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Beogradski stan

dc.creatorAlfirević, Đorđe
dc.creatorSimonović Alfirević, Sanja
dc.description.abstractThe term 'Belgrade apartment' is related to two periods and two phenomena: a)the concept of apartment in multiple-family buildings in Belgrade between the two world wars (1918-1941) and b)activities of 'Belgrade School' of architecture, formed during the 60's and 70's of the twentieth century. In order for a certain concept of apartment organization to be called 'Belgrade', it had to have clearly defined characteristics which set it apart from other typology of apartments built in its immediate surroundings, or it had to be created in Belgrade, and then spread further. Until today it has never been researched or explained what these characteristics of 'Belgrade apartment' were, as it has been defined in scientific literature as a creative and an authentic type of apartment organization in multiple-family buildings in collective housing. The research discussed types of characteristic concepts of room organizations in apartments built during the two periods, from 1918 to 1941 and 1960 to 1975. The aim of the research was to prove the hypothesis on the existence of the authentic concepts of Belgrade apartments which were designed in the mentioned periods.en
dc.description.abstractPojam 'beogradskog stana' vezuje se za dva vremenska perioda i fenomena: a) koncept organizacije stana u višeporodičnim stambenim zgradama u Beogradu između dva svetska rata (1918 - 1941) i b) aktivnosti 'beogradske škole' arhitekture, formirane tokom 60-ih i 70-ih godina XX veka. Da bi se određeni koncept organizacije stana mogao nazvati 'beogradskim', neophodno je da ima jasno određene karakteristike po kojima se izdvaja od ostalih tipologija stanova nastalih u neposrednom okruženju, ili da je takav koncept organizacije stana ponikao u Beogradu, pa se zatim dalje proširio. Do danas nije istraženo i pojašnjeno u čemu se ogledaju karakteristike 'beogradskog stana', s obzirom na to da je u naučnoj literaturi označen kao kreativan i autentičan tip organizacije stana u višeporodičnom i kolektivnom stanovanju. U istraživanju su razmatrani tipovi karakterističnih koncepcija prostornih organizacija stanova nastalih u dva perioda, od 1918. do 1941. god. i od 1960. do 1975. godine. Cilj istraživanja je da se potvrdi teza o postojanju autentičnih koncepcija beogradskog stana, koje su se javile u pomenutim periodima.sr
dc.publisherInstitute of Architecture and Urban and Spatial Planning of Serbia
dc.sourceArhitektura i urbanizam
dc.subjectBelgrade apartmenten
dc.subjectsaloon apartmenten
dc.subjectupper class apartmenten
dc.subjectapartment between two world warsen
dc.subject'Belgrade school'en
dc.subjectwidened communicationen
dc.subjectbeogradski stansr
dc.subjectsalonski stansr
dc.subjectgospodski stansr
dc.subjectstan između dva svetska ratasr
dc.subject'beogradska škola'sr
dc.subjectproširena komunikacijasr
dc.subjectnajamna zgradasr
dc.titleBelgrade apartmenten
dc.titleBeogradski stansr
dcterms.abstractAлфиревић, Ђорђе; Симоновић Aлфиревић, Сања; Београдски стан; Београдски стан;
dc.citation.other(38): 41-47



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