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dc.creatorCrnčević, Tijana
dc.creatorSekulić, Mirjana
dc.description.abstractIn the recent years, green roofs have become increasingly important, especially within the context of climate change. Besides the fact that are contributing to the increasing of the total urban surface under vegetation, green roofs are having beneficial effects on the quality and quantity of storm water, on reducing the effect of the urban heat island (UHI), the consumption of the energy for cooling and heating etc. Taking into account the fact that the development of green roofs have being increasingly used as measure within adaptation strategy to climate change, the main aim of the paper is to present an overview of the contemporary tendencies within green roofs development. The paper provides an insight within historical context, existing framework in terms of policies and programs which are promoting green roofs development and as well researches covering the performances of the green roofs. Special attention is also given to the situation in the Republic of Serbia. Consequently, one of the conclusions of the paper stress out the necessity to provide the conditions for promotion of the green roof development, not only as a measure but also as a passive cooling technique. In that sense, the recommendations of the paper are promoting the revision of the Draft Law on the protection and promotion of the green spaces, taking into account climate change and the role of the green infrastructure, developing of the legal and planning frameworks within spatial and urban planning which will promote the green roofs development as well the promotion of the research which will quantified other positive effects of the green roofs.en
dc.description.abstractZeleni krovovi u urbanim sredinama poslednjih godina sve više dobijaju na značaju, posebno u kontekstu klimatskih promena. Pored toga što doprinose povećanju ukupne površine pod vegetacijom, zeleni krovovi povoljno utiču na kvalitet i kvantitet atmosferskih voda, umanjuju efekat urbanih toplotnih ostrva (UTO), umanjuju ukupnu potrošnju energije za hlađenje i grejanje objekata i dr. Kada se uzme u obzir činjenica da se izgradnja zelenih krovova sve više primenjuje kao jedna od mera za obezbeđivanje uslova za adaptaciju urbanih sredina na klimatske promene, osnovni cilj rada jeste da prikaže savremene tendencije razvoja zelenih krovova. Pored osvrta na istorijski kontekst, pregleda postojećih okvira, u smislu politika i programa koji zastupaju ozelenjavanje krovova kao strateški prioritet u borbi protiv klimatskih promena i pored uvida u dostupne rezultate istraživanja performansi zelenih krovova u odnosu na ispitivane parametre, poseban osvrt dat je na stanje u Republici Srbiji. Shodno tome, jedan od zaključaka rada ukazuje na neophodnost obezbeđivanja uslova za promociju razvoja zelenih krovova, ne samo kao planske mere već i pasivne tehnike hlađenja. S tim u vezi, preporuke rada su inoviranje predloga Nacrta Zakona o zaštiti i unapređenju zelenih površina u skladu sa novim tendencijama, uz uvažavanje klimatskih promena i uloge zelene infrastrukture, uspostavljanje zakonskih i planskih okvira u prostornom i urbanističkom planiranju koji bi podržali razvoj zelenih krovova kao i promovisanje istraživanja koja bi kvantifikovala ostale pozitivne uticaje koje ostvaruje zeleni krov.sr
dc.publisherInstitute of Architecture and Urban and Spatial Planning of Serbia
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Technological Development (TD or TR)/36035/RS//
dc.sourceArhitektura i urbanizam
dc.subjectgreen roofsen
dc.subjectclimate changeen
dc.subjectgreen infrastructureen
dc.subjectzeleni krovovisr
dc.subjectklimatske promenesr
dc.subjectzelena infrastrukturasr
dc.titleZeleni krovovi u kontekstu klimatskih promena - pregled novih iskustavasr
dcterms.abstractСекулић, Мирјана; Црнчевић, Тијана; Зелени кровови у контексту климатских промена - преглед нових искустава; Зелени кровови у контексту климатских промена - преглед нових искустава;
dc.citation.other(36): 57-67



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