеnоg, grаdskоg prоstоrа, u оkviru kојеg sе plаnirајu аmbiciоzni prеdlоzi rеkоnstrukciје i vrlо intеnzivnе nоvе izgrаdnjе.
PB  - Beograd : Institut za arhitekturu i urbanizam Srbije
T2  - Održivi prostorni razvoj Podunavlja u Srbiji - knjiga 2
T1  - Urbani razvoj i promene u korišćenju prostora priobalja: primer Beograda
SP  - 235
EP  - 250
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Bajić, Tanja and Basarić, Jelena",
year = "2014",
abstract = "Izuzеtаn gеоgrаfski pоlоžај nа ušću dvа mеđunаrоdnа rеčnа kоridоrа - Dunаvа i Sаvе - imао је pоsеbnu ulоgu u rаzvојu Bеоgrаdа tоkоm dugе istоriје. Ipаk, krоz višеdеcеniјski urbаnistički rаzvој prеstоnicе, brојni pоtеnciјаli priоbаlnih zоnа bili su, i оstаli su, nеiskоrišćеni. U rаdu sе аnаlizirајu nоviје iniciјаtivе trаnsfоrmаciје prоstоrа bеоgrаdskоg priоbаlја u kоntеkstu urbаnоg rаzvоја i sаvrеmеnih izаzоvа nеkоntrоlisаnоg „implоzivnоg“ rаstа Bеоgrаdа. Nеkоntrоlisаni urbаni rаst tоkоm nеkоlikо pоslеdnjih dеcеniја 20. vеkа biо је usmеrеn primаrnо kа rurаlnоm zаlеđu, dоk sе u nоviјеm pеriоdu uоčаvа trеnd rаstа unutаr urbаnоg pоdručја. Оbаlе rеkа Dunаvа i Sаvе prеdstаvlјајu znаčајаn dео аtrаktivnоg, а istоvrеmеnо nеdоvоlјnо i nеаdеkvаtnо iskоrišćеnоg, grаdskоg prоstоrа, u оkviru kојеg sе plаnirајu аmbiciоzni prеdlоzi rеkоnstrukciје i vrlо intеnzivnе nоvе izgrаdnjе.",
publisher = "Beograd : Institut za arhitekturu i urbanizam Srbije",
journal = "Održivi prostorni razvoj Podunavlja u Srbiji - knjiga 2",
booktitle = "Urbani razvoj i promene u korišćenju prostora priobalja: primer Beograda",
pages = "235-250",
url = ""
Bajić, T.,& Basarić, J.. (2014). Urbani razvoj i promene u korišćenju prostora priobalja: primer Beograda. in Održivi prostorni razvoj Podunavlja u Srbiji - knjiga 2
Beograd : Institut za arhitekturu i urbanizam Srbije., 235-250.
Bajić T, Basarić J. Urbani razvoj i promene u korišćenju prostora priobalja: primer Beograda. in Održivi prostorni razvoj Podunavlja u Srbiji - knjiga 2. 2014;:235-250. .
Bajić, Tanja, Basarić, Jelena, "Urbani razvoj i promene u korišćenju prostora priobalja: primer Beograda" in Održivi prostorni razvoj Podunavlja u Srbiji - knjiga 2 (2014):235-250, .

Urban society and resilience of Belgrade and Novi Sad in the network of settlements in Serbia: recent changes and perspectives

Petrić, Jasna; Basarić, Jelena; Bajić, Tanja

(Thessaloniki : Department of Planning and Regional Development, University of Thessaly, 2013)

AU  - Petrić, Jasna
AU  - Basarić, Jelena
AU  - Bajić, Tanja
PY  - 2013
UR  -
AB  - As one of the modern substitutes for ‘sustainable development’, ‘resilience’ marks a relatively recent and  overarching concept which relates to research of urban areas and urban society. In this paper, the resilience  challenges are reflected on the urban context in Serbia, with special reference to two of its biggest cities -  Belgrade and Novi Sad as the key pointers in growing imbalances in the settlement network of the country.  Although this is not a particularity of Serbia, other urban settlements, especially small and medium-sized  towns, have not been empowered enough to substantiate better links with smaller and larger settlements  within urban-rural interface, and their role has been challenged from the aspect of ‘resilience of cities’. This  paper also addresses the recent changes and perspectives for ‘resilience in cities’ with examples of Belgrade  and Novi Sad. Finally, some implications are drawn towards potential adaptability within urban settings of  Serbia.
PB  - Thessaloniki : Department of Planning and Regional Development, University of Thessaly
C3  - Proceedings / International Conference on "Changing Cities" : Spatial, morphological, formal and socio-economic dimensions, Skiathos, June 18-21
T1  - Urban society and resilience of Belgrade and Novi Sad in the network of settlements in Serbia: recent changes and perspectives
SP  - 1720
EP  - 1729
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Petrić, Jasna and Basarić, Jelena and Bajić, Tanja",
year = "2013",
abstract = "As one of the modern substitutes for ‘sustainable development’, ‘resilience’ marks a relatively recent and  overarching concept which relates to research of urban areas and urban society. In this paper, the resilience  challenges are reflected on the urban context in Serbia, with special reference to two of its biggest cities -  Belgrade and Novi Sad as the key pointers in growing imbalances in the settlement network of the country.  Although this is not a particularity of Serbia, other urban settlements, especially small and medium-sized  towns, have not been empowered enough to substantiate better links with smaller and larger settlements  within urban-rural interface, and their role has been challenged from the aspect of ‘resilience of cities’. This  paper also addresses the recent changes and perspectives for ‘resilience in cities’ with examples of Belgrade  and Novi Sad. Finally, some implications are drawn towards potential adaptability within urban settings of  Serbia.",
publisher = "Thessaloniki : Department of Planning and Regional Development, University of Thessaly",
journal = "Proceedings / International Conference on "Changing Cities" : Spatial, morphological, formal and socio-economic dimensions, Skiathos, June 18-21",
title = "Urban society and resilience of Belgrade and Novi Sad in the network of settlements in Serbia: recent changes and perspectives",
pages = "1720-1729",
url = ""
Petrić, J., Basarić, J.,& Bajić, T.. (2013). Urban society and resilience of Belgrade and Novi Sad in the network of settlements in Serbia: recent changes and perspectives. in Proceedings / International Conference on "Changing Cities" : Spatial, morphological, formal and socio-economic dimensions, Skiathos, June 18-21
Thessaloniki : Department of Planning and Regional Development, University of Thessaly., 1720-1729.
Petrić J, Basarić J, Bajić T. Urban society and resilience of Belgrade and Novi Sad in the network of settlements in Serbia: recent changes and perspectives. in Proceedings / International Conference on "Changing Cities" : Spatial, morphological, formal and socio-economic dimensions, Skiathos, June 18-21. 2013;:1720-1729. .
Petrić, Jasna, Basarić, Jelena, Bajić, Tanja, "Urban society and resilience of Belgrade and Novi Sad in the network of settlements in Serbia: recent changes and perspectives" in Proceedings / International Conference on "Changing Cities" : Spatial, morphological, formal and socio-economic dimensions, Skiathos, June 18-21 (2013):1720-1729, .

The impact of urban growth and REIK "Kolubara" on the environment change

Basarić, Jelena; Prnjat, Zorica

(Naučno-stručno društvo za zaštitu životne sredine Srbije - Ecologica, Beograd, 2013)

AU  - Basarić, Jelena
AU  - Prnjat, Zorica
PY  - 2013
UR  -
AB  - A city is the most significant factor that affects environmental changes. They are directly caused by demographic, industrial, traffic, agricultural, tourist, and other various anthropogenic processes. Moreover, cities are the major consumer of natural resources. By occupying and exploiting vast areas of land, they destroy soil resources, influence the quality of water and air, influence flora and fauna, change climate not only on their territories, but in their closer and more remote neighborhood, too. A city as a whole, cannot be observed independently from its nearby surroundings because their interdependence influences the quality of life of the population and has manifold effects on the sustainable urban growth. Today, many cities are faced, on one hand, with issues such as satisfaction of the population needs, and, on the other, with challenges of sustainability. The principles of sustainable development, integrity and public participation are the most fundamental in urban growth. Appropriate approach to planning sustainable urban development of cities should be implemented through adequate spatial and urban planning, with precisely defined growth policies, programs and plans for protection and improvement of the environment. Taking into account the fact that effective city management comes upon numerous obstacles, this paper will consider strategic and institutional issues, problems and possible solutions for the environment protection.
AB  - Grad je najznačajniji faktor koji dovodi do izmene stanja životne sredine. Ono je direktno uzrokavano demografskim, industrijskim, saobraćajnim, poljoprivrednim, turističkim i nizom drugih antropogenih procesa. Takođe, gradovi su najveći potrošači prirodnih resursa. Zauzimanjem i eksploatacijom velikih prostora uništavaju zemljišne resurse, utiču na kvalitet vode i vazduha, utiču na živi svet, menjaju klimu ne samo na području grada nego i u bližoj i daljoj okolini. Grad, kao celina, ne može se posmatrati nezavisno od svoje najbliže okoline, te njihov odnos utiče i na kvalitet života stanovništva i ima višestruki uticaj na održivi urbani razvoj. Brojni gradovi danas su suočeni sa problemima zadovoljavanja potreba stanovništva, s jedne strane, i izazovima održivosti gradova s druge. Kao osnovni pravci urbanog razvoja izdvajaju se načela održivog razvoja, integralnosti i učešća javnosti. Odgovarajući pristup u planiranju urbanog i održivog razvoja gradova treba da bude sproveden kroz adekvatno prostorno i urbanističko planiranje, sa jasno definisanim razvojnim politikama, programima i planovima zaštite i unapređenja životne sredine. Polazeći od činjenice da racionalno upravljanje gradovima nailazi na brojna ograničenja, u radu će biti razmatrana strateška i institucionalna pitanja, problemi i moguća rešenja zaštite životne sredine.
PB  - Naučno-stručno društvo za zaštitu životne sredine Srbije - Ecologica, Beograd
T2  - Ecologica
T1  - The impact of urban growth and REIK "Kolubara" on the environment change
T1  - Uticaj razvoja grada i REIK "Kolubara" na promene životne sredine
VL  - 20
IS  - 70
SP  - 347
EP  - 351
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Basarić, Jelena and Prnjat, Zorica",
year = "2013",
abstract = "A city is the most significant factor that affects environmental changes. They are directly caused by demographic, industrial, traffic, agricultural, tourist, and other various anthropogenic processes. Moreover, cities are the major consumer of natural resources. By occupying and exploiting vast areas of land, they destroy soil resources, influence the quality of water and air, influence flora and fauna, change climate not only on their territories, but in their closer and more remote neighborhood, too. A city as a whole, cannot be observed independently from its nearby surroundings because their interdependence influences the quality of life of the population and has manifold effects on the sustainable urban growth. Today, many cities are faced, on one hand, with issues such as satisfaction of the population needs, and, on the other, with challenges of sustainability. The principles of sustainable development, integrity and public participation are the most fundamental in urban growth. Appropriate approach to planning sustainable urban development of cities should be implemented through adequate spatial and urban planning, with precisely defined growth policies, programs and plans for protection and improvement of the environment. Taking into account the fact that effective city management comes upon numerous obstacles, this paper will consider strategic and institutional issues, problems and possible solutions for the environment protection., Grad je najznačajniji faktor koji dovodi do izmene stanja životne sredine. Ono je direktno uzrokavano demografskim, industrijskim, saobraćajnim, poljoprivrednim, turističkim i nizom drugih antropogenih procesa. Takođe, gradovi su najveći potrošači prirodnih resursa. Zauzimanjem i eksploatacijom velikih prostora uništavaju zemljišne resurse, utiču na kvalitet vode i vazduha, utiču na živi svet, menjaju klimu ne samo na području grada nego i u bližoj i daljoj okolini. Grad, kao celina, ne može se posmatrati nezavisno od svoje najbliže okoline, te njihov odnos utiče i na kvalitet života stanovništva i ima višestruki uticaj na održivi urbani razvoj. Brojni gradovi danas su suočeni sa problemima zadovoljavanja potreba stanovništva, s jedne strane, i izazovima održivosti gradova s druge. Kao osnovni pravci urbanog razvoja izdvajaju se načela održivog razvoja, integralnosti i učešća javnosti. Odgovarajući pristup u planiranju urbanog i održivog razvoja gradova treba da bude sproveden kroz adekvatno prostorno i urbanističko planiranje, sa jasno definisanim razvojnim politikama, programima i planovima zaštite i unapređenja životne sredine. Polazeći od činjenice da racionalno upravljanje gradovima nailazi na brojna ograničenja, u radu će biti razmatrana strateška i institucionalna pitanja, problemi i moguća rešenja zaštite životne sredine.",
publisher = "Naučno-stručno društvo za zaštitu životne sredine Srbije - Ecologica, Beograd",
journal = "Ecologica",
title = "The impact of urban growth and REIK "Kolubara" on the environment change, Uticaj razvoja grada i REIK "Kolubara" na promene životne sredine",
volume = "20",
number = "70",
pages = "347-351",
url = ""
Basarić, J.,& Prnjat, Z.. (2013). The impact of urban growth and REIK "Kolubara" on the environment change. in Ecologica
Naučno-stručno društvo za zaštitu životne sredine Srbije - Ecologica, Beograd., 20(70), 347-351.
Basarić J, Prnjat Z. The impact of urban growth and REIK "Kolubara" on the environment change. in Ecologica. 2013;20(70):347-351. .
Basarić, Jelena, Prnjat, Zorica, "The impact of urban growth and REIK "Kolubara" on the environment change" in Ecologica, 20, no. 70 (2013):347-351, .

The population conundrums and some implications for urban development in Serbia

Petrić, Jasna; Maričić, Tamara; Basarić, Jelena

(Institute of Architecture, Urban & Spatial Planning of Serbia, 2012)

AU  - Petrić, Jasna
AU  - Maričić, Tamara
AU  - Basarić, Jelena
PY  - 2012
UR  -
AB  - Population development may reveal either a potential or constraint on functional labour markets and spatial development of the territory in concern. The first results of the 2011 Census in Serbia depict a rather bleak demographic situation, which is only the continuation of population trends from the late 20th and beginning of the 21st century, substantially fuelled by dynamic political and socioeconomic processes featuring Serbia in the past few decades. The focus is on demographic changes in relation to three correlated aspects: 1) intensive ageing process; 2) depopulation and negative natural growth; and 3) migratory movements - population exodus. This paper addresses in particular the spatial consequences and institutional aspects of recent demographic changes and their reflection on urban areas in Serbia. In the past, population movements from rural to urban areas used to colour much of the migratory balance map of the country, however this situation changed due to exhaustion of the 'traditional' demographic reservoirs. Still, urban primacy of the capital city Belgrade has been even intensified with the recent demographic movements, or more precisely, a tissue of the two largest cities in relative proximity - Belgrade and Novi Sad is hypertrophied in a demographic sense. Other urban settlements in Serbia, especially the smaller towns, which are numerous but demographically shrinking, have not been empowered enough to substantiate better links with smaller and larger settlements within urban-rural interface, and their role has been challenged in that respect. Demographic changes, which affect urban growth or decline, are largely to do with border effects, economic and social gaps, educational opportunities, and search of certain 'urban lifestyles'. The latter is particularly stressed regarding the process of 'second demographic transition' which encompassed Serbia and is manifested by changes in the family domain, viz. partnership and parenthood, as well as by plurality of lifestyles, namely for the younger and middle-age generations (20-34 years - dominantly the people in reproductive age) who are able to exercise their residential choices towards bigger urban centres. Finally, this paper addresses the demographic determinants of languishing population growth in Serbia coupled with highly uneven territorial distributions of population and level of development, which in the last decade marks the ratio of 10:1 (measured by GDP/inh.) between the most developed and the least developed regions in Serbia.
PB  - Institute of Architecture, Urban & Spatial Planning of Serbia
T2  - Spatium
T1  - The population conundrums and some implications for urban development in Serbia
IS  - 28
SP  - 7
EP  - 14
DO  - 10.2298/SPAT1228007P
ER  - 
author = "Petrić, Jasna and Maričić, Tamara and Basarić, Jelena",
year = "2012",
abstract = "Population development may reveal either a potential or constraint on functional labour markets and spatial development of the territory in concern. The first results of the 2011 Census in Serbia depict a rather bleak demographic situation, which is only the continuation of population trends from the late 20th and beginning of the 21st century, substantially fuelled by dynamic political and socioeconomic processes featuring Serbia in the past few decades. The focus is on demographic changes in relation to three correlated aspects: 1) intensive ageing process; 2) depopulation and negative natural growth; and 3) migratory movements - population exodus. This paper addresses in particular the spatial consequences and institutional aspects of recent demographic changes and their reflection on urban areas in Serbia. In the past, population movements from rural to urban areas used to colour much of the migratory balance map of the country, however this situation changed due to exhaustion of the 'traditional' demographic reservoirs. Still, urban primacy of the capital city Belgrade has been even intensified with the recent demographic movements, or more precisely, a tissue of the two largest cities in relative proximity - Belgrade and Novi Sad is hypertrophied in a demographic sense. Other urban settlements in Serbia, especially the smaller towns, which are numerous but demographically shrinking, have not been empowered enough to substantiate better links with smaller and larger settlements within urban-rural interface, and their role has been challenged in that respect. Demographic changes, which affect urban growth or decline, are largely to do with border effects, economic and social gaps, educational opportunities, and search of certain 'urban lifestyles'. The latter is particularly stressed regarding the process of 'second demographic transition' which encompassed Serbia and is manifested by changes in the family domain, viz. partnership and parenthood, as well as by plurality of lifestyles, namely for the younger and middle-age generations (20-34 years - dominantly the people in reproductive age) who are able to exercise their residential choices towards bigger urban centres. Finally, this paper addresses the demographic determinants of languishing population growth in Serbia coupled with highly uneven territorial distributions of population and level of development, which in the last decade marks the ratio of 10:1 (measured by GDP/inh.) between the most developed and the least developed regions in Serbia.",
publisher = "Institute of Architecture, Urban & Spatial Planning of Serbia",
journal = "Spatium",
title = "The population conundrums and some implications for urban development in Serbia",
number = "28",
pages = "7-14",
doi = "10.2298/SPAT1228007P"
Petrić, J., Maričić, T.,& Basarić, J.. (2012). The population conundrums and some implications for urban development in Serbia. in Spatium
Institute of Architecture, Urban & Spatial Planning of Serbia.(28), 7-14.
Petrić J, Maričić T, Basarić J. The population conundrums and some implications for urban development in Serbia. in Spatium. 2012;(28):7-14.
doi:10.2298/SPAT1228007P .
Petrić, Jasna, Maričić, Tamara, Basarić, Jelena, "The population conundrums and some implications for urban development in Serbia" in Spatium, no. 28 (2012):7-14, . .