Simić, Branislava

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Authority KeyName Variants
  • Simić, Branislava (14)
  • Kovačević, Branislava (8)
  • Симић, Бранислава (4)

Author's Bibliography

Urbanistički projekat sa idejnim rešenjem za sportski kompleks Senjak u Valjevu

Simić, Branislava; Marić, Igor

(Ниш: Удружење урбаниста Србије / Niš: Serbian Town Planners Association, 2023)


Simić, B.,& Marić, I.. (2023). Urbanistički projekat sa idejnim rešenjem za sportski kompleks Senjak u Valjevu. in Каталог изложбе: 32. Међународни салон урбанизма Ниш, 8-11. новембар 2023 / Exhibition catalogue: 32nd International urban planners' exhibition Niš, 8-11 November 2023
Ниш: Удружење урбаниста Србије / Niš: Serbian Town Planners Association., 05.17.
Simić B, Marić I. Urbanistički projekat sa idejnim rešenjem za sportski kompleks Senjak u Valjevu. in Каталог изложбе: 32. Међународни салон урбанизма Ниш, 8-11. новембар 2023 / Exhibition catalogue: 32nd International urban planners' exhibition Niš, 8-11 November 2023. 2023;:05.17. .
Simić, Branislava, Marić, Igor, "Urbanistički projekat sa idejnim rešenjem za sportski kompleks Senjak u Valjevu" in Каталог изложбе: 32. Међународни салон урбанизма Ниш, 8-11. новембар 2023 / Exhibition catalogue: 32nd International urban planners' exhibition Niš, 8-11 November 2023 (2023):05.17, .

План генералне регулације насеља Топола

Marić, Igor; Crnčević, Tijana; Simić, Branislava

(Београд : Удружење пејзажних архитеката Србије, 2023)


Marić, I., Crnčević, T.,& Simić, B.. (2023). План генералне регулације насеља Топола. in Каталог изложбе: Десети међународни салон пејзажне архитектуре; Exhibition catalogue: Tenth International Landscape Architecture Exhibition
Београд : Удружење пејзажних архитеката Србије., 43.
Marić I, Crnčević T, Simić B. План генералне регулације насеља Топола. in Каталог изложбе: Десети међународни салон пејзажне архитектуре; Exhibition catalogue: Tenth International Landscape Architecture Exhibition. 2023;:43. .
Marić, Igor, Crnčević, Tijana, Simić, Branislava, "План генералне регулације насеља Топола" in Каталог изложбе: Десети међународни салон пејзажне архитектуре; Exhibition catalogue: Tenth International Landscape Architecture Exhibition (2023):43, .

Центар за екологију, развој спорта и Црвени крст на обали језера Газиводе

Marić, Igor; Simić, Branislava; Hristov, Maja; Njegić, Tanja

(Београд : Асоцијација просторних планера Србије, 2023)


Marić, I., Simić, B., Hristov, M.,& Njegić, T.. (2023). Центар за екологију, развој спорта и Црвени крст на обали језера Газиводе. in Изложба "Планерска умрежавања 4"  у оквиру међународног научно-стручног скуча "Локална самоуправа у планирању и уређењу простора и насеља"
Београд : Асоцијација просторних планера Србије..
Marić I, Simić B, Hristov M, Njegić T. Центар за екологију, развој спорта и Црвени крст на обали језера Газиводе. in Изложба "Планерска умрежавања 4"  у оквиру међународног научно-стручног скуча "Локална самоуправа у планирању и уређењу простора и насеља". 2023;. .
Marić, Igor, Simić, Branislava, Hristov, Maja, Njegić, Tanja, "Центар за екологију, развој спорта и Црвени крст на обали језера Газиводе" in Изложба "Планерска умрежавања 4"  у оквиру међународног научно-стручног скуча "Локална самоуправа у планирању и уређењу простора и насеља" (2023), .

План генералне регулације „Пожаревац 6“

Марић, Игор; Симић, Бранислава; Христов, Маја; Његић, Тања; Црнчевић, Тијана

(Београд : Удружење урбаниста Србије, 2022)


Марић, И., Симић, Б., Христов, М., Његић, Т.,& Црнчевић, Т.. (2022). План генералне регулације „Пожаревац 6“. in Каталог изложбе: 31. Међународни салон урбанизма, Чачак, 8-15. новембар 2022.
Београд : Удружење урбаниста Србије., 03.08.
Марић И, Симић Б, Христов М, Његић Т, Црнчевић Т. План генералне регулације „Пожаревац 6“. in Каталог изложбе: 31. Међународни салон урбанизма, Чачак, 8-15. новембар 2022.. 2022;:03.08. .
Марић, Игор, Симић, Бранислава, Христов, Маја, Његић, Тања, Црнчевић, Тијана, "План генералне регулације „Пожаревац 6“" in Каталог изложбе: 31. Међународни салон урбанизма, Чачак, 8-15. новембар 2022. (2022):03.08, .

Центар за екологију и развој спорта и Црвени крст КиМ на обали језера Газиводе

Marić, Igor; Hristov, Maja; Simić, Branislava; Bajić, Tanja

(Београд : Асоцијација просторних планера Србије, 2022)


Marić, I., Hristov, M., Simić, B.,& Bajić, T.. (2022). Центар за екологију и развој спорта и Црвени крст КиМ на обали језера Газиводе. in Каталог Изложбе "Просторно и урбанистичко планирање Косова и Метохије" одржане у Косовској Митровици
Београд : Асоцијација просторних планера Србије., 35.
Marić I, Hristov M, Simić B, Bajić T. Центар за екологију и развој спорта и Црвени крст КиМ на обали језера Газиводе. in Каталог Изложбе "Просторно и урбанистичко планирање Косова и Метохије" одржане у Косовској Митровици. 2022;:35. .
Marić, Igor, Hristov, Maja, Simić, Branislava, Bajić, Tanja, "Центар за екологију и развој спорта и Црвени крст КиМ на обали језера Газиводе" in Каталог Изложбе "Просторно и урбанистичко планирање Косова и Метохије" одржане у Косовској Митровици (2022):35, .

Програмско-урбанистички концепт насеља "Сунчана долина" са идејним решењима објеката и спољњег уређења за Омладинску радну акцију "Сунчана долина"

Marić, Igor; Manić, Božidar; Bakić, Olgica; Niković, Ana; Bajić, Tanja; Simić, Branislava; Crnčević, Tijana; Hristov, Maja

(Београд : Асоцијација просторних планера Србије, 2022)


Marić, I., Manić, B., Bakić, O., Niković, A., Bajić, T., Simić, B., Crnčević, T.,& Hristov, M.. (2022). Програмско-урбанистички концепт насеља "Сунчана долина" са идејним решењима објеката и спољњег уређења за Омладинску радну акцију "Сунчана долина". in Каталог изложбе Просторно и урбанистичко планирање Косова и Метохије, Косовска Митровица, јун 2022.
Београд : Асоцијација просторних планера Србије., 49.
Marić I, Manić B, Bakić O, Niković A, Bajić T, Simić B, Crnčević T, Hristov M. Програмско-урбанистички концепт насеља "Сунчана долина" са идејним решењима објеката и спољњег уређења за Омладинску радну акцију "Сунчана долина". in Каталог изложбе Просторно и урбанистичко планирање Косова и Метохије, Косовска Митровица, јун 2022.. 2022;:49. .
Marić, Igor, Manić, Božidar, Bakić, Olgica, Niković, Ana, Bajić, Tanja, Simić, Branislava, Crnčević, Tijana, Hristov, Maja, "Програмско-урбанистички концепт насеља "Сунчана долина" са идејним решењима објеката и спољњег уређења за Омладинску радну акцију "Сунчана долина"" in Каталог изложбе Просторно и урбанистичко планирање Косова и Метохије, Косовска Митровица, јун 2022. (2022):49, .

Програмско-урбанистичка студија решења културно-историјског спомен-комплекса Бранковина и предлог мера заштите од климатских промена

Пуцар, Мила; Симић, Бранислава; Симоновић Алфиревић, Сања

(Ниш : Удружење урбаниста Србије, 2021)


Пуцар, М., Симић, Б.,& Симоновић Алфиревић, С.. (2021). Програмско-урбанистичка студија решења културно-историјског спомен-комплекса Бранковина и предлог мера заштите од климатских промена. in Каталог изложбе: 30. Међународни салон Урбанизма 2021, Ниш, 8-13. новембар 2021.
Ниш : Удружење урбаниста Србије., 142-142.
Пуцар М, Симић Б, Симоновић Алфиревић С. Програмско-урбанистичка студија решења културно-историјског спомен-комплекса Бранковина и предлог мера заштите од климатских промена. in Каталог изложбе: 30. Међународни салон Урбанизма 2021, Ниш, 8-13. новембар 2021.. 2021;:142-142. .
Пуцар, Мила, Симић, Бранислава, Симоновић Алфиревић, Сања, "Програмско-урбанистичка студија решења културно-историјског спомен-комплекса Бранковина и предлог мера заштите од климатских промена" in Каталог изложбе: 30. Међународни салон Урбанизма 2021, Ниш, 8-13. новембар 2021. (2021):142-142, .

Урбанистички пројекат за изrрадњу спортско-рекреативног центра на rрађевинској парцели 6 на Јабучком равништу, Стара планина, Општина Књажевац

Марић, Игор; Манић, Божидар; Црнчевић, Тијана; Његић, Тања; Гавриловић, Славко; Симић, Бранислава

(Београд : Српска академија наука и уметности, 2021)


Марић, И., Манић, Б., Црнчевић, Т., Његић, Т., Гавриловић, С.,& Симић, Б.. (2021). Урбанистички пројекат за изrрадњу спортско-рекреативног центра на rрађевинској парцели 6 на Јабучком равништу, Стара планина, Општина Књажевац. in Каталог изложбе: IХ Међународног салона пејзажне архитектуре
Београд : Српска академија наука и уметности., 43.
Марић И, Манић Б, Црнчевић Т, Његић Т, Гавриловић С, Симић Б. Урбанистички пројекат за изrрадњу спортско-рекреативног центра на rрађевинској парцели 6 на Јабучком равништу, Стара планина, Општина Књажевац. in Каталог изложбе: IХ Међународног салона пејзажне архитектуре. 2021;:43. .
Марић, Игор, Манић, Божидар, Црнчевић, Тијана, Његић, Тања, Гавриловић, Славко, Симић, Бранислава, "Урбанистички пројекат за изrрадњу спортско-рекреативног центра на rрађевинској парцели 6 на Јабучком равништу, Стара планина, Општина Књажевац" in Каталог изложбе: IХ Међународног салона пејзажне архитектуре (2021):43, .

Село у процесу урбанизације

Marić, Igor; Simić, Branislava

(Beograd: Srpska akademija nauka i umetnosti (SANU), 2021)

AU  - Marić, Igor
AU  - Simić, Branislava
PY  - 2021
UR  -
AB  - Сагледавајући Европске препоруке, као и домаће стратешке документе могуће је дефинисати будуће тенденције развоја села у процесу урбанизације. На основу свестране анализе и феноменологије  примерене  појму урбанизације изведене су одређене прогнозе и препоруке како би могло да се развија село у савременој и будућој организацији рада. У том контексту, препоруке су да структура становништва не буде сачињена претежно од пољопривредног становништва, сходно проценама да ће се у селима, у већој мери него данас, уз пољопривреду јавити и услуге, производња, канцеларијско пословање и туризам.
Уз пораст удела сановништва са вишим и високим образовањем у пољопривреди и одговарајућим законодавственим и економским мерама постоји потреба да се већи део садашњих поседа преконпонује по величини, врсти гајене културе и начину експлоатације. У измењеним условима трансформисаће се и мрежа сеоских насеља као и садржаји у оквиру њих самих, те ће се село урбанизовати у већој мери него данас. У зависности од положаја и типова сеоских насеља и њихов развој или стагнација могу да буду усмеравани и планирани на начин да се обезбеди одговарајућа покривеност територије. Посебна пажња у раду је усмерена на опремање инфраструктуром и развојем разноврсних садржаја у центрима села, као и истицањем регионалних карактеристика насеља и обичајима српских сеоских средина.
PB  - Beograd: Srpska akademija nauka i umetnosti (SANU)
PB  - Београд : Савез инжењера и техничара Србије
C3  - Стручно-научни скуп Српске академије наука и уметности и Савеза инжењера и техничара Србије
T1  - Село у процесу урбанизације
SP  - 231
EP  - 258
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Marić, Igor and Simić, Branislava",
year = "2021",
abstract = "Сагледавајући Европске препоруке, као и домаће стратешке документе могуће је дефинисати будуће тенденције развоја села у процесу урбанизације. На основу свестране анализе и феноменологије  примерене  појму урбанизације изведене су одређене прогнозе и препоруке како би могло да се развија село у савременој и будућој организацији рада. У том контексту, препоруке су да структура становништва не буде сачињена претежно од пољопривредног становништва, сходно проценама да ће се у селима, у већој мери него данас, уз пољопривреду јавити и услуге, производња, канцеларијско пословање и туризам.
Уз пораст удела сановништва са вишим и високим образовањем у пољопривреди и одговарајућим законодавственим и економским мерама постоји потреба да се већи део садашњих поседа преконпонује по величини, врсти гајене културе и начину експлоатације. У измењеним условима трансформисаће се и мрежа сеоских насеља као и садржаји у оквиру њих самих, те ће се село урбанизовати у већој мери него данас. У зависности од положаја и типова сеоских насеља и њихов развој или стагнација могу да буду усмеравани и планирани на начин да се обезбеди одговарајућа покривеност територије. Посебна пажња у раду је усмерена на опремање инфраструктуром и развојем разноврсних садржаја у центрима села, као и истицањем регионалних карактеристика насеља и обичајима српских сеоских средина.",
publisher = "Beograd: Srpska akademija nauka i umetnosti (SANU), Београд : Савез инжењера и техничара Србије",
journal = "Стручно-научни скуп Српске академије наука и уметности и Савеза инжењера и техничара Србије",
title = "Село у процесу урбанизације",
pages = "231-258",
url = ""
Marić, I.,& Simić, B.. (2021). Село у процесу урбанизације. in Стручно-научни скуп Српске академије наука и уметности и Савеза инжењера и техничара Србије
Beograd: Srpska akademija nauka i umetnosti (SANU)., 231-258.
Marić I, Simić B. Село у процесу урбанизације. in Стручно-научни скуп Српске академије наука и уметности и Савеза инжењера и техничара Србије. 2021;:231-258. .
Marić, Igor, Simić, Branislava, "Село у процесу урбанизације" in Стручно-научни скуп Српске академије наука и уметности и Савеза инжењера и техничара Србије (2021):231-258, .

Centar za ekologiju, razvoj sporta i Crveni krst na obali jezera Gazivode

Tomasella, Paolo; Marić, Igor; Simić, Branislava; Bajić, Tanja; Hristov, Maja

(Beograd: Institut za arhitekturu i urbanizam Srbije, 2020)


Tomasella, P., Marić, I., Simić, B., Bajić, T.,& Hristov, M.. (2020). Centar za ekologiju, razvoj sporta i Crveni krst na obali jezera Gazivode. in Arhitektura i urbanizam
Beograd: Institut za arhitekturu i urbanizam Srbije.(50), 79-87.
Tomasella P, Marić I, Simić B, Bajić T, Hristov M. Centar za ekologiju, razvoj sporta i Crveni krst na obali jezera Gazivode. in Arhitektura i urbanizam. 2020;(50):79-87.
doi:10.5937/a-u0-27104 .
Tomasella, Paolo, Marić, Igor, Simić, Branislava, Bajić, Tanja, Hristov, Maja, "Centar za ekologiju, razvoj sporta i Crveni krst na obali jezera Gazivode" in Arhitektura i urbanizam, no. 50 (2020):79-87, . .

Urban project for the construction of sports and recreation center on the construction plot 6 in Jabučko Ravnište, Stara Planina, Municipality of Knjaževac

Manić, Božidar; Bajić, Tanja; Marić, Igor; Simić, Branislava

(Крагујевац : Удружење урбаниста Србије, 2020)


Manić, B., Bajić, T., Marić, I.,& Simić, B.. (2020). Urban project for the construction of sports and recreation center on the construction plot 6 in Jabučko Ravnište, Stara Planina, Municipality of Knjaževac. in 29th International Urban Planners’ Exhibition Catalogue [29. Међународни салон урбанизма, каталог]
Крагујевац : Удружење урбаниста Србије., 05.17..
Manić B, Bajić T, Marić I, Simić B. Urban project for the construction of sports and recreation center on the construction plot 6 in Jabučko Ravnište, Stara Planina, Municipality of Knjaževac. in 29th International Urban Planners’ Exhibition Catalogue [29. Међународни салон урбанизма, каталог]. 2020;:05.17.. .
Manić, Božidar, Bajić, Tanja, Marić, Igor, Simić, Branislava, "Urban project for the construction of sports and recreation center on the construction plot 6 in Jabučko Ravnište, Stara Planina, Municipality of Knjaževac" in 29th International Urban Planners’ Exhibition Catalogue [29. Међународни салон урбанизма, каталог] (2020):05.17., .

The Spatial Transformation of the River Waterfront through The Three Historical Periods: A Case Study of Belgrade

Simić, Branislava


AU  - Simić, Branislava
PY  - 2020
UR  -
AB  - Urban renewal of the coastal area has regained importance in recent years. The main problem with the city's coastal area is often the insufficient utilization of its potential. The paper analyzes the process of urbanization and treatment of the waterfront through the  three historical periods: 1. traditional city, 2. during Modernism and 3. contemporary urbanism. Belgrade is chosen as a case study because it is located on the banks of the two rivers the Sava and the Danube, and throughout history, rivers had a significant role in the urban development of the city. A polygon for the methodology of urban morphological research for this paper was the contrast between the Old Belgrade and traditional city core and the New Belgrade created on the principle of the modern movement in architecture. The paper aims to research the relationship between the city and the river waterfront by the method of compare spatial-temporal transformations and to reveal the positive and negative elements of each period of urbanization. The result of the analysis indicates a changed treatment of the river waterfront through the time - from the fortified city isolated from the river to the gradual descent of the city center near the coast.
T2  - Journal of Contemporary Urban Affairs
T1  - The Spatial Transformation of the River Waterfront through The Three Historical Periods: A Case Study of Belgrade
VL  - 4
IS  - 2
SP  - 25
EP  - 34
DO  - 10.25034/ijcua.2020.v4n2-3
ER  - 
author = "Simić, Branislava",
year = "2020",
abstract = "Urban renewal of the coastal area has regained importance in recent years. The main problem with the city's coastal area is often the insufficient utilization of its potential. The paper analyzes the process of urbanization and treatment of the waterfront through the  three historical periods: 1. traditional city, 2. during Modernism and 3. contemporary urbanism. Belgrade is chosen as a case study because it is located on the banks of the two rivers the Sava and the Danube, and throughout history, rivers had a significant role in the urban development of the city. A polygon for the methodology of urban morphological research for this paper was the contrast between the Old Belgrade and traditional city core and the New Belgrade created on the principle of the modern movement in architecture. The paper aims to research the relationship between the city and the river waterfront by the method of compare spatial-temporal transformations and to reveal the positive and negative elements of each period of urbanization. The result of the analysis indicates a changed treatment of the river waterfront through the time - from the fortified city isolated from the river to the gradual descent of the city center near the coast.",
journal = "Journal of Contemporary Urban Affairs",
title = "The Spatial Transformation of the River Waterfront through The Three Historical Periods: A Case Study of Belgrade",
volume = "4",
number = "2",
pages = "25-34",
doi = "10.25034/ijcua.2020.v4n2-3"
Simić, B.. (2020). The Spatial Transformation of the River Waterfront through The Three Historical Periods: A Case Study of Belgrade. in Journal of Contemporary Urban Affairs, 4(2), 25-34.
Simić B. The Spatial Transformation of the River Waterfront through The Three Historical Periods: A Case Study of Belgrade. in Journal of Contemporary Urban Affairs. 2020;4(2):25-34.
doi:10.25034/ijcua.2020.v4n2-3 .
Simić, Branislava, "The Spatial Transformation of the River Waterfront through The Three Historical Periods: A Case Study of Belgrade" in Journal of Contemporary Urban Affairs, 4, no. 2 (2020):25-34, . .

Architecture of informal spatiality: from a flat to a city plan. research of design and planning flexibility

Simić, Branislava

(Istanbul : DAKAM (Eastern Mediterranean Academic Research Center), 2019)

AU  - Simić, Branislava
PY  - 2019
UR  -
AB  - The main research question in this article is should architects and urban planners have to allow some informality of everyday life in the design of the residential buildings or even in the plan for the city? By exploring relations of spontaneous interventions with a rigid and formal design and planning process, this article examines the real flexibility of products of those processes such as a flat or a city. The article examines the informal spatial practices in the three scales of design: a flat, a residential building or settlement and on a city level. The case studies for this research are Belgrade, a capital city and also two cities along the Danube River in Serbia. The research is based on urban morphology and comparative analysis of planning documentation and illegal interventions. Although architects at the beginning of the design process are starting from people's needs, in the end, do they finished products that are allowing the influence of the spontaneous everyday activities and habits of their inhabitants? Are they just a framework for truly living? Is the over planned living space bad? Is esthetic and form over function and life, in some designs or plans? The article argues that the only balance between planning and informality could be a good result, that no process with the complete exclusion of the other is giving quality outcome.
PB  - Istanbul : DAKAM (Eastern Mediterranean Academic Research Center)
C3  - VII. International Contemporary Urban Issues Conference
T1  - Architecture of informal spatiality: from a flat to a city plan. research of design and planning flexibility
SP  - 89
EP  - 100
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Simić, Branislava",
year = "2019",
abstract = "The main research question in this article is should architects and urban planners have to allow some informality of everyday life in the design of the residential buildings or even in the plan for the city? By exploring relations of spontaneous interventions with a rigid and formal design and planning process, this article examines the real flexibility of products of those processes such as a flat or a city. The article examines the informal spatial practices in the three scales of design: a flat, a residential building or settlement and on a city level. The case studies for this research are Belgrade, a capital city and also two cities along the Danube River in Serbia. The research is based on urban morphology and comparative analysis of planning documentation and illegal interventions. Although architects at the beginning of the design process are starting from people's needs, in the end, do they finished products that are allowing the influence of the spontaneous everyday activities and habits of their inhabitants? Are they just a framework for truly living? Is the over planned living space bad? Is esthetic and form over function and life, in some designs or plans? The article argues that the only balance between planning and informality could be a good result, that no process with the complete exclusion of the other is giving quality outcome.",
publisher = "Istanbul : DAKAM (Eastern Mediterranean Academic Research Center)",
journal = "VII. International Contemporary Urban Issues Conference",
title = "Architecture of informal spatiality: from a flat to a city plan. research of design and planning flexibility",
pages = "89-100",
url = ""
Simić, B.. (2019). Architecture of informal spatiality: from a flat to a city plan. research of design and planning flexibility. in VII. International Contemporary Urban Issues Conference
Istanbul : DAKAM (Eastern Mediterranean Academic Research Center)., 89-100.
Simić B. Architecture of informal spatiality: from a flat to a city plan. research of design and planning flexibility. in VII. International Contemporary Urban Issues Conference. 2019;:89-100. .
Simić, Branislava, "Architecture of informal spatiality: from a flat to a city plan. research of design and planning flexibility" in VII. International Contemporary Urban Issues Conference (2019):89-100, .

Transformation of the urban morphology under the influence of the new technologies

Simić, Branislava

(Belgrade : Academy of Engineering Sciences of Serbia, 2019)

AU  - Simić, Branislava
PY  - 2019
UR  -
AB  - The relationship between static elements (buildings, roads, open spaces) and dynamic activities (movements or stay) has always been an important part of an investigation in urbanism in an attempt to improve urban environments. This study explores new digital methods of the urban morphology and diverse behavioral human patterns in contrast with a traditional method of city-scale empirical analysis of users' engagement. Today, there are a lot of possibilities that the rapid development of new technologies give and with data that are precise and real-time it could facilitate the process of spatial analyses or decision making and could involve more participants. This work aims to explore correlations between human dynamics and the characteristics of urban places: What role does information networks and structures play in the construction of a modern city? What can we learn about cities via the data flows generated by their everyday activities? Can we develop tools to visualize this data to help us improve urban design and management?  How can we integrate a dynamic representation of information in buildings and urban spaces? How different are the traditional methods of studying urban forms than modern ones? These questions will be analyzed through the case study - the bicycle system in the city of Barcelona. The results show that new methods still use simple mapping of the traditional urban morphology, but they are upgrading visualization a lot with precise data of the dynamical movements that make it more interactive.
PB  - Belgrade : Academy of Engineering Sciences of Serbia
PB  - Belgrade : University of Belgrade - Faculty of Geography
C3  - The International scientific conference E- Future of Cities - bettween temptation of exponential technology growth and the concept of human city
T1  - Transformation of the urban morphology under the influence of the new technologies
SP  - 429
EP  - 438
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Simić, Branislava",
year = "2019",
abstract = "The relationship between static elements (buildings, roads, open spaces) and dynamic activities (movements or stay) has always been an important part of an investigation in urbanism in an attempt to improve urban environments. This study explores new digital methods of the urban morphology and diverse behavioral human patterns in contrast with a traditional method of city-scale empirical analysis of users' engagement. Today, there are a lot of possibilities that the rapid development of new technologies give and with data that are precise and real-time it could facilitate the process of spatial analyses or decision making and could involve more participants. This work aims to explore correlations between human dynamics and the characteristics of urban places: What role does information networks and structures play in the construction of a modern city? What can we learn about cities via the data flows generated by their everyday activities? Can we develop tools to visualize this data to help us improve urban design and management?  How can we integrate a dynamic representation of information in buildings and urban spaces? How different are the traditional methods of studying urban forms than modern ones? These questions will be analyzed through the case study - the bicycle system in the city of Barcelona. The results show that new methods still use simple mapping of the traditional urban morphology, but they are upgrading visualization a lot with precise data of the dynamical movements that make it more interactive.",
publisher = "Belgrade : Academy of Engineering Sciences of Serbia, Belgrade : University of Belgrade - Faculty of Geography",
journal = "The International scientific conference E- Future of Cities - bettween temptation of exponential technology growth and the concept of human city",
title = "Transformation of the urban morphology under the influence of the new technologies",
pages = "429-438",
url = ""
Simić, B.. (2019). Transformation of the urban morphology under the influence of the new technologies. in The International scientific conference E- Future of Cities - bettween temptation of exponential technology growth and the concept of human city
Belgrade : Academy of Engineering Sciences of Serbia., 429-438.
Simić B. Transformation of the urban morphology under the influence of the new technologies. in The International scientific conference E- Future of Cities - bettween temptation of exponential technology growth and the concept of human city. 2019;:429-438. .
Simić, Branislava, "Transformation of the urban morphology under the influence of the new technologies" in The International scientific conference E- Future of Cities - bettween temptation of exponential technology growth and the concept of human city (2019):429-438, .

План регулације генералне „Пожаревац 2“

Марић, Игор; Симић, Бранислава; Бајић, Тања

(Београд : Удружење урбаниста Србије, 2019)


Марић, И., Симић, Б.,& Бајић, Т.. (2019). План регулације генералне „Пожаревац 2“. in Каталог изложбе: 28. Међународни салон урбанизма, Ниш, 8-13. новембар 2019.
Београд : Удружење урбаниста Србије., 03.09.
Марић И, Симић Б, Бајић Т. План регулације генералне „Пожаревац 2“. in Каталог изложбе: 28. Међународни салон урбанизма, Ниш, 8-13. новембар 2019.. 2019;:03.09. .
Марић, Игор, Симић, Бранислава, Бајић, Тања, "План регулације генералне „Пожаревац 2“" in Каталог изложбе: 28. Међународни салон урбанизма, Ниш, 8-13. новембар 2019. (2019):03.09, .

Historical Landscape and Cultural Tourism: Brankovina

Simić, Branislava; Simonović Alfirević, Sanja; Pucar, Mila

(Petrovaradin : Pokrajinski zavod za zaštitu spomenika kulture, 2017)

AU  - Simić, Branislava
AU  - Simonović Alfirević, Sanja
AU  - Pucar, Mila
PY  - 2017
UR  -
AB  - The Brankovina cultural and historical complex with the immovable cultural property is
a very important cultural centre of Serbia with preserved authentic historical and
material values that is designated as a cultural property of great importance along with
environmental protection. Cultural heritage plays an important role in shaping the
character of a place and historical ambience. Insufficiently developed awareness about
the importance of cultural heritage for the development of this area, as well as a lack of
clearly defined programmes and measures that would ensure a continuous process of
protection, presents a constant threat to the survival of this important heritage.
The specific aim of The General Regulation Plan for the settlement of Brankovina,
developed by authors of this paper during 2013, was to define a program for the
development of this area which should provide spatial, economic and functional
conditions for the future development of the area. Landscape values, available potential
for tourism development and inclusion into tourism offer of Serbia provide an additional
basis for improving specific values of Brankovina. According to the Plan, the new facilities
were planned such as cultural park with a museum, tourist information centre with a
multifunctional space for a contemporary museological narrative, interactive workshops
for children and adults, exhibition space, open-air amphitheatre, ethno-restaurant, small
hotel, bookshop and souvenir gift shop. The main question that this paper is dealing with
is how to plan the new facilities that would be appropriate to the importance of this
cultural and historical area but without environmental consequences? How to create
harmonious relationships between preservation of inherited values and safeguards
authenticity of urban structure and natural areas with cultural tourism so that they could
have positive ecological, economic and social dimensions on the surrounding? How to
make a balance between protection and development at the same time?
PB  - Petrovaradin : Pokrajinski zavod za zaštitu spomenika kulture
PB  - Sremski Karlovci : Opština Sremski Karlovci
C3  - Book of Abstracts of the Fourth International Conference "Preservation and Improvement of Historic Towns", Sremski Karlovci
T1  - Historical Landscape and Cultural Tourism: Brankovina
SP  - 25
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Simić, Branislava and Simonović Alfirević, Sanja and Pucar, Mila",
year = "2017",
abstract = "The Brankovina cultural and historical complex with the immovable cultural property is
a very important cultural centre of Serbia with preserved authentic historical and
material values that is designated as a cultural property of great importance along with
environmental protection. Cultural heritage plays an important role in shaping the
character of a place and historical ambience. Insufficiently developed awareness about
the importance of cultural heritage for the development of this area, as well as a lack of
clearly defined programmes and measures that would ensure a continuous process of
protection, presents a constant threat to the survival of this important heritage.
The specific aim of The General Regulation Plan for the settlement of Brankovina,
developed by authors of this paper during 2013, was to define a program for the
development of this area which should provide spatial, economic and functional
conditions for the future development of the area. Landscape values, available potential
for tourism development and inclusion into tourism offer of Serbia provide an additional
basis for improving specific values of Brankovina. According to the Plan, the new facilities
were planned such as cultural park with a museum, tourist information centre with a
multifunctional space for a contemporary museological narrative, interactive workshops
for children and adults, exhibition space, open-air amphitheatre, ethno-restaurant, small
hotel, bookshop and souvenir gift shop. The main question that this paper is dealing with
is how to plan the new facilities that would be appropriate to the importance of this
cultural and historical area but without environmental consequences? How to create
harmonious relationships between preservation of inherited values and safeguards
authenticity of urban structure and natural areas with cultural tourism so that they could
have positive ecological, economic and social dimensions on the surrounding? How to
make a balance between protection and development at the same time?",
publisher = "Petrovaradin : Pokrajinski zavod za zaštitu spomenika kulture, Sremski Karlovci : Opština Sremski Karlovci",
journal = "Book of Abstracts of the Fourth International Conference "Preservation and Improvement of Historic Towns", Sremski Karlovci",
title = "Historical Landscape and Cultural Tourism: Brankovina",
pages = "25",
url = ""
Simić, B., Simonović Alfirević, S.,& Pucar, M.. (2017). Historical Landscape and Cultural Tourism: Brankovina. in Book of Abstracts of the Fourth International Conference "Preservation and Improvement of Historic Towns", Sremski Karlovci
Petrovaradin : Pokrajinski zavod za zaštitu spomenika kulture., 25.
Simić B, Simonović Alfirević S, Pucar M. Historical Landscape and Cultural Tourism: Brankovina. in Book of Abstracts of the Fourth International Conference "Preservation and Improvement of Historic Towns", Sremski Karlovci. 2017;:25. .
Simić, Branislava, Simonović Alfirević, Sanja, Pucar, Mila, "Historical Landscape and Cultural Tourism: Brankovina" in Book of Abstracts of the Fourth International Conference "Preservation and Improvement of Historic Towns", Sremski Karlovci (2017):25, .

Sistematizacija i regionalni pristup izučavanju i planiranju sela Branislava Kojića

Marić, Igor; Manić, Božidar; Simić, Branislava

(Beograd : Geografski institut „Jovan Cvijić“ SANU, 2017)

AU  - Marić, Igor
AU  - Manić, Božidar
AU  - Simić, Branislava
PY  - 2017
UR  -
AB  - Istraživač, naučnik, pedagog, praktičar. Sve navedene delatnosti ujedinjene su u radu Branislava Kojića. Učinio je mnogo na polju istraživanja srpskog sela, afirmisao njegove karakteristike i sistematizovao građu. Značaj Kojićevog rada je i komparativna analiza sa primerima iz drugih evropskih zemalja. Pored udžbenika i monografija koje je izdao i koji su dostupni javnosti, značajan je njegov rad na naučnim projektima ostvaren u Institutu za arhitekturu i urbanizam Srbije (IAUS) i na Arhitektonskom fakultetu Univerziteta u Beogradu. Naročito je isticao važnost naučnog pristupa razvitku savremene arhitekture o čijoj ulozi je i pisao članke. Naučni projekti rađeni u IAUS-u korišćeni za ovo istraživanje Kojićevog rada su: „Stari balkanski gradovi u Srbiji, Makedoniji i Crnoj Gori“ (1965-1968); „Varošice u Srbiji XIX veka od 1815 do 1865. godine“ (1966); „Seoske varošice i seoske čaršije u Srbiji“ (1966-1967); i „Perspektive razvitka sela u Srbiji“ (1972).
Kojićev doprinos sistematizaciji sela, kroz regionalni pristup, rezultirao je klasifikacijom ruralnih područja na prostoru Srbije koju je koristio i kasnije u radu na prvom, nikad dovršenom, Prostornom planu Srbije. Izučavanje seoskih naselja sprovodio je kroz niz aspekata: prema prostornim odlikama u sprezi sa agrarnim odlikama, kroz privredno-tržišni karakter, društveno-politički, hijerarhijski model, te kulturološko-običajne karakteristike. Primenjivao je metodološki sveobuhvatan multidisciplinarni pristup izučavanju i analizi sela. Značajna pažnja u naučnim projektima posvećena je izučavanju pojava u savremenom selu toga doba, naročito socio-ekonomske strukture seoskog stanovništva.
Kojićev naučnoistraživački rad na problematici seoskih naselja i seoske arhitekture bio je višedecenijski, kroz ceo radni vek, te je iznedrio veoma kvalitetne i značajne rezultate, koji su relevantni i za savremene istraživače u toj oblasti. Podela sela prema strukturi na zbijena, poluzbijena i razbijena sa niz podvarijanti, zatim po veličini, te po regionalnim karakteristikama na šumadijska, pomoravska, timočka, vojvođanska, kosovsko-metohijska i druge podvarijante, utkana je u njegov rad kao temelj za nadgradnju i sagledavanje mogućeg daljeg razvoja. U današnjim izmenjenim društveno-političkim okolnostima većina njegovih istraživanja je i dalje relevantna pošto su metodološki dosledna, aktuelna u mnogim aspektima i izvorna, zbog rada na terenu i zabeleženih svedočanstva o pojavama od kojih su mnoge nestale.
Danas selo ne bi trebalo da trpi posledice nekih od pređašnjih ograničenja, naročito prostorno-geografskih, ali to ne znači da ono treba da se otuđi od autohtone sredine i modifikuje u svojoj pojavnosti do uniformnosti. Trebalo bi da zadrži regionalne odlike u pogledu hijerarhije i broja naselja, u organizaciji, strukturi kućišta, arhitektonskom oblikovanju. Kojić je kroz svoj rad afirmisao upravo ove principe koje koristimo i danas, ističući geografske i topografske karakteristike, genezu i razvoj, specifične sisteme naselja i teritorija, zatim urbanističku strukturu naselja, te arhitekturu i izražajne karakteristike. Moderna tehnologija izgradnje, razvoj komunikacionih sistema, saobraćaja, globalno tržište, elementi su koji će uticati na dalju transformaciju sela. U isto vreme, globalni pokreti za zaštitu planete od raznih uzročnika njene degradacije i uništenja prirodnih resursa, teže ka cilju koji je u simbiozi prirode i ljudske delatnosti. U izučavanju odnosa seoskih naselja prema teritoriji na kojoj se nalaze kriju se te, i danas aktuelne poruke, dostupne upravo iz naučnog rada Branislava Kojića i njegovih savremenika, te naslednika koji su se bavili i bave se temom sela.
PB  - Beograd : Geografski institut „Jovan Cvijić“ SANU
C3  - Branislav Kojić – prostor u selu, selo u prostoru
T1  - Sistematizacija i regionalni pristup izučavanju i planiranju sela Branislava Kojića
SP  - 94
EP  - 95
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Marić, Igor and Manić, Božidar and Simić, Branislava",
year = "2017",
abstract = "Istraživač, naučnik, pedagog, praktičar. Sve navedene delatnosti ujedinjene su u radu Branislava Kojića. Učinio je mnogo na polju istraživanja srpskog sela, afirmisao njegove karakteristike i sistematizovao građu. Značaj Kojićevog rada je i komparativna analiza sa primerima iz drugih evropskih zemalja. Pored udžbenika i monografija koje je izdao i koji su dostupni javnosti, značajan je njegov rad na naučnim projektima ostvaren u Institutu za arhitekturu i urbanizam Srbije (IAUS) i na Arhitektonskom fakultetu Univerziteta u Beogradu. Naročito je isticao važnost naučnog pristupa razvitku savremene arhitekture o čijoj ulozi je i pisao članke. Naučni projekti rađeni u IAUS-u korišćeni za ovo istraživanje Kojićevog rada su: „Stari balkanski gradovi u Srbiji, Makedoniji i Crnoj Gori“ (1965-1968); „Varošice u Srbiji XIX veka od 1815 do 1865. godine“ (1966); „Seoske varošice i seoske čaršije u Srbiji“ (1966-1967); i „Perspektive razvitka sela u Srbiji“ (1972).
Kojićev doprinos sistematizaciji sela, kroz regionalni pristup, rezultirao je klasifikacijom ruralnih područja na prostoru Srbije koju je koristio i kasnije u radu na prvom, nikad dovršenom, Prostornom planu Srbije. Izučavanje seoskih naselja sprovodio je kroz niz aspekata: prema prostornim odlikama u sprezi sa agrarnim odlikama, kroz privredno-tržišni karakter, društveno-politički, hijerarhijski model, te kulturološko-običajne karakteristike. Primenjivao je metodološki sveobuhvatan multidisciplinarni pristup izučavanju i analizi sela. Značajna pažnja u naučnim projektima posvećena je izučavanju pojava u savremenom selu toga doba, naročito socio-ekonomske strukture seoskog stanovništva.
Kojićev naučnoistraživački rad na problematici seoskih naselja i seoske arhitekture bio je višedecenijski, kroz ceo radni vek, te je iznedrio veoma kvalitetne i značajne rezultate, koji su relevantni i za savremene istraživače u toj oblasti. Podela sela prema strukturi na zbijena, poluzbijena i razbijena sa niz podvarijanti, zatim po veličini, te po regionalnim karakteristikama na šumadijska, pomoravska, timočka, vojvođanska, kosovsko-metohijska i druge podvarijante, utkana je u njegov rad kao temelj za nadgradnju i sagledavanje mogućeg daljeg razvoja. U današnjim izmenjenim društveno-političkim okolnostima većina njegovih istraživanja je i dalje relevantna pošto su metodološki dosledna, aktuelna u mnogim aspektima i izvorna, zbog rada na terenu i zabeleženih svedočanstva o pojavama od kojih su mnoge nestale.
Danas selo ne bi trebalo da trpi posledice nekih od pređašnjih ograničenja, naročito prostorno-geografskih, ali to ne znači da ono treba da se otuđi od autohtone sredine i modifikuje u svojoj pojavnosti do uniformnosti. Trebalo bi da zadrži regionalne odlike u pogledu hijerarhije i broja naselja, u organizaciji, strukturi kućišta, arhitektonskom oblikovanju. Kojić je kroz svoj rad afirmisao upravo ove principe koje koristimo i danas, ističući geografske i topografske karakteristike, genezu i razvoj, specifične sisteme naselja i teritorija, zatim urbanističku strukturu naselja, te arhitekturu i izražajne karakteristike. Moderna tehnologija izgradnje, razvoj komunikacionih sistema, saobraćaja, globalno tržište, elementi su koji će uticati na dalju transformaciju sela. U isto vreme, globalni pokreti za zaštitu planete od raznih uzročnika njene degradacije i uništenja prirodnih resursa, teže ka cilju koji je u simbiozi prirode i ljudske delatnosti. U izučavanju odnosa seoskih naselja prema teritoriji na kojoj se nalaze kriju se te, i danas aktuelne poruke, dostupne upravo iz naučnog rada Branislava Kojića i njegovih savremenika, te naslednika koji su se bavili i bave se temom sela.",
publisher = "Beograd : Geografski institut „Jovan Cvijić“ SANU",
journal = "Branislav Kojić – prostor u selu, selo u prostoru",
title = "Sistematizacija i regionalni pristup izučavanju i planiranju sela Branislava Kojića",
pages = "94-95",
url = ""
Marić, I., Manić, B.,& Simić, B.. (2017). Sistematizacija i regionalni pristup izučavanju i planiranju sela Branislava Kojića. in Branislav Kojić – prostor u selu, selo u prostoru
Beograd : Geografski institut „Jovan Cvijić“ SANU., 94-95.
Marić I, Manić B, Simić B. Sistematizacija i regionalni pristup izučavanju i planiranju sela Branislava Kojića. in Branislav Kojić – prostor u selu, selo u prostoru. 2017;:94-95. .
Marić, Igor, Manić, Božidar, Simić, Branislava, "Sistematizacija i regionalni pristup izučavanju i planiranju sela Branislava Kojića" in Branislav Kojić – prostor u selu, selo u prostoru (2017):94-95, .

Historical Landscape and Cultural Tourism: Brankovina

Simić, Branislava; Simonović Alfirević, Sanja; Pucar, Mila

(Sremski Karlovci : Opština Sremski Karlovci, 2017)

AU  - Simić, Branislava
AU  - Simonović Alfirević, Sanja
AU  - Pucar, Mila
PY  - 2017
UR  -
AB  - The Brankovina cultural and historical complex with the immovable cultural property is a very important cultural centre of Serbia with preserved authentic historical and material values that is designated as a cultural property of great importance along with environmental protection. Cultural heritage plays an important role in shaping the character of a place and historical ambience. The insufficiently developed awareness about the importance of cultural heritage for the development of this area, as well as a lack of clearly defined programs and measures that would ensure a continuous process of protection, presents a constant threat to the survival of this important heritage. The main objective of the 2015 General Regulation Plan (GRP) for the Brankovina settlement, which was developed by the authors of this paper, was to define the requirements and measures for the spatial, economic and functional development of this area. 
Landscape values, available potential for tourism development and inclusion into tourism offer of Serbia provide an additional basis for improving specific values of Brankovina. According to the Plan, the new facilities were planned such as cultural park with a museum, tourist information centre with a multifunctional space for a contemporary museological narrative, interactive workshops for children and adults, exhibition space, open-air amphitheatre, ethno-restaurant, small hotel, bookshop, and a souvenir gift shop. The main question addressed in this paper is how to plan the new facilities that would be appropriate to the importance of this cultural and historical area but without environmental consequences? How to create harmonious relationships between preservation of inherited values and safeguard authenticity of urban structure and natural areas with cultural tourism so that they could have positive ecological, economic and social effects for the surrounding area? How to make a balance between the protection and development at the same time?
PB  - Sremski Karlovci : Opština Sremski Karlovci
C3  - Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference "Preservation and Improvement of Historic Towns, Sremski Karlovci
T1  - Historical Landscape and Cultural Tourism: Brankovina
SP  - 124
EP  - 133
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Simić, Branislava and Simonović Alfirević, Sanja and Pucar, Mila",
year = "2017",
abstract = "The Brankovina cultural and historical complex with the immovable cultural property is a very important cultural centre of Serbia with preserved authentic historical and material values that is designated as a cultural property of great importance along with environmental protection. Cultural heritage plays an important role in shaping the character of a place and historical ambience. The insufficiently developed awareness about the importance of cultural heritage for the development of this area, as well as a lack of clearly defined programs and measures that would ensure a continuous process of protection, presents a constant threat to the survival of this important heritage. The main objective of the 2015 General Regulation Plan (GRP) for the Brankovina settlement, which was developed by the authors of this paper, was to define the requirements and measures for the spatial, economic and functional development of this area. 
Landscape values, available potential for tourism development and inclusion into tourism offer of Serbia provide an additional basis for improving specific values of Brankovina. According to the Plan, the new facilities were planned such as cultural park with a museum, tourist information centre with a multifunctional space for a contemporary museological narrative, interactive workshops for children and adults, exhibition space, open-air amphitheatre, ethno-restaurant, small hotel, bookshop, and a souvenir gift shop. The main question addressed in this paper is how to plan the new facilities that would be appropriate to the importance of this cultural and historical area but without environmental consequences? How to create harmonious relationships between preservation of inherited values and safeguard authenticity of urban structure and natural areas with cultural tourism so that they could have positive ecological, economic and social effects for the surrounding area? How to make a balance between the protection and development at the same time?",
publisher = "Sremski Karlovci : Opština Sremski Karlovci",
journal = "Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference "Preservation and Improvement of Historic Towns, Sremski Karlovci",
title = "Historical Landscape and Cultural Tourism: Brankovina",
pages = "124-133",
url = ""
Simić, B., Simonović Alfirević, S.,& Pucar, M.. (2017). Historical Landscape and Cultural Tourism: Brankovina. in Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference "Preservation and Improvement of Historic Towns, Sremski Karlovci
Sremski Karlovci : Opština Sremski Karlovci., 124-133.
Simić B, Simonović Alfirević S, Pucar M. Historical Landscape and Cultural Tourism: Brankovina. in Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference "Preservation and Improvement of Historic Towns, Sremski Karlovci. 2017;:124-133. .
Simić, Branislava, Simonović Alfirević, Sanja, Pucar, Mila, "Historical Landscape and Cultural Tourism: Brankovina" in Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference "Preservation and Improvement of Historic Towns, Sremski Karlovci (2017):124-133, .

Model razvoja kulturno-istorijskog kompleksa Brankovina sa predlogom mera zaštite od klimatskih promena

Pucar Mila; Kovačević, Branislava; Simonović Alfirević, Sanja

(Beograd : Institut za arhitekturu i urbanizam Srbije, 2016)

AU  - Pucar Mila
AU  - Kovačević, Branislava
AU  - Simonović Alfirević, Sanja
PY  - 2016
UR  -
AB  - Kulturno nasleđe ima važnu ulogu u promovisanju lokalne kulture i tradicije i njegova zaštita predstavlja jedan od osnovnih kriterijuma pri planiranju daljeg razvoja područja. U tom kontekstu, kulturno nasleđe postaje ključni pokretač razvoja, turistički atraktor, koji utiče na ekonomsko i socijalno poboljšanje nekog područja, uz istovremenu brigu o ekološkoj zaštiti okruženja. Usaglašavanje dva pravca ‒ zaštite i razvoja ‒ predstavlja osnovu planiranja prilikom daljeg oblikovanja karaktera mesta istaknutih predela i ambijenata. Zaštita kulturnog predela Brankovine, kao jednog od najznačajnijih kulturno-istorijskih spomen-kompleksa na teritoriji Srbije, podrazumeva integralnu zaštitu svih objekata sa okruženjem. Nedovoljno razvijena svest o značaju kulturnog nasleđa Brankovine kao pokretača razvoja ogleda se u izostanku planskih dokumenta i jasno definisanih programa i mera kojima bi se osigurali uslovi za dalji razvoj i zaštitu, što predstavlja stalnu pretnju opstanku ovog značajnog nasleđa. Sa porastom svesti o klimatskim promenama i njihovim vidljivim posledicama, primena mera zaštite je veoma značajna, pogotovo kod kulturnog nasleđa, zbog složenosti zaštite istorijskog kompleksa i posebnih ambijentalnih
kvaliteta. Plan generalne regulacije za deo naseljenog mesta Brankovina usvojen 2015. godine, pored programa razvoja ovog područja i planiranja novih sadržaja primerenih značaju prostora, posebnu pažnju je posvetio problemu ugroženosti od posledica klimatskih promena.
AB  - Cultural heritage plays an important role in promoting the local culture, while the tradition and its protection are among the main criteria in planning further development of an area. In this context, cultural heritage becomes a key driver of development as tourism attractor, affecting the economic and social enhancement of the area and at the same time playing an important role in the environmental protection. Harmonizing and putting together the two directions – the protection and development, provides a basis for building a unique character of these areas. The protection of the cultural landscape of Brankovina, one of the most important cultural-historical memorial complexes in the territory of Serbia, requires an integrated and comprehensive protection of all its structures along with the environmental protection. Insufficiently developed awareness of the importance of the cultural heritage of Brankovina as a driver of development is reflected in the deficiency of the relevant planning documents, clearly defined programs and measures that are needed for its further development and protection. With an increase of awareness about climate change and its visible consequences, the development and implementation of these protection measures become even more important, especially in the cultural heritage, due to the complexity of interventions related to the protection of the historical complex and due to specific environmental quality. The General Regulation Plan for the Inhabited Part of Brankovina was adopted in 2015. In addition to the general development program for the area and planning of a new development in accordance with the area-specific features, a special attention was also given to the potential threats and vulnerability to the effects of climate change.
PB  - Beograd : Institut za arhitekturu i urbanizam Srbije
T2  - Prostorni, ekološki, energetski i društveni aspekti razvoja naselјa i klimatske promene, Posebna izdanja, br.78
T1  - Model razvoja kulturno-istorijskog kompleksa Brankovina sa predlogom mera zaštite od klimatskih promena
T1  - Мodel for the development of the cultural- historical memorial complex Brankovina and a proposal of measures for the protection against climate change
SP  - 165
EP  - 192
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Pucar Mila and Kovačević, Branislava and Simonović Alfirević, Sanja",
year = "2016",
abstract = "Kulturno nasleđe ima važnu ulogu u promovisanju lokalne kulture i tradicije i njegova zaštita predstavlja jedan od osnovnih kriterijuma pri planiranju daljeg razvoja područja. U tom kontekstu, kulturno nasleđe postaje ključni pokretač razvoja, turistički atraktor, koji utiče na ekonomsko i socijalno poboljšanje nekog područja, uz istovremenu brigu o ekološkoj zaštiti okruženja. Usaglašavanje dva pravca ‒ zaštite i razvoja ‒ predstavlja osnovu planiranja prilikom daljeg oblikovanja karaktera mesta istaknutih predela i ambijenata. Zaštita kulturnog predela Brankovine, kao jednog od najznačajnijih kulturno-istorijskih spomen-kompleksa na teritoriji Srbije, podrazumeva integralnu zaštitu svih objekata sa okruženjem. Nedovoljno razvijena svest o značaju kulturnog nasleđa Brankovine kao pokretača razvoja ogleda se u izostanku planskih dokumenta i jasno definisanih programa i mera kojima bi se osigurali uslovi za dalji razvoj i zaštitu, što predstavlja stalnu pretnju opstanku ovog značajnog nasleđa. Sa porastom svesti o klimatskim promenama i njihovim vidljivim posledicama, primena mera zaštite je veoma značajna, pogotovo kod kulturnog nasleđa, zbog složenosti zaštite istorijskog kompleksa i posebnih ambijentalnih
kvaliteta. Plan generalne regulacije za deo naseljenog mesta Brankovina usvojen 2015. godine, pored programa razvoja ovog područja i planiranja novih sadržaja primerenih značaju prostora, posebnu pažnju je posvetio problemu ugroženosti od posledica klimatskih promena., Cultural heritage plays an important role in promoting the local culture, while the tradition and its protection are among the main criteria in planning further development of an area. In this context, cultural heritage becomes a key driver of development as tourism attractor, affecting the economic and social enhancement of the area and at the same time playing an important role in the environmental protection. Harmonizing and putting together the two directions – the protection and development, provides a basis for building a unique character of these areas. The protection of the cultural landscape of Brankovina, one of the most important cultural-historical memorial complexes in the territory of Serbia, requires an integrated and comprehensive protection of all its structures along with the environmental protection. Insufficiently developed awareness of the importance of the cultural heritage of Brankovina as a driver of development is reflected in the deficiency of the relevant planning documents, clearly defined programs and measures that are needed for its further development and protection. With an increase of awareness about climate change and its visible consequences, the development and implementation of these protection measures become even more important, especially in the cultural heritage, due to the complexity of interventions related to the protection of the historical complex and due to specific environmental quality. The General Regulation Plan for the Inhabited Part of Brankovina was adopted in 2015. In addition to the general development program for the area and planning of a new development in accordance with the area-specific features, a special attention was also given to the potential threats and vulnerability to the effects of climate change.",
publisher = "Beograd : Institut za arhitekturu i urbanizam Srbije",
journal = "Prostorni, ekološki, energetski i društveni aspekti razvoja naselјa i klimatske promene, Posebna izdanja, br.78",
booktitle = "Model razvoja kulturno-istorijskog kompleksa Brankovina sa predlogom mera zaštite od klimatskih promena, Мodel for the development of the cultural- historical memorial complex Brankovina and a proposal of measures for the protection against climate change",
pages = "165-192",
url = ""
Pucar Mila, Kovačević, B.,& Simonović Alfirević, S.. (2016). Model razvoja kulturno-istorijskog kompleksa Brankovina sa predlogom mera zaštite od klimatskih promena. in Prostorni, ekološki, energetski i društveni aspekti razvoja naselјa i klimatske promene, Posebna izdanja, br.78
Beograd : Institut za arhitekturu i urbanizam Srbije., 165-192.
Pucar Mila, Kovačević B, Simonović Alfirević S. Model razvoja kulturno-istorijskog kompleksa Brankovina sa predlogom mera zaštite od klimatskih promena. in Prostorni, ekološki, energetski i društveni aspekti razvoja naselјa i klimatske promene, Posebna izdanja, br.78. 2016;:165-192. .
Pucar Mila, Kovačević, Branislava, Simonović Alfirević, Sanja, "Model razvoja kulturno-istorijskog kompleksa Brankovina sa predlogom mera zaštite od klimatskih promena" in Prostorni, ekološki, energetski i društveni aspekti razvoja naselјa i klimatske promene, Posebna izdanja, br.78 (2016):165-192, .

Historical landscape of immovable cultural properties in Brankovina and flood protection measures

Simonović Alfirević, Sanja; Kovačević, Branislava; Pucar, Mila

(Univerzitet u Nišu, 2016)

AU  - Simonović Alfirević, Sanja
AU  - Kovačević, Branislava
AU  - Pucar, Mila
PY  - 2016
UR  -
AB  - The attitude towards the values of cultural heritage is one of the important factors in shaping the character of a place and the character of a cultural and historical ambience. Cultural heritage plays an important role in strengthening the regional and local cultures and tradition with respect to economic and social issues, as well as with respect to the environmental protection regulation. The Brankovina cultural and historical complex - the immovable property of exceptional importance, is an important cultural centre of Serbia which implies an integrated protection of all structures together with the surrounding area. The illegal construction, inappropriate reconstructions and interventions in this area have resulted from a lack of urban planning regulation over a long period of time. Insufficiently developed awareness about the importance of cultural heritage for the development of this area, as well as a lack of clearly defined programmes and measures that would ensure a continuous process of protection, presents a constant threat to the survival of this important heritage. The flood risk problem is much more prominent in this area than in other parts of Serbia due to complexity in the protection of historical heritage and particular ambience qualities. The work on the area development programme which would provide spatial, environmental, economic and functional conditions for future development and protection of this area has started after the adoption of the Decision on General Regulation Plan. The achievement of objectives is moving towards the affirmation, protection and improvement of the Brankovina cultural and historical complex as a traditional cultural heritage, along with planning the new facilities that would be appropriate to the importance of the area, and without environmental consequences.
AB  - Odnos prema vrednostima kulturnog nasleđa je jedan od važnih faktora u oblikovanju karaktera mesta i karaktera kulturno-istorijskog ambijenta. Kulturno nasleđe igra važnu ulogu u jačanju regionalne i lokalne kulture i tradicije u odnosu na ekonomska i socijalna pitanja, kao i u pogledu regulisanja zaštite životne sredine. Kulturno-istorijski kompleks Brankovina - nepokretna imovina od izuzetnog značaja, je važan kulturni centar Srbije, koji podrazumeva integrisanu zaštitu svih struktura zajedno sa okolnim područjem. Bespravne gradnje, neodgovarajuće rekonstrukcije i intervencije u ovoj oblasti rezultat su nedostatka propisa urbanističkog planiranja tokom dugog vremenskog perioda. Nedovoljno razvijena svest o značaju kulturnog nasleđa za razvoj ove oblasti, kao i nedostatak jasno definisanih programa i mera koje bi obezbedile kontinuirani proces zaštite, predstavlja stalnu pretnja opstanku ovog važnog nasleđa. Problem rizika od poplava je mnogo izraženiji u ovoj oblasti nego u drugim delovima Srbije zbog složenosti zaštite istorijskog nasleđa i posebnih ambijentalnih kvaliteta. Rad na programu razvoja u oblasti koja bi omogućila prostorne, ekološke, ekonomske i funkcionalne uslove za dalji razvoj i zaštitu ovog područja je počela nakon usvajanja odluke o planu generalne regulacije. Ostvarivanjem ciljeva kreće se ka afirmaciji, zaštiti i unapređenju kulturnog i istorijskog kompleksa Brankovina, kao tradicionalne kulturne baštine, uz planiranje novih objekata koji će biti prikladni za značaj područja, a bez posledica po životnu sredinu. .
PB  - Univerzitet u Nišu
T2  - Facta universitatis - series: Working and Living Enviromental Protection
T1  - Historical landscape of immovable cultural properties in Brankovina and flood protection measures
T1  - Istorijski pejzaž nepokretnih kulturnih dobara u Brankovini i mere zaštite od poplava
VL  - 13
IS  - 1
SP  - 41
EP  - 51
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Simonović Alfirević, Sanja and Kovačević, Branislava and Pucar, Mila",
year = "2016",
abstract = "The attitude towards the values of cultural heritage is one of the important factors in shaping the character of a place and the character of a cultural and historical ambience. Cultural heritage plays an important role in strengthening the regional and local cultures and tradition with respect to economic and social issues, as well as with respect to the environmental protection regulation. The Brankovina cultural and historical complex - the immovable property of exceptional importance, is an important cultural centre of Serbia which implies an integrated protection of all structures together with the surrounding area. The illegal construction, inappropriate reconstructions and interventions in this area have resulted from a lack of urban planning regulation over a long period of time. Insufficiently developed awareness about the importance of cultural heritage for the development of this area, as well as a lack of clearly defined programmes and measures that would ensure a continuous process of protection, presents a constant threat to the survival of this important heritage. The flood risk problem is much more prominent in this area than in other parts of Serbia due to complexity in the protection of historical heritage and particular ambience qualities. The work on the area development programme which would provide spatial, environmental, economic and functional conditions for future development and protection of this area has started after the adoption of the Decision on General Regulation Plan. The achievement of objectives is moving towards the affirmation, protection and improvement of the Brankovina cultural and historical complex as a traditional cultural heritage, along with planning the new facilities that would be appropriate to the importance of the area, and without environmental consequences., Odnos prema vrednostima kulturnog nasleđa je jedan od važnih faktora u oblikovanju karaktera mesta i karaktera kulturno-istorijskog ambijenta. Kulturno nasleđe igra važnu ulogu u jačanju regionalne i lokalne kulture i tradicije u odnosu na ekonomska i socijalna pitanja, kao i u pogledu regulisanja zaštite životne sredine. Kulturno-istorijski kompleks Brankovina - nepokretna imovina od izuzetnog značaja, je važan kulturni centar Srbije, koji podrazumeva integrisanu zaštitu svih struktura zajedno sa okolnim područjem. Bespravne gradnje, neodgovarajuće rekonstrukcije i intervencije u ovoj oblasti rezultat su nedostatka propisa urbanističkog planiranja tokom dugog vremenskog perioda. Nedovoljno razvijena svest o značaju kulturnog nasleđa za razvoj ove oblasti, kao i nedostatak jasno definisanih programa i mera koje bi obezbedile kontinuirani proces zaštite, predstavlja stalnu pretnja opstanku ovog važnog nasleđa. Problem rizika od poplava je mnogo izraženiji u ovoj oblasti nego u drugim delovima Srbije zbog složenosti zaštite istorijskog nasleđa i posebnih ambijentalnih kvaliteta. Rad na programu razvoja u oblasti koja bi omogućila prostorne, ekološke, ekonomske i funkcionalne uslove za dalji razvoj i zaštitu ovog područja je počela nakon usvajanja odluke o planu generalne regulacije. Ostvarivanjem ciljeva kreće se ka afirmaciji, zaštiti i unapređenju kulturnog i istorijskog kompleksa Brankovina, kao tradicionalne kulturne baštine, uz planiranje novih objekata koji će biti prikladni za značaj područja, a bez posledica po životnu sredinu. .",
publisher = "Univerzitet u Nišu",
journal = "Facta universitatis - series: Working and Living Enviromental Protection",
title = "Historical landscape of immovable cultural properties in Brankovina and flood protection measures, Istorijski pejzaž nepokretnih kulturnih dobara u Brankovini i mere zaštite od poplava",
volume = "13",
number = "1",
pages = "41-51",
url = ""
Simonović Alfirević, S., Kovačević, B.,& Pucar, M.. (2016). Historical landscape of immovable cultural properties in Brankovina and flood protection measures. in Facta universitatis - series: Working and Living Enviromental Protection
Univerzitet u Nišu., 13(1), 41-51.
Simonović Alfirević S, Kovačević B, Pucar M. Historical landscape of immovable cultural properties in Brankovina and flood protection measures. in Facta universitatis - series: Working and Living Enviromental Protection. 2016;13(1):41-51. .
Simonović Alfirević, Sanja, Kovačević, Branislava, Pucar, Mila, "Historical landscape of immovable cultural properties in Brankovina and flood protection measures" in Facta universitatis - series: Working and Living Enviromental Protection, 13, no. 1 (2016):41-51, .

Reducing the impact of climate change by applying information technologies and measures for improving energy efficiency in urban planning

Marić, Igor; Pucar, Mila; Kovačević, Branislava

(Lausanne : Elsevier Science, 2016)

AU  - Marić, Igor
AU  - Pucar, Mila
AU  - Kovačević, Branislava
PY  - 2016
UR  -
AB  - The paper provides an overview of a part of research related to the analysis of information technologies and measures for improving the energy efficiency in urban planning that can contribute to mitigating the impact of climate change. The first part of the paper deals with problems supported by the numerous data on negative effects of climate change on the cities, such as urban heat islands, energy and ecological crisis. The second part of the paper proposes solutions that rely on information technologies which facilitate process of urban planning. Two projects related to the implementation of measures for improving the energy efficiency in urban planning were conducted within this research. The first one is considering the design of a spa centre in an undeveloped mountain landscape and the second one is dealing with reconstruction of a residential block in urban built environment. In the first case study, the proposed solutions rely on the information technologies, while in the second case study they rely on the implementation of measures for improving the energy efficiency in urban planning. The results show that the application of different measures in urban planning depends on the level of the built environment.
PB  - Lausanne : Elsevier Science
T2  - Energy and Buildings
T1  - Reducing the impact of climate change by applying information technologies and measures for improving energy efficiency in urban planning
VL  - 115
SP  - 102
EP  - 111
DO  - 10.1016/j.enbuild.2015.04.044
ER  - 
author = "Marić, Igor and Pucar, Mila and Kovačević, Branislava",
year = "2016",
abstract = "The paper provides an overview of a part of research related to the analysis of information technologies and measures for improving the energy efficiency in urban planning that can contribute to mitigating the impact of climate change. The first part of the paper deals with problems supported by the numerous data on negative effects of climate change on the cities, such as urban heat islands, energy and ecological crisis. The second part of the paper proposes solutions that rely on information technologies which facilitate process of urban planning. Two projects related to the implementation of measures for improving the energy efficiency in urban planning were conducted within this research. The first one is considering the design of a spa centre in an undeveloped mountain landscape and the second one is dealing with reconstruction of a residential block in urban built environment. In the first case study, the proposed solutions rely on the information technologies, while in the second case study they rely on the implementation of measures for improving the energy efficiency in urban planning. The results show that the application of different measures in urban planning depends on the level of the built environment.",
publisher = "Lausanne : Elsevier Science",
journal = "Energy and Buildings",
title = "Reducing the impact of climate change by applying information technologies and measures for improving energy efficiency in urban planning",
volume = "115",
pages = "102-111",
doi = "10.1016/j.enbuild.2015.04.044"
Marić, I., Pucar, M.,& Kovačević, B.. (2016). Reducing the impact of climate change by applying information technologies and measures for improving energy efficiency in urban planning. in Energy and Buildings
Lausanne : Elsevier Science., 115, 102-111.
Marić I, Pucar M, Kovačević B. Reducing the impact of climate change by applying information technologies and measures for improving energy efficiency in urban planning. in Energy and Buildings. 2016;115:102-111.
doi:10.1016/j.enbuild.2015.04.044 .
Marić, Igor, Pucar, Mila, Kovačević, Branislava, "Reducing the impact of climate change by applying information technologies and measures for improving energy efficiency in urban planning" in Energy and Buildings, 115 (2016):102-111, . .

Reducing the impact of climate change by applying information technologies and measures for improving energy efficiency in urban planning

Marić, Igor; Pucar, Mila; Kovačević, Branislava

(Elsevier Science Sa, Lausanne, 2016)

AU  - Marić, Igor
AU  - Pucar, Mila
AU  - Kovačević, Branislava
PY  - 2016
UR  -
AB  - The paper provides an overview of a part of research related to the analysis of information technologies and measures for improving the energy efficiency in urban planning that can contribute to mitigating the impact of climate change. The first part of the paper deals with problems supported by the numerous data on negative effects of climate change on the cities, such as urban heat islands, energy and ecological crisis. The second part of the paper proposes solutions that rely on information technologies which facilitate process of urban planning. Two projects related to the implementation of measures for improving the energy efficiency in urban planning were conducted within this research. The first one is considering the design of a spa centre in an undeveloped mountain landscape and the second one is dealing with reconstruction of a residential block in urban built environment. In the first case study, the proposed solutions rely on the information technologies, while in the second case study they rely on the implementation of measures for improving the energy efficiency in urban planning. The results show that the application of different measures in urban planning depends on the level of the built environment.
PB  - Elsevier Science Sa, Lausanne
T2  - Energy and Buildings
T1  - Reducing the impact of climate change by applying information technologies and measures for improving energy efficiency in urban planning
VL  - 115
SP  - 102
EP  - 111
DO  - 10.1016/j.enbuild.2015.04.044
ER  - 
author = "Marić, Igor and Pucar, Mila and Kovačević, Branislava",
year = "2016",
abstract = "The paper provides an overview of a part of research related to the analysis of information technologies and measures for improving the energy efficiency in urban planning that can contribute to mitigating the impact of climate change. The first part of the paper deals with problems supported by the numerous data on negative effects of climate change on the cities, such as urban heat islands, energy and ecological crisis. The second part of the paper proposes solutions that rely on information technologies which facilitate process of urban planning. Two projects related to the implementation of measures for improving the energy efficiency in urban planning were conducted within this research. The first one is considering the design of a spa centre in an undeveloped mountain landscape and the second one is dealing with reconstruction of a residential block in urban built environment. In the first case study, the proposed solutions rely on the information technologies, while in the second case study they rely on the implementation of measures for improving the energy efficiency in urban planning. The results show that the application of different measures in urban planning depends on the level of the built environment.",
publisher = "Elsevier Science Sa, Lausanne",
journal = "Energy and Buildings",
title = "Reducing the impact of climate change by applying information technologies and measures for improving energy efficiency in urban planning",
volume = "115",
pages = "102-111",
doi = "10.1016/j.enbuild.2015.04.044"
Marić, I., Pucar, M.,& Kovačević, B.. (2016). Reducing the impact of climate change by applying information technologies and measures for improving energy efficiency in urban planning. in Energy and Buildings
Elsevier Science Sa, Lausanne., 115, 102-111.
Marić I, Pucar M, Kovačević B. Reducing the impact of climate change by applying information technologies and measures for improving energy efficiency in urban planning. in Energy and Buildings. 2016;115:102-111.
doi:10.1016/j.enbuild.2015.04.044 .
Marić, Igor, Pucar, Mila, Kovačević, Branislava, "Reducing the impact of climate change by applying information technologies and measures for improving energy efficiency in urban planning" in Energy and Buildings, 115 (2016):102-111, . .

Protection and restoration of cultural properties in spatial and urban planning in Serbia; Case study: immoveable cultural properties in Brankovina

Simonović, Sanja; Kovačević, Branislava; Pucar, Mila

(Skiathos Island : Stevens Institute of Technology, USA, 2014)

AU  - Simonović, Sanja
AU  - Kovačević, Branislava
AU  - Pucar, Mila
PY  - 2014
UR  -
AB  - Serbia contains a large amount of immovable cultural properties which protection is regulated by law, strategic documents and rules pertaining to this field. The exact situation in the field is often specific and has to be solved from case to case. For example, an urban plan for the cultural and historical complex of Brankovina – the immovable cultural property of exceptional importance, has never been developed. Considering the importance of the locality, any construction activities in a wider area have been forbidden by a special document. This has brought many problems in the use of space and has also led to illegal construction and stagnation in the development of the settlement, as well as made the construction of public and utility facilities impossible. After the decision to develop a plan of general regulation was made, the next step was to create a program for the development of this area and provide spatial, economic and functional conditions that would enable future development and protection of this area and normal subsistence of local population, along with solutions for necessary infrastructure. The paper presents investigations of the current situation and gives guidelines for future development, which implies local economic recovery, protection and restoration of buildings, possibility to develop tourism of small economies and cultural tourism offer. The Plan especially deals with the reconstruction of protected cultural properties based on bioclimatic principles and principles of energy efficiency and ecologically sustainable development.
PB  - Skiathos Island : Stevens Institute of Technology, USA
C3  - Proceedings of the 12th International Conference „Protection and Restoration of the Environment“, Skiathos
T1  - Protection and restoration of cultural properties in spatial and urban planning in Serbia; Case study: immoveable cultural properties in Brankovina
SP  - 1068
EP  - 1074
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Simonović, Sanja and Kovačević, Branislava and Pucar, Mila",
year = "2014",
abstract = "Serbia contains a large amount of immovable cultural properties which protection is regulated by law, strategic documents and rules pertaining to this field. The exact situation in the field is often specific and has to be solved from case to case. For example, an urban plan for the cultural and historical complex of Brankovina – the immovable cultural property of exceptional importance, has never been developed. Considering the importance of the locality, any construction activities in a wider area have been forbidden by a special document. This has brought many problems in the use of space and has also led to illegal construction and stagnation in the development of the settlement, as well as made the construction of public and utility facilities impossible. After the decision to develop a plan of general regulation was made, the next step was to create a program for the development of this area and provide spatial, economic and functional conditions that would enable future development and protection of this area and normal subsistence of local population, along with solutions for necessary infrastructure. The paper presents investigations of the current situation and gives guidelines for future development, which implies local economic recovery, protection and restoration of buildings, possibility to develop tourism of small economies and cultural tourism offer. The Plan especially deals with the reconstruction of protected cultural properties based on bioclimatic principles and principles of energy efficiency and ecologically sustainable development.",
publisher = "Skiathos Island : Stevens Institute of Technology, USA",
journal = "Proceedings of the 12th International Conference „Protection and Restoration of the Environment“, Skiathos",
title = "Protection and restoration of cultural properties in spatial and urban planning in Serbia; Case study: immoveable cultural properties in Brankovina",
pages = "1068-1074",
url = ""
Simonović, S., Kovačević, B.,& Pucar, M.. (2014). Protection and restoration of cultural properties in spatial and urban planning in Serbia; Case study: immoveable cultural properties in Brankovina. in Proceedings of the 12th International Conference „Protection and Restoration of the Environment“, Skiathos
Skiathos Island : Stevens Institute of Technology, USA., 1068-1074.
Simonović S, Kovačević B, Pucar M. Protection and restoration of cultural properties in spatial and urban planning in Serbia; Case study: immoveable cultural properties in Brankovina. in Proceedings of the 12th International Conference „Protection and Restoration of the Environment“, Skiathos. 2014;:1068-1074. .
Simonović, Sanja, Kovačević, Branislava, Pucar, Mila, "Protection and restoration of cultural properties in spatial and urban planning in Serbia; Case study: immoveable cultural properties in Brankovina" in Proceedings of the 12th International Conference „Protection and Restoration of the Environment“, Skiathos (2014):1068-1074, .

Social housing in Belgrade: Practice in architecture and urban planning competitions (2003-2014)

Bajić, Tanja; Manić, Božidar; Kovačević, Branislava

(Institute of Architecture and Urban and Spatial Planning of Serbia, 2014)

AU  - Bajić, Tanja
AU  - Manić, Božidar
AU  - Kovačević, Branislava
PY  - 2014
UR  -
AB  - Despite the absence of a defined social housing system, several programs of social housing, mainly including the organization of public architecture and urban planning competitions, have been implemented over the last decade in Serbia. This paper presents the competition practice in the field of social and non-profit housing, realized by the City of Belgrade and through Association of Belgrade Architects (DAB) in the period from 2003 to 2014, with special emphasis on the best placed and realized designs. The analysis of the results and the quality of the current design and construction practice aims to improve the knowledge about the complex issue of social housing, identifying local specificities and limitations, as well as the potentials and applicability of the winning designs. The importance of the institution of public architecture and urban planning competition in promoting sustainable and innovative social housing is pointed out in the concluding considerations.
AB  - Uprkos odsustvu definisanog sistema socijalnog stanovanja, u Srbiji je u toku protekle decenije sprovedeno nekoliko programa socijalne stanogradnje, za čije potrebe su uglavnom organizovani javni arhitektonsko-urbanistički konkursi. U radu je prikazana konkursna praksa u oblasti socijalnog i neprofitnog stanovanja, koju je Grad Beograd, posredstvom Društva arhitekata Beograda, realizovao u periodu od 2003. do 2014. god., sa posebnim osvrtom na najbolje plasirana i zatim realizovana konkursna rešenja. Analiza rezultata i kvaliteta postojeće projektantske i graditeljske prakse ima za cilj unapređenje saznanja o kompleksnoj problematici socijalnog stanovanja, uočavanje lokalnih specifičnosti i ograničenja, ali i potencijala i primenljivosti nagrađenih rešenja. U zaključnim razmatranjima ukazuje se na značaj institucije javnog arhitektonsko-urbanističkog konkursa u promociji održive i inovativne socijalne stanogradnje.
PB  - Institute of Architecture and Urban and Spatial Planning of Serbia
T2  - Arhitektura i urbanizam
T1  - Social housing in Belgrade: Practice in architecture and urban planning competitions (2003-2014)
T1  - Socijalno stanovanje u Beogradu - praksa arhitektonsko-urbanističkih konkursa (2003 - 2014)
IS  - 39
SP  - 29
EP  - 43
DO  - 10.5937/a-u0-6604
ER  - 
author = "Bajić, Tanja and Manić, Božidar and Kovačević, Branislava",
year = "2014",
abstract = "Despite the absence of a defined social housing system, several programs of social housing, mainly including the organization of public architecture and urban planning competitions, have been implemented over the last decade in Serbia. This paper presents the competition practice in the field of social and non-profit housing, realized by the City of Belgrade and through Association of Belgrade Architects (DAB) in the period from 2003 to 2014, with special emphasis on the best placed and realized designs. The analysis of the results and the quality of the current design and construction practice aims to improve the knowledge about the complex issue of social housing, identifying local specificities and limitations, as well as the potentials and applicability of the winning designs. The importance of the institution of public architecture and urban planning competition in promoting sustainable and innovative social housing is pointed out in the concluding considerations., Uprkos odsustvu definisanog sistema socijalnog stanovanja, u Srbiji je u toku protekle decenije sprovedeno nekoliko programa socijalne stanogradnje, za čije potrebe su uglavnom organizovani javni arhitektonsko-urbanistički konkursi. U radu je prikazana konkursna praksa u oblasti socijalnog i neprofitnog stanovanja, koju je Grad Beograd, posredstvom Društva arhitekata Beograda, realizovao u periodu od 2003. do 2014. god., sa posebnim osvrtom na najbolje plasirana i zatim realizovana konkursna rešenja. Analiza rezultata i kvaliteta postojeće projektantske i graditeljske prakse ima za cilj unapređenje saznanja o kompleksnoj problematici socijalnog stanovanja, uočavanje lokalnih specifičnosti i ograničenja, ali i potencijala i primenljivosti nagrađenih rešenja. U zaključnim razmatranjima ukazuje se na značaj institucije javnog arhitektonsko-urbanističkog konkursa u promociji održive i inovativne socijalne stanogradnje.",
publisher = "Institute of Architecture and Urban and Spatial Planning of Serbia",
journal = "Arhitektura i urbanizam",
title = "Social housing in Belgrade: Practice in architecture and urban planning competitions (2003-2014), Socijalno stanovanje u Beogradu - praksa arhitektonsko-urbanističkih konkursa (2003 - 2014)",
number = "39",
pages = "29-43",
doi = "10.5937/a-u0-6604"
Bajić, T., Manić, B.,& Kovačević, B.. (2014). Social housing in Belgrade: Practice in architecture and urban planning competitions (2003-2014). in Arhitektura i urbanizam
Institute of Architecture and Urban and Spatial Planning of Serbia.(39), 29-43.
Bajić T, Manić B, Kovačević B. Social housing in Belgrade: Practice in architecture and urban planning competitions (2003-2014). in Arhitektura i urbanizam. 2014;(39):29-43.
doi:10.5937/a-u0-6604 .
Bajić, Tanja, Manić, Božidar, Kovačević, Branislava, "Social housing in Belgrade: Practice in architecture and urban planning competitions (2003-2014)" in Arhitektura i urbanizam, no. 39 (2014):29-43, . .

Sustainable spatial development under the conditions of dry, humid and mixed climate on the examples of some tropical countries

Tošković, Dobrivoje; Kovačević, Branislava; Bajić, Tanja

(Belgrade : Institute of architecture and urban & spatial planning of Serbia, 2013)

AU  - Tošković, Dobrivoje
AU  - Kovačević, Branislava
AU  - Bajić, Tanja
PY  - 2013
UR  -
AB  - The towns in the tropical climate zone are characterized by their bioclimatic factors, which are repeated around the world in the function of geographical features and climate dependent differences among the large regional areas. In these regions, the space in its synthetic form, through it’s vastness, warmth, sandstorms and the shortage of drinking water, at present represents a unique determinant dictating the structure and shape of these settlements, architecture of buildings, the shaping of open spaces, and consequently people’s behaviour.
Certain spatial occurrences can unwillingly provoke some changes which can establish new systems of physical relationships. Hence, climate has to be taken into account before the conceptualization of a project as a whole, as well as in its elements.
The example of Calcutta, which is in a warm humid zone, shows the sustainable development characteristics. However, there are examples which do not comply with the requirements of climate, such as the case of Islamabad.
Having this problem in mind, the authors of a project are faced with the question: how to start with regard to climate? The transformation of the climatic data into the specifications for buildings is relatively easy if the weather is invariably dry or wet. However, a large number of settlements have a mixed climate requiring an adequate approach. An irresponsible designer makes his decisions on the basis of his intuition and thus transfers the risk to the client. In order to eliminate these difficulties Carl Mahoney has developed a simple set of tables for showing climate information. In that context, the steps needed for completion of these tables are shown. Geoffrey Bawa shows a good example of the adaptation of architecture to the bioclimatic conditions. Finally, the concrete benefit of these analyses is shown on the examples such as: 1- Layout of buildings for warm and humid climate and 2 - Layout of buildings for warm and dry climate.
PB  - Belgrade : Institute of architecture and urban & spatial planning of Serbia
C3  - Proceedings of the 2nd International Scientific Conference Regional Development, Spatial Planning and Strategic Governance - RESPAG 2013, Belgrade, May 22-25, 2013
T1  - Sustainable spatial development under the conditions of dry, humid and mixed climate on the examples of some tropical countries
SP  - 871
EP  - 892
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Tošković, Dobrivoje and Kovačević, Branislava and Bajić, Tanja",
year = "2013",
abstract = "The towns in the tropical climate zone are characterized by their bioclimatic factors, which are repeated around the world in the function of geographical features and climate dependent differences among the large regional areas. In these regions, the space in its synthetic form, through it’s vastness, warmth, sandstorms and the shortage of drinking water, at present represents a unique determinant dictating the structure and shape of these settlements, architecture of buildings, the shaping of open spaces, and consequently people’s behaviour.
Certain spatial occurrences can unwillingly provoke some changes which can establish new systems of physical relationships. Hence, climate has to be taken into account before the conceptualization of a project as a whole, as well as in its elements.
The example of Calcutta, which is in a warm humid zone, shows the sustainable development characteristics. However, there are examples which do not comply with the requirements of climate, such as the case of Islamabad.
Having this problem in mind, the authors of a project are faced with the question: how to start with regard to climate? The transformation of the climatic data into the specifications for buildings is relatively easy if the weather is invariably dry or wet. However, a large number of settlements have a mixed climate requiring an adequate approach. An irresponsible designer makes his decisions on the basis of his intuition and thus transfers the risk to the client. In order to eliminate these difficulties Carl Mahoney has developed a simple set of tables for showing climate information. In that context, the steps needed for completion of these tables are shown. Geoffrey Bawa shows a good example of the adaptation of architecture to the bioclimatic conditions. Finally, the concrete benefit of these analyses is shown on the examples such as: 1- Layout of buildings for warm and humid climate and 2 - Layout of buildings for warm and dry climate.",
publisher = "Belgrade : Institute of architecture and urban & spatial planning of Serbia",
journal = "Proceedings of the 2nd International Scientific Conference Regional Development, Spatial Planning and Strategic Governance - RESPAG 2013, Belgrade, May 22-25, 2013",
title = "Sustainable spatial development under the conditions of dry, humid and mixed climate on the examples of some tropical countries",
pages = "871-892",
url = ""
Tošković, D., Kovačević, B.,& Bajić, T.. (2013). Sustainable spatial development under the conditions of dry, humid and mixed climate on the examples of some tropical countries. in Proceedings of the 2nd International Scientific Conference Regional Development, Spatial Planning and Strategic Governance - RESPAG 2013, Belgrade, May 22-25, 2013
Belgrade : Institute of architecture and urban & spatial planning of Serbia., 871-892.
Tošković D, Kovačević B, Bajić T. Sustainable spatial development under the conditions of dry, humid and mixed climate on the examples of some tropical countries. in Proceedings of the 2nd International Scientific Conference Regional Development, Spatial Planning and Strategic Governance - RESPAG 2013, Belgrade, May 22-25, 2013. 2013;:871-892. .
Tošković, Dobrivoje, Kovačević, Branislava, Bajić, Tanja, "Sustainable spatial development under the conditions of dry, humid and mixed climate on the examples of some tropical countries" in Proceedings of the 2nd International Scientific Conference Regional Development, Spatial Planning and Strategic Governance - RESPAG 2013, Belgrade, May 22-25, 2013 (2013):871-892, .