Prikaz osnovnih podataka o dokumentu

Rubne zone gradova u prostornom i urbanističkom planiranju u Srbiji - na primeru Valjeva

dc.creatorMaksin-Mićić, Marija
dc.creatorTankosić, Nadežda
dc.description.abstractWith unplanned and uncontrolled development there have emerged the whole development rings encircling the towns of Serbia. One of the key questions in producing a Spatial plan for municipality or a Master plan for an urban settlement is the issue of control, arrangement and territorial development especially in the peripheral zones of towns. In this paper it is analyzed the approach, problems and decision-making in preparing such strategic plans in terms of rehabilitation, organization and improvement of the quality of life in the peripheral town zones. Decisions which are presented here have been tested on examples of the Spatial plan for Municipality, Master plan of the urban center, and on General regulation plan for a part of the peripheral zone of Valjevo. Starting from the analyzed General regulation plan, it is pointed to the necessary level in details of planning decisions, in order to make timely reservation of space for the purposes of infrastructure servicing and arrangement of the peripheral zone. Since there are almost two decades without an adequate implementation of the already made planning decisions this paper brings out a proposal for substantiation of a special program for the peripheral town zone's rehabilitation, which should be the outcome of the local population initiative and self-organization within neighborhood communities, with provision of the local government support.en
dc.description.abstractNeplanskom i nekontrolisanom izgradnjom nastali su čitavi prstenovi oko gradova u Srbiji. Jedno od osnovnih pitanja izrade prostornog plana opštine i generalnog plana urbanog naselja jeste pitanje kontrole korišćenja uređenja i izgradnje prostora, naročito u rubnoj gradskoj zoni. U radu se razmatraju pristup, problemi i opredeljenja u izradi tih strateških planova u vezi sa rehabilitacijom, uređenjem i poboljšanjem kvaliteta života u rubnim gradskim zonama. Izneta opredeljenja proveravaju se na primeru prostornog plana opštine, generalnog plana urbanog centra i plana generalne regulacije za deo rubne zone Valjeva. Polazeći od analiziranog plana generalne regulacije, ukazuje se na neophodan nivo detaljnosti planskih rešenja, radi blagovremenog rezervisanja prostora za infrastrukturno opremanje i uređenje rubne zone. Kako već skoro dve decenije nema adekvatne implementacije donetih planskih odluka, u radu se iznosi predlog za ustanovljavanje posebnog programa rehabilitacije rubne gradske zone, koji bi trebalo da bude rezultat inicijative i samoorganizovanja lokalnog stanovništva po jedinicama susedstva, uz obezbeđenje podrške lokalnog nivoa
dc.publisherInstitute of Architecture and Urban and Spatial Planning of Serbia
dc.sourceArhitektura i urbanizam
dc.subjectperipheral zoneen
dc.subjectrehabilitation and arrangementen
dc.subjectquality of lifeen
dc.subjectspatial plan for municipalityen
dc.subjectgeneral regulation plan for the peripheral zone unitsen
dc.subjectprogram for rehabilitation of the peripheral zoneen
dc.subjectrubna zonasr
dc.subjectrehabilitacija i uređenjesr
dc.subjectkvalitet životasr
dc.subjectprostorni plan opštinesr
dc.subjectplan generalne regulacije za celine u rubnoj zonisr
dc.subjectprogram rehabilitacijesr
dc.titlePeripheral zones of towns in Serbian spatial and urban planning: The case of Valjevoen
dc.titleRubne zone gradova u prostornom i urbanističkom planiranju u Srbiji - na primeru Valjevasr
dcterms.abstractМаксин-Мићић, Марија; Танкосић, Надежда; Рубне зоне градова у просторном и урбанистичком планирању у Србији - на примеру Ваљева; Рубне зоне градова у просторном и урбанистичком планирању у Србији - на примеру Ваљева;
dc.citation.other(18-19): 88-95



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