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Odnos tradicionalnih i savremenih elemenata u crkvenoj arhitekturi zemalja zapadnog hrišćanstva u XX veku

dc.creatorManić, Božidar
dc.creatorNiković, Ana
dc.creatorMarić, Igor
dc.description.abstractChurch architecture has been developing continually within Western Christianity since the 4th century, It gradually becomes less important from the end of the Middle Ages, especially with the advent of the ideas of Reformation and Enlightment, going almost out of the focus of contemporary architecture with the advent of modernism in the 20th century. The most important factors for the development of this building type in the 20th century, were the emergence of modernism in architecture and strengthening of the movements of liturgical renewal. It was a time in which the diametrically opposed concepts - radically modernizing and conservatively traditional - were expressed to the extreme, with many transitional forms, Striving to active participation of believers can lead to completely different results - strengthening the liturgical assembly, on one hand, and radical desacralisation of worship, on the other. There is a large number of architectural solutions, some of which share common characteristics concerning spatial organization and the distribution of laity and clergy, but with a great diversity of other architectural characteristics and different relations of traditional and contemporary elements. The experiences of Western Christian countries can be of use, to some extent, in the research of contemporary Orthodox church architecture.en
dc.description.abstractCrkvena arhitektura se, u okviru zapadnog hrišćanstva, razvijala u kontinuitetu od IV veka. Od kraja srednjeg veka, a naročito sa pojavom reformatorskih i prosvetiteljskih ideja, ona postepeno postaje sve manje dominantna u odnosu na svetovnu arhitekturu, da bi sa pojavom moderne, u XX veku, u velikoj meri izašla iz fokusa savremene arhitekture. Najznačajniji činioci koji su uticali na razvoj ovog graditeljskog programa u XX veku bili su pojava moderne arhitekture i jačanje pokreta i širenje ideja liturgijske obnove. To je vreme u kome su najizrazitije izraženi dijametralno suprotni koncepti - radikalno modernizatorski i konzervativno tradicionalistički, uz mnoštvo prelaznih oblika. Težnja ka aktivnom učešću vernika može dovesti do potpuno različitih rezultata - osnaživanja liturgijske zajednice, s jedne strane, i radikalne desakralizacije bogosluženja, sa druge. Javlja se veliki broj različitih arhitektonskih rešenja, od kojih neka dele zajedničke karakteristike u pogledu prostorne organizacije i odnosa vernika i sveštenoslužitelja, ali sa veoma raznorodnim ostalim arhitektonskim karakteristikama i različitim odnosom tradicionalnih i savremenih elemenata. Iskustva zemalja zapadnog hrišćanstva mogu, u izvesnoj meri, biti od koristi i za istraživanje savremene pravoslavne crkvene arhitekture.sr
dc.publisherInstitute of Architecture and Urban and Spatial Planning of Serbia
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Technological Development (TD or TR)/36035/RS//
dc.sourceArhitektura i urbanizam
dc.subjectchurch architectureen
dc.subjectWestern Christianityen
dc.subject20th centuryen
dc.subjectcrkvena arhitekturasr
dc.subjectzapadno hrišćanstvosr
dc.subjectXX veksr
dc.titleThe relationship between the traditional and contemporary elements in the church architecture of the Western Christian countries in the 20th centuryen
dc.titleOdnos tradicionalnih i savremenih elemenata u crkvenoj arhitekturi zemalja zapadnog hrišćanstva u XX vekusr
dcterms.abstractМанић, Божидар; Никовић, Aна; Марић, Игор;
dc.citation.other(41): 49-62



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