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Odnos tradicionalnih i savremenih elemenata u arhitekturi pravoslavnih crkava na razmeđi milenijuma

dc.creatorManić, Božidar
dc.creatorNiković, Ana
dc.creatorMarić, Igor
dc.description.abstractThe paper will present the contemporary practice of church architecture in Bulgarian, Romanian, Russian and Greek orthodox churches, at the end of the XX and the beginning of the XXI century, and analyse the relationship of traditional and contemporary elements, with the aim of determining main trends and development tendencies. Free development of sacred architecture was interrupted by long reigns of authorities opposed to Orthodox Christianity. After the downfall of Communist regimes, conditions were created for the unobstructed construction of sacred buildings in all Orthodox countries, while the issue of traditional church architecture re-emerged as important. Further development of Orthodox church architecture may be affected by some issues raised in relation to the structure and form of liturgy, regarding the internal organisation of the temple. The freedom of architectural creation is strongly supported by the richness of forms created throughout history. Traditionalist approaches to the architectural shaping of churches are dominant even nowadays, tradition being understood and interpreted individually. At the same time, efforts to introduce contemporary architectural expression into church architecture have been increasing and gaining strength.en
dc.description.abstractU radu se prikazuje savremena praksa crkvenog graditeljstva Bugarske, Rumunske, Ruske i Grčke pravoslavne crkve, s kraja XX i početka XXI veka, i analizira odnos tradicionalnih i savremenih elemenata, s ciljem utvrđivanja osnovnih pravaca i tendencija razvoja. Slobodan razvoj sakralnog graditeljstva prekidan je dugim periodima vladavine pravoslavlju nenaklonjenih vlasti. Posle pada komunističkih režima stvaraju se uslovi za nesmetanu izgradnju sakralnih objekata u svim pravoslavnim zemljama; istovremeno, ponovo se aktuelizuje pitanje odnosa prema tradicionalnoj crkvenoj arhitekturi. Na dalji razvoj pravoslavnog crkvenog graditeljstva mogu imati uticaja neka od pitanja koja se postavljaju u vezi sa strukturom i formom liturgije, koja se tiču unutrašnje organizacije hrama. Slobodu arhitektonskog stvaralaštva snažno podupire bogatstvo oblika nastalih kroz istoriju. Tradicionalistički pristupi arhitektonskom oblikovanju crkava i danas su najprisutniji, a tradicija se shvata i interpretira proizvoljno. U isto vreme, pokušaji uvođenja savremenog arhitektonskog izraza u crkveno graditeljstvo su sve češći i snaž
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Nišu
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Technological Development (TD or TR)/36036/RS//
dc.sourceFacta universitatis - series: Architecture and Civil Engineering
dc.subjectchurch architectureen
dc.subjectOrthodox Christianityen
dc.subjectcrkvena arhitekturasr
dc.subjectpravoslavno hrišćanstvosr
dc.titleRelationship between traditional and contemporary elements in the architecture of Orthodox churches at the turn of the millenniumen
dc.titleOdnos tradicionalnih i savremenih elemenata u arhitekturi pravoslavnih crkava na razmeđi milenijumasr
dcterms.abstractМарић, Игор; Манић, Божидар; Никовић, Aна; Однос традиционалних и савремених елемената у архитектури православних цркава на размеђи миленијума; Однос традиционалних и савремених елемената у архитектури православних цркава на размеђи миленијума;
dc.citation.other13(3): 283-300

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