Održivi razvoj i uređenje banjskih i turističkih naselja u Srbiji

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Održivi razvoj i uređenje banjskih i turističkih naselja u Srbiji (en)
Одрживи развој и уређење бањских и туристичких насеља у Србији (sr)
Održivi razvoj i uređenje banjskih i turističkih naselja u Srbiji (sr_RS)


Mapping population change index in Southern Serbia (1961-2027) as a function of environmental factors

Bajat, Branislav; Hengl, Tomislav; Kilibarda, Milan; Krunić, Nikola

(Elsevier Sci Ltd, Oxford, 2011)

AU  - Bajat, Branislav
AU  - Hengl, Tomislav
AU  - Kilibarda, Milan
AU  - Krunić, Nikola
PY  - 2011
UR  - https://raumplan.iaus.ac.rs/handle/123456789/188
AB  - Niche analysis methods developed within the biogeography community are routinely used for species distribution modeling of wildlife and endangered species. So far, such techniques have not been used to explain distribution of people in an area, nor to assess spatio-temporal dynamics of human populations. In this paper, the MaxEnt approach to species distribution modeling and publicly available gridded predictors were used to analyze the population dynamics in Southern Serbia (South Pomoravlje Region) for the period 1961-2027. Population values from the census administrative units were first downscaled to 200 m grid using a detailed map of populated places and dasymetric interpolation. In the second step, a point pattern representing the whole population (468,500 inhabitants in 2002) was simulated using the R package spatstat. MaxEnt was then used to derive habitat suitability index (HSI) as a function of gridded predictors: distance to roads, elevation, slope, topographic wetness index, enhanced vegetation index and land cover classes. HSI and environmental predictors were further used to explain spatial patterns in the population change index (PCI) through regression modeling. The results show that inhabiting preference for year 1961 is mainly a function of topography (TWI, elevation). The HSI for year 2027 shows that large portions of remote areas are becoming less preferred for inhabiting. The results of cross-validation in MaxEnt show that distribution of population is distinctly controlled by environmental factors (AUC > 0.84). Population decrease is particularly significant in areas >25 km distant from the main road network. The results of regression analysis show that 40% of variability in the PCI values can be explained with these environmental maps, distance to roads and urban areas being the main drivers of migration process. This approach allows precise mapping of demographic patterns that otherwise would not be visible from the census data alone.
PB  - Elsevier Sci Ltd, Oxford
T2  - Computers Environment and Urban Systems
T1  - Mapping population change index in Southern Serbia (1961-2027) as a function of environmental factors
VL  - 35
IS  - 1
SP  - 35
EP  - 44
DO  - 10.1016/j.compenvurbsys.2010.09.005
ER  - 
author = "Bajat, Branislav and Hengl, Tomislav and Kilibarda, Milan and Krunić, Nikola",
year = "2011",
abstract = "Niche analysis methods developed within the biogeography community are routinely used for species distribution modeling of wildlife and endangered species. So far, such techniques have not been used to explain distribution of people in an area, nor to assess spatio-temporal dynamics of human populations. In this paper, the MaxEnt approach to species distribution modeling and publicly available gridded predictors were used to analyze the population dynamics in Southern Serbia (South Pomoravlje Region) for the period 1961-2027. Population values from the census administrative units were first downscaled to 200 m grid using a detailed map of populated places and dasymetric interpolation. In the second step, a point pattern representing the whole population (468,500 inhabitants in 2002) was simulated using the R package spatstat. MaxEnt was then used to derive habitat suitability index (HSI) as a function of gridded predictors: distance to roads, elevation, slope, topographic wetness index, enhanced vegetation index and land cover classes. HSI and environmental predictors were further used to explain spatial patterns in the population change index (PCI) through regression modeling. The results show that inhabiting preference for year 1961 is mainly a function of topography (TWI, elevation). The HSI for year 2027 shows that large portions of remote areas are becoming less preferred for inhabiting. The results of cross-validation in MaxEnt show that distribution of population is distinctly controlled by environmental factors (AUC > 0.84). Population decrease is particularly significant in areas >25 km distant from the main road network. The results of regression analysis show that 40% of variability in the PCI values can be explained with these environmental maps, distance to roads and urban areas being the main drivers of migration process. This approach allows precise mapping of demographic patterns that otherwise would not be visible from the census data alone.",
publisher = "Elsevier Sci Ltd, Oxford",
journal = "Computers Environment and Urban Systems",
title = "Mapping population change index in Southern Serbia (1961-2027) as a function of environmental factors",
volume = "35",
number = "1",
pages = "35-44",
doi = "10.1016/j.compenvurbsys.2010.09.005"
Bajat, B., Hengl, T., Kilibarda, M.,& Krunić, N.. (2011). Mapping population change index in Southern Serbia (1961-2027) as a function of environmental factors. in Computers Environment and Urban Systems
Elsevier Sci Ltd, Oxford., 35(1), 35-44.
Bajat B, Hengl T, Kilibarda M, Krunić N. Mapping population change index in Southern Serbia (1961-2027) as a function of environmental factors. in Computers Environment and Urban Systems. 2011;35(1):35-44.
doi:10.1016/j.compenvurbsys.2010.09.005 .
Bajat, Branislav, Hengl, Tomislav, Kilibarda, Milan, Krunić, Nikola, "Mapping population change index in Southern Serbia (1961-2027) as a function of environmental factors" in Computers Environment and Urban Systems, 35, no. 1 (2011):35-44,
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compenvurbsys.2010.09.005 . .

Културно наслеђе, природне вредности и нови програми у функцији развоја туризма руралних подручја

Марић, Игор; Никовић, Ана; Манић, Божидар

(Београд : Институт за архитектуру и урбанизам Србије, 2010)

AU  - Марић, Игор
AU  - Никовић, Ана
AU  - Манић, Божидар
PY  - 2010
UR  - https://raumplan.iaus.ac.rs/handle/123456789/382
AB  - Склоп наслеђених културно-историјских и амбијенталних вредности је замајац развоја туризма у руралним подручјима. Постојеће потенцијале треба афирмисати, по потреби обновити или кад се ради о природним вредностима учинити доступним. У раду се разматра обнављање привредних, културних и пољопривредних делатности које су препознате у датој средини а затим даје предлог нових садржаја културе, спорта, забаве и едукације који би са постојећим учинили понуду комплетнијом и занимљивијом за туристе. Анализирају се три подручја: Левач са својим културно-историјским споменицима, народном архитектуром, старим занатима и пољопривредном производњом, затим простор села Балта Бериловац, Ћуштица, Црни Врх и Топли До са новим ски-центром као централним мотивом и природном реткошћу Бабин зуб на Старој планини и простор између села и манастира Поганово и Звоначке бање,и на крају, кањон реке Јарма са околним селима Трнско Одоровце, Власи и Комије.
Сва ова наведена подручја су у дневној изохрони и чине понуду другачијом и уз адекватну надградњу комплетном за кориснике. Ова три одабрана примера послужила су да се дође до основних закључака и принципа за обједињавање понуде у оквиру развоја туризма у руралним подручјима.
Основна теза која се доказује у раду је да би требало остварити универзалне стандарде у домену комфора и услуга, а у томе су од великог значаја препознатљивост и разноликост туристичке понуде којима се постиже већа привлачност за кориснике али и активира локална заједница те су економски ефекти већи и долази до равномернијег територијалног развоја.
AB  - Set of  inherited cultural, historical and environmental assets give the impetus for tourism development in rural areas. Existing resources should be promoted, if necessary update and when it comes to natural assets made available. The paper discusses the restoration of economic, cultural and agricultural activities that are recognized in their communities and the proposing of new programs of culture, sports, entertainment and education to be realized and make the offer more complete and interesting for tourists.  The three rural areas are analyzed: Levac with its cultural and historical monuments, vernacular architecture, old crafts and agricultural production, then the area of rural settlements Balta Berilovac, Custica, Crni Vrh and Topli Do with the new ski center and the natural rarity Babin Zub in the mountain Stara planina. At last the area between village and monastery Poganovo and Zvonacka Banja, the canyon of the river Jerma and the surrounding villages Trnsko Odorovce, Vlasi and Komije.  All these places can be included in the daily tourist tour and make distinctive and complete tourist offer after appropriate intervening. The three selected instances were used to reach conclusions and main principles which can be implemented in strategies for tourism development in rural areas.  The main thesis to be proved in this paper is that the achievement of universal standards in the domain of comfort and services gives important contribution to uniqueness and diversity of tourist offer as well as it provides more balanced territorial development.
PB  - Београд : Институт за архитектуру и урбанизам Србије
T2  - Одрживи развој бањских и туристичких насеља у Србији
T1  - Културно наслеђе, природне вредности и нови програми у функцији развоја туризма руралних подручја
T1  - Culturаl Heritage, Natural Values and New Programs in the Function of Touristic Development of Rural Areas
SP  - 159
EP  - 184
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raumplan_382
ER  - 
author = "Марић, Игор and Никовић, Ана and Манић, Божидар",
year = "2010",
abstract = "Склоп наслеђених културно-историјских и амбијенталних вредности је замајац развоја туризма у руралним подручјима. Постојеће потенцијале треба афирмисати, по потреби обновити или кад се ради о природним вредностима учинити доступним. У раду се разматра обнављање привредних, културних и пољопривредних делатности које су препознате у датој средини а затим даје предлог нових садржаја културе, спорта, забаве и едукације који би са постојећим учинили понуду комплетнијом и занимљивијом за туристе. Анализирају се три подручја: Левач са својим културно-историјским споменицима, народном архитектуром, старим занатима и пољопривредном производњом, затим простор села Балта Бериловац, Ћуштица, Црни Врх и Топли До са новим ски-центром као централним мотивом и природном реткошћу Бабин зуб на Старој планини и простор између села и манастира Поганово и Звоначке бање,и на крају, кањон реке Јарма са околним селима Трнско Одоровце, Власи и Комије.
Сва ова наведена подручја су у дневној изохрони и чине понуду другачијом и уз адекватну надградњу комплетном за кориснике. Ова три одабрана примера послужила су да се дође до основних закључака и принципа за обједињавање понуде у оквиру развоја туризма у руралним подручјима.
Основна теза која се доказује у раду је да би требало остварити универзалне стандарде у домену комфора и услуга, а у томе су од великог значаја препознатљивост и разноликост туристичке понуде којима се постиже већа привлачност за кориснике али и активира локална заједница те су економски ефекти већи и долази до равномернијег територијалног развоја., Set of  inherited cultural, historical and environmental assets give the impetus for tourism development in rural areas. Existing resources should be promoted, if necessary update and when it comes to natural assets made available. The paper discusses the restoration of economic, cultural and agricultural activities that are recognized in their communities and the proposing of new programs of culture, sports, entertainment and education to be realized and make the offer more complete and interesting for tourists.  The three rural areas are analyzed: Levac with its cultural and historical monuments, vernacular architecture, old crafts and agricultural production, then the area of rural settlements Balta Berilovac, Custica, Crni Vrh and Topli Do with the new ski center and the natural rarity Babin Zub in the mountain Stara planina. At last the area between village and monastery Poganovo and Zvonacka Banja, the canyon of the river Jerma and the surrounding villages Trnsko Odorovce, Vlasi and Komije.  All these places can be included in the daily tourist tour and make distinctive and complete tourist offer after appropriate intervening. The three selected instances were used to reach conclusions and main principles which can be implemented in strategies for tourism development in rural areas.  The main thesis to be proved in this paper is that the achievement of universal standards in the domain of comfort and services gives important contribution to uniqueness and diversity of tourist offer as well as it provides more balanced territorial development.",
publisher = "Београд : Институт за архитектуру и урбанизам Србије",
journal = "Одрживи развој бањских и туристичких насеља у Србији",
booktitle = "Културно наслеђе, природне вредности и нови програми у функцији развоја туризма руралних подручја, Culturаl Heritage, Natural Values and New Programs in the Function of Touristic Development of Rural Areas",
pages = "159-184",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raumplan_382"
Марић, И., Никовић, А.,& Манић, Б.. (2010). Културно наслеђе, природне вредности и нови програми у функцији развоја туризма руралних подручја. in Одрживи развој бањских и туристичких насеља у Србији
Београд : Институт за архитектуру и урбанизам Србије., 159-184.
Марић И, Никовић А, Манић Б. Културно наслеђе, природне вредности и нови програми у функцији развоја туризма руралних подручја. in Одрживи развој бањских и туристичких насеља у Србији. 2010;:159-184.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raumplan_382 .
Марић, Игор, Никовић, Ана, Манић, Божидар, "Културно наслеђе, природне вредности и нови програми у функцији развоја туризма руралних подручја" in Одрживи развој бањских и туристичких насеља у Србији (2010):159-184,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raumplan_382 .

Појам етно-села и његов значај за развој туризма у Србији

Марић, Игор; Манић, Божидар; Бајић, Тања

(Београд : Институт за архитектуру и урбанизам Србије, 2010)

AU  - Марић, Игор
AU  - Манић, Божидар
AU  - Бајић, Тања
PY  - 2010
UR  - https://raumplan.iaus.ac.rs/handle/123456789/381
AB  - Етно-села представљају комерцијални дериват етно-паркова, односно музеја на отвореном. Музеолошка форма етно-паркова, настала у XIX веку као специфичан начин представљања и чувања народне културе, развијала се до данас попримајући различите појавне облике често са значајном комерцијално-туристичком компонентом. У овом раду аутори разматрају настанак и развој ових концепата са посебним освртом на стање у Србији. Дискутују се специфичности и разлике етно-паркова и етно-села и дају начелне препоруке за стварање мреже етно-паркова и еко-музеја код нас. Посебно се указује на значај који ови архитектонско-урбанистички комплекси могу да имају за привредно оживљавање окружења у коме се налазе, а нарочито за развој туризма.
AB  - Ethno-villages are a commercial form of open-air museums (ethno-parks). Museological concept of open-air museum arose in the XIX century as a specific way of presentation and preservation of folk culture and has been developing since in different forms, often with significant commercial and touristic component. In this paper the authors consider the emergence and the development of these concepts with particular reference to the situation in Serbia. The specifics of open-air museums and ethno-villages and the differences between them are discussed and general recommendations for creating a network of open-air museums and ecomuseums in our country are presented. The importance which these architectural and urban complexes may have for economic revival of the environment in which they are located, and especially for tourism development is emphasized.
PB  - Београд : Институт за архитектуру и урбанизам Србије
T2  - Одрживи развој бањских и туристичких насеља у Србији
T1  - Појам етно-села и његов значај за развој туризма у Србији
T1  - Term Ethno-Village and Its Significance in the Development of Tourism in Serbia
SP  - 141
EP  - 158
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raumplan_381
ER  - 
author = "Марић, Игор and Манић, Божидар and Бајић, Тања",
year = "2010",
abstract = "Етно-села представљају комерцијални дериват етно-паркова, односно музеја на отвореном. Музеолошка форма етно-паркова, настала у XIX веку као специфичан начин представљања и чувања народне културе, развијала се до данас попримајући различите појавне облике често са значајном комерцијално-туристичком компонентом. У овом раду аутори разматрају настанак и развој ових концепата са посебним освртом на стање у Србији. Дискутују се специфичности и разлике етно-паркова и етно-села и дају начелне препоруке за стварање мреже етно-паркова и еко-музеја код нас. Посебно се указује на значај који ови архитектонско-урбанистички комплекси могу да имају за привредно оживљавање окружења у коме се налазе, а нарочито за развој туризма., Ethno-villages are a commercial form of open-air museums (ethno-parks). Museological concept of open-air museum arose in the XIX century as a specific way of presentation and preservation of folk culture and has been developing since in different forms, often with significant commercial and touristic component. In this paper the authors consider the emergence and the development of these concepts with particular reference to the situation in Serbia. The specifics of open-air museums and ethno-villages and the differences between them are discussed and general recommendations for creating a network of open-air museums and ecomuseums in our country are presented. The importance which these architectural and urban complexes may have for economic revival of the environment in which they are located, and especially for tourism development is emphasized.",
publisher = "Београд : Институт за архитектуру и урбанизам Србије",
journal = "Одрживи развој бањских и туристичких насеља у Србији",
booktitle = "Појам етно-села и његов значај за развој туризма у Србији, Term Ethno-Village and Its Significance in the Development of Tourism in Serbia",
pages = "141-158",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raumplan_381"
Марић, И., Манић, Б.,& Бајић, Т.. (2010). Појам етно-села и његов значај за развој туризма у Србији. in Одрживи развој бањских и туристичких насеља у Србији
Београд : Институт за архитектуру и урбанизам Србије., 141-158.
Марић И, Манић Б, Бајић Т. Појам етно-села и његов значај за развој туризма у Србији. in Одрживи развој бањских и туристичких насеља у Србији. 2010;:141-158.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raumplan_381 .
Марић, Игор, Манић, Божидар, Бајић, Тања, "Појам етно-села и његов значај за развој туризма у Србији" in Одрживи развој бањских и туристичких насеља у Србији (2010):141-158,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raumplan_381 .

Landscape planning and management of spas in Serbia with special reference to the selected case studies

Crnčević, Tijana; Marić, Igor; Bakić, Olgica

(Institute of Architecture and Urban and Spatial Planning of Serbia, 2010)

AU  - Crnčević, Tijana
AU  - Marić, Igor
AU  - Bakić, Olgica
PY  - 2010
UR  - https://raumplan.iaus.ac.rs/handle/123456789/184
AB  - In the paper is presented the overview of the legal requirements in Serbia covering planning and as well landscape planning. It is stress that Serbia is in the process of the ratification of the European Landscape Convention (ELC) and adoption of the Spatial Plan of the Republic of Serbia (SPRS) where is included the obligation of the production of the study 'Characterization of the landscape in Serbia' and as well pilot projects 'Characterization of the landscape' where are separated priority areas and where are specially stressed as tourist destinations spas. Taking into consideration that important step towards development of the methodological framework for landscape planning and management in Serbia was made with the inclusion of this subject within the process of formulating of the SPRS, besides the overview of the main obligations set by this document covering landscape planning and management, as an example of the current practice, two case studies of Vrnjacka spa and Pribojska spa are presented where special attention within planning documents was given to the protection and enhancement of the landscape. Beside that, as a contribution, it is given the proposal of the preliminary typology of the landscape of Vrnjacke spa within the borders of the Master plan and Pribojska spa within the borders of the Plan of detailed regulation. Taking into consideration the scope of these plans, the landscape is defined as cultural and by more detailed analyses as urban and rural. Within these two types of landscape are separated urban area, the 'core' of the spa, peri-urban area, and within rural forest and agricultural area. One of the main conclusions of this paper is that the inclusion of the landscape within legal framework which is promoting spatial and urban planning, nature and environmental protection is very important prerequisite for adequate planning and management of the landscape in Serbia.
AB  - U ovom radu dat je pregled zakonskog okvira planiranja i uređenja predela u Srbiji. Posebno je istaknuto da je u Srbiji u toku proces ratifikacije Evropske konvencije o predelu (EKP) kao i usvajanja Prostornog plana Republike Srbije (PPRS) koji je predvideo obavezu izrade studije 'Karakterizacija predela Srbije' kao i pilot projekata 'Karakterizacija predela' za izdvojena prioritetna područja gde su posebno istaknute banje, kao turističke destinacije. Uzimajući u obzir činjenicu da je značajan pomak u razvoju metodološkog okvira za planiranje i upravljanje predelom u Srbiji učinjen uključivanjem ove tematike u proces izrade Prostornog plana Republike Srbije, pored pregleda strateških obaveza koje proističu iz ovog dokumenta, a odnose se na planiranje i uređenje predela Srbije, kao primer postojeće prakse izdvojene su studije slučaja Vrnjačke Banje i Pribojske Banje u kojima je u procesu izrade planske dokumentacije posebna pažnja posvećena zaštiti i unapređenju predela. Pored toga, kao prilog dat je predlog preliminarne tipologije predela Vrnjačke Banje u okviru granica Generalnog urbanističkog plana kao i Pribojske Banje u okviru granica Plana detaljne regulacije. Uvažavajući obuhvat planova, predeli su definisani kao kulturni, a detaljnijom analizom kao urbani i ruralni predeli. U okviru ova dva tipa predela izdvojena su područja: urbano područje, jezgro banje i peri-urbano područje, a u okviru ruralnog šumsko i poljoprivredno područje. Jedan od osnovnih zaključaka ovog rada jeste da je neophodno uključivanje tematike predela u zakonske okvire koji promovišu prostorno i urbanističko planiranje, zaštitu prirode i životne sredine, što je značajan preduslov za adekvatno planiranje i upravljanje predelima Srbije.
PB  - Institute of Architecture and Urban and Spatial Planning of Serbia
T2  - Arhitektura i urbanizam
T1  - Landscape planning and management of spas in Serbia with special reference to the selected case studies
T1  - Planiranje i upravljanje predelima banjskih mesta u Srbiji sa posebnim osvrtom na izabrane studije slučaja
IS  - 29
SP  - 57
EP  - 65
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raumplan_184
ER  - 
author = "Crnčević, Tijana and Marić, Igor and Bakić, Olgica",
year = "2010",
abstract = "In the paper is presented the overview of the legal requirements in Serbia covering planning and as well landscape planning. It is stress that Serbia is in the process of the ratification of the European Landscape Convention (ELC) and adoption of the Spatial Plan of the Republic of Serbia (SPRS) where is included the obligation of the production of the study 'Characterization of the landscape in Serbia' and as well pilot projects 'Characterization of the landscape' where are separated priority areas and where are specially stressed as tourist destinations spas. Taking into consideration that important step towards development of the methodological framework for landscape planning and management in Serbia was made with the inclusion of this subject within the process of formulating of the SPRS, besides the overview of the main obligations set by this document covering landscape planning and management, as an example of the current practice, two case studies of Vrnjacka spa and Pribojska spa are presented where special attention within planning documents was given to the protection and enhancement of the landscape. Beside that, as a contribution, it is given the proposal of the preliminary typology of the landscape of Vrnjacke spa within the borders of the Master plan and Pribojska spa within the borders of the Plan of detailed regulation. Taking into consideration the scope of these plans, the landscape is defined as cultural and by more detailed analyses as urban and rural. Within these two types of landscape are separated urban area, the 'core' of the spa, peri-urban area, and within rural forest and agricultural area. One of the main conclusions of this paper is that the inclusion of the landscape within legal framework which is promoting spatial and urban planning, nature and environmental protection is very important prerequisite for adequate planning and management of the landscape in Serbia., U ovom radu dat je pregled zakonskog okvira planiranja i uređenja predela u Srbiji. Posebno je istaknuto da je u Srbiji u toku proces ratifikacije Evropske konvencije o predelu (EKP) kao i usvajanja Prostornog plana Republike Srbije (PPRS) koji je predvideo obavezu izrade studije 'Karakterizacija predela Srbije' kao i pilot projekata 'Karakterizacija predela' za izdvojena prioritetna područja gde su posebno istaknute banje, kao turističke destinacije. Uzimajući u obzir činjenicu da je značajan pomak u razvoju metodološkog okvira za planiranje i upravljanje predelom u Srbiji učinjen uključivanjem ove tematike u proces izrade Prostornog plana Republike Srbije, pored pregleda strateških obaveza koje proističu iz ovog dokumenta, a odnose se na planiranje i uređenje predela Srbije, kao primer postojeće prakse izdvojene su studije slučaja Vrnjačke Banje i Pribojske Banje u kojima je u procesu izrade planske dokumentacije posebna pažnja posvećena zaštiti i unapređenju predela. Pored toga, kao prilog dat je predlog preliminarne tipologije predela Vrnjačke Banje u okviru granica Generalnog urbanističkog plana kao i Pribojske Banje u okviru granica Plana detaljne regulacije. Uvažavajući obuhvat planova, predeli su definisani kao kulturni, a detaljnijom analizom kao urbani i ruralni predeli. U okviru ova dva tipa predela izdvojena su područja: urbano područje, jezgro banje i peri-urbano područje, a u okviru ruralnog šumsko i poljoprivredno područje. Jedan od osnovnih zaključaka ovog rada jeste da je neophodno uključivanje tematike predela u zakonske okvire koji promovišu prostorno i urbanističko planiranje, zaštitu prirode i životne sredine, što je značajan preduslov za adekvatno planiranje i upravljanje predelima Srbije.",
publisher = "Institute of Architecture and Urban and Spatial Planning of Serbia",
journal = "Arhitektura i urbanizam",
title = "Landscape planning and management of spas in Serbia with special reference to the selected case studies, Planiranje i upravljanje predelima banjskih mesta u Srbiji sa posebnim osvrtom na izabrane studije slučaja",
number = "29",
pages = "57-65",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raumplan_184"
Crnčević, T., Marić, I.,& Bakić, O.. (2010). Landscape planning and management of spas in Serbia with special reference to the selected case studies. in Arhitektura i urbanizam
Institute of Architecture and Urban and Spatial Planning of Serbia.(29), 57-65.
Crnčević T, Marić I, Bakić O. Landscape planning and management of spas in Serbia with special reference to the selected case studies. in Arhitektura i urbanizam. 2010;(29):57-65.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raumplan_184 .
Crnčević, Tijana, Marić, Igor, Bakić, Olgica, "Landscape planning and management of spas in Serbia with special reference to the selected case studies" in Arhitektura i urbanizam, no. 29 (2010):57-65,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raumplan_184 .

Photovoltaic on-grid systems in urban areas and examples of their application

Pucar, Mila; Nikolić, Dušan; Nikolić, Zoran; Simonović, Sanja

(Budva : Crnogorska akademija nauka i umjetnosti, 2010)

AU  - Pucar, Mila
AU  - Nikolić, Dušan
AU  - Nikolić, Zoran
AU  - Simonović, Sanja
PY  - 2010
UR  - https://canupub.me/knjiga/alternativni-izvori-energije-i-buducnost-njihove-primjene-2010/
UR  - http://raumplan.iaus.ac.rs/handle/123456789/678
AB  - U urbanim sredinama postoji veliki broj ravnih osunčanih površina na krovovima zgrada koje su pogodne za postavljanje fotonaponskih solarnih sistema i dobijanje obnovljive energije. Poslednjih 15 godina u urbanim sredinama širom Evrope sve je veća primena fotonaponskih (PV) sistema, koja je dovela do pozitivnih ekonomskih i ekoloških efekata proisteklih iz ovakvog načina dobijanja energije. Dogodile su se značajne promene u pristupu i načinu planiranja novih delova grada, važnoj ulozi eksperata, edukaciji stručnjaka, učešću javnosti i ulozi lokalnih vlasti u implementaciji ovih projekata. Implementacija PV sistema u projektovanju i izgradnji objekata postaje deo standardnih aktivnosti u razvoju gradova. Postoje i značajne prepreke za primenu ovih sistema, koje su evropske države prevazišle, a tiču se pre svega legislativnog okvira koji reguliše ovakvu vrstu projekata, a zatim i načina njihovog finansiranja. U saradnji Elektrotehničkog fakulteta u Beogradu i Instituta za arhitekturu i urbanizam Srbije izrađen je projekat Solarne fotonaponske elektrane u cilju promocije korišćenja čistih izvora energije u urbanim sredinama. U ovom radu je prikazano idejno rešenje fotonaponske elektrane na zgradi Gradske opštine Vračar. Planirano je da maksimalna snaga fotonaponske elektrane iznosi 11,5kW. Preko trofaznog invertora sistem je povezan sa elektrodistributivnom mrežom, kojoj bi predavao višak proizvedene električne energije. U ovom radu su objašnjeni praktični problemi vezani za projektovanje arhitektonskog izgleda i energetskih instalacija ovog objekta, kao i realni problemi sa kojim se ovakvi projekti mogu sresti. Osim toga, na osnovu inostranih iskustava u radu su date smernice za primenu ovakve vrste projekata kod nas.
PB  - Budva : Crnogorska akademija nauka i umjetnosti
C3  - Alternativni izvori energije i budućnost njihove primene. Radovi sa stručnog skupa održanog u Budvi 8. i 9. oktobra 2009. godine
T1  - Photovoltaic on-grid systems in urban areas and examples of their application
T1  - Fotonaponski sistemi u urbanim sredinama povezani na distributivnu mrežu i primer njihove primene
SP  - 9
EP  - 22
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raumplan_678
ER  - 
author = "Pucar, Mila and Nikolić, Dušan and Nikolić, Zoran and Simonović, Sanja",
year = "2010",
abstract = "U urbanim sredinama postoji veliki broj ravnih osunčanih površina na krovovima zgrada koje su pogodne za postavljanje fotonaponskih solarnih sistema i dobijanje obnovljive energije. Poslednjih 15 godina u urbanim sredinama širom Evrope sve je veća primena fotonaponskih (PV) sistema, koja je dovela do pozitivnih ekonomskih i ekoloških efekata proisteklih iz ovakvog načina dobijanja energije. Dogodile su se značajne promene u pristupu i načinu planiranja novih delova grada, važnoj ulozi eksperata, edukaciji stručnjaka, učešću javnosti i ulozi lokalnih vlasti u implementaciji ovih projekata. Implementacija PV sistema u projektovanju i izgradnji objekata postaje deo standardnih aktivnosti u razvoju gradova. Postoje i značajne prepreke za primenu ovih sistema, koje su evropske države prevazišle, a tiču se pre svega legislativnog okvira koji reguliše ovakvu vrstu projekata, a zatim i načina njihovog finansiranja. U saradnji Elektrotehničkog fakulteta u Beogradu i Instituta za arhitekturu i urbanizam Srbije izrađen je projekat Solarne fotonaponske elektrane u cilju promocije korišćenja čistih izvora energije u urbanim sredinama. U ovom radu je prikazano idejno rešenje fotonaponske elektrane na zgradi Gradske opštine Vračar. Planirano je da maksimalna snaga fotonaponske elektrane iznosi 11,5kW. Preko trofaznog invertora sistem je povezan sa elektrodistributivnom mrežom, kojoj bi predavao višak proizvedene električne energije. U ovom radu su objašnjeni praktični problemi vezani za projektovanje arhitektonskog izgleda i energetskih instalacija ovog objekta, kao i realni problemi sa kojim se ovakvi projekti mogu sresti. Osim toga, na osnovu inostranih iskustava u radu su date smernice za primenu ovakve vrste projekata kod nas.",
publisher = "Budva : Crnogorska akademija nauka i umjetnosti",
journal = "Alternativni izvori energije i budućnost njihove primene. Radovi sa stručnog skupa održanog u Budvi 8. i 9. oktobra 2009. godine",
title = "Photovoltaic on-grid systems in urban areas and examples of their application, Fotonaponski sistemi u urbanim sredinama povezani na distributivnu mrežu i primer njihove primene",
pages = "9-22",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raumplan_678"
Pucar, M., Nikolić, D., Nikolić, Z.,& Simonović, S.. (2010). Photovoltaic on-grid systems in urban areas and examples of their application. in Alternativni izvori energije i budućnost njihove primene. Radovi sa stručnog skupa održanog u Budvi 8. i 9. oktobra 2009. godine
Budva : Crnogorska akademija nauka i umjetnosti., 9-22.
Pucar M, Nikolić D, Nikolić Z, Simonović S. Photovoltaic on-grid systems in urban areas and examples of their application. in Alternativni izvori energije i budućnost njihove primene. Radovi sa stručnog skupa održanog u Budvi 8. i 9. oktobra 2009. godine. 2010;:9-22.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raumplan_678 .
Pucar, Mila, Nikolić, Dušan, Nikolić, Zoran, Simonović, Sanja, "Photovoltaic on-grid systems in urban areas and examples of their application" in Alternativni izvori energije i budućnost njihove primene. Radovi sa stručnog skupa održanog u Budvi 8. i 9. oktobra 2009. godine (2010):9-22,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raumplan_678 .

Approach to identification and development of mountain tourism regions and destinations in Serbia with special reference to the Stara Planina mountain

Milijić, Saša; Marić, Igor; Bakić, Olgica

(Institute of Architecture, Urban & Spatial Planning of Serbia, 2010)

AU  - Milijić, Saša
AU  - Marić, Igor
AU  - Bakić, Olgica
PY  - 2010
UR  - https://raumplan.iaus.ac.rs/handle/123456789/173
AB  - This paper deals with theoretical-methodological issues of tourism offer planning and regulation of settlements in mountain destinations. The basic determinants of the development of mountain tourist regions destinations in EU countries, in which respectable development results have been achieved, first of all in terms of income, together with appropriately adjusted development and environmental management system, have been emphasized. The ongoing transition and structural processes in Serbia will have an impact on application of these experiences. At the same time, a basis for competitiveness of mountain regions will not be determined only by spatial capacity and geological location, but also by creative-innovative developing environment. Taking into account the spatial-functional criteria and criteria for the development and protection, the possible spatial definition of mountain tourist regions/destinations in Serbia are presented. The justifiability and positioning of tourism development projects are analyzed aiming at uniform regional development, where two segments of demand are of particularly importance, i.e. demand for mountain tourism services and for real estates in mountain centers. Furthermore, holders of tourism offer will be analyzed through a contemporary approach which may be defined as the development and noncommercial and market and commercial one. International criteria which are evaluated while selecting city/mountain destination for Winter Olympic Games are particularly analyzed. Considering experience of countries with higher level of development of mountain regions, the main starting point for positioning projects for sustainable development of tourist destinations are defined by specifying them according to specific local and regional conditions. A rational model for spatial organization of tourism offer is shown on the example of the Stara Planina tourist region.
PB  - Institute of Architecture, Urban & Spatial Planning of Serbia
T2  - Spatium
T1  - Approach to identification and development of mountain tourism regions and destinations in Serbia with special reference to the Stara Planina mountain
IS  - 22
SP  - 19
EP  - 28
DO  - 10.2298/SPAT1022019M
ER  - 
author = "Milijić, Saša and Marić, Igor and Bakić, Olgica",
year = "2010",
abstract = "This paper deals with theoretical-methodological issues of tourism offer planning and regulation of settlements in mountain destinations. The basic determinants of the development of mountain tourist regions destinations in EU countries, in which respectable development results have been achieved, first of all in terms of income, together with appropriately adjusted development and environmental management system, have been emphasized. The ongoing transition and structural processes in Serbia will have an impact on application of these experiences. At the same time, a basis for competitiveness of mountain regions will not be determined only by spatial capacity and geological location, but also by creative-innovative developing environment. Taking into account the spatial-functional criteria and criteria for the development and protection, the possible spatial definition of mountain tourist regions/destinations in Serbia are presented. The justifiability and positioning of tourism development projects are analyzed aiming at uniform regional development, where two segments of demand are of particularly importance, i.e. demand for mountain tourism services and for real estates in mountain centers. Furthermore, holders of tourism offer will be analyzed through a contemporary approach which may be defined as the development and noncommercial and market and commercial one. International criteria which are evaluated while selecting city/mountain destination for Winter Olympic Games are particularly analyzed. Considering experience of countries with higher level of development of mountain regions, the main starting point for positioning projects for sustainable development of tourist destinations are defined by specifying them according to specific local and regional conditions. A rational model for spatial organization of tourism offer is shown on the example of the Stara Planina tourist region.",
publisher = "Institute of Architecture, Urban & Spatial Planning of Serbia",
journal = "Spatium",
title = "Approach to identification and development of mountain tourism regions and destinations in Serbia with special reference to the Stara Planina mountain",
number = "22",
pages = "19-28",
doi = "10.2298/SPAT1022019M"
Milijić, S., Marić, I.,& Bakić, O.. (2010). Approach to identification and development of mountain tourism regions and destinations in Serbia with special reference to the Stara Planina mountain. in Spatium
Institute of Architecture, Urban & Spatial Planning of Serbia.(22), 19-28.
Milijić S, Marić I, Bakić O. Approach to identification and development of mountain tourism regions and destinations in Serbia with special reference to the Stara Planina mountain. in Spatium. 2010;(22):19-28.
doi:10.2298/SPAT1022019M .
Milijić, Saša, Marić, Igor, Bakić, Olgica, "Approach to identification and development of mountain tourism regions and destinations in Serbia with special reference to the Stara Planina mountain" in Spatium, no. 22 (2010):19-28,
https://doi.org/10.2298/SPAT1022019M . .

Obrasci turizma urbanog i informatičkog doba

Bazik, Dragana; Dželebdžić, Omiljena

(Београд : Институт за архитектуру и урбанизам Србије, 2010)

AU  - Bazik, Dragana
AU  - Dželebdžić, Omiljena
PY  - 2010
UR  - https://raumplan.iaus.ac.rs/handle/123456789/454
AB  - Најновијим Законом о туризму, усвојеним маја 2009. године, истакнут је
 концепт одрживог развоја туризма уз симултано усаглашавање економског,
 друштвеног и енвајронменталног развоја, који је установљен пре скоро две деценије у
 релевантним документима у сектору туризма. Међутим, актуелна разрада мапе
 развојног пута недовољно је примерена обрасцима конкурентности и еволуирајућим
 преференцијама корисника у условима изразитих техничко-технолошких иновација 21.
 века, где се промене региструју на годишњој или полугодишњој временској дистанци.
 Радом су разматрана два обележја савременог доба која могу утицати на
 формирање и правовремено прихватање нових образаца туризма: урбано доба и
 умрежено друштво информатичког доба.
 С једне стране, педесет процената укупне светске популације данас живи у
 градовима због чега повремени боравак људи у природи, уз могућност пешачења,
 рекреације и релаксације од стресног и убрзаног ритма урбаног доба, добија посебан
 значај. С друге стране, техничко-технолошке иновације изразито индивидуализирају,
 уситњавају и мултиплицирају начин коришћења простора, чиме се повећава степен
 његове сложености и динамичности и умањује могућност разматрања развоја
 туризма кроз генерализовану типологију туристичких производа и простора.
 „Мултиплекс-туризам”, као алтернативни и нови образац туризма данашњице,
 подразумева стварање „платформе за преношење различитих порука”, односно
 могућности за укрштање активности у сектору туризма у складу с преференцијама
 самих туриста.
 Истовремено, мобилна информацијско-комуникацијска средства интегришу теле-
 фонску и рачунарску комуникацију. Она повезују простор/места и људе у том
 простору, који су истовремено у комуникацији и са другим људима, на неком другом
 месту, а у умреженом друштву данашњице. Распростирање мобилне комуникацијске
 технологије (средства и програми) највише је допринело брзини инкорпорирања
 „простора токова” и „безвременог времена” у свакодневне животе. Развој персоналног
 система позиционирања познатог као Global Positioning System (ГПС) омогућио је
 интеракцију и интеграцију туристичке и информатичке инфраструктуре и
 формирање новог обрасца алтернативног туризма данашњице, „туризма у реалном
AB  - The concept of sustainable tourism development, with simultaneous adjustment of
 economic, social and environment development, which dates back almost two decades in the
 relevant documents in the tourism sector, represents the focal point of latest Law on tourism,
 adopted in May 2009. But, through the actual working out a development road map, there is
 a lack of appropriate forms of competition and evolving customer preferences in terms of
 outstanding technical and technological 21st century innovations, where the changes are
 recorded on an annual or half-annual time distances. This paper considers two features of
 the contemporary age that may affect the well-timed creation and acceptance of new tourism
 patterns: an urban age and networked society in informatic age.
 On the one hand, fifty percent of the total world population lives in cities, which emphasizes
 the importance of occasional residence of people in nature, with the possibility of walking,
 recreation and relaxation of stress and fast pulse of urban era. On the other hand, the
 technical-technological innovations highly individualizes, particularizes and multiplies the
 ways of using space, increasing its level of complexity and dynamism, and reduces the
 possibility of considering the tourism development through a generalized typology of tourist
 products and facilities. "Multiplex tourism" as an alternative tourism and a new tourism
 pattern means creating a platform for different messages transmission, more exactly, the
 opportunities for hybridized activities in the tourism sector in keeping with the preferences of
 the tourists themselves.
 At the same time, mobile information and communication tools integrate telephone and
 computer communications. Information-communication technology (ICT) connects
 space/place and the people in it, who are also in communication with others elsewhere and
 network society today. The broadly spread of mobile communication technology (tools and
 programs) contributes the incorporation of the “space of flows" and "timeless time" in
 everyday life. The development of personal positioning system known as the Global
 Positioning System (GPS) enables the interaction and integration of tourism and information
 technology infrastructure and the creation of another alternative tourism pattern: "tourism
 in real time."
PB  - Београд : Институт за архитектуру и урбанизам Србије
T2  - Одрживи развој бањских и туристичких насеља у Србији
T1  - Obrasci turizma urbanog i informatičkog doba
T1  - Tourism Patterns of the Urban and Informatic Age
SP  - 251
EP  - 266
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raumplan_454
ER  - 
author = "Bazik, Dragana and Dželebdžić, Omiljena",
year = "2010",
abstract = "Најновијим Законом о туризму, усвојеним маја 2009. године, истакнут је
 концепт одрживог развоја туризма уз симултано усаглашавање економског,
 друштвеног и енвајронменталног развоја, који је установљен пре скоро две деценије у
 релевантним документима у сектору туризма. Међутим, актуелна разрада мапе
 развојног пута недовољно је примерена обрасцима конкурентности и еволуирајућим
 преференцијама корисника у условима изразитих техничко-технолошких иновација 21.
 века, где се промене региструју на годишњој или полугодишњој временској дистанци.
 Радом су разматрана два обележја савременог доба која могу утицати на
 формирање и правовремено прихватање нових образаца туризма: урбано доба и
 умрежено друштво информатичког доба.
 С једне стране, педесет процената укупне светске популације данас живи у
 градовима због чега повремени боравак људи у природи, уз могућност пешачења,
 рекреације и релаксације од стресног и убрзаног ритма урбаног доба, добија посебан
 значај. С друге стране, техничко-технолошке иновације изразито индивидуализирају,
 уситњавају и мултиплицирају начин коришћења простора, чиме се повећава степен
 његове сложености и динамичности и умањује могућност разматрања развоја
 туризма кроз генерализовану типологију туристичких производа и простора.
 „Мултиплекс-туризам”, као алтернативни и нови образац туризма данашњице,
 подразумева стварање „платформе за преношење различитих порука”, односно
 могућности за укрштање активности у сектору туризма у складу с преференцијама
 самих туриста.
 Истовремено, мобилна информацијско-комуникацијска средства интегришу теле-
 фонску и рачунарску комуникацију. Она повезују простор/места и људе у том
 простору, који су истовремено у комуникацији и са другим људима, на неком другом
 месту, а у умреженом друштву данашњице. Распростирање мобилне комуникацијске
 технологије (средства и програми) највише је допринело брзини инкорпорирања
 „простора токова” и „безвременог времена” у свакодневне животе. Развој персоналног
 система позиционирања познатог као Global Positioning System (ГПС) омогућио је
 интеракцију и интеграцију туристичке и информатичке инфраструктуре и
 формирање новог обрасца алтернативног туризма данашњице, „туризма у реалном
 времену”., The concept of sustainable tourism development, with simultaneous adjustment of
 economic, social and environment development, which dates back almost two decades in the
 relevant documents in the tourism sector, represents the focal point of latest Law on tourism,
 adopted in May 2009. But, through the actual working out a development road map, there is
 a lack of appropriate forms of competition and evolving customer preferences in terms of
 outstanding technical and technological 21st century innovations, where the changes are
 recorded on an annual or half-annual time distances. This paper considers two features of
 the contemporary age that may affect the well-timed creation and acceptance of new tourism
 patterns: an urban age and networked society in informatic age.
 On the one hand, fifty percent of the total world population lives in cities, which emphasizes
 the importance of occasional residence of people in nature, with the possibility of walking,
 recreation and relaxation of stress and fast pulse of urban era. On the other hand, the
 technical-technological innovations highly individualizes, particularizes and multiplies the
 ways of using space, increasing its level of complexity and dynamism, and reduces the
 possibility of considering the tourism development through a generalized typology of tourist
 products and facilities. "Multiplex tourism" as an alternative tourism and a new tourism
 pattern means creating a platform for different messages transmission, more exactly, the
 opportunities for hybridized activities in the tourism sector in keeping with the preferences of
 the tourists themselves.
 At the same time, mobile information and communication tools integrate telephone and
 computer communications. Information-communication technology (ICT) connects
 space/place and the people in it, who are also in communication with others elsewhere and
 network society today. The broadly spread of mobile communication technology (tools and
 programs) contributes the incorporation of the “space of flows" and "timeless time" in
 everyday life. The development of personal positioning system known as the Global
 Positioning System (GPS) enables the interaction and integration of tourism and information
 technology infrastructure and the creation of another alternative tourism pattern: "tourism
 in real time."",
publisher = "Београд : Институт за архитектуру и урбанизам Србије",
journal = "Одрживи развој бањских и туристичких насеља у Србији",
booktitle = "Obrasci turizma urbanog i informatičkog doba, Tourism Patterns of the Urban and Informatic Age",
pages = "251-266",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raumplan_454"
Bazik, D.,& Dželebdžić, O.. (2010). Obrasci turizma urbanog i informatičkog doba. in Одрживи развој бањских и туристичких насеља у Србији
Београд : Институт за архитектуру и урбанизам Србије., 251-266.
Bazik D, Dželebdžić O. Obrasci turizma urbanog i informatičkog doba. in Одрживи развој бањских и туристичких насеља у Србији. 2010;:251-266.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raumplan_454 .
Bazik, Dragana, Dželebdžić, Omiljena, "Obrasci turizma urbanog i informatičkog doba" in Одрживи развој бањских и туристичких насеља у Србији (2010):251-266,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raumplan_454 .

Mountain tourism development in Serbia and neighboring countries

Krunić, Nikola; Milijić, Saša; Đurđević, Jasmina

(Institute of Architecture and Urban and Spatial Planning of Serbia, 2010)

AU  - Krunić, Nikola
AU  - Milijić, Saša
AU  - Đurđević, Jasmina
PY  - 2010
UR  - https://raumplan.iaus.ac.rs/handle/123456789/185
AB  - Mountain areas with their surroundings are important parts of tourism regions with potentials for all-season tourism development and complementary activities. Development possibilities are based on size of high mountain territory, nature protection regimes, infrastructural equipment, provided conditions for leisure and recreation as well as involvement of local population in processes of development and protection. This paper analyses the key aspects of tourism development, winter tourism in high-mountain areas of Serbia and some neighboring countries (Slovakia, Romania, Bulgaria, and Greece). Common determinants of cohesion between nature protection and mountain tourism development, national development policies, applied models and concepts and importance of trans-border cooperation are indicated.
AB  - Planinska područja sa neposrednim okruženjem predstavljaju značajne delove turističkih regija sa potencijalima za razvoj celogodišnjeg turizma i komplementarnih delatnosti. Mogućnosti razvoja su uslovljene veličinom planinskog prostora, režimima zaštite prirode, opremljenošću infrastrukturom, stvaranjem uslova za odmor i rekreaciju i uključivanjem lokalnog stanovništva u proces razvoja i zaštite. U radu se analiziraju pitanja razvoja turizma na planinskim područjima, sa akcentom na zimsku ponudu u prostoru u Srbiji i pojedinim zemljama u okruženju (Slovačka, Rumunija, Bugarska i Grčka). Ukazuje se na potrebu usklađivanja zaštite prirode i razvoja planinskog turizma, nacionalne osobenosti i načela razvoja, kao i na mogućnosti transgranične saradnje.
PB  - Institute of Architecture and Urban and Spatial Planning of Serbia
T2  - Arhitektura i urbanizam
T1  - Mountain tourism development in Serbia and neighboring countries
T1  - Razvoj planinskog turizma u Srbiji i zemljama u okruženju
IS  - 29
SP  - 3
EP  - 9
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raumplan_185
ER  - 
author = "Krunić, Nikola and Milijić, Saša and Đurđević, Jasmina",
year = "2010",
abstract = "Mountain areas with their surroundings are important parts of tourism regions with potentials for all-season tourism development and complementary activities. Development possibilities are based on size of high mountain territory, nature protection regimes, infrastructural equipment, provided conditions for leisure and recreation as well as involvement of local population in processes of development and protection. This paper analyses the key aspects of tourism development, winter tourism in high-mountain areas of Serbia and some neighboring countries (Slovakia, Romania, Bulgaria, and Greece). Common determinants of cohesion between nature protection and mountain tourism development, national development policies, applied models and concepts and importance of trans-border cooperation are indicated., Planinska područja sa neposrednim okruženjem predstavljaju značajne delove turističkih regija sa potencijalima za razvoj celogodišnjeg turizma i komplementarnih delatnosti. Mogućnosti razvoja su uslovljene veličinom planinskog prostora, režimima zaštite prirode, opremljenošću infrastrukturom, stvaranjem uslova za odmor i rekreaciju i uključivanjem lokalnog stanovništva u proces razvoja i zaštite. U radu se analiziraju pitanja razvoja turizma na planinskim područjima, sa akcentom na zimsku ponudu u prostoru u Srbiji i pojedinim zemljama u okruženju (Slovačka, Rumunija, Bugarska i Grčka). Ukazuje se na potrebu usklađivanja zaštite prirode i razvoja planinskog turizma, nacionalne osobenosti i načela razvoja, kao i na mogućnosti transgranične saradnje.",
publisher = "Institute of Architecture and Urban and Spatial Planning of Serbia",
journal = "Arhitektura i urbanizam",
title = "Mountain tourism development in Serbia and neighboring countries, Razvoj planinskog turizma u Srbiji i zemljama u okruženju",
number = "29",
pages = "3-9",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raumplan_185"
Krunić, N., Milijić, S.,& Đurđević, J.. (2010). Mountain tourism development in Serbia and neighboring countries. in Arhitektura i urbanizam
Institute of Architecture and Urban and Spatial Planning of Serbia.(29), 3-9.
Krunić N, Milijić S, Đurđević J. Mountain tourism development in Serbia and neighboring countries. in Arhitektura i urbanizam. 2010;(29):3-9.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raumplan_185 .
Krunić, Nikola, Milijić, Saša, Đurđević, Jasmina, "Mountain tourism development in Serbia and neighboring countries" in Arhitektura i urbanizam, no. 29 (2010):3-9,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raumplan_185 .

The paradigm of territoriality in the spa tourism: The concept of spatial indicators

Dželebdžić, Omiljena; Bazik, Dragana

(Institute of Architecture and Urban and Spatial Planning of Serbia, 2010)

AU  - Dželebdžić, Omiljena
AU  - Bazik, Dragana
PY  - 2010
UR  - https://raumplan.iaus.ac.rs/handle/123456789/183
AB  - The famous tradition of spa places like cultural centers and health resorts with unique potential in natural curing springs could be a solid, but not an adequate, ground for their development according to the challenges of contemporary society. The renewed interest in the territorial aspects of tourism as a response to globalization enhanced the influence of spatial factor (tourismscape) on current on tourism demand. The network of flows, relationships and interactions, as the core of the territoriality concept, is not something new and unknown in regional planning but requires a new analytical tool for researching the global network connectivity. This paper analyzes the concept of territorial networking in the system of physical, functional and organizational networks as one of the crucial aspects in the development of well balanced tourism region. The consideration aim is to examine and define the relevant indicators that may specify the level of competitiveness of spa region in the global tourism market.
AB  - Bogata tradicija banjskih mesta kao kulturnih središta i lečilišta sa jedinstvenim potencijalom u lekovitim izvorima mogu biti solidna, ali ne i dovoljna, osnova za njihov razvoj u skladu sa izazovima savremenog društvenog konteksta. Kao odgovor na proces globalizacije obnovljen je interes u teritorijalnim aspektima turizma, pri čemu prostorno okruženje postaje faktor koji ima sve veći uticaj na turističku tražnju. Isprepletenost tokova, odnosa, interakcija kao suština koncepta teritorijalnosti, nije nešto novo i nepoznato u regionalnom planiranju, ali zahteva nov analitički pristup za ispitivanje povezanosti sa globalnim mrežama. U radu se analizira koncept teritorijalne umreženosti u sistemu fizičkih, funkcionalnih i organizacionih mreža, kao jedan od ključnih aspekata u realizaciji skladne turističke regije. Cilj prikaza je preispitivanje i pronalaženje relevantnih indikatora koji mogu ukazati na dostignuti nivo konkurentnosti banjskih turističkih regija u globalnoj turističkoj ponudi.
PB  - Institute of Architecture and Urban and Spatial Planning of Serbia
T2  - Arhitektura i urbanizam
T1  - The paradigm of territoriality in the spa tourism: The concept of spatial indicators
T1  - Paradigma teritorijalnosti u banjskom turizmu - koncept prostornih indikatora
IS  - 28
SP  - 29
EP  - 37
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raf_1113
ER  - 
author = "Dželebdžić, Omiljena and Bazik, Dragana",
year = "2010",
abstract = "The famous tradition of spa places like cultural centers and health resorts with unique potential in natural curing springs could be a solid, but not an adequate, ground for their development according to the challenges of contemporary society. The renewed interest in the territorial aspects of tourism as a response to globalization enhanced the influence of spatial factor (tourismscape) on current on tourism demand. The network of flows, relationships and interactions, as the core of the territoriality concept, is not something new and unknown in regional planning but requires a new analytical tool for researching the global network connectivity. This paper analyzes the concept of territorial networking in the system of physical, functional and organizational networks as one of the crucial aspects in the development of well balanced tourism region. The consideration aim is to examine and define the relevant indicators that may specify the level of competitiveness of spa region in the global tourism market., Bogata tradicija banjskih mesta kao kulturnih središta i lečilišta sa jedinstvenim potencijalom u lekovitim izvorima mogu biti solidna, ali ne i dovoljna, osnova za njihov razvoj u skladu sa izazovima savremenog društvenog konteksta. Kao odgovor na proces globalizacije obnovljen je interes u teritorijalnim aspektima turizma, pri čemu prostorno okruženje postaje faktor koji ima sve veći uticaj na turističku tražnju. Isprepletenost tokova, odnosa, interakcija kao suština koncepta teritorijalnosti, nije nešto novo i nepoznato u regionalnom planiranju, ali zahteva nov analitički pristup za ispitivanje povezanosti sa globalnim mrežama. U radu se analizira koncept teritorijalne umreženosti u sistemu fizičkih, funkcionalnih i organizacionih mreža, kao jedan od ključnih aspekata u realizaciji skladne turističke regije. Cilj prikaza je preispitivanje i pronalaženje relevantnih indikatora koji mogu ukazati na dostignuti nivo konkurentnosti banjskih turističkih regija u globalnoj turističkoj ponudi.",
publisher = "Institute of Architecture and Urban and Spatial Planning of Serbia",
journal = "Arhitektura i urbanizam",
title = "The paradigm of territoriality in the spa tourism: The concept of spatial indicators, Paradigma teritorijalnosti u banjskom turizmu - koncept prostornih indikatora",
number = "28",
pages = "29-37",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raf_1113"
Dželebdžić, O.,& Bazik, D.. (2010). The paradigm of territoriality in the spa tourism: The concept of spatial indicators. in Arhitektura i urbanizam
Institute of Architecture and Urban and Spatial Planning of Serbia.(28), 29-37.
Dželebdžić O, Bazik D. The paradigm of territoriality in the spa tourism: The concept of spatial indicators. in Arhitektura i urbanizam. 2010;(28):29-37.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raf_1113 .
Dželebdžić, Omiljena, Bazik, Dragana, "The paradigm of territoriality in the spa tourism: The concept of spatial indicators" in Arhitektura i urbanizam, no. 28 (2010):29-37,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raf_1113 .

Типологија архитектонских објеката у функцији туризма, на подручју ГП Врњачке Бање / Typology of Buildings in Service of Tourism in Vrnjacka Banja Master Plan Area

Марић, Игор; Богданов, Ана; Манић, Божидар

(Београд : Институт за архитектуру и урбанизам Србије, 2009)

AU  - Марић, Игор
AU  - Богданов, Ана
AU  - Манић, Божидар
PY  - 2009
UR  - https://raumplan.iaus.ac.rs/handle/123456789/380
AB  - Tourism is a decisive factor in the developmental orientation of spa towns. In the area of Vrnjacka Banja, which is among the biggest spas in Serbia, with a long tradition of spa tourism, there co-exist numerous various types of architectural structures, starting from residential, through public, to tourist buildings. In this paper, elements of urban morphology are being studied, by proposing a typology of physical structure, based on criteria that are relevant in terms of tourism. Area of research is the area of Vrnjacka Banja Master Plan. Historical development is revealed, with a retrospection of the social context. Treatment of these types of physical structures in current plans is also analyzed, and some typological classifications are proposed. In the conclusion, retrospection on current state and possible development perspectives is given and further researches are suggested. The results shown should help in overlooking and possibly improving Serbian tourist offer.
AB  - Tуризaм данас представља опредељујући фактор развојне оријентације бањских насеља, за разлику од некадашњег примарно медицинског карактера. На подручју Врњачке Бање, која спада међу највеће бање у Србији, са дугом традицијом бањског туризма, заједно егзистирају бројни различити типови архитектонских објеката, од стамбених, пословних, индустријских, преко јавних, до туристичких. У овом раду се истражују елементи урбане морфологије Врњачке бање, кроз формирање типологије затечене физичке структуре, а на основу критеријума који су релевантни за функцију туризма. Као подручје истраживања узето је уже подручје насеља које покрива Генерални план Врњачке Бање. Приказана је хронологија настајања одређених типова физичке структуре и анализиран је њихов третман у важећим планским документима. Предложене су и типолошке класификације. У закључном делу дат је осврт на тренутно стање и могуће перспективе развоја као и правце даљих истраживања. Приказани резултати требало би да помогну сагледавању и могућем унапређењу туристичке понуде Србије.
PB  - Београд : Институт за архитектуру и урбанизам Србије
T2  - Неки аспекти одрживог просторног развоја Србије
T1  - Типологија архитектонских објеката у функцији туризма, на подручју ГП Врњачке Бање / Typology of Buildings in Service of Tourism in Vrnjacka Banja Master Plan Area
SP  - 77
EP  - 92
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raumplan_380
ER  - 
author = "Марић, Игор and Богданов, Ана and Манић, Божидар",
year = "2009",
abstract = "Tourism is a decisive factor in the developmental orientation of spa towns. In the area of Vrnjacka Banja, which is among the biggest spas in Serbia, with a long tradition of spa tourism, there co-exist numerous various types of architectural structures, starting from residential, through public, to tourist buildings. In this paper, elements of urban morphology are being studied, by proposing a typology of physical structure, based on criteria that are relevant in terms of tourism. Area of research is the area of Vrnjacka Banja Master Plan. Historical development is revealed, with a retrospection of the social context. Treatment of these types of physical structures in current plans is also analyzed, and some typological classifications are proposed. In the conclusion, retrospection on current state and possible development perspectives is given and further researches are suggested. The results shown should help in overlooking and possibly improving Serbian tourist offer., Tуризaм данас представља опредељујући фактор развојне оријентације бањских насеља, за разлику од некадашњег примарно медицинског карактера. На подручју Врњачке Бање, која спада међу највеће бање у Србији, са дугом традицијом бањског туризма, заједно егзистирају бројни различити типови архитектонских објеката, од стамбених, пословних, индустријских, преко јавних, до туристичких. У овом раду се истражују елементи урбане морфологије Врњачке бање, кроз формирање типологије затечене физичке структуре, а на основу критеријума који су релевантни за функцију туризма. Као подручје истраживања узето је уже подручје насеља које покрива Генерални план Врњачке Бање. Приказана је хронологија настајања одређених типова физичке структуре и анализиран је њихов третман у важећим планским документима. Предложене су и типолошке класификације. У закључном делу дат је осврт на тренутно стање и могуће перспективе развоја као и правце даљих истраживања. Приказани резултати требало би да помогну сагледавању и могућем унапређењу туристичке понуде Србије.",
publisher = "Београд : Институт за архитектуру и урбанизам Србије",
journal = "Неки аспекти одрживог просторног развоја Србије",
booktitle = "Типологија архитектонских објеката у функцији туризма, на подручју ГП Врњачке Бање / Typology of Buildings in Service of Tourism in Vrnjacka Banja Master Plan Area",
pages = "77-92",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raumplan_380"
Марић, И., Богданов, А.,& Манић, Б.. (2009). Типологија архитектонских објеката у функцији туризма, на подручју ГП Врњачке Бање / Typology of Buildings in Service of Tourism in Vrnjacka Banja Master Plan Area. in Неки аспекти одрживог просторног развоја Србије
Београд : Институт за архитектуру и урбанизам Србије., 77-92.
Марић И, Богданов А, Манић Б. Типологија архитектонских објеката у функцији туризма, на подручју ГП Врњачке Бање / Typology of Buildings in Service of Tourism in Vrnjacka Banja Master Plan Area. in Неки аспекти одрживог просторног развоја Србије. 2009;:77-92.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raumplan_380 .
Марић, Игор, Богданов, Ана, Манић, Божидар, "Типологија архитектонских објеката у функцији туризма, на подручју ГП Врњачке Бање / Typology of Buildings in Service of Tourism in Vrnjacka Banja Master Plan Area" in Неки аспекти одрживог просторног развоја Србије (2009):77-92,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raumplan_380 .

GIS in development of urban plan: Example of Vrnjačka Banja

Bakić, Olgica; Krunić, Nikola; Samardžić, Mileva

(Institute of Architecture and Urban and Spatial Planning of Serbia, 2009)

AU  - Bakić, Olgica
AU  - Krunić, Nikola
AU  - Samardžić, Mileva
PY  - 2009
UR  - https://raumplan.iaus.ac.rs/handle/123456789/145
AB  - This paper illustrate experiences of GIS based spatial geodatabase design realization and development for implementation and monitoring of urban plans. As key study authors used Urban Plan of Vrnjačka Banja created in year 2005. Plan was originally created using CAD technology, and it was necessarily to adopt it and convert to standard GIS file formats. Authors explaining methodological framework for creating and managing geospatial database as support for implementation and update of urban plans, and their presentation on Intra- and Internet.
AB  - Rad prikazuje iskustva u koncipiranju, realizaciji i mogućnostima razvoja prostorne baze podataka za potrebe implementacije i monitoringa urbanističkog plana zasnovane na GIS tehnologiji. Kao primer poslužio je Generalni plan Vrnjačke Banje iz 2005. godine. Budući da je ovaj Plan rađen u standardnoj CAD tehnologiji, bilo je neophodno prilagoditi ga i konvertovati u standardne GIS formate. Autori ukazuju na metodološki okvir formiranja i upravljanja jedinstvenom prostornom bazom podataka za urbanističke planove kao podrške njihovoj implementaciji i ažuriranju, te mogućnostima njihove prezentacije na inter- i intranet-u.
PB  - Institute of Architecture and Urban and Spatial Planning of Serbia
T2  - Arhitektura i urbanizam
T1  - GIS in development of urban plan: Example of Vrnjačka Banja
T1  - GIS u izradi urbanističkog plana - primer Vrnjačke Banje
IS  - 26
SP  - 56
EP  - 65
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raumplan_145
ER  - 
author = "Bakić, Olgica and Krunić, Nikola and Samardžić, Mileva",
year = "2009",
abstract = "This paper illustrate experiences of GIS based spatial geodatabase design realization and development for implementation and monitoring of urban plans. As key study authors used Urban Plan of Vrnjačka Banja created in year 2005. Plan was originally created using CAD technology, and it was necessarily to adopt it and convert to standard GIS file formats. Authors explaining methodological framework for creating and managing geospatial database as support for implementation and update of urban plans, and their presentation on Intra- and Internet., Rad prikazuje iskustva u koncipiranju, realizaciji i mogućnostima razvoja prostorne baze podataka za potrebe implementacije i monitoringa urbanističkog plana zasnovane na GIS tehnologiji. Kao primer poslužio je Generalni plan Vrnjačke Banje iz 2005. godine. Budući da je ovaj Plan rađen u standardnoj CAD tehnologiji, bilo je neophodno prilagoditi ga i konvertovati u standardne GIS formate. Autori ukazuju na metodološki okvir formiranja i upravljanja jedinstvenom prostornom bazom podataka za urbanističke planove kao podrške njihovoj implementaciji i ažuriranju, te mogućnostima njihove prezentacije na inter- i intranet-u.",
publisher = "Institute of Architecture and Urban and Spatial Planning of Serbia",
journal = "Arhitektura i urbanizam",
title = "GIS in development of urban plan: Example of Vrnjačka Banja, GIS u izradi urbanističkog plana - primer Vrnjačke Banje",
number = "26",
pages = "56-65",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raumplan_145"
Bakić, O., Krunić, N.,& Samardžić, M.. (2009). GIS in development of urban plan: Example of Vrnjačka Banja. in Arhitektura i urbanizam
Institute of Architecture and Urban and Spatial Planning of Serbia.(26), 56-65.
Bakić O, Krunić N, Samardžić M. GIS in development of urban plan: Example of Vrnjačka Banja. in Arhitektura i urbanizam. 2009;(26):56-65.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raumplan_145 .
Bakić, Olgica, Krunić, Nikola, Samardžić, Mileva, "GIS in development of urban plan: Example of Vrnjačka Banja" in Arhitektura i urbanizam, no. 26 (2009):56-65,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raumplan_145 .

Transformation of rural settlemetns and rural housing improvement in Serbia

Marić, Igor; Bogdanov, Ana; Manić, Božidar

(Belgrade : Institute of Architecture and Urban & Spatial Planning of Serbia, 2009)

AU  - Marić, Igor
AU  - Bogdanov, Ana
AU  - Manić, Božidar
PY  - 2009
UR  - https://raumplan.iaus.ac.rs/handle/123456789/373
AB  - Rural settlements in Serbia are in a crisis on many bases: decrease in the number of population, with age structure changes, loss of identity, lack of organization, poor public transport infrastructure and accessibility, small amount of investments in the development due to the lack of planning regulation and development programs. Depending on the area, the village needs to undergo transformation in a number of segments: diversification of the land holding size starting from the large agricultural combines through the medium-sized and in the end small producers; restructuring the network of rural settlements; development of smaller production capacities associated in systems; renewal of the cooperation in the areas with fragmented land holdings; realization of the communal order and equipment; improvement of the production technology along with the expected reduction in the number of inhabitants. The key is to accept that the village has to undergo significant transformation in all segments in order to become comfortable enough for dwelling both in terms of individual households and in terms of satisfying the social and collective needs of the community. The methods should be aimed at long-term plan action with the aim of balancing living standards and achieving direct communication village-city. In this paper, the regional specificities within Serbia and in Serbia as a whole are analyzed, recognizing the development trends and the need for change in the development of rural settlements.
PB  - Belgrade : Institute of Architecture and Urban & Spatial Planning of Serbia
C3  - Regional development, spatial planning and strategic governance. Thematic Conference Proceedings
T1  - Transformation of rural settlemetns and rural housing improvement in Serbia
VL  - 1
SP  - 179
EP  - 195
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raumplan_373
ER  - 
author = "Marić, Igor and Bogdanov, Ana and Manić, Božidar",
year = "2009",
abstract = "Rural settlements in Serbia are in a crisis on many bases: decrease in the number of population, with age structure changes, loss of identity, lack of organization, poor public transport infrastructure and accessibility, small amount of investments in the development due to the lack of planning regulation and development programs. Depending on the area, the village needs to undergo transformation in a number of segments: diversification of the land holding size starting from the large agricultural combines through the medium-sized and in the end small producers; restructuring the network of rural settlements; development of smaller production capacities associated in systems; renewal of the cooperation in the areas with fragmented land holdings; realization of the communal order and equipment; improvement of the production technology along with the expected reduction in the number of inhabitants. The key is to accept that the village has to undergo significant transformation in all segments in order to become comfortable enough for dwelling both in terms of individual households and in terms of satisfying the social and collective needs of the community. The methods should be aimed at long-term plan action with the aim of balancing living standards and achieving direct communication village-city. In this paper, the regional specificities within Serbia and in Serbia as a whole are analyzed, recognizing the development trends and the need for change in the development of rural settlements.",
publisher = "Belgrade : Institute of Architecture and Urban & Spatial Planning of Serbia",
journal = "Regional development, spatial planning and strategic governance. Thematic Conference Proceedings",
title = "Transformation of rural settlemetns and rural housing improvement in Serbia",
volume = "1",
pages = "179-195",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raumplan_373"
Marić, I., Bogdanov, A.,& Manić, B.. (2009). Transformation of rural settlemetns and rural housing improvement in Serbia. in Regional development, spatial planning and strategic governance. Thematic Conference Proceedings
Belgrade : Institute of Architecture and Urban & Spatial Planning of Serbia., 1, 179-195.
Marić I, Bogdanov A, Manić B. Transformation of rural settlemetns and rural housing improvement in Serbia. in Regional development, spatial planning and strategic governance. Thematic Conference Proceedings. 2009;1:179-195.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raumplan_373 .
Marić, Igor, Bogdanov, Ana, Manić, Božidar, "Transformation of rural settlemetns and rural housing improvement in Serbia" in Regional development, spatial planning and strategic governance. Thematic Conference Proceedings, 1 (2009):179-195,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raumplan_373 .

Architecture of villas as an element of identity of Vrnjačka Banja

Marić, Igor; Bogdanov, Ana; Manić, Božidar

(Institute of Architecture and Urban and Spatial Planning of Serbia, 2009)

AU  - Marić, Igor
AU  - Bogdanov, Ana
AU  - Manić, Božidar
PY  - 2009
UR  - https://raumplan.iaus.ac.rs/handle/123456789/144
AB  - The architecture of villas stands out as one of the recognizable characteristics of Vrnjačka Banja's physical structure and as a distinctive type of objects forming the tourist offer. Analyses of position, function and importance of villa architecture in shaping the identity of Vrnjačka Banja are based on the conviction that organized space and built environment, as a result of design and planning processes, have decisive role in forming the identity of places and making them recognizable. In this paper, architectural elements that characterize this type of objects are being analyzed. Also, the role that singled out elements have at higher urban levels, firstly in creating characteristic, recognizable architectural and urban ensembles, and consequently in identity forming, is pointed out. These issues are considered in terms of tourism development, as a precondition for making recognizable city with possibilities for branding, that consequently improve the exploiting of the tourist potentials.
AB  - Arhitektura vila predstavlja jednu od upečatljivih karakteristika fizičke strukture Vrnjačke Banje i izdvaja se kao poseban tip objekata koji učestvuju u formiranju turističke ponude. Polazeći od uverenja da uređen prostor i izgrađena fizička struktura kao rezultat delovanja urbanista i arhitekata značajno učestvuju u formiranju identiteta i prepoznatljivosti naselja analizirano je mesto, uloga i značaj arhitekture vila u formiranju identiteta Vrnjačke Banje. U radu se analizira arhitektonska tipologija i njeni elementi koji su karakteristični za ovaj tip objekata. Ukazuje se na ulogu koju izdvojeni objekti ostvaruju na višim urbanističkim nivoima, najpre u formiranju karakterističnih, prepoznatljivih arhitektonsko-urbanističkih celina, a zatim i u formiranju identiteta, a samim tim i turističke atraktivnosti naselja. Problematika je posmatrana u kontekstu razvoja turizma, kao preduslov prepoznatljivosti mesta i mogućnosti brendiranja, što doprinosi iskorišćenju turističkih potencijala.
PB  - Institute of Architecture and Urban and Spatial Planning of Serbia
T2  - Arhitektura i urbanizam
T1  - Architecture of villas as an element of identity of Vrnjačka Banja
T1  - Arhitektura vila kao element identiteta Vrnjačke Banje
IS  - 26
SP  - 36
EP  - 44
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raumplan_144
ER  - 
author = "Marić, Igor and Bogdanov, Ana and Manić, Božidar",
year = "2009",
abstract = "The architecture of villas stands out as one of the recognizable characteristics of Vrnjačka Banja's physical structure and as a distinctive type of objects forming the tourist offer. Analyses of position, function and importance of villa architecture in shaping the identity of Vrnjačka Banja are based on the conviction that organized space and built environment, as a result of design and planning processes, have decisive role in forming the identity of places and making them recognizable. In this paper, architectural elements that characterize this type of objects are being analyzed. Also, the role that singled out elements have at higher urban levels, firstly in creating characteristic, recognizable architectural and urban ensembles, and consequently in identity forming, is pointed out. These issues are considered in terms of tourism development, as a precondition for making recognizable city with possibilities for branding, that consequently improve the exploiting of the tourist potentials., Arhitektura vila predstavlja jednu od upečatljivih karakteristika fizičke strukture Vrnjačke Banje i izdvaja se kao poseban tip objekata koji učestvuju u formiranju turističke ponude. Polazeći od uverenja da uređen prostor i izgrađena fizička struktura kao rezultat delovanja urbanista i arhitekata značajno učestvuju u formiranju identiteta i prepoznatljivosti naselja analizirano je mesto, uloga i značaj arhitekture vila u formiranju identiteta Vrnjačke Banje. U radu se analizira arhitektonska tipologija i njeni elementi koji su karakteristični za ovaj tip objekata. Ukazuje se na ulogu koju izdvojeni objekti ostvaruju na višim urbanističkim nivoima, najpre u formiranju karakterističnih, prepoznatljivih arhitektonsko-urbanističkih celina, a zatim i u formiranju identiteta, a samim tim i turističke atraktivnosti naselja. Problematika je posmatrana u kontekstu razvoja turizma, kao preduslov prepoznatljivosti mesta i mogućnosti brendiranja, što doprinosi iskorišćenju turističkih potencijala.",
publisher = "Institute of Architecture and Urban and Spatial Planning of Serbia",
journal = "Arhitektura i urbanizam",
title = "Architecture of villas as an element of identity of Vrnjačka Banja, Arhitektura vila kao element identiteta Vrnjačke Banje",
number = "26",
pages = "36-44",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raumplan_144"
Marić, I., Bogdanov, A.,& Manić, B.. (2009). Architecture of villas as an element of identity of Vrnjačka Banja. in Arhitektura i urbanizam
Institute of Architecture and Urban and Spatial Planning of Serbia.(26), 36-44.
Marić I, Bogdanov A, Manić B. Architecture of villas as an element of identity of Vrnjačka Banja. in Arhitektura i urbanizam. 2009;(26):36-44.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raumplan_144 .
Marić, Igor, Bogdanov, Ana, Manić, Božidar, "Architecture of villas as an element of identity of Vrnjačka Banja" in Arhitektura i urbanizam, no. 26 (2009):36-44,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raumplan_144 .

Teorijski koncept i primena celularnih automata – elementi evolucije u banjskim kontekstima

Petruševski, Ljiljana; Devetaković, Mirjana; Bazik, Dragana; Dželebdžić, Omiljena

(Beograd : Institut za arhitekturu i urbanizam Srbije, 2009)

AU  - Petruševski, Ljiljana
AU  - Devetaković, Mirjana
AU  - Bazik, Dragana
AU  - Dželebdžić, Omiljena
PY  - 2009
UR  - https://raumplan.iaus.ac.rs/handle/123456789/440
AB  - This paper presents a theoretical concept of cellular automata, aimed at a possible application in architecture and urban planning. It highlights the totalistic cellular automata, the “Game of Life” and the “still life” states. It examines initial configurations in the generative process of a spatial form, which has a potential to become a part of architectural space. The paper discusses a geometric complexity of architectural space, and indicates a validity of the concept of cellular automata, applied in simulations of urban growth.
PB  - Beograd : Institut za arhitekturu i urbanizam Srbije
T2  - Neki aspekti održivog prostornog razvoja Srbije
T1  - Teorijski koncept i primena celularnih automata – elementi evolucije u banjskim kontekstima
T1  - The Theoretical Concept and Aplication of Cellular Automata - The Elements of Evolution in Balneal Contexts
SP  - 117
EP  - 132
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raumplan_440
ER  - 
author = "Petruševski, Ljiljana and Devetaković, Mirjana and Bazik, Dragana and Dželebdžić, Omiljena",
year = "2009",
abstract = "This paper presents a theoretical concept of cellular automata, aimed at a possible application in architecture and urban planning. It highlights the totalistic cellular automata, the “Game of Life” and the “still life” states. It examines initial configurations in the generative process of a spatial form, which has a potential to become a part of architectural space. The paper discusses a geometric complexity of architectural space, and indicates a validity of the concept of cellular automata, applied in simulations of urban growth.",
publisher = "Beograd : Institut za arhitekturu i urbanizam Srbije",
journal = "Neki aspekti održivog prostornog razvoja Srbije",
booktitle = "Teorijski koncept i primena celularnih automata – elementi evolucije u banjskim kontekstima, The Theoretical Concept and Aplication of Cellular Automata - The Elements of Evolution in Balneal Contexts",
pages = "117-132",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raumplan_440"
Petruševski, L., Devetaković, M., Bazik, D.,& Dželebdžić, O.. (2009). Teorijski koncept i primena celularnih automata – elementi evolucije u banjskim kontekstima. in Neki aspekti održivog prostornog razvoja Srbije
Beograd : Institut za arhitekturu i urbanizam Srbije., 117-132.
Petruševski L, Devetaković M, Bazik D, Dželebdžić O. Teorijski koncept i primena celularnih automata – elementi evolucije u banjskim kontekstima. in Neki aspekti održivog prostornog razvoja Srbije. 2009;:117-132.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raumplan_440 .
Petruševski, Ljiljana, Devetaković, Mirjana, Bazik, Dragana, Dželebdžić, Omiljena, "Teorijski koncept i primena celularnih automata – elementi evolucije u banjskim kontekstima" in Neki aspekti održivog prostornog razvoja Srbije (2009):117-132,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raumplan_440 .

Principi održivog razvoja banjskih mesta – osnove za izdvajanje indikatora

Dželebdžić, Omiljena; Bazik, Dragana; Petruševski, Ljiljana

(Beograd : Institut za arhitekturu i urbanizam Srbije, 2009)

AU  - Dželebdžić, Omiljena
AU  - Bazik, Dragana
AU  - Petruševski, Ljiljana
PY  - 2009
UR  - https://raumplan.iaus.ac.rs/handle/123456789/434
Abstract: The competences between tourist places that are based on health tourism in the world have been more emphasized during the last years. The traditional spa and climate places with long time significance as the natural curing and rehabilitation centers are now exposed to the challenge of the new paradigm of the health tourism – program about the health care (so called Wellness), as well as the medical tourism which gets a significant positioning place in the market of tourist destinations. Some traditional spa places find their way in pre-orientation of the traditional health offer in the trends of wellness offers, while the others try to supplement already developed offer through the united cultural tourism, on the grounds of the natural and cultural heritage that posses. In any case, the necessity for coordination of activities for development of the spa places is emphasized since it proved that individual actions are lost, i.e. that the diversity of offer, the structure of space, implication of the quality standards and price list are the basic measures for a complete attractiveness of the place. The work offers basic pre-conditions and principles for adaptability of the traditional spa places to the new trends of the global positioning at the market in the tourist sector. On that basis, the questionable sections are summarized and they should represent the ground for establishment of the responsible indicators for evaluation and follow up of the sustainable spatial development of spa places.
PB  - Beograd : Institut za arhitekturu i urbanizam Srbije
T2  - Neki aspekti održivog prostornog razvoja Srbije
T1  - Principi održivog razvoja banjskih mesta – osnove za izdvajanje indikatora
T1  - Principles for the Sustainable Development of Spa Places – Basis for Appropriate Indicators
SP  - 105
EP  - 116
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raumplan_434
ER  - 
author = "Dželebdžić, Omiljena and Bazik, Dragana and Petruševski, Ljiljana",
year = "2009",
Abstract: The competences between tourist places that are based on health tourism in the world have been more emphasized during the last years. The traditional spa and climate places with long time significance as the natural curing and rehabilitation centers are now exposed to the challenge of the new paradigm of the health tourism – program about the health care (so called Wellness), as well as the medical tourism which gets a significant positioning place in the market of tourist destinations. Some traditional spa places find their way in pre-orientation of the traditional health offer in the trends of wellness offers, while the others try to supplement already developed offer through the united cultural tourism, on the grounds of the natural and cultural heritage that posses. In any case, the necessity for coordination of activities for development of the spa places is emphasized since it proved that individual actions are lost, i.e. that the diversity of offer, the structure of space, implication of the quality standards and price list are the basic measures for a complete attractiveness of the place. The work offers basic pre-conditions and principles for adaptability of the traditional spa places to the new trends of the global positioning at the market in the tourist sector. On that basis, the questionable sections are summarized and they should represent the ground for establishment of the responsible indicators for evaluation and follow up of the sustainable spatial development of spa places.",
publisher = "Beograd : Institut za arhitekturu i urbanizam Srbije",
journal = "Neki aspekti održivog prostornog razvoja Srbije",
booktitle = "Principi održivog razvoja banjskih mesta – osnove za izdvajanje indikatora, Principles for the Sustainable Development of Spa Places – Basis for Appropriate Indicators",
pages = "105-116",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raumplan_434"
Dželebdžić, O., Bazik, D.,& Petruševski, L.. (2009). Principi održivog razvoja banjskih mesta – osnove za izdvajanje indikatora. in Neki aspekti održivog prostornog razvoja Srbije
Beograd : Institut za arhitekturu i urbanizam Srbije., 105-116.
Dželebdžić O, Bazik D, Petruševski L. Principi održivog razvoja banjskih mesta – osnove za izdvajanje indikatora. in Neki aspekti održivog prostornog razvoja Srbije. 2009;:105-116.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raumplan_434 .
Dželebdžić, Omiljena, Bazik, Dragana, Petruševski, Ljiljana, "Principi održivog razvoja banjskih mesta – osnove za izdvajanje indikatora" in Neki aspekti održivog prostornog razvoja Srbije (2009):105-116,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raumplan_434 .

Regional concept of environmental protection and waste management, with case studies of South Morava region

Nenković-Riznić, Marina; Pucar, Mila; Simonović, Sanja

(Institute of Architecture and Urban and Spatial Planning of Serbia, 2009)

AU  - Nenković-Riznić, Marina
AU  - Pucar, Mila
AU  - Simonović, Sanja
PY  - 2009
UR  - https://raumplan.iaus.ac.rs/handle/123456789/157
AB  - Regional concept of environmental protection and waste management represents a new methodology in spatial interventions which enable an integral view of all of the environmental parameters. In this way, contrary to the prevailing decentralized methodology of environmental protection and negation of the pollution aftereffects, it is recommended to form a unified database of main pollutants for the whole region. This database enables impact detection of specific factors (industrial facilities, waste dumps and other pollutants) on a scale which transcends to neighboring municipalities, regions, or the overall country. The state of the environment and waste management in the South Morava region is directly impacted by an array of environmentally degradable factors, with economics being the most prominent one (industrial facilities, which represented the main pollutants in the past, applied little, if any, regard to the environmental protection, dumping their waste on improvised, unprotected waste dumps). On the other hand, low level of employment, rudimentary industrial technology made positive environmental effect in the past 5 to 10 years, because of lack of direct pollution. The subject of this paper will be based on recommendations for better organization on regional level in the environmental and waste management field, and based on examples from Jablanica and Pčinja district, which are located in the South Morava region.
AB  - Regionalni koncept zaštite životne sredine i upravljanja otpadom u Srbiji predstavlja novi način intervencije u prostoru, kojim se omogućuje integralno sagledavanje stanja parametara životne sredine. Ovim putem se, za razliku od dosadašnjeg decentralizovanog rešavanja problema upravljanja otpadom i otklanjanja posledica zagađenja životne sredine, nastoji formirati katastar zagađivača za ceo region. Na osnovu ove baze moguće je determinisati ne samo lokalne uticaje pojedinih objekata (industrijska postrojenja, deponije ili drugi izvori zagađivanja), već i njihove eventualne uticaje na susedne opštine, regione i celu zemlju. Stanje životne sredine i upravljanja komunalnim otpadom na teritoriji opština Južnog Pomoravlja, kao značajnog regiona u Srbiji, direktno je uzrokovano nizom faktora, među kojima je najznačajniji ekonomski, koji deluje izrazito degradirajuće na životnu sredinu (industrijski pogoni su predstavljali velike zagađivače u prethodnom periodu, budući da nisu imali ni najosnovnije mere zaštite životne sredine, a otpad su odlagali na smetlišta). S druge strane ekonomski faktori (nizak nivo zaposlenosti, nerazvijenost industrije u toku poslednjih 5 do 10 godina) su se i pozitivno odrazili na životnu sredinu i prirodne vrednosti, budući da nije bilo direktnog zagađenja. Tema ovog Rada je definisanje preporuka za bolju organizaciju na nivou regiona u oblasti zaštite životne sredine i upravljanja otpadom, a upravo na primerima opština Jablaničkog i Pčinjskog okruga, tj. Južnog Pomoravlja.
PB  - Institute of Architecture and Urban and Spatial Planning of Serbia
T2  - Arhitektura i urbanizam
T1  - Regional concept of environmental protection and waste management, with case studies of South Morava region
T1  - Regionalni koncepti zaštite životne sredine i upravljanja otpadom na primerima Južnog Pomoravlja
IS  - 26
SP  - 77
EP  - 87
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raumplan_157
ER  - 
author = "Nenković-Riznić, Marina and Pucar, Mila and Simonović, Sanja",
year = "2009",
abstract = "Regional concept of environmental protection and waste management represents a new methodology in spatial interventions which enable an integral view of all of the environmental parameters. In this way, contrary to the prevailing decentralized methodology of environmental protection and negation of the pollution aftereffects, it is recommended to form a unified database of main pollutants for the whole region. This database enables impact detection of specific factors (industrial facilities, waste dumps and other pollutants) on a scale which transcends to neighboring municipalities, regions, or the overall country. The state of the environment and waste management in the South Morava region is directly impacted by an array of environmentally degradable factors, with economics being the most prominent one (industrial facilities, which represented the main pollutants in the past, applied little, if any, regard to the environmental protection, dumping their waste on improvised, unprotected waste dumps). On the other hand, low level of employment, rudimentary industrial technology made positive environmental effect in the past 5 to 10 years, because of lack of direct pollution. The subject of this paper will be based on recommendations for better organization on regional level in the environmental and waste management field, and based on examples from Jablanica and Pčinja district, which are located in the South Morava region., Regionalni koncept zaštite životne sredine i upravljanja otpadom u Srbiji predstavlja novi način intervencije u prostoru, kojim se omogućuje integralno sagledavanje stanja parametara životne sredine. Ovim putem se, za razliku od dosadašnjeg decentralizovanog rešavanja problema upravljanja otpadom i otklanjanja posledica zagađenja životne sredine, nastoji formirati katastar zagađivača za ceo region. Na osnovu ove baze moguće je determinisati ne samo lokalne uticaje pojedinih objekata (industrijska postrojenja, deponije ili drugi izvori zagađivanja), već i njihove eventualne uticaje na susedne opštine, regione i celu zemlju. Stanje životne sredine i upravljanja komunalnim otpadom na teritoriji opština Južnog Pomoravlja, kao značajnog regiona u Srbiji, direktno je uzrokovano nizom faktora, među kojima je najznačajniji ekonomski, koji deluje izrazito degradirajuće na životnu sredinu (industrijski pogoni su predstavljali velike zagađivače u prethodnom periodu, budući da nisu imali ni najosnovnije mere zaštite životne sredine, a otpad su odlagali na smetlišta). S druge strane ekonomski faktori (nizak nivo zaposlenosti, nerazvijenost industrije u toku poslednjih 5 do 10 godina) su se i pozitivno odrazili na životnu sredinu i prirodne vrednosti, budući da nije bilo direktnog zagađenja. Tema ovog Rada je definisanje preporuka za bolju organizaciju na nivou regiona u oblasti zaštite životne sredine i upravljanja otpadom, a upravo na primerima opština Jablaničkog i Pčinjskog okruga, tj. Južnog Pomoravlja.",
publisher = "Institute of Architecture and Urban and Spatial Planning of Serbia",
journal = "Arhitektura i urbanizam",
title = "Regional concept of environmental protection and waste management, with case studies of South Morava region, Regionalni koncepti zaštite životne sredine i upravljanja otpadom na primerima Južnog Pomoravlja",
number = "26",
pages = "77-87",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raumplan_157"
Nenković-Riznić, M., Pucar, M.,& Simonović, S.. (2009). Regional concept of environmental protection and waste management, with case studies of South Morava region. in Arhitektura i urbanizam
Institute of Architecture and Urban and Spatial Planning of Serbia.(26), 77-87.
Nenković-Riznić M, Pucar M, Simonović S. Regional concept of environmental protection and waste management, with case studies of South Morava region. in Arhitektura i urbanizam. 2009;(26):77-87.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raumplan_157 .
Nenković-Riznić, Marina, Pucar, Mila, Simonović, Sanja, "Regional concept of environmental protection and waste management, with case studies of South Morava region" in Arhitektura i urbanizam, no. 26 (2009):77-87,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raumplan_157 .

Spatial and environmental planning of sustainable regional development in Serbia

Maksin-Mićić, Marija; Milijić, Saša; Nenković-Riznić, Marina

(Institute of Architecture, Urban & Spatial Planning of Serbia, 2009)

AU  - Maksin-Mićić, Marija
AU  - Milijić, Saša
AU  - Nenković-Riznić, Marina
PY  - 2009
UR  - https://raumplan.iaus.ac.rs/handle/123456789/168
AB  - The paper analysis the planning framework for sustainable territorial and regional development. The spatial and environmental planning should play the key role in coordination and integration of different planning grounds in achieving the sustainable regional development. The paper discusses the spatial planning capacity to offer the integral view of the sustainable territorial development. The brief review of tendencies in new spatial planning and regional policy has been given. The focus is on the concept of balanced polycentric development of European Union. The guiding principles of spatial planning in regard of planning system reform in European countries have been pointed out. The changes in paradigm of regional policy, and the tasks of European regional spatial planning have been discussed. In Serbia problems occur in regard with the lack of coordinating sectoral planning with spatial and environmental planning. Partly the problem lies in the legal grounds, namely in non codification of laws and unregulated horizontal and vertical coordination at all levels of governance. The possibilities for the implementation of spatial planning principles and concepts of European Union sustainable territorial and regional development have been analyzed on the case of three regional spatial plans of eastern and southeastern regions in Serbia. The disadvantages in implementing the strategic environmental impact assessment as an instrument for coordination and integration of sectorial planning with spatial and environmental planning have been analyzed. The strategic environmental impact assessment has been implemented only in the spatial planning process. Through spatial planning process its feedback effect on sectorial planning has been indirectly achieved. The priority actions in Serbia for achieving the spatial and environmental planning role in coordination and integration of different planning grounds in sustainable regional development have been given.
PB  - Institute of Architecture, Urban & Spatial Planning of Serbia
T2  - Spatium
T1  - Spatial and environmental planning of sustainable regional development in Serbia
IS  - 21
SP  - 39
EP  - 52
DO  - 10.2298/SPAT0921039M
ER  - 
author = "Maksin-Mićić, Marija and Milijić, Saša and Nenković-Riznić, Marina",
year = "2009",
abstract = "The paper analysis the planning framework for sustainable territorial and regional development. The spatial and environmental planning should play the key role in coordination and integration of different planning grounds in achieving the sustainable regional development. The paper discusses the spatial planning capacity to offer the integral view of the sustainable territorial development. The brief review of tendencies in new spatial planning and regional policy has been given. The focus is on the concept of balanced polycentric development of European Union. The guiding principles of spatial planning in regard of planning system reform in European countries have been pointed out. The changes in paradigm of regional policy, and the tasks of European regional spatial planning have been discussed. In Serbia problems occur in regard with the lack of coordinating sectoral planning with spatial and environmental planning. Partly the problem lies in the legal grounds, namely in non codification of laws and unregulated horizontal and vertical coordination at all levels of governance. The possibilities for the implementation of spatial planning principles and concepts of European Union sustainable territorial and regional development have been analyzed on the case of three regional spatial plans of eastern and southeastern regions in Serbia. The disadvantages in implementing the strategic environmental impact assessment as an instrument for coordination and integration of sectorial planning with spatial and environmental planning have been analyzed. The strategic environmental impact assessment has been implemented only in the spatial planning process. Through spatial planning process its feedback effect on sectorial planning has been indirectly achieved. The priority actions in Serbia for achieving the spatial and environmental planning role in coordination and integration of different planning grounds in sustainable regional development have been given.",
publisher = "Institute of Architecture, Urban & Spatial Planning of Serbia",
journal = "Spatium",
title = "Spatial and environmental planning of sustainable regional development in Serbia",
number = "21",
pages = "39-52",
doi = "10.2298/SPAT0921039M"
Maksin-Mićić, M., Milijić, S.,& Nenković-Riznić, M.. (2009). Spatial and environmental planning of sustainable regional development in Serbia. in Spatium
Institute of Architecture, Urban & Spatial Planning of Serbia.(21), 39-52.
Maksin-Mićić M, Milijić S, Nenković-Riznić M. Spatial and environmental planning of sustainable regional development in Serbia. in Spatium. 2009;(21):39-52.
doi:10.2298/SPAT0921039M .
Maksin-Mićić, Marija, Milijić, Saša, Nenković-Riznić, Marina, "Spatial and environmental planning of sustainable regional development in Serbia" in Spatium, no. 21 (2009):39-52,
https://doi.org/10.2298/SPAT0921039M . .

Internet support for tourism destinations global presentation

Bazik, Dragana; Dželebdžić, Omiljena; Petruševski, Ljiljana

(Institute of Architecture and Urban and Spatial Planning of Serbia, 2009)

AU  - Bazik, Dragana
AU  - Dželebdžić, Omiljena
AU  - Petruševski, Ljiljana
PY  - 2009
UR  - https://raumplan.iaus.ac.rs/handle/123456789/149
AB  - The second report of Serbian Tourism Development Strategy, adopted in 2006 contents Competitiveness Plan which purpose was to create a road-map four tourism development as a strategic economic sector. The development of tourism information system was considered as one of the road-map elements with great priority and significance. The Internet was mentioned as very important tourist information source where consumers could find actual tourism agency offer. New tourism supply possibilities started since 2004 and increased more intensively since 2006 by development of open source software applications that are open for consumers upgrading and global level presentations creating. Web 2.0 concept represents revolutionary invention of information-communication technology. It became possible, through Web 2.0 growing usability, to create a great number of professional networks and social online communities that integrate global friendship, the exchange of information, knowledge, experience and impressions, without mediating of institutions, agencies, business and associations. The focal point of this paper is the research of the Web 2.0 concept potential for Internet support in domain of Serbian tourism development. The main paper purpose is to recognize new concept for its implementation in the regular flows of global tourism competitiveness, in time.
AB  - Strategijom turizma Republike Srbije, usvojenom 2006. godine obuhvaćen je Plan konkurentnosti, s ciljem da se trasira put razvoja turizma kao strateškog ekonomskog sektora. Jedan od razmatranih elemenata konkurentnosti veoma visokog značaja i stepena prioriteta je razvoj Turističkog informacionog sistema. Internet se pominje kao važan izvor informacija za turiste na kome, turističke organizacije, predstavljaju svoje ponude. Od 2004. godine, s povećanim intenzitetom od 2006. godine, ostvaruju se nove mogućnosti za plasman turističke ponude putem softverskih paketa otvorenih za aktivno učešće korisnika u njihovom kreiranju kao i u oblikovanju prikaza na globalnom nivou. Koncept Web 2.0 predstavlja revolucionarnu inovaciju informacijsko-komunikacijske tehnologije. Njegova upotreba zaživljava formiranjem brojnih profesionalnih mreža i društvenih on-line zajednica, koje integrišu globalno druženje, razmenu informacija, znanja, iskustava i utisaka na nivou pojedinca bez posredovanja institucija, firmi, agencija i udruženja. Težište ovog Rada predstavlja istraživanje potencijala Web 2.0 koncepta internet podrške u domenu razvoja turizma Srbije, a zbog njegove blagovremene implementacije u regularne tokove globalne kompetitivnosti turističkih destinacija.
PB  - Institute of Architecture and Urban and Spatial Planning of Serbia
T2  - Arhitektura i urbanizam
T1  - Internet support for tourism destinations global presentation
T1  - Internet podrška globalnom predstavljanju turističkih destinacija
IS  - 26
SP  - 29
EP  - 35
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raumplan_149
ER  - 
author = "Bazik, Dragana and Dželebdžić, Omiljena and Petruševski, Ljiljana",
year = "2009",
abstract = "The second report of Serbian Tourism Development Strategy, adopted in 2006 contents Competitiveness Plan which purpose was to create a road-map four tourism development as a strategic economic sector. The development of tourism information system was considered as one of the road-map elements with great priority and significance. The Internet was mentioned as very important tourist information source where consumers could find actual tourism agency offer. New tourism supply possibilities started since 2004 and increased more intensively since 2006 by development of open source software applications that are open for consumers upgrading and global level presentations creating. Web 2.0 concept represents revolutionary invention of information-communication technology. It became possible, through Web 2.0 growing usability, to create a great number of professional networks and social online communities that integrate global friendship, the exchange of information, knowledge, experience and impressions, without mediating of institutions, agencies, business and associations. The focal point of this paper is the research of the Web 2.0 concept potential for Internet support in domain of Serbian tourism development. The main paper purpose is to recognize new concept for its implementation in the regular flows of global tourism competitiveness, in time., Strategijom turizma Republike Srbije, usvojenom 2006. godine obuhvaćen je Plan konkurentnosti, s ciljem da se trasira put razvoja turizma kao strateškog ekonomskog sektora. Jedan od razmatranih elemenata konkurentnosti veoma visokog značaja i stepena prioriteta je razvoj Turističkog informacionog sistema. Internet se pominje kao važan izvor informacija za turiste na kome, turističke organizacije, predstavljaju svoje ponude. Od 2004. godine, s povećanim intenzitetom od 2006. godine, ostvaruju se nove mogućnosti za plasman turističke ponude putem softverskih paketa otvorenih za aktivno učešće korisnika u njihovom kreiranju kao i u oblikovanju prikaza na globalnom nivou. Koncept Web 2.0 predstavlja revolucionarnu inovaciju informacijsko-komunikacijske tehnologije. Njegova upotreba zaživljava formiranjem brojnih profesionalnih mreža i društvenih on-line zajednica, koje integrišu globalno druženje, razmenu informacija, znanja, iskustava i utisaka na nivou pojedinca bez posredovanja institucija, firmi, agencija i udruženja. Težište ovog Rada predstavlja istraživanje potencijala Web 2.0 koncepta internet podrške u domenu razvoja turizma Srbije, a zbog njegove blagovremene implementacije u regularne tokove globalne kompetitivnosti turističkih destinacija.",
publisher = "Institute of Architecture and Urban and Spatial Planning of Serbia",
journal = "Arhitektura i urbanizam",
title = "Internet support for tourism destinations global presentation, Internet podrška globalnom predstavljanju turističkih destinacija",
number = "26",
pages = "29-35",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raumplan_149"
Bazik, D., Dželebdžić, O.,& Petruševski, L.. (2009). Internet support for tourism destinations global presentation. in Arhitektura i urbanizam
Institute of Architecture and Urban and Spatial Planning of Serbia.(26), 29-35.
Bazik D, Dželebdžić O, Petruševski L. Internet support for tourism destinations global presentation. in Arhitektura i urbanizam. 2009;(26):29-35.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raumplan_149 .
Bazik, Dragana, Dželebdžić, Omiljena, Petruševski, Ljiljana, "Internet support for tourism destinations global presentation" in Arhitektura i urbanizam, no. 26 (2009):29-35,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raumplan_149 .

Primena fotonaponskih sistema u funkciji urbanog razvoja-svetska iskustva i lokalne mogućnosti

Pucar, Mila; Nenković-Riznić, Marina; Simonović, Sanja; Nikolić, Dušan

(Beograd : Društvo urbanista Beograda, 2008)

AU  - Pucar, Mila
AU  - Nenković-Riznić, Marina
AU  - Simonović, Sanja
AU  - Nikolić, Dušan
PY  - 2008
UR  - http://raumplan.iaus.ac.rs/handle/123456789/695
AB  - Poslednjih 15 godina u urbanim sredinama širom Evrope sve je veća primena fotonaponskih (PV) sistema. Implementacija PV sistema u projektovanju i izgradnji objekata postaje deo standardnih aktivnosti u razvojnim procesima gradova. Iako se ne može očekivati da primena ovih sistema bude na listi prioriteta urbanog razvoja, ipak, s druge strane može značajno doprineti rešavanju sistemskih energetskih problema u gradovima. 
Međutim, postoje i značajne prepreke za implementaciju ovih sistema, koje su evropske države prevazišle, a tiču se pre svega legislativnog okvira koji reguliše ovakvu vrstu projekata, a zatim i načina njihovog finansiranja. 
Kroz primere evropskih gradova i sdudije slučaja (case study) gradova Gelsenkirchena u Nemačkoj, Gleisdorfa u Austriji i Liona u Francuskoj, rad nastoji da ukaže na pozitivne ekonomske i ekološke efekte ovakvog načina dobijanja energije i ukaže na značajnije promene u pristupu i načinu planiranja novih delova grada, važnoj ulozi eksperata, edukaciji stručnjaka, učešću javnosti i ulozi lokalnih vlasti u implementaciji ovih projekata. 
Osim toga, na osnovu inostranih primera u radu su date smernice za implementaciju ovakve vrste projekata kod nas. Prikazan je projekat solarne fotonaponske elektrane urađen za Skupštinu opštine Vračar u Beogradu. Rad predlaže mere i akcije (od edukacije do finansiranja) koje bi pomogle u realizaciji ovakve vrste projekata u Srbiji.
PB  - Beograd : Društvo urbanista Beograda
C3  - Zbornik radova nacionalnog naučnog skupa: Nova urbanost– integracija dezintegracija grada
T1  - Primena fotonaponskih sistema u funkciji urbanog razvoja-svetska iskustva i lokalne mogućnosti
SP  - 247
EP  - 266
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raumplan_695
ER  - 
author = "Pucar, Mila and Nenković-Riznić, Marina and Simonović, Sanja and Nikolić, Dušan",
year = "2008",
abstract = "Poslednjih 15 godina u urbanim sredinama širom Evrope sve je veća primena fotonaponskih (PV) sistema. Implementacija PV sistema u projektovanju i izgradnji objekata postaje deo standardnih aktivnosti u razvojnim procesima gradova. Iako se ne može očekivati da primena ovih sistema bude na listi prioriteta urbanog razvoja, ipak, s druge strane može značajno doprineti rešavanju sistemskih energetskih problema u gradovima. 
Međutim, postoje i značajne prepreke za implementaciju ovih sistema, koje su evropske države prevazišle, a tiču se pre svega legislativnog okvira koji reguliše ovakvu vrstu projekata, a zatim i načina njihovog finansiranja. 
Kroz primere evropskih gradova i sdudije slučaja (case study) gradova Gelsenkirchena u Nemačkoj, Gleisdorfa u Austriji i Liona u Francuskoj, rad nastoji da ukaže na pozitivne ekonomske i ekološke efekte ovakvog načina dobijanja energije i ukaže na značajnije promene u pristupu i načinu planiranja novih delova grada, važnoj ulozi eksperata, edukaciji stručnjaka, učešću javnosti i ulozi lokalnih vlasti u implementaciji ovih projekata. 
Osim toga, na osnovu inostranih primera u radu su date smernice za implementaciju ovakve vrste projekata kod nas. Prikazan je projekat solarne fotonaponske elektrane urađen za Skupštinu opštine Vračar u Beogradu. Rad predlaže mere i akcije (od edukacije do finansiranja) koje bi pomogle u realizaciji ovakve vrste projekata u Srbiji.",
publisher = "Beograd : Društvo urbanista Beograda",
journal = "Zbornik radova nacionalnog naučnog skupa: Nova urbanost– integracija dezintegracija grada",
title = "Primena fotonaponskih sistema u funkciji urbanog razvoja-svetska iskustva i lokalne mogućnosti",
pages = "247-266",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raumplan_695"
Pucar, M., Nenković-Riznić, M., Simonović, S.,& Nikolić, D.. (2008). Primena fotonaponskih sistema u funkciji urbanog razvoja-svetska iskustva i lokalne mogućnosti. in Zbornik radova nacionalnog naučnog skupa: Nova urbanost– integracija dezintegracija grada
Beograd : Društvo urbanista Beograda., 247-266.
Pucar M, Nenković-Riznić M, Simonović S, Nikolić D. Primena fotonaponskih sistema u funkciji urbanog razvoja-svetska iskustva i lokalne mogućnosti. in Zbornik radova nacionalnog naučnog skupa: Nova urbanost– integracija dezintegracija grada. 2008;:247-266.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raumplan_695 .
Pucar, Mila, Nenković-Riznić, Marina, Simonović, Sanja, Nikolić, Dušan, "Primena fotonaponskih sistema u funkciji urbanog razvoja-svetska iskustva i lokalne mogućnosti" in Zbornik radova nacionalnog naučnog skupa: Nova urbanost– integracija dezintegracija grada (2008):247-266,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raumplan_695 .

Nova urbanost – integracija dezintegracija grada: urbane praznine

Pucar, Mila; Nenković-Riznić, Marina; Simonović, Sanja

(Beograd : Društvo urbanista Beograda, 2008)

AU  - Pucar, Mila
AU  - Nenković-Riznić, Marina
AU  - Simonović, Sanja
PY  - 2008
UR  - http://raumplan.iaus.ac.rs/handle/123456789/694
AB  - Neizgrađeni gradski prostor, najvažnija je kategorija građenja i nosilac kvaliteta sredine. U njemu se očitava i proverava značenje utisnutih oblika, ostvaruje i usmerava karakter događaja, odzvanja u svesti kao estetski okvir sume društvenih i kulturnih činjenica.
Prenamena postojećih neprofitabilno korišćenih gradskih površina i kompleksa u sklopu vojnih baza, industrijskih pogona, privrednih celina, jedna je od ključnih manifestacija procesa tranzicije i podrazumeva široki socio-kulturološki pristup sagledavanja različitih aspekata egzistencije takvih prostora i njihovog preoznačavanja.
Proces adaptacije nefleksibilnih prostornih obrazaca i introvertnih, sakrivenih urbanih potencijala u pravcu svrsishodnog formulisanja i usmeravanja budućih aktivnosti, pripada kontekstu savremenih potreba razvoja grada, oživljavanja i unapređivanja raspoloživih urbanih i prostornih potencijala.
Negativ građenog okvira kao set autonomnih priča izdvojenih iz ukupnog, predstavljaju osnovni pogon, pravac i diskurs razvoja grada: svojevrsno i živo uobličena realnost – pasaži, urbane niše, unutrašnja dvorišta, prolazi, parkovi, predstavljaju talog događaja, mentalne slike života grada izvan kulisa, mesta iskustva i saznanja… predstavljaju citate grada i njegovu posledicu. 
Umrežavanje otvorenih prostora - transformacija unutarblokovskih ambijenata u javne prostore određuje način i putanju preusmeravanja težista događaja u složenom procesu stvaranja održivog mehanizma kontinuiteta i komunikacije.
PB  - Beograd : Društvo urbanista Beograda
C3  - Zbornik radova nacionalnog naučnog skupa: Nova urbanost – integracija dezintegracija grada
T1  - Nova urbanost – integracija dezintegracija grada: urbane praznine
SP  - 25
EP  - 40
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raumplan_694
ER  - 
author = "Pucar, Mila and Nenković-Riznić, Marina and Simonović, Sanja",
year = "2008",
abstract = "Neizgrađeni gradski prostor, najvažnija je kategorija građenja i nosilac kvaliteta sredine. U njemu se očitava i proverava značenje utisnutih oblika, ostvaruje i usmerava karakter događaja, odzvanja u svesti kao estetski okvir sume društvenih i kulturnih činjenica.
Prenamena postojećih neprofitabilno korišćenih gradskih površina i kompleksa u sklopu vojnih baza, industrijskih pogona, privrednih celina, jedna je od ključnih manifestacija procesa tranzicije i podrazumeva široki socio-kulturološki pristup sagledavanja različitih aspekata egzistencije takvih prostora i njihovog preoznačavanja.
Proces adaptacije nefleksibilnih prostornih obrazaca i introvertnih, sakrivenih urbanih potencijala u pravcu svrsishodnog formulisanja i usmeravanja budućih aktivnosti, pripada kontekstu savremenih potreba razvoja grada, oživljavanja i unapređivanja raspoloživih urbanih i prostornih potencijala.
Negativ građenog okvira kao set autonomnih priča izdvojenih iz ukupnog, predstavljaju osnovni pogon, pravac i diskurs razvoja grada: svojevrsno i živo uobličena realnost – pasaži, urbane niše, unutrašnja dvorišta, prolazi, parkovi, predstavljaju talog događaja, mentalne slike života grada izvan kulisa, mesta iskustva i saznanja… predstavljaju citate grada i njegovu posledicu. 
Umrežavanje otvorenih prostora - transformacija unutarblokovskih ambijenata u javne prostore određuje način i putanju preusmeravanja težista događaja u složenom procesu stvaranja održivog mehanizma kontinuiteta i komunikacije.",
publisher = "Beograd : Društvo urbanista Beograda",
journal = "Zbornik radova nacionalnog naučnog skupa: Nova urbanost – integracija dezintegracija grada",
title = "Nova urbanost – integracija dezintegracija grada: urbane praznine",
pages = "25-40",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raumplan_694"
Pucar, M., Nenković-Riznić, M.,& Simonović, S.. (2008). Nova urbanost – integracija dezintegracija grada: urbane praznine. in Zbornik radova nacionalnog naučnog skupa: Nova urbanost – integracija dezintegracija grada
Beograd : Društvo urbanista Beograda., 25-40.
Pucar M, Nenković-Riznić M, Simonović S. Nova urbanost – integracija dezintegracija grada: urbane praznine. in Zbornik radova nacionalnog naučnog skupa: Nova urbanost – integracija dezintegracija grada. 2008;:25-40.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raumplan_694 .
Pucar, Mila, Nenković-Riznić, Marina, Simonović, Sanja, "Nova urbanost – integracija dezintegracija grada: urbane praznine" in Zbornik radova nacionalnog naučnog skupa: Nova urbanost – integracija dezintegracija grada (2008):25-40,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raumplan_694 .

Планирање простора у систему управљања животном средином

Josimović, Boško

(Београд : Институт за архитектуру и урбанизам Србије, 2008)

AU  - Josimović, Boško
PY  - 2008
UR  - https://raumplan.iaus.ac.rs/handle/123456789/544
AB  - The monograph covers the issue of environmental management, which is analysed through five
chapters that encompass inevitable themes related to the system of environmental management
within spatial and urban planning context. Certain elements of the environmental management
system have been analysed with critical view and with recommendations for the problem
solving. In such context, the special emphasis is given to analysing the information base
condition, as well as to indicators and criteria, which are the fundamental elements for
identification and evaluation of the environmental conditions. Environmental management,
which is also implemented through spatial planning, where the goal is to provide environmental
quality, mainly depends on the state policy for environmental protection. Yet, it is shown that
despite the strategic decisions being taken, an integral approach towards environmental
protection has been substantiated slowly, and sometimes the protection is not efficient enough.
Excessive pollution of air, water, and soil is not acceptable, and it jointly puts a threat to the
survival of forests, vulnerable ecosystems, biodiversity, etc. This condition derived from the
overall economic development in the past, which was founded on the conflict between
environmental policy interest and development interest. The monograph especially focuses at
the analysis of the elements for implementing the environmental management policy:
legislation (SEA and EIA), institutional organisation, economic interests, and most of all - the
spatial planning. With evaluation of the complexity in present attitude towards the
environmental protection in Serbia and in the spatial and urban planning, it has been
substantiated that we are in the initial phase of environmental management, despite the fact that
the first steps towards institutionalisation of this policy have been made. A declared integral
approach towards environmental protection does not exist yet, because it seems that it has not
been understood that integration of ecological aspects in the process of spatial and urban
planning presumes incorporation of the environmental protection requirements into sectoral
policies instead of making a new separate policy. The present models of spatial and urban
planning mainly involve the environmental protection as the special segment of planning, and
this, from the sustainable development viewpoint, cannot give the complete results. Beside that,
it is necessary to make better connections of environmental management within spatial planning
and management of certain environmental elements, through integration of the subsystem
solutions into integral planning solutions according to the principle of applying the model of
management which allows the continual process of environmental quality management. The
advantage of the proposed model is in its potential to recognise the unexpected impacts on the
system, which are registered according to the indicators, upon which it is possible to make
additional actions in order to achieve the goal which was set
PB  - Београд : Институт за архитектуру и урбанизам Србије
T1  - Планирање простора у систему управљања животном средином
T1  - Spatial planning in the system of environmental protection
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raumplan_544
ER  - 
author = "Josimović, Boško",
year = "2008",
abstract = "The monograph covers the issue of environmental management, which is analysed through five
chapters that encompass inevitable themes related to the system of environmental management
within spatial and urban planning context. Certain elements of the environmental management
system have been analysed with critical view and with recommendations for the problem
solving. In such context, the special emphasis is given to analysing the information base
condition, as well as to indicators and criteria, which are the fundamental elements for
identification and evaluation of the environmental conditions. Environmental management,
which is also implemented through spatial planning, where the goal is to provide environmental
quality, mainly depends on the state policy for environmental protection. Yet, it is shown that
despite the strategic decisions being taken, an integral approach towards environmental
protection has been substantiated slowly, and sometimes the protection is not efficient enough.
Excessive pollution of air, water, and soil is not acceptable, and it jointly puts a threat to the
survival of forests, vulnerable ecosystems, biodiversity, etc. This condition derived from the
overall economic development in the past, which was founded on the conflict between
environmental policy interest and development interest. The monograph especially focuses at
the analysis of the elements for implementing the environmental management policy:
legislation (SEA and EIA), institutional organisation, economic interests, and most of all - the
spatial planning. With evaluation of the complexity in present attitude towards the
environmental protection in Serbia and in the spatial and urban planning, it has been
substantiated that we are in the initial phase of environmental management, despite the fact that
the first steps towards institutionalisation of this policy have been made. A declared integral
approach towards environmental protection does not exist yet, because it seems that it has not
been understood that integration of ecological aspects in the process of spatial and urban
planning presumes incorporation of the environmental protection requirements into sectoral
policies instead of making a new separate policy. The present models of spatial and urban
planning mainly involve the environmental protection as the special segment of planning, and
this, from the sustainable development viewpoint, cannot give the complete results. Beside that,
it is necessary to make better connections of environmental management within spatial planning
and management of certain environmental elements, through integration of the subsystem
solutions into integral planning solutions according to the principle of applying the model of
management which allows the continual process of environmental quality management. The
advantage of the proposed model is in its potential to recognise the unexpected impacts on the
system, which are registered according to the indicators, upon which it is possible to make
additional actions in order to achieve the goal which was set",
publisher = "Београд : Институт за архитектуру и урбанизам Србије",
title = "Планирање простора у систему управљања животном средином, Spatial planning in the system of environmental protection",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raumplan_544"
Josimović, B.. (2008). Планирање простора у систему управљања животном средином. 
Београд : Институт за архитектуру и урбанизам Србије..
Josimović B. Планирање простора у систему управљања животном средином. 2008;.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raumplan_544 .
Josimović, Boško, "Планирање простора у систему управљања животном средином" (2008),
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raumplan_544 .