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Possibility of using the solar energy by installing the PV panels on flat roofs of public buildings. Case study: Market in Blok 44 in New Belgrade - Model-based approach

dc.creatorPucar, Mila
dc.creatorBrankov, Borjan
dc.description.abstractZbog velike potrošnje energije u zgradama, zagađivanja životne sredine, ali i velikog potencijala za uštedu energije, energetska efikasnost i OIE postaju nezaobilazni faktori u rešavanju ovih problema. Posebno važno pitanje je raspoloživost resursa obnovljive energije, a posebno sunčeve energije u gradskoj sredini. Projekti koji obuhvataju korišćenje OIE u zgradama dobijaju sve više na značaju, a njihovi rezultati bi trebalo da dovedu do značajnog smanjenja emisija gasova staklene bašte (GSB) u sledećim decenijama. U Institutu za arhitekturu i urbanizam Srbije izrađena je Studija mogućnosti postavljanja solarnih fotonaponskih panela na ravnom krovu pijace u Bloku 44 na Novom Beogradu, za investitora JKP Gradske pijace, Beograd. U ovom radu biće prikazani delovi ove Studije, ciljevi, varijantna rešenja i njihova ekonomska isplativost, kao i uticaj na životnu sredinu. Osnovni cilj ove Studije predstavlja korišćenje solarne energije za supstituciju potrošnje električne energije u gradskim sredinama. Kroz realizaciju ovog osnovnog cilja, ostvarili bi se i dodatni rezultati u projektovanju, eksploataciji, praćenju rada i promovisanju korišćenja obnovljivih i ekoloških izvora električne energije; afirmacija novih tehnologija koje se koriste za eksploataciju obnovljivih izvora energije, širom primenom ovih tehnologija uticaće na razvoj tržišta i veću zainteresovanost domaće industrije da se uključi u ovu vrstu poslova, što bi dovelo do otvaranja novih radnih mesta; demonstracija projekta iz oblasti obnovljivih izvora kroz uključivanje različitih aktera i ciljnih grupa; provera ekonomske održivosti opravdanosti ulaganja u ovakve projekte (poređenje sa referentnim slučajem koji podrazumeva investiranje u povezivanje potrošača na distributivnu mrežu); pozitivnom uticaju na životnu sredinu, kroz smanjenje korišćenja klasičnih izvora energije i smanjenje emisija CO2 i drugih štetnih gasova.sr
dc.description.abstractDue to the high energy consumption in buildings, environmental pollution, but also great potential for energy savings, the energy efficiency and renewable energy are becoming the unavoidable factors in solving these problems. The availability of renewable energy sources is an especially important issue, and particularly the availability of solar energy in cities. Projects involving the use of RES in buildings are increasingly gaining importance, and their results should lead to a significant reduction in greenhouse gas emissions (GGE) in the coming decades. The Study of Possibilities of Installing the Solar Photovoltaic Panels on the Flat Roof of the Market in the Block 44 in New Belgrade has been carried out in the Institute of Architecture and Urban & Spatial Planning of Serbia for the investor “Belgrade City Markets”. This paper will show some parts of this Study, objectives, variant solutions and their economic profitability, as well as environmental impacts. The main objective of this Study is the use solar energy for the substitution of electricity consumption in urban environments. Through the realization of this main objective, the additional results would also be achieved in designing, exploiting, monitoring and promoting the use of renewable and environmentally friendly energy sources for electricity generation; the affirmation of new technologies used for the exploitation of renewable energy sources which would, through wider implementation of these technologies, contribute to the market development and greater interest of domestic industry in including itself in this kind of business, which would result in creating new jobs; demonstration of projects in the field of renewable energy sources through the inclusion of different partners and target groups; checking the economic profitability of investing in such projects (the comparison with the reference case which implies investing in linking the consumers and distribution network); positive environmental effects through reducing the use of traditional energy sources and through reducing the emissions of CO2 and other harmful gases.sr
dc.publisherBeograd : Savez mašinskih i elektrotehničk ihinženjera i tehničara Srbije (SMEITS) - Društvo za obnovljive izvore električne energijesr
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Technological Development (TD or TR)/36035/RS//sr
dc.sourceProceedings of 5th International Conference on Renewable Electrical Power Sources (ICREPS)sr
dc.subjectjavni objektisr
dc.subjectPV panelisr
dc.subjectklimatske promenesr
dc.subjectodrživi razvojsr
dc.subjectekološki i ekonomski parametrisr
dc.subjectpublic buildingssr
dc.subjectPV panelssr
dc.subjectclimate changesr
dc.subjectsustainable developmentsr
dc.subjectenvironmental and economic parameterssr
dc.titleMogućnosti korišenja solarne energije postavljanjem PV panela na ravnim krovovima javnih objekata. Studija slučaja: Pijaca u Bloku 44 na Novom Beogradu - Modelski pristupsr
dc.titlePossibility of using the solar energy by installing the PV panels on flat roofs of public buildings. Case study: Market in Blok 44 in New Belgrade - Model-based approachsr
dc.description.otherUrednik: Zoran Stevićsr



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