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Social Housing in Serbia Facing Climate Change Challenges: Do Urban-Architectural Competitions Encourage Innovation?

dc.creatorBajić, Tanja
dc.creatorManić, Božidar
dc.description.abstractUvodenje mera energetske efikasnosti u proces obnove postojecih i projektovanja novih objekata socijalnog stanovanja može doprineti ublažavanju klimatskih promena, kao i klimatske osetljivosti socijalno ugroženih grupa, kroz smanjenje energetskog siromaštva i unapredenje komfora i kvaliteta stanovanja. U postsocijalistickim evropskim zemljama, promocija klimatski odgovornog pristupa socijalnom stanovanju predstavlja nov i izazovan zadatak. Poput vecine tranzicionih zemalja u okruženju, Srbija još uvek nema razvijen državni sistem socijalnog stanovanja. Projektovanje i gradenje socijalnih stanova u Srbiji danas se odvija, kako bez odgovarajuceg legislativnog, institucionalnog i finansijskog okvira, tako i po ustaljenim metodama i fizickim obrascima, koji ne ostavljaju dovoljno prostora inovacijama i kreativnom eksperimentu. Tokom protekle decenije, raspisivanje dvanaest javnih arhitektonsko-urbanistickih konkursa za potrebe nove socijalne stanogradnje širom zemlje predstavljalo je jedinstvenu priliku za promovisanje ove problematike u najširim okvirima domace strucne javnosti i podsticanje inovativnih, održivih projektantskih rešenja. U ovom radu, autori se bave preispitivanjem rezultata jednodecenijske konkursne prakse u Srbiji u kontekstu savremenih tendencija razvoja socijalnog stanovanja i klimatskih promena. Daje se prikaz zahteva koji su postavljeni pred ucesnike nadmetanja i ponudenih rešenja, uz poseban osvrt na odnos raspisivaca i žirija prema problemu energetske efikasnosti i klimatskih promena. Kritickom analizom konkursne prakse ispituje se da li su, i u kojoj meri, principi energetske efikasnosti uzeti u obzir prilikom formulisanja konkursnih raspisa i donošenja odluka o nagradenim rešenjima. U zakljucnim razmatranjima daju se preporuke za unapredenje domace konkursne prakse u oblasti socijalnog stanovanja, u cilju poboljšanja kvaliteta socijalne stanogradnje i ublažavanja klimatskih
dc.description.abstractThe introduction of energy efficiency measures into the process of the existing social housing stock renovation and new social housing design can contribute to climate change mitigation as well as to reducing climate sensitivity of vulnerable social groups through fuel poverty alleviation and improvement of housing comfort and quality. In the post-socialist European countries, the promotion of climate responsible approach to social housing is a new and challenging task. Like most transition countries in the region, Serbia still does not have a developed national social housing system. Design and construction of social housing in Serbia are currently being carried out both without appropriate legislative, institutional and financial frameworks and by using conventional methods and models, thereby not leaving enough space for innovations and creative experiment. Over the past decade, twelve public architectural and urban design competitions for new social housing held countrywide have been a unique opportunity to promote this issue in the broadest national professional community as well as to encourage innovative and sustainable design solutions. In this paper, the authors examine the results of competition practice over the past decade in Serbia in the context of current trends in social housing in relation to the potential impacts of climate change. The paper provides an overview of demands placed before competition participants as well as an overview of the offered solutions, with an analysis of the attitudes of the announcers and juries towards energy efficiency and climate change issues. The critical analysis of the current competition practice shows whether, and to what extent, the principles of energy-efficient design have been considered in formulating the programes of competitions and selecting the winning design concepts. Recommendations for improving national competition practice in the realm of social housing are given in Conclusions.en
dc.publisherBeograd : Institut za arhitekturu i urbanizam Srbijesr
dc.publisherGlasgow : Glasgow Caledonian Universitysr
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Technological Development (TD or TR)/36035/RS//sr
dc.sourceKlimatske promene i izgrađeni prostor: politike i praksa u Škotskoj i Srbiji / Climate Change and the Built Environment: Policies and Practice in Scotland and Serbiasr
dc.subjectsocijalno stanovanjesr
dc.subjectklimatske promenesr
dc.subjectenergetska efikasnostsr
dc.subjectarhitektonsko-urbanistički konkursisr
dc.subjectsocial housingsr
dc.subjectclimate changesr
dc.subjectenergy efficiencysr
dc.subjectarchitectural and urban design competitionssr
dc.titleSocijalno stanovanje u Srbiji pred izazovima klimatskih promena: da li arhitektonsko-urbanistički konkursi ohrabruju inovativnost?sr
dc.titleSocial Housing in Serbia Facing Climate Change Challenges: Do Urban-Architectural Competitions Encourage Innovation?en
dcterms.abstractБајић, Тања; Манић, Божидар; Социјално становање у Србији пред изазовима климатских промена: да ли архитектонско-урбанистички конкурси охрабрују иновативност?; Социјално становање у Србији пред изазовима климатских промена: да ли архитектонско-урбанистички конкурси охрабрују иновативност?; Социал Хоусинг ин Сербиа Фацинг Цлимате Цханге Цхалленгес: До Урбан-Aрцхитецтурал Цомпетитионс Енцоураге Инноватион?; Социал Хоусинг ин Сербиа Фацинг Цлимате Цханге Цхалленгес: До Урбан-Aрцхитецтурал Цомпетитионс Енцоураге Инноватион?;
dc.description.otherUrednici: Mila Pucar, Branka Dimitrijević, Igor Marićsr

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