Укупан број посета

Rethinking deindustrialization, and the reindustrialization policy in Serbia240446
Introducing strategic environmental assessment in Serbia with special reference to the European Union directive and infrastructure corridors7962
Relationship between traditional and contemporary elements in the architecture of Orthodox churches at the turn of the millennium6027
Residential space as changeable and resilient polygon for future living4520
О пројекту CLEVER – Cо-Designing Smart Local Solutions for Exploiting Values and Enhancing Resilience4436
Implementation of strategic environmental assessment in Serbia: Case of spatial plan of Kolubara lignite basin3813
Regional differences between rural areas of Serbia in population aging and agricultural activities: Case studies of the Inđija and Knjaževac municipalities3190
Public Interest as a Basis for Planning Standards in Urban Development: State-Socialist and Post-socialist Cases in Serbia3134
The ‘socialist apartment’ in Yugoslavia: Paradigm or tendency?3006
Post-Socialist Transition in Serbia and Its Unsustainable Path2653