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Possibilites of Applying Measures for Climate Change Adaptation in Planning and Designing the Inner City of Belgrade and Their Integration Into Sustainable Development Strategies

dc.creatorNiković, Ana
dc.creatorManić, Božidar
dc.creatorMarić, Igor
dc.description.abstractPrilagođavanje klimatskim promenama postaje sve uticajniji faktor u procesima projektovanja i planiranja kako novog, tako i unapređenja i rekonstrukcije postojećeg urbanog tkiva. U radu se najpre razmatraju mogućnosti integracije podataka o klimi konkretnog podrucja u planske dokumente i strategije na primeru užeg centra Beograda. Prikazuju se dostupni podaci o mikroklimatskim uslovima i stanju životne sredine i njihov odnos prema planskoj regulativi. Na osnovu analize urbane i fizičke strukture predmetnog područja izdvajaju se tipični urbani sklopovi koji se mogu povezati sa specifičnim mikroklimatskim uslovima. Zatim se analizira planska dokumentacija kojom se reguliše buduća izgradnja i uočava dominantna uloga ekonomskih faktora i kvantitativnih pokazatelja u fazama izrade, usvajanja i implementacije planova. Istovremeno, uočava se odsustvo elemenata koji usmeravaju buduću izgradnju ka tipovima urbane strukture koji su prilagođeni klimatskim uslovima. Na osnovu urbanističkih i planskih analiza daju se opšte preporuke za unapređenje planske regulative koje su ugrađene u tekst Strategije održivog razvoja opštine Stari grad, koja pripada predmetnom području. Uočava se da u postojećoj teoriji postoji svest o značaju klimatskih promena i potrebi njihovog uzimanja u obzir pri projektovanju i planiranju ali ovaj aspekt još uvek nije našao mesto u praksi i konkretnim planskim dokumentima. Neophodno je uvesti jedan operativan pristup primeni mera adaptacije na klimatske promene u projektovanju i planiranju putem njihovog uključivanja u planske i zakonske dokumente kojima se reguliše budući razvoj grada.sr
dc.description.abstractAdaptation to climate change is increasingly becoming a decisive factor in the processes of designing and planning new or reconstructing existing urban fabric. The possibilities of integrating climate information of a specific area into the relevant planning documents and strategies are considered in this paper, giving the example of the inner city center of Belgrade. The available data on microclimate conditions and the state of the environment which can serve as the starting point for climate responsive design and planning is presented. Given the analyses of the urban and physical structure of the subject area, typical urban configurations that can be put in cause-effect links with specific microclimate conditions are pointed out. Finally, the paper analyzes how observed characteristics of urban structures, significant for establishing relationships between urban typology and climate conditions, are treated in the current planning documents. The dominant roles of economic feasibility and quantitative indicators in the processes of design and planning are recognized. At the same time, the absence of elements which guide building activities to climate responsible types of urban structure can be noticed. The main guidelines for improving the planning-related regulations, which have resulted from urban analyses and have been incorporated into the text of the Strategy, are given. Awareness of the importance of climate change and the need to take it into account while designing and planning has already been highlighted in professional circles, but this aspect has not yet fully found its place in practice and actual planning documentation. It is necessary to introduce an operational approach to the implementation of measures for adaptation to climate change in urban design and planning by including them in the design guidelines, regulatory frameworks and the legislation to control future development.en
dc.publisherBeograd : Institut za arhitekturu i urbanizam Srbijesr
dc.publisherGlasgow : Glasgow Caledonian Universitysr
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Technological Development (TD or TR)/36035/RS//sr
dc.sourceKlimatske promene i izgrađeni prostor: politike i praksa u Škotskoj i Srbiji / Climate Change and the Built Environment: Policies and Practice in Scotland and Serbiasr
dc.subjectklimatske promenesr
dc.subjecturbana i fizička strukturasr
dc.subjecturbana tipologijasr
dc.subjectprojektovanje i planiranjesr
dc.subjectclimate changesr
dc.subjecturban and physical structuresr
dc.subjecturban typologysr
dc.subjectdesign and planningsr
dc.titleMogućnosti primene mera prilagođavanja klimatskim promenama pri projektovanju i planiranju užeg centra Beograda i integrisanja u strategije održivog razvojasr
dc.titlePossibilites of Applying Measures for Climate Change Adaptation in Planning and Designing the Inner City of Belgrade and Their Integration Into Sustainable Development Strategiesen
dcterms.abstractМанић, Божидар; Никовић, Aна; Марић, Игор; Могућности примене мера прилагођавања климатским променама при пројектовању и планирању ужег центра Београда и интегрисања у стратегије одрживог развоја; Могућности примене мера прилагођавања климатским променама при пројектовању и планирању ужег центра Београда и интегрисања у стратегије одрживог развоја;
dc.description.otherUrednici: Mila Pucar, Branka Dimitrijević, Igor Marićsr



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