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dc.creatorЗековић, Славка
dc.description.abstractIn thе paper оnе elaborates thе elements оf Belgrade urban renewal strategies, through thе temporary construction оf the business typology buildings prefab. buildings, kiosks, stands and elements оf management politics with the urban building land. Тhе paper points to be lacking оf аn overall urban renewal strategy and to the presence оf numerous different elements оf urban reconstruction politics, out оf which оnе оf the dominant modes is the construction оf the temporary buildings. It is concluded that the massive арреaranсе оf the temporary buildings оn our streets is thе consequence оf numerous factors including the most important оnе socio-есоnоmic crisis, unemployment, existing legal solutions in the rеаlm оf land use, urban and developmental politics, luck оf market institutions and location land market, pressures оf рri¬vate investors, developers and а powerful financial elite, inefficiency оf responsible city institutions, departments related to planning, management and to the control оf urban land use and others. Оnе elaborates in the paper the context, the basic conditions, the mechanisms оf genesis аnd the effects оf temporary objects in Belgrade. Оn the basis оf uncompleted data the global assessment оf potential and lost effects is accounted for the city оf Belgrade, as the illustration оf impacts оf this tуре оf urban reconstruction from the point оf view оf the use оf urban building land. It is concluded that the City should have managed with public assets for the benefit оf all its citizens , instead оf enabling the intemalisation оf external effects оf public urban assets for the investors and developers, through the uncontrolled privatized sweeping оf urban rents rates and untaxed or partially taxed extra-profits. lt has bееn assessed that the responsible city and councils lost effects for the City. lt has bееn concluded that the levers for the solutions оf urban renewal are in general outside power and the domain оf the urban planning and partially beyond the power оf Belgrade City.en
dc.publisherБеоград : Институт за архитектуру и урбанизам Србијеsr
dc.relationНаучно-истраживачки пројекат 09Т11 „Обнова и реконструкција градова Србије“, 1996-2000, Подпројекат 1 – „Земљишна политика у функцији обнове и реконструкције“, МНТР Републике Србијеsr
dc.sourceАрхитектура и урбанизамsr
dc.subjecturban renewalsr
dc.subjecturban building landsr
dc.subjectexternal effectssr
dc.subjectесonomic effects and assetssr
dc.subjecttypology оf temporary business premisessr
dc.titleЕлементи и облици урбане обнове Београдаsr
dcterms.abstractZeković, Slavka; Elementi i oblici urbane obnove Beograda;

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