Alfirević, Đorđe

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Authority KeyName Variants
  • Alfirević, Đorđe (31)
  • Алфиревић, Ђорђе (6)

Author's Bibliography

Принципи конфигурације стамбеног простора

Алфиревић, Ђорђе; Симоновић Алфиревић, Сања

(Београд : Институт за архитектуру и урбанизам Србије, 2023)

AU  - Алфиревић, Ђорђе
AU  - Симоновић Алфиревић, Сања
PY  - 2023
UR  -
AB  - Становање као једна од најкомплекснијих пројектантских тема је побуђивало пажњу бројних истраживача вековима уназад. Међутим, и поред великог броја научних радова у овој области, књиге о становању, а пре свега организацији стамбеног простора су из данашње позиције посматрања доста ретке. Основни разлог за овакву ситуацију је чињеница да се архитекти у професионалном смислу остварују пре свега кроз пројектантску активност и да су не толико чести ствараоци који се поред пројектовања баве теоријским и истраживачким радом. Желећи да објединимо искуства, покушали смо да запажања о којима смо размишљали у пројектима, додатно истражимо, забележимо и публикујемо.
Идеја за приређивање ове књиге настала је као резултат вишегодишњег пројектантског рада и истраживања у области стамбене архитектуре. Материјал који је презентован у књизи чини сублимацију теоријских и историографских тема којима смо се као истраживачи до сада бавили, желећи да проникнемо у суштину различитих концепата који се примењују у пројектовању стамбених простора. Многи од наведених принципа су у употреби и у другим пољима архитектуре, у пројектовању јавних, сакралних и других објеката, те с тим у вези сматрамо да садржај ове књиге може да има ширу примену и да буде користан већем броју читалаца, студената, истраживача и пројектаната, који се интересују за архитектонску теорију и праксу. 
Књига је подељена у неколико поглавља, у којима су распоређене тематске јединице о функционалним, структуралним, организационим и перцептивним принципима, за које сматрамо да творе феномен конфигурације стамбеног простора. Термин „конфигурација простора” видимо као термин вишег реда, који обухвата претходно поменуте појмове и који чини базу за разумевање сложености и слојевитости стамбене архитектуре. У монографији нису обухваћени апсолутно сви пројектански принципи који су присутни у архитектонској професији, што нам и није била намера, већ смо желели да укажемо на њихову хијерархију и релације, као и да их до извесне границе систематизујемо и појаснимо оне за које мислимо да су карактеристични и најчешће у примени. Књигу је могуће читати и садржину пратити редом који је предложен у књизи, док се пажња може фокусирати и на поједине тематске јединице које су интересантне читаоцу.
Несумњиво је на тематски оквир ове монографије утицало наше дугогодишње блиско познанство са истакнутим српским пројектантом и истраживачем стамбене архитектуре - др Михаилом Чанком (1932-2014), кога смо дуго година познавали и са којим смо у разговорима које смо водили, у почетку слушали о различитим принципима пројектовања стамбене архитектуре, а касније и истраживали теме које су нас интересовале. Кружна веза, технички блок, људске потребе, отворени план, али и друге теме које су приказане у књизи, бојиле су наше разговоре и фокусирале су нам пажњу на област становања. Сасвим је сигурно да су поред поменутог Мике Чанка, на нас утицале и друге личности, наши професори и старије колеге, али и поједини фактори, попут истраживања наслеђа београдске школе становања и њеног значаја за архитектуру у Србији, као и публикације и научни чланци наших професора и других цењених колега на које смо наилазили, а који су фокусирали нашу пажњу на истраживања у области стамбене архитектуре.
Надамо се да ћемо овом публикацијом код читалаца проширити поље сазнања о стамбеној архитектури, те да ћемо некога од њих можда мотивисати за даља истраживања у овој области. Становање је за нас основа за промишљање о архитектури, што као став желимо да пренесемо и другим истраживачима и љубитељима архитектуре.
PB  - Београд : Институт за архитектуру и урбанизам Србије
PB  - Београд : Универзитет у Београду - Архитектонски факултет
T1  - Принципи конфигурације стамбеног простора
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Алфиревић, Ђорђе and Симоновић Алфиревић, Сања",
year = "2023",
abstract = "Становање као једна од најкомплекснијих пројектантских тема је побуђивало пажњу бројних истраживача вековима уназад. Међутим, и поред великог броја научних радова у овој области, књиге о становању, а пре свега организацији стамбеног простора су из данашње позиције посматрања доста ретке. Основни разлог за овакву ситуацију је чињеница да се архитекти у професионалном смислу остварују пре свега кроз пројектантску активност и да су не толико чести ствараоци који се поред пројектовања баве теоријским и истраживачким радом. Желећи да објединимо искуства, покушали смо да запажања о којима смо размишљали у пројектима, додатно истражимо, забележимо и публикујемо.
Идеја за приређивање ове књиге настала је као резултат вишегодишњег пројектантског рада и истраживања у области стамбене архитектуре. Материјал који је презентован у књизи чини сублимацију теоријских и историографских тема којима смо се као истраживачи до сада бавили, желећи да проникнемо у суштину различитих концепата који се примењују у пројектовању стамбених простора. Многи од наведених принципа су у употреби и у другим пољима архитектуре, у пројектовању јавних, сакралних и других објеката, те с тим у вези сматрамо да садржај ове књиге може да има ширу примену и да буде користан већем броју читалаца, студената, истраживача и пројектаната, који се интересују за архитектонску теорију и праксу. 
Књига је подељена у неколико поглавља, у којима су распоређене тематске јединице о функционалним, структуралним, организационим и перцептивним принципима, за које сматрамо да творе феномен конфигурације стамбеног простора. Термин „конфигурација простора” видимо као термин вишег реда, који обухвата претходно поменуте појмове и који чини базу за разумевање сложености и слојевитости стамбене архитектуре. У монографији нису обухваћени апсолутно сви пројектански принципи који су присутни у архитектонској професији, што нам и није била намера, већ смо желели да укажемо на њихову хијерархију и релације, као и да их до извесне границе систематизујемо и појаснимо оне за које мислимо да су карактеристични и најчешће у примени. Књигу је могуће читати и садржину пратити редом који је предложен у књизи, док се пажња може фокусирати и на поједине тематске јединице које су интересантне читаоцу.
Несумњиво је на тематски оквир ове монографије утицало наше дугогодишње блиско познанство са истакнутим српским пројектантом и истраживачем стамбене архитектуре - др Михаилом Чанком (1932-2014), кога смо дуго година познавали и са којим смо у разговорима које смо водили, у почетку слушали о различитим принципима пројектовања стамбене архитектуре, а касније и истраживали теме које су нас интересовале. Кружна веза, технички блок, људске потребе, отворени план, али и друге теме које су приказане у књизи, бојиле су наше разговоре и фокусирале су нам пажњу на област становања. Сасвим је сигурно да су поред поменутог Мике Чанка, на нас утицале и друге личности, наши професори и старије колеге, али и поједини фактори, попут истраживања наслеђа београдске школе становања и њеног значаја за архитектуру у Србији, као и публикације и научни чланци наших професора и других цењених колега на које смо наилазили, а који су фокусирали нашу пажњу на истраживања у области стамбене архитектуре.
Надамо се да ћемо овом публикацијом код читалаца проширити поље сазнања о стамбеној архитектури, те да ћемо некога од њих можда мотивисати за даља истраживања у овој области. Становање је за нас основа за промишљање о архитектури, што као став желимо да пренесемо и другим истраживачима и љубитељима архитектуре.",
publisher = "Београд : Институт за архитектуру и урбанизам Србије, Београд : Универзитет у Београду - Архитектонски факултет",
title = "Принципи конфигурације стамбеног простора",
url = ""
Алфиревић, Ђ.,& Симоновић Алфиревић, С.. (2023). Принципи конфигурације стамбеног простора. 
Београд : Институт за архитектуру и урбанизам Србије..
Алфиревић Ђ, Симоновић Алфиревић С. Принципи конфигурације стамбеног простора. 2023;. .
Алфиревић, Ђорђе, Симоновић Алфиревић, Сања, "Принципи конфигурације стамбеног простора" (2023), .

Typology of micro apartments based on the structure of living space

Alfirević, Đorđe; Simonović Alfirević, Sanja

(Belgrade : International Research Academy of Science and Art (IRASA), 2023)

AU  - Alfirević, Đorđe
AU  - Simonović Alfirević, Sanja
PY  - 2023
UR  -
AB  - A micro apartment is a concept of organizing living space that typically provides the basic necessities for long-term residence for one or two occupants. In general, it refers to a residential unit with a floor area ranging from 15 to 30 square meters. Micro apartments are considered to be one of the prevalent forms of sustainable housing in the future, as the concept is based on smaller living spaces and reduced consumption of energy and resources.
The research is based on a deductive method and begins with the analysis of current micro apartment typologies, along with the formulation of different theoretical models. Subsequently, an analysis and comparison of characteristic examples of micro apartments are conducted to establish a clear typology. Finally, based on the typology, an evaluation is carried out, and proposals for different approaches to micro apartment design are formulated.
The aim of the research is to comprehensively systematize the typological forms of micro apartments recognized in architectural practice and examine their characteristics and potential applications in urban environments. Additionally, the research aims to identify distinctive structural differences among various typological forms of micro apartments. The ultimate goal of the research is to contribute to the development of sustainable housing solutions in urban areas, with a particular emphasis on the concept of micro apartments.
PB  - Belgrade : International Research Academy of Science and Art (IRASA)
C3  - IRASA International Scientific Conference Science, Education, Technology and Innovation SETI V 2023 - Book of Proceedings
T1  - Typology of micro apartments based on the structure of living space
SP  - 444
EP  - 455
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Alfirević, Đorđe and Simonović Alfirević, Sanja",
year = "2023",
abstract = "A micro apartment is a concept of organizing living space that typically provides the basic necessities for long-term residence for one or two occupants. In general, it refers to a residential unit with a floor area ranging from 15 to 30 square meters. Micro apartments are considered to be one of the prevalent forms of sustainable housing in the future, as the concept is based on smaller living spaces and reduced consumption of energy and resources.
The research is based on a deductive method and begins with the analysis of current micro apartment typologies, along with the formulation of different theoretical models. Subsequently, an analysis and comparison of characteristic examples of micro apartments are conducted to establish a clear typology. Finally, based on the typology, an evaluation is carried out, and proposals for different approaches to micro apartment design are formulated.
The aim of the research is to comprehensively systematize the typological forms of micro apartments recognized in architectural practice and examine their characteristics and potential applications in urban environments. Additionally, the research aims to identify distinctive structural differences among various typological forms of micro apartments. The ultimate goal of the research is to contribute to the development of sustainable housing solutions in urban areas, with a particular emphasis on the concept of micro apartments.",
publisher = "Belgrade : International Research Academy of Science and Art (IRASA)",
journal = "IRASA International Scientific Conference Science, Education, Technology and Innovation SETI V 2023 - Book of Proceedings",
title = "Typology of micro apartments based on the structure of living space",
pages = "444-455",
url = ""
Alfirević, Đ.,& Simonović Alfirević, S.. (2023). Typology of micro apartments based on the structure of living space. in IRASA International Scientific Conference Science, Education, Technology and Innovation SETI V 2023 - Book of Proceedings
Belgrade : International Research Academy of Science and Art (IRASA)., 444-455.
Alfirević Đ, Simonović Alfirević S. Typology of micro apartments based on the structure of living space. in IRASA International Scientific Conference Science, Education, Technology and Innovation SETI V 2023 - Book of Proceedings. 2023;:444-455. .
Alfirević, Đorđe, Simonović Alfirević, Sanja, "Typology of micro apartments based on the structure of living space" in IRASA International Scientific Conference Science, Education, Technology and Innovation SETI V 2023 - Book of Proceedings (2023):444-455, .

Typology of micro apartments based on the structure of living space (M34)

Alfirević, Đorđe; Simonović Alfirević, Sanja

(Belgrade : International Research Academy of Science and Art (IRASA), 2023)

AU  - Alfirević, Đorđe
AU  - Simonović Alfirević, Sanja
PY  - 2023
UR  -
AB  - A micro apartment is a concept of organizing living space that typically provides the basic necessities for long-term residence for one or two occupants. In general, it refers to a residential unit with a floor area ranging from 15 to 30 square meters. Micro apartments are considered to be one of the prevalent forms of sustainable housing in the future, as the concept is based on smaller living spaces and reduced consumption of energy and resources.
The research is based on a deductive method and begins with the analysis of current micro apartment typologies, along with the formulation of different theoretical models. Subsequently, an analysis and comparison of characteristic examples of micro apartments are conducted to establish a clear typology. Finally, based on the typology, an evaluation is carried out, and proposals for different approaches to micro apartment design are formulated.
The aim of the research is to comprehensively systematize the typological forms of micro apartments recognized in architectural practice and examine their characteristics and potential applications in urban environments. Additionally, the research aims to identify distinctive structural differences among various typological forms of micro apartments. The ultimate goal of the research is to contribute to the development of sustainable housing solutions in urban areas, with a particular emphasis on the concept of micro apartments.
PB  - Belgrade : International Research Academy of Science and Art (IRASA)
C3  - IRASA International Scientific Conference Science, Education, Technology and Innovation SETI V 2023 - Book of Abstracts
T1  - Typology of micro apartments based on the structure of living space (M34)
SP  - 80
EP  - 80
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Alfirević, Đorđe and Simonović Alfirević, Sanja",
year = "2023",
abstract = "A micro apartment is a concept of organizing living space that typically provides the basic necessities for long-term residence for one or two occupants. In general, it refers to a residential unit with a floor area ranging from 15 to 30 square meters. Micro apartments are considered to be one of the prevalent forms of sustainable housing in the future, as the concept is based on smaller living spaces and reduced consumption of energy and resources.
The research is based on a deductive method and begins with the analysis of current micro apartment typologies, along with the formulation of different theoretical models. Subsequently, an analysis and comparison of characteristic examples of micro apartments are conducted to establish a clear typology. Finally, based on the typology, an evaluation is carried out, and proposals for different approaches to micro apartment design are formulated.
The aim of the research is to comprehensively systematize the typological forms of micro apartments recognized in architectural practice and examine their characteristics and potential applications in urban environments. Additionally, the research aims to identify distinctive structural differences among various typological forms of micro apartments. The ultimate goal of the research is to contribute to the development of sustainable housing solutions in urban areas, with a particular emphasis on the concept of micro apartments.",
publisher = "Belgrade : International Research Academy of Science and Art (IRASA)",
journal = "IRASA International Scientific Conference Science, Education, Technology and Innovation SETI V 2023 - Book of Abstracts",
title = "Typology of micro apartments based on the structure of living space (M34)",
pages = "80-80",
url = ""
Alfirević, Đ.,& Simonović Alfirević, S.. (2023). Typology of micro apartments based on the structure of living space (M34). in IRASA International Scientific Conference Science, Education, Technology and Innovation SETI V 2023 - Book of Abstracts
Belgrade : International Research Academy of Science and Art (IRASA)., 80-80.
Alfirević Đ, Simonović Alfirević S. Typology of micro apartments based on the structure of living space (M34). in IRASA International Scientific Conference Science, Education, Technology and Innovation SETI V 2023 - Book of Abstracts. 2023;:80-80. .
Alfirević, Đorđe, Simonović Alfirević, Sanja, "Typology of micro apartments based on the structure of living space (M34)" in IRASA International Scientific Conference Science, Education, Technology and Innovation SETI V 2023 - Book of Abstracts (2023):80-80, .

The experience of territoriality in the living space

Alfirević, Đorđe; Simonović Alfirević, Sanja

(University of Niš - Faculty of civil engineering and architecture, 2023)

AU  - Alfirević, Đorđe
AU  - Simonović Alfirević, Sanja
PY  - 2023
UR  -
AB  - Territoriality is a term that is widely used in science and other areas of human activity. Usually, this term refers to a pattern of behavior of a person or group that is based on the need to control the physical space, object or idea. It can also be seen as the user's level of tolerance and willingness to share the same spaces and content with other people. Although the phenomenon of territoriality has already been researched to a considerable extent in the field of architecture, there are fewer studies in which the presence of territoriality has been analyzed in residential spaces. The subject of this research is the experience of territoriality in the domain of residential spaces, specifically in an apartment or a house.
The research starts from the analysis of the reference literature in which territoriality in residential areas was discussed, and then moves on to the analysis of the presence of territoriality among users in characteristic models of housing units (apartment for singles, for families with one, two and three generations and for coliving communities). After the synthesis of the obtained information, different levels and intensities of the experience of territoriality arising between users, facilities and visitors in the previously mentioned housing models will be compared.
The aim of the research is to examine which aspects influence the emergence and change of the intensity of the experience of territoriality in the residential space, as well as to reconsider the view that the experience of territoriality in the residential space is always present, but of different intensity depending on whether a reaction occurs to the presence of visitors, facilities or other users.
PB  - University of Niš - Faculty of civil engineering and architecture
PB  - Serbian academy of sciences and arts - Branch in Niš
C3  - International conference synergy of architecture & civil engineering - SINARG 2023
T1  - The experience of territoriality in the living space
SP  - 185
EP  - 196
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Alfirević, Đorđe and Simonović Alfirević, Sanja",
year = "2023",
abstract = "Territoriality is a term that is widely used in science and other areas of human activity. Usually, this term refers to a pattern of behavior of a person or group that is based on the need to control the physical space, object or idea. It can also be seen as the user's level of tolerance and willingness to share the same spaces and content with other people. Although the phenomenon of territoriality has already been researched to a considerable extent in the field of architecture, there are fewer studies in which the presence of territoriality has been analyzed in residential spaces. The subject of this research is the experience of territoriality in the domain of residential spaces, specifically in an apartment or a house.
The research starts from the analysis of the reference literature in which territoriality in residential areas was discussed, and then moves on to the analysis of the presence of territoriality among users in characteristic models of housing units (apartment for singles, for families with one, two and three generations and for coliving communities). After the synthesis of the obtained information, different levels and intensities of the experience of territoriality arising between users, facilities and visitors in the previously mentioned housing models will be compared.
The aim of the research is to examine which aspects influence the emergence and change of the intensity of the experience of territoriality in the residential space, as well as to reconsider the view that the experience of territoriality in the residential space is always present, but of different intensity depending on whether a reaction occurs to the presence of visitors, facilities or other users.",
publisher = "University of Niš - Faculty of civil engineering and architecture, Serbian academy of sciences and arts - Branch in Niš",
journal = "International conference synergy of architecture & civil engineering - SINARG 2023",
title = "The experience of territoriality in the living space",
pages = "185-196",
url = ""
Alfirević, Đ.,& Simonović Alfirević, S.. (2023). The experience of territoriality in the living space. in International conference synergy of architecture & civil engineering - SINARG 2023
University of Niš - Faculty of civil engineering and architecture., 185-196.
Alfirević Đ, Simonović Alfirević S. The experience of territoriality in the living space. in International conference synergy of architecture & civil engineering - SINARG 2023. 2023;:185-196. .
Alfirević, Đorđe, Simonović Alfirević, Sanja, "The experience of territoriality in the living space" in International conference synergy of architecture & civil engineering - SINARG 2023 (2023):185-196, .

Микростанови: постизање просторног комфора у подстандардним условима за становање

Алфиревић, Ђорђе; Симоновић Алфиревић, Сања

(Београд : Институт за архитектуру и урбанизам Србије, 2022)

AU  - Алфиревић, Ђорђе
AU  - Симоновић Алфиревић, Сања
PY  - 2022
UR  -
AB  - Микростановање подразумева живот у подстандардним условима, у стамбеним јединицама које су веома малих димензија. Овакви станови обично имају само најосновније садржаје, попут собе за одмор, кухиње и купатила и не испуњавају све аспекте функционалности. Њихови корисници се свесно одричу задовољења појединих животних потреба како би живели на одређеној локацији или имали мање трошкове за одржавање стана. У истраживању су анализирани карактеристични примери микростанова и референтна научна литература, да би из обимне грађе дедуктивном методом били екстраховани пројектантски принципи чијом применом је могуће постићи адекватан просторни комфор у становима минималних димензија. Принципи су класификовани према групама основних људских потреба које задовољавају, а затим хијерархијски поређани према нивоу значаја у поступку доживљаја веће просторности. Циљ истраживања је да се размотре и систематизују најзначајнији принципи којима се може постићи виши ниво просторног комфора у подстандардним условима за микростановање. У раду се преиспитује становиште по коме доњу границу квалитета микростановања чини лични доживљај пријатности и комфора у стамбеном простору, који је одређен могућностима за задовољење физиолошких потреба корисника. Према резултатима овог истраживања, за минималан просторни комфор у стану је неопходно поседовање простора за одмор (лежаја), са могућношћу коришћења заједничког простора за припрему хране и одржавање личне хигијене, што помера доњу границу квалитета микростановања која је до сада била присутна у науци
AB  - Micro-housing means living in substandard conditions, in housing units that are very small in size. These apartments usually have only the most basic facilities, such as a rest room, kitchen and bathroom, and do not meet all aspects of functionality. Their users consciously renounce the satisfaction of certain living needs in order to live in a certain location or have lower costs for the maintenance of the apartment. The research analyzed characteristic examples of micro-apartments and reference scientific literature, in order to extract design principles from the extensive material by the deductive method, the application of which makes it possible to achieve adequate spatial comfort in apartments of minimal dimensions. The principles are classified according to the groups of basic human needs that they satisfy, and then hierarchically arranged according to the level of significance in the process of experiencing greater space. The aim of the research is to consider and systematize the most important principles that can achieve a higher level of spatial comfort in substandard conditions for micro-housing. The paper examines the view that the lower limit of the quality of micro-housing is the personal experience of comfort and convenience in the living space, which is determined by the possibilities for meeting the physiological needs of users. According to the results of this research, for minimal spatial comfort in the apartment, it is necessary to have a resting place (bed), with the possibility of using a common space for food preparation and personal hygiene, which pushes the lower limit of microhabitation quality that has been present in science
PB  - Београд : Институт за архитектуру и урбанизам Србије
T2  - Архитектура и урбанизам
T1  - Микростанови: постизање просторног комфора у подстандардним условима за становање
T1  - Micro-apartments: achieving spatial comfort in substandard housing conditions
IS  - 55
SP  - 5
EP  - 23
DO  - 10.5937/a-u0-36566
ER  - 
author = "Алфиревић, Ђорђе and Симоновић Алфиревић, Сања",
year = "2022",
abstract = "Микростановање подразумева живот у подстандардним условима, у стамбеним јединицама које су веома малих димензија. Овакви станови обично имају само најосновније садржаје, попут собе за одмор, кухиње и купатила и не испуњавају све аспекте функционалности. Њихови корисници се свесно одричу задовољења појединих животних потреба како би живели на одређеној локацији или имали мање трошкове за одржавање стана. У истраживању су анализирани карактеристични примери микростанова и референтна научна литература, да би из обимне грађе дедуктивном методом били екстраховани пројектантски принципи чијом применом је могуће постићи адекватан просторни комфор у становима минималних димензија. Принципи су класификовани према групама основних људских потреба које задовољавају, а затим хијерархијски поређани према нивоу значаја у поступку доживљаја веће просторности. Циљ истраживања је да се размотре и систематизују најзначајнији принципи којима се може постићи виши ниво просторног комфора у подстандардним условима за микростановање. У раду се преиспитује становиште по коме доњу границу квалитета микростановања чини лични доживљај пријатности и комфора у стамбеном простору, који је одређен могућностима за задовољење физиолошких потреба корисника. Према резултатима овог истраживања, за минималан просторни комфор у стану је неопходно поседовање простора за одмор (лежаја), са могућношћу коришћења заједничког простора за припрему хране и одржавање личне хигијене, што помера доњу границу квалитета микростановања која је до сада била присутна у науци, Micro-housing means living in substandard conditions, in housing units that are very small in size. These apartments usually have only the most basic facilities, such as a rest room, kitchen and bathroom, and do not meet all aspects of functionality. Their users consciously renounce the satisfaction of certain living needs in order to live in a certain location or have lower costs for the maintenance of the apartment. The research analyzed characteristic examples of micro-apartments and reference scientific literature, in order to extract design principles from the extensive material by the deductive method, the application of which makes it possible to achieve adequate spatial comfort in apartments of minimal dimensions. The principles are classified according to the groups of basic human needs that they satisfy, and then hierarchically arranged according to the level of significance in the process of experiencing greater space. The aim of the research is to consider and systematize the most important principles that can achieve a higher level of spatial comfort in substandard conditions for micro-housing. The paper examines the view that the lower limit of the quality of micro-housing is the personal experience of comfort and convenience in the living space, which is determined by the possibilities for meeting the physiological needs of users. According to the results of this research, for minimal spatial comfort in the apartment, it is necessary to have a resting place (bed), with the possibility of using a common space for food preparation and personal hygiene, which pushes the lower limit of microhabitation quality that has been present in science",
publisher = "Београд : Институт за архитектуру и урбанизам Србије",
journal = "Архитектура и урбанизам",
title = "Микростанови: постизање просторног комфора у подстандардним условима за становање, Micro-apartments: achieving spatial comfort in substandard housing conditions",
number = "55",
pages = "5-23",
doi = "10.5937/a-u0-36566"
Алфиревић, Ђ.,& Симоновић Алфиревић, С.. (2022). Микростанови: постизање просторног комфора у подстандардним условима за становање. in Архитектура и урбанизам
Београд : Институт за архитектуру и урбанизам Србије.(55), 5-23.
Алфиревић Ђ, Симоновић Алфиревић С. Микростанови: постизање просторног комфора у подстандардним условима за становање. in Архитектура и урбанизам. 2022;(55):5-23.
doi:10.5937/a-u0-36566 .
Алфиревић, Ђорђе, Симоновић Алфиревић, Сања, "Микростанови: постизање просторног комфора у подстандардним условима за становање" in Архитектура и урбанизам, no. 55 (2022):5-23, . .

Поливалентност стана са отвореним планом − карактеристике и принципи просторне организације

Алфиревић, Ђорђе; Симоновић Алфиревић, Сања

(Београд : Институт за архитектуру и урбанизам Србије, 2022)

AU  - Алфиревић, Ђорђе
AU  - Симоновић Алфиревић, Сања
PY  - 2022
UR  -
AB  - Поливалентност (грч. poly више, нлат. valentia вредност − вишевредан, вишезначан, вишенаменски) је термин који има широк опсег употребе у науци и уметностима. Поливалентност најчешће подразумева различите начине (режиме) коришћења истог простора, тј. прилагодљивост простора различитим људским потребама уз минималне физичке модификације. У науци је уврежено мишљење да се термин поливалентност у стамбеној архитектури првенствено односи на ниво читавог стана или куће, тј. на могућност реорганизације унутрашње структуре (пренамену просторија), што се може посматрати као шире тумачење појма. Са друге стране, постоји и уже тумачење, које се односи на поливалентност дела стана, једног простора или просторије, тј. на могућност преклапања стамбених функција у различитим временским терминима у истом простору, тзв. отвореном плану. У истраживању су разматрани концепти просторне организације поливалентних стамбених простора са отвореним планом. Научном анализом референтних извора, тумачењем и анализом карактеристичних примера, као и применом дедуктивне методе, истражени су поливалентни стамбени простори са отвореним планом, с циљем констатовања њихових најзначајнијих карактеристика и принципа просторне организације.
AB  - Polyvalence (gr. poly multi, nlat. valentia value – multivalued, ambiguous, multipurpose) is a term that has a wide range of uses in science and art. Polyvalence usually implies different ways (regimes) of using the same space, i.e., the adaptability of space to different human needs, with minimal physical modifications. It is a common opinion in science that the term polyvalence in residential architecture primarily refers to the level of an entire apartment or house, i.e., to the possibility of reorganizing the internal structure (conversion of the premises), which can be seen as a broader interpretation of the term. On the other hand, there is a narrower interpretation which refers to the polyvalence of a part of an apartment, to a particular space or room, i.e., to the possibility of overlapping housing functions at different times in the same space, a so-called open plan. The research considers the concepts of spatial organization in polyvalent residential spaces with an open plan. The scientific analysis of reference sources, the interpretation and analysis of characteristic examples, and the deductive method, were used to investigate polyvalent open-plan living spaces, with the aim of ascertaining their most important characteristics and the principles of their spatial organization.
PB  - Београд : Институт за архитектуру и урбанизам Србије
T2  - Архитектура и урбанизам
T1  - Поливалентност стана са отвореним планом − карактеристике и принципи просторне организације
T1  - The polyvalence of an open plan apartment – characteristics and spatial organization principles
IS  - 54
SP  - 27
EP  - 43
DO  - 10.5937/a-u0-34066
ER  - 
author = "Алфиревић, Ђорђе and Симоновић Алфиревић, Сања",
year = "2022",
abstract = "Поливалентност (грч. poly више, нлат. valentia вредност − вишевредан, вишезначан, вишенаменски) је термин који има широк опсег употребе у науци и уметностима. Поливалентност најчешће подразумева различите начине (режиме) коришћења истог простора, тј. прилагодљивост простора различитим људским потребама уз минималне физичке модификације. У науци је уврежено мишљење да се термин поливалентност у стамбеној архитектури првенствено односи на ниво читавог стана или куће, тј. на могућност реорганизације унутрашње структуре (пренамену просторија), што се може посматрати као шире тумачење појма. Са друге стране, постоји и уже тумачење, које се односи на поливалентност дела стана, једног простора или просторије, тј. на могућност преклапања стамбених функција у различитим временским терминима у истом простору, тзв. отвореном плану. У истраживању су разматрани концепти просторне организације поливалентних стамбених простора са отвореним планом. Научном анализом референтних извора, тумачењем и анализом карактеристичних примера, као и применом дедуктивне методе, истражени су поливалентни стамбени простори са отвореним планом, с циљем констатовања њихових најзначајнијих карактеристика и принципа просторне организације., Polyvalence (gr. poly multi, nlat. valentia value – multivalued, ambiguous, multipurpose) is a term that has a wide range of uses in science and art. Polyvalence usually implies different ways (regimes) of using the same space, i.e., the adaptability of space to different human needs, with minimal physical modifications. It is a common opinion in science that the term polyvalence in residential architecture primarily refers to the level of an entire apartment or house, i.e., to the possibility of reorganizing the internal structure (conversion of the premises), which can be seen as a broader interpretation of the term. On the other hand, there is a narrower interpretation which refers to the polyvalence of a part of an apartment, to a particular space or room, i.e., to the possibility of overlapping housing functions at different times in the same space, a so-called open plan. The research considers the concepts of spatial organization in polyvalent residential spaces with an open plan. The scientific analysis of reference sources, the interpretation and analysis of characteristic examples, and the deductive method, were used to investigate polyvalent open-plan living spaces, with the aim of ascertaining their most important characteristics and the principles of their spatial organization.",
publisher = "Београд : Институт за архитектуру и урбанизам Србије",
journal = "Архитектура и урбанизам",
title = "Поливалентност стана са отвореним планом − карактеристике и принципи просторне организације, The polyvalence of an open plan apartment – characteristics and spatial organization principles",
number = "54",
pages = "27-43",
doi = "10.5937/a-u0-34066"
Алфиревић, Ђ.,& Симоновић Алфиревић, С.. (2022). Поливалентност стана са отвореним планом − карактеристике и принципи просторне организације. in Архитектура и урбанизам
Београд : Институт за архитектуру и урбанизам Србије.(54), 27-43.
Алфиревић Ђ, Симоновић Алфиревић С. Поливалентност стана са отвореним планом − карактеристике и принципи просторне организације. in Архитектура и урбанизам. 2022;(54):27-43.
doi:10.5937/a-u0-34066 .
Алфиревић, Ђорђе, Симоновић Алфиревић, Сања, "Поливалентност стана са отвореним планом − карактеристике и принципи просторне организације" in Архитектура и урбанизам, no. 54 (2022):27-43, . .

The Concept of “Surface Depth” in Architecture

Alfirević, Đorđe; Simonović Alfirević, Sanja

(Niš : University of Niš, 2022)

AU  - Alfirević, Đorđe
AU  - Simonović Alfirević, Sanja
PY  - 2022
UR  -
AB  - In history of art and architecture, surface has always been the bearer of symbolic
and aesthetic values, the subject of theoretical and critical analysis, with various ideological, discursive and philosophical interpretations. The subject of this 
 research paper are different concepts of composition, artistic elements and materialisation of façade surfaces, which have the effect of “surface depth“ as their primary characteristic. By analysing the potential of this concept in articulation of the structure of façade and other surfaces, three main emergent forms were noted: plasticity of surfaces (the use of small façade plastics), double skin façade with unused in-between space and double skin façade with used in-between space. By conducting scientific analyses of theoretical reference sources and characteristic examples, along with the application of the deductive methods, the characteristics of the „surface depth“ concept in architecture were explored, with the aim of systematizing the principles used to achieve it, the possibilities of its application, as well as ways to establish the dual character of spatial planes - surface and volume. This research has contributed to the clarification of this concept and laid the foundation for further research in the direction of finding, chronologically ordering and analysing other examples, in order to enable their more extensive typology and systematization
PB  - Niš : University of Niš
T2  - Facta Universitatis, Series: Architecture and Civil Engineering
T1  - The Concept of “Surface Depth” in Architecture
VL  - 20
IS  - 3
SP  - 249
EP  - 260
DO  - 10.2298/FUACE220622019A
ER  - 
author = "Alfirević, Đorđe and Simonović Alfirević, Sanja",
year = "2022",
abstract = "In history of art and architecture, surface has always been the bearer of symbolic
and aesthetic values, the subject of theoretical and critical analysis, with various ideological, discursive and philosophical interpretations. The subject of this 
 research paper are different concepts of composition, artistic elements and materialisation of façade surfaces, which have the effect of “surface depth“ as their primary characteristic. By analysing the potential of this concept in articulation of the structure of façade and other surfaces, three main emergent forms were noted: plasticity of surfaces (the use of small façade plastics), double skin façade with unused in-between space and double skin façade with used in-between space. By conducting scientific analyses of theoretical reference sources and characteristic examples, along with the application of the deductive methods, the characteristics of the „surface depth“ concept in architecture were explored, with the aim of systematizing the principles used to achieve it, the possibilities of its application, as well as ways to establish the dual character of spatial planes - surface and volume. This research has contributed to the clarification of this concept and laid the foundation for further research in the direction of finding, chronologically ordering and analysing other examples, in order to enable their more extensive typology and systematization",
publisher = "Niš : University of Niš",
journal = "Facta Universitatis, Series: Architecture and Civil Engineering",
title = "The Concept of “Surface Depth” in Architecture",
volume = "20",
number = "3",
pages = "249-260",
doi = "10.2298/FUACE220622019A"
Alfirević, Đ.,& Simonović Alfirević, S.. (2022). The Concept of “Surface Depth” in Architecture. in Facta Universitatis, Series: Architecture and Civil Engineering
Niš : University of Niš., 20(3), 249-260.
Alfirević Đ, Simonović Alfirević S. The Concept of “Surface Depth” in Architecture. in Facta Universitatis, Series: Architecture and Civil Engineering. 2022;20(3):249-260.
doi:10.2298/FUACE220622019A .
Alfirević, Đorđe, Simonović Alfirević, Sanja, "The Concept of “Surface Depth” in Architecture" in Facta Universitatis, Series: Architecture and Civil Engineering, 20, no. 3 (2022):249-260, . .

Interior in Context: Principles of Interior and Exterior Integration

Simonović Alfirević, Sanja; Alfirević, Đorđe

(Belgrade : Faculty of Applied Arts, University of Arts in Belgrade, Serbia, 2022)

AU  - Simonović Alfirević, Sanja
AU  - Alfirević, Đorđe
PY  - 2022
UR  -
AB  - The subject of this research includes design principles
through which the integration of interior and exterior can
be achieved. The principles are grouped according to the role
they play in achieving the relationship between outer and inner
space. Two directions of possible interactions are considered: a)
the influence of the interior on the exterior and b) the influence
of the exterior on the interior.
The structure of design principles is conceived by applying the
deductive method and is derived from the basic motives that
most often cause interactions between the interior space and
the environment. The analysis of characteristic motives, which
are mainly a consequence of the extroverted or introverted nature
of the user, the desire for intimacy or presenting material
status, etc., formulates design principles that provide an answer
to the needs for integration of interior and exterior. The principles
are clearly presented using characteristic examples of
modern concepts of spatial organization and interior design.
The main goal of the research is to determine a methodical
structure of creative principles, which enable the integration of
interior and exterior, and supporting that relation at the same
time, but also to check the stance that the architect’s shaping of
the user’s desire to perceive the immediate environment is sufficient
for the basic connection of external and internal space.
In addition, it is important to emphasize that for higher levels
of the mentioned integration, it is necessary for the user to see,
but also to be seen, i.e. that there is a mutual interest in the interaction
of both the user of the interior space and the observer
who experiences the interior from the environment.
The results of the research indicate, first of all, the existence of a
larger number of creative principles by means of which it is possible
to connect the interior space with the immediate environment.
On the other hand, the paper states a close cause-and-effect
relationship of motives, which arise from the specific users’
needs and the architect’s competence to recognize the wishes of
users and articulate them in a contextual visual expression.
AB  - Контекст (лат. contextus – веза, спој речи, смисао) је термин који у општем смислу означава везу мисли у говору. Термин је у употреби у готово свим областима људског стваралаштва, између осталог и у архитектури и дизајну ентеријера. Када се примењује, обично подразумева релацију дела нечега према целини. Један исти појам или елемент може имати различито значење у зависности од контекста у коме се налази. У дизајну ентеријера, као и у архитектури, контекст има два нивоа значења. У ужем смислу, подразумева непосредно физичко окружење око облика или простора који се пројектује. У ширем смислу, контекст је скуп свих утицајних фактора који утичу на конципирање пројектног решења. Предмет рада овог истраживања су пројектантски принципи путем којих се може постићи интеграција ентеријера и екстеријера. Принципи су груписани према улози коју имају у остваривању релација између спољашњег и унурашњег простора. Разматрана су два смера могућих интеракција: а) утицај ентеријера на екстеријер и б) утицај екстеријера на ентеријер. Структура принципа је постављена помоћу дедуктивног метода и изведена је из основних мотива који најчешће узрокују интеракције између унутрашњег простора и окружења. Анализом карактеристичних мотива, који су углавном последица екстровертне или интровертне природе корисника, жеље за интимношћу, за приказивањем материјалног статуса и др., формулисани су пројектантски принципи који пружају одговор на потребе за интегрисањем ентеријера и екстеријера. Принципи су прегледно приказани помоћу карактеристичних примера савремених концепата просторне организације и ентеријера. Основни циљ истраживања је да се постави систематична структура стваралачких принципа, који омогућавају остваривање и јачање интеграције ентеријера и екстеријера, али и да се провери становиште по коме је за елементарно повезивање спољашњег и унутрашњег простора довољно да архитект уобличи жељу корисника да види окружење, док је за више нивое интеграције неопходно да корисник види, али и да буде виђен, тј. да постоји обострани интерес за интеракцијом и корисника унутрашњег простора и посматрача који доживљава ентеријер из окружења. Резултати истраживања указују пре свега на постојање већег броја стваралачких принципа помоћу којих је могуће повезати унутрашњи простор са непосредним окружењем. Са друге стране, у раду је констатована блиска узрочно-последична релација мотива, који проистичу из специфичних потреба корисника и спремности ствараоца да препозна жеље корисника и артикулише их у контекстуалан визуелни израз.
PB  - Belgrade : Faculty of Applied Arts, University of Arts in Belgrade, Serbia
T2  - Thematic Proceedings - Art and Science Applied : Experience and Vision - Selection of Papers from the Second International Conference of the Faculty of Applied Arts in Belgrade, SmartArt 2021
T1  - Interior in Context: Principles of Interior and Exterior Integration
T1  - Ентеријер у контексту: принципи интеграције ентеријера и екстеријера
SP  - 450
EP  - 462
DO  - 10.18485/smartart.2022.2.ch24
ER  - 
author = "Simonović Alfirević, Sanja and Alfirević, Đorđe",
year = "2022",
abstract = "The subject of this research includes design principles
through which the integration of interior and exterior can
be achieved. The principles are grouped according to the role
they play in achieving the relationship between outer and inner
space. Two directions of possible interactions are considered: a)
the influence of the interior on the exterior and b) the influence
of the exterior on the interior.
The structure of design principles is conceived by applying the
deductive method and is derived from the basic motives that
most often cause interactions between the interior space and
the environment. The analysis of characteristic motives, which
are mainly a consequence of the extroverted or introverted nature
of the user, the desire for intimacy or presenting material
status, etc., formulates design principles that provide an answer
to the needs for integration of interior and exterior. The principles
are clearly presented using characteristic examples of
modern concepts of spatial organization and interior design.
The main goal of the research is to determine a methodical
structure of creative principles, which enable the integration of
interior and exterior, and supporting that relation at the same
time, but also to check the stance that the architect’s shaping of
the user’s desire to perceive the immediate environment is sufficient
for the basic connection of external and internal space.
In addition, it is important to emphasize that for higher levels
of the mentioned integration, it is necessary for the user to see,
but also to be seen, i.e. that there is a mutual interest in the interaction
of both the user of the interior space and the observer
who experiences the interior from the environment.
The results of the research indicate, first of all, the existence of a
larger number of creative principles by means of which it is possible
to connect the interior space with the immediate environment.
On the other hand, the paper states a close cause-and-effect
relationship of motives, which arise from the specific users’
needs and the architect’s competence to recognize the wishes of
users and articulate them in a contextual visual expression., Контекст (лат. contextus – веза, спој речи, смисао) је термин који у општем смислу означава везу мисли у говору. Термин је у употреби у готово свим областима људског стваралаштва, између осталог и у архитектури и дизајну ентеријера. Када се примењује, обично подразумева релацију дела нечега према целини. Један исти појам или елемент може имати различито значење у зависности од контекста у коме се налази. У дизајну ентеријера, као и у архитектури, контекст има два нивоа значења. У ужем смислу, подразумева непосредно физичко окружење око облика или простора који се пројектује. У ширем смислу, контекст је скуп свих утицајних фактора који утичу на конципирање пројектног решења. Предмет рада овог истраживања су пројектантски принципи путем којих се може постићи интеграција ентеријера и екстеријера. Принципи су груписани према улози коју имају у остваривању релација између спољашњег и унурашњег простора. Разматрана су два смера могућих интеракција: а) утицај ентеријера на екстеријер и б) утицај екстеријера на ентеријер. Структура принципа је постављена помоћу дедуктивног метода и изведена је из основних мотива који најчешће узрокују интеракције између унутрашњег простора и окружења. Анализом карактеристичних мотива, који су углавном последица екстровертне или интровертне природе корисника, жеље за интимношћу, за приказивањем материјалног статуса и др., формулисани су пројектантски принципи који пружају одговор на потребе за интегрисањем ентеријера и екстеријера. Принципи су прегледно приказани помоћу карактеристичних примера савремених концепата просторне организације и ентеријера. Основни циљ истраживања је да се постави систематична структура стваралачких принципа, који омогућавају остваривање и јачање интеграције ентеријера и екстеријера, али и да се провери становиште по коме је за елементарно повезивање спољашњег и унутрашњег простора довољно да архитект уобличи жељу корисника да види окружење, док је за више нивое интеграције неопходно да корисник види, али и да буде виђен, тј. да постоји обострани интерес за интеракцијом и корисника унутрашњег простора и посматрача који доживљава ентеријер из окружења. Резултати истраживања указују пре свега на постојање већег броја стваралачких принципа помоћу којих је могуће повезати унутрашњи простор са непосредним окружењем. Са друге стране, у раду је констатована блиска узрочно-последична релација мотива, који проистичу из специфичних потреба корисника и спремности ствараоца да препозна жеље корисника и артикулише их у контекстуалан визуелни израз.",
publisher = "Belgrade : Faculty of Applied Arts, University of Arts in Belgrade, Serbia",
journal = "Thematic Proceedings - Art and Science Applied : Experience and Vision - Selection of Papers from the Second International Conference of the Faculty of Applied Arts in Belgrade, SmartArt 2021",
booktitle = "Interior in Context: Principles of Interior and Exterior Integration, Ентеријер у контексту: принципи интеграције ентеријера и екстеријера",
pages = "450-462",
doi = "10.18485/smartart.2022.2.ch24"
Simonović Alfirević, S.,& Alfirević, Đ.. (2022). Interior in Context: Principles of Interior and Exterior Integration. in Thematic Proceedings - Art and Science Applied : Experience and Vision - Selection of Papers from the Second International Conference of the Faculty of Applied Arts in Belgrade, SmartArt 2021
Belgrade : Faculty of Applied Arts, University of Arts in Belgrade, Serbia., 450-462.
Simonović Alfirević S, Alfirević Đ. Interior in Context: Principles of Interior and Exterior Integration. in Thematic Proceedings - Art and Science Applied : Experience and Vision - Selection of Papers from the Second International Conference of the Faculty of Applied Arts in Belgrade, SmartArt 2021. 2022;:450-462.
doi:10.18485/smartart.2022.2.ch24 .
Simonović Alfirević, Sanja, Alfirević, Đorđe, "Interior in Context: Principles of Interior and Exterior Integration" in Thematic Proceedings - Art and Science Applied : Experience and Vision - Selection of Papers from the Second International Conference of the Faculty of Applied Arts in Belgrade, SmartArt 2021 (2022):450-462, . .

The influence of the border materiality on the experience of territoriality in housing

Simonović Alfirević, Sanja; Alfirević, Đorđe

(Belgrade : IRASA – International Research Academy of Science and Art Belgrade, 2022)

AU  - Simonović Alfirević, Sanja
AU  - Alfirević, Đorđe
PY  - 2022
UR  -
AB  - The notion of territoriality is widespread and is present in many areas of human activity. This term is usually associated with the need to demarcate space, which individuals or groups use and defend. In science, so far, various parameters that determine the extent of the experience of territoriality have been investigated, among others, control, security, personalization and protection of space..
In the research, through the deductive method and the analysis of certain characteristic housing models - residential communities, residential buildings and residential units, it will be considered on a general level to what extent spatial boundaries provide different degrees of privacy and enable people to exercise control over their own activities and the activities of others. The physical and functional framework and the social division of space can increase or decrease the possibilities for resident activities.
The goal of this research is to consider the relationship between the experience of territoriality of an individual or a group in housing and the character of the boundaries that determine the domain of the territory, i.e. certain spatial levels. Another goal is to reconsider the thesis according to which the character of the boundary is one of the key parameters that influence the experience of territoriality in housing. If the boundary of the territory is more material, solid, concrete or closed, the experience of territoriality is more present, while if the boundary of the territory is immaterial, ephemeral, softer, flexible or more open, it diminishes the experience of territoriality and has the opposite effect.
PB  - Belgrade : IRASA – International Research Academy of Science and Art Belgrade
C3  - Book of abstracts / IRASA International Research Academy of Science and Art International Scientific Conference Science, Education, Technology and Innovation - SETI IV, Belgrade, September 30 – October 1
T1  - The influence of the border materiality on the experience of territoriality in housing
SP  - 65
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Simonović Alfirević, Sanja and Alfirević, Đorđe",
year = "2022",
abstract = "The notion of territoriality is widespread and is present in many areas of human activity. This term is usually associated with the need to demarcate space, which individuals or groups use and defend. In science, so far, various parameters that determine the extent of the experience of territoriality have been investigated, among others, control, security, personalization and protection of space..
In the research, through the deductive method and the analysis of certain characteristic housing models - residential communities, residential buildings and residential units, it will be considered on a general level to what extent spatial boundaries provide different degrees of privacy and enable people to exercise control over their own activities and the activities of others. The physical and functional framework and the social division of space can increase or decrease the possibilities for resident activities.
The goal of this research is to consider the relationship between the experience of territoriality of an individual or a group in housing and the character of the boundaries that determine the domain of the territory, i.e. certain spatial levels. Another goal is to reconsider the thesis according to which the character of the boundary is one of the key parameters that influence the experience of territoriality in housing. If the boundary of the territory is more material, solid, concrete or closed, the experience of territoriality is more present, while if the boundary of the territory is immaterial, ephemeral, softer, flexible or more open, it diminishes the experience of territoriality and has the opposite effect.",
publisher = "Belgrade : IRASA – International Research Academy of Science and Art Belgrade",
journal = "Book of abstracts / IRASA International Research Academy of Science and Art International Scientific Conference Science, Education, Technology and Innovation - SETI IV, Belgrade, September 30 – October 1",
title = "The influence of the border materiality on the experience of territoriality in housing",
pages = "65",
url = ""
Simonović Alfirević, S.,& Alfirević, Đ.. (2022). The influence of the border materiality on the experience of territoriality in housing. in Book of abstracts / IRASA International Research Academy of Science and Art International Scientific Conference Science, Education, Technology and Innovation - SETI IV, Belgrade, September 30 – October 1
Belgrade : IRASA – International Research Academy of Science and Art Belgrade., 65.
Simonović Alfirević S, Alfirević Đ. The influence of the border materiality on the experience of territoriality in housing. in Book of abstracts / IRASA International Research Academy of Science and Art International Scientific Conference Science, Education, Technology and Innovation - SETI IV, Belgrade, September 30 – October 1. 2022;:65. .
Simonović Alfirević, Sanja, Alfirević, Đorđe, "The influence of the border materiality on the experience of territoriality in housing" in Book of abstracts / IRASA International Research Academy of Science and Art International Scientific Conference Science, Education, Technology and Innovation - SETI IV, Belgrade, September 30 – October 1 (2022):65, .

The influence of the border materiality on the experience of territoriality in housing

Simonović Alfirević, Sanja; Alfirević, Đorđe

(Belgrade : IRASA – International Research Academy of Science and Art Belgrade, 2022)

AU  - Simonović Alfirević, Sanja
AU  - Alfirević, Đorđe
PY  - 2022
UR  -
AB  - The notion of territoriality is widespread and is present in many areas of human activity. This term is usually associated with the need to demarcate space, which individuals or groups use and defend. In science, so far, various parameters that determine the extent of the experience of territoriality have been investigated, among others, control, security, personalization and protection of space..
In the research, through the deductive method and the analysis of certain characteristic housing models - residential communities, residential buildings and residential units, it will be considered on a general level to what extent spatial boundaries provide different degrees of privacy and enable people to exercise control over their own activities and the activities of others. The physical and functional framework and the social division of space can increase or decrease the possibilities for resident activities.
The goal of this research is to consider the relationship between the experience of territoriality of an individual or a group in housing and the character of the boundaries that determine the domain of the territory, i.e. certain spatial levels. Another goal is to reconsider the thesis according to which the character of the boundary is one of the key parameters that influence the experience of territoriality in housing. If the boundary of the territory is more material, solid, concrete or closed, the experience of territoriality is more present, while if the boundary of the territory is immaterial, ephemeral, softer, flexible or more open, it diminishes the experience of territoriality and has the opposite effect.
PB  - Belgrade : IRASA – International Research Academy of Science and Art Belgrade
C3  - Fourth International Scientific Conference ′′Science, Education, Technology and Innovation – SETI IV 2022
T1  - The influence of the border materiality on the experience of territoriality in housing
SP  - 414
EP  - 426
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Simonović Alfirević, Sanja and Alfirević, Đorđe",
year = "2022",
abstract = "The notion of territoriality is widespread and is present in many areas of human activity. This term is usually associated with the need to demarcate space, which individuals or groups use and defend. In science, so far, various parameters that determine the extent of the experience of territoriality have been investigated, among others, control, security, personalization and protection of space..
In the research, through the deductive method and the analysis of certain characteristic housing models - residential communities, residential buildings and residential units, it will be considered on a general level to what extent spatial boundaries provide different degrees of privacy and enable people to exercise control over their own activities and the activities of others. The physical and functional framework and the social division of space can increase or decrease the possibilities for resident activities.
The goal of this research is to consider the relationship between the experience of territoriality of an individual or a group in housing and the character of the boundaries that determine the domain of the territory, i.e. certain spatial levels. Another goal is to reconsider the thesis according to which the character of the boundary is one of the key parameters that influence the experience of territoriality in housing. If the boundary of the territory is more material, solid, concrete or closed, the experience of territoriality is more present, while if the boundary of the territory is immaterial, ephemeral, softer, flexible or more open, it diminishes the experience of territoriality and has the opposite effect.",
publisher = "Belgrade : IRASA – International Research Academy of Science and Art Belgrade",
journal = "Fourth International Scientific Conference ′′Science, Education, Technology and Innovation – SETI IV 2022",
title = "The influence of the border materiality on the experience of territoriality in housing",
pages = "414-426",
url = ""
Simonović Alfirević, S.,& Alfirević, Đ.. (2022). The influence of the border materiality on the experience of territoriality in housing. in Fourth International Scientific Conference ′′Science, Education, Technology and Innovation – SETI IV 2022
Belgrade : IRASA – International Research Academy of Science and Art Belgrade., 414-426.
Simonović Alfirević S, Alfirević Đ. The influence of the border materiality on the experience of territoriality in housing. in Fourth International Scientific Conference ′′Science, Education, Technology and Innovation – SETI IV 2022. 2022;:414-426. .
Simonović Alfirević, Sanja, Alfirević, Đorđe, "The influence of the border materiality on the experience of territoriality in housing" in Fourth International Scientific Conference ′′Science, Education, Technology and Innovation – SETI IV 2022 (2022):414-426, .

Мотиви за истицање угла у карактеризацији угаоних интерполација

Алфиревић, Ђорђе; Симоновић Алфиревић, Сања

(Београд : Институт за архитектуру и урбанизам Србије, 2021)

AU  - Алфиревић, Ђорђе
AU  - Симоновић Алфиревић, Сања
PY  - 2021
UR  -
AB  - Предмет истраживања су угаоне интерполације у урбаном окружењу. Термин „угаона интерполација” означава архитектонски објекат (кућу или зграду) који довршава континуитет два низа архитектонских објеката који се сусрећу под углом. Један од најзначајнијих елемената у артикулацији угаоне куће је зона контакта две спољне фасаде, на чијем сусрету се под извесним околностима може формирати тзв. „тема угла”. Тема угла у архитектури подразумева место које је у односу на суседне фасадне равни или волуметрију објекта у извесном смислу наглашено. Иако је принцип акцентовања угла у архитектури присутан код већине угаоних кућа, постоје бројни примери интерполација код којих угао није наглашен, из чега се стиче утисак да постоје одређени мотиви или околности због којих се угао истиче или не истиче. Teжиште рада није на формалним аспектима артикулације угла, већ на анализирању узрока појаве угаоног мотива. У раду су путем научне анализе разматрани карактеристични примери кућа на углу, да би затим биле истражене законитости и методом генерализације констатовани мотиви који утичу на истицање угла у композицији интерполисане грађевине. Циљ истраживања је да се преиспита становиште по коме је тема угла на угаоној интерполацији оправдана у ситуацијама када се кућа уклапа у непосредно урбано окружење које је од културно-историјског или архитектонског значаја, док, уколико се кућа надовезује на околне зграде нижег квалитета или значаја, тема угла губи смисао, јер читава кућа постаје нови градски репер, те је самим тим истицање угла сувишно.
AB  - The subject of the paper is corner infills in the urban environment. The term “corner infill” means an architectural object (house or building) that completes the continuity of two sequences of architectural objects that meet at an angle. One of the most important elements in the articulation of a corner house is the contact zone between the two external facades. Under certain circumstances, the so-called “corner theme” can become their meeting point. The corner theme in architecture implies a place that is emphasized in relation to the adjacent facade planes or the volumetry of the building. Although the principle of corner accentuation in architecture is present in most corner houses, there are numerous examples of urban infills in which the corner is not emphasized. That gives the impression that there are certain motifs or circumstances due to which the corner is accented or unaccented. The focus of the paper is not on the formal aspects of the corner articulation, but on analyzing the causes of the appearance of the corner motif. In the paper, characteristic examples of corner houses are considered through scientific analysis, and then the regularities are explored. The motifs that influence the emphasis of the angle in the interpolated building’s composition were ascertained by the method of generalization. The aim of the research was to re-examine the position according to which the corner theme in urban infills is justified in situations when the house fits into the immediate urban environment of cultural-historical or architectural significance. On the other hand, if the house is connected to surrounding buildings of lower quality or significance, the theme of the corner loses its meaning, because the whole house becomes a new city reference point, therefore emphasizing that the corner is superfluous
PB  - Београд : Институт за архитектуру и урбанизам Србије
T2  - Архитектура и урбанизам
T1  - Мотиви за истицање угла у карактеризацији угаоних интерполација
T1  - Motifs for Emphasizing Corners in the Characterization of Corner Infill Buildings
IS  - 53
SP  - 74
EP  - 88
DO  - 10.5937/a-u0-33187
ER  - 
author = "Алфиревић, Ђорђе and Симоновић Алфиревић, Сања",
year = "2021",
abstract = "Предмет истраживања су угаоне интерполације у урбаном окружењу. Термин „угаона интерполација” означава архитектонски објекат (кућу или зграду) који довршава континуитет два низа архитектонских објеката који се сусрећу под углом. Један од најзначајнијих елемената у артикулацији угаоне куће је зона контакта две спољне фасаде, на чијем сусрету се под извесним околностима може формирати тзв. „тема угла”. Тема угла у архитектури подразумева место које је у односу на суседне фасадне равни или волуметрију објекта у извесном смислу наглашено. Иако је принцип акцентовања угла у архитектури присутан код већине угаоних кућа, постоје бројни примери интерполација код којих угао није наглашен, из чега се стиче утисак да постоје одређени мотиви или околности због којих се угао истиче или не истиче. Teжиште рада није на формалним аспектима артикулације угла, већ на анализирању узрока појаве угаоног мотива. У раду су путем научне анализе разматрани карактеристични примери кућа на углу, да би затим биле истражене законитости и методом генерализације констатовани мотиви који утичу на истицање угла у композицији интерполисане грађевине. Циљ истраживања је да се преиспита становиште по коме је тема угла на угаоној интерполацији оправдана у ситуацијама када се кућа уклапа у непосредно урбано окружење које је од културно-историјског или архитектонског значаја, док, уколико се кућа надовезује на околне зграде нижег квалитета или значаја, тема угла губи смисао, јер читава кућа постаје нови градски репер, те је самим тим истицање угла сувишно., The subject of the paper is corner infills in the urban environment. The term “corner infill” means an architectural object (house or building) that completes the continuity of two sequences of architectural objects that meet at an angle. One of the most important elements in the articulation of a corner house is the contact zone between the two external facades. Under certain circumstances, the so-called “corner theme” can become their meeting point. The corner theme in architecture implies a place that is emphasized in relation to the adjacent facade planes or the volumetry of the building. Although the principle of corner accentuation in architecture is present in most corner houses, there are numerous examples of urban infills in which the corner is not emphasized. That gives the impression that there are certain motifs or circumstances due to which the corner is accented or unaccented. The focus of the paper is not on the formal aspects of the corner articulation, but on analyzing the causes of the appearance of the corner motif. In the paper, characteristic examples of corner houses are considered through scientific analysis, and then the regularities are explored. The motifs that influence the emphasis of the angle in the interpolated building’s composition were ascertained by the method of generalization. The aim of the research was to re-examine the position according to which the corner theme in urban infills is justified in situations when the house fits into the immediate urban environment of cultural-historical or architectural significance. On the other hand, if the house is connected to surrounding buildings of lower quality or significance, the theme of the corner loses its meaning, because the whole house becomes a new city reference point, therefore emphasizing that the corner is superfluous",
publisher = "Београд : Институт за архитектуру и урбанизам Србије",
journal = "Архитектура и урбанизам",
title = "Мотиви за истицање угла у карактеризацији угаоних интерполација, Motifs for Emphasizing Corners in the Characterization of Corner Infill Buildings",
number = "53",
pages = "74-88",
doi = "10.5937/a-u0-33187"
Алфиревић, Ђ.,& Симоновић Алфиревић, С.. (2021). Мотиви за истицање угла у карактеризацији угаоних интерполација. in Архитектура и урбанизам
Београд : Институт за архитектуру и урбанизам Србије.(53), 74-88.
Алфиревић Ђ, Симоновић Алфиревић С. Мотиви за истицање угла у карактеризацији угаоних интерполација. in Архитектура и урбанизам. 2021;(53):74-88.
doi:10.5937/a-u0-33187 .
Алфиревић, Ђорђе, Симоновић Алфиревић, Сања, "Мотиви за истицање угла у карактеризацији угаоних интерполација" in Архитектура и урбанизам, no. 53 (2021):74-88, . .

Savremeni stan u Beogradu

Alfirević, Đorđe; Simonović Alfirević, Sanja

(Belgrade : Balkan Architectural Biennale, 2021)


Alfirević, Đ.,& Simonović Alfirević, S.. (2021). Savremeni stan u Beogradu. in Balcan Architectural Biennale - BAB Exhibition Catalogue
Belgrade : Balkan Architectural Biennale., 118-118.
Alfirević Đ, Simonović Alfirević S. Savremeni stan u Beogradu. in Balcan Architectural Biennale - BAB Exhibition Catalogue. 2021;:118-118. .
Alfirević, Đorđe, Simonović Alfirević, Sanja, "Savremeni stan u Beogradu" in Balcan Architectural Biennale - BAB Exhibition Catalogue (2021):118-118, .

Interior in Context: Principles of Interior and Exterior Integration

Simonović Alfirević, Sanja; Alfirević, Đorđe

(Belgrade : Faculty of Applied Arts, University of Arts in Belgrade, Serbia, 2021)

AU  - Simonović Alfirević, Sanja
AU  - Alfirević, Đorđe
PY  - 2021
UR  -
AB  - The subject of this research includes design principles through which the integration of interior and exterior can be achieved. The principles are grouped according to the role they play in achieving the relationship between outer and inner space. Two directions of possible interactions are considered: a) the influence of the interior on the exterior and b) the influence of the exterior on the interior.
The structure of design principles is conceived by applying the deductive method and is derived from the basic motives that most often cause interactions between the interior space and the environment. The analysis of characteristic motives, which are mainly a consequence of the extroverted or introverted nature of the user, the desire for intimacy or presenting material status, etc., formulates design principles that provide an answer to the needs for integration of interior and exterior. The principles are clearly presented using characteristic examples of modern concepts of spatial organization and interior design. 
The main goal of the research is to determine a methodical structure of creative principles, which enable the integration of interior and exterior, and supporting that relation at the same time, but also to check the stance that the architect's shaping of the user's desire to perceive the immediate environment is sufficient for the basic connection of external and internal space. In addition, it is important to emphasize that for higher levels of the mentioned integration, it is necessary for the user to see, but also to be seen, i.e. that there is a mutual interest in the interaction of both the user of the interior space and the observer who experiences the interior from the environment.
The results of the research indicate, first of all, the existence of a larger number of creative principles by means of which it is possible to connect the interior space with the immediate environment. On the other hand, the paper states a close cause-and-effect relationship of motives, which arise from the specific users’ needs and the architect’s competence to recognize the wishes of users and articulate them in a contextual visual expression.
PB  - Belgrade : Faculty of Applied Arts, University of Arts in Belgrade, Serbia
C3  - SmartArt Book of Abstracts, Second International Conference of the Faculty of Applied Arts in Belgrade, SmartArt – “Art and Science Applied: Experience and Vision”
T1  - Interior in Context: Principles of Interior and Exterior Integration
SP  - 78
EP  - 78
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Simonović Alfirević, Sanja and Alfirević, Đorđe",
year = "2021",
abstract = "The subject of this research includes design principles through which the integration of interior and exterior can be achieved. The principles are grouped according to the role they play in achieving the relationship between outer and inner space. Two directions of possible interactions are considered: a) the influence of the interior on the exterior and b) the influence of the exterior on the interior.
The structure of design principles is conceived by applying the deductive method and is derived from the basic motives that most often cause interactions between the interior space and the environment. The analysis of characteristic motives, which are mainly a consequence of the extroverted or introverted nature of the user, the desire for intimacy or presenting material status, etc., formulates design principles that provide an answer to the needs for integration of interior and exterior. The principles are clearly presented using characteristic examples of modern concepts of spatial organization and interior design. 
The main goal of the research is to determine a methodical structure of creative principles, which enable the integration of interior and exterior, and supporting that relation at the same time, but also to check the stance that the architect's shaping of the user's desire to perceive the immediate environment is sufficient for the basic connection of external and internal space. In addition, it is important to emphasize that for higher levels of the mentioned integration, it is necessary for the user to see, but also to be seen, i.e. that there is a mutual interest in the interaction of both the user of the interior space and the observer who experiences the interior from the environment.
The results of the research indicate, first of all, the existence of a larger number of creative principles by means of which it is possible to connect the interior space with the immediate environment. On the other hand, the paper states a close cause-and-effect relationship of motives, which arise from the specific users’ needs and the architect’s competence to recognize the wishes of users and articulate them in a contextual visual expression.",
publisher = "Belgrade : Faculty of Applied Arts, University of Arts in Belgrade, Serbia",
journal = "SmartArt Book of Abstracts, Second International Conference of the Faculty of Applied Arts in Belgrade, SmartArt – “Art and Science Applied: Experience and Vision”",
title = "Interior in Context: Principles of Interior and Exterior Integration",
pages = "78-78",
url = ""
Simonović Alfirević, S.,& Alfirević, Đ.. (2021). Interior in Context: Principles of Interior and Exterior Integration. in SmartArt Book of Abstracts, Second International Conference of the Faculty of Applied Arts in Belgrade, SmartArt – “Art and Science Applied: Experience and Vision”
Belgrade : Faculty of Applied Arts, University of Arts in Belgrade, Serbia., 78-78.
Simonović Alfirević S, Alfirević Đ. Interior in Context: Principles of Interior and Exterior Integration. in SmartArt Book of Abstracts, Second International Conference of the Faculty of Applied Arts in Belgrade, SmartArt – “Art and Science Applied: Experience and Vision”. 2021;:78-78. .
Simonović Alfirević, Sanja, Alfirević, Đorđe, "Interior in Context: Principles of Interior and Exterior Integration" in SmartArt Book of Abstracts, Second International Conference of the Faculty of Applied Arts in Belgrade, SmartArt – “Art and Science Applied: Experience and Vision” (2021):78-78, .

Curtain Wall House, ентеријер стана 2019.

Алфиревић, Ђорђе; Симоновић Алфиревић, Сања

(Београд : УЛУПУДС, 2020)


Алфиревић, Ђ.,& Симоновић Алфиревић, С.. (2020). Curtain Wall House, ентеријер стана 2019.. in Каталог изложбе: 52. мајска изложба УЛУПУДС-а, Биоскоп Балкан, 15-30. октобар 2020.
Београд : УЛУПУДС., 10-10.
Алфиревић Ђ, Симоновић Алфиревић С. Curtain Wall House, ентеријер стана 2019.. in Каталог изложбе: 52. мајска изложба УЛУПУДС-а, Биоскоп Балкан, 15-30. октобар 2020.. 2020;:10-10. .
Алфиревић, Ђорђе, Симоновић Алфиревић, Сања, "Curtain Wall House, ентеријер стана 2019." in Каталог изложбе: 52. мајска изложба УЛУПУДС-а, Биоскоп Балкан, 15-30. октобар 2020. (2020):10-10, .

Параметри просторног комфора у архитектури

Алфиревић, Ђорђе; Симоновић Алфиревић, Сања

(Београд : Институт за архитектуру и урбанизам Србије, 2020)

AU  - Алфиревић, Ђорђе
AU  - Симоновић Алфиревић, Сања
PY  - 2020
UR  -
AB  - Перцепција реалности се доживљава путем чула, од којих свако у извесној мери доприноси формирању представе о осећају комфора. Када је у питању доживљај простора и просторности, најдоминантнији су визуелни и тактилни утицаји, чије информације надјачавају остала чула. У науци је опште прихваћено мишљење да постоји неколико основних категорија комфора – визуелни, термички, аудиторни (звучни), олфакторни (мирисни) и хигијенски комфор. За разлику од претходно поменутих термина, просторни комфор није јасно дефинисан, иако је један од кључних термина када се говори о људским потребама и функционалности простора у архитектури. Поред широке примене у пракси и чињенице да још увек не постоји јасно одређење овог термина у науци, његова примена се подразумева као еквивалент угодности простора. У истраживању су анализирани и систематизовани најзначајнији параметри чија примена пружа могућност за постизање просторног комфора, што не значи да ће просторни комфор бити постигнут јер у великој мери зависи од индивидуалне перцепције корисника простора. У циљу појашњења термина просторни комфор и формулисања његове прецизне дефиниције, основни допринос рада је анализа параметара путем којих се може постићи просторни комфор, као и преиспитивање тезе да просторни комфор чини осећај пријатности и задовољства који проистиче из физичких, визуелних и тактилних квалитета простора.
AB  - The perception of reality is experienced through the senses, 
where each sense contributes to the way we form our picture 
of the feeling of comfort. When it comes to the perception of 
space and spatiality, the most dominant are visual and tactile 
influences, providing the information that outbalance other 
senses. A widely accepted opinion in science is that there are 
several main categories of comfort – visual, thermic, auditory, 
olfactory and hygienic. In contrast to previously mentioned 
terms, spatial comfort has not been clearly defined, even 
though it is one of the key terms when discussing human 
needs and functionality of space in architecture. Along with 
being widely used in practice and the fact that a clear scientific 
determination of this term is still lacking, its use is understood 
as the equivalent of comfort of a certain space. Our paper 
analyzed and systematized most significant parameters that 
can be applied to enable achievement of spatial comfort, which 
does not necessarily mean that such a spatial comfort will in fact 
be achieved, as this depends largely on individual perception 
of a space user. Aiming to clarify the term spatial comfort and 
determine its precise definition, the main contribution of this 
paper is the analysis of parameters that can contribute to spatial 
comfort, as well as reexamination of the thesis that spatial 
comfort includes the feeling of coziness and content resulting 
from physical, visual and tactile qualities of a certain space.
PB  - Београд : Институт за архитектуру и урбанизам Србије
T2  - Архитектура и урбанизам
T1  - Параметри просторног комфора у архитектури
T1  - Parameters of  spatial comfort in architecture
IS  - 51
SP  - 33
EP  - 45
DO  - 10.5937/a-u0-26940
ER  - 
author = "Алфиревић, Ђорђе and Симоновић Алфиревић, Сања",
year = "2020",
abstract = "Перцепција реалности се доживљава путем чула, од којих свако у извесној мери доприноси формирању представе о осећају комфора. Када је у питању доживљај простора и просторности, најдоминантнији су визуелни и тактилни утицаји, чије информације надјачавају остала чула. У науци је опште прихваћено мишљење да постоји неколико основних категорија комфора – визуелни, термички, аудиторни (звучни), олфакторни (мирисни) и хигијенски комфор. За разлику од претходно поменутих термина, просторни комфор није јасно дефинисан, иако је један од кључних термина када се говори о људским потребама и функционалности простора у архитектури. Поред широке примене у пракси и чињенице да још увек не постоји јасно одређење овог термина у науци, његова примена се подразумева као еквивалент угодности простора. У истраживању су анализирани и систематизовани најзначајнији параметри чија примена пружа могућност за постизање просторног комфора, што не значи да ће просторни комфор бити постигнут јер у великој мери зависи од индивидуалне перцепције корисника простора. У циљу појашњења термина просторни комфор и формулисања његове прецизне дефиниције, основни допринос рада је анализа параметара путем којих се може постићи просторни комфор, као и преиспитивање тезе да просторни комфор чини осећај пријатности и задовољства који проистиче из физичких, визуелних и тактилних квалитета простора., The perception of reality is experienced through the senses, 
where each sense contributes to the way we form our picture 
of the feeling of comfort. When it comes to the perception of 
space and spatiality, the most dominant are visual and tactile 
influences, providing the information that outbalance other 
senses. A widely accepted opinion in science is that there are 
several main categories of comfort – visual, thermic, auditory, 
olfactory and hygienic. In contrast to previously mentioned 
terms, spatial comfort has not been clearly defined, even 
though it is one of the key terms when discussing human 
needs and functionality of space in architecture. Along with 
being widely used in practice and the fact that a clear scientific 
determination of this term is still lacking, its use is understood 
as the equivalent of comfort of a certain space. Our paper 
analyzed and systematized most significant parameters that 
can be applied to enable achievement of spatial comfort, which 
does not necessarily mean that such a spatial comfort will in fact 
be achieved, as this depends largely on individual perception 
of a space user. Aiming to clarify the term spatial comfort and 
determine its precise definition, the main contribution of this 
paper is the analysis of parameters that can contribute to spatial 
comfort, as well as reexamination of the thesis that spatial 
comfort includes the feeling of coziness and content resulting 
from physical, visual and tactile qualities of a certain space.",
publisher = "Београд : Институт за архитектуру и урбанизам Србије",
journal = "Архитектура и урбанизам",
title = "Параметри просторног комфора у архитектури, Parameters of  spatial comfort in architecture",
number = "51",
pages = "33-45",
doi = "10.5937/a-u0-26940"
Алфиревић, Ђ.,& Симоновић Алфиревић, С.. (2020). Параметри просторног комфора у архитектури. in Архитектура и урбанизам
Београд : Институт за архитектуру и урбанизам Србије.(51), 33-45.
Алфиревић Ђ, Симоновић Алфиревић С. Параметри просторног комфора у архитектури. in Архитектура и урбанизам. 2020;(51):33-45.
doi:10.5937/a-u0-26940 .
Алфиревић, Ђорђе, Симоновић Алфиревић, Сања, "Параметри просторног комфора у архитектури" in Архитектура и урбанизам, no. 51 (2020):33-45, . .

Achieving use value of a living space

Alfirević, Đorđe; Simonović Alfirević, Sanja

(Institute of Architecture and Urban & Spatial Planning of Serbia, 2020)

AU  - Alfirević, Đorđe
AU  - Simonović Alfirević, Sanja
PY  - 2020
UR  -
AB  - Use value is one of the key terms related to architectural functionality. The term itself denotes the level of usefulness of a living space for its user, i.e., to what extent the space can meet specific human needs. The paper analyzes the relations between characteristic human needs and the possibilities for their fulfillment in a living space. Various studies examining different aspects of use value have often identified it with the quality of a living space. This is why one of the main aims of this paper is to reexamine the thesis claiming that use value is just one part which defines the quality of a living space and that these two terms are not equivalents. On the other hand, the paper presents a systematization of cause-and-effect relations between human needs and the basic principles and parameters for achieving use value within a living space. Although the term has not lost its importance since it was first used, the criteria for achieving a higher level of use value of a living space have not been sufficiently researched. Along with a comparative analysis of the terms value, use value and the quality of a living space, as well as an examination of the characteristic human needs present in each living space and ways of meeting them, the key contribution of the paper lies in defining the principles for achieving use value.
PB  - Institute of Architecture and Urban & Spatial Planning of Serbia
T2  - Spatium
T1  - Achieving use value of a living space
IS  - 44
SP  - 22
EP  - 28
DO  - 10.2298/SPAT2044022A
ER  - 
author = "Alfirević, Đorđe and Simonović Alfirević, Sanja",
year = "2020",
abstract = "Use value is one of the key terms related to architectural functionality. The term itself denotes the level of usefulness of a living space for its user, i.e., to what extent the space can meet specific human needs. The paper analyzes the relations between characteristic human needs and the possibilities for their fulfillment in a living space. Various studies examining different aspects of use value have often identified it with the quality of a living space. This is why one of the main aims of this paper is to reexamine the thesis claiming that use value is just one part which defines the quality of a living space and that these two terms are not equivalents. On the other hand, the paper presents a systematization of cause-and-effect relations between human needs and the basic principles and parameters for achieving use value within a living space. Although the term has not lost its importance since it was first used, the criteria for achieving a higher level of use value of a living space have not been sufficiently researched. Along with a comparative analysis of the terms value, use value and the quality of a living space, as well as an examination of the characteristic human needs present in each living space and ways of meeting them, the key contribution of the paper lies in defining the principles for achieving use value.",
publisher = "Institute of Architecture and Urban & Spatial Planning of Serbia",
journal = "Spatium",
title = "Achieving use value of a living space",
number = "44",
pages = "22-28",
doi = "10.2298/SPAT2044022A"
Alfirević, Đ.,& Simonović Alfirević, S.. (2020). Achieving use value of a living space. in Spatium
Institute of Architecture and Urban & Spatial Planning of Serbia.(44), 22-28.
Alfirević Đ, Simonović Alfirević S. Achieving use value of a living space. in Spatium. 2020;(44):22-28.
doi:10.2298/SPAT2044022A .
Alfirević, Đorđe, Simonović Alfirević, Sanja, "Achieving use value of a living space" in Spatium, no. 44 (2020):22-28, . .

Улога територијалности у просторној организацији coliving заједнице

Alfirević, Đorđe; Simonović Alfirević, Sanja

(Београд : Институт за архитектуру и урбанизам Србије, 2020)

AU  - Alfirević, Đorđe
AU  - Simonović Alfirević, Sanja
PY  - 2020
UR  -
AB  - Проблем истраживања је просторна организација coliving концепта становања и улога територијалности у њиховом типолошком одређењу. Досадашња истраживања coliving концепата нису резултирала њиховом јасном систематизацијом. Компаративном анализом карактеристичних примера може се констатовати да су у пракси заступљене све могуће релације између основних функционалних група (заједничких, дељених и индивидуалних простора), које међусобним повезивањем генеришу различите типове coliving концепата. Основна теза рада је да примарни параметар из кога проистичу различити концепти коегзистенције у дељеном простору чини „доживљај територијалности”, тј. ниво толеранције корисника и спремност за дељење истих простора и садржаја са непознатим особама. Основни допринос рада је дефинисање шест карактеристичних типова coliving заједница. Значај овог рада се огледа, не само у иницирању могућности даљих теоријских истраживања у области становања, већ и у његовој практичној примењивости у просторној и функционалној организацији coliving и cohousing простора. Приказани концепти и класификација могу да послуже и као основ за дефинисање нових програма и пројектовање coliving објеката
AB  - The issue that the research focuses on is spatial organization of
the coliving housing concept and the role that territoriality plays
in their typological determination. Past research of co-living
concept did not result in a clear systematization of the concept.
By comparative analyses of characteristic examples it can be
confirmed that in practice, a wide variety of relations between
the main functional groups is present (common, shared and
individual spaces) and that through links between all of them,
different types of the coliving concept are generated. The main
thesis of this paper is that the primary parameter, serving as
the base of different concepts of coexisting in a shared space,
is the “experience of territoriality” i.e. the level of tolerance that
space users have in their readiness to share the same space and
content with unknown individuals. The main contribution of the
paper lies in determination of six characteristic types of coliving
communities. The importance of this paper is reinforced not only
by the fact that it initiates the possibility of further theoretical
research in the housing sphere, but also in its practical usage
in spatial and functional organisation of coliving and cohousing
spaces. The presented concepts and classifications can serve as
the basis for the definition of new programmes and the design
of coliving objects.
PB  - Београд : Институт за архитектуру и урбанизам Србије
T2  - Архитектура и урбанизам
T1  - Улога територијалности у просторној организацији coliving заједнице
T1  - Significance of territoriality in spatial organization of coliving communities
IS  - 50
SP  - 7
EP  - 19
DO  - 10.5937/a-u0-25785
ER  - 
author = "Alfirević, Đorđe and Simonović Alfirević, Sanja",
year = "2020",
abstract = "Проблем истраживања је просторна организација coliving концепта становања и улога територијалности у њиховом типолошком одређењу. Досадашња истраживања coliving концепата нису резултирала њиховом јасном систематизацијом. Компаративном анализом карактеристичних примера може се констатовати да су у пракси заступљене све могуће релације између основних функционалних група (заједничких, дељених и индивидуалних простора), које међусобним повезивањем генеришу различите типове coliving концепата. Основна теза рада је да примарни параметар из кога проистичу различити концепти коегзистенције у дељеном простору чини „доживљај територијалности”, тј. ниво толеранције корисника и спремност за дељење истих простора и садржаја са непознатим особама. Основни допринос рада је дефинисање шест карактеристичних типова coliving заједница. Значај овог рада се огледа, не само у иницирању могућности даљих теоријских истраживања у области становања, већ и у његовој практичној примењивости у просторној и функционалној организацији coliving и cohousing простора. Приказани концепти и класификација могу да послуже и као основ за дефинисање нових програма и пројектовање coliving објеката, The issue that the research focuses on is spatial organization of
the coliving housing concept and the role that territoriality plays
in their typological determination. Past research of co-living
concept did not result in a clear systematization of the concept.
By comparative analyses of characteristic examples it can be
confirmed that in practice, a wide variety of relations between
the main functional groups is present (common, shared and
individual spaces) and that through links between all of them,
different types of the coliving concept are generated. The main
thesis of this paper is that the primary parameter, serving as
the base of different concepts of coexisting in a shared space,
is the “experience of territoriality” i.e. the level of tolerance that
space users have in their readiness to share the same space and
content with unknown individuals. The main contribution of the
paper lies in determination of six characteristic types of coliving
communities. The importance of this paper is reinforced not only
by the fact that it initiates the possibility of further theoretical
research in the housing sphere, but also in its practical usage
in spatial and functional organisation of coliving and cohousing
spaces. The presented concepts and classifications can serve as
the basis for the definition of new programmes and the design
of coliving objects.",
publisher = "Београд : Институт за архитектуру и урбанизам Србије",
journal = "Архитектура и урбанизам",
title = "Улога територијалности у просторној организацији coliving заједнице, Significance of territoriality in spatial organization of coliving communities",
number = "50",
pages = "7-19",
doi = "10.5937/a-u0-25785"
Alfirević, Đ.,& Simonović Alfirević, S.. (2020). Улога територијалности у просторној организацији coliving заједнице. in Архитектура и урбанизам
Београд : Институт за архитектуру и урбанизам Србије.(50), 7-19.
Alfirević Đ, Simonović Alfirević S. Улога територијалности у просторној организацији coliving заједнице. in Архитектура и урбанизам. 2020;(50):7-19.
doi:10.5937/a-u0-25785 .
Alfirević, Đorđe, Simonović Alfirević, Sanja, "Улога територијалности у просторној организацији coliving заједнице" in Архитектура и урбанизам, no. 50 (2020):7-19, . .

Design Principles for Achieving Interior Spatiality

Alfirević, Đorđe; Simonović Alfirević, Sanja

(Belgrade : Faculty of Applied Arts, University of Arts in Belgrade, Serbia, 2019)

AU  - Alfirević, Đorđe
AU  - Simonović Alfirević, Sanja
PY  - 2019
UR  -
AB  - Achieving spatiality is one of the essential topics in designing the ambience in which a certain
visual effect can be carried out or a higher level of spatial comfort obtained. The methods
relied on to achieve this are various: from shaping the physical boundaries of space by
use of open plan, flexibility, enfilade or circular connection, partial, directed or complete
opening of space towards its surroundings, up to application of some of the optical illusions
that redefine the experience of space boundaries. Depending on the method used,
spatial contours can be clearly defined or more or less obvious, or a space can be formed,
which does not reveal all its qualities through static observation, inviting the viewers to pass
through it in order to fully perceive it. If there is a lack of physical possibilities, and also as
an addition to previous methods, it is also possible to change the perceptive image of the
space through virtual build-up with the help of some of the optical illusions.
The aim of this paper is systematization and critical examination of basic designers’
principles which, in the domain of organization, shaping or materialization of the interior,
achieve a higher level of spatiality.
PB  - Belgrade : Faculty of Applied Arts, University of Arts in Belgrade, Serbia
C3  - Book of Abstracts from the First International Conference SmartArt - Art and Science Applied
T1  - Design Principles for Achieving Interior Spatiality
SP  - 18
EP  - 18
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Alfirević, Đorđe and Simonović Alfirević, Sanja",
year = "2019",
abstract = "Achieving spatiality is one of the essential topics in designing the ambience in which a certain
visual effect can be carried out or a higher level of spatial comfort obtained. The methods
relied on to achieve this are various: from shaping the physical boundaries of space by
use of open plan, flexibility, enfilade or circular connection, partial, directed or complete
opening of space towards its surroundings, up to application of some of the optical illusions
that redefine the experience of space boundaries. Depending on the method used,
spatial contours can be clearly defined or more or less obvious, or a space can be formed,
which does not reveal all its qualities through static observation, inviting the viewers to pass
through it in order to fully perceive it. If there is a lack of physical possibilities, and also as
an addition to previous methods, it is also possible to change the perceptive image of the
space through virtual build-up with the help of some of the optical illusions.
The aim of this paper is systematization and critical examination of basic designers’
principles which, in the domain of organization, shaping or materialization of the interior,
achieve a higher level of spatiality.",
publisher = "Belgrade : Faculty of Applied Arts, University of Arts in Belgrade, Serbia",
journal = "Book of Abstracts from the First International Conference SmartArt - Art and Science Applied",
title = "Design Principles for Achieving Interior Spatiality",
pages = "18-18",
url = ""
Alfirević, Đ.,& Simonović Alfirević, S.. (2019). Design Principles for Achieving Interior Spatiality. in Book of Abstracts from the First International Conference SmartArt - Art and Science Applied
Belgrade : Faculty of Applied Arts, University of Arts in Belgrade, Serbia., 18-18.
Alfirević Đ, Simonović Alfirević S. Design Principles for Achieving Interior Spatiality. in Book of Abstracts from the First International Conference SmartArt - Art and Science Applied. 2019;:18-18. .
Alfirević, Đorđe, Simonović Alfirević, Sanja, "Design Principles for Achieving Interior Spatiality" in Book of Abstracts from the First International Conference SmartArt - Art and Science Applied (2019):18-18, .

Design Principles for Achieving Interior Spatiality

Alfirević, Đorđe; Simonović Alfirević, Sanja

(Belgrade : Faculty of Applied Arts, University of Arts in Belgrade, Serbia, 2019)

AU  - Alfirević, Đorđe
AU  - Simonović Alfirević, Sanja
PY  - 2019
UR  -
AB  - Achieving spatiality is one of the essential topics in designing the ambience in which a certain visual effect can be carried out or a higher level of spatial comfort obtained. The methods relied on to achieve this are various: from shaping the physical boundaries of space by use of open plan, flexibility, enfilade or circular connection, partial, directed or complete opening of space towards its surroundings, up to application of some of the optical illusions that redefine the experience of space boundaries. Depending on the method used, spatial contours can be clearly defined or more or less obvious, or a space can be formed, which does not reveal all its qualities through static observation, inviting the viewers to pass through it in order to fully perceive it. If there is a lack of physical possibilities, and also as an addition to previous methods, it is also possible to change the perceptive image of the space through virtual build-up with the help of some of the optical illusions.
The aim of this paper is systematization and critical examination of basic designers’ principles which, in the domain of organization, shaping or materialization of the interior, achieve a higher level of spatiality.
AB  - Постизање просторности је једна од есенцијалних тема када је у питању пројектовање амбијента у коме се жели постићи одређени визуелни ефекат, или остварити виши ниво просторног комфора. Методе којима се то постиже могу бити различите: од уобличавања физичких граница простора применом отвореног плана, флексибилности, анфиладе или кружне везе, делимичног, усмереног или потпуног отварања простора према окружењу, па све до примене неке од оптичких илузија којима се редефинише доживљај граница простора. У зависности од примењеног метода, просторне контуре могу бити јасно одређене и мање или више очигледне, или се може формирати простор који не открива све квалитете приликом статичног посматрања, већ је неопходно проћи кроз њега да би се сагледао. У одсуству физичких могућности, али и као допуну претходних приступа, могуће је изменити перцептивну слику простора виртуелном доградњом помоћу неке од оптичких илузија. Постоје различити приступи којима се може утицати на визуелну перцепцију посматрача и формирање представе о границама простора. Циљ рада је да се размотре и систематизују основни пројектантски принципи којима се у ентеријеру може постићи виши ниво просторности. У анализи су размотрени карактеристични примери, код којих је примењен бар један од пројектантских принципа (отворени план, флексибилност простора, анфилада или кружна веза) којима се у физичком смислу конфигуришу границе простора, као и различити приступи којима се може утицати на перцепцију посматрача и формирање виртуелне представе о границама простора, као што су примена боје, светла или огледала у ентеријеру.
PB  - Belgrade : Faculty of Applied Arts, University of Arts in Belgrade, Serbia
C3  - Procedings from 1st International conference „SmartArt – Art and Science Applied: “From Inspiration to Interaction””
T1  - Design Principles for Achieving Interior Spatiality
T1  - Пројектантски принципи за постизање просторности у ентеријеру
SP  - 140
EP  - 150
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Alfirević, Đorđe and Simonović Alfirević, Sanja",
year = "2019",
abstract = "Achieving spatiality is one of the essential topics in designing the ambience in which a certain visual effect can be carried out or a higher level of spatial comfort obtained. The methods relied on to achieve this are various: from shaping the physical boundaries of space by use of open plan, flexibility, enfilade or circular connection, partial, directed or complete opening of space towards its surroundings, up to application of some of the optical illusions that redefine the experience of space boundaries. Depending on the method used, spatial contours can be clearly defined or more or less obvious, or a space can be formed, which does not reveal all its qualities through static observation, inviting the viewers to pass through it in order to fully perceive it. If there is a lack of physical possibilities, and also as an addition to previous methods, it is also possible to change the perceptive image of the space through virtual build-up with the help of some of the optical illusions.
The aim of this paper is systematization and critical examination of basic designers’ principles which, in the domain of organization, shaping or materialization of the interior, achieve a higher level of spatiality., Постизање просторности је једна од есенцијалних тема када је у питању пројектовање амбијента у коме се жели постићи одређени визуелни ефекат, или остварити виши ниво просторног комфора. Методе којима се то постиже могу бити различите: од уобличавања физичких граница простора применом отвореног плана, флексибилности, анфиладе или кружне везе, делимичног, усмереног или потпуног отварања простора према окружењу, па све до примене неке од оптичких илузија којима се редефинише доживљај граница простора. У зависности од примењеног метода, просторне контуре могу бити јасно одређене и мање или више очигледне, или се може формирати простор који не открива све квалитете приликом статичног посматрања, већ је неопходно проћи кроз њега да би се сагледао. У одсуству физичких могућности, али и као допуну претходних приступа, могуће је изменити перцептивну слику простора виртуелном доградњом помоћу неке од оптичких илузија. Постоје различити приступи којима се може утицати на визуелну перцепцију посматрача и формирање представе о границама простора. Циљ рада је да се размотре и систематизују основни пројектантски принципи којима се у ентеријеру може постићи виши ниво просторности. У анализи су размотрени карактеристични примери, код којих је примењен бар један од пројектантских принципа (отворени план, флексибилност простора, анфилада или кружна веза) којима се у физичком смислу конфигуришу границе простора, као и различити приступи којима се може утицати на перцепцију посматрача и формирање виртуелне представе о границама простора, као што су примена боје, светла или огледала у ентеријеру.",
publisher = "Belgrade : Faculty of Applied Arts, University of Arts in Belgrade, Serbia",
journal = "Procedings from 1st International conference „SmartArt – Art and Science Applied: “From Inspiration to Interaction””",
title = "Design Principles for Achieving Interior Spatiality, Пројектантски принципи за постизање просторности у ентеријеру",
pages = "140-150",
url = ""
Alfirević, Đ.,& Simonović Alfirević, S.. (2019). Design Principles for Achieving Interior Spatiality. in Procedings from 1st International conference „SmartArt – Art and Science Applied: “From Inspiration to Interaction””
Belgrade : Faculty of Applied Arts, University of Arts in Belgrade, Serbia., 140-150.
Alfirević Đ, Simonović Alfirević S. Design Principles for Achieving Interior Spatiality. in Procedings from 1st International conference „SmartArt – Art and Science Applied: “From Inspiration to Interaction””. 2019;:140-150. .
Alfirević, Đorđe, Simonović Alfirević, Sanja, "Design Principles for Achieving Interior Spatiality" in Procedings from 1st International conference „SmartArt – Art and Science Applied: “From Inspiration to Interaction”” (2019):140-150, .

Spatial Organisation Concept of Two-Entrance Apartment

Alfirević, Đorđe; Simonović Alfirević, Sanja

(Niš : University of Niš, 2019)

AU  - Alfirević, Đorđe
AU  - Simonović Alfirević, Sanja
PY  - 2019
UR  -
AB  - The location of the entrance and its relation to the main functional apartment groups in multi-storey, multi-family buildings, is to a great extent determined by the organizational concept of the apartment. The apartments with auxiliary entrances are less present in practice, majority of apartments fit the spatial frame of the building itself. The apartments can border with the next apartment on the same floor, be oriented towards one or more facades, but what is of key importance in determining the number of apartment entrances and their positioning is the size of contact zone between the apartment and common communication areas, as well as the configuration of the apartment. The aims of this paper include the analysis of the main positions of the entrance and the concepts of apartment organization that they determine, analysis of characteristic concepts of two-entrance apartments in multi-storey, multi-family buildings and re-examination of the relation between the introduction of the additional entrance and the necessity of having constant or occasional segregation of certain activities in them
PB  - Niš : University of Niš
T2  - Facta Universitatis: Architecture and Civil Engineering
T1  - Spatial Organisation Concept of Two-Entrance Apartment
VL  - 17
IS  - 3
SP  - 327
EP  - 340
DO  - 10.2298/FUACE190523019A
ER  - 
author = "Alfirević, Đorđe and Simonović Alfirević, Sanja",
year = "2019",
abstract = "The location of the entrance and its relation to the main functional apartment groups in multi-storey, multi-family buildings, is to a great extent determined by the organizational concept of the apartment. The apartments with auxiliary entrances are less present in practice, majority of apartments fit the spatial frame of the building itself. The apartments can border with the next apartment on the same floor, be oriented towards one or more facades, but what is of key importance in determining the number of apartment entrances and their positioning is the size of contact zone between the apartment and common communication areas, as well as the configuration of the apartment. The aims of this paper include the analysis of the main positions of the entrance and the concepts of apartment organization that they determine, analysis of characteristic concepts of two-entrance apartments in multi-storey, multi-family buildings and re-examination of the relation between the introduction of the additional entrance and the necessity of having constant or occasional segregation of certain activities in them",
publisher = "Niš : University of Niš",
journal = "Facta Universitatis: Architecture and Civil Engineering",
title = "Spatial Organisation Concept of Two-Entrance Apartment",
volume = "17",
number = "3",
pages = "327-340",
doi = "10.2298/FUACE190523019A"
Alfirević, Đ.,& Simonović Alfirević, S.. (2019). Spatial Organisation Concept of Two-Entrance Apartment. in Facta Universitatis: Architecture and Civil Engineering
Niš : University of Niš., 17(3), 327-340.
Alfirević Đ, Simonović Alfirević S. Spatial Organisation Concept of Two-Entrance Apartment. in Facta Universitatis: Architecture and Civil Engineering. 2019;17(3):327-340.
doi:10.2298/FUACE190523019A .
Alfirević, Đorđe, Simonović Alfirević, Sanja, "Spatial Organisation Concept of Two-Entrance Apartment" in Facta Universitatis: Architecture and Civil Engineering, 17, no. 3 (2019):327-340, . .

Пројектантски принципи за постизање просторности у стамбеном простору

Alfirević, Đorđe; Simonović Alfirević, Sanja

(Београд : Институт за архитектуру и урбанизам Србије, 2019)

AU  - Alfirević, Đorđe
AU  - Simonović Alfirević, Sanja
PY  - 2019
UR  -
AB  - Постизање просторности је једна од есенцијалних тема када је у питању пројектовање стамбеног простора у коме се жели остварити виши ниво просторног комфора. Методе којима се то постиже могу бити различите: од неутралисања физичких баријера у ентеријеру, чиме се простор отвара изнутра; повременог (флексибилног) проширења неке од граница простора; делимичног, усмереног или потпуног отварања простора према окружењу; формирања система циркуларних комуникација; па све до примене неке од оптичких илузија којима се редефинише доживљај ограничености простора. У зависности од примењеног метода, границе простора могу бити јасно одређене и мање или више очигледне, или се може формирати простор који не открива све квалитете приликом статичног посматрања, већ је неопходно проћи кроз њега да би се сагледао. У одсуству физичких могућности, али и као допуну претходних приступа, могуће је изменити перцептивну слику простора виртуелном доградњом помоћу неке од оптичких илузија. Циљ рада је да се размотре и систематизују основни пројектантски принципи којима се у организацији, обликовању или материјализацији стамбеног простора може постићи виши ниво просторности
AB  - Achieving spatiality is one of the essential topics in designing
living space meant to offer a higher level of space comfort.
There are various methods to reach this objective: from
neutralising physical barriers in the interior, which would
open the space from within; occasional (flexible) extension of
certain space boundaries; partial, directed or total opening of
the space towards the environment: forming systems of circular
communications, and even application of some optical illusions
that redefine the perception of space boundaries. Depending on
the applied methods, space boundaries can be clearly marked
or more or less obviously marked, or the space can be formed
without revealing all its qualities to static observation, so the
viewer has to go through it to obtain full perception of it. If there
is a lack of physical possibilities or if improvement of previously
mentioned approaches is required, it is possible to change the
perceptive image of the space by virtual improvement through
optical illusions. The aim of this paper is to consider and
systematise basic design principles that can help organisation,
shaping or materialisation of living space to achieve a higher
level of spatiality.
PB  - Београд : Институт за архитектуру и урбанизам Србије
T2  - Архитектура и урбанизам
T1  - Пројектантски принципи за постизање просторности у стамбеном простору
T1  - Design principles for achieving spatiality in living space
IS  - 48
SP  - 37
EP  - 53
DO  - 10.5937/a-u0-19740
ER  - 
author = "Alfirević, Đorđe and Simonović Alfirević, Sanja",
year = "2019",
abstract = "Постизање просторности је једна од есенцијалних тема када је у питању пројектовање стамбеног простора у коме се жели остварити виши ниво просторног комфора. Методе којима се то постиже могу бити различите: од неутралисања физичких баријера у ентеријеру, чиме се простор отвара изнутра; повременог (флексибилног) проширења неке од граница простора; делимичног, усмереног или потпуног отварања простора према окружењу; формирања система циркуларних комуникација; па све до примене неке од оптичких илузија којима се редефинише доживљај ограничености простора. У зависности од примењеног метода, границе простора могу бити јасно одређене и мање или више очигледне, или се може формирати простор који не открива све квалитете приликом статичног посматрања, већ је неопходно проћи кроз њега да би се сагледао. У одсуству физичких могућности, али и као допуну претходних приступа, могуће је изменити перцептивну слику простора виртуелном доградњом помоћу неке од оптичких илузија. Циљ рада је да се размотре и систематизују основни пројектантски принципи којима се у организацији, обликовању или материјализацији стамбеног простора може постићи виши ниво просторности, Achieving spatiality is one of the essential topics in designing
living space meant to offer a higher level of space comfort.
There are various methods to reach this objective: from
neutralising physical barriers in the interior, which would
open the space from within; occasional (flexible) extension of
certain space boundaries; partial, directed or total opening of
the space towards the environment: forming systems of circular
communications, and even application of some optical illusions
that redefine the perception of space boundaries. Depending on
the applied methods, space boundaries can be clearly marked
or more or less obviously marked, or the space can be formed
without revealing all its qualities to static observation, so the
viewer has to go through it to obtain full perception of it. If there
is a lack of physical possibilities or if improvement of previously
mentioned approaches is required, it is possible to change the
perceptive image of the space by virtual improvement through
optical illusions. The aim of this paper is to consider and
systematise basic design principles that can help organisation,
shaping or materialisation of living space to achieve a higher
level of spatiality.",
publisher = "Београд : Институт за архитектуру и урбанизам Србије",
journal = "Архитектура и урбанизам",
title = "Пројектантски принципи за постизање просторности у стамбеном простору, Design principles for achieving spatiality in living space",
number = "48",
pages = "37-53",
doi = "10.5937/a-u0-19740"
Alfirević, Đ.,& Simonović Alfirević, S.. (2019). Пројектантски принципи за постизање просторности у стамбеном простору. in Архитектура и урбанизам
Београд : Институт за архитектуру и урбанизам Србије.(48), 37-53.
Alfirević Đ, Simonović Alfirević S. Пројектантски принципи за постизање просторности у стамбеном простору. in Архитектура и урбанизам. 2019;(48):37-53.
doi:10.5937/a-u0-19740 .
Alfirević, Đorđe, Simonović Alfirević, Sanja, "Пројектантски принципи за постизање просторности у стамбеном простору" in Архитектура и урбанизам, no. 48 (2019):37-53, . .

Spatial Organization Concepts for Living Spaces with Two Centres

Alfirević, Đorđe; Simonović Alfirević, Sanja

(Belgrade : Institute of Architecture and Urban & Spatial Planning of Serbia, 2019)

AU  - Alfirević, Đorđe
AU  - Simonović Alfirević, Sanja
PY  - 2019
UR  -
AB  - In a functional sense, the centre of the living space is a gathering area for its users and for visitors. In most cases, the living area has at least one space towards which its users gravitate daily or occasionally. In situations where there are two or more centres in the living area, their position, size and connection determine the character of the functional organization, and they result from the social needs of the users. This paper analyzes characteristic examples of how
dwellings are organized with several gathering centres, drawing out three basic concepts: a) living space with centres grouped in a social zone, b) living space with a flexible centre on the boundary between zones and c) living space with
a secondary centre in a private area. On the other hand, attention is drawn to the existence of different boundaries of territoriality (boundaries of ownership, hospitality and intimacy), which determine the domains of social, private and
intimate zones in housing. Depending on whether the gathering centres are located on one side, on the other, or along the border of territoriality, the degree of intimacy of the living space also changes.
PB  - Belgrade : Institute of Architecture and Urban & Spatial Planning of Serbia
T2  - Spatium International Review
T1  - Spatial Organization Concepts for Living Spaces with Two Centres
IS  - 42
SP  - 1
EP  - 7
DO  - 10.2298/SPAT1942001A
ER  - 
author = "Alfirević, Đorđe and Simonović Alfirević, Sanja",
year = "2019",
abstract = "In a functional sense, the centre of the living space is a gathering area for its users and for visitors. In most cases, the living area has at least one space towards which its users gravitate daily or occasionally. In situations where there are two or more centres in the living area, their position, size and connection determine the character of the functional organization, and they result from the social needs of the users. This paper analyzes characteristic examples of how
dwellings are organized with several gathering centres, drawing out three basic concepts: a) living space with centres grouped in a social zone, b) living space with a flexible centre on the boundary between zones and c) living space with
a secondary centre in a private area. On the other hand, attention is drawn to the existence of different boundaries of territoriality (boundaries of ownership, hospitality and intimacy), which determine the domains of social, private and
intimate zones in housing. Depending on whether the gathering centres are located on one side, on the other, or along the border of territoriality, the degree of intimacy of the living space also changes.",
publisher = "Belgrade : Institute of Architecture and Urban & Spatial Planning of Serbia",
journal = "Spatium International Review",
title = "Spatial Organization Concepts for Living Spaces with Two Centres",
number = "42",
pages = "1-7",
doi = "10.2298/SPAT1942001A"
Alfirević, Đ.,& Simonović Alfirević, S.. (2019). Spatial Organization Concepts for Living Spaces with Two Centres. in Spatium International Review
Belgrade : Institute of Architecture and Urban & Spatial Planning of Serbia.(42), 1-7.
Alfirević Đ, Simonović Alfirević S. Spatial Organization Concepts for Living Spaces with Two Centres. in Spatium International Review. 2019;(42):1-7.
doi:10.2298/SPAT1942001A .
Alfirević, Đorđe, Simonović Alfirević, Sanja, "Spatial Organization Concepts for Living Spaces with Two Centres" in Spatium International Review, no. 42 (2019):1-7, . .

Constitutive Motives in Living Space Organisation

Alfirević, Đorđe; Simonović Alfirević, Sanja

(Niš : University of Niš, 2018)

AU  - Alfirević, Đorđe
AU  - Simonović Alfirević, Sanja
PY  - 2018
UR  -
AB  - Constitutive motive represents the concept of organization of living space. It can appear in the form of element, area, space or principle, i.e. it can be material or intangible. Constitutive motives have always been present in space organization domain, in vernacular construction and architecture. Their importance and appearance have with time changed, as the systems of social values changed. The decision on the selection of constitutive motives in the conception of the housing unit structure primarily depends on the subjective view of the creator, but also on numerous other contextual factors. This paper aims to review and examine innovative interpretation of their constitutive role in modern architectural practice. The goal is to examine the most significant motives in organization of the living space, as well as to offer suggestions for their theoretical systematization.
PB  - Niš : University of Niš
T2  - Facta Universitatis: Architecture and Civil Engineering
T1  - Constitutive Motives in Living Space Organisation
VL  - 16
IS  - 2
SP  - 189
EP  - 201
DO  - 10.2298/FUACE170414002A
ER  - 
author = "Alfirević, Đorđe and Simonović Alfirević, Sanja",
year = "2018",
abstract = "Constitutive motive represents the concept of organization of living space. It can appear in the form of element, area, space or principle, i.e. it can be material or intangible. Constitutive motives have always been present in space organization domain, in vernacular construction and architecture. Their importance and appearance have with time changed, as the systems of social values changed. The decision on the selection of constitutive motives in the conception of the housing unit structure primarily depends on the subjective view of the creator, but also on numerous other contextual factors. This paper aims to review and examine innovative interpretation of their constitutive role in modern architectural practice. The goal is to examine the most significant motives in organization of the living space, as well as to offer suggestions for their theoretical systematization.",
publisher = "Niš : University of Niš",
journal = "Facta Universitatis: Architecture and Civil Engineering",
title = "Constitutive Motives in Living Space Organisation",
volume = "16",
number = "2",
pages = "189-201",
doi = "10.2298/FUACE170414002A"
Alfirević, Đ.,& Simonović Alfirević, S.. (2018). Constitutive Motives in Living Space Organisation. in Facta Universitatis: Architecture and Civil Engineering
Niš : University of Niš., 16(2), 189-201.
Alfirević Đ, Simonović Alfirević S. Constitutive Motives in Living Space Organisation. in Facta Universitatis: Architecture and Civil Engineering. 2018;16(2):189-201.
doi:10.2298/FUACE170414002A .
Alfirević, Đorđe, Simonović Alfirević, Sanja, "Constitutive Motives in Living Space Organisation" in Facta Universitatis: Architecture and Civil Engineering, 16, no. 2 (2018):189-201, . .

The ‘socialist apartment’ in Yugoslavia: Paradigm or tendency?

Alfirević, Đorđe; Simonović Alfirević, Sanja

(Beograd : Institut za arhitekturu i urbanizam Srbije, 2018)

AU  - Alfirević, Đorđe
AU  - Simonović Alfirević, Sanja
PY  - 2018
UR  -
AB  - The development of residential architecture in Yugoslavia during the period of socialism had its peak in the 1960s and 1970s. Significant progress in construction was accompanied by housing research directed towards finding the optimal urbanistic solutions for the newly formed lifestyle of the socialist society. The tendency was to “pack” as many residential units as possible into each building, almost up to the limits of the functional minimum, at the same time with the aim of setting a more humane pattern of living. Innovative theoretical ideas were developed at leading housing research centers and then spread at conferences, consultations, expositions and architectural contests. Top quality design concepts were mostly obtained through architectural contests, which, among other things, also served the purpose of testing theoretical principles and new concepts of residential patterns on actual examples. Although the term “socialist apartment” seems to be accepted in practice, in the scientific sense, it has not been sufficiently explored or examined. The aim of this paper is to explore whether there was a certain architectural pattern as a form of response to the specific socio-economic conditions in Yugoslavia, in terms of a functional scheme that architects followed and which could be defined by the term “socialist apartment”.
PB  - Beograd : Institut za arhitekturu i urbanizam Srbije
T1  - The ‘socialist apartment’ in Yugoslavia: Paradigm or tendency?
VL  - 40
SP  - 8
EP  - 17
DO  - 10.2298/SPAT1840008A
ER  - 
author = "Alfirević, Đorđe and Simonović Alfirević, Sanja",
year = "2018",
abstract = "The development of residential architecture in Yugoslavia during the period of socialism had its peak in the 1960s and 1970s. Significant progress in construction was accompanied by housing research directed towards finding the optimal urbanistic solutions for the newly formed lifestyle of the socialist society. The tendency was to “pack” as many residential units as possible into each building, almost up to the limits of the functional minimum, at the same time with the aim of setting a more humane pattern of living. Innovative theoretical ideas were developed at leading housing research centers and then spread at conferences, consultations, expositions and architectural contests. Top quality design concepts were mostly obtained through architectural contests, which, among other things, also served the purpose of testing theoretical principles and new concepts of residential patterns on actual examples. Although the term “socialist apartment” seems to be accepted in practice, in the scientific sense, it has not been sufficiently explored or examined. The aim of this paper is to explore whether there was a certain architectural pattern as a form of response to the specific socio-economic conditions in Yugoslavia, in terms of a functional scheme that architects followed and which could be defined by the term “socialist apartment”.",
publisher = "Beograd : Institut za arhitekturu i urbanizam Srbije",
journal = "SPATIUM",
title = "The ‘socialist apartment’ in Yugoslavia: Paradigm or tendency?",
volume = "40",
pages = "8-17",
doi = "10.2298/SPAT1840008A"
Alfirević, Đ.,& Simonović Alfirević, S.. (2018). The ‘socialist apartment’ in Yugoslavia: Paradigm or tendency?. in SPATIUM
Beograd : Institut za arhitekturu i urbanizam Srbije., 40, 8-17.
Alfirević Đ, Simonović Alfirević S. The ‘socialist apartment’ in Yugoslavia: Paradigm or tendency?. in SPATIUM. 2018;40:8-17.
doi:10.2298/SPAT1840008A .
Alfirević, Đorđe, Simonović Alfirević, Sanja, "The ‘socialist apartment’ in Yugoslavia: Paradigm or tendency?" in SPATIUM, 40 (2018):8-17, . .

'Circular connection' concept in housing architecture

Alfirević, Đorđe; Simonović Alfirević, Sanja

(Institute of Architecture and Urban and Spatial Planning of Serbia, 2018)

AU  - Alfirević, Đorđe
AU  - Simonović Alfirević, Sanja
PY  - 2018
UR  -
AB  - Circular connection is one of the essential concepts of the organization of living space. The most commonly involves the formation of a continuous communication within the system chain of inter-related premises. It is used in situations where it is desired to achieve a higher level of space in terms of the small surface area, thereby diluting or neutralizing the feeling of lack of space, but also in larger surface area with the aim of clearly differentiating or linking distant functional areas. The science has not recorded the first use of circular relationships in history, although it can certainly be argued that the earliest examples existed during the Middle Ages, and even hints centuries. The aim is to systematization of different forms of circular bonds which are present in both theory and practice, as well as a review of the different triggers that can lead to its application.
AB  - Kružna veza je jedan od esencijalnih koncepata u organizaciji stambenog prostora. Najčešće podrazumeva formiranje neprekinute komunikacije u okviru sistema lančano nadovezanih prostorija. Primenjuje se u situacijama kada se želi postići veći nivo prostornosti u uslovima malih kvadratura, pri čemu se umanjuje ili neutrališe osećaj skučenosti prostora, ali i kod većih kvadratura s ciljem jasnog diferenciranja ili povezivanja udaljenih funkcionalnih zona. U nauci još uvek nije evidentirana prva primena kružne veze u istoriji, mada se sa sigurnošću može tvrditi da su najraniji primeri postojali još u periodu srednjeg veka, a nagoveštaji čak vekovima unazad. Cilj rada je sitematizacija različitih pojavnih oblika kružne veze koji su prisutni u teoriji i praksi, kao i preispitivanje različitih povoda koji mogu da dovedu do njene primene.
PB  - Institute of Architecture and Urban and Spatial Planning of Serbia
T2  - Arhitektura i urbanizam
T1  - 'Circular connection' concept in housing architecture
T1  - Koncept 'kružne veze' u stambenoj arhitekturi
IS  - 46
SP  - 26
EP  - 38
DO  - 10.5937/a-u0-16252
ER  - 
author = "Alfirević, Đorđe and Simonović Alfirević, Sanja",
year = "2018",
abstract = "Circular connection is one of the essential concepts of the organization of living space. The most commonly involves the formation of a continuous communication within the system chain of inter-related premises. It is used in situations where it is desired to achieve a higher level of space in terms of the small surface area, thereby diluting or neutralizing the feeling of lack of space, but also in larger surface area with the aim of clearly differentiating or linking distant functional areas. The science has not recorded the first use of circular relationships in history, although it can certainly be argued that the earliest examples existed during the Middle Ages, and even hints centuries. The aim is to systematization of different forms of circular bonds which are present in both theory and practice, as well as a review of the different triggers that can lead to its application., Kružna veza je jedan od esencijalnih koncepata u organizaciji stambenog prostora. Najčešće podrazumeva formiranje neprekinute komunikacije u okviru sistema lančano nadovezanih prostorija. Primenjuje se u situacijama kada se želi postići veći nivo prostornosti u uslovima malih kvadratura, pri čemu se umanjuje ili neutrališe osećaj skučenosti prostora, ali i kod većih kvadratura s ciljem jasnog diferenciranja ili povezivanja udaljenih funkcionalnih zona. U nauci još uvek nije evidentirana prva primena kružne veze u istoriji, mada se sa sigurnošću može tvrditi da su najraniji primeri postojali još u periodu srednjeg veka, a nagoveštaji čak vekovima unazad. Cilj rada je sitematizacija različitih pojavnih oblika kružne veze koji su prisutni u teoriji i praksi, kao i preispitivanje različitih povoda koji mogu da dovedu do njene primene.",
publisher = "Institute of Architecture and Urban and Spatial Planning of Serbia",
journal = "Arhitektura i urbanizam",
title = "'Circular connection' concept in housing architecture, Koncept 'kružne veze' u stambenoj arhitekturi",
number = "46",
pages = "26-38",
doi = "10.5937/a-u0-16252"
Alfirević, Đ.,& Simonović Alfirević, S.. (2018). 'Circular connection' concept in housing architecture. in Arhitektura i urbanizam
Institute of Architecture and Urban and Spatial Planning of Serbia.(46), 26-38.
Alfirević Đ, Simonović Alfirević S. 'Circular connection' concept in housing architecture. in Arhitektura i urbanizam. 2018;(46):26-38.
doi:10.5937/a-u0-16252 .
Alfirević, Đorđe, Simonović Alfirević, Sanja, "'Circular connection' concept in housing architecture" in Arhitektura i urbanizam, no. 46 (2018):26-38, . .