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The legal framework in the field of Energy Efficiency and RES as one of the key precondi-tions for the sustainable development of Serbia

dc.creatorPucar, Mila
dc.creatorBrankov, Borjan
dc.creatorStanojević, Ana
dc.creatorNenković-Riznić, Marina
dc.description.abstractRad se bavi analizom dva od četiri zakona iz oblasti energetike koji su usvojeni aprila meseca 2021. godine i to: Zakonom o korišćenju obnovljivih izvora energije i Zakonom o energetskoj efikasnosti i racionalnoj upotrebi energije. U radu su prikazana istraživanja koja se odnose na novine koje ovi zakoni donose, potrebne preduslove za njihovo sprovođenje i implementaciju, prepreke i mogućnosti na putu Srbije ka većoj primeni zelene energije, smanjenju emisija CO2 i održivom razvoju, u skladu i sa novim strateškim okvirima u ovoj oblasti (NERP, Strategija niskougljeničnog razvoja). Da bi se ovo ostvarilo, potrebno je doneti niz podzakonskih akata, kojima se u startu rešavaju brojne nedoumice. Rad se posebno bavi zakonskim preduslovima za sprovođenje ideje korišćenja obnovljivih izvora energije u stanovanju. Osim toga, u Nacrtu Nacionalne stambene strategije 2020-2030. ističe se da, s obzirom na činjenicu da je stambeni fond veliki potrošač energije, unapređenje energetskih svojstava ovog fonda predstavlja zadatak ne samo od nacionalnog, već i globalnog značaja (odnosi se na celokupan stambeni fond - višeporodično/kolektivno i porodično/individualno stanovanje). Prema pomenutoj Strategiji veliki udeo potrošnje energije troši se za grejanje, a sve više i za hlađenje stanova/kuća, a stalni rast ukupne potrošnje energije ukazuje na neracionalno i neodrživo korišćenja energije u sektoru stanovanja. Stoga unapređenje energetske efikasnosti i korišćenje obnovljivih izvora energije u stambenom sektoru predstavlja jedan od ključnih izazova za održivi razvoj Srbije u budućnosti. U radu se daju predlozi za permanentno, sistematsko i plansko obrazovanje, podizanje svesti građana o značaju primene i potencijalima OIE. Stimulisanje korišćenja ovog vida energije i primena energetske efikasnosti mora biti permanentna misija struke, nauke i politike. Stimulacija države kako kroz donešenu legislativu, tako i kroz praktične procedure koje neće biti previse komplikovane, i povoljne kredite, može omogućiti opredeljenje korisnika stambenih objekata i zajednica za ovaj vid proizvodnje
dc.description.abstractThis paper analyses two of the four laws in the field of the energy sector that were adopted in April 2021: The Law on the Use of Renewable Energy Sources and the Law on Energy Efficiency and Rational Use of Energy. It presents research related to the improve-ments brought by these laws, the necessary preconditions for their implementation, potential obstacles and opportunities on Serbia's path to greater and wider use of green energy, re-duction of CO2 emissions, and sustainable development, following the new strategic frame-work in this area (NERP, Low Carbon Development Strategy). To achieve full potential and initially resolve numerous doubts, it is necessary to pass through bylaws. The paper deals with the legal preconditions for implementing renewable energy sources in housing. In addition, in the Draft National Housing Strategy 2020-2030, it is pointed out that, given the fact that the housing sector is a big energy consumer, improving the energy performance of housing funds is a task not only of national but also global im-portance (refers to the entire housing market - multi-family/collective and family/individual housing). According to the mentioned Strategy, a large share of energy consumption is spent on heating, and more and more on the cooling of dwellings/houses. The constant growth of total energy consumption indicates irrational and unsustainable energy use in the housing sector. Therefore, improving energy efficiency and using renewable energy sources in the housing sector is one of the key challenges for Serbia's sustainable development in the fu-ture. The paper presents proposals for permanent, systematic, and planned education and raising citizens' awareness of the importance of implementation and the potential of RES. Stimulating the use of this type of energy and the application of energy efficiency must be a permanent mission of the profession, science, and politics. Stimulation of the state, both through the adopted legislation and through practical procedures that will not be overly complicated and through favorable loans, can enable the involvement of house owners and housing communities for this type of energy
dc.publisherBeograd : Savez mašinskih i elektrotehničkih inženjera i tehničara Srbije (SMEITS)sr
dc.publisherBeograd : Društvo za obnovljive izvore električne energijesr
dc.sourceProceedings of 9th International conference on Renewable Electrical Power Sourcessr
dc.subjectenergetska efikasnostsr
dc.subjectobnovljivi izvori energijesr
dc.subjectZakon o korišćenju obnovljivih izvora energijesr
dc.subjectZakon o energetskoj efikasnosti i racionalnoj upotrebi energijesr
dc.subjectstambeni sektorsr
dc.subjectenergy efficiencysr
dc.subjectrenewable energy sourcessr
dc.subjectLaw on the Use of Renewable Energy Sourcessr
dc.subjectLaw on Energy Efficiency and Rational Use of Energysr
dc.subjectthe housing sectorsr
dc.titleZakonski okvir u oblasti energetske efikasnosti i OIE kao jedan od ključnih preduslova za održivi razvoj Srbijesr
dc.titleThe legal framework in the field of Energy Efficiency and RES as one of the key precondi-tions for the sustainable development of Serbiasr
dc.description.otherUrednik: prof. dr Zoran Stevićsr

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